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        두 가지 이상 기능성원료를 복합하여 함유하고 있는 건강기능식품의 안전 관리 방안

        김지연,권오란 한국식품위생안전성학회 2012 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        In this study, we analyzed the database for items reported to Korea Food and Drug Administration as for manufactured health/functional food during 2010. There were 183 health functional food products manufactured in domestic having over 2 functional ingredients (hereinafter, combinational health functional food) among total 7319 products. Among 183 products, there were 177 products having over two kinds of functional ingredient and 6products were over 3 ingredients. The most commonly used functional ingredients in the combinational health functional food were Garcinia cambogia extracts which were used in 41 products, Octacosanol and Saw Palmetto extract. When we searched the safety information for the pair of ingredients used in combinational health functional food using several database, there were no reports for safety concern. However, as there are still safety concerns when intake various functional ingredients at once, we suggested to enforce the reporting system of adverse event in order to strength safety management of health functional food. With these complement, the safety management of health functional food might be achieved including a combinational products.

      • KCI등재

        기능성 물질에 대한 규제의 정비와 새로운 기능성 물질에 대한 보호의 강화

        선정원(Sun, Jeong Won) 행정법이론실무학회 2013 행정법연구 Vol.- No.36

        일반식품에 대한 유용성 표시는 2007년 식품위생법시행규칙 제6조 제2항 별표 3)의 개정부터 허용되었다. 기능성 물질과 유용성 물질은 그 성질상 어떤 차이가 있는지 불분명하고, 그 차이의 구별은 소비자에게는 매우 어렵다. 하지만 기능성 물질과 유용성 물질은 그 규제방식에 큰 차이가 존재한다. 기능성 물질은 기준과 규격을 사전 등록해야 식품에 포함시킬 수 있고, 유용성 물질은 일반 식품에 포함시켜 그것을 표시하여 판매하는데 아무런 사전규제가 없는 실정이다. 이로 인해, 동일한 기능성 물질을 일반 식품에 사용하면서 건강기능식품의 규제를 회피하는 일도 발생하고 있다. 또, 유사건강 식품들이 범람하고 있고 경제적 사기가 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 소비자들에게 판매되는 식품에 관한 정보도 신뢰성이 떨어지고 복용방법이나 부작용 등에 관한 정보도 충분히 제공되고 있지 않다. 이러한 문제점들 때문에 정부는 2012년 유용성 표시를 기능성 표시의 일종으로 통합하는 방향으로 현행 건강기능식품에 관한 법률을 전면 수정하여, 가칭 ‘건강기능식품 및 기능성 표시ㆍ광고 등에 관한 법률’을 제정하겠다고 발표하였다. 이 글에서는 통일법에서 유용성 물질과 기능성 물질을 통합하여 규율할 때 규율의 방식과 관련하여 다음과 같이 제안하였다. ① 기존의 기능성 물질을 규격과 다르게 식품에 사용하는 것도 허용하되, 그 용어에 있어서는 혼란을 막기 위해 유용성이라는 표현은 버리고 기능성이라는 표현을 사용하도록 하고, 식품에 섭취량, 섭취방법 및 섭취시 주의사항 등을 표시하도록 하여야 한다. ② 규격에 적합한 것에 대해서는 ‘건강기능식품’의 마크를 사용할 수 있도록 하고, 비규격형은 ‘건강기능식품’의 마크는 할 수 없게 한다. ③ 고시형에 포함되어 있지 않은 기능성 물질을 식품에 사용하는 경우, 그것이 이미 시판중이거나 시판전이거나를 불문하고 새로운 물질로 보아, 개별인정형 건강기능식품과 동일한 인정절차를 밟아 사용될 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 등록되지 않고 인정되지 않은 물질에 대한 기능성 표시나 유용성 표시는 허용되지 말아야 한다. 새로운 물질에 대한 지식재산권의 보호강화방안에 관해서도 다음과 같이 제안했다. ① 새로운 유용성 물질이라면 현재 시판중이거나 시판되고 있지 않고 있는지 여부를 불문하고 식품의약품안전처에서 새로운 물질로 인정받은 경우에는 새로운 기능성 물질에서와 동일하게 일정 기간 배타적 독점권을 보장해야 한다. ② 현행법상으로는 개별인정형으로 인정받은 새로운 기능성 물질은 2년 동안의 배타적ㆍ독점적 권리를 부여받되, 2년의 보호기간이 끝나면 고시형으로 전환해 다른 사업자들이 신고만으로 참여할 수 있도록 하고 있는데, 새로운 물질의 개발자에 대해 비용의 회수가 가능하도록 보호기간을 2년에서 3년으로 늘릴 필요가 있다. ③ 이러한 성격의 배타적 독점권이외에도 새로운 물질의 판매자에게 일정 기간 동안(예, 2년) 건강기능식품 마크를 독점해서 사용할 수 있도록 보장하고 후발 참여자들은 단지 기능성 표시만을 가능하게 하는 보호방법을 추가하는 것이 필요하다. The Health Functional Food Act was enacted in August 2002 to promote the functional food industry and to ensure the safety of health functional foods. And then, by 2007 Food Sanitation Regulation(2007.1.1. made by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety), usefulness label on conventional foods has been generally approved, and this Regulation brought about great chaos and disorder to consumers. Health functional foods and conventional foods with usefulness label have similar definitions and functions, but, have different levels of regulation coming from the difference of the Act and the Regulation. Health functional foods can be made and soled, only when they meet the criteria and standards, which the Health Functional Food Act demands. The criteria and standards must be published. A new functional ingredient must be registered at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety before making and selling it. Useful ingredients manufacturers do not have to prove the safety of their products before they enter the market, and nonetheless can express usefulness labels on their foods. In 2012, our government announced to make a new act, which regulates functional ingredients and useful ingredients integratively, in order to protect consumers from misbranded labels and remove market disorder. In this article, the author proposed, that the unified act must request to register all functional ingredients and useful ingredients before they enter the market. Conventional foods manufactures must be able to use functional ingredients differently from the criteria and standards of health functional foods. The new act must strengthen protection of intellectual property rights about a new functional ingredients.

      • KCI등재

        기능성화장품에 대한 미용 관련 전공자와 비전공자의 인지도 연구

        남새얀 ( Sae-yan Nam ),윤미영 ( Mi-young Yun ),최화정 ( Hwa-jung Choi ) 한국미용학회 2021 한국미용학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        This study was studied to identify recognition on functional cosmetics between subject of major in beauty and non-beauty. The subjects were selected 239 adult by random sampling among adult living the South Korea. After a survey was conducted, the collected data were analyzed by the statistical package (SPSS WIN 21.0) using frequency analysis, factor analysis, chi-square analysis and simple linear regression analysis. In subject of major in beauty, they experienced the most many utility against “whitening” functional cosmetics (94.3%) and purchased functional cosmetics because of “expectation on efficacy of functional cosmetics” (76.4%). Also, they considered firstly “functional ingredient” when they purchase functional cosmetics (59.4%). In subject of major in non-beauty, they experienced the most many utility against “sun-block” (88.2%) and purchased functional cosmetics because of “Feeling and evaluation after utility” (44.4%). Furthermore, the subjects major in beauty exhibited higher “recognition on definition of ingredient and ingredient of functional cosmetics” than that of subjects major in non-beauty. In correlation analysis between subject of major in beauty and non-beauty, all of two subjects showed positive correlation between recognition on definition of ingredient and ingredient of functional cosmetics” the effect between two subjects was higher at subject of major in beauty. Therefore, these results can apply to develop educational contents against functional cosmetics and search functional materials to manufacture functional cosmetics.

      • KCI등재

        주름 개선 기능성 화장품 소재개발의 최신 연구 동향분석

        이지영,이정민 중소기업융합학회 2021 융합정보논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        화장품 시장은 2026년의 초고령사회(Super aged society)가 예측되는 만큼 타 산업과 비교하여 지속적 시장 창출이 기대되는 산업이고, 우리나라 역시 고령화 시대의 진입 속에서 항노화에 관한 관심이 증대되고, 이에 관한 결과로 기능성 화장품에 대한 수요가 증가가 나타났다. 특히, 노년층을 위한 기능성 성분 소재에 관한 연구가 증가하고 있다. 소재 개발의 연구는 화장품 산업에 있어서 신제품 개발로 이어지는 아주 중요한 과정이다. 본 연구는 학술정보시스템 (Research information Shining Service, RISS)을 이용하여 국내 천연주름 개선 기능성 화장품 소재개발을 주제로 한 연구를 중심으로 주름 개선화장품의 연구 방향에 대한 여러 가지 주름생성 저해 방법을 실험한 결과와 신소재에 대한 안전하면서도 주름 개선기능이 탁월한 천연 소재 주름 개선 기능성 성분에 관한 최신 연구 동향을 살펴보았다. As the aging society progresses and the functional cosmetics market is revitalized we have learned that the functional cosmetics that the silver generation is most interested in are wrinkle-improving products and we are making great efforts to develop functional cosmetics that improve wrinkles. The ingredients are actually making. From the early 2000s when the development of functional cosmetics began to the present the research trends of functional cosmetics for wrinkle improvement were analyzed by analyzing papers on functional cosmetics for wrinkle improvement. . Research methods focused on literature search and SIRS paper search keywords. And the cosmetic material that needs to be researched focuses on the anti-aging function among functional cosmetics which is the anti-wrinkle function. The research results show the rapid growth of the Anti-aging market. As the population ages the generation of silver with high purchasing power will expand and a market for expensive anti-aging products and services for a healthy old age will be formed.

      • KCI등재

        건강기능식품 연구현황과 허가의 신뢰성 및 효율성 제고를 위한 제안

        김영애,정수진,이현정,최지해,배정민,엄민영,김은주 한국식품과학회 2023 식품과학과 산업 Vol.56 No.3

        The governmental authority has helped researcher with multi-directional supports in preparing wide range of scientific materials for functional ingredient's approval by running expert consortium. The efforts needed are to introduce Korean health functional food to global market by building steady cooperation platform between governments and experts. To achieve this, inclusion of projects received funds from governments but have not been technically supported by experts consortium yet will be the first step. To enhance the reliability of health functional food, recognition capability should be strengthen as a developments of recognition protocols with adaption of emerging sciences and educations for application of protocols in recognition. The effective of training classes for researchers working on the development of functional ingredients in food industries will be adoption of the flipped learning method could be a promising alternative to improve effectiveness of the classes by minimizing learning difficulties.

      • Evaluation of Water and Ethanol Extracts of 13 Hallasan Native Plants as Sources of Anti-Obesity Ingredients

        Ki Cheon Kim,정영석,김소현,Kyung-Mi Kim,Gi Yeon Bae,Tae-Bin Jeong,Pan-Young Jeong,Jae-Chul Jung 건강기능식품미래포럼 2022 건강기능식품미래포럼 학술지 Vol.2 No.3

        One approach to develop ant-obesity agents with minimum side effects is to obtain the anti-obesity ingredients from edible plants. In the present study, an attempt was made to find candidate plants that have such ingredients. For this purpose, 13 plants native in Hallasan (Halla Mountain) of Jeju Island were selected, which have been reported to have anti-obesity action or biological activities associated with this action. The 13 Hallasan native plants (HNPs) were (1) Prunella vulgaris, (2) Commelina communis, (3) Centella asiatica, (4) Prunus serrulata, (5) Morus bombycis Koidz, (6) Tetragonia tetragonioides, (7) Artemisia scoparia, (8) Actinidia arguta, (9) Leonurus japonicas, (10) Akebia quinata, (11) Prunus yedoensis Matsumura, (12) Ficus oxyphylla and (13) Citrus reticulata. Water and ethanol extracts from each of 13 HNPs were prepared and each of the total 26 extracts was examined for its effects on 5 biological properties, which were cytotoxicity, radical scavenging, triglyceride formation and activities of transcription factors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and PPARγ involved in catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, respectively. Each of the properties were assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test, 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, staining cells with Oil red O, luciferase assay using the cells transfected with a plasmid containing the luciferase gene, respectively. The effect of each extract on one property was scored by calculating the percent of the effect of the extract showing the highest measurement. This was termed “activity score (%) on one property” and thus, each extract had 5 “activity scores.” The 5 activity scores of each extract were summed and termed “total activity score (%) of each extract.” The 26 extracts were ranked according to the total activity score of each individual extract. The results obtained will be useful information for future study to seek the effective anti-obesity ingredients.

      • A Practical Registration Procedure of Korean Health Functional Food Ingredient: The Registration of Sophora japonica L., Fruit Extract for Excellent Female Menopausal Efficacy

        Choi Minjun,Kim Kyung-Mi,조은지,Jeong Tae-Bin,Jung Jae-Chul 건강기능식품미래포럼 2021 건강기능식품미래포럼 학술지 Vol.1 No.1

        Health functional food (HFF) is managed in various types of and different regulations in each country. It is largely composed of notified HFF and recognized HFF in Korea. We described the process of registering the raw materials of HFF in Korea and details of the registration of recognition of Sophora japonica L. Fruit Extract for excellent female menopausal efficacy. To have a valid Health Claim of food ingredients, recognition of the ingredients must be obtained from The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. To register the recognition of HFF, it is required to have sufficient scientific evidence on standardization of raw materials, verification of functional efficacy and safety.

      • KCI등재

        The effects of ingredient branding in the food industry: case studies on successful ingredient-branded foods in Japan

        Daisuke Kanama,Narumi Nakazawa 한국식품연구원 2017 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.4 No.2

        Background Much of the previous literature argues that innovation activities are not as active in the food industry as in other industries. In particular, scholars have noted that research and development intensity in the food manufacturing industry is lower than in other industries. However, recent years have witnessed the development of strategies in which new ingredients, technologies, and designs are used in branded end products. Methods Defining such products as ingredient-branded foods (IBFs), this study clarifies the processes and effects of ingredient branding strategies in the Japanese food industry. We classified the 105 IBFs cases into six product categories that included confection and dessert, drinks, seasonings, preservative foods, dairy products, and agriculture products. By organizing the key IB feature, we also classified them into four IB categories of health and functionality, manufacturing and processing, producer and geographical indication, and packaging. In addition, we extract various types of intellectual property related to ingredient-branded foods and analyze them. Results The manufacturing and processing category for IBFs has the most cases, at 40.5% of the total, while health and functionality is the second largest as 30.6%. However, each product category has its own distribution range. In the confection and dessert category, manufacturing and processing is the largest. The categories of seasonings and preservative foods also have many IB cases involved with manufacturing and processing. Products with strong health functionalities stand out in the recent drink market. A similar tendency has been witnessed in agriculture products. Conclusion From the analysis, we conclude that many IBFs have been already introduced to the market and they have diversified in different product categories. IBFs based on manufacturing technologies and healthcare have been popular approaches, but we also find IBFs with new packaging designs and geographical identification.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Shading on Growth and Functional Ingredient Contents of Gynura procumbens Cultivated in Hydroponics System

        Kyu-Hoi Lee,Sung-Hee Lee,Eun-Sol Yeon,Who-Bong Chang,Ju-Hyoung Kim,Jae-Ho Park,Tong-Min Sa,Gwang-Hyun Han,Jin-Hee Park,Sook-Jin Kim 한국토양비료학회 2020 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        Gynura procumbens (Family Asteraceae) is a medicinal plant commonly found in tropical Asian countries such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. It is widely used as a traditional medicine in many different countries for the treatment of a variety of health ailments such as kidney discomfort, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, constipation, and hypertension. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of shading on growth and functional ingredients of Gynura procumbens. Gynura procumbens was planted in a greenhouse on April 24 (2019), and shading treatments were carried out throughout the entire growth period at 0%, 35%, 55%, and 75% using a black net. The total plant height of Gynura procumbens was highest for the 75% shading treated ones. Additionally, the stem diameter and yield was higher for all the shading treated plants compared to the non-shaded control plants. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of the 0% and 35% shading treated plants were significantly higher than the plants exposed to 55% and 75% shading treatment at 0.5% and 2.5% sample concentrations. The total flavonoids and vitamin C concentrations had also shown the same trend, whereas rutin content was highest for 0% shading treatment and the lowest was for 55% and 75% shading treatments. Hence, this study suggests that 35% shading treatment on Gynura procumbens can be considered as an advantageous condition for their growth and functional ingredients.

      • KCI등재

        국내 갯벌머드 해양치유자원의 특성 및 기준에 관한 연구

        박선영,강정원,정용기,조연제 한국습지학회 2023 한국습지학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        최근 들어서 국내의 해양치유산업 활성화를 위한 해양치유자원의 효능․효과에 관한 연구개발이 진행 중에 있다. 본연구는 해양치유자원으로서 잘 알려진 머드 물질에 대한 효능성분 분석을 통해 활용․관리 기준을 제시하였다. 머드물질 시료는 국내 갯벌에서 채취되었으며, 모래질, 실트질 및 점토질 함량은 각각 평균 7.87%, 74.95% 및 17.17% 로 머드(실트+점토)의 평균 함량이 90% 이상이었다. 효능성분은 SiO2(68.4%)성분이 가장 높으며, 다음으로Al2O3(13.3%)>Fe2O3(4.0%)>K2O(2.9%)>Na2O(2.3%)>MgO(1.6%)>CaO(1.0%)>TiO2(0.7%) 순으로 평균함량이 높았다. 효능성분 분석을 바탕으로 기능성을 나타내는 성분(기능 성분)을 Si, Al, Fe, K, Na, Mg, Ca를 선정하였으며, 또한 품질관리를 목적으로 정하는 성분(지표 성분)은 효능을 가진 성분 중 함량이 높은 K, Mg, Ca로 결정하였다. 결과적으로 기존 문헌을 참고하여 국내 갯벌머드자원이 해양치유자원으로서 활용․관리되기 위해서는 원재료의 머드함량이 70.0% 이상 그리고 지표 성분인 K2O+MgO+CaO의 합이 5.0% 이상을 기준으로 제시하였다. The domestic marine healing industry is undergoing significant revitalization efforts, with a focus on understanding the efficacy and effectiveness of marine healing resources. This study establishes utilization and management standards through a detailed analysis of the active components within well-recognized marine healing mud materials. Samples of mud materials were collected from domestic tidal flats. These samples exhibited an average composition of 7.87% sand, 74.95% silt, and 17.17% clay, with a combined mud content (silt+clay) consistently exceeding 90%. Notably, SiO2 emerged as the most prevalent effective ingredient at 68.4%, followed by Al2O3 (13.3%)>Fe2O3 (4.0%)>K2O (2.9%)>Na2O (2.3%)>MgO (1.6%)>CaO (1.0%)>TiO2 (0.7%), in terms of average content. Subsequently, through an analysis of effective ingredients, Si, Al, Fe, K, Na, Mg, and Ca were identified as elements demonstrating significant functionality. Among these, key indicator ingredients were selected for quality control, all of which were found to possess efficacious properties. Notably, K, Mg, and Ca exhibited particularly high concentrations. Based on these findings and referencing existing literature, it is recommended that domestic tidal flat mud resources earmarked for utilization as marine healing resources should possess a raw material mud content of no less than 70.0%. Moreover, the cumulative index components K2O+MgO+CaO should meet or exceed a threshold of 5.0% for optimal effectiveness.

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