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      • KCI등재

        고소남용사례의 유형화를 통해 본 고소제도의 합리적 해결방안과 공공변호인제도의 활용

        김정연 아주대학교 법학연구소 2023 아주법학 Vol.17 No.2

        개인 간의 권리분쟁이 발생할 경우 민사절차에 의하지 않고 고소를 통하여 형사사건화하는 것이 현재 우리나라의 일반적 사회현상이라고 할 수 있다. 즉 우리나라의 고소제도는 형사절차상의 제도에 머무르지 않고 채무변제나 손해배상 등 민사상 구제절차를 대신하는 사실상의 절차로서 기능하고 있는 것이다. 죄명별 고소사건의 분포를 보더라도 재산범죄가 절반을 차지하고 있고, 사건의 상당수가 단순 민사사안에 대한 채권추심을 목적으로 하는 고소사건인 것으로 파악되고 있다. 고소제도는 수사기관에의 접수만으로 특별한 비용부담 없이 채무변제 등을 기대할 수 있다는 점에서 널리 이용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 법률구조기관의 형사고소 상담사례 및 경찰 수사민원상담센터의 상담사례, 검찰 수사기록 등을 중심으로 각 사례를 분석·검토하여 실제 고소남용 사례를 유형화하고 분석하고자 한다. 이를 바탕으로 고소사건 중 선제적으로 해결방안을 도입하여야 할 분야를 선별하여 효과적인 고소남용 방지방안의 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 형사공공변호제도의 도입 논의가 활발하게 전개되고 있는 상황에서 고소사건의 합리적 제한을 도모하는 종합적 법률지원체계의 마련과 공공변호인제도의 활용방안을 논의하고자 한다. It is common in Korea that when a dispute regarding ownership or rights arises between individuals, they make a complaint to the criminal justice system, rather than turn to the civil procedures. In other words, the complaint system in Korea does more than what is expected from an ordinary criminal justice system, and plays a role as a relief mechanism for civil procedures in, mostly, debt repayment or compensation for damage cases. The names of the offences claimed in the complaints signify that more than half of these complaints concern property ownership, most of which are a plain civil case where the complaint seeks credit collection or recovery from the accused. The complaint system is widely used because of its obvious advantages that one can file his/her complaint to a law-enforcement agency without fees and expect to recover the claimed debt. In this paper, we try to analyze the case of actual complaint abuse by analyzing and examining each case based on cases of criminal complaint counseling and investigation cases of the criminal complaint counseling center of the legal rescue organization and records of prosecution investigation. Based on this, we will select the areas that should be introduced preemptively in the case of the complaint, and propose a direction to prevent the effective abuse of the complaint. In addition, the debate on the introduction of the public attorney system is being actively discussed, and discussions will be made on the establishment of a comprehensive legal assistance system and the utilization of the public attorney system.

      • KCI등재

        실무상 고소 취소를 둘러싼 법적 쟁점에 대한 검토

        조광훈 대검찰청 2019 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.64

        A complaint is an expression of intention whereby crime victims or persons related with them report the crime fact to investigation agencies and seek the punishment. While, cancellation of complaint is a procedural act to drop such complaint. Section 1 and 2 of Clause 232 in Criminal Procedure Act are related with cancellation of complaint and prohibition of filing complaint again in offenses subject to victim’s complaint. Complaint and its cancellation in offenses subject to victim’s complaint are absolute expression of victim’s intention to sue with a view of bringing about or suspending state punishment power. That said, complaint and its cancellation in offenses indictable without victim’s complaint also work in the actual fields as a relative expression of intention to sue with a view of bringing about or suspending state punishment power. Expression of intention to cancel the complaint should be clear and unconditional. Therefore, conditional cancellation of complaint, which is a suing act under public law, can be considered to have no effect as satisfaction or non-satisfaction of the conditions in prerequisites for cancellation of complaint may undermine the clarity and stability of criminal proceedings. Though cancellation of complaint takes place by mistake, deception or cajolement, it must be considered to be effective. However, if cancellation of complaint by coercion proved by the prosecutor to have taken place through the coercion of the accused at the time of its cancellation, it should be reasonably considered null and void. Substantial judgement has to be rendered if new evidences were revealed in the case of filing complaint again following cancellation prior to the complainant’s statement as to whether or not allowing filing complaint again after its cancellation in offenses indictable without victim’s complaint. It’s also applicable in the case of the cancellation of complaint after cancelling at the complainant’s statement. And yet cancellation of complaint should be dismissed if filing complaint again were done after cancelled prior to the prosecutor’s disposal following the completion of the investigation. Substantial judgement is not affected at all should the cancellation take place before or after the sentencing in the first trial after prosecution. From the perspective of legislation, there needs to be clear regulations as to offenses subject to victim’s complaint in the Section 1 and 2, Clause 232 of Criminal Procedure Act. There also needs to have regulations to prohibit filing complaint again unless new evidences were revealed even for offenses indictable without victim’s complaint in the Section 3. 고소는 범죄피해자 또는 그와 일정한 관계에 있는 자가 수사기관에 범죄사실을 신고함으로써 범인의 처벌을 구하는 의사표시이고, 고소 취소는 이러한 고소를 철회하는 소송행위이다. 형사소송법 제232조 제1항과 제2항은 친고죄에 대한 고소 취소와 재고소 금지를 의미한다. 친고죄에서 고소와 고소 취소는 피해자 의사가 국가형벌권을 발생시키거나 소멸시키는 절대적 소송 의사표시이지만, 비친고죄에서 고소와 고소 취소도 실무상에서는 국가형벌권을 상대적으로 발생시키거나 소멸시키는 상대적 소송 의사표시로 작용한다. 고소 취소의 의사표시는 명확하고 무조건이어야 한다. 따라서 조건부 고소 취소는 공법상의 소송행위로 고소 취소의 선결요건에서 조건의 성취 또는 불성취는 형사소송 절차의 명확성과 안정성을 해치므로 그 효력이 발생하지 않는다고 보아야 한다. 하지만 고소 취소가 착오 ․ 기망 ․ 회유에 의하여 이루어졌다고 하더라도 그 효력은 그대로 발생한다고 보아야 한다. 다만, 강박에 의한 고소 취소는 취소 당시에 피고소인 등의 강요가 있었다는 것이 검사에 의하여 입증될 경우에는 무효로 보는 것이 타당하다. 비친고죄에서 고소 취소 후 재고소의 허용여부에 관하여 고소인 진술 전에 취소하였다가 재고소하는 경우나 고소인 진술 중에 취소하였다가 재고소하는 경우는 새로운 증거가 발견되었다면 실체적 판단을 하여야 한다. 하지만 수사 완료 후 검사 처분 전에 취소하였다가 처분 후 재고소를 하는 경우는 각하해야 할 것이다. 공소제기 후 1심 선고 전이나 선고 후에 취소하는 경우는 실체적 판결을 함에는 아무런 영향이 없다. 입법론적으로는 형사소송법 제232조 제1항과 제2항에서는 친고죄에 대한 규정임을 명확히 하고, 무분별한 고소의 남용을 억제하기 위하여 제3항에 비친고죄일지라도 새로운 증거가 발견되지 않는 한 재고소를 금지하는 규정을 둘 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        경찰의 불만민원 감축방안에 관한 연구

        성수영,김상운 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.4

        Private companies in Korea manage customer complaints carefully, but the police lack systematic response to complaints compared to private companies. As a first step to reduce civil complaints, it is important to improve understanding of police activities and to prevent complaints from being removed in advance by improving counseling services and facilities. In the second stage, thorough preparation should be made through the police organization’s own efforts, such as reorganizing the system and system and strengthening education for smooth field response. In the third stage, on-site measures should be taken in consideration of the position of citizens when contacting and responding to civil complaints, and finally, efforts should be made to resolve them smoothly after the civil complaint occurs. It is not easy to find a clear solution to police complaints. However, in order to resolve complaints, above all, it is necessary to strengthen countermeasures against specific complaints and to protect internal police staff. At the level of the police organization, guidelines for each type of specific civil complaint should be produced, the role and responsibility of middle managers should be strengthened, cases of solving specific civil complaints should be continuously discovered and rewarded, and excellent casebooks should be actively produced and distributed. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen psychological, economic, and legal support for police officers suffering from specific complaints by activating the Civil Complaint Mediation Committee for each police station. In addition, it is necessary to introduce an automatic response system for simple civil complaints and counseling, and to continuously promote measures to reduce workload and block civil complaints by activating investigative civil complaints and non-face-to-face investigations.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자의 고소능력에 관한 연구

        정광진 ( Jeong Kwang-jin ) 한국소년정책학회 2017 少年保護硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        The complaint under the structure of the Criminal Procedure Code providing that the right of criminal prosecution is monopolized by the nation is only the condition of criminal investigation. The reason why the nation allows the victim to make a complaint is because the victim may recover its rights easily through the complaint system. On the other hand, however, there is a tendency that the overuse of complaint caused by the victim’s uncontrolled impulse results the abuse of national punitive power. This paper studies the capacity for complaint and the generation and termination of its effect that there is a concern giving rise to confusion in administering the complaint system based on the judicial precedent. In case of minor and the mentally handicapped, the capacity for complaint should be allowed considering the physical maturity, intellectual level and other factors depending on the concrete case rather than all cases indiscriminately. Accordingly, if a victim has an intellectual level equivalent to the mental age of an eleven-year-old considering the victim’s age, intellectual level, social efficiency, etc comprehensively, the victim should be deemed to have the capacity for complaint. Additionally if a victim is a mentally retarded people or is lowered in the intellectual level comparing to that of an average man, the time for allowing the capacity for complaint must be extended relatively. This means that if the victim cannot recognize the related harm, a concrete validity should be schemed for protecting the victim by suspending the legal prescription of complaint till the victim recognizes the harm or has help from an assistant. A complaint shall become effective when a letter of complaint filed in a public prosecutor´s office or a police station is accepted. In case of declaring orally or only harm, the effect of complaint shall not be generated. For the effectuation of complaint, the victim declares his/her intention requiring for the wrongdoer to be punished on the victim’s written statement and the contents of the victim’s intention should be recorded on the police report. In case a complainant makes a complaint orally at a police station, the complainant should be requested to prepare and submit the letter of complaint, if possible. In case the complainant is mentally disabled or illiterate and it is impossible to prepare the letter of complaint, a supplementary letter of complaint should be prepared for the victim. In particular, in case of making a complaint orally at the scene of an offense, it is desirable, upon receiving the victim’s written statement, to take the victim to a police station, if possible. It should be explained in full that the contents stated by the victim may not be recorded in the police report without omission. This is because the investigative agency, the party preparing the supplementary letter of complaint, does not record the contents stated by the victim as the stater but summarizes the outlines. Even though the parties interested reach an agreement, it does not meet the requirements for withdrawing the related complaint. To withdraw the complaint, the complainant shall file the letter of withdrawal or the content that the complaint shall be withdrawn should be included in the police report. Accordingly if a complainant submits a written agreement only, it should be required to file the letter of withdrawal or make a police report for withdrawing the complaint after confirming the intent of withdrawal. The complaint is a meaningful system for materializing the conflicting ideas of the fair exercises of national punitive power and the victim’s recovery of rights harmoniously. Therefore the complaint system should be administered appropriately according to the spirit of the system. The police station is the front line of the complaint system. When the complaint system is administrated appropriately at the front lines, the judiciary justice will be realized and a nation will be satisfied with the criminal judicial system. For these reasons, it is necessary for the policemen in the field shall understand the spirit of complaint system and have thorough knowledge of the related laws and regulations and the judicial precedent.

      • KCI등재

        경찰에 제기된 악성민원이 직무만족에 따라조직몰입에 미치는 영향

        신재헌,김상운 한국민간경비학회 2018 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to identify how quantitative and qualitative increase of malicious complaint filed to the police influence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of police officers. Civil complaint refers to the request from civil petitioner for certain measures such as disposal to administrative agency. Recently, there has been increased number of malicious complaint, repeated complaint, and duplicate complaint and misbehavior of customers. Due to such malicious complaints, police officers in charge of complaints are physically and psychologically suffering. In addition, administrative power is wasted and high-quality public security service is unavailable because of the malicious complaint. Above all, malicious complaint has negative influence on organizational commitment and how police officer personally thinks of the organization. This study investigated on how increase of malicious complaint changes perception and how such job satisfaction influence on organizational commitment. The study verified that qualitatively strong malicious complaint had negative influence on job satisfaction toward complaint. On the other hand, increased amount of malicious complaint had negative influence on organizational commitment.

      • 신문독자불만처리제도에 관한 일 고찰

        유일상 건국대학교 사회정책연구소 2004 사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        이 연구는 신문의 취재와 보도로 인한 취재대상자나 뉴스의 대상이 된 사람들과 그 가족들이 제기하는 불만의 원인과 그것을 해결·처리하는 제도들을 검토하고 우리나라에 적합한 제도를 도입하여 발전시키는 방안에 관한 것이다. 독자들의 신문에 대한 불만은 특정한 개인이나 집단이 보도대상이 됨으로써 명예를 훼손당하거나 사생활을 침해받아 발생하고 마침내 범죄피해자나 그 가족들이 언론으로부터 당사자가 원하지 않는 조명을 받아 고통을 받게 되는 결과를 가져온다. 독자불만의 원인으로는 ① 언론기관이 스스로 믿는 사회적 역할에 대한 과도한 자부심, ②언론의 지나친 상업주의와 여성에 대한 성차별과 여성 상품화, ③ 미디어의 집단적 획일주의와 팩 저널리즘 경향, ④ 미디어의 세력 확장과 정보관리사회의 출현에 따른 대조직의 정보 보호망과 종보 약자의 계속되는 무력화 등을 꼽을 수 있다. ④미디어의 세력 확장과 정보관리사회의 출현에 따른 대조직의 정보 보호망과 정보 약자의 계속되는 무력화 등을 꼽을 수 있다. 위의 이유로 발생한 독자 불만을 긍극적으로 해결하는 것은 재판이지만 언론의 자율적 규제로도 언론불만의 제기 빈도를 줄이고 피해의 정도를 완화할 수 있기 때문에 각국의 각 신문사는 나름대로 독자불만처리제도를 도입하여 운영하고 있다. 세계의 독자불만처리기구로는 스웨덴의 언론옴부즈맨, 영국의 언론불만위원회(PCC), 미국의 사내 옴부즈맨 등이 있다. 우리나라에서도 이 제도들을 혼합하여 신문윤리위원회에 독자불만처리위원을 설치했고 일부 신문사가 옴부즈맨 또는 유사한 기구를 두고 있는 경우도 있다. 이 논문에서는 독자불만 처리위원 제도에 초점을 맞추어 살핀 결과로 이 위원은 현행 신문윤리강령과 그 실천요강에 따른 독자불만을 접수-처리한 후, 각 신문사에 주의, 비공개경고, 공개 경고, 정정, 취소, 사과, 관련자 징계 요구 등을 할 수 있게 규정하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이 제도는 신문사가 가맹한 단체인 신문윤리위원회가 윤리적 강제를 통해 언론불만을 처리할 수 있다는 장점이 있지만 이 기구의 발전과 안정성을 확보하기 위해서는 정부로부터 독립된 재정을 확보해야 하고 언론중재위원회가 현행 법제에 의해 맡고 있는 언론의 인원침해사항에 대한 심의 기능을 이 언론불만처리기구가 맡게 해야 한다. 또한 언론불만제기자가는 보도피해자 또는 그 가족으로 특정함으로써 정부기관, 각종 사회단체나 기업체 등의 상업적·정치적·종교적 이용을 막아야 한다는 것 등이다. This paper is to study on effective press complaints' settlement system in Korea. In this study the author reviewed three main issues : (1) how press complaints are raised by citizens and their families who suffered from being subject to news coverage and reporting, (2) system and standards that are resolved theses complaints and disputes, and (3) how we implement and develop proper measures. The readers' complaints towards newspapers are caused by libel or privacy invasion which resulted from being subject to newspapers' coverage and reporting on criminal suspects and their families who may get unwanted exposure from media, disclosing whom they are gotten an unwilling spot-light from the media. The causes of readers' complaints are (1) too much conceit regarding to the role of media in society,(2) excessive commercialization of the press, gender discrimination and female's reification, (3) the collective uniformity of media and the tendency of pack journalism, (4) the expansion of media influence and continual impotency of the information poorer due to information protection net from the large organizations caused by the emergence of the information management society. Even though the ultimate resolution of these complaints generated by above-mentioned reasons would be settled by the judge of courts, the frequency of complaints of the readers and breaches of the press can be reduced by media's self-regulation. Thus, many newspaper companies in many countries are adopting and running readers' complaints process systems. Among press complaints resolution agencies, there are Press Ombudsman in Sweden, Press Complaints Commission in U. K. and in-company ombudsman in the U. S. A. In Korea, Korea Press Ethics Commission organizes and operates 'Readers' Complaints Adjustment Committee'(it is named ombudsman by this committee) and some newspapers publishers' also run in-house ombudsman which is incorporated by world-wide bench-marking. This paper examines Readers' Complaints Adjustment Committee focused on their function. It is revealed that readers' complaints can be made and acknowledged and decided whether it is within their remit and presents a possible breach of the current newspaper ethics code and its code of practice. This regulation enables one to carry out actions such as cautioning, closed warning, open warning, corrections, cancellations, apologies, official reprimand requests against the corresponding newspaper publishers. This system has merits in the aspect that Korea Press Ethics Commission, which has a number of newspaper publisher affiliations, can process media-related complaints based on ethical enforcement. In order to stabilize this system on the other hand, it is recommended funding must be taken care of by an independent entity from government and Press Arbitration Commission has to hand over its function of deliberation on newspapers to this committee. Also, those who can raise complaints must be restricted to media-related victims and their immediate families so that government organization, social communities or business entities, cannot abuse this system for business, political or religious purposes.

      • KCI등재

        금융민원의 개념정립과 금융소비자보호법에의 규정 편입을 위한 법적 검토

        김은경 한국기업법학회 2023 企業法硏究 Vol.37 No.4

        Financial complaints are not a legally established concept. Dispute complaints presented as a type of financial complaints are also not a concept under the Korean Financial Consumer Protection Act. The legal concept of civil complaints has been established in the Korean Civil Complaint Handling Act. The Act stipulates, “Unless there are special provisions in other laws regarding civil complaints, it shall be governed by this Act.” As there is no separate regulation for financial complaints among civil complaints, so even financial complaints, which are general regulations, must also be in accordance with the Civil Complaint Handling Act. Specifically, the ground regulation on handling financial complaints by the Financial Supervisory Service(FSS) in Korea is the financial complaint handling regulation. The regulation includes the classification and definition of civil complaints and processing procedures, but this regulation alone is not sufficient to fully embody the concept of financial complaints. Financial complaints are distinguished from civil complaints under the Civil Complaint Handling Act, but financial complaints are also treated differently from general complaints addressed by the FSS. Finance-related complaints handled by the FSS are divided into general complaints to the supervision and examination departments in each division and financial complaints to the financial consumer protection bureau. Considering these characteristics, it is proposed to suggest an amendment to the Financial Consumer Protection Act that defines financial complaints in the Act, classifies financial complaints according to each characteristic, and includes the complaint handling process after rearranging it. The financial complaint means “financial consumers and other interested parties file complaints or objections against institutions subject to the inspection of the FSS in the subparagraphs of Article 38 of the Financial Services Commission Establishment Act,” and its types includes dispute complaints, inquisitive complaints, dissatisfied complaints, and other complaints in financial sector. In order to resolve the accumulated complaints of financial consumers due to inefficient management of financial complaints and concentration on the FSS, the introduction of the preliminary autonomous mediation system or the transfer of complaints to each association is proposed as a way to deal with them quickly and efficiently. To secure the speed or efficiency of handling financial complaints, a preliminary procedure shall be taken to select the preliminary autonomous mediation system and transfer the relevant financial complaints to the association as necessary. However, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the complaint affairs, it is necessary to dispel distrust that financial complaints are not handled directly by the FSS but are entrusted to the autonomous mediation by financial company or transfered to the associations for handling. Therefore, it should be, on the basis of legal grounds, proceeded with the autonomous mediation procedure for financial complaints and transfer them to the association on the premise of mandating introduction of preliminary procedures by presenting conditions for securing the reliability of the decentralized plan. The purpose of protecting financial consumers must be clearly implemented by reorganizing the classification and concept of financial complaints that frequently occur in the special sphere of ‘finance’ and defining and processing them in the Financial Consumer Protection Act, a special law, rather than the Civil Complaint Handling Act, a general law. 금융민원은 법적으로 정립된 개념은 아니다. 금융민원의 한 부류로 제시된 분쟁민원 역시 금융소 비자보호에 관한 법률(약칭 금융소비자보호법, 금소법)상 개념은 아니다. 민원과 관련하여 법률상 개념이 정립된 것은 민원 처리에 관한 법률(약칭 민원처리법)이다. 이 법에 따르면 “민원에 관하여 다른 법률에 특별한 규정이 있는 경우를 제외하고는 이 법에서 정하는 바에 따른다”고 하였으므로 민원 중 금융민원에 관하여 별도 규정을 가지고 있지 아니하므로 일반규정인 금융민원도 사실은 민 원처리법에 따라야 한다. 구체적으로 금융감독원에서 금융민원을 처리하기 위한 근거규정은 민원처 리규정이다. 본 규정에는 민원의 분류, 정의와 함께 처리절차 등을 포함하고 있지만 이 규정만으로 는 금융민원의 개념을 완벽하게 구현하기에 부족한 면이 있다. 금융민원은 민원처리법상 민원과 구분되지만, 금융민원 역시 금융감독원에서 다루어지는 일반민 원과도 달리 취급된다. 금융에 관련한 민원을 다루는 금융감독원은 각 권역별 감독국과 검사국에 하는 일반민원과 금융소비자보호처에 하는 금융민원으로 구분된다. 이러한 특성을 감안하여 금융민 원을 금소법에서 정의하고 금융민원을 각 특성에 따라 분류하고 민원처리 과정을 다시 정비하여 이 를 담는 것을 내용으로 하는 금소법 개정안을 제안한다. 금융민원은 “금융소비자 및 그 밖의 이해 관계인이 「금융위원회의 설치 등에 관한 법률」 제38조 각 호의 기관(이하를 대상기관이라 함)의 금 융업무와 관련하여 불만 또는 이의를 제기하는 것”을 말하며 그 종류로는 분쟁민원, 질의민원, 건 의민원, 불만민원 그리고 그 외의 금융민원으로 한다. 금융민원의 비효율적인 관리와 금융감독원에의 집중도로 인한 금융소비자의 누적된 불만을 해소 하기 위해서는 신속하고 효율적인 처리방안으로서 자율조정전치주의의 도입이나 각 협회에의 민원이첩 등을 제안한다. 금융민원의 처리의 신속성이나 효율성을 확보하기 위하여 자율조정전치주의를 택하고 필요에 따라 해당 금융민원을 협회에 이첩하는 사전적 절차를 둔다. 다만 민원업무의 효율 화를 목적으로 하되 금융민원을 금융감독원이 처리하지 아니하고 금융회사와 금융소비자 간의 자율 조정에 맡기거나 협회에 이첩하여 처리하는 것에 대한 불신을 우선 불식시켜야 한다. 그러므로 법 률적 근거하에 분산방안에 대한 신뢰성을 확보할 만한 조건을 제시하고 사전절차의 의무화 도입을 전제로 하여 금융민원에 대한 자율조정절차를 진행하고 협회에 이첩할 수 있어야 한다. 금융이라는 특수영역에서 빈번하게 발생하는 금융민원의 분류와 개념을 정비하여 이를 일반법인 민원처리법이 아닌 특별법으로 금소법에서 정의하고 처리함으로써 금융소비자를 보호하고자 하는 취지를 명백하게 구현해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한방소아·청소년과 외래 환자 주소증의 최근 경향에 대한 연구

        이은주,이보람,이지홍,장규태,Lee, Eun Ju,Lee, Bo Ram,Lee, Ji Hong,Chang, Gyu Tae 대한한방소아과학회 2016 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate about chief complaints of Korean pediatrics and adolescent outpatients in the ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ university hospital for their recent trend. Methods The study was composed of 4,677 new patients aged between 1 month and 20 years who had been visited pediatrics in ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ university hospital from 2012 January to 2015 December. Results 1. Among those patients, majority was early childhood as 51.4%, followed by early childhood, late childhood, infancy, and adolescence. 2. Chief complaints in this population have been recorded in the fall the most as 29.6%, but the distribution was inconsistent. 3. To categorize, digestive-related chief complaints were the highest as 30.6%, followed by respiratory, supplemental use, growth, psychiatrics. Respiratory-related chief complaints increased dramatically in the fall. 4. In infancy and early childhood, digestive/respiratory complaints were common, whereas, growth complaints were common in late childhood and adolescence. 5. Digestive/respiratory complaints have been over 50% out of all chief complaints annually. Psychiatric and growth-related complaints have been trending up, whereas, supplemental/skin complaints have decreased every year. 6. Specifically, anorexia were the most common in digestive complaints, and rhinitis/sinusitis were top among respiratory complaints. Precocious puberty and developmental disability increased every year. Conclusions The most common chief complaints were digestive and respiratory-related, and precocious puberty and growth issues have been trending up lately. Based on this result, more studies that targets precocious puberty and growth problems are needed.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Perception and Attitude Toward Consumer Complaint Behavior

        Rizal Edy Halim,Filipus Christian 한국유통과학회 2013 유통과학연구 Vol.11 No.9

        Purpose - The objective of the paper is to describe the relationship between consumer perceptions and attitudes of complaints against the behavior of their complaint. Research design, data, methodology - The study explore the process of complain intention which mediated by perceptual process and attitudinal behavior. Structural equation modeling used in this study is aim to describe the relationship simultaneously. The two samples failure (high vs. low level services) will be compared using analysis of variance. Results - The study found that the higher the alienation, the lower the perceived value of consumer complaint and the higher likelihood of successful perceived consumer complaint. The study also found the more positive the prior complaint experience, the more positive attitude toward complaining, the higher the perceived value of complaint and the higher the likelihood of successful perceived complaint. Furthermore, the perceived value of customer's complaint affect positive intention and perceived consumer likelihood of successful complaint increases intention complaint. Conclusions - The findings of this study show that the effect of a number of personal antecedents such as alienation; prior complaint experience and controllability will vary toward the complaint intention. Furthermore, the attitudinal and perceptual factors play a partial mediation role for that relationship.

      • KCI등재

        공법분야 투고논문 : 헌법소원제도의 공과(功過) -사법정책적 개선방안을 중심으로-

        도회근 ( Hoe Kun Do ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.30 No.4

        The constitutional complaints system introduced in the current Constitution for the first time has two functions; protection of constitutional rights and guarantee of constitutional order. Upon them, the constitutional complaints system of Clause 1 Article 68 of the Constitutional Court Law is emphasized on the function of protection of constitutional rights. However, court decisions are excluded from the object of the constitutional complaints. So, the most infringement cases of constitutional rights by the governmental authorities are excluded from the object of the constitutional complaints. This study reveals the merits and demerits of the constitutional complaints system analysing the actual conditions of the system based on the statistics of the Constitutional Court based empirically. This system contributed to the functions of protection of constitutional rights and guarantee of constitutional order to a certain extent, but in fact, this system is operated on a very small scale in protection of constitutional rights. That is, the most of the work of the Constitutional Court is the constitutional complaints cases(approximately 80%), but wining rate of the cases is extremely low(2.99%), and the most cases of the constitutional complaints and the won cases of them were the constitutional complaints lodged against non-prosecution cases. This means that this system does not accomplish the function of protection of constitutional rights well. This study suggests the improvement plan of the constitutional complaints system not in legal interpretative perspective but in judicial policy perspective that it should be considered with overall judicial system improvement plan. Upon various improvement plans of judicial system, I support a plan that the supreme court should be the highest court and the policy making court, and a court of final appeal should be establish in the court of appeals. And I suggest that the constitutional complaints against all the decisions of courts except the supreme court should be recognized. Then conflicts between the supreme court and the Constitutional Court will be able to resolve and the effectiveness of the constitutional complaints system will be improved as a protection system of constitutional rights.

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