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      • KCI등재

        그림책에 나타난 대중매체

        나선희 ( Sun Hee Ra ) 한국문학교육학회 2011 문학교육학 Vol.36 No.-

        In today`s society, the role and the influence of mass media are growing bigger and bigger. Children are no exception in their influence. Above all, mass media such as a television plays important role of children`s socialization. Picturebook also plays the same role. On the basis of this perspective, this study was conducted to explore mass media portrayed in the picturebooks. For this, we analysed 24 picturebooks whose text or image describes mass media such as a newspaper, television or magazine. The picturebooks showed the essential characteristics of mass media:speedy deliverance and spread effects of information and news. They also brought out the positive and negative aspects of mass media. The positive one may be summarized as follows:information and knowledge through mass media drive the change of the individual and the society. Besides, mass media in the picturebook might be used as a effective narrative strategy with regard to characterization and plot specially in the picturebook with short time span. The negative one may be summarized as follows. First, mass media may prevent the desirable communication with the family and the society. Second, mass media may depend on the interests of particular group and may result in the serious conflicts among the groups. Third, with the acceptance of performace and popularity centered mass media without question, may come the loss of self. These results suggest that the picturebooks whose text or image represents mass media can be used in the socialization and the media education for children.

      • KCI등재

        대중매체에 제시된 종교 간의 대화에 대한 선교적 제언 -<오 마이 갓>을 중심으로

        맹미영 ( Mi Young Maeng ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2015 복음과 선교 Vol.29 No.-

        Media, one of the most effective and powerful information delivery systems, vastly affect societies all over the world. Television is very powerful exercising far-reaching influence through frequency of practical use and use of time. On the other hand, interreligious dialogue is a ‘hot photo’ among religious issues. Since the twentieth century, one of the predominant problems is the relationship between Protestants and Catholics, or Evangelicalism (WEA) and Ecumenism (WCC) as well as relationship with other religions like Islam and Buddhism. It is clear that interreligious dialogue has an important position in terms of unity for world peace and missional perspective. In this situation, mass media, having an official position for the public (e.g., television) deals with the issue of interreligious dialogue in Korea. A cable television has broadcasted “Oh My God” program weekly, and it follows discussion procedure with topics connected with main issues in society and religious phenomena or questions. Though it does not have a great ripple effect, there is a need for observation about interreligious dialogue in mass media with missional perspective. It is because interreligious dialogue is communicated to the public through media. Although it must be reconsidered from a missionary aspect, there is also a need for discernment to realize the problems of interreligious dialogue with biblical and evangelical views in diverse religious situations like Korea. In existing mass media, there rarely were reports about religions from the modern worldview. Moreover, people understand that religion comes under the category of personal area, but mass media put in the public area due to dualism. However, mass media dealt with religion in various aspects for reasons of the remarkable growth of religion and great influence in society. It is surely encouraging that mass media handles a variety of the issues of contemporary societies and religions pending questions through religious leaders who are given authority as reliable social leaders in mass media which mostly reported religions having social problems. In this aspect <Oh My God> program in meaningful. Catholic, Buddhism, and WCC approach and understood interreligious dialogue form different dimensions of human beings. However, evangelism accepts and comprehends thoroughly interreligious dialogue in a missional position. Dialogue in evangelism is very important to understand other people, but its purpose and premise is certainly to preach the Gospel. According to Lausanne Covenant, dialogue of religious pluralism and syncretism is rejected based on distorted Gospel, and dialogue should be recognized as a tool for God’s mission. Interreligious discussion of “Oh My God” is not a biblical and evangelical dialogue in the real sense. It gives merely advice about present problems and helps to understand other people, but it is not dialogue in the missional view. It does not matter if interreligious dialogue is performed in the personal area without mass media, however, it is broadcasting through a public dialogue by religious leaders invited in this program. It is difficult to find the position of interreligious dialogue with a missional purpose. Therefore, Christians need to be concerned about the approach and to take a stand about sharing the Gospel. There is a need to form an image of Christianity through mass media in the missional aspect. First, there is the advance verification for the leader of Protestants. For this, the religious body should recommend a person who does his/her best to understand and approach interreligious dialogue. Second, Christians should distinguish the intention of viewers from the hidden intention of mass media. Mass media involves information with production crews and intention of planning the program. Leaders of each church should help establish evangelical views of interreligious dialogue through preaching, Bible study, and write-ups or articles. It should educate the people about religious dialogues from a genuine missional aspect. Interreligious dialogue for true mission is one a contextualization demanded by the changing of the times, a tool of communication for the Gospel. Like Jesus Christ, Christians inevitably will meet people of other religions and will be asked to convince through dialectic dialogue (dialogue together as one). Interreligious dialogues should also ask for clear foundation of the purpose and premise for the dialogue with other religions as well as encourage understanding from love and humility for the image of God.

      • KCI등재

        역사 연구에서 매체의 의미-프랑스 저널리즘의 역사-

        임종권 숭실사학회 2008 숭실사학 Vol.21 No.-

        이 논문은 프랑스 대중매체에 대해 다룬 것이다. 특히 프랑스 저널리즘은 정치 의견과 문학비평을 중시한 경향지였으나 산업화에 따른 정보의 중요성이 요구됨으로써 뉴스를 전달하는 대중매체로 변화되어 왔다. 따라서 이 논문은 프랑스 대중매체가 정치와 문학 혹은 사회 등 당대 역사 전반에 걸쳐 어떤 역할을 하면서 발전해왔는지 그리고 대중매체가 당대의 역사를 이해하는 데 어떤 가치를 지니고 있는지를 살피는 데 중점을 두고 있다. 무엇보다 프랑스에서 신문이란 대중매체를 이용하여 정치사상과 정파의 교리를 전하고 선전하기 위한 도구로서 활용되어 왔다. 또한 프랑스 대중매체는 항상 새로운 사회문화와 예술을 창조해 내고 이를 독자들에게 확산시키는데 주요한 역할을 해왔다. 프랑스 대중매체는 정치와 문화 분야뿐 아니라 사회에서 발생된 여러 가지의 사건 기사보도를 통해서 당대 사회의 양상을 사실적으로 보여주고 있다. 이런 점에서 대중매체는 당시의 생생한 역사기록이며 한편으로 새로운 문화 창조자로서 그리고 미래사회를 열어가는 역할을 해왔다. 신문 보도는 그 기능상 사실에 기반을 두어야 하기 때문에 저널리스트들은 당시의 사건들을 직접 보고 그 사실을 확인하여 기록했다. 프랑스 대중매체는 19세기 역사의 정점에 위치하고 있다. 즉 프랑스 대중매체는 대혁명의 이념을 계승한 자유와 공화국의 실현을 향한 과정을 거쳐 왔고 그리하여 정치와 사회의 진전에서 항상 중추적인 역할을 해왔다.제3공화국은 대혁명의 이상과 원칙을 다시 회복시켰으며 따라서 이러한 대혁명의 유산은 프랑스 신문의 자유의 확대와 그 맥을 같이 하고 있었던 것이다. 이런 점에서 프랑스에서 신문이란 대중매체는 역사 연구에서 가장 중요한 주제일 수 있다. 특히 신문 자체가 정치나 경제 그리고 사회적인 현상뿐 아니라 문화적 수준까지 밀접하게 관련되어 있고 그 시대의 모든 상황을 반영해 주고 있다. 그리하여 19세기 말 프랑스의 대중매체인 신문은 사실상, 저널리즘의 직업적인 차원을 넘어서서 사회의 공적인 역할과 정치영역에서의 이념적인 투쟁, 그리고 무엇보다 19세기 프랑스적인 특징이었던 즉 하나의 지식인의 도구로서 도덕 및 윤리적 책임의 수행을 하고 있었다. 프랑스 대중매체 저널리즘의 특징이 이같이 정치와 문학의 장르란 정통적인 틀 속에서 발전하고 완성된 것이라고 보았을 때 바로 여기에서 대중매체가 지니고 있는 역사적인 의미를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 무엇보다 대중매체 가운데 신문이 동시대의 포괄적인 상황을 내포하고 있는 만큼 신문의 연구는 곧 전체사의 의미를 지니고 있다는 점을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. This article examine the traits of French mass media. The French journalism has developed independently through the genre of literature and politics that had kept in the French press. But, along with the industrialization of the press that had been promoted from period of the Second Empire, the French journalism of which the journals of opinion had formed a main current on literature and politics, was transformed into the journal of information at readers's request. Therefore, this article treats what is the historical value of the mass media, what is the role of the mass media in the contemporary history and how the mass media has developed in France. Generally, french mass media had been used as a instrument to propagate the political thought and to spread the doctrine of a political party. The mass media in France had played a key role to produce a new social culture and spread these to readers through a serial novel and a critique. Specially, the mass media has shown many aspects of contemporary society through news.The french mass media was at the top of 19th history. In other words, french mass media had passed by a process toward realization of the freedom and the Republic that had succeeded to the idea of the Revolution and had played a pivotal role for the progress of politics and society. The third Republic restored the idea and principle of the Revolution, so, inheritances like these had contained the enlargement of freedom of press. In this regard, The press as a mass media must be very important theme in a study of history. Especially, the press is intimately related with a social situation and the cultural level, thus, it is a mirror of all situations of that time. In the end of 19th century, the french press as a mass media performed a public role of society, a struggle ideological in the political areas and above all, a french characteristics, in other words, a moral and ethical responsibilities as a instrument of intellectuals. Like this, characteristics of french journalism as the mass media were developed and completed into genres of literature and politics. So, in this point, we can find a historical meaning that the mass media has. Therefore, the mass media has contained contemporary politics, culture and society so on. Because of these, it is said that mass media has a meaning as total history.

      • KCI등재

        대중매체 언어와 국어 음운론 연구

        한성우(Sung-Woo, Han) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper has its purpose on depicting characteristics of mass media language and finding out the desirable attitude researchers should take towards it. Characteristics of Mass media language 1. Mirror and Attic : Mass media composes itself with the characteristics of a mirror : reflecting everyday language, and with that of an attic : conserving language of a particular period of time. Based on the properties of mirrors, researchers study mass media language as part of Korean language, and thoroughly study languages of the past based on the property of an attic. 2. Copy-cat and Disturber : Mass media is comprised of character of a copycat : copying negative sides of everyday language and with that of a disturber : spoiling everyday language, Due to these properties, negative aspects of mass media language have been embossed in the studies made so far. 3. Protector and Guide : Mass media composes itself with characteristics of a protector : preserving our own language and with that of a guide : leading our language to a desirable direction. Because of these properties it has been stressed that mass media language follows a standard rule and become a right word. Current Attitude towards Mass media language 1. A vigorous schoolmaster : Many Korean linguist have bitterly criticized the problems aroused by mass media language. This attitude criticizes the characteristics of a copy-cat and disturber the mass media shows, and stressing on the roles of a protector and a guide. 2.Swift erudite : Recent researchers have progressed on a variety of Korean researches on mass media. This attitude focuses on the characteristics of a mirror and an attic the mass media has. 3. Inconsiderate spectator : Some researchers have not put much interest on mass media and it's language. This attitude reflects that they think mass media language neither as an object for a research nor a target for criticism and correction. Directions of Korean Phonemics Research toward mass media language 1. Open schoolmaster : Korean linguist should treat mass media language based on the features of mass media and the intrinsic attribute of language. Thus an open schoolmaster should study due to intrinsic principles of language and use this result to advise mass media to an admittable extent. 2. Diligent erudite : Korean linguist should study mass media language in an accurate and organised manner. Thus they should be able to collect and organize various data from mass media and accurately analyze it. 3. Constructive spectator : Korean linguist should show a positive attitude to solve problems aroused in the mass media language area. They should communicate right knowledge and viewpoint to people engaged in mass media language and give appropriate advice when making exams and programs.

      • KCI등재

        대중 매체 언어 연구의 목적과 방향

        이정복(Lee, Jeong-bok) 한국어문학회 2014 語文學 Vol.0 No.124

        Mass media such as newspaper, broadcasting and internet are the necessary companions of mankind and no longer inseparable from them in modern life. Language use in mass media leads people’s life to fun and lively condition. At the same time, it has powerful force to bring about linguistic changes. The internet as a multi-functional media has especially brought revolutionary changes in the way of language use. In this situation, various researches on the mass media language are increasing in Korea. In this paper, we review the recent research trends on the mass media language in Korea, and consider the purposes and directions of the study on it. Firstly, in section 2, the relationship between media development and language use is described. The fact is pointed that a new media is contributing to the improvement of people’s communication, and influence language use and linguistic change. In section 3, we review the recent research trends on mass media language. In quantitative terms, the studies on the language of internet media are accounted for a higher proportion more than studies on the language of print media or broadcasting media. The accesses to the study on media language are divided into three types as the normative approach, the descriptive/functional approach and the critical approach. The descriptive/functional approach is the main part of the study. In section 4, we suggest directions for the future research on the mass media language. First, the normative research should proceed considering the environmental particularity of the mass media. Second, the study on the mass media language should be carrying out to enrich the system of everyday language. Third, the language use in mass media should be described taking into account the various contexts or environments of mass media. Fourth, the critical study on the social functions of language in mass media should be increased.

      • 구비문학, 문자문학, 현대의 매스미디어 문학에 대한 시각

        손태도 ( Tae-do Son ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2018 先淸語文 Vol.45 No.-

        terature is the art of words, and it began with human life. So the assertion that lettered literature is the only genuine one is excessive and unilateral thought. There are oral literature, lettered literature, and modern mass media literature in ‘Literature.’ They are different literatures so their literacy styles are different. For example, oral literature must be understood in a reciting moment directly, so its literacy is made of formal theme, formular, and improvisation; Albert B. Lord’s ‘formular theory’ aspects those was acquired through the case of 1930s Yugoslavia oral narrative songs. On the other hand, lettered literature emphasizing the writer’s personality is characterized by special theme, special word, adherence to the original. There is in fact opposite side in them. But they all make each of the greatest and the best literature in their given condition. I will take a look the characters of oral literature, and modern mass media literature by the subjects ‘word or letter literature’, ‘audience, writer, and mass media’, ‘our, my, and their literature’, ‘usual or temporary literature’, and ‘ordinary or genuine literature.’ Modern mass media mainly uses uttering words like oral literature. In addition, oral literature and modern mass media literature are composite arts compared to lettered literature that is so-called solo art like poem and novel made of only letters. Such as the folk song is made by literacy and musical elements and the oral narrative song is made by literacy, musical, dramatical elements, as the popular song is made by literacy and musical ones and the movie is made by video, literacy, dramatical, musical ones and etc. But producer’s personality is valued and a unilateral supply in modern mass media system are the extension of the personality and the unilateral aspect of lettered literature author. In addition, modern mass media system is highly specialized, large and complex, and unilateral method, as it is called ‘their’ something. It can be compared to ‘our’ one, oral literature, and ‘my’ one, lettered literature. Oral literature can be sustained for several periods, because it is common literature of some community. Lettered literature also can be sustained for some times. But modern mass media literature is consumed by the public, so its life has temporary tendency. Oral literature and modern mass media literature are daily life literature compare to lettered literature that demand the serious literature that is written by certified by the author by debut system. Oral literature, lettered literature, and modern mass media literature did or is doing a certain role in the history of literature. Oral literature made common literature of some community, lettered literature devoted to make modern individualism to develop human’s inner consciousness, and modern mass media literature is playing major rules in the public entertainment and literature today. By the way, modern mass media literature that mainly formed of movie and TV drama has different side, video art, so it obviously shows a new cultural tendency. These days is the age of mass media, and main literature is heading for modern mass media literature is needed to be studied more profoundly on the base of research results of oral literature and lettered literature. The leading research of modern mass media literature might be held at Korea that had much of research results of oral literature and lettered literature, and has high concern on modern mass media literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        광의의 의미의 액세스권의 기본권성 인정에 대한비판적 검토

        서경미 헌법재판연구원 2018 헌법재판연구 Vol.5 No.2

        The right of access to the mass media in a broad sense is the conception of a fundamental right that perceives the mass media, although it is comprised of private entities, as the subject of the fundamental right having an affirmative duty to provide opportunity for expression. The right of access to the mass media in a broad sense in Korea has emanated from the right-of-access theory developed by Professor Jerome A. Barron in the United States. However, even in the United States, Barron’s right-of-access theory has received conflicting assessments from fellow professors due to its potential chilling effect on the freedom of the press, and the Supreme Court of the United States has also been reluctant in recognizing such broad definition of the right of access to the mass media. Still, the right of access to the mass media in a broad sense is being very easily accepted as a fundamental right in Korea. More importantly, there does not seem to have been sufficient discussion and deliberation on the impact of the right of access to the mass media in a broad sense on fostering robust debate and diversity of opinions and views, the effect of the Internet and other technological changes providing for more open and participative means of expression, the adoption of optimal media structure that is suitable for a democratic society and the precise scope and boundary of the right of access to the mass media in a broad sense. Nevertheless, provision of expressive opportunities under the right of access to the mass media in a broad sense concerns conflict of interests in the private sector between people who do not own a mass medium and people who own or operate a mass medium, which ultimately comes down to a question of finding the desirable media structure and environment in a democratic society. In other words, the right of access to the mass media in a broad sense is not a matter of constitutional interpretation, but it is a matter of settling private disputes involving privately-owned mass media. Accordingly, in light of the prevailing view of the Korean constitutional scholars that the effect of the fundamental rights is not directly binding among private parties, and based on the Korean constitutional principle of the separation of powers, it would be appropriate to move such private conflict-of-interest issues to the legislative arena to be resolved by legislators through the conventional process of negotiation and compromise. 광의의 의미의 액세스권은 국가가 아닌 사인인 매스미디어를 기본권의 수범자로 보고 단순히 방해나간섭 없이 표현할 자유가 아니라 표현할 기회의 제공까지 요구하는 내용의 권리 개념이다. 광의의 의미의 액세스권은 미국의 배런 교수의 액세스권 이론을 받아들인 것인데, 미국에서도 배런 교수의 액세스권 이론은 언론의 자유에 대한 위축효과가 발생할 수 있다는 이유로 찬반 의견이 있으며, 미국 연방대법원은 방송에 대한 반론권 외에 액세스권 인정에 소극적인 모습을 보여주고 있다. 그런데 우리나라에서는 광의의 의미의 액세스권이 사상의 다양성 확보나 토론의 활성화에 미치는 영향, 인터넷 등 언론환경의 변화로 받게 될 영향, 민주주의 사회에서 바람직한 언론의 구조, 권리로서의광의의 의미의 액세스권의 내용 등에 대한 논의가 제대로 이루어지지 않은 상황에서 광의의 의미의 액세스권을 너무 쉽게 기본권으로 인정하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 광의의 의미의 액세스권은 매스미디어를 소유하고 있지 않은 자와 매스미디어를 소유하거나 운영하는자 사이의 사적 주체 간에 발생하는 이익 충돌의 문제이고, 민주사회에서 바람직한 언론 환경에 관한 물음을 전제로 하고 있는데, 우리 헌법학계의 다수적인 입장이 기본권의 대사인효를 직접적으로 인정하지않는 취지나 권력분립적인 법치국가의 체계를 고려한다면, 사인간의 이해관계의 조정에 관한 문제의 해결은 원칙으로 돌아가 입법의 영역에 맡겨 두어 상호조정과 합의의 과정을 거쳐 해결하도록 하는 것이바람직한 것은 아닌지 조심스럽게 제안해본다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미디어를 통해 본 김수영의 시세계 : 대중매체와의 관계를 중심으로

        주영중 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2012 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        이 글은 김수영의 시에서 대중 매체가 지니는 의미와 대중매체에 대한 김수영의 태도를 주체·대중·매체의 역학적 구도를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이 세 요소는 김수영 시에서 유기적으로 관련성을 가지고 있다. 김수영 시의 주체는 대중과 (대중)매체를 비판적으로 사유하면서도 자기 자신까지를 타자화하여 비판하는 모습을 보여준다. 김수영이 당대의 대중매체에 대해 관심을 보여주었던 이유는 대중매체가 주체와 대중에게 커다란 영향력을 행사한다는 것을 알고 있었기 때문이다. 김수영 시에 등장하는 신문, 잡지, 라디오, 영화, 텔레비전 등의 대중매체는 감각과 신체의 확장은 물론 사유와 상상력의 확장을 가능하게 하는 매개로 기능하기도 하지만 동시에 그 자체가 부정적 대상물이 되기도 하며 부조리한 현실·권력을 드러내주는 매개로 작용하기도 한다. 또한 대중매체는 현대인의 왜곡된 욕망과 생활을 드러내주는 일종의 지표 역할을 한다. 김수영시의 주체는 대중매체의 본질을 이해하기 위해 그 속으로 들어가 대중매체와 대결하고 그것을 넘어서려는 노력을 지속적으로 보여준다. 김수영은 대중매체가 조장하는 마법적 환상으로서의 세계가 아닌 도래해야할 새로운 실재의 세계를 기대하면서, 오히려 그 너절하고 타락한 오늘보다 더 깊이 들어가 그 오늘을 정시하고 오늘을 구원할 수 있는 가능성을 찾아 나선다. 김수영은 그것을 또한 현대시가 나아가야 할 방향이라 믿었다. 김수영은 미디어의 일방적 메시지 전달도 아니고 주체의 일방적 메시지 수용도 아닌 상호주체적 작용의 중요성을 인식하고 이를 통해 새로운 변화가능성을 모색한다. 이를 통해 김수영 시의 주체는 미디어의 메시지 속에 자신의 욕망을 투사하던 주체에서 능동적이고 자유로운 주체로 변환되는 모습을 보여준다. 역설적이게도 주체는 새로운 담론의 생산자의 위치에 놓이게 된다. 결국 김수영 시의 주체는 미디어가 미치는 작용력에 대해 지속적으로 의식하면서도 그 작용력의 범위를 넘어서서 자유로운 감각을 획득하게 된다. This article examined the implications of the mass media and the attitude of the mass media in the Kim Su-yeong's poetry focused on the dynamical composition of the subject and the public and media. These three elements has organic relevance in the Kim Su-yeong's poetry. The subject of Kim Su-yeong's poetry shows the appearance to criticize oneself to otherness the public and the mass media as well as his own. The reason Kim Su-yeong showed interest in the mass media of the day is why he knew the influence of mass media on the subject and the public. Mass media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, movies, television, appeared in Kim Su-yeong's poetry function as a parameter to enable the expansion of reason and imagination, as well as the extension of the senses and the body. At the same time it is negative object and to functions as parameter that reveal the absurdity of reality and the power of negativity. And the mass media are indicators that reveal the distorted desires and lifestyle of modern man. Kim Su-yeong's subject sustain an effort that go into it and go beyond the public and confrontation with media .in order to understand the nature of the mass media. For magical fantasies and depraved reality that the mass media promotes, Kim Su-yeong go more deeply rather than depraved and sloppy reality, try to find the possibility of seeing and saving the reality. As when to do so would expect the world of the reality to be advent. Kim Su-yeong believed that it is also the direction of modern poetry. New possibilities may be derived in the mutual proactive action in the Kim Su-yeong's poetry. Also it go through the process of being converted into an active and liberal principals. Paradoxically, the subject is placed in the position of the producers of the new discourse. And Kim Su-young"s poetry gain free sense against the forces of media consciousness and beyond the scope of its forces.

      • KCI등재

        한・일 양국 매스미디어와 뉴미디어에 나타나는 감정커뮤니케이션 양상에 관한 대조연구

        송연희 일본어문학회 2023 일본어문학 Vol.102 No.-

        This study compares the patterns of emotional communication in mass and new media in Korea and Japan. The findings are summarized below. First, regarding ten types of emotions used in Korea and Japan, the frequency of positive emotions such as good and joy was overwhelmingly high in mass media. New media are also characterized by a high frequency of positive emotions, but negative emotions such as dislike are also used at a high rate, which distinguishes new media from mass media. Next, regarding the patterns of how each emotional type is expressed, both mass media and new media were characterized by a high frequency of using emotional expressions such as interjections. Specifically, mass media show that emotional expressions and interjections were used more often to express positive emotions than negative ones. In contrast, new media show that emotional speech patterns are used as actively to express negative emotions, especially dislike, as they are to express positive emotions. Finally, the adverbs indicating the degree of emotion were used more frequently in new media than in mass media. This suggests that speakers in new media tended to emphasize the degree of their emotions and express them more actively than in mass media.

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