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      • KCI등재

        Influence of open access journals on the research community in Journal Citation Reports

        김상준,박계숙 한국과학학술지편집인협의회 2021 Science Editing Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose The number of open access (OA) journals is rapidly increasing, and it is very important for librarians to understand the influence of OA journals on the research community. This study investigated the influence of the OA journals listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) based on various indicators. Methods The data for this study were prepared by combining the JCR 2014 to 2019 journal list with the number of hybrid OA articles obtained by searching the Web of Science. Each journal’s JCR indicators and article processing charge were added. The influence of OA journals was compared according to OA type, whether they were published by large publishers, and whether they were top gold OA journals. Results Gold OA journals remained weaker in terms of JCR indicators than hybrid journals. However, the top 20 gold OA journals, accounting for 27.0% of all OA articles in JCR 2014 to 2019, were superior in all JCR indicators. The top three OA publishers (MDPI, BioMed Central, and Public Library of Science) showed potential for development despite concerns regarding poor journals. The top three subscription publishers were very active in OA publishing, but their actual share of hybrid OA articles (Elsevier, 5.1%; Springer, 10.1%; and Wiley, 12.4% in JCR 2019) was still insufficient. Conclusion Some gold OA journals showed high competitiveness and even the possibility for development beyond traditional journals. The transition of subscription journals to hybrid journals was found to be at the early stage. In light of these findings, librarians should continue monitoring the influence of OA journals.

      • KCI등재

        지역방송 보도프로그램의 저널리즘 실천양상의 변화 탐구

        한선 한국언론정보학회 2023 한국언론정보학보 Vol.121 No.-

        This research has focused on exploring changes in journalistic practices in news programs unfolding in the field of local broadcasting. The research findings revealed significant departures from past production practices, which predominantly revolved around terrestrial broadcasting, as the structural context of broadcasting underwent changes due to entrenched industrial crises, inter-media competition, and policy shifts. Examples of these changes include hybridization of producers, hybridization of platforms, and hybridization of genres. The problem is that, due to the hybridization of broadcast journalism, in-depth current affairs programs that were associated with on-site reporting are being replaced by talk and debate programs produced under unfavorable production conditions. This trend poses a problem as it leads to a reduction in news programs that ensure immediacy, depth, and investigative reporting, while potentially amplifying excessive political discourse or reproducing the voices of local community opinion leaders. In the midst of a news ecosystem layered with platforms, local broadcasting remains one of the key entities responsible for producing quality local information and performing journalism through criticism and oversight. Therefore, in order to derive journalistic practices that align with the phenomenon of hybridization in broadcast journalism, it will be necessary to have sophisticated designs of systems and policies, as well as changes in production practices.

      • KCI등재

        Open access status of journals and articles in Journal Citation Reports

        김상준,박계숙 한국과학학술지편집인협의회 2021 Science Editing Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose There is somewhat of a difference between understanding the open access (OA) concept and practicing it by stakeholders. OA articles are mainly published by gold and hybrid OA journals, but the OA status may be confusing depending on the target databases. This study investigated the OA status of journals and articles and evaluated the extent to which OA2020 (publishing 90% of articles as OA) was achieved. Methods This study collected OA data by combining 2014-2019 data from Journal Citation Reports at the journal level with Web of Science at the article level. Finally, 12,449 journals were analyzed focusing on gold and hybrid OA journals, and progress towards the goal of OA2020 was evaluated. Results Even though 80.4% of Journal Citation Reports journals were gold and hybrid OA journals, only 20.9% of the articles were OA (gold OA journals, 16.6%; hybrid journals, 4.3%). The compound annual growth rate of the total articles was 4.7%, that of OA articles was 16.4%, and that of subscription articles was only 1.7%. Among the subscription journals, 77.4% had shifted to become hybrid journals, but only 5.2% of their articles were OA. Therefore, the hybrid journals were at the very early stage of OA publishing. Conclusion Considerable progress must still be made to achieve the goal of OA2020. The influence of OA publishing will eventually expand and therefore, librarians should take interest in OA publishing for the library services.

      • KCI등재

        「기독교교육정보」학술지의 핵심 가치체계와 학문적 성과에 관한 연구: 2015-2017년 게재논문을 중심으로

        김기숙,한미라 한국기독교교육정보학회 2018 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.57

        This article has been prepared for the 4th continuous evaluation of the academic journal by the Korea Research Foundation. More specifically, it analyzes the core values and scholarly achievements of 117 articles published by the Korea Society of Christian Education & Information Technology (KSCEIT) during the three years from 2015 to 2017. The criteria consisting of 5 core values and 15 sub-values for analyzing the Journal of “Christian Education & Information Technology,” are developed by the editorial committee of the journal of KSCEIT. The five core values of academic journals pursued by the KSCEIT are academic identity, hybrid, practicality, publicness, informativeness. Identity includes the study of basic theories for Christian education. The three sub-values that embody the identity of Christian education are seen as history & tradition, professionalism, and humanness. Since the KSCEIT's genesis in 2000, the concept of hybrid has become one of core values that the Society has pursued. The sub-values that embody hybrid are seen as openness, integration, and innovation. The practicality emphasized by the Society is the application of academic discoveries in the various fields of education. The sub-values are considered as application, realness, and efficiency. Although all academic disciplines claim to pursue a public nature, Christian education considers more preciously of publicness than any academic discipline. The sub-values of as defined in this article is about justice, equality and public interest. Informativeness is the core value emphasized since the establishment of the Society. The sub-values used for evaluating this category are shared-ness, digital contents, and cutting-edged. The findings of this article are as follows. First, since the 3rd evaluation (2011), the balance between theory and practice of the articles published has been improved. The balance ratio between theory and practice of the articles was shown improving: in 2008 9:1, reached 7:3 in 2010, 6:4, in 2014, and 4:6 in 2017. Second, it is a great achievement that interdisciplinary hybrid researches were conducted most during the same period. The professors who contributed to this journal are getting diverse, such as general education, social welfare, business administration, counseling, psychology, and public administration, and nowadays even professors of engineering and medicine are contributing their articles as well. Third, it is another achievement that the scope of education field and practice research is expanding. As a result, in the ratio of educational papers in KSCEIT's Journal, there is a large increase in unclassified education field. This means that there are a lot of papers dealing with a more inclusive field of education than those limited to the conventional Christian education field like church, home, and school. This journal is one of the cutting-edge journals in Korean Christian academics and its fame has been build up and improving as a reliable academic journal enhancing public accountability. Finally, one of the greatest fears in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution might be that “humanities will no longer be able to study humanness.” The quality of this journal is a result of the joint efforts of editors, authors of the last 18 years, and critical readers. In the future, KSCEIT promises to become a leader of the Christian academic community and to raise awareness of these issues. We look forward to hearing good news from the fourth evaluation of the Korea Research Foundation. 본 논문은 두 가지의 목적으로 공동 집필되었다. 첫째, 한국 연구재단의 등재학술지로서의 위상을 유지하기 위해서 한국 기독교교육정보학회가 추구해 온 학술지 정책을 알리기 위해 학술지가 추구하고 있는 핵심 가치들을 명료화하는 것이다. 둘째, 2015년부터 2017년까지 3년 동안 「기독교교육정보」지에 게재된 논문들(117편)의 학문적 성과를 분석하는 것이다. 본 학회의 학술지인 「기독교교육정보」지의 분석준거는, 본 학회의 설립취지로부터 도출된 다섯 개의 핵심가치(정체성, 융합성, 실용성, 공공성, 정보성)와 15개의 하위가치(전통, 전문성, 인성, 개방, 통합, 혁신, 적용성, 현실성, 효율성, 정의, 평등, 공익, 공유, 컨텐츠, 첨단성)로 구성되어 있다. 첫째, 정체성이란 기독교교육을 위한 기초 이론에 대한 연구를 포함하고 있다. 정체성의 핵심가치를 구현하는 하위가치로는 역사와 전통, 전문성, 인성으로 보았다. 둘쨰, 융합성은 2000년 설립 당시부터 본 학회가 추구해왔던 핵심가치에 해당된다. 융합성의 핵심가치를 구현하는 하위가치로는 개방, 통합, 혁신으로 보았다. 셋째, 실용성이란, 학술 논문의 교육현장에서의 적용성(applicability)을 말한다. 하위가치로는 적용성, 현실성, 효율성으로 보았다. 넷째, 모든 학문이 본질적으로 공공성을 추구하고 있듯이, 기독교교육학도 궁극적으로는 인간 공동체의 공공성을 지향함을 강조한다. 본 학술지가 규정한 공공성의 하위가치란 정의, 평등, 공익에 관한 내용에 근거한다. 다섯째, 정보성은 본 학회 설립 당시부터 일관되게 강조하고 있는 기본가치이다. 정보성의 정의는 시대에 변화에 따라 조금씩 최신화 되어야 한다. 본 학회가 이해하고 있는 21세기 정보성은 공유, 컨텐츠, 첨단성에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 최근 3년간 본 학술지 게재논문들의 자체평가에서 발견한 성과는 크게 세 가지로 요약 할 수 있겠다. 첫째, 지난 10년간 한국연구재단의 학술지 계속평가 이후 본 학술지 게재논문들의 이론과 실천의 균형비율은 지속적으로 향상되고 있다. (2008년 이론과 실천의 비율이 1:9, 2010년에 3:7, 그리고 2014년에 4:6, 2017년에는 6:4). 둘째, 학제간 융합연구가 활성화된 것이 커다란 성과라고 평가할 수 있다. 논문을 투고하는 연구자들의 전공을 보면, 교육학, 사회복지, 경영학, 상담학, 심리학, 행정학과 심지어 공학, 의학교수들에 이르기 까지 다양한 학문적 배경을 가지고 있다. 셋째, 투고 논문들이 관련된 교육현장과 연구 결과들의 적용 범위가 확대되고 있는 것이 괄목할 만한 변화이다. 즉, 연구재단의 분류에서는 기타로 분류된 교육현장 영역이 크게 증가하고 있다는 말이다. 기독교교육 연구자들이 교회, 가정, 학교라는 기존의 영역을 넘어 보다 광역의 교육현장에서 연구된 논문들이 많이 게재되고 있음을 의미한다. 끝으로, 지난 18년간 정보성과 융합성을 꾸준히 강조해온 본 학술지, 「기독교육정보」는 기독교계 첨단 학술 저널의 하나로서 공적 책무성을 강화하는 학술지로 자리매김 해가고 있다고 평가 할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 터보 컴프레셔용 복합재료 틸팅 패드 저널 베어링의 특성에 관한 연구

        온승윤(Seung Yoon On),유준일(Jun Il You),김성수(Seong Su Kim) 대한기계학회 2016 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2016 No.12

        A tilting pad journal bearing is employed to turbine, compressor, pump and generator applications because of its high load carrying capacity, excellent stability and service durability at high operation speed than conventional metal journal bearings. For the high performance under sever operating condition, a tilting pad journal bearing should reduce vibration of the overall bearing systems. Therefore, the bearings are designed to have excellent dynamic characteristic. In this work, a hybrid composite tilting pad journal bearing was fabricated using carbon-fiber/epoxy composite to increase the dynamic properties. The modal analysis was performed to investigate dynamic stability of composite tilting pad. The stiffness and damping coefficient of fluid film at hydrodynamic lubrication state were calculated by finite difference method (FDM). To verify the analysis results, the hydrodynamic lubrication tess of the composite and white metal tilting pad journal bearings were conducted using an industrial test bench. As a result, the composite tilting pad journal bearing effectively reduced vibration and increased stability and durability of the bearing systems that the white metal tilting pad journal bearing.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Impact of Open Access Models on Citation Metrics

        Razumova, Irina K.,Kuznetsov, Alexander Korea Institute of Science and Technology Informat 2019 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.7 No.2

        We report results of selection-bias-free approaches to the analysis of the impact of open access (OA) models on citation metrics. We studied reference groups of Gold and Green OA articles and the group of non-OA (Paywall) articles with the new functionality of the Web of Science Core Collection database, the InCites platform of Clarivate Analytics, and the Dimensions database of Digital Science. For each reference group we obtained the values of the percent of cited articles and citation impact and their dependence on the depth of the citation period. Different research fields were analyzed in two schemas of the InCites platform. We report the higher values and growth rates of the citation metrics: citation impact and %Cited, in the OA reference groups over the Paywall group. The Green OA articles demonstrate the highest values of citation metrics among all the OA models. Dependence of the value of citation impact on citation period follows linear law with R2 values close to 0.9-1.0. The overall annual growth rates of citation impact of the Green OA, Gold OA, and the Paywall articles, k equal, respectively, 3.6, 2.4, and 1.4 in Dimensions and 4.6, 3.6, and 2.3 in the Web of Science Core Collection. We suppose that earlier results reported for the articles in pure OA journals vs. articles in Paywall journals were affected by the high citation impact of the Green and Hybrid OA articles that could not be elucidated in the Paywall journals at that time.

      • KCI등재

        『전염병 일지』 혼종 서사 문체 번역의 고려사항들: 인본주의 서사로서의 특징을 중심으로

        서정은 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2023 영미연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본 논문은 18세기 영국 작가 다니엘 디포의 『전염병 일지』가 실증 자료와 그에 대한 가치 평가적 해석, 역사와 허구를 결합한 혼종 서사라는 점에 주목하고 이 서사 양식이 제기하는 번역상 고려사항들을 검토한다. 작품의 화자는 역사적 사실을 왜곡 없이 전달하는 기록자로서의 정체성과 기록의 진위보다 그에 대한 해석과 독자의 정서적 반응을 더 중시하는 논평가/이야기꾼의 정체성을 동시적으로 운용한다. 그리고 그 운용 과정에서 특정한 문체적 특징들을 드러낸다. 본 논문은 어휘 선택, 대명사 사용, 시제 변화 방식에서 나타나는 『전염병 일지』 특유의 문체적 특징이 서사의 사실성과 정서적 감응력을 전략적으로 결합, 운용해야 할 저자의 필요에서 나왔다고 주장한다. 아울러 이 필요가 궁극적으로 인본주의 서사의 목적, 즉 실증 자료를 독자를 계몽하고 그들을 특정한 인본주의적 실천으로 인도하기 위한 정적(affective) 서사 구성 요소로 활용하려는 목적에서 기인한 것임을 논증한다. 마지막으로 이 지향을 구현하는 작품의 문체 특징에 주의를 기울이고 도착 언어에 이를 반영하는 것이 『전염병 일지』 번역의 중요 과제임을 주지하는 한편 기출간된 세 종의 번역본이 논의된 문체적 특징을 어떻게 번역했는지 검토하고 평가한다. Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year has long been recognized as a hybrid narrative that intertwines history and fiction, merging empirical evidence with evaluative interpretations. This paper posits that the hybrid narrative style utilized in the text serves the author's intention to achieve specific humanitarian narrative objectives: employing empirical evidence to enlighten readers and guide them towards interventionist actions. Furthermore, this study conducts an analysis of the stylistic elements within the work that embody this narrative orientation. Emphasis is placed on the author's deliberate choices in vocabulary, the use of pronouns, and shifts in tense. I argue that these stylistic components play important roles in bringing the central theme of the text to life and, therefore, warrant careful consideration in translation into Korean. Lastly, this research examines three published Korean translations of A Journal of the Plague Year to evaluate how effectively they capture these stylistic features in the source language and convey them in the target language.

      • KCI등재

        짝(Pair) 형태의 경사 공급구를 갖는 하이브리드 저널 베어링의 로터 동특성에 관한 수치해석

        김창호,이용복 한국트라이볼로지학회 1997 한국윤활학회지(윤활학회지) Vol.14 No.1

        The stability of a rotor-bearing system supported by swirl-controlled hybrid journal bearing with pair-type angled injection orifices is investigated for improvement of the whirl frequency ratio by allowing effective control of the tangential flow inside the bearing clearance, i.e., by achieving more freedom in controlling strength and direction of the supply tangential flow inside the bearing clearance. It is suggested that the system instability can be improved through the change of bearing dynamic characteristic parameters with the swirl control. The orifice diameter $d_0$ and recess injection angle $\alpha$ along with combinations of swirl/anti-swirl supply pressures and directions (3.0~3.0 MPa, 4.0~2.0 MPa, 2.0~4.0 MPa) are selected for design parameters for swirl-controlled effective factors dependent on journal speeds (3000, 9000, 15000, 21000 rpm). It has been found that the orifice diameter $d_0$ shows strong effects on effective maneuverability of direct-stiffness and direct damping values, while recess injection angle $\alpha$ results in substantial effects on the magnitude and direction of cross-stiffness. Specifically, recess injection parameters which are functions of angle of orifice feeding flow and recess dimensions showed very feasible effect on the stability control of swirl-controlled rotor-bearing system.

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