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      • KCI등재

        A Reapplication of Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development to Female Identity Development

        Hong, Ri Wha 한국실천신학회 2015 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.45

        My principal concern in this essay is a reapplication of Erik Erikson’s developmental theory to female identity development in terms of his psychosocial theory, evaluating the feminist application regarding women’s connectedness. Erikson describes human development in his eight-stage theory of life cycle development. Based upon this theoretical framework, Erikson poses the matter of identity in the fifth stage of identity versus identity confusion as more central than in any of the other eight stages. In his view, the process of identity formation is linear in his epigenetic principle, and thus, a sense of identity may be achieved before the next stage of intimacy versus isolation. However, some feminist researchers criticize Erikson’s identity developmental model as being conceived in terms of male development, not female development. They may raise a question of whether Erikson’s consideration of female identity development can show that women’s identity development is inferior to men’s development. They focus on women’s interpersonal relatedness or connectedness, regarding intimacy, which has been over looked as a crucial issue in female identity development. Nevertheless, on the basis of Josselson’s four pathways to identity formation, I examine that women’s connectedness may vary to some extent, regarding their identity formation and development, and that these differences can be largely derived from the discontinuity between traditional values and changing values amidst social changes. Therefore, Erikson’s suggestion for female identity development needs to be reconsidered in terms of the connection between social changes and female identity formation, on the basis of his psychosocial perspective of identity and social validation. This work must be helpful to understand women’s identity in this socio-cultural context, and even in Christianity, and to probe pastoral counseling for women on the psychological theoretical basis.

      • KCI등재

        중도중복장애학생의 학습경로 발달 특성 탐색: 인지, 의사소통 및 타인과의 상호작용, 환경 및 사물과의 상호작용을 중심으로

        송만호,김지연,박경옥 한국특수교육학회 2023 특수교육학연구 Vol.58 No.2

        This study aimed to identify the current developmental state and features of students in special schools who have severe and multiple disabilities. This examination was conducted at six special schools for students with multiple disabilities around the nation, Data from 349 students was collected to meet the study’s goals. SPSS 26.00 and Mplus 8.3 were used to analyze the data acquired to determine the students’ cognition, communication, and interaction with others, and interactions with the environment and objects. The results of this analysis displayed that, first, the students showed the highest level of development in the first developmental indicators of each domain: Theme C (response to repetitive patterns), Theme B (response to people), Theme A (response to stimuli), and Theme J (behavior to attract the attention of others). Second, 12 themes (factors) which acted as latent variables were able to appropriately account for the 42 developmental indicators of the learning pathway: additionally it was discovered that the three subthemes developed in a particular order. The developmental characteristics, implications, and assessment potential of students with severe and multiple disabilities were reviewed in light of these aforementioned findings.

      • KCI등재

        A Reapplication of Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development to Female Identity Development

        홍이화 한국실천신학회 2015 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.45

        My principal concern in this essay is a reapplication of Erik Erikson’s developmental theory to female identity development in terms of his psychosocial theory, evaluating the feminist application regarding women’s connectedness. Erikson describes human development in his eight-stage theory of life cycle development. Based upon this theoretical framework, Erikson poses the matter of identity in the fifth stage of identity versus identity confusion as more central than in any of the other eight stages. In his view, the process of identity formation is linear in his epigenetic principle, and thus, a sense of identity may be achieved before the next stage of intimacy versus isolation. However, some feminist researchers criticize Erikson’s identity developmental model as being conceived in terms of male development, not female development. They may raise a question of whether Erikson’s consideration of female identity development can show that women’s identity development is inferior to men’s development. They focus on women’s interpersonal relatedness or connectedness, regarding intimacy, which has been over looked as a crucial issue in female identity development. Nevertheless, on the basis of Josselson’s four pathways to identity formation, I examine that women’s connectedness may vary to some extent, regarding their identity formation and development, and that these differences can be largely derived from the discontinuity between traditional values and changing values amidst social changes. Therefore, Erikson’s suggestion for female identity development needs to be reconsidered in terms of the connection between social changes and female identity formation, on the basis of his psychosocial perspective of identity and social validation. This work must be helpful to understand women’s identity in this socio-cultural context, and even in Christianity, and to probe pastoral counseling for women on the psychological theoretical basis.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 사회발전경로에 관한 이론적 소고

        서문기(Suh, Moon-Gi) 숭실대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 사회과학논총 Vol.18 No.-

        사회구성원의 삶의 질과 행복을 전제로 하는 지속가능한 사회발전이 미래의 청사진이라면, 그 단초는 사회의 구조적 원리와 세계사적 흐름을 반영하여 사회발전의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 차원이 함께 가는 새로운 통합모델에서 찾을 수 있다. 국가주도형 경제성장과 시민사회형 삶의 질이라는 발전양식의 갈림길에서 한국사회는 발전모델의 유용성과 효율성을 둘러싸고 여전히 뜨거운 논란의 중심에 서 있으며, 발전의 함수관계에 대한 분석틀을 요구하고 있다. 이와 같은 맥락에서 이 글은 한국의 사회발전경로를 진단하고 향후 발전의 핵심요소로서 문화적 가치체계와 IT의 역할을 천착하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 (1) 이념지향, (2) 분석수준, (3) 발전영역의 세 가지 차원에 대한 논의를 바탕으로 발전모델에서 문화적 가치체계의 중요성을 제시한다. 분석결과, 한국 사회발전의 원동력은 문화적 역동성과 독창성에 있으며 문화산업과 문화자본의 기반을 확립하고 세계화 및 정보화 과정을 통해 문화적 교류를 확산시킬 필요가 있다. 둘째로 한국사회의 발전경로는 IT 혁명에 의해 문화적 가치체계와 기술적 성격이 결합함으로써 미래 발전을 추진하는 데 필수적인 요소가 될 수 있다는 것을 잘 보여준다. 셋째로 문화상대주의 및 다원주의 관점을 수용하여 서구의 자(自)민족중심주의 틀에서 벗어나는 길이 향후 사회발전과정에서 중요한 토양이라고 할 수 있다. Although Korea has a resource-strapped experience with the devastation of the Korean War, the country has been regarded as a successful pathway from the periphery to the core via the semi-periphery in a very short time period. While this transformation contains not only economic growth but also democratization and the quality of life, the compressed development raises some important questions: to what extent the Korean story can be accounted for? What really covers beneath the surface of the economic miracle? Much ink has been spilt in an effort to answer these provoking riddles by focusing on cultural residues and the role of IT as the driving engine of development. This study presents the basic matrix of three analytical dimensions in which developmental pathways can be revealed: ideology, analytical level, developmental arena. The power shift from state-sponsored growth to the quest for quality of life has taken the luster off the developmental model, though whether the previous model has outlived its effectiveness remains a matter of intense controversy. Despite the contrasting views, at the roots of Korean success story lie the dynamics of culture and its response to impacts of new IT development. A Korean culture that stresses creativity and hybrid ways of thinking, as well as its traditional catch up attitude, will be necessary for the country to pursue future development with the IT innovation.

      • KCI등재

        Transcriptome explores changes in gene expression profile contributed by Camellia sinensis (L.) in Apis cerana cerana and Apis mellifera ligustica

        Zhao Dongxu,Chen Daoyin,Su Xiaoling,Zhang Xiaojun,Liu Yanjie 한국응용곤충학회 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.25 No.3

        Camellia sinensis (L.) is widely cultivated in China and other countries as an economically important tree and supplies unique nutrients to ensure the development of Apis cerana cerana and Apis mellifera ligustica colonies in early spring in southern China. A. c. cerana was domesticated in China many years ago and exhibits a smaller body size, smaller colony size and some distinct physiology and behavior compared to A. m. ligustica. Here, to explore the changes in gene expression induced by C. sinensis in A. c. cerana and A.m. ligustica, we performed transcriptomic analysis of the 1 st -instar, 5 th -instar, 1 st -adult and 7 th -adult stages of the two species fed the nectar and pollen of C. sinensis. A total of 489, 1190, 991 and 243 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in the four developmental stages of A. m. ligustica, and 995, 2785, 1513 and 213 DEGs were found in the cor responding stages of A. c. cerana. The changes in the gene expression profile were more significant in the 5 th -instar and 1 st -adult. Furthermore, the upregulated genes in the 5 th -instar and 1 st -adult were mainly enriched in pathways involved in growth- and development-related pathway: Hippo signaling pathway. In addition to the upregulated DEGs, growth- and development-related pathways, including the Wnt signaling pathway, Hedgehog signaling pathway-fly, and FoxO signaling pathway, were enriched in A. c. cerana. Finally, we hypothesized that C. sinensis pollen is beneficial to the growth and development of honeybees and give rise to diverse corresponding regulation to A. c. cerana than to A. m. ligustica.

      • KCI등재

        세포내 소기관과 물질대사의 관점에서 오이 떡잎의 발달

        김대재(Dae-Jae Kim) 한국생명과학회 2021 생명과학회지 Vol.31 No.8

        오이 씨앗의 발아는 세포의 지방체내 저장지방의 분해 결과인 acyl-CoA의 글라이옥시좀으로 이동 후 베타 산화의 결과물인 acetyl-CoA의 글라이옥실산 회로로의 유입과 지방의 유동으로 촉발된다. Acetyl-CoA는 글라이옥실산 회로의 가동을 위한 탄소원을 제공하며 시트르산과 말산을 생성하며 글라이옥실산 회로의 작동을 유도한다. 지방 저장 종자의 발아에 있어서 글라이옥실산 회로는 필수적 요소이며, 그 결과물인 말산 및 숙신산의 미토콘드리아로의 이동은 TCA 회로의 가동과 옥살초산의 생성 및 세포질로의 유동으로 PEPCK에 의한 당신생을 가능하게 한다. 즉, 저장 지방을 원료로 여러 대사물질의 생산 및 이동과 다중의 대사경로를 통하여 발아 시 사용 가능한 에너지원인 포도당의 형태로 전환이 이루어진다. 이에 동반하여 많은 유전자의 발현 조절이 이루어지고, 세포내 소기관 특히 미소체로 대표되는 글라이옥시좀은 말산 합성효소(malate synthase)와 이소 시트르산 분해효소(isocitrate lyase)로 특화된다. 또 다른 acetyl-CoA의 유동은 carnitine을 매개로 하는 BOU (A BOUT DE SOUFFLE)의 작동이다. 이것은 카니틴의 대사와 관련하여 고등식물의 발달과 대사과정에서의 중요성이 확인된 것으로 사료된다. The germination of cucumber seeds begins with the degradation of reserved oil to fatty acids within the lipid body, which are then further metabolized to acyl-CoA. The acyl-CoA moves from the lipid body to the glyoxysome following β-oxidation for the production of acetyl-CoA. As an initial carbon source supplier, acetyl-CoA is an essential molecule in the glyoxylate cycle within the glyoxysome, which produces the metabolic intermediates of citrate and malate, among others. The glyoxylate cycle is a necessary metabolic pathway for oil seed plant germination because it produces the metabolic intermediates for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and for gluconeogenesis, such as the oxaloacetate, which moves to the cytosol for the initiation of gluconeogenesis by phophoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). Following reserved oil mobilization, the production and transport of various metabolic intermediates are involved in the coordinated operation and activation of multiple metabolic pathways to supply directly usable carbohydrate in the form of glucose. Furthermore, corresponding gene expression regulation compatibly transforms the microbody to glyoxysome, which contains the organelle-specific malate synthase (MS) and isocitrate lyase (ICL) enzymes during oil seed germination. Together with glyoxylate cycle, carnitine, which mediates the supplementary route of the acetyl-CoA transport mechanism via the mitochondrial BOU (A BOUT DE SOUFFLE) system, possibly plays a secondary role in lipid metabolism for enhanced plant development.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of Cucurbita maxima Fruit Metabolomic Profiling and Transcriptome to Reveal Fruit Quality and Ripening Gene Expression Patterns

        He-Xun Huang,Ting Yu,Jun-Xing Li,Shu-Ping Qu,왕만만,Ting-Quan Wu,Yu-Juan Zhong 한국식물학회 2019 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.62 No.3

        Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) fruit is the importantdietary source of carotenoid and is known for the goodflavour and texture due to the accumulation of sugar andstarch. However, lack of transcriptional information hindersour understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlyingfruit quality attributes and nutrition in C. maxima. To provideinsight into transcriptional regulation of fruit quality formationof C. maxima, quality analysis and high-throughput RNAsequencing of fruits at different developing stages werecharacterized. The quality analyses consist of dry mattervalues, percent soluble solids, carotenoid contents, and starchand sugar contents in seven stages of fruit development. Fruit transcriptome of C. maxima at five stages throughoutdevelopment was assembled to elucidate the molecularregulation of fruit development. Almost 18 billion nucleotidebases were sequenced in total, and 48,471 unigenes weredetected. A total of 32,397 (66.8%) unigenes were identifiedto be differentially expressed. We found there was a correlationbetween ripening-associated transcripts and metabolites andthe functions of regulating genes. KEGG analysis showedthere are multiple transcripts enriched in starch, sugar, carotenoid,plant hormone signal transduction and pectin pathways andseveral pathways regulating quality formation were identified. Candidate genes involving in sugar, starch, pectin, fruitsoftening and carotenoid metabolism in fruit were firstlyidentified for the species of C. maxima. Combining the sugar, starch and carotenoid accumulating patterns duringfruit development, a series of possible rate limiting geneswere identified. These findings will provide valuable informationfor further studies regarding fruit quality and development.


        A novel role of Hippo-Yap/TAZ signaling pathway in lymphatic vascular development

        ( Boksik Cha ) 생화학분자생물학회 2021 BMB Reports Vol.54 No.6

        The lymphatic vasculature plays important role in regulating fluid homeostasis, intestinal lipid absorption, and immune surveillance in humans. Malfunction of lymphatic vasculature leads to several human diseases. Understanding the fundamental mechanism in lymphatic vascular development not only expand our knowledge, but also provide a new therapeutic insight. Recently, Hippo-YAP/TAZ signaling pathway, a key mechanism of organ size and tissue homeostasis, has emerged as a critical player that regulate lymphatic specification, sprouting, and maturation. In this review, we discuss the mechanistic regulation and pathophysiological significant of Hippo pathway in lymphatic vascular development. [BMB Reports 2021; 54(6): 285-294]

      • KCI등재

        Biosynthesis, physiology, and functions of hydroxycinnamic acid amides in plants

        Donah Mary Macoy,김외연,이상열,김민갑 한국식물생명공학회 2015 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.9 No.5

        The study of hydroxycinnamic acid amides (HCAAs) which are a group of secondary metabolites has been an interesting one and has become one of the important researches at present. Accumulation of several plant amides was detected in various plants, which play important role in plant growth and development. This paper aims to review the biosynthesis, physiology, and functions of HCAA accumulation in plants during plant growth and development as well as in response to senescence and drought stress. HCAAs are secondary metabolites derived from phenylalanine and tyrosine pathway. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and 4-coumarate CoA ligase (4CL) hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:tyramine N-(hydroxycinnamoyl) transferase (THT) and tyrosine decarboxylase (TyDC) are essential enzymes for HCAA biosynthesis. HCAAs contribute to many developmental processes as well as plant responses against biotic and abiotic stress responses. However, there is a need to specifically investigate the role of many HCAAs in view of plant molecular biology since it is still not fully conceptualized and explained at present.

      • KCI등재

        Classic and backdoor pathways of androgen biosynthesis in human sexual development

        Lee Hyun Gyung,Kim Chan Jong 대한소아내분비학회 2022 Apem Vol.27 No.2

        Both genes and hormones regulate human sexual development. Although ovarian hormones are not essential for female external genitalia development, male sexual development requires the action of testicular testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the most active endogenous androgen formed by the conversion of testosterone in genital skin. This synthesis route from cholesterol to DHT is called the conventional classic pathway. Recent investigations have reported an alternative ("backdoor") route for DHT formation that bypasses fetal testicular testosterone. This alternative route plays a crucial role in human hyperandrogenic disorders like congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by P450c21 deficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, and P450 oxidoreductase deficiency. In addition, mutations in AKR1C2 and AKR1C4, genes encoding 3α-reductases, have been implicated in disorders of sexual development, indicating that both the classic and backdoor routes are required for normal human male sexual development. More recently, androsterone was found to be the primary androgen of the human backdoor route. Androsterone and steroidal substrates specific to the backdoor route are predominantly found in the placenta, liver, and adrenal glands rather than in the testes. These findings are essential to understanding human sexual development.

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