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      • KCI등재후보

        동질도 평가를 통한 실버세대 세분군 분류 및 평가

        배재호 한국유통과학회 2010 유통과학연구 Vol.8 No.3

        As the population, buying power, and intensity of self-expression of the elderly generation increase, its importance as a market segment is also growing. Therefore, the mass marketing strategy for the elderly generation must be changed to a micro-marketing strategy based on the results of sub-segmentation that suitably captures the characteristics of this generation. Furthermore, as a customer access strategy is decided by sub-segmentation, proper segmentation is one of the key success factors for micro-marketing. Segments or sub-segments are different from sectors, because segmentation or sub-segmentation for micro-marketing is based on the homogeneity of customer needs. Theoretically, complete segmentation would reveal a single voice. However, it is impossible to achieve complete segmentation because of economic factors, factors that affect effectiveness, etc. To obtain a single voice from a segment, we sometimes need to divide it into many individual cases. In such a case, there would be a many segments to deal with. On the other hand, to maximize market access performance, fewer segments are preferred. In this paper, we use the term "sub-segmentation" instead of "segmentation," because we divide a specific segment into more detailed segments. To sub-segment the elderly generation, this paper takes their lifestyles and life stages into consideration. In order to reflect these aspects, various surveys and several rounds of expert interviews and focused group interviews (FGIs) were performed. Using the results of these qualitative surveys, we can define six sub-segments of the elderly generation. This paper uses five rules to divide the elderly generation. The five rules are (1) mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive (MECE) sub-segmentation, (2) important life stages, (3) notable lifestyles, (4) minimum number of and easy classifiable sub-segments, and (5) significant difference in voices among the sub-segments. The most critical point for dividing the elderly market is whether children are married. The other points are source of income, gender, and occupation. In this paper, the elderly market is divided into six sub-segments. As mentioned, the number of sub-segments is a very key point for a successful marketing approach. Too many sub-segments would lead to narrow substantiality or lack of actionability. On the other hand, too few sub-segments would have no effects. Therefore, the creation of the optimum number of sub-segments is a critical problem faced by marketers. This paper presents a method of evaluating the fitness of sub-segments that was deduced from the preceding surveys. The presented method uses the degree of homogeneity (DoH) to measure the adequacy of sub-segments. This measure uses quantitative survey questions to calculate adequacy. The ratio of significantly homogeneous questions to the total numbers of survey questions indicates the DoH. A significantly homogeneous question is defined as a question in which one case is selected significantly more often than others. To show whether a case is selected significantly more often than others, we use a hypothesis test. In this case, the null hypothesis (H0) would be that there is no significant difference between the selection of one case and that of the others. Thus, the total number of significantly homogeneous questions is the total number of cases in which the null hypothesis is rejected. To calculate the DoH, we conducted a quantitative survey (total sample size was 400, 60 questions, 4~5 cases for each question). The sample size of the first sub-segment-has no unmarried offspring and earns a living independently-is 113. The sample size of the second sub-segment-has no unmarried offspring and is economically supported by its offspring-is 57. The sample size of the third sub-segment-has unmarried offspring and is employed and male-is 70. The sample size of the fourth sub-segment-has unmarried offspring and is not employed and male-is 45. The s...

      • KCI등재

        최적 시장세분화 결과 도출을 위한 기준변수와 군집분석기법의 선정에 관한 연구

        안광호,임병훈,이영효 한국마케팅관리학회 2009 마케팅관리연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Along with the changes in market environments, efforts to utilize corporate capabilities by selecting target market having similar characteristics to one another, and having classified consumers according to their heterogeneous features, have been made for a long period of time. Likewise, discussions and researches on necessities of more advanced market segmentation and effectiveness thereof have been made steadily. However, in spite of continuous academic researches on market segmentation, there exists still in the mixed results in terms of the selection of segmentation variables that can exactly reflect the characteristics of market, and the good analytical techniques for the market segmentation. In practical application, criterion variables of market segmentation and analytical techniques are selected and applied according to researchers’ subjective convenience and arbitrary judgment. The purpose of this research is to propose the criterion variables for optimal market segmentation and cluster analysis techniques that fit into actual market structure. Summary of the results of our researches is as follows: First, our research finds that the optimal cluster analysis for market segmentation is ‘LCM’ which shows 75.8% of hit ratio. Second, results of analysis indicates that optimal criterion variable for segmentation in sneaker product market is the variable related to purchase behavior. Researchers also find that it is more effective to use various criterion variables for market segmentation. Third, as pointed out in the previous researches, market segmentation by the demographic variables does not reflect the actual market structure despite of acceptable level of hit ratio. 시장세분화와 이를 바탕으로 한 목표시장 선정은 기업의 마케팅전략 수립과정에 있어 핵심적 부분이며, 시장세 분화에 관한 국내외의 많은 연구들에서 많은 제품군에 대해 다양한 방법론을 적용한 실증분석 결과들이 발표되어 왔다. 시장세분화에 관한 많은 연구에도 불구하고 기업의 실무자들은 여전히 다양한 대안들 중 세분화를 위한 최적 의 변수와 분석기법을 선정하는 데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구는 시장세분화를 위한 최적의 기준변수와 분 석기법을 찾아내는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 국내 운동화시장에 대해 구매행동 관련변수와 인구통계적 변수를 이용하여 시장세분화를 실시하였다. 시장세분화를 위한 대안적 기법으로 학계와 실무에서 일반적으로 활용되고 있 는 계층적 군집분석, K-means기법, 2단계 군집분석, 잠재적 계층모델(LCM) 등 4가지 군집분석 기법이 사용되 었다. 연구결과, 4가지 군집분석 가운데 적정 군집의 수를 통계적으로 제시해줄 수 있는 2단계 군집분석과 LCM 기법이 다른 군집분석기법에 비해 더 유용한 것으로 나타났다. 군집분석 결과가 실제 시장내 세그멘트의 구성을 얼 마나 유사하게 설명해내는지 판단하는 지표인 적중률을 이용하여 4가지 분석기법을 비교한 결과 LCM이 75.8% 의 가장 높은 적중률을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 구매행동과 관련된 변수들이 유의한 시장세분화 변수인 것으로 나 타났으며, 인구통계적 변수를 추가하여 실시된 시장세분화는 오히려 적중률이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Role of Market Segmentation and Fences under the Revenue Management Settings

        김상원 한국항공경영학회 2009 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Market segmentation is one of the key strategic elements in revenue management (RM). Market segments should be kept separate to prevent demand leakage and the associated revenue loss. Tools to restrict customer migration (demand leakage) across segments are referred to as fences. However, most fences are not perfect and allow some degree of demand leakage. This paper represents the characteristics of market segmentation and fences under general revenue management settings. We present a general picture of market segmentation and fences in the world of revenue management. We develop mathematical models for the perfect fence and the imperfect fence. We propose cost functions with respect to implementing fences, and establish the connection between the costs and revenue gain created from market segmentation. We also discuss segmentation process, maintaining of segmentation and the implementation issues of fencing. Market segmentation is one of the key strategic elements in revenue management (RM). Market segments should be kept separate to prevent demand leakage and the associated revenue loss. Tools to restrict customer migration (demand leakage) across segments are referred to as fences. However, most fences are not perfect and allow some degree of demand leakage. This paper represents the characteristics of market segmentation and fences under general revenue management settings. We present a general picture of market segmentation and fences in the world of revenue management. We develop mathematical models for the perfect fence and the imperfect fence. We propose cost functions with respect to implementing fences, and establish the connection between the costs and revenue gain created from market segmentation. We also discuss segmentation process, maintaining of segmentation and the implementation issues of fencing.

      • KCI등재

        Postwar Consumer Culture and the Rise of Market Segmentation in the U.S.

        Joo, Jeongsuk(주정숙) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2015 영미연구 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper examines the shift to market segmentation in the U.S. between the late 1950s and the 1970s. It looks at market segmentation as an important development in consumer culture that helped sustain consumption and respond to changes in society. The shift to market segmentation began in the late 1950s amid the concerns over the saturation of the mass market. As a major change to mass consumption, market segmentation signaled the market’s embrace of difference and diversity in line with larger changes in American society, giving recognition to groups that had long been discriminated and thereby offering greater choices. At the same time, such changes only strengthened consumer culture, as marketers came to take advantage of social turmoil and divisiveness through market segmentation, incorporating developments that could have threatened a consumer culture under mass consumption. Lifestyle segmentation, as it developed in the 1970s, also indicated continued power of consumer culture. Marketers seized lifestyle segmentation to constantly divide up Americans. In particular, faced with the ever growing pressure to find new profitable segments beyond the existing ones, they came to highlight the divisive developments they could utilize in segmenting people. As this helped reinforce ongoing divisions and fragmentation, consumer culture did not simply respond to larger changes in society, but came to shape American society.


        Do Yuon Kim,Hye-Young Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        Introduction For the past decade, luxury brands have become increasingly interested in portraying themselves as purveyors and curators of a “luxury lifestyle” (Dauriz & Tochtermann, 2013). Some of the world‟s largest fashion brands, for instance, have expanded their offerings to include lifestyle products and services such as housewares, furniture, fine dining, hotels, and private residences (e.g., Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani, Bottega Veneta, Herm?s) (Mellery-Pratt, 2014). Given that “lifestyle” is now one of the major buzzwords in luxury marketing (Dauriz & Tochtermann, 2013), it is useful to attempt to provide a solid theoretical perspective on this topic. The objective of this paper is to deepen our understanding of “luxury lifestyle” in a contemporary context. To do so, we first examine the existing definitions of lifestyle as a marketing concept. Next, we link the concept of lifestyle to customer segmentation and provide an integrative conceptual framework on lifestyle segments within luxury marketing. Finally, we highlight key insights and important lessons concerning luxury lifestyle segmentation for both theoretical and practical applications. Literature Review Multiple definitions of lifestyle exist in the literature. In this paper, we focus on the major accepted definitions. The concept of lifestyle was first introduced by Lazer (1964) in marketing research. According to his pioneering work, lifestyle is a distinctive mode of living, embodying the aggregative patterns that develop and emerge from the dynamics of living in a society. Building on this notion, Plummer (1974) specifically conceptualized lifestyle as a unique behavioral style of living that includes a wide range of activities (A), interests (I), and opinions (O). His AIO framework served as an important building block in the development of lifestyle scales as shown in Table 1. Table 1. A Summary of Lifestyle Scales Since the introduction of Rokeach Value Survey (Rokeach, 1973), the concept of lifestyle has been combined with personal values as exemplified in VALS (Mitchell, 1983). According to Schwartz (1994), values are one‟s desirable, relatively stable goals that serve as guiding principles in life. In other words, values contribute to the formation of a certain lifestyle (Gunter & Furnham, 1992) in that: (a) values are transsituational in nature influencing a wide range of behaviors across many different situations; and (b) individuals prioritize their world views based on their values varying in importance (Seligman et al., 1996). In the context of consumer behaviour, values are commonly regarded as the most deeply rooted, abstract consumer traits explaining how and why consumers behave as they do (Vincent & Selvarani, 2013). In line with this perspective, we thus conclude that luxury lifestyle is a multi-faceted construct focusing on a luxury consumer’s personal values manifested in the consumer’s activities, interests, and opinions. Conceptual Framework We propose a new framework of luxury lifestyle segmentation, including Conspicuous Emulators, “I-Am-Me” Uniqueness Seekers, Self-Driven Achievers, Hedonistic Experientials, and Societally Conscious Moralists, based on the review of related literature (e.g., Mitchell, 1983; Vigneron & Johnson, 2004; He, Zou, & Fin, 2010). The description of each segment and related firm strategies are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Lifestyle Segmentation Framework for Luxury Marketing Discussion and Implications Lifestyle is now the focal point for the marketing activities of most luxury firms (Dauriz & Tochtermann, 2013). In this study, we focused on the concept of lifestyle, one of the most compelling and widely used approaches to luxury market segmentation. Our conceptual framework built on the notion that luxury markets are heterogeneous, consistent with prior research describing the heterogeneity of luxury consumers (e.g., Vigneron & Johnson, 2004; He, Zou, & Fin, 2010). Since the 1960s, lifestyle has been viewed as a key marketing concept and has been the focus of a significant part of the market segmentation literature. The basic concept of lifestyle has not been greatly altered. Many of the fundamental approaches to lifestyle research are still valid today. The essence of the AIO approach outlined by Plummer (1974) is still evident in the work by Ko, Kim, and Kwon (2006) that defines a fashion lifestyle. Other advances in lifestyle research use personal value theories to specify different consumer segments. Despite the underlying stability of the basic concept of lifestyle, recent advances in digital communications and social media platforms and the trend toward globalization are introducing a discontinuous change to the adoption and implementation of segmentation strategies in luxury markets. Information technology has dramatically affected the nature of the communication and distribution options for luxury firms. As exemplified in specific industry examples in Table 2, consumers now interact with luxury firms through myriad touchpoints in multiple channels and media. These changes are altering the concept of luxury lifestyle segmentation. Thus, there is much room for additional research to strengthen the overall conceptualization of luxury lifestyle segmentation. One important topic involves the question of whether specific lifestyle segments prefer specific forms of touchpoints. For example, Hedonistic Experientials may prefer social media platforms whereas, for other segments, traditional vehicles such as print advertising and flagship stores may still remain crucial. Given a sizable and growing number of global luxury brands, another important issue for future research is to investigate whether the five lifestye segments conceptualized in this study can be empirically replicated on a global scale. We conclude that the concept of lifestyle segmentation, once adjusted to reflect the impact of the digital revolution and the globalization of luxury brands, has a great potential to advance both theory and practice in luxury marketing.

      • KCI등재후보

        이동통신 시장의 시장세분화와 세분시장 수준의 고객 충성도 분석

        김선철 한국전문경영인학회 2014 專門經營人硏究 Vol.17 No.4

        In this exploratory study, the new approach for segmentation strategy in mobile communication industry is proposed through reviewing the existing study about market segmentation. In the new circumstance, data service is more important competitive factor than voice service. So we can expect the segmentation criteria will be changed to obtain the customer loyalty in the mobile industry. The data service quality is the most critical factor influencing the customer loyalty in the new data based competing circumstance. In the existing study, customers who are sensitive to data service quality show lower loyalty compare to those who are not sensitive to data service quality. However, in the segmentation market level, this theory derived from the total market level does not work as it worked in the past. First, we were tried to find the critical segmentation criteria derive from the study executed for market segmentation and classified these criteria into some categories. Also, in this study we were tried to know whether the categories for segmentation verified from the existing study can be applied to Korean mobile communication market. The various segments are derived from the empirical analysis classified to price based ones and non price based ones. Also the profiles of segments are testified using the various variables like price sensitivity, store loyalty, amount of money, customer royalty. Finally, we were going to find out the competitive strategies for major companies in Korean Market by analysing price sensitivity and customer royalty of each segment. Finally We find out that price and amount of data usage are the key factor deciding the customer royalty of each segment. In this study, critical segments that make new cash cow in the data oriented circumstance proposed to provide new the strategy can lead the participants of korea mobile communication market.

      • KCI등재

        잠재계층 분석과 의사결정나무 분석을 활용한 공연 예술 시장세분화 연구: 저빈도 관객을 중심으로

        이유석 ( Lee Youseok ),이지수 ( Yi Jisu ),김상훈 ( Kim Sang-hoon ) 한국소비자학회 2020 소비자학연구 Vol.31 No.3

        오래전부터 국내 공연 예술 시장이 양적 성장의 활로를 찾지 못하고 있는 상황이 지속되고 있음에도 불구하고 시장세분화를 통해 국내 공연 예술 시장을 이해하려는 학문적 노력은 충분하지 못했다. 선행 연구들은 공연 예술 시장 전반을 대상으로 세분화를 수행하였기 때문에 상당한 규모의 미수용층이 한 두 개의 동질적인 세분시장으로 분류될 수밖에 없다는 점과 연구자가 세분화의 기준값과 세분시장의 수를 자의적으로 결정하는 임의적 방법을 사용했다는 점에서 한계를 갖는다. 본 연구는 저빈도 관객을 중심으로 국내 공연 예술 시장을 세분화함으로써 공연 예술시장의 양적·질적 확대를 위한 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 방법론적으로는 잠재계층 분석을 활용하여 연구자의 주관을 가급적 배제하고 자료의 특성에 근거하여 전체 응답자를 세분화하였다. 나아가 저빈도 관객 중 시장성이 상대적으로 높은 표적시장을 식별하기 위해 의사결정나무 분석을 시도하였다. 시장세분화 결과, 저빈도 관객 내부에도 네 개의 세분시장이 존재함을 확인하였다. 각 세분시장의 장르별 조건부관람 확률은 기존의 옴니보어 이론을 지지하는 것으로 보고되었다. 네 개의 세분시장 중 옴니보어 집단이 관람에 대한 태도와 관람 의향 모두 다른 집단에 비해 유의하게 높아 표적시장으로의 가능성이 있음을 보였다. 또한, 선행연구의 결과와 일관되게 문화자본이 상대적으로 높은 집단에서 옴니보어 성향을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 의사결정나무 분석을 통해 표적시장인 옴니보어 시장을 식별할 수 있는 기준변수들을 확인하였는데, 예술교육이수경력, 연령, 인지된 사회적 지위, 가구소득, 직업의 순으로 영향력이 큰 것으로 보고되었다. 본 연구는 공연 예술 시장 전반을 대상으로 세분화를 시도했던 선행 연구들과 달리 저빈도 관객층을 선별하여 세분화를 시행했다는 점, 시장세분화 과정에서 연구자 주관의 개입을 최소화하기 위해 기존 공연 예술 시장세분화 연구에서 상대적으로 활용이 적었던 잠재계층 분석을 도입했다는 점, 의사결정 나무 분석을 통해 표적시장인 옴니보어 시장을 식별할 수 있는 기준 변수들을 검증했다는 점에서 의의를 갖는다. 또한, 본 연구의 결과는 공연 예술 정책 입안자 및 기업의 마케팅 의사결정권자에게도 실무적 시사점을 제공할 수 있다. Although the Korean performing arts market has been failing to establish growth momentum, academic research attempting to understand the market through segmentation has not been sufficient. Since prior research has applied market segmentation to the entire performing arts market, the infrequent attendees have been grouped into one or two sub-market despite the significant volume. Additionally, prior research has divided the market with the researchers’ arbitrary decision on the number of sub-markets and the borderline between them. The current study aims to provide implications for the expansion and improvement of the domestic performing arts market through conducting segmentation focused on infrequent attendees. Methodologically, we utilize the latent class analysis to exclude subjective judgment. Furthermore, decision tree analysis is applied to identify the target market having high market potential among subgroups. As a result, the Korean infrequent attendees were divided into four segments labeled as omnivore market, highbrow market, popular market, and non-attendee market. Among the segments, the omnivore market showed significantly high level of attitude toward and attendance intention on performing arts compared to the other groups. Consistent with existing research, the omnivore market was revealed to have high level of cultural capital. The results of decision tree analysis discovered that participation in performing arts related class, age, perceived social status, household income level, and occupation have a significant effect on separating nodes. The present research acquires importance for attempting segmentation of Korean performing arts market focusing on infrequent attendees, applying latent class model to assure objectivity in the course of segmentation, and discovering significant factors to identify the target market, omnivore market, through decision tree modeling. Moreover, the result of the study could provide practical implications for policymakers and marketers in related fields.

      • KCI등재

        Postwar Consumer Culture and the Rise of Market Segmentation in the U.S.

        주정숙 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2015 영미연구 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper examines the shift to market segmentation in the U.S. between the late 1950s and the 1970s. It looks at market segmentation as an important development in consumer culture that helped sustain consumption and respond to changes in society. The shift to market segmentation began in the late 1950s amid the concerns over the saturation of the mass market. As a major change to mass consumption, market segmentation signaled the market’s embrace of difference and diversity in line with larger changes in American society, giving recognition to groups that had long been discriminated and thereby offering greater choices. At the same time, such changes only strengthened consumer culture, as marketers came to take advantage of social turmoil and divisiveness through market segmentation, incorporating developments that could have threatened a consumer culture under mass consumption. Lifestyle segmentation, as it developed in the 1970s, also indicated continued power of consumer culture. Marketers seized lifestyle segmentation to constantly divide up Americans. In particular, faced with the ever growing pressure to find new profitable segments beyond the existing ones, they came to highlight the divisive developments they could utilize in segmenting people. As this helped reinforce ongoing divisions and fragmentation, consumer culture did not simply respond to larger changes in society, but came to shape American society.

      • KCI등재

        라이프스타일에 따른 국내 중․대형차 시장의 고객세분화

        정연승,김문섭,이호택 한국기업경영학회 2013 기업경영연구 Vol.20 No.5

        Market segmentation is defined to classify one heterogeneous market as a number of small-scale homogeneous markets to be able to respond to different product preferences between key segmented markets or to suit products to customer needs so as to more accurately satisfy the diverse consumer and user needs. There are many of previous research which focused on market segmentation based on lifestyles in the fields of tourism, sports, culture entertainment areas. However, there are few research of domestic private vehicle users. In this exploratory study, the authors introduce previous research streams about lifestyles and market segmentation, and segment 685 domestic private vehicle users based on their lifestyles. The factor analysis delineates twelve underlying dimensions of lifestyles: pursuit of health and beauty, brand pursuit, diversity pursuit, epicurism, emphasis on the relationship, internet use, savings, individualism, leisure activities, buying behaviors, planned purchase, consumption-oriented. Then, second-stage clustering analysis, which consists of the hierarchical clustering and non-hierarchical clustering optimization methods, is conducted because hierarchical clustering makes it easy to calculate, and is widely used, but its reliability is being argued, so the authors conduct both hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering analysis. Generally, non-hierarchical clustering lengthens the calculation process or makes calculation impossible as the number of individuals increases, and may make an objective function, which is supposed to reflect the accuracy of clustering, inappropriate. As regards the procedure of second-stage clustering, while the first stage determines whether new individuals are incorporated into the existing cluster by the distance criteria, or whether they are formed into a new cluster, the second stage transforms such preparatory clusters into cluster solutions through the hierarchical clustering process and the similar clustering cohesion stage, and automatically determines the number of clusters using the statistical criteria. On the basis of second-stage cluster analysis, the authors identify the response differences about demographic and car-related characteristics among lifestyle groups. And then, after analyzing each market segments, the authors label 4 different user groups as follows-(1) young LOHAS pursuit segment, (2) showing off consumers, (3) self-fulfillment segment, and (4) encourging thrift and economy segment. The characteristics of each group are as follows. Consumers of Group 1, “young LOHAS pursuit segment,” tends to pursuit beauty and health and highly uses internet. Almost 80% of consumers are 30’s to 40’s married male. They show the highest individual behavior tendency among 4 groups. Compared to other groups, this group has low income, but consumption-oriented due to fewer number of family members and high disposal income. Most of the members of this group own Hyundai Sonata or Grandeur and show the highest satisfaction rate but lowest re-purchase intention. The second segment, “showing off consumers,” tends to pursue brand and diversity. Related to car life, driving experience of this segment is about 15 years and they prefer imported car and are concerned with auto performance. Group 3 is not involved in brand issues in choosing car, has lower income, and is not worried about savings. They concerns with leisure and epicurism in their life. This segment is labeled “self-fulfillment segment” and accounts for 19% of the population. Finally, the fourth segment accounts for 34% of the population and labels “encouring thrift and economy segment.” Compared to other segments, the percentage of women is quite high. People within this group are sensitive to the price of car when they choose the car, and prefer Renault Samsung brand. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in lifestyle, demographic, behavioral variables ... 시장세분화는 이질적인 전체시장을 동질적인 하위차원의 세부시장으로 나누어 각각의 세분시장에서 소비자의 니즈에 맞는 제품이나 서비스를 제공하는 활동을 말한다. 그동안 라이프스타일을 기반으로 한 시장 세분화 연구는 호텔관광, 스포츠, 문화엔터테인먼트를 비롯한 다양한 분야에서 연구되어져 왔으나 국내 자동차 시장의 고객을 라이프스타일에 따라 유형화한 연구는 없었다. 본 연구에서는 라이프스타일과 시장 세분화의 의미와 선행연구들을 소개하고 685명의 국내 중․대형차 소유자를 대상으로 한 라이프스타일 및 자동차 생활관련 설문을 시행하였다. 고객의 라이프스타일 분류를 위해 총 52문항의 12가지 라이프스타일 척도를 사용하였으며, 요인분석 및 2단계 군집분석 결과 고객유형을 총 4가지 집단으로 분류하였다. 그리고 분류된 집단 내 소비자의 실제 자동차 생활과 라이프스타일을 가장 잘 설명할 수 있는 군집명으로 젊은 로하스형, 자기과시형, 자기실현형, 근검절약형을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 집단별 라이프스타일과 인구통계적 분포, 경제 력과 소유차량 등의 구분을 통해 각각의 집단에 대한 설명을 하고 본 연구의 시사점과 한계점 그리고 향후 연구방향에 대해 기술하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Mixture Model을 이용한 영화 소비자의 시장세분화 연구

        김소영(Kim, So Young),이유리(Lee, Yoo Ri) 한국문화산업학회 2013 문화산업연구 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 문화산업의 대표적인 분야인 영화산업을 대상으로 영화시장 세분화를 실시하였다. 한국 영화산업은 2012년에 역대 최다 관객 수인 1억 9,489만 명과 1조 4,551억 원의 입장권 흥행수입을 기록하는 등 성장세를 이어가고 있지만, 영화산업에 대한 마케팅 측면에서의 연구는 많이 이루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 극장, 인터넷/모바일 등 다양한 매체별 영화관람 행동을 중심으로 영화소비자를 세분화하고 각 세분시장의 특성을 파악하며, 이를 토대로 영화 마케터를 위한 세분시장별 전략 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구에 사용된 변수와 척도의 다양성을 감안하여, 가장 적절한 분석방법인 Mixture Model을 사용하여 시장을 세분화하였으며, 분석결과 극장 영화족, 온라인 영화족, 영화 무관심족, 영화 매니아족의 4개 세분시장으로 영화소비자를 세분화하였다. 끝으로 세분시장별 영화 관람행동의 차이를 분석하고 이에 따른 세분시장별 마케팅 전략 방향을 제공하였다. 본 연구는 기존 연구들이 지금까지 연구들은 주로 극장 영화소비자를 분석하거나 극장 또는 온라인 영화소비행동의 한 측면만을 반영한 것과는 달리, 극장 영화관람 행동 및 온라인 영화콘텐츠 소비 행동을 중심으로 영화소비자를 다양한 영화매체별로 세분화하여 행동적 특성을 다각적으로 이해하는 데 기여했다는 학문적 의의와 영화산업 마케터들에게 세분시장별 기초적인 마케팅 정보 및 전략 방향을 제시했다는 점에서 실무적 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study tries to segment movie market representative of cultural industry. In 2012, Korean movie industry is accomplishing growth up to 19,489 ten thousand audiences and 14,551 hundred million won, but not many studies have been done from marketing perspective for movie industry. For this study, we segment movie audiences based on viewing behavior on movie and analyze attributes of each segment market, and then suggest strategy for each segment market to movie marketers. Considering various variables and measurement, we segment movie market using milxture model. We identified four significant segments such as theater movie segment, digital movie segment, indifferent to movie segment, and movie mania segment. Finally, we analyze differences on viewing behavior on movie classified by each segment and provide marketing strategy direction for each segment. Different from existing researches focused on analyzing film consumers mainly at theater or reflected one point of view on movie consumption behavior, this study academically contributes to understand multilaterally behavioral attributes of film consumer classified by movie media such as movie viewing behavior through theater and consuming behavior of on-line movie contents and has meaningful business implication since it suggests marketing information and strategy direction for each segment. 본 연구는 문화산업의 대표적인 분야인 영화산업을 대상으로 영화시장 세분화를 실시하였다. 한국 영화산업은 2012년에 역대 최다 관객 수인 1억 9,489만 명과 1조 4,551억 원의 입장권 흥행수입을 기록하는 등 성장세를 이어가고 있지만, 영화산업에 대한 마케팅 측면에서의 연구는 많이 이루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 극장, 인터넷/모바일 등 다양한 매체별 영화관람 행동을 중심으로 영화소비자를 세분화하고 각 세분시장의 특성을 파악하며, 이를 토대로 영화 마케터를 위한 세분시장별 전략 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구에 사용된 변수와 척도의 다양성을 감안하여, 가장 적절한 분석방법인 Mixture Model을 사용하여 시장을 세분화하였으며, 분석결과 극장 영화족, 온라인 영화족, 영화 무관심족, 영화 매니아족의 4개 세분시장으로 영화소비자를 세분화하였다. 끝으로 세분시장별 영화 관람행동의 차이를 분석하고 이에 따른 세분시장별 마케팅 전략 방향을 제공하였다. 본 연구는 기존 연구들이 지금까지 연구들은 주로 극장 영화소비자를 분석하거나 극장 또는 온라인 영화소비행동의 한 측면만을 반영한 것과는 달리, 극장 영화관람 행동 및 온라인 영화콘텐츠 소비 행동을 중심으로 영화소비자를 다양한 영화매체별로 세분화하여 행동적 특성을 다각적으로 이해하는 데 기여했다는 학문적 의의와 영화산업 마케터들에게 세분시장별 기초적인 마케팅 정보 및 전략 방향을 제시했다는 점에서 실무적 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study tries to segment movie market representative of cultural industry. In 2012, Korean movie industry is accomplishing growth up to 19,489 ten thousand audiences and 14,551 hundred million won, but not many studies have been done from marketing perspective for movie industry. For this study, we segment movie audiences based on viewing behavior on movie and analyze attributes of each segment market, and then suggest strategy for each segment market to movie marketers. Considering various variables and measurement, we segment movie market using milxture model. We identified four significant segments such as theater movie segment, digital movie segment, indifferent to movie segment, and movie mania segment. Finally, we analyze differences on viewing behavior on movie classified by each segment and provide marketing strategy direction for each segment. Different from existing researches focused on analyzing film consumers mainly at theater or reflected one point of view on movie consumption behavior, this study academically contributes to understand multilaterally behavioral attributes of film consumer classified by movie media such as movie viewing behavior through theater and consuming behavior of on-line movie contents and has meaningful business implication since it suggests marketing information and strategy direction for each segment.

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