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        백석 시의 근대성 연구-병리학적 샤머니즘을 중심으로

        이일림 배달말학회 2013 배달말 Vol.53 No.-

        본고에서는 1930년대에 한국 시의 주류를 형성했던 한 시인으로서 백석 시의 근대성의 구현양상에 대해 병리학적 샤머니즘을 중심으로 살펴보는 데에 목적이 있다. 그 이유는 백석 시의 근대성에서 샤머니즘적인 시편들은 결코 간과할 수 없는 부분인데, 샤머니즘적인 시편들이 근대성의 내면에 강고하게 병리학적인 성격으로 내재하고 있기 때문이다. 우선 연구사 검토를 통해 전통적 시작에 몰두하였던 백석의 시세계에 나타나는 전통성에 근거해서 보들레르가 말하는 미학적 개념과 상통하는 점을 고찰하고 그 여파로 나타나는 백석 시의 리얼리즘과 모더니즘의 관점에서 행해졌던 백석 시에 대한 논의를 살핀다. 백석 시의 근대성을 연구하기 위해 먼저 토속성의 이면과 모더니티의 접합과정을 살피고 백석 시가 이룬 모더니티의 경로에 대한 이해관계를 고찰한다. 그러한 과정에서 백석 시의 토속성은 김기림이 주장하는 모더니티의 구성요소들과 접합된다. 방언의 리얼리티와 모더니티를 절묘하게 혼합하는 방식의 창조된 주지주의적 시선은, 백석이 모더니즘의 영향 아래 시세계의 새로움을 추구하기 위한 방편이었다는 점에서 모더니즘이 토속성의 이면으로 드러나는 것을 알 수 있을 것이다. 2장에서 이러한 백석 시의 속성을 고찰했다면, 3장에서 중요한 것은 본고에서 연구하고자 하는 구체적 요인이 되는 백석 시 근대성의 구현을 병리학적 샤머니즘 관점에서 구명하는 것이다. 백석 시의 근대성 연구에 있어서 절실하고 확연하게 드러나는 시세계가 전통적이고 신화적인 샤머니즘적 시세계이다. 본고의 고찰은 백석 시에 나타나는 토속성을 포괄적인 범위로 다루는데, 그 한 갈래의 경향인 토속성의 이면을 좀 더 세부적으로 연구하는 차원에서시세계에 내재하는 근대성의 방향을 점층적으로 접근하기 위한 방안이다. 그러기 위해 백석 시의 근대성과 병리학적 샤머니즘의 교섭점을 알아본다. 백석 시의 근대성에 있어서 병리학적 샤머니즘은 치유의 개념을 포함하는 것으로써 그것은 백석 시의 근대성이 치유의 형식으로도 나타나는 것을 입증하기 위한 방편이며, 일제강점기에 말살 위기에 놓인 전통 신앙인 무가에 대한 애착심과 민족심의 발로였다는 것을 밝히는 과정이다. 결국 이는 백석 시의 근대성이 내포한 희원의 우회적인 기법이며 시대상황을 퇴치할 방도를 찾기에 고심한 치유의 흔적으로써, 민간 전통신앙인 샤머니즘의 중요성을 깨닫게 되는 기저로 작용하고, 그의 시문학에 병리학적 샤머니즘을 수용하게 된 계기로 수렴된다. 백석 시는 동시대 시인들이 전통과의 단절을 미덕으로 삼고 도회적 이미지와 서구적 감각을 찾으려 노력한 반면, 백석 시는 과거의 것에서 시어를 끌어올렸다는 점, 그리고 사라져가는 전통관습에 대한 경각심을 일깨웠다는 점, 고유의 전통인 샤머니즘적인 시편들이 치유의 방도로 시문학에 자리 잡았다는 점에서 모더니티의 의미가 오히려 더 깊게 다가온다. 백석 시의 근대성의 획득은 전근대성을 저변에 깔고 있다. 시공간 의식에서 병리학적 샤머니즘의 시편들은 전근대성의 토대를 가지는 전통성에서 출발한다. 이는 근대적 주체가 인식하는 민족 수난과 상실감에서 비롯된 것이며, 타자에 의한 인식의 변화가 호응할 때 가장 근대적인 것을 획득한다. 샤머니즘적 시세계는 대부분 유년의 시절에 근거한 기억에서 끌어오고 있다. 그러나 가장... The purpose of this study was to investigate the manifestation patterns of modernity in the poetry of Baek Seok, one of the poets that formed a mainstream in the poetic circles of Korea in the 1930s, with a focus on pathological shamanism since the shamanistic works could never be neglected in the modernity of his poetry and were firmly present inside modernity as a pathological nature. The study first reviewed the research history to examine the traditional elements of the poetic world of the poet, who was committed to writing traditional poems, that would correspond with the aesthetical concept of Baudelaire and look into the resulting discussions about his poetry from the perspective of realism and modernism in his poetry. The study examined the process of the other side of folk nature converging with modernity and the interest relations of the modernity path established in his poetry to investigate modernity in his poetry. The folk nature of his poetry merged with the components of modernity argued by Kim Gi-rim in the process. The view of created intellectualism according to the exquisite combination of dialect reality and modernity reveals that modernity emerges as the other side of folk nature in that the poet used the approach to seek after newness in the poetic world under the influence of modernism. Chapter 2 covered those attributes of his poetry. Chapter 3 investigated the manifestation of modernity in his poetry, which was the specific element to be examined in the study, from the perspective of pathological shamanism. A traditional and mythical shamanistic poetic world makes a desperate and definite appearance in the research on modernity in his poetry. The present study dealt with folk nature in his poetry within a comprehensive scope as a way approach the directionality of modernity in his poetic world in a gradual fashion in an attempt to investigate the other side of folk nature, one of the tendencies, more in-depth. The study thus looked into the negotiation points between modernity and pathological shamanism in his poetry. Pathological shamanism includes the concept of healing as for modernity in his poetry. It is a means to demonstrate that modernity also took the form of healing in his poetry and a process to show that it was the expression of his nationalist sentiment as well as love for shamanistic songs, part of the traditional faith at the risk of abolition during the Japanese rule. In the end, it was a detour technique for the hope in the modernity of his poetry and the trace of healing to contemplate a way to overcome the situations of the times. It served as the base to realize the importance of shamanism, a traditional faith, and the opportunity to include pathological shamanism in his poetic literature. Unlike his contemporary poets that found a virtue in separation from traditions and tried to find urban images and western senses, Baek Seok added more depth to the meanings of modernity in that his poetry pulled up poetic words from the past and awakened the consciousness of disappearing traditional customs and that the works based on shamanism, a unique tradition, settled down as the means of healing in poetic literature. The achievement of modernity in his poetry is based on pre-modernity. In the consciousness of time and space, the works of pathological shamanism start with the heritage with a pre-modern foundation. It stemmed from the people's suffering and sense of lost perceived by the modern subjects. When a change to the consciousness of others reacts, the most modern can be obtained. The shamanistic poetic world mostly comes out of childhood memories. However, he succeeded in manifesting the most refreshing and realistic and more profound “modernity,” which was not superficial, by establishing a modern subject with the most folk and national materials and linguistic consciousness and not popularizing the unique oldness. The form of summoning the most traditional and rousing ...

      • KCI등재

        현대문학 : 백석 시의 근대성 연구-병리학적 샤머니즘을 중심으로

        이일림 ( Il Rim Lee ) 배달말학회 2013 배달말 Vol.53 No.-

        본고에서는 1930년대에 한국 시의 주류를 형성했던 한 시인으로서 백석 시의 근대성의 구현양상에 대해 병리학적 샤머니즘을 중심으로 살펴보는 데에 목적이 있다. 그 이유는 백석 시의 근대성에서 샤머니즘적인 시편들은 결코 간과할 수 없는 부분인데, 샤머니즘적인 시편들이 근대성의 내면에 강고하게 병리학적인 성격으로 내재하고 있기 때문이다. 우선 연구사 검토를 통해 전통적 시작에 몰두하였던 백석의 시세계에 나타나는 전통성에 근거해서 보들레르가 말하는 미학적 개념과 상통하는 점을 고찰하고 그 여파로 나타나는 백석 시의 리얼리즘과 모더니즘의 관점에서 행해졌던 백석 시에 대한 논의를 살핀다. 백석 시의 근대성을 연구하기 위해 먼저 토속성의 이면과 모더니티의 접합과정을 살피고 백석 시가 이룬 모더니티의 경로에 대한 이해관계를 고찰한다. 그러한 과정에서 백석 시의 토속성은 김기림이 주장하는 모더니티의 구성요소들과 접합된다. 방언의 리얼리티와 모더니티를 절묘하게 혼합하는 방식의 창조된 주지주의적 시선은, 백석이 모더니즘의 영향 아래 시세계의 새로움을 추구하기 위한 방편이었다는 점에서 모더니즘이 토속성의 이면으로 드러나는 것을 알 수 있을 것이다. 2장에서 이러한 백석 시의 속성을 고찰했다면, 3장에서 중요한 것은 본고에서 연구하고자 하는 구체적 요인이 되는 백석 시 근대성의 구현을 병리학적 샤머니즘 관점에서 구명하는 것이다. 백석 시의 근대성 연구에 있어서 절실하고 확연하게 드러나는 시세계가 전통적이고 신화적인 샤머니즘적 시세계이다. 본고의 고찰은 백석 시에 나타나는 토속성을 포괄적인 범위로 다루는데, 그 한 갈래의 경향인 토속성의 이면을 좀 더 세부적으로 연구하는 차원에서시세계에 내재하는 근대성의 방향을 점층적으로 접근하기 위한 방안이다. 그러기 위해 백석 시의 근대성과 병리학적 샤머니즘의 교섭점을 알아본다. 백석 시의 근대성에 있어서 병리학적 샤머니즘은 치유의 개념을 포함하는 것으로써 그것은 백석 시의 근대성이 치유의 형식으로도 나타나는 것을 입증하기 위한 방편이며, 일제강점기에 말살 위기에 놓인 전통 신앙인 무가에 대한 애착심과 민족심의 발로였다는 것을 밝히는 과정이다. 결국 이는 백석 시의 근대성이 내포한 희원의 우회적인 기법이며 시대상황을 퇴치할 방도를 찾기에 고심한 치유의 흔적으로써, 민간 전통신앙인 샤머니즘의 중요성을 깨닫게 되는 기저로 작용하고, 그의 시문학에 병리학적 샤머니즘을 수용하게 된 계기로 수렴된다. 백석 시는 동시대 시인들이 전통과의 단절을 미덕으로 삼고 도회적 이미지와 서구적 감각을 찾으려 노력한 반면, 백석 시는 과거의 것에서 시어를 끌어올렸다는 점, 그리고 사라져가는 전통관습에 대한 경각심을 일깨웠다는 점, 고유의 전통인 샤머니즘적인 시편들이 치유의 방도로 시문학에 자리 잡았다는 점에서 모더니티의 의미가 오히려 더 깊게 다가온다. 백석 시의 근대성의 획득은 전근대성을 저변에 깔고 있다. 시공간 의식에서 병리학적 샤머니즘의 시편들은 전근대성의 토대를 가지는 전통성에서 출발한다. 이는 근대적 주체가 인식하는 민족 수난과 상실감에서 비롯된 것이며, 타자에 의한 인식의 변화가 호응할 때 가장 근대적인 것을 획득한다. 샤머니즘적 시세계는 대부분 유년의 시절에 근거한 기억에서 끌어오고 있다. 그러나 가장 토속적이고 민족적인 소재와 언어의식을 통하여 근대적 주체를 확립하며, 고유의 옛것을 통속화시키지도 않고 그렇다고 표면적인 모더니티도 아니게 가장 신선하고 가장 사실적인, 보다 심층적인 ‘모더니티’를 구현하는데 성공하고 있다. 가장 전통의 것을 소환하여 현실에 환기시키는 형식은 극도의 통감을 끌어들이게 충분하며, 나아가 병리학적 샤머니즘의 시적 국면은 백석 시의 미적 형상화에서 한 걸음 더 진보하여 독특한 백석 시 고유의 ’모더니티‘를 개척한 것이다. 백석 시의 ‘모더니티’가 추구한 귀결점은 전통성을 담지하면서 동시에 그것을 담아내는 형식의 모더니티한 면모를 보인다는 점에서 근대성의 핵심적인 요소를 획득한 데 있고, 전통을 통해서 모더니티를 획득하는 백석 시의 전략은 동시대에 아무도 범접할 수 없는 그만의 창조성으로 평가되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the manifestation patterns of modernity in the poetry of Baek Seok, one of the poets that formed a mainstream in the poetic circles of Korea in the 1930s, with a focus on pathological shamanism since the shamanistic works could never be neglected in the modernity of his poetry and were firmly present inside modernity as a pathological nature. The study first reviewed the research history to examine the traditional elements of the poetic world of the poet, who was committed to writing traditional poems, that would correspond with the aesthetical concept of Baudelaire and look into the resulting discussions about his poetry from the perspective of realism and modernism in his poetry. The study examined the process of the other side of folk nature converging with modernity and the interest relations of the modernity path established in his poetry to investigate modernity in his poetry. The folk nature of his poetry merged with the components of modernity argued by Kim Gi-rim in the process. The view of created intellectualism according to the exquisite combination of dialect reality and modernity reveals that modernity emerges as the other side of folk nature in that the poet used the approach to seek after newness in the poetic world under the influence of modernism. Chapter 2 covered those attributes of his poetry. Chapter 3 investigated the manifestation of modernity in his poetry, which was the specific element to be examined in the study, from the perspective of pathological shamanism. A traditional and mythical shamanistic poetic world makes a desperate and definite appearance in the research on modernity in his poetry. The present study dealt with folk nature in his poetry within a comprehensive scope as a way approach the directionality of modernity in his poetic world in a gradual fashion in an attempt to investigate the other side of folk nature, one of the tendencies, more in-depth. The study thus looked into the negotiation points between modernity and pathological shamanism in his poetry. Pathological shamanism includes the concept of healing as for modernity in his poetry. It is a means to demonstrate that modernity also took the form of healing in his poetry and a process to show that it was the expression of his nationalist sentiment as well as love for shamanistic songs, part of the traditional faith at the risk of abolition during the Japanese rule. In the end, it was a detour technique for the hope in the modernity of his poetry and the trace of healing to contemplate a way to overcome the situations of the times. It served as the base to realize the importance of shamanism, a traditional faith, and the opportunity to include pathological shamanism in his poetic literature. Unlike his contemporary poets that found a virtue in separation from traditions and tried to find urban images and western senses, Baek Seok added more depth to the meanings of modernity in that his poetry pulled up poetic words from the past and awakened the consciousness of disappearing traditional customs and that the works based on shamanism, a unique tradition, settled down as the means of healing in poetic literature. The achievement of modernity in his poetry is based on pre-modernity. In the consciousness of time and space, the works of pathological shamanism start with the heritage with a pre-modern foundation. It stemmed from the people`s suffering and sense of lost perceived by the modern subjects. When a change to the consciousness of others reacts, the most modern can be obtained. The shamanistic poetic world mostly comes out of childhood memories. However, he succeeded in manifesting the most refreshing and realistic and more profound "modernity," which was not superficial, by establishing a modern subject with the most folk and national materials and linguistic consciousness and not popularizing the unique oldness. The form of summoning the most traditional and rousing them in reality is enough to induce an extremely keen sensation. Furthermore, the poetic aspects of pathological shamanism pioneered "modernity" unique to his particular poetry, making a further step forward from aesthetic embodiment in his poetry. The ultimate point that "modernity" of his poetry sought after obtained the essential elements of modernity in that it maintained the traditional value and, at the same time, exhibited a modern aspect of the form holding it. The strategy of attaining modernity through tradition in his poetry should be evaluated as his own creativity that no other contemporary figures of his could approach.

      • KCI등재

        Importance of the knowledge of pathological processes for risk-based inspection in pig slaughterhouses (Study of 2002 to 2016)

        Pedro Sanchez,Francisco J. Pallares,Miguel A. Gomez,Antonio Bernabe,Serafin Gomez,Juan Seva 아세아·태평양축산학회 2018 Animal Bioscience Vol.31 No.11

        Objective: The objective of this work was to determine the prevalence of the pathologies that caused the condemnation of pig carcasses in an area of intensive pig farming and Mediterranean climatology and to evaluate their influence in a risk-based inspection procedure for slaughterhouses. Methods: A retrospective observational investigation was carried out from 2002 to 2016 into the pathological processes that caused the condemnation of pig carcasses in a slaughterhouse from South-eastern Spain. The seasonal effect on the causes of condemnation carcass was reported. Negative binomial model was used to evaluate the effect of season on the rate of antemortem rejections and post-mortem condemnations. Histopathological examinations were performed to confirm the diagnosis. Results: The risk of antemortem rejections (0.0564%) was significantly greater in summer (risk ratio [RR] = 1.57). Autumn was associated with higher rate (RR = 1.69) of the total postmortem condemnations (0.1046%). Significantly higher rates of pronounced anaemia (0.0111%) were observed in summer (RR = 3.20). The main causes of anaemia were observed gastroesophageal ulcers and haemorrhagic enteropathies. Significantly highest risk of erysipelas (0.0074%) were observed in autumn (RR = 5.485). About other zoonosis, only eight cases (0.0013%) of carcasses were declared unfit due to tuberculosis lesions. Porcine muscular cysticercosis was not detected. Nevertheless, nonspecific causes such as generalized infections and emaciation represented the half of the condemned carcasses (50.90%). Conclusion: The pathologies leading to the condemnation of carcasses in this study can be considered representative of the pathologies that affect the pig population from a region with a high intensive production and Mediterranean climatology because this slaughterhouse receives a lot of animals from many farms of different size in a high intensive pig production zone (Mediterranean region). Increased knowledge of environmental factors that may foment the appearance of the diseases is essential for implementing inspection programs based on risk assessment in pig’s slaughterhouses.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 연구의 융합적 가치와 과제 언어병리학과 - 자연어처리 분야와의 관계를 중심으로-

        이봉원 ( Yi Bong-won ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2023 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.61 No.-

        한국어 연구는 20세기 후반부터 다른 분야의 학문과 적극적으로 교류하여 왔으며, 최근 들어 융합적 연구가 일반화되면서 다시 그 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 한국어학은 한국어에 내재한 본질적 구조를 밝히고 구체적인 한국어 사용 양상을 통해 그 특성을 이론화한다. 언어병리학은 인간의 의사소통 특성에 기반해서 한국어 의사소통의 문제를 발견하고 해결 방법을 모색한다. 자연어처리는 한국어를 컴퓨터로 분석하고 새로운 지식을 생성해서 응용하는 여러 방법을 실현하고 있다. 한국어학, 언어병리학, 자연어처리 분야의 융합 연구는 융합 학문의 가치와 방향성을 가장 잘 보여주는 사례 중 하나이다. 딥러닝 중심의 자연어처리 기술의 발전은 자연어처리에 대한 다른 영역의 접근 가능성을 높여 주었다. 그리고 이 과정에 필수적인 언어자료의 구축은 한국어학 분야가 적극적인 역할을 해야 하는 영역이다. Korean language research has actively engaged with other fields since the late 20th century, and its significance has been highlighted once again as convergent research has become prevalent in recent times. Korean linguistics explores the fundamental structure inherent in the Korean language and theorizes its characteristics through specific aspects of its use. Speech-language pathology identifies issues in Korean communication based on human communication traits and seeks solutions. Natural language processing implements various methods for computer analysis of the Korean language and generates and applies new knowledge. Convergence research in the fields of Korean language, speech-language pathology, and natural language processing is a prime example of the value and direction of convergence studies. The advancement of deep learning-based natural language processing technology has increased the accessibility of other domains to natural language processing, and the creation of language corpora crucial for this process is a sphere where the field of Korean linguistics should actively participate.

      • KCI등재

        벤처성장이론이 정말 필요한가?

        진병채 한국전략경영학회 2022 전략경영연구 Vol.25 No.2

        In this study, I discuss whether we need a theory of venture growth distinct from conventional theories of entrepreneurship and organizational growth. To do this, I first discuss whether venture growth is the organizational phenomenon distinct from venture creation and briefly review some limitations of traditional theories of organizational growth. I then critically review organizational and ecological processes of venture growth from the perspective of population ecology known as a dynamic theory of organizational growth. I accentuate that to develop a useful theory of venture growth, we should focus on organizational change. That is, ventures, as they grow, inevitably encounter new challenges and crises. A theory of venture growth ought to provide practical solutions for ventures experiencing difficulty in dealing with such challenges and crises. For future research, I urge researchers to focus not on the outcomes of organizational change but on organizational processes leading to such organizational change. In addition, I also call for future research paying attention to organizational pathology creating chaos, conflicts and resistance within the venture and investigating how ventures successfully manage such pathological phenomena occurring at different analytical levels. (입장과 실천) 본 연구에서는 벤처기업의 성장 과정을 설명하기 위해, 기존의 기업가정신이론과일반조직성장이론과 구별되는 고유한 벤처성장이론 개발의 필요성에 대해 논의하였다. 우선 벤처 성장은창업과는 구별되는 현상임을 설명하였고, 벤처기업의 성장 과정을 설명함에 있어서 전통적 조직성장이론이가지는 한계에 대해서도 간략히 검토해 보았다. 본 연구에서는 특히, 동태적 조직성장이론의 토대를 마련했다고 알려진 조직군 생태학 관점에서 조직 변화의 현실적 어려움을 조망해 보고, 앞으로 정립되어야 할 벤처성장이론은 벤처기업의 조직 변화에 초점을 두어야 함을 강조하였다. 즉, 벤처기업은 성장 과정에서 필연적으로 많은 도전과 위기에 직면하게 되며, 벤처성장이론은 벤처기업이그러한 도전과 위기에 성공적으로 대처하기 위한 실천적 해결책을 제시해 주어야 한다. 이를 위해서본 연구에서는 연구자들이 변화의 결과보다는 변화의 과정에 초점을 두고, 변화를 야기한 내생적원인변수를 파악하는 것이 중요함을 강조하였다. 뿐만 아니라, 변화에 직면한 벤처기업이 겪게 되는혼돈, 가치관의 충돌, 갈등, 저항 등 조직내 병리현상에 주목하여 이를 어떻게 성공적으로 극복해 가는지그 과정에 대한 연구의 필요성에 대해서도 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Demodicidosis of an Intertragic Notch of the Ear That Was Misdiagnosed as a Skin Tumor: A Case Report

        Heo Seung,Jeong Yeol Yang 대한창상학회 2023 Journal of Wound Management and Research Vol.19 No.2

        Demodex mite infestation has variable clinical manifestations including eruptions, erythema, pustules, facial hyperpigmentation, rosacea-like lesions, and perioral dermatitis. A 62-year-old man came with a 2-year history of a slowly enlarging, asymptomatic lesion in the intertragic notch of the left ear, and the findings from an ultrasound conducted by a radiologist suggested a benign skin tumor such as an epidermal or trichilemmal cyst. After total excision, histopathology of a section of the specimen showed multiple follicular infundibula containing Demodex folliculorum in the dermal layer, and the perifollicular tissue showed granulomatous change with lymphomononuclear inflammation. This article presents a rare clinical symptom of Demodex mites in the form of a tumor-like lesion on the face

      • KCI등재

        Case Report: Erythema Multiforme Induced by Lithium Contact

        김진철,강석영,정보영,박천욱,김혜원 대한피부과학회 2023 Annals of Dermatology Vol.35 No.-

        Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute, self-limited mucocutaneous disease with diverse triggering factors, and the recurrences are quite common. A 24-year old male presented with multiple erythematous, itchy papules and plaques on multiple sites. He has worked in a lithium battery factory and experienced the chemical burn 2 weeks ago. A histopathologic examination on right wrist showed a scattered lymphocytic infiltration, vacuolar degen- eration, and necrotic keratinocyte. The final diagnosis was EM after occupational lithium exposure. He was treated by oral methylprednisolone and experienced recurrences after returning to the same workplace after remission. Although the precise pathogenesis is un- known, the pathogenesis of EM by lithium is related to the effect of lithium on immune system, different from other etiologies. To our knowledge, our case is the first report of EM following the chemical burn and occupational lithium exposure. We report this as an inter- esting case of EM.

      • KCI등재

        Beyond the Brain: The Systemic Pathophysiological Response to Acute Ischemic Stroke

        Maria H.H. Balch,Shahid M. Nimjee,Cameron Rink,Yousef Hannawi 대한뇌졸중학회 2020 Journal of stroke Vol.22 No.2

        Stroke research has traditionally focused on the cerebral processes following ischemic brain injury, where oxygen and glucose deprivation incite prolonged activation of excitatory neurotransmitter receptors, intracellular calcium accumulation, inflammation, reactive oxygen species proliferation, and ultimately neuronal death. A recent growing body of evidence, however, points to far-reaching pathophysiological consequences of acute ischemic stroke. Shortly after stroke onset, peripheral immunodepression in conjunction with hyperstimulation of autonomic and neuroendocrine pathways and motor pathway impairment result in dysfunction of the respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and endocrine systems. These end organ abnormalities play a major role in the morbidity and mortality of acute ischemic stroke. Using a pathophysiology-based approach, this current review discusses the pathophysiological mechanisms following ischemic brain insult that result in end organ dysfunction. By characterizing stroke as a systemic disease, future research must consider bidirectional interactions between the brain and peripheral organs to inform treatment paradigms and develop effective, comprehensive therapeutics for acute ischemic stroke.


        Case Report: Erythema Multiforme Induced by Lithium Contact

        ( Jin Cheol Kim ),( Seok Young Kang ),( Bo Young Chung ),( Chun Wook Park ),( Hye One Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2023 Annals of Dermatology Vol.35 No.7

        Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute, self-limited mucocutaneous disease with diverse triggering factors, and the recurrences are quite common. A 24-year old male presented with multiple erythematous, itchy papules and plaques on multiple sites. He has worked in a lithium battery factory and experienced the chemical burn 2 weeks ago. A histopathologic examination on right wrist showed a scattered lymphocytic infiltration, vacuolar degeneration, and necrotic keratinocyte. The final diagnosis was EM after occupational lithium exposure. He was treated by oral methylprednisolone and experienced recurrences after returning to the same workplace after remission. Although the precise pathogenesis is unknown, the pathogenesis of EM by lithium is related to the effect of lithium on immune system, different from other etiologies. To our knowledge, our case is the first report of EM following the chemical burn and occupational lithium exposure. We report this as an interesting case of EM.


        Evolution of the multi-tRNA synthetase complex and its role in cancer

        Hyeon, Do Young,Kim, Jong Hyun,Ahn, Tae Jin,Cho, Yeshin,Hwang, Daehee,Kim, Sunghoon American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bi 2019 The Journal of biological chemistry Vol.294 No.14

        <P>Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) are enzymes that ligate their cognate amino acids to tRNAs for protein synthesis. However, recent studies have shown that their functions are expanded beyond protein synthesis through the interactions with diverse cellular factors. In this review, we discuss how ARSs have evolved to expand and control their functions by forming protein assemblies. We particularly focus on a macromolecular ARS complex in eukaryotes, named multi-tRNA synthetase complex (MSC), which is proposed to provide a channel through which tRNAs reach bound ARSs to receive their cognate amino acid and transit further to the translation machinery. Approximately half of the ARSs assemble into the MSC through <I>cis</I>-acting noncatalytic domains attached to their catalytic domains and <I>trans</I>-acting factors. Evolution of the MSC included its functional expansion, during which the MSC interaction network was augmented by additional cellular pathways present in higher eukaryotes. We also discuss MSC components that could be functionally involved in the pathophysiology of tumorigenesis. For example, the activities of some <I>trans</I>-acting factors have tumor-suppressing effects or maintain DNA integrity and are functionally compromised in cancer. On the basis of Gene Ontology analyses, we propose that the regulatory activities of the MSC-associated ARSs mainly converge on five biological processes, including mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and DNA repair pathways. Future studies are needed to investigate how the MSC-associated and free-ARSs interact with each other and other factors in the control of multiple cellular pathways, and how aberrant or disrupted interactions in the MSC can cause disease.</P>

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