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        재난관리법제에서의 안전 확보에 관한 고찰 : 한국과 일본의 재난안전관리계획 비교를 중심으로

        황지혜(Hwang Jihye) 유럽헌법학회 2021 유럽헌법연구 Vol.- No.37

        재난은 자연재난과 사회재난으로 나뉜다. 코로나 19 팬데믹은 사회재난이고, 집중호우의 피해는 자연재난이다. 전자와 후자는 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」, 「자연재해대책법」 등 각각 개별 법률들을 가지고 있다. 이러한 재난들을 통합적으로 예방하고, 발생한 재난으로부터 주민들을 보호하기 위하여 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」을 제정하여 재난에 대처하고 있다(2004년 제정, 2021년 최신 개정). 이 기본법의 중요 사항은, 적절하게 재난에 대처하기 위해, 어떻게 재난을 예방하고 대응할지를 미리 정하도록 재난안전관리계획(「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」에서는 “안전관리계획”이라고 하고 있으나, 건축이나 다른 분야에서도 안전관리계획이란 용어를 많이 사용하기 때문에, 혼동을 방지하기 위해 본문에서는 “재난안전관리계획”이라 한다)을 수립하도록 하고 있다(동법 제22조-제25조). 재난안전관리계획이 적절하게 수립되어야 체계적으로 재난에 대처할 수 있어 매우 중요한 위치를 차지하는 제도이다. 재난안전관리계획을 수립할 때, 행정주체만이 계획을 수립하는 기존의 절차로는 적절하게 재난을 관리하는 데 한계를 가지게 되었다. 재난의 규모가 커지고 있고, 재난이 발생하는 횟수도 늘어나고 있어서 재난에 적절하게 대응하기 위해서는, 무엇보다도 각 지역의 특성을 반영한 재난안전관리계획을 수립할 필요가 있다. 따라서 그 지역의 특성을 잘 알고, 재난으로 직접 피해를 입는 주민이 계획 수립에 참여할 필요가 있다. 그러나 현행법상의 재난안전관리계획 수립 절차에서는, 주민이 참여할 수 있는 절차를 입법 차원에서 마련하고 있지 않아, 주민의 안전 확보에 어려움이 있다. 본 논문의 목적은, 재난으로부터 보다 효과적으로 국민의 안전을 확보하는 재난안전관리계획을 수립하기 위해, 주민이 계획 수립 절차에 참여할 수 있는 방안에 대한 연구이다. 이 목적을 위해 일본의 재해대책기본법상의 재난안전관리계획과의 비교법적 연구를 시도하고자 한다. 일본을 비교법 대상 국가로 하는 이유는, 일본은 이미 2011년 동일본대지진이라는 대규모 재난을 경험했고, 이 경험을 바탕으로 하여 재난안전관리계획 수립 시 주민이 참여할 수 있는 절차를 마련하고 있기 때문이다. 이렇게 재난안전관리계획을 수립하는 때에 주민이 참여할 수 있는 방안을 마련함으로써, 재난으로부터 보다 체계적으로 주민을 보호할 수 있는 것이 기대된다. Two kinds of disasters are dealt with in the disaster control law COVID-19 Pandemic is social disaster while a downpour of rain is natural disaster. For natural disaster control, we have Countermeasures Against Natural Disaster Act; for social disaster, Infectious Disease Control And Prevention Act. And we have the Framework Act On The Management of Disasters And Safety of 2021 as an umbrella law where the most important clause is on the safety management plan. Disaster safety management plans , which play an important role in protecting residents from disasters, have limitations in properly managing disasters as existing procedures for only administrative entities to establish plans. This is because the scale of disasters is growing, and the number of disasters is increasing. In order to appropriately respond to changes in the size and frequency of disasters, it is necessary to establish a disaster safety management plan that reflects the characteristics of each region. To reflects the characteristics of each region, it is necessary for residents who know the characteristics of the region well to participate in the planning procedure. However, the establishment procedure of the current disaster safety management plan does not provide a procedure for residents to participate, ultimately making it difficult to secure the safety of residents. Therefore, this paper suggests ways for residents to participate in the planning procedure in order to make a disaster safety management plan that more effectively secures the safety of the people from disasters. To discuss to ways for residents to participate in the planning procedure, it would like to attempt a comparative study with Japanese disaster safety management plan . The reason why this paper selects Japan as object of comparative study is that Japan has already experienced a large-scale disaster called the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, and based on this experience, residents are preparing procedures to participate in the disaster safety management plan . It is expected that residents can be more systematically protected from disasters by preparing measures to participate in the establishment of such a disaster safety management plan.

      • KCI등재후보

        토사재해 저감 도시설계 사례검토 및 국내 적용방안 연구

        이윤상,김효진,진규남,Lee, Yoon-Sang,Kim, Hyo-Jin,Jin, Kyu-Nam 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2017 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.8 No.3

        Recently, as a part of measures against large-scale natural disasters in Korea, disaster prevention matters are strengthened in urban planning. With the introduction of the disaster vulnerability analysis system, plans for disaster prevention are being reinforced in urban planning. However, there are many problems to be solved at the stage of operation and practical application of the law. When disasters occur, we are focusing on response and recovery plans. Therefore, it is not enough to construct a comprehensive disaster prevention system to prevent disasters in advance. The established disaster prevention plan is difficult to plan management centered on disaster prevention due to factors such as economic efficiency, convenience, and comfort. This study is a basic study for supporting disaster prevention mitigation plan. For this purpose, the analysis of the actual situation of disaster prevention plan at home and abroad and improvement plan were derived. ased on these improvement plans, we have developed a method to apply the element technology of urban design to the test bed to reduce sediment disaster. The test bed was investigated and examined in the disaster hazard area of Busan and Seongnam city. And the defense technology is applied to the selected site, and the basis of the disaster prevention plan and design is proposed. If the proven techniques are reflected from the urban planning stage, it will be possible to contribute to the mitigation of sediment disaster caused by the city.

      • KCI등재

        도서관과 기록관의 자연재난 대비 계획수립 핵심 요소 고찰

        이상백 한국비블리아학회 2019 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        This study reviewed important elements that should be considered in developing natural disaster plan in libraries and archives. In Korea, research on natural disaster planning in libraries and archives was rarely conducted. Therefore, it was necessary to study and analyse overseas literature for natural disaster preparedness planning. The key elements for establishing a natural disaster preparedness plan commonly identified in overseas research can be divided into six factors. ‘The disaster preparedness committee and roles of staff’ should be designated for starting disaster preparedness, and ‘Risks’ vulnerable to disaster should be assessed and managed in advance. A ‘Handbook for immediate response’ should be produced for all employees to respond promptly in the event of disaster, and ‘Recovery and business continuity plan’ should be reviewed for strategic recovery based on disaster scale and return to work after disaster. Also, in order to strengthen the capacity of all staff related to disaster preparedness and to improve plan for disaster, ‘Training’ is needed, and ‘Cooperation activities’ between related organisations should be taken into consideration in order to obtain various perspectives for disaster preparedness and to cope with and recover from large-scale disasters. This study can help Korean libraries and archives to establish natural disaster preparedness plan for serious natural disaster that can likely occur in the future. 이 연구는 한국의 도서관과 기록관이 자연 재난 대비 계획을 수립하는 데 참고해야 하는 핵심 요소 검토를 목적으로 진행하였다. 국내에서는 그간 도서관과 기록관의 자연 재난 대비 계획과 관련한 연구가 충분히 진행되지 않았기 때문에 국외에서 폭넓게 진행된 선행연구를 조사하고 분석하였다. 그 결과 국외 연구에서 공통으로 확인되는 재난 대비 계획 수립을 위한 핵심 요소는 크게 6가지로 종합할 수 있었다. 먼저 재난 대비 계획의 시작을 위해서 ‘재난 대비 위원회가 조직되고 업무가 분담’되어야 하며, 재난에 취약한 ‘위험은 미리 평가되고 관리’ 되어야 한다. 또한 모든 직원이 재난 발생 시 ‘즉각적으로 대응하기 위한 핸드북’이 마련되어야 하며, 재난 발생 후 재난 규모에 따른 전략적 복구와 업무 복귀를 위한 ‘복구 및 업무 연속성 계획’이 검토되어야 한다. 그리고 직원의 재난 대처 역량과 재난 대비 계획을 강화하기 위해서 ‘훈련’이 필요하며, 재난 대비에 관한 다양한 관점을 확보하고 대규모 재난 대응과 복구 대비를 위해서 관련 기관 간 ‘협력 활동’도 고려되어야 한다. 이 논문이 향후 국내 도서관과 기록관의 재난대비 계획수립 검토에 일조하기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Improvement Plan of Framework Act on the Management of DISASTERS and Safety for Effective Evacuation Strategies in South Korea

        Junho Choi,Chongsoo Cheung,Dongkwan Lee J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: Framework act on the management of disasters and safety is the highest law covering disasters and safety in South Korea. Disaster management infrastructure has been expanded through the enactment and revision of the Framework act on the management of disasters and safety. However, there is still a high awareness that disaster management should be led by the administration. In the modern society, where self-help is emphasized above all else in the event of a disaster, it is difficult to expect effective disaster response through administrative initiative alone. This study intends to review measures to improve Framework act on the management of disasters and safety through evacuation that enables the primary victims, the residents, to respond to disasters most effectively. Method: The items such as enhancement of disaster site response capacity and emphasis on the role of local governments in disaster and safety management , which were newly revised in 2015, were reviewed. The problems of the current Disaster Safety Act were reviewed from three perspectives: Incomplete disaster prevention administration in case of a disaster , Various aspects of local residents for evacuation , and Insufficient structure of public-private cooperative system for evacuation . Results: First, it is necessary to recognize the incompleteness of disaster prevention administration during a disaster. Rather than increasing dependence on the administration, improvement should be made with the direction of how the residents can increase their independence and self-reliance. Second, the evacuation order should be improved to be ‘situational information’ that informs residents that they are in a situation that makes them think of evacuation, rather than ‘action directive type’. Third, the Framework act on the management of disasters and safety should stipulate in detail the establishment and reinforcement of public-private cooperation networks that utilize the capabilities of residents. Conclusion: For effective evacuation in the event of a large-scale disaster, the response capacity between various actors in the local community must be quickly aggregated. In addition, through improvement of the Disaster Safety Act in the future, the evacuation plan should start with reestablishing the relationship between the administration and residents. Residents should be aware of their own role for evacuation, and the administration should have a system that can support it as much as possible.

      • 한국의 재난관리대책

        유인술 한양대학교 의과대학 2015 Hanyang Medical Reviews Vol.35 No.3

        In response to modern events, every nation endeavors to develop plans to meet the challenges of disasters, but it is not possible to be prepared for every event and the ability to respond adequately is often limited. In the Republic of Korea, national disaster response efforts are defined by the Korea Basic Law for Disaster and Safety Management of 2004 and the establishment of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) provides a framework for a holistic disaster prevention and recovery plan. However, the tragedy involving the sinking of the Sewol ferry in 2014 revealed a number of flaws in the current Korean disaster response system. In response to the shortcomings demonstrated in the Sewol incident, both NEMA and the Korean Coast Guard dissolved and the Korean disaster response system is being revised under the creation of the new Ministry of Public Safety and Security. However, the current national disaster management system still has many significant underlying and systematic problems that must be addressed. First, there is confusion concerning the responsible governmental organizations that will handle the various aspects of a comprehensive disaster management plan. Second, the relationships between the laws and government organizations involving planning, managing and reporting are in a vertical relationship, while the entities responsible for the actual response efforts exist in a horizontal relationship. This organizational limitation results in a slowdown of communication and confusion between the responsible parties. Thirdly, and consequently, there is a significant lack of unity and organization between the many organization responsible for disaster response. Finally, an efficient, accurate database of resources available to meet disasters remains to be developed. These and other limitations reveal that there is a significant amount of work that remains in order for Korea to have the same level of disaster response system of other developed nations.

      • KCI등재

        도시기본계획의 방재도시계획 운용실태에 관한 연구

        문채(Moon Chai) 한국지역개발학회 2015 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.27 No.5

        Disaster prevention in urban planing has become more important, and the notions of disaster prevention is being introduced in the formal urban plan such as city master plan. It is clearly evident that the disaster prevention in urban planning has become more prevalent. Yet, there are still some limitations for the implementation of disaster preventing urban plan. This study mainly aims to suggest future directions of disaster preventing urban plan. To do so, it conducts a case study on operational status of disaster preventing urban plan in Gyeonggi province, Korea, the region where cities and different types of rural area, such as agricultural, mountainous, and fishing villages coexist. This research investigates the city master plan of Gyeonggi province and examines how the disaster preventing urban plan is implemented and linked with other sectoral plans such as land use plan and open space plan. Then, this study concludes with the following suggestions : the diversification of the type of disasters being considered, the integration of the analysis of current status and the contents of the plan, the specification of the contents of the plan, and the connection with related sectoral plans such as land use and open space plans.

      • KCI등재

        도시재생 활성화 기반 수해 피해 저감 계획에 관한 연구 - 향림마을 사례를 중심으로 -

        백지원 ( Baik Jiwon ),신은기 ( Cinn Eumgee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) Recently, as the number of disasters and complex disasters continues to increase due to climate change, the concept of resilience has been introduced in the disaster prevention sector to reduce damage. Disaster resilience is defined as the ability to pursue continuous transition from external threats and stress in the city through self-healing and learning. In particular, underdeveloped urban spaces have a disaster-prone environment and thus, they have weak resilience and are expected to suffer great damage. Although the nation is currently undergoing urban regeneration projects due to outdated urban improvement projects, there is no plan to cope with disasters. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the urban regeneration revitalization plan in response to the worst storm and flood damages in our country as well as propose future applicable planning factors. (Method) The research targets will be the Hyanglim Village Regeneration Project, selected as an urban regeneration project site in 2017 in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul due to suffering the most from storms and floods. First, the planning elements are derived comprehensively from overseas advanced cases in which detailed plans for climate execution are formulated in response to storm and flood damages. Second, among the plans for the regeneration projects, the plan for reducing flood damage is analyzed. Finally, after figuring out how the plan was analyzed based on the planning factors derived from the advanced cases is reflected, the improvement plan for reducing flood damage in the future urban regeneration revitalization plan is proposed. (Results) The project was reclassified into a facility creation project and an operation program project according to the goals and areas of regeneration of the Hyanglim Village Regeneration Project. It was also confirmed that all related projects aimed to reduce flood damage. In the case of facility development projects, both physical regeneration and program operation have been combined; therefore, all plans for physical environment improvement and program operation are being implemented to reduce flood damage. However, it is necessary to present an integrated approach as a fundamental solution as the planning elements applied in the comparative analysis of advanced cases are judged to be limited. (Conclusions) The research analyzed the urban regeneration revitalization plan in terms of flood damage reduction and identified the current locations for the projects. Accordingly, a measure was proposed to incorporate values such as sustainability, reduction of disaster risk, or improvement of resilience into urban regeneration projects. Furthermore, it was proposed to enhance the effectiveness of disaster prevention projects by ensuring the participation of local residents and interested parties from the planning stage.

      • KCI등재

        병원재난대책과 재난의학

        임경수 대한의사협회 2014 대한의사협회지 Vol.57 No.9

        In general, the disaster rescue team should do their work within 1 to 2 hours after disaster, and disaster medical assistanceteam (DMAT) should care the victims at disaster site within 3 to 6 hours. Since about 10 years ago, world healthorganization, world meteorological organization, and world congress of disaster emergency medicine emphasized thateach countries should complete the disaster plan on ‘chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosivesʼ (CBRNE)disaster. After these warnings, the most of countries has strengthened the hospital disaster plan, and also organizeddisaster services system such as DMAT, hazardous material information system, and others. In Korea, the most of tertiaryhospitals can not operate hospital disaster plan effectively, and the government did not support hospitals on disasterplan politically and financially. As a result, only a small number of hospitals is operating DMAT, and a few hospitalcompleted CBRNE disaster preparedness such as disaster drill, personal protective equipments, decontamination set. Thepoison information center that control information on hazardous material is not established yet, and most physicianscan not get information on chemicals, biologics and other hazardous materials when CBRNE disaster occur. To operateeffective disaster plan, each hospitals should modernize the disaster plan on internal disaster, external disaster, andCBRNE disaster. The government should support hospitals to keep DMAT and special preparedness on CBRNE disaster. When CBRNE disaster strikes, the poison information center should expand their capability to provide information onthe various kinds of hazardous materials.

      • KCI등재

        Long-term Disaster Recovery Plan in Japan and US: Policy Implications of Natural Disaster Recovery Plan in Korea

        So Yeon Kim,Jeong Won Lee,Hag Yeol Kim 위기관리 이론과 실천 2017 Crisisonomy Vol.13 No.3

        이 연구는 국외 장기복구계획을 중심으로 장기복구계획의 수립체계와 구성 및 내용적 특징에 대하 여 개괄적으로 고찰하고, 향후 우리나라의 장기복구계획의 수립방향 및 정책적 함의를 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 일본과 미국은 다수의 대규모 재난을 경험하며 장기복구계획의 필요성을 인식하여 왔다. 이에 양국은 장기복구계획 수립을 위한 제도적 정비를 실시하고 지역의 중장기계획을 반영한 장기복구계획을 수립함으로써 지속적인 지역발전을 모색하고 있다. 또한 국외 장기복구계획은 지역 차원의 종합적⋅실행중심적 성격을 띠고 있으며, 사후의 장기계획을 위한 사전적 검토를 실시하여, 재난 발생 후 신속하고 효과적인 복구가 가능하도록 하고 있다. 이에 따라 국내 복구계획에 관련하 여 첫째, 복구 및 복구계획의 개념 확장, 둘째, 타 영역과 연계된 종합적⋅실행중심적 성격의 장기복 구계획의 필요성, 셋째, 지속가능성을 위한 사전적 장기복구계획의 필요성 등을 개선방향으로 제시 하였다. The purpose of this study is to derive policy implications and recommendations for long-term recovery plan (LTRP) based on the analysis of the planning system, contents, and characteristics of the disaster recovery plan in Japan and US. While experiencing several large-scale disasters, these two countries have perceived LTRP as essential. They amended the legal systems and management guidelines for building up their LTRPs incorporating regional long-term comprehensive plans, which could facilitate sustainable regional development. Their LTRPs are characterized as holistic, comprehensive, and action-oriented. In addition, they required pre-disaster recovery implementation for the post-disaster long-term recovery plan, which enabled their recovery process immediate and efficient. The policy implications for natural disaster recovery plan in Korea from these two countries are summarized as follows: (1) expanding the concept of recovery and the scope of recovery plan, (2) making a comprehensive and action-oriented LTRP reflecting various other sectors, and (3) ensuring sustainability through pre-disaster planning.

      • KCI등재후보

        세월호사고원인과 빅데이터 해양방재정보화연구

        이상윤(Sang Yun Lee),윤홍주(Hong Joo Yoon) 한국전자통신학회 2016 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        최근 들어 본격적으로 스마트사회가 시작되고 유비쿼터스 시대로 진입하는 등 정보통신기술의 급격한 변화에 따른 새로운 패러다임의 도래는 빅데이터 해양방재정보화 측면에서 주목할 만한 전환점이 되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 미래예측방법으로 많이 활용되고 있는 시나리오 플래닝 방법론을 적용하여 세월호사건과 같은 해양재난에 대한 대비책으로서 ICT해양방재시스템 개발 측면에서 빅데이터 해양방재정보화에 대한 바람직한 미래상을 도출하였다. 곧 더욱 진화될 스마트사회와 유비쿼터스 시대에 합당한 해양방재정보화의 상대적 미래우위전략을 찾고자, 빅데이터 행정공간정보화시스템을 제안하였으며, 세월호 사건의 재발을 방지하기 위한 목적에서 성공적인 빅데이터 해양방재정보화 전략을 도출하였다. 결국 빅데이터와 빅데이터시스템 활용이 더욱 심화될 2030년 무렵에 우리나라의 해양방재정보화 수준이 지금보다 수준 높은 위상을 확립하기 위해서는 앞으로 세월호사건을 예방할 차원의 선진적인 빅데이터 행정공간정보화시스템 마련이 중요하다. In recent years, our society, because of the arrival of a new paradigm according to the rapid changes in ICT has entered into future smart society and the ubiquitous era. So it can be a notable turning point in the marine disaster prevention system with big data, aspects of the era change. Therefore, this study was to derive a desirable vision for the big data marine disaster prevention informatization in terms of ICT maritime disaster prevention system development as preparedness for the maritime disaster by applying scenario planning as a foresight method. Soon this study derived a successful marine disaster prevention informatization strategy as preparedness for the maritime disaster like Ferry Sewol Disaster. It proposed the big data marine disaster prevention informatization system with the use of the administrative aspects of information with spatial informatization as big data information. Also this study explored the future leadership strategy of the big data marine disaster prevention informatization in smart society. Eventually in 2030 to around, In order to still remain our marine disaster prevention informatization as a leading ICT nation, this study suggested the following strategy. It is important to ready the advanced Big Data administrative spatial informatization system In terms of prevention of incidents like Ferry Sewol Disaster.

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