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        『論語·孟子』에 나타난 ‘以’의 빈어 이위와 생략

        蔡藝玲(Chae, Ye-ryeong) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.100

        Through the process mentioned above, we could know that there are various usages of objectives of preposition ‘以’ in the Analects of Confucius and the Discourses of Mencius, when it shifts locations or is omitted. This study aims at figuring out differences of interpretations in cases of the preposition letter ‘以’ used as adverbial, complement, double-syallble phrase, and fixed form, respectively, as well as why the word ‘以’ has appeared through the analysis on partial usages of the preposition letter ‘以’. First, 1) in three usages of ‘以’ used as adverbial, when the phrase of ‘NP+以’ as adverbial one is front of the verb, it emphasizes the object or the condition which action depends on. That is, in order to lay stress on, an objective before ‘以’ should be preposed for such an effect. 2) In case of omission of NP of ‘以’, verb which is not noun is placed behind. In such phrase, we should check if the word before ‘以’ is a verb. If it is not a verb, the used ‘以’ is a preposition. the phrase of ‘以+NP’ used with the objective of ‘以’ is located behind a verb or a verb phrase, indicating purpose of action of the former predicate or its level to reach. In such a situation, objective of ‘以’ can be omitted. 3) In case of adverbial located in back, ‘V+之+以+NP" is a fixed form. A noun-type objective or ‘之’ can be located between a verb and ‘以+NP’. The objectives in these phrases consist of one or two syllables. Second, when ‘以+NP’ is used as like complement, its predicative, verb consists of one syllable accompanying an objective or the accompanied objective is one syllable. For objective, most of them are ‘之’ or may be omitted, accompanying its own objective. In addition, 90% of them consists of four letters while the rest 10% consists of five letters. These forms are relatively clean and basic when they are delivered to listeners. Third, for the reason of different usage of "以’, its origin is studied. "以’ was actually a verb but have been developed as a function word with several changes. That is, "以’ becomes a core function word essential to a phrase. The phenomena of "以’ as function word have made various double-syllable phrases and even conjunction developed as fixed form. In Chapter 5 of this study, five conjunctions ‘是以,何以,足以, 所以, and 有以’ developed as double-syllable phrases and fixed forms. For the results, in the Analects of Confucius, 38 conjunction words are used and among the entire prepositions, they are 18% of ‘以’. In the Discourses of Mencius, total 89 conjunction words are used with 14% of "以’. For their frequency of usage, that of the preposition "以’ are higher than that of conjunction words. In addition, for the conjunction word not sufficiently covered by this study will be further studied in future.

      • KCI등재

        문두 비한정명사구의 화용적 제약 연구 - 一CLN(一量名)을 중심으로

        김혜진 한국중국언어문화연구회 2023 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.68

        The purpose of this study is to examine the pragmatic constraints of initial indefinite noun phrase in Mandarin. Indefinite noun phrases are often regarded as ungrammatical when used with intransitive verbs. Indefinite noun phrases are typically transformed into a verb-subject word order when used with intransitive verbs. However, it has been observed that the acceptability of initial indefinite noun phrase can be improved by semantic-pragmatic factors such as referentiality of transitive object and spatio-temporal location. These factors affect the acceptability of initial indefinite noun phrase at the sentence level. On the other hand, at the discourse level, initial indefinite noun phrase can be analyzed in various ways. At the discourse level, initial indefinite noun phrase can be judged for their locationality through contextual restriction, and their realization can vary depending on their location. Through this, we can see that various pragmatic constraints of initial indefinite noun phrase in natural language are manifested through their mutual relationships in numerous contexts created by natural language. 본 연구는 문두 비한정명사구의 화용적 제약을 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 문두 비한정명사구는 자동사와 공기할 때 적형의 문형이 존재하다는 점에서 비문법적으로 인식되곤 한다. 그러나 타동사 목적어의 지시성, 시공간 위치요소와 같은 조건을 통해 문두 비한정명사구의 수용도가 높아질 수 있다는 점을 관측할 수 있다. 이러한 요인들은 문장층위에서 문두 비한정명사구의 수용도에 관여한다. 반면 담화층위에서는 다양한 양상으로 분석될 수 있다. 담화층위에서 문두 비한정명사구는 문맥적 한정성을 통해 위치성을 판단할 수 있는데, 위치성에 따라 문두 비한정명사구의 실현양상이 달라질 수 있다. 이를 통해 자연언어가 만들어 내는 수많은 문맥에서 문두 비한정명사구의 다양한 화용적 제약들이 상호 관련성을 통해 발현된다는 점을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        기점과 착점 논항의 통사-의미 구조에 대한 유형론적 연구

        남승호 한국언어학회 2009 언어 Vol.34 No.3

        This is a typological study on the syntax and semantics of Goal and Source expressions in natural language. The paper, extending the proposals of Nam (2005), identifies and accounts for the syntactic and semantic asymmetry between Goal and Source arguments. The kernel of the asymmetry is that the Goal argument is "closer" to the verb than the Source is. The paper illustrates this asymmetry from three different but related points of view: (i) The paper illustrates three basic forms of Goal and Source arguments: Adpositional phrases, verbal affixes, and independent verb phrases. (ii) Syntactically, Goal phrases are relatively free in scrambling and preposition incorporation whereas Source phrases are subject to severe restrictions in movement and incorporation. (iii) Semantically, Goal phrases, unlike Source phrases, are interpreted as a predicate extensor as well as a predicate modifier, and further, Goal phrases may extend the event structure of the modified predicate by specifying a location change, and so the events get interpreted as telic.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 복합 장소전치사구에 대한 핵계층구조적 접근

        안성호(Sung-Ho Ahn) 한국생성문법학회 2011 생성문법연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 논문에서는 Baker (1989)가 관찰하여 핵계층구조를 따르지 않는 구절구조 규칙 (14)의 근거로 삼은 영어의 복합 장소전치사구의 구조가, PP를 지정어로 인정하고 back이나 up 등을 전치사로 분류하면서 (4절 참조), 핵계층구조성을 지니고 있음을 보였다. 이는 Baker가 제안한 LocSeq라는 구 범주 대신 (25)와 같은 제도적 (cartographic) 구조를 영어전치사들이 어휘의미의 일부 혹은 통사 구조로 지니고 있다는 가정도 내포한다. 그에 따라, Baker가 찾아낸 LocSeq의 성분범주들이 자매항들로서가 아니라 핵-보충어 관계로 맺어지게 되었고 그 상호적 의미관계도 더 포착되었다. 남아 있는 문제 하나는 right의 분포이다. 한 〈생성문법연구〉 논평자가 지적한 바와 같이, 본 분석에 따르면 right는 어떤 전치사의 지정어로나 기능 할 수 있다. 따라서 다음 예들도 수용적일 것으로 예측한다. (35) a. [back up [pp [right over there] [p in the corner]p]pp] b. (back up [pp over [pp right in the corner]pp]pp] Baker (1989)는 이런 가능성들을 경험적으로 인정하지 않고 Frederick Schroeder (2011. 11. 22, 사적 논의)도 (35a)에서 up과 right 사이에 쉼표가 들어가지 않는 한 이들을 인정하지 않으므로, 그가 옳다면 본 논문의 현재 제안이 과잉생산의 문제를 안고 있는 것이다. 아마도 (25)의 제도적 구조를 좀 더 심각하게 받아들여서 right는 전체 장소전치사구의 최상위 투사의 지정어로 기능해야 하는 것으로 보아야 할 듯싶다. right의 기능과 의미에 대하여 더 깊이 천착할 필요가 있겠다. 둘째로, 영어에 대한 이 제안을 화란어를 기반으로 하여 Dikken (2006) 등이 제안한 장소 전치사구의 제도적 구조와 비교하는 등의 연구를 통하여 영어와 화란어 사이의, 또 다른 언어들과의 매개변항적 변이에 대해 좀 더 구체적으로 탐구할 필요가 있다 하겠다. This paper is an exploration of the internal structure of the complex locational PP in English. Reviewing its standard analysis provided in Radford (1988), it points out a problem with the analysis. In section two, then, it reviews Baker’s (1989) observation of major properties of the complex locational PP and his quite descriptive phrase-structure rules to account for them, and points out that those rules are not subject to the X-bar theory. In section three, it explores ways to account for the properties in a more principled way amenable to the X-bar theory. It suggests a cartographic structure comprising functional categories representing the concepts of “restoring”, “path” and “distance” that can dominate locational PPs. In section four, it argues and shows that back is a preposition optionally requiring a PP complement only. Finally, in section 5, it summarizes the discussion and presents remaining problems.

      • KCI등재

        학령전기 아동과 성인의 과업에 따른 구절나누기 특성

        김현지,전희숙 한국언어치료학회 2019 言語治療硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose : The characteristics of phrasing found according to tasks in children and adults and basic data on phrase training provides useful data in interventions for those with communication disabilities. Methods : Frequency and location of phrasing were analyzed for 50 children aged 5 years and 50 adults aged 20-30. Results : First, in three tasks, the frequency of phrasing in children was higher than adults. Second, the location of the children's phrasing, after sentence boundary, was higher than after subject and clause boundary. In addition, after subject was higher than after adverb. Adults ranked high in clause boundary, sentence boundary, after adverb, and after subject. Third, in the picture description task, children ranked high in sentence boundary, after subject, clause boundary, and after adverb. Adults ranked high in clause boundary, sentence boundary, after adverb, and after subject. In the story-retelling task, children ranked high in sentence boundary, after subject, and after adverb. Sentence boundary was higher than after clause boundary. Adults ranked high in clause boundary, sentence boundary, after adverb, and after subject. In the conversation task, children ranked high in sentence boundary, clause boundary, and after subject. Sentence boundary was higher than after adverb. Clause boundary, sentence boundary, and after adverb was higher than after subject in adults. Conclusions : Children have a higher frequency of phrasing than adults. Children with short sentences have several phrasings at sentence boundaries, while adults with long sentences appear at clause boundary. The more children have to say with a high-level sentence, the more often phrasing occurs after the subject; adults have many phrasings after adverb. Therefore, children and adults have different characteristics of phrasing and as such it is necessary to mediate in various tasks. 목적 : 아동과 성인의 과업에 따른 구절나누기 특성을 알아보고 구절나누기 훈련의 기초자료 및의사소통 장애인들을 위한 중재과정에 유용한 자료를 제시하고자 한다. 방법: 5세 아동 50명, 20-30대성인 50명을 대상으로 구절나누기 빈도 및 위치를 분석하였다. 결과: 첫째, 그림 설명하기, 이야기다시 말하기, 대화하기 과업 모두 아동의 구절나누기 빈도가 성인보다 높았다. 둘째, 아동의 구절나누기위치는 문장 경계가 주어 뒤, 절 경계보다 높았으며, 주어 뒤가 부사어 뒤보다 높았다. 성인은 절 경계, 문장 경계와 부사어 뒤, 주어 뒤 순으로 높았다. 셋째, 그림 설명하기 과업에서 아동의 구절나누기위치는 문장 경계, 주어 뒤, 절 경계, 부사어 뒤 순으로 높았으며 성인은 절 경계, 문장 경계와 부사어뒤, 주어 뒤 순으로 높았다. 이야기 다시 말하기 과업에서 아동의 구절나누기 위치는 문장 경계, 주어뒤, 부사어 뒤 순으로 높았으며, 문장경계가 절경계보다 높았다. 성인의 구절나누기 위치는 절 경계, 문장 경계와 부사어 뒤, 주어 뒤 순으로 높았다. 대화하기 과업에서 아동의 구절나누기 위치는 문장경계, 절 경계, 주어 뒤 순으로 높았으며, 문장 경계가 부사어 뒤보다 높았다. 성인의 구절나누기위치는 절 경계, 문장 경계, 부사어 뒤가 주어 뒤보다 높았다. 결론: 아동이 성인보다 구절나누기가많이 나타난다. 비교적 발화가 짧은 아동은 문장 경계에서, 발화가 긴 성인은 절의 경계에서구절나누기가 가장 많이 나타난다. 그 다음으로 아동은 높은 수준의 문장으로 발화해야하는 과업일수록주어 뒤에서, 성인은 부사어 뒤에서 구절나누기가 많이 나타난다. 아동과 성인들의 구절나누기 특성이다르므로 다양한 과업에서 구분하여 중재할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Roles of Prepositional Phrasesin Argument Structure Alternations

        Kim, Meesook 한국중앙영어영문학회 2007 영어영문학연구 Vol.49 No.4

        Verbs that participate in their argument alternation, the so-called locative alternation, have received considerable attention from the areas of syntax, semantics, and language acquisition. In particular, researchers have so far focused on the holistic interpretation that the locative alternation demonstrates. On the other hand, a few researchers have noticed that not all of the Spray/Load verbs listed in Levin (1993), which participate in the locative alternation, show the same syntactic behaviors in terms of a PP (prepositional phrase) omission test. Few researchers have explained why Pile-class verbs systematically show different syntactic possibilities from the Spray/Load verbs, even though they all participate in the locative alternation. In this paper I propose that unlike the Spray/Load verbs, the Pile-class may select transitive prepositional phrases as complements. I presented an analysis for the Pile-class, which is a subclass of the Spray/Load verbs. I also capture other aspects of the Pile class, based on the obligatoriness of the with phrase, the failure of the verbs to undergo the adjectival passive, the failure of the with phrase to prepose, and the failure of the Goal direct object to be raised in subject position.

      • KCI등재

        PP주어구문에서 전치된 PP의 위상과 두 종류의 EPP

        조우영 21세기영어영문학회 2022 영어영문학21 Vol.35 No.4

        This paper suggests that there are two types of preposed PPs in English: locative PPs and subject PPs. This is on the basis of the syntactic patterns of preposed PPs in PP Subject Constructions. In explaining preposed PPs, locative PPs have subject and non⋅subject properties differently from subject PPs. I proposed that subject PPs are induced by syntactic EPP; however, locative PPs are motivated by discourse EPP. More precisely dual properties of locative PPs can be covered by assuming a new projection RefP(Referential Phrase) in terms of Split CPs, thereby extending Last Resort to Scope-discourse interpretive property in Rizzi(2004). This paper shows subject PPs occupy Spec TP and locative PPs occupy Spec RefP, and that the mixed properties of subject and non⋅subject that the preposed PPs display can be explained under (non)Specificity.

      • KCI등재

        이동동사와 "처소사"의 결합에 관한 연구 -"처소사"가 목적어인 경우와 부사어인 경우의 대조

        맹주억 ( Joooeck Maeng ),김외연 ( Waiyan Jin ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.64 No.-

        Movement has a close relationship with humans` recognition ability. Understanding the connection between movement and space plays an important role in linguistics. People who learn Chinese as their second language learn about movement verbs and ``locative case``. They often make mistakes such as, ‘*鳥飛天, *溜達公園’. Such mistakes happen in Chinese as movement verbs can take locative object and be modified by locative adverb. Whether to put the place in front of or at the back of the verb is difficult to choose. Moreover, they have been negatively affected by their mother language, Korean. For example, in the sentence ``The bird flies in the sky.``, the place can be shown with the object, unlike Chinese that cannot show where the bird flies. Thus, the two types of movement verbs can be hard for those who learn Chinese as their second language. First, this manuscript will look at the definition of movement verbs and the features of ``locative case``. Then study the range of space that object included structure shows. Next, it will see how object included structure and adverb included structure responds. Lastly, the following will analyze the difference between cognitive model and the meaning function in the two structures. This study figures out the difference between object included structure and adverb included structure of movement verbs. It will help second language learners reduce making mistakes in movement verb structures. Also, it is planning to research on how Korean movement verbs react to object included structure and adverb included structure. This research does not only try to help Koreans learn Chinese, but also assists the Chinese to learn Korean.

      • KCI등재후보

        Possession and Location Structures in the Copula-like iss Construction

        이두원(Lee Doo-Won) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2010 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        영어 이중목적어 구문의 간접목적어(목표)와 직접목적어가 전치사구(PP)를 형성하고 목표요소는 PP의 지정어 위치에 나타나며, PP의 핵(head)은 소유와 처소의 어휘상 의미인 PHAVE나 PLOC가 점유한다는 주장이 있다 (Harley 2002). 이 주장은 한국어의 연계사(copula) '있' 구문 분석 적용의 촉발을 일으킨다 (Park 2010). 헝가리어와 일본어의 소유 의미에 관한 Szabolcsi (1983)와 Tsujioka (2001)의 연계사 구문 분석이 한국어의 소유 의미의 연계사 구문 분석 적용의 촉발을 또한 일으킨다 (Lee 2004). 이 글에서는 이들 주장의 이론적 틀을 수정하여 소유와 처소 의미를 갖는 한국어 연계사의 구조를 제시한다. 한국어 연계사 구문에서 처소의 어휘상 의미인 PLOC를 관할하는 PP는 v의 연계사 '있'에 의해 성분통어되는 구조를 갖는다. 핵 PLOC가 v-BE로 핵 이동을 하여 처소 의미의 연계사 '있'으로 통사상 실현된다. 이 때, SPEC-v의 여격 요소나 주격 대상은 SPEC-T로 이동하여 통사상 주어로 기능한다 (예, 김 교수에게 그 책이 있다/그 책이 김 교수에게 있다). 반면에 소유의미의 연계사 '있' 구문에서 어휘상 소유 의미의 VHAVE는 v의 '있'으로 인상되고 소유자는 '있'의 자매위치의 DP의 SPEC을 통해 도출되고 SPEC-T로 인상되어 통사상 주어 위치를 점한다. 이 때, 대상 요소는 SPEC-T로 이동할 수 없다 (예, 김 교수가 딸이 있다/'딸이 김 교수가 있다). Harley (2002) argues that in the dative construction, the verb can be decomposed into two components: that is, null P(ostposition)HAVE/LOC and vCAUSE. Unlike her proposal, however, in the dative constructions, the verb can be decomposed into null P(ostposition)LOC and vCAUSE in the sense that the location of the theme is always available to the goal in the dative constructions. The example in (A) comes to have the meaning of (B) ((A) John gave Mary a picture/(B) John placed a picture to Mary). In Korean, the dative verb cwu 'give' is spelled out on v through the successive raising of PLOC to v (to T). The subjecthood test that establishes an honorific agreement with the syntactic subject position shows that the postpositional phrase can be in the subject position; hence, the postpositional phrase (i.e., Kim kyoswu-eykey 'Kim-professor-DAT') can be a syntactic subject. When PLOC and VHAVE raise to BE on v, the meaning of location and possession of the abstract postposition be realized on v respectively. This is what the copula-like iss shows. The subject raising is motivated by the EPP-feature on T; hence, the dative-marked element or the nominative-marked theme can raise to SPEC- T; hence, the postpositional phrase and nominative theme in the iss construction can both appear in the syntactic subject position. On the other hand, when the copula-like iss has the meaning of possession, its theme cannot raise to the syntactic iss, the possessor within the theme DP of the copula-like iss raises out of the DP through SPEC-D to the subject position. The case maker is realized in the PF.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 장소구 도치 구문의 결함적 경동사구 분석

        남소영(Nam, Soyoung),장경철(Kyungchul Chang) 언어과학회 2021 언어과학연구 Vol.- No.96

        It has been generally assumed that the locative inversion in English as Behind the tree stood a tall man undergoes at least two processes against the canonical word order. The locative prepositional phrase (PP) is inverted with the main verb (V), and at the same time the subject noun phrase (NP) with that verb. This paper argues that there are no such processes for the locative inversion construction. Rather, the construction is derived by external and internal merge in terms of information structure such as topic and focus. We propose a defective vP analysis that assumes a focus domain and permits a non-thematic external merger.

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