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        제품안전기준에 관한 행정법적 문제

        이종영,조우성 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學論叢 Vol.47 No.-

        Securing the safety of these products has emerged as a major issue for numerous products that give convenience and freedom to many people living in modern society. For example, a cell phone that is frequently used in everyday life should not be at risk of electromagnetic waves and a battery should not be at risk of fire or explosion. The function and design of the product also play an important role, but safety is the most important thing in development and use of the product. The state should make efforts to promote the convenience and happiness of consumers by introducing new products to the market, and at the same time, ensure that safe products are manufactured and sold to prevent physical and property risks from consumers. The government does not manufacture or sell products directly, but is constitutionally conferred on the management of product safety as a duty to protect the basic rights of the consumer not to be injured by the products manufactured and sold by operators. However, product safety does not presuppose complete safety. In reality, a completely safe product does not exist on Earth. Product safety must be realized in a series of processes such as product design, manufacturing process, and distribution process. Otherwise, the danger of the product will be stolen everywhere, and it may cause harm to people's life and body. Therefore, product safety related laws (for product safety) are mainly focused on product design and manufacturing process. Also, the most important thing in product safety is the product safety standard which applies to product design and manufacturing processes. Meanwhile, in the same manner, product safety standards cannot be based on complete safety. In other words, the product safety standards should be established within a range that recognizes appropriate and socially acceptable safety systems in a considerable part based on scientific theory. In conclusion, under product safety laws, the objective risk theory with procedural safeguards can be reflected in the mixed state of individual regulations for safety concepts. Therefore, the legal theory of product safety cannot realize sufficient product safety simply by the social acceptance risk theory of setting safety standards for products. Therefore, on the philosophical basis of the theory of acceptance of product safety, the individual happiness from the use of products can start within the extent that accepts socially acceptable risks. 현대 사회를 살아가는 많은 사람들에게 편리함과 자유를 주는 수많은 제품에 대해 주요 쟁점으로 떠오르고 있는 것이 해당 제품의 안전성 확보이다. 예를 들어 일상생활에서 자주 사용하고 있는 휴대폰은 전자파의 위험이 없어야 하고 배터리는 화재나 폭발위험이 없어야 한다. 제품의 기능과 디자인 역시 제품의 개발과 사용에 있어 중요한 요소로 작용하지만, 가장 중요한 것은 안전이다. 국가는 새로운 제품이 시장에 출시되어 소비자의 편의와 행복을 증진시킬 수 있도록 노력하여야 하는 동시에 제품으로 인한 소비자의 신체적ㆍ재산적인 위험이 발생하지 않도록 안전한 제품이 제조ㆍ판매될 수 있도록 해야 한다. 국가는 제품을 직접 제조ㆍ판매하는 것이 아니라, 사업자가 제조ㆍ판매하는 제품으로 인하여 소비자의 생명과 신체에 위해가 발생하지 않도록 하는 제품안전에 대한 관리를 헌법에서 국가의 기본권보호의무로 부여받고 있다. 그러나 제품의 안전은 완전한 안전을 전제하지 않고 있다. 실제 현실에서 완전하게 안전한 제품은 지구상에 존재하지 않는다. 제품안전은 제품의 설계, 제조공정, 유통과정 등과 같은 일련의 과정에서 실현되어야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 제품의 위험성은 곳곳에 도사리게 되어 국민의 생명ㆍ신체에 위해가 발생할 수 있다. 제품안전 관련 법령이 제품의 설계와 제조에 집중되고 있는 것도 그런 이유 때문이다. 제품안전에서 가장 중요한 사항은 제품의 안전기준이다. 제품안전기준은 제품의 설계와 제조공정에 적용되는 법규로 완전한 안전을 전제로 그 기준을 정할 수는 없다. 즉, 제품안전기준은 과학적 이론을 바탕으로 하면서 상당한 부분에서 사회적으로 수용되는 적절한 안전한계를 인정하는 범위에서 설정되어야 한다. 결론적으로 제품안전 관련 법령상 안전 개념에 대해 개별적인 규정의 혼합적인 상태에서는 절차법적으로 안전장치가 있는 객관적 위험성 이론이 반영될 수 있다. 그러므로 제품안전에 관한 법이론은 단순히 제품안전기준의 설정에 관한 사회적 수용성 위험이론만으로 충분한 제품안전을 실현할 수 없게 된다. 따라서 제품안전에 관한 사회적 수용성 위험이론의 철학적 바탕 위에 제품의 사용으로 얻을 수 있는 개인의 행복은 사회적으로 허용되는 위험을 수인하는 범위에서 출발할 수 있다.

      • 제품서비스 설계를 지원하는 Product Data Management 아키텍처

        도남철(Namchul Do) (사)한국CDE학회 2012 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2012 No.2

        The product service enables companies to provide their products and services with least negative environment effects, and to keep and reuse valuable resources for their next products and services. To support the integrated and collaborative development of the product service, this paper proposed architecture of the extended Product Data Management (PDM) that can integrate design of products and planning of manufacturing process and customer services, based on the consistent and comprehensive PDM databases. The architecture enables design, manufacturing, and service engineers to express their products and services efficiently, with sharing the consistent product data, engineering changes, and both economical and environmental evaluations on their design alternatives. The architecture was implemented with a prototype PDM system, and validated through an example product. The result shows that the PDM architecture can support the integrated design for products, manufacturing process, and customer services, and provide a collaborative product service development environment for the design, manufacturing and service engineers.

      • KCI등재

        비비드 색상을 유희적 요소로 사용한 브랜드 색채 연구 -초콜릿 브랜드 엠엔엠즈(M&M’s)를 중심으로-

        남민경(Nam, Min Kyung),정의태(Jung, Eui Tay),최인규(Choi, In Kyu) 한국디자인문화학회 2020 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        동그란 버튼 모양 초콜릿으로 유명한 엠엔엠즈(M&M’s)의 성공은 제품에 비비드한 색상를 입히는 것으로 시작되었다. ‘컬러를 판매한다’고 해도 과언이 아닌 엠엔엠즈는 제품의 맛과 향에 다양한 색상을 이용한 유희적 요소를 더해 글로벌 브랜드로 성장하였다. 이 연구는 제품에 비비드 색상을 적용한 브랜드의 마케팅 전략과 색상이 어떻게 제품에 긍정적으로 작용하도록 했는지 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 따라서 비비드 색상 제품의 대표 격인 엠엔엠즈 브랜드의 출시와 성장 과정, 마케팅 활동에 대한 사례를 조사하였고, 특히 컬러마케팅을 중점으로 분석하였다. 먼저 문헌연구를 통해 마케팅 측면에서의 제품 색채에 대해 정의하고, 가공식품의 색채 적용 및 비비드 색상의 유희적 특징에 대한 선행연구를 진행하였다. 두 번째, 엠엔엠즈가 초콜릿 고유의 색상은 짙은 갈색이라는 선입견을 깨고 여러 가지 비비드 색상을 제품에 적용한 것은 색상이 가진 어떤 특성을 활용한 것인지 알아보았다. 이를 위해 기본적으로 색상이 가진 고유의 특성과 이를 활용한 브랜드의 사례에 대해 조사하였다. 다음으로 비비드 색상에 대한 정의하였고, 같은 색상이라도 함께 제시되는 색의 종류나 함께 사용하는 색상의 수량에 따라 달라지는 색상의 의미와 특성에 대해 고찰하였다. 세 번째, 비비드 색상을 사용하는 브랜드를 사용특성에 따라 [1] 인식의 구분, [2] 단점의 극복, [3] 친근감 향상, [4] 유희적 요소, 네 가지로 유형화하였다. 그중 유희적 요소로 사용한 대표 브랜드인 엠엔엠즈의 탄생 배경과 시대에 따른 색상 변천사, 마케팅 전략을 심층분석하였다. 마지막으로 엠엔엠즈의 색채관리와 색상구성에 대해 조사하였다. 결과적으로 엠엔엠즈가 초콜릿 캔디 제품에 컬러를 적용한 것은 컬러TV의 출시라는 시대적 배경에 따른 것이었고, 이후 제품 색채에 대한 철저한 관리를 해왔으며, 컬러를 유희적 요소로 활용한 다양한 마케팅 전략을 통해 고객에게 브랜드를 알려왔고 그 중심에는 소비자와의 지속적인 소통이 있었다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 제품 색상의 교체도 소비자조사를 통해 진행하였고, 성분에 문제가 발견되었을 때는 적절히 대응하였으며, 제품의 색상을 캐릭터화해서 소비자에게 친근하게 다가가며 고급화를 추구하고 글로벌 브랜드로 성장하는 계기를 마련하였다. 이 연구는 엠엔엠즈가 비비드 색상을 유희적인 요소로 이용하기 위한 색채 관리, 마케팅 전략을 심층적으로 논하였고, 이를 통해 다양한 분야에서 신제품을 개발하거나 마케팅 전략을 수립할 때 컬러를 적극적으로 이용하는 데 이론적 도움이 되고자 한다. M&M’s success, known for its button-shaped chocolates in vivid colors, began with the application of colors to the product. Even M&M’s can be described as “selling color”, has grown into a global brand by adding a variety of color-based amusement elements to the taste and aroma of the product. The purpose of this study is to research the characteristics of brands that have successfully applied vivid color to their products, and how colors work positively to the products. The case study on the launch, growth process, and marketing activities of the M&M’s brand, which is a representative brand of vivid color products, was studied. Especially, the focus was on color marketing. First, through literature studies, we defined product colors in terms of marketing and reviewed studies on the color application on foods and the amusement characteristics of vivid colors. Second, M&M’s broke the preconception of dark brown, the color of chocolate, and applied a variety of vivid colors to the product. We examined the characteristics of colors and the examples of brands that used these characteristics in their products. In addition, it can be seen from various examples that even the same color may have different characteristics depending on the type of color or the number of colors. Third, the types of brands that applied vivid colors were divided into the following four categories. 1] distinguishing perception, 2] overcome the weakness of the product, 3] enhancing friendliness, 4] amusement elements. Among them, we analyzed the background of the birth of M&M’s, a representative brand using vivid color as an amusement element, and the color change history and color marketing strategy. Finally, the color management and color combination of M&M‘s were examined. As a result, M&M’s application of color to chocolate products was based on the era of color TV. Since then, it has managed product color thoroughly. M&M’s let customers know its brand through various marketing strategies that use color as an amusement element. It always found that when it made a decision, M&M’s made it through constant communication with consumers. The color change of the product was also conducted through a consumer survey. When a problem was found in the product, M&M’s responded appropriately. By developing human-like character using the characteristics of product colors, the company has approached consumers intimately, pursuing high-quality and growing into a global brand. This study analyzed how M&M’s applies vivid color as an amusement element to its products and how it spreads them to marketing. This will help understand how colors will be used when developing new products in various fields and how colors will be positively used in marketing.

      • Social media mining for product planning: A product opportunity mining approach based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis

        Jeong, Byeongki,Yoon, Janghyeok,Lee, Jae-Min Elsevier 2019 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Vol.48 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Social media data have recently attracted considerable attention as an emerging voice of the customer as it has rapidly become a channel for exchanging and storing customer-generated, large-scale, and unregulated voices about products. Although product planning studies using social media data have used systematic methods for product planning, their methods have limitations, such as the difficulty of identifying latent product features due to the use of only term-level analysis and insufficient consideration of opportunity potential analysis of the identified features. Therefore, an opportunity mining approach is proposed in this study to identify product opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis of social media data. For a multifunctional product, this approach can identify latent product topics discussed by product customers in social media using topic modeling, thereby quantifying the importance of each product topic. Next, the satisfaction level of each product topic is evaluated using sentiment analysis. Finally, the opportunity value and improvement direction of each product topic from a customer-centered view are identified by an opportunity algorithm based on product topics’ importance and satisfaction. We expect that our approach for product planning will contribute to the systematic identification of product opportunities from large-scale customer-generated social media data and will be used as a real-time monitoring tool for changing customer needs analysis in rapidly evolving product environments.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We propose a social media mining approach for product opportunity exploration. </LI> <LI> The approach is built on topic modeling and sentiment analysis of social media data. </LI> <LI> The product opportunity consists of the importance and satisfaction of product topics. </LI> <LI> Opportunity levels and improvement directions of product topics are identified. </LI> <LI> The approach contributes to systematic product opportunity discovery from social media. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        국어 형태론에서의 ‘생산성’ 문제에 대한 연구

        시정곤 형태론 2006 형태론 Vol.8 No.2

        The goal of this paper is to build a new notion of productivity in Korean morphology and to distinguish productivity from other notions such as frequency and regularity. There are few previous studies of productivity and notions of productivity differ from one researcher to the next. In this paper, I argue against previous definitions and propose a new notion of productivity. This paper focuses on four questions; 1) What is productivity? 2) Does productivity work synchronically or diachronically? 3) Is frequency related to productivity? 4) Is regularity related to productivity? With regard to the first question, I prefer to assign productivity to morphological processes, and not affixes. With regard to the second question, I propose that productivity makes sense only in the synchrony; lexicalization is the result of diachronic change. As to frequency, I propose that neither token frequency nor hapax legomena frequency are related to productivity. Finally, this paper proposes that productivity is a continuum determined by the strength to generate new forms, and is intimately related to the notion of regularity. 이 연구의 목적은 국어 형태론에서 생산성(productivity)의 개념을 어떻게 이해하는 것이 합리적인지에 대해 고찰하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 생산성의 개념에 대해 네 가지 문제를 중심으로 검토해 보았다. 1) 생산적인 형태론적 과정이란? 본고는 생산성은 단어형성 과정, 더 넓게는 형태론적 과정에 적용되는 개념으로 규정하였다. 2) 공시태/통시태와 생산성은 어떤 관계에 있는가? 본고에서는 생산성의 개념을 공시태에서만 적용되는 것으로 간주했다. 3) 빈도가 높다고 생산적인가? 토큰 빈도수는 생산성과 무관하고 단발어 빈도도 생산성을 측정하는 데 한계가 있으며 계열체의 유형 빈도와 생산성은 밀접한 관계가 없다는 점을 밝혔다. 4) 규칙성은 생산성과 어떤 관계가 있는가? 생산성의 정도가 가장 높을 때를 규칙성이라 했으며 규칙성을 가진 형태론적 과정을 ‘규칙’이라고 했다. 이 연구 결과는 국어학 내에서뿐만 아니라 외적으로도 많은 기대효과를 얻을 수 있을 것이며 또한 다양한 응용분야에서 적극 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 패션의류제품의 생산방식이 품질에 미치는 영향 : 완제품사입방식을 중심으로

        이원자,유지선 건국대학교 생활문화연구소 2002 생활문화ㆍ예술논집 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the quality of fashion products according to their type of production. The production method of Korean fashion garment markets in the 90's is on the trend of increasing rapidly due to introduction of the original equipment manufacturing struture of production. In this study, the stages of production process according to production methods are compared. First, to point out problems of the process which is caused by the production methods, the prominent apparel brand was selected. Then to extract even more accurate result, the size of transactions, a selling rate, an inferiority rate, primary factors of delay on the date of payment, and the dealings of cooperation enterpriser's production process data are examined and analyzed. Additionally in this study, solutions for few problems identified from the increase of the original equipment manufacturing such as, disunified wicket, the poor production management skill of the apparel brand, frequent changes in construction processing particulars, rash stocking of the finished product, cooperation enterpriser's resubcontracting sturcture of production, and unscientific management of the cooperation enterprisers are presented.


        Jaesu Kim,Han-Sik Yu,Sin-Geun Song 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction This research was conducted in order to examine the influence of corporate innovation such as product innovation and profit model innovation towards sustainable competitive advantage and marketing performance. In B2B, the two biggest concerns of a manufacturing company are to provide products suitable for customer's business and to secure profitability of company business. Especially in an age when customer needs are diverse, companies need a lot of investment and effort to differentiate their products. Even though it is doubtful whether products that achieve such differentiation can achieve successful business results. Unless it is a monopoly, there are limitations in satisfying individualized and customized market trends and diverse customer needs with the technology and product competitiveness of companies alone. Therefore, corporate innovation requires a comprehensive approach in terms of product innovation and business model innovation. And product innovation and continuous profit model innovation for improving the company's profit is a very important factor. In order to achieve these two core values, the company conducts efficient operations internally to continuously develop products that meet customer needs and to conduct close customer relationship management to maintain a firm brand position in the market. Therefore, this study is designed to investigate how the innovation efforts of companies in B2B affect the sustainable competitive advantage development and market performance. Unlike previous researches on corporate innovation which included product innovation, this study included profit model innovation as corporate innovation to investigate the effects of profit model innovation on the actual marketing performance of firms. In addition, it is distinguished from the existing customer-oriented competitive advantage study (Porter, 1985) by studying the effects of sustainable competitive advantage on market performance by defining and applying sustainable competitive advantage variables from the perspective of internal marketing efforts. Theoretical Development Firms' needs and efforts for technological innovation and product innovation are very important for sustainable growth through securing economic benefits of firms (Hauser et al., 2006, Dave et al., 2013). In order to achieve competitive advantage (low cost, product differentiation), companies pursued technological innovation and product innovation through R & D investment. However, in terms of providing a total solution that satisfies the needs of various customers in the global competitive environment and improving the profitability of the company, it is difficult to explain the innovation area of the company only by technological innovation and product innovation. Therefore, in this study, it defines the corporate innovation including the business model innovation such as profit model from the perspective of the system operation to the innovation area of the company according to the claim that the business model mediates the firm and business performance (Markides, 2006; Baden -Fuller & Haefliger, 2013). And using sustainable competitive advantage in terms of product leadership, operational excellence, and customer intimacy, this study analyzes the effects of these firm innovations on the sustainable competitive advantage and business performance. Corporate innovation is broadly categorized into three categories: process innovation, product innovation, and operational management innovation (Lee et al., 2013). And the Oslo manual classifies them as product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, and organizational innovation (OECD, 2005). In the past, where product-centered markets and external competition were stable, changes in product technology made business models largely changeable, so corporate innovation could be described as technological innovation and product innovation. However, the development of advanced technologies such as information and communication technology (ICT) requires that the field of corporate innovation activities be analyzed from a new business model perspective. This is because existing product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, and organizational innovation are insufficient to explain the birth and change of new business types occurring in the same industry. In addition, we can find examples of business model innovation as a type of corporate innovation in existing studies (Christensen, 1997; Christensen and Raynor, 2003; Markides, 2006; Taylor et al., 2012). Therefore, this study reflects these changes and includes business model innovation such as profit model as a type of corporate innovation. In addition, Porter (1985)'s traditional competitive strategy (low cost, product differentiation) has limitations in evaluating the impact of corporate innovation and analyzing its relationship with business performance. In order to compensate for this, we introduce three main variables: product leadership, operational excellence, and customer intimacy, which can segment the value domain of sustainable competitive advantage and measure strategic performance capability, as a sustainable competitive advantage (Treacy and Wiersema, 1995). Research Design In previous researches, it has focused on technological innovation and product innovation to achieve the competitive advantage of product for better business performance in competitive market. However, these studies do not adequately suggest corporate innovation direction for corporate’s sustainable growth in complex and evolving business environment. Therefore, this study redefines the domain of corporate innovation and sustainable competitive advantage and then analyzes the effect of corporate innovation and sustainable competitive advantage on business performance. The hypothesis to be analyzed through the research model is as follows: H1. Product innovation has a positive impact on sustainable competitive advantage. H2. Profit model innovation in Business model has a positive impact on sustainable competitive advantage. H3. Sustainable competitive advantage has a positive impact on marketing performance. H4. Product innovation has a positive impact on marketing performance. H5. Profit model innovation in Business model has a positive impact on marketing performance. <Figure 1 research model> To analyze this hypothesis, it surveyed 300 machinery manufacturing companies producing intermediate goods in Korea through questionnaires with 5 point Likert scale. And the results were analyzed using SPSS (ver. 24.0) and AMOS (ver. 24.0). Result and Conclusion The findings show that profit model innovation of business model has a positive effect on the sustainable competitive advantage. However, product innovation has only a positive effect on product leadership of sustainable competitive advantage. And the sustainable competitive advantage has had a positive impact on market performance. Profit model innovation of business model also has an impact on market performance but product innovation has not a positive effect on market performance. It is meaningful that the company has confirmed the importance of the profit model innovation as well as the existing product innovation as the corporate innovation direction to pursue continuously. A practical implication of this study is that rapid technological advances, market changes, and globalization, as Bashir and Verma (2017) argue, should change profit model of a business model in order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in B2B of manufacturing industry. In order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage, business model innovation with a clear profit model is highly needed as a new management strategy for the future. The theoretical implication of this study is that the existing studies on corporate innovation are focused on technology innovation, and the effect of product innovation on business performance is relatively small. In particular, empirical studies on the effect of business profit model innovation on marketing performance were not enough. Therefore, it can be said that the fact that product innovation and business profit model innovation have an influence on market performance expands empirical research.

      • KCI등재

        The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis

        ( Antoinette Lois Harris ),( Jun Yeup Kim ) 한국생산성학회 2019 生産性論集 Vol.33 No.2

        Productivity growth over the past six decades have been recognised as a major source of economic growth for many countries. And with increasing globalization efforts across all regions, the emphasis on improving productivity and competitiveness of domestic industries has then become the forefront of many government policies. The main purpose of this research is therefore to analyze what factors affect the growth of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) across different income grouped countries and identify possible policy implications based on the relevant findings. A special focus is made on how the quality of governance, as a determinant of productivity, affects TFP growth using specific governance indicators. This aspect of the research is deemed necessary as though the quality of governance is generally expected to have a positive impact on economic growth and development, there is very limited explanation and evidence as to how specific indicators of governance quality will affect TFP growth. The research will therefore bridge the gap in knowledge by explaining how the quality of governance affects the growth of total factor productivity. In order to achieve the research objective, the study investigates three specific questions: 1. Whether the indicators used for the quality of governance significantly impact productivity growth across the income groups; 2. Which of the determinants affect productivity growth the most among high income countries and lower income groups; and lastly, 3. Does FDI, human capital, R&D, and the indicators for the quality of governance have greater impact on productivity growth in lower income or high income countries. Using Pooled OLS and Fixed Effects regression analysis, this study analyzes the determinants of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth for 35 countries across different income groups for the period 2002 to 2014. The main results reveal that Government Effectiveness, Rule of Law, FDI, and Trade Openness, all had statistically significant effect on the growth of Total Factor Productivity. In regards to the sample of High Income countries, the evidence suggests that Government Effectiveness and R&D negatively impacts growth in Total Factor Productivity, whereas Trade Openness and FDI showing positive impact. Whereas, in Lower Income, R&D impacts productivity growth positively, whilst Human Capital has a negative impact. An additional and unique finding of the research, was that Government Effectiveness and Rule of Law, both being used as proxies to measure the effect of the Quality of Governance on productivity growth, had totally opposite impact. Specifically, Government Effectiveness was negatively related to productivity growth across all samples, whereas Rule of Law was positive.

      • KCI등재

        An Empirical Study on Nonlinear Relationship between Product Modularity and Customer Satisfaction

        Sunil Hwang,Eung-Kyo Suh 한국유통과학회 2018 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose - To meet the needs of various customers in an uncertain market environment, many companies use product modularization strategies. Modularization of a product means that one product consists of several components and that the type of product can be changed according to the combination of components. The greatest feature of modularity is that changes in one component do not significantly affect the physical changes in the other component to which they are connected. Modularization of products is recognized as a very important strategy to reflect increasingly complicated customer requirements to products and respond to the needs of various markets. Many studies have been made in connection with the concept of mass customer satisfaction. There are many prior studies that modularization of such products positively affects the operational performance (manufacturing cost, fast delivery, etc.) and innovation of the product. However, excessive modularization has been found to have a negative effect on this performance. However, there are very few studies on the nonlinear relationship between product modularization and customer satisfaction. Supplementing these academically insufficient parts is very necessary when considering the current market environment. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to make up for the shortcomings of academic research in Korea, this study collects data through questionnaires in electronic, auto, and defense industry. This is because these industries are using modularity of products. based on lots of previous studies and information overload theory, we made two hypothesis and verify with empirical analysis. All 108 data were used. We used the R program and SPSS program for statistical verification. Results - As a result of the study, modularization of products showed positive relationship with customer satisfaction to a certain level. However, it has been found that when the modularization is over and beyond a certain level, there is a negative relationship with customer satisfaction. Conclusions – Excessive modularization of products can have a negative impact on customer satisfaction. This result can be understood as a result of human limited rationality due to information overload. Therefore, it is important for companies to apply appropriate modularity to product design.

      • KCI등재후보

        공통 아키텍처 기반 제품계열 아키텍처 설계

        오영배(Young-Bae Oh),신성욱(Sung-Oog Shin),김영갑(Young-Gab Kim),백두권(Doo-Kwon Baik) 한국IT서비스학회 2006 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Software product line is a software product or a set of software system, which has common functions. We can develop a specific software product, which satisfies requirements of a particular market segment and a mission in a specific domain by reusing the core asset such as the developed software architecture through the software product line. Software development methodology based on the software product line can develop a software more easily and fast by reusing the developed software core asset. Developed countries of software technology select software product line as a core field of software production technology, and support technology development. In case of USA, CMU/SEI(Carnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute) developed product-line framework 4.0 together with the industry and the Department of Defense. Europe is supporting the development of product line technology through ITEA(IT for European Advancement) program. However, industries in our country understand the necessity of software production technology based on product line concept for the purpose of increasing productivity, it is not sufficient to invest for this technology development. In this paper, we aim to construct the common architecture of software product line for production of the software product line.

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