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        오영록 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2012 충청문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Korean literature from the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945) not only is an important node in the formation and development of modern Korean literature but also provides a useful perspective for discussing the modernity of literature and critique of modernity and, moreover, considering pre- and post-Liberation (1945) Korean literature as a continuum in terms of coloniality and the transcendence of colonialism. After proceeding on the dichotomous configuration of pro-Japanese collaboration and anti-Japanese resistance, existing studies have stressed and examined the fissures discovered in postcolonial interstices. While admitting the significance of such research, however, the present study discovered the need to explore Korean literature from the Japanese colonial era not by viewing it as a unitary point on the boundary but by scrutinizing the continuous semantic contexts in the texts from a continuous level. In particular, the present study took note of the fact that, in examining or discussing prose fiction by Pak T’ae-won (1909-1986; pen name: Kubo) from the Japanese colonial period, it was not possible to explicate points of contradictions in terms of semantic contexts while viewing the 1930’s and the 1940’s from segmented consciousness. From such a perspective, it sought to explore the colonial logic in the writer’s prose fiction from the Japanese colonial era on the level of continuous contexts. In prose fiction by Pak from the Japanese colonial era, the colonial logic was unconsciously recognized by the writer through images of women. In For a Half-Year, he unconsciously reveals the colonial logic of the colonial rulers and the ruled in relation to the terms of male and female. In addition, in “A Day in the Life of Mr. Kubo the Novelist,” the writer has the protagonist discover in women the reality of contemporary Korea, absorbed into the colonial logic of the Japanese colonizers, in the space of Seoul during the 1930’s and intentionally reject unions with them. In Cheerful Prospects, he ironically asks whether, amidst the overflow of the logic of modern capitalism imported by the Japanese colonizers, the process through which the colonial logic of the Japanese colonizers likewise is naturally internalized can be seen as “cheerful prospects.” Pak implicitly reveals his internal acceptance of the Japanese colonizers’ colonial logic in Asia’s Dawn by showing the natural absorption of Wang Zhaoming’s “Asianism” by the Japanese colonizers’ “East Asianism.” He then sought to excuse his own acceptance of the colonial logic through the cycle of three works that he called “self-portraits.” No matter how removed the space in which one stands may be from the central administrative system of the Japanese colonizers, one cannot but be subordinated to it in the end. Furthermore, incidents that occur within the system are due to the benighted Koreans, and the way to resolve them is to rage at and exclude the Koreans, communicating directly with the Japanese. By thus implicitly revealing the colonial logic, the writer shows that he had no choice but to join it. In addition, he sought to excuse his authorship of works based on the colonial logic by confessing his difficult financial situation in a cycle of I-novels. At the time, however, Pak’s financial situation was not so straitened; on the contrary, he was actually quite well-off in comparison with those in other professions. Such facts are exposed as his usual spending habits and circumstances are unwittingly revealed in his works. In the end, the writer shows through his prose fiction that, in accepting the colonial logic, he has chosen the implicit and roundabout way rather than the direct one.

      • KCI등재

        日帝强占期 新聞史 硏究의 現狀과 向後의 課題* - 식민지 일본인 경영의 신문 연구의 진척을 위한 제언 -

        홍순권 동아대학교 석당학술원 2012 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.52

        The Korean press had been willing to play the role of the herald for the spread of the modern westernized civilization, enlightening the Korean people since 1880s. Especially, the 1910s has been called the dark times of the Korean press history, while the press published by Koreans were suppressed by Japanese rulers until 1945. From this point of view, it could be justified to describe nationalistically the press history during the Japanese colonial period. But we can find out few researches about the press by Japanese in Korea during the same times, although there were so many Japanese newspapers in those days. Why should we have concern about the Japanese press in Korea during the Japanese colonial period? What meanings do they have in the press history of Korea?(1) It is necessary to research them in order to examine the totality of the press policy by Japanese colonial government in Korea and in order to understand more deeply the colonial powers. It also means to overcome the limitation of the 'half-research' focused on the Koreans' press until now. (2) It is necessary to research them in order to understand more deeply the role and function of the press in local societies of colonial Korea. Because many Japanese newspaper companies were scattered in main local cities, for example, Busan, Pyongyang, Kusan, and other local cities, of course including Seoul. (3) The research for the Japanese press in Korea will be a basement for the new study on the colonial history. The Japanese newspapers possess great value as the historical materials as far as they concern about the Japanese colonial period. (4) We can take advantage of the Japanese newspapers of those days in order to examine the mutual networks between the press and local powers under the colonial rule. Futhermore, with the research for the Japanese press in the colonial times, we can find the possibility of the collaborated research for the Japanese colonialism in East Asia. Because we remember that the Japanese press in the Japanese colonial area had the very close relationship with the local powers and the Japanese imperialism as well. 1880년대 이후 근대 문명의 전파자로 자임하면서 민중을 계몽하는 첨병 역할을 해왔던 한국 언론은 을사늑약 이후 큰 시련을 겪게 되었다. 특히 강제병합 직후 1910년대는 그동안 한국 언론의 암흑기로 규정되어 왔고, 1920년대 이후에도 일제는 한국인의 언론에 대한 통제와 감시를 게을리하지 않았다. 이러한 측면에서 보면 그동안 한국의 근대언론사를 민족운동사의 일환으로 간주하여 한국인 발행의 민간지를 중심으로 기술해 온 것은 당연한 일일지도 모른다. 반면에, 일제시기 일본인들의 언론 활동이 활발하였음에 불구하고 이에 국내외 학계의 연구가 매우 일천하다. 그렇다면, 이러한 일제 강점하 일본인 경영 신문에 대한 연구는 왜 필요하며, 또 어떠한 연구사적 의미를 지니는 것일까?먼저, 일제강점 하 일본인 경영신문 연구는 일제시기 언론정책의 총체성을 구명하기 위해서 필요하다. 지금까지 연구는 일제시기 언론 연구는 당시 언론 현상의 전반에 비추어 보면 조선인 발행 민간지 중심의 부분적인 연구에 지나지 않았다. 이제는 일제의 언론정책이 민족적으로 어떤 차별을 지녔는지, 그리고 그 효과가 무엇이었는지에 대해서도 관심을 갖고, 그 총체적 모습을 드러낼 필요가 있다. 이를 통해서 식민권력의 식민지 언론에 대한 통제의 성격과 의미를 보다 더 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 일제시기 식민지 지방사회에서 전개된 언론의 역할과 기능에 대한 연구를 심화시키기 위해서 필요하다. 일제시기 일문지는 주로 개항장 등 일인이 집주한 지방사회를 언론활동의 대상으로 하고 있지만, 그 언론 활동은 식민지 지방사회의 운영과 매우 밀접한 관련을 지니고 있다. 이를 통해 우리는 식민지 지역사회에서 작동하는 언론의 식민주의적 메카니즘을 구체적으로 밝힐 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 일제시기 일문지 연구는 일제 식민사 연구를 위한 새로운 기반을 마련할 수 있다. 일제시기 각지에서 발행된 일문지는 일제시기 지방사회를 연구하는 데 필요한 사료로서 매우 중요한 가치를 지니고 있다. 그러나 이를 위해서는 사료에 대한 비판적 검토가 선행되어야 한다. 일문지의 성격과 기능을 검토하는 것은 바로 그러한 사료 비판과 일맥상통한다. 넷째, 일문지 연구는 당시 언론과 지방 정치세력 상호간의 네트워크를 밝히는 데 중요한 근거를 마련해 줄 수 있다. 지역언론은 지방세력의 유력한 일원이며, 그들의 세력관계는 지방권력의 역학관계를 반영하기 때문이다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 우리는 일제의 식민통치정책을 보다 역동적이고 구조적으로 파악할 수 있을 것이다. 이밖에도 일제 강점하 일본인 신문에 대한 연구가 중요한 의미를 지니는 것은 그것이 일제의 식민정책을 조선만의 차원에서가 아니라 동아시아 지역의 차원에서 통합적으로 접근할 수 있는 새로운 가능성을 제시해 줄 수 있다는 데에 있다. 왜냐하면, 일제시기 일본인의 현지 언론활동은 식민지 조선 뿐 만 아니라, 대만과 만주를 비롯하여 일본인의 집단 이주지인 아시아 각지에서의 활동과 상호 비교함으로써 그 보편성과 특수성을 더욱 잘 드러낼 수 있기 때문이다. 그것이 바로 앞으로 우리가 지향해야 할 일제지배 식민지 일본인경영 신문에 관한 연구 방향이 될 것이다. 이상에서와 같이 앞으로의 일제강점기 한국신문사 연구는 내용적으로는 기존의 언론통제 나 민족주의적 저항 연구에서 한 단계 더 나아가, ...

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기(日帝强占期) 신문사(新聞史) 연구(硏究)의 현상(現狀)과 향후(向後)의 과제(課題) -식민지 일본인 경영의 신문 연구의 진척을 위한 제언-

        홍순권 ( Soon Kwon Hong ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2012 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.52

        1880년대 이후 근대 문명의 전파자로 자임하면서 민중을 계몽하는 첨병 역할을 해왔던 한국 언론은 을사늑약 이후 큰 시련을 겪게 되었다. 특히 강제병합 직후 1910년대는 그동안 한국 언론의 암흑기로 규정되어 왔고, 1920년대 이후에도 일제는 한국인의 언론에 대한 통제와 감시를 게을리하지 않았다. 이러한 측면에서 보면 그동안 한국의 근대언론사를 민족운동사의 일환으로 간주하여 한국인 발행의 민간지를 중심으로 기술해 온 것은 당연한 일일지도 모른다. 반면에, 일제시기 일본인들의 언론 활동이 활발하였음에 불구하고 이에 국내외 학계의 연구가 매우 일천하다. 그렇다면, 이러한 일제 강점하 일본인 경영 신문에 대한 연구는 왜 필요하며, 또 어떠한 연구사적 의미를 지니는 것일까? 먼저, 일제강점 하 일본인 경영신문 연구는 일제시기 언론정책의 총체성을 구명하기 위해서 필요하다. 지금까지 연구는 일제시기 언론 연구는 당시 언론 현상의 전반에 비추어 보면 조선인 발행 민간지 중심의 부분적인 연구에 지나지 않았다. 이제는 일제의 언론정책이 민족적으로 어떤 차별을 지녔는지, 그리고 그 효과가 무엇이었는지에 대해서도 관심을 갖고, 그 총체적 모습을 드러낼 필요가 있다. 이를 통해서 식민권력의 식민지 언론에 대한 통제의 성격과 의미를 보다 더 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 일제시기 식민지 지방사회에서 전개된 언론의 역할과 기능에 대한 연구를 심화시키기 위해서 필요하다. 일제시기 일문지는 주로 개항장 등 일인이 집주한 지방사회를 언론활동의 대상으로 하고 있지만, 그 언론 활동은 식민지 지방사회의 운영과 매우 밀접한 관련을 지니고 있다. 이를 통해 우리는 식민지 지역사회에서 작동하는 언론의 식민주의적 메카니즘을 구체적으로 밝힐 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 일제시기 일문지 연구는 일제 식민사 연구를 위한 새로운 기반을 마련할 수 있다. 일제시기 각지에서 발행된 일문지는 일제시기 지방사회를 연구하는 데 필요한 사료로서 매우 중요한 가치를 지니고 있다. 그러나 이를 위해서는 사료에 대한 비판적 검토가 선행되어야 한다. 일문지의 성격과 기능을 검토하는 것은 바로 그러한 사료 비판과 일맥상통한다. 넷째, 일문지 연구는 당시 언론과 지방 정치세력 상호간의 네트워크를 밝히는 데 중요한 근거를 마련해 줄 수 있다. 지역언론은 지방세력의 유력한 일원이며, 그들의 세력관계는 지방권력의 역학관계를 반영하기 때문이다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 우리는 일제의 식민통치정책을 보다 역동적이고 구조적으로 파악할 수 있을 것이다. 이밖에도 일제 강점하 일본인 신문에 대한 연구가 중요한 의미를 지니는 것은 그것이 일제의 식민정책을 조선만의 차원에서가 아니라 동아시아 지역의 차원에서 통합적으로 접근할 수 있는 새로운 가능성을 제시해 줄 수 있다는 데에 있다. 왜냐하면, 일제시기 일본인의 현지 언론활동은 식민지 조선 뿐 만 아니라, 대만과 만주를 비롯하여 일본인의 집단 이주지인 아시아 각지에서의 활동과 상호 비교함으로써 그 보편성과 특수성을 더욱 잘 드러낼 수 있기 때문이다. 그것이 바로 앞으로 우리가 지향해야 할 일제지배 식민지 일본인경영 신문에 관한 연구 방향이 될 것이다. 이상에서와 같이 앞으로의 일제강점기 한국신문사 연구는 내용적으로는 기존의 언론통제 나 민족주의적 저항 연구에서 한 단계 더 나아가, 독자층의 분석 등을 통해 언론의 기능과 성격을 다층적으로 파악하는 방향으로 나아갈 필요가 있다. 동시에 연구 대상도 확대하여 흔히 과거의 국문 민간지 중심의 연구에서 각 지방의 일문지 연구로 확대해 나아가야 할 과제를 안고 있다. The Korean press had been willing to play the role of the herald for the spread of the modern westernized civilization, enlightening the people since 1880s. Especially, the 1910s has been called the dark times of the Korean press history, while the press published by Koreans were suppressed by Japanese rulers until 1945. From this point of view, it could be justified to describe nationalistically the press history during the Japanese colonial period. But we can find out the few researches about the press by Japanese in Korea during the same times, although there were so many Japanese newspapers in those days. Why should we have concern about the Japanese press in Korea during the Japanese colonial period? What meanings do they have in the press history of Korea? (1) It is necessary to research them in order to examine the totality of the press policy by Japanese colonial government in Korea and in order to understand more deeply the colonial powers. It also means to overcome the limitation of the ``half-research`` focused on the Koreans`` press until now. (2) It is necessary to research them in order to understand more deeply the role and function of the press in local societies of colonial Korea. Because many Japanese newspaper companies were scattered in main local cities, for example, Busan, Pyongyang, Kusan, and other local cities, of course including Seoul. (3) The research for the Japanese press in Korea will be a basement for the new study on the colonial history. The Japanese newspapers possess great value as the historical materials as far as they concern about the Japanese colonial period. (4) We can take advantage of the Japanese newspapers of those days in order to examine the mutual networks between the press and local powers under the colonial rule. Futhermore, with the research for the Japanese press in the colonial times, we can find the possibility of the collaborated research for the Japanese colonialism in East Asia. Because we remember that the Japanese press in the Japanese colonial area had the very close relationship with the local powers and the Japanese imperialism as well.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 한국의 '새교육운동'과 창의성 중심 조형교육으로의 전환 고찰 -박휘락의 『새교육과정에 의한 우리 학교 美術敎育②』(1964) 분석을 통해서-

        서희정 ( Suh Heejung ) 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2024 人文科學硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        1945년에 일본 제국주의의 식민지 상황에서 해방되면서 조선총독부를 중심으로 계획되고 구성되었던 식민지 잔재를 모두 청산하고 1948년 한반도의 38선을 기준으로 남쪽에만 민주주의를 기반으로 한 대한민국이라는 단독정부가 미국의 원조를 받아 새롭게 수립되었다. 이로써 대한민국의 공립학교에서는 일제강점기의 황국신민화를 목표로 한 교육이념을 토대로 모사본을 보고 따라 그리며 배우는 일본식 임화교육 방식을 벗어나 ‘새교육운동’이 시작되었고, 학습자 개개인의 경험과 창의성을 중심으로 하는 ‘창의성 중심 조형교육’이라는 새로운 패러다임이 모색되었다. 이와 같은 역사적 배경을 살피며 본 연구는 일제 식민지 잔재를 청산하고 미국으로부터 도입된 민주주의교육을 기조로 하여 어떻게 서구식 조형교육이 도입되고 전환점을 맞이하게 되었는지 주목하고 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이러한 문제제기는 지금까지 한국의 근대연구에서 개항기와 일제강점기와 해방공간을 각각의 단독적인 주제로 삼아 지엽적으로 논의해오던 연구와 달리, 일제의 식민지 잔재 청산이라는 연장선에서 해방공간의 대한민국이라는 민주주의 독립국가의 건설의 전환점을 함께 살펴본다는 점에서 새로운 시사점을 제공해 줄 수 있다고 본다. 해방 이후 피바디교육사절단 등을 통해 한국에 존 듀이와 허버트 리드의 학습자중심의 ‘경험’과 ‘자유’를 중시하는 민주주의 이념을 기반한 교육철학이 소개되었다. 본 연구에서는 그들의 문헌을 살피며 구체적으로 1964년 당시 문교부 미술과 연구학교로 지정되었던 경북대학교사범대학 부속국민학교에서 박휘락에 의해 시도된 연간지도계획서 『새교육과정에 의한 우리 학교 美術敎育②』을 함께 비교, 분석하였다. 그리하여 창의성중심 조형교육을 통해 민주주의교육뿐만 아니라 ‘전인교육으로서의 조형교육’이라는 새로운 방향을 추구하고자 대한민국의 공립학교에서 시행된 조형교육의 새교육방향을 확인할 수 있었다. In 1945, after being liberated from the colonial situation of Japanese imperialism, all colonial policy organized by the Japanese Government-General of Korea were liquidated, In 1948, an independent government called the Republic of Korea, based on democracy only in the south of the 38th parallel of the Korean Peninsula, was established with the aid of the United States. As a result, It became breaking away from the Japanese-style art education method of learning by copying the sample icon in the textbook, which was based on the educational ideology under the Japanese imperial rule during the Japanese colonial period. And a 'new education movement' was launched in Kore which was the concept of a 'creativity-centered art education’. It focus on the experience and creativity of each student as a new paradigm of art education. Looking at such a historical background, this study tried to pay attention to how Western-style art education was introduced and reached a turning point according to the basement of democratic education from the United States after liquidating the remnants of Japanese colonial rule.The previous studies that have discussed Korea's modern period, only focusing on the Japanese colonial period or only focusing on the Republic of Korean government after liberation from Japanese colonial period since 1945. However, this study focus on the Republic of Korean government since 1945 as an extension of the liquidation of the remnants of Japanese colonial rule together. This study believe that it can provide new implications for the study of Korea's modernization that also should be examined as the turning point toward the construction of an independent state together with an extension of the liquidation of the remnants of Japanese colonial rule. After the liberation from Japanese colonial period, the education philosophy based on the democratic ideology of John Dewey and Herbert Reed, which emphasized learner-centered 'experience' and 'freedom', was introduced to Korea through Peabody educational missions. Through this, Korea set a new direction of ‘Art education as the holistic education’. This study reviewed John Dewey and Herbert Reed’s theory in books, specifically compared with the annual guidance plan Art Education at Our School in New Education Program② by Park HwiRak at Kyungpook National University College of Education Affiliated Elementary School, The school was designated as an art research school by the Ministry of Education in 1964. This study analyzed thie annual guidance plan on the basis of Creativity-centered Art education while receiving the educational philosophy by John Dewey and Harbert Reed on the basis of Democracy Education while coming true the holistic education.

      • KCI등재

        『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』을 활용한 선행연구의 비판적 고찰 및 학술적 오류 정정 - 서지영(2005)의 「식민지 시대 기생 연구(Ⅱ)-‘기생조합’의 성격」을 중심으로

        이정남 한국 리터러시 학회 2022 리터러시 연구 Vol.13 No.4

        Among the researches that actively utilized bibliographies on [Records of Gisaeng and Changgi], this study concentrated on [A Study on Gisaeng in Colonial Korea (II) : Focusing on Characteristics of Gisaeng Association] by Suh Jiyoung (2005). This study interpreted and analyzed historical records and bibliographies of the time objectively and empirically to correct academic errors and distorted facts caused by the misunderstanding and misreading of the Gisaeng and prostitute-related documents in [Records of Gisaeng and Changgi]. [A Study on Gisaeng in Colonial Korea (II) : Focusing on Characteristics of Gisaeng Association] by Suh Jiyoung (2005) involved numbers of academic errors and distorted facts as follows : 1. All discussions were made under the fundamental misconception that Gisaeng and prostitute are similar or equivalent concepts, 2. “Gisaeng” who were not included in the state-regulated prostitution system were distorted as persons who had to be controlled and managed under the state-regulated prostitute policy, 3. “Hanseong Prostitute Association” was completely mistaken as “Hanseong Gisaeng Association,” and were regarded as the same group including both prostitutes and official Gisaeng at the same time, 4. The research committed logical contradiction and error by examining the “Characteristics of Gisaeng Association” in the documents related to prostitutes instead of documents related to Gisaeng in the bibliographies on [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute], 5. The contents related to Gisaeng and prostitutes were mixed up and remained as incomplete research that failed to review the characteristics of Gisaeng Association and Prostitute Association, 6. The research committed an error of hasty generalization by focusing on few controversial and negative articles in defining the characteristics of “Gisaeng Association” over 35 years of the Japanese colonial period, 7. Although Gisaeng were involved in “Charity Concert Activities” for orphanages, natural disasters, and midwife training schools out of the “Pure Purpose and Intention” for the country and people without commercial benefits throughout the Korean Empire Period and Japanese Colonial Period, such activities were regarded and distorted as the “Responsive Behaviors” done in awareness of conventional views that treated Gisaeng as the causes of demoralization and as “activities” done to improve the public image of Gisaeng of the time. In conclusion, the serial researches, [A Study on Gisaeng in Colonial Korea (I),(II),(III)], by Suh Jiyoung were often cited in works about Gisaeng, the state-regulated prostitution system, gender, sexuality, feminism, and prostitution system because of the titles, “Study on Gisaeng” during “Japanese colonial period (Colonial Period, Japanese Colonialism).” However, as recent researches pointed out various academic errors and distortions, the serial researches by Suh Jiyoung are inappropriate to represent the researches on Gisaeng during the Japanese colonial period. In other words, the researches on Gisaeng during the Japanese colonial period are not empirical, detailed, or comprehensive enough to define the characteristics of Gisaeng and Gisaeng Association(Gwonbeon) during the Japanese colonial period. Thus, the following researches have to make related attempts. In cases of citing the researches by Suh Jiyoung, the researchers must review the researches by Suh Jiyoung additionally and thoroughly to secure the academic validity before citing them.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 개량서당의 일본어교육에 관한 연구

        송숙정 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.99

        本稿では日本植民地時代の改良書堂で行われた日本語教育の実体を究明し、日本語教育を担当した教師と統監府時代から日本植民地時代にかけて使われた日本語教科書について調べた。当時、改良書堂での日本語教育が持つ重要な点は、まず、改良書堂を日本植民教育を注入する場にしようとしたことである。そして二つ目は、1930年代以降活発に展開された簡易学校とも比較されるが、簡易学校は上級学校への進級が許されない2年間の短期終結教育だった点に比べ、1930年代の改良書堂は一定期間教育を終えれば普通学校2年あるいは3年の課程を履修したと認め、6年制普通学校への進級が許可されたことが挙げられる。一方、日本語教育を担当した教師は初期には書堂の訓長が講習会を通じて日本語を学習させたが、実際にその期間が非常に短く、きちんとした教授がなされていなかったようである。最後に,1933年に編纂、発行された『普通學校國語讀本』4年制用を通じて日帝が朝鮮で展開した日本語教育は徹底した差別教育であることがわかった。 In this paper, we investigate the reality of Japanese language education carried out at the Gaeyang Seodang during the Japanese colonial period. We examine the teachers in charge of Japanese language education and the Japanese textbooks used from the Sokanfu period to the Japanese colonial period. An important point of Japanese language education at Gaeyang Seodang during that time was its intention to promote Japanese colonial education. Secondly, though it can be compared to the simple schools actively developed after the 1930s, simple schools provided a two-year short-term final education that did not allow advancement to higher-level schools. After completing a certain period of education, Dou was recognized as having completed a two- or three-year course at a regular school and allowed to advance to a six-year regular school. Conversely, the teachers in charge of Japanese language education helped the head teachers at the school learn Japanese in seminars in the early days. However, the period was actually very short, and proper teaching appears to have been lacking. Finally, analysis of the four-year version of the “Normal School Japanese Language Book” compiled and published in 1933 reveals that the Japanese language education that the Japanese Empire had developed in Korea was thoroughly discriminatory.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 부산항의 무역 변동 - 시계열 통계의 정비와 기초적 분석 -

        김대래,정이근 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2023 항도부산 Vol.46 No.-

        This thesis reorganized the time series of trade statistics of Busan Port trade during the Japanese colonial period, and analyzed the trade trend based on this. During the Japanese colonial period, the annual average national trade growth rate was very high, around 10%. As a result, Joseon rapidly transformed into an open economy despite being an agricultural society. However, the bias toward Japan in trade was extremely unreasonable, and it was found that the Joseon economy was completely subsumed by the Japanese economy during the Japanese colonial era. In addition, Japan cut off the Joseon economy from other foreign countries thoroughly and subordinated it to serve only the Japanese economy. Busan Port was the one of the key channel of Japanese colonial rule. Thus, the proportion of Busan Port in the total trade of Joseon showed an increasing trend, accounting for around 30%. From 1912, Busan Port overtook Incheon Port to become the nation's largest trading port. As Busan became the largest port in Joseon, the port of Busan was changing from a port more specialized in exporting to Japan to a port in which import from Japan was more important in trade after the annexation. During the Japanese colonial era, the trade balance was chronically in deficit both nationwide and at Busan Port. This deficit was made up by the outflow of gold and silver and the inflow of Japanese capital. In the late 1930s, the export-import balance showed a surplus because goods produced in Joseon and goods imported from Japan increased in export to regions within the en(円) block. Busan Port, which was geographically close to Japan, had a particularly high concentration of trade with Japan. During the Pacific War, the volume of trade with Joseon as a whole decreased based on current prices, but the volume of trade at Busan Port increased. Overall, the trade fluctuations at Busan Port during the Japanese colonial period were more sensitive than nationwide. This uniqueness was due to the geographical proximity to Japan. The largest trading port in Joseon, a much higher share of trade than other ports and high sensitivity to changes in the Japanese economy can be pointed out as major characteristics of Busan Port trade during the Japanese colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        韓國考古學에서 ‘初期鐵器時代’ 그리고 ‘古朝鮮時代’

        정인성 한국상고사학회 2019 한국상고사학보 Vol.106 No.106

        It is the early iron age and the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period that fill the gap between the bronze age and the three kingdom period in the period of Korean archaeological period. There has been a lot of controversy over the validity of the name of the division in the period, but the support is still high. There are many researchers who misunderstood that Kim Won Yong invented the early iron age and the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period through the ‘Korean archaeological theory’ but the actual situation is not so. The origin of the name of this period was actually the period of ‘aeneolithicl’ used during the Japanese colonial period, and Kim Won Yong played a role of changing its name. The aeneolithicl of the Japanese colonial period was a term describing the Korean peninsula at the same time as the Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago. It is said that the Korean Peninsula was affected by Chinese culture a little while, and the latter was called ‘the time of full influx of China’. Electricity was believed to be due to the partial emergence of Cast iron in the Manchurian region and the northern part of the Korean peninsula, while the latter was due to the installation of Lelang County. It is an evaluation that reveals the essence of the gaze that Japanese researchers looked at our culture at that time. Until now, in the debate over the period between the early Iron Age and the First Three Kingdoms period, only the researchers after liberation were treated, and the flow since the Japanese colonial period was added, and there was no treatment. The time period divisions of these two periods became the reasons that the implications and the alternatives were not revealed. In the early days, Kim Won Yong expressed his limitations and sadness in the situation of lacking the data that we secured after liberation, and requested the followers to revise the contents after the data was increased. Numerous new data related to theearly Iron Age are now available. Furthermore, there is no reason for Japanese scholars of Japanese colonial period to adhere to the division of time on the Korean Peninsula, which was set in the process of explaining the cultural changes of the Japanese archipelago. It is time to seriously consider how to incorporate ‘Gojoseon’, which was also recorded in Chinese official history, including the Bronze Age, into the period of Korean archeology. 한국고고학의 시대구분에서 청동기시대와 삼국시대의 사이를 메우는 것은 초기철기시대와 원삼국시대이다. 고고학계의 지지도가 높은 이 시대명과 관련하여 많은 연구자들은 김원용이 『한국고고학개설』을 저술하면서 창안한 것으로 이해한다. 그런데 연구사를 따져보면 ‘초기철기시대’와 ‘원삼국시대’ 라는 시대구분명은 일제강점기에 구사된 ‘금석병용기’에서 분화된 용어이다. 일제강점기 일본고고학에서는 죠몬시대를 잇는 야요이시대를 ‘금석병용기’라고도 했는데 이 시대명을 한반도에도 그대로 적용시켰다. 아직 청동기시대를 인지하지 못했던 당시의 연구자들은 이 금석병용기를 전후기로 나누어 전기는 ‘한반도가 중국문화의 영향을 조금 받던 시기’라 설명하였고 후기는 ‘중국의 영향을 본격적으로 받는 시기’라고 하였다. 야만의 신석기시대가 중국문화의 전래로 인해 비로소 문명화의 길을 걷는다는 이해이다. 전기는 만주지역과 한반도북부에 주조철기 등이 부분적으로 출현하는 시기이고 후자는 낙랑군의 설치로 완전한 식민지배가 이루어지는 시대라고 하였다. 해방 후 김원용은 그 전기를 초기철기시대라 하였고 후기를 김해기로 고쳤다가 원삼국시대로 바꾸었다. 지금까지 초기철기시대와 원삼국시대의 시대구분명을 둘러싼 논쟁이 여러차례 있었지만 그 때마다 해방 이후의 연구사만을 취급하였기 때문에 이러한 근본적인 문제가 드러나지 않았다. 당연히 그 대안도 모색될 수 없었다. 일찍이 김원용은 해방 후 우리 스스로 확보한 자료가 부족한 상황에서 개설서를 쓰는 한계를 토로한 바 있다. 그리고 이후 자료가 늘어나면 그 내용을 합리적으로 수정하라고 후학들에게 요구하였다. 이제 초기철기시대와 관련하여 방대한 신자료가 확보되어 청동기시대와의 구분도 애매해진 실정이다. 더 이상 일본 관학자들이 일본열도의 문화변동을 설명하는 과정에 붙여서 고안한 초기철기시대와 그 연대에 집착할 이유가 없는 것이다. 해방 후 북한학계의 주도로 금석병용기에서 분리시킨 청동기시대를 포함하여 중국 정사(正史)에도 기록된 ‘고조선’을 한국고고학의 시대구분명으로 어떻게 산입할 지 진지하게 고민할 때가 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 전후 대산평야 농촌경관의 형성과 변화

        정재현,이유직 한국농촌계획학회 2024 농촌계획 Vol.30 No.1

        The study primarily aims to examine the characteristics of the transition from natural landscape to modern agricultural landscape on the Daesan plain in Dong-myeon, Changwon-si, in the lower reaches of the Nakdong River. The periods covered in the transition include the late Joseon Dynasty, the early Japanese colonial period, and the late Japanese colonial period. The study concluded the following: It was found that the Daesan Plain used to function as a hydrophilic landscape before it formed into a rural landscape. This is characterized by the various water resources in the Plain, primarily by the Nakdong River, with its back marsh tributaries, the Junam Reservoir and Jucheon. To achieve its recent form, the Daesan Plain was subjected to human trial and error. Through installation of irrigation facilities such as embankments and sluices, the irregularly-shaped wetlands were transformed into large-scale farmlands while the same irrigation facilities underwent constant renovation to permanently stabilize the rural landscape. These processes of transformation were similarly a product of typical colonial expropriation. During the Japanese colonial period, Japanese capitalists initiated the construction of private farms which led to the national land development policy by the Governor-General of Korea. These landscape changes are indicative of resource capitalism depicted by the expansion of agricultural production value by the application of resource capital to undeveloped natural space for economic viability. As a result, the hierarchical structure was magnified resulting to the exacerbation of community and economic structural imbalances which presents an alternative yet related perspective to the evolution of landscapes during the Japanese colonial period. In addition, considering Daesan Plain’s vulnerability to changing weather conditions, natural processes have also been a factor to its landscape transformation. Such occurrences endanger the sustainability of the area as when floods inundate cultivated lands and render them unstable, endangering residents, as well as the harvests. In conclusion, the Daesan Plain originally took the form of a hydrophilic landscape and started significantly evolving into a rural landscape since the Japanese colonial period. Human-induced land development and geophysical processes significantly impacted this transformation which also exemplifies the several ways of how undeveloped natural landscapes turn into mechanized and capitalized rural landscapes by colonial resource capitalism and development policies.

      • KCI등재후보

        육사 소설의 '우회적 글쓰기'와 저항

        고명철(Ko Myeong-cheol) 국어문학회 2007 국어문학 Vol.43 No.-

        Yuksa's three posthumous novels in the form of creation and translation should be understood not a writing which yielded under fascism system of Japanese imperialism much gathered momentum from the end of 1930s, but a category of so-called a 'roundabout writing' which confronted against Japanese fascism and was one type of writing of writers at those times. Through three novels, he did a 'roundabout writing' which was different from poetry. Under Japanese political suppression, his writing was his suffering product of literary expression in which he could not neglect and directly confront dismal reality in colony. He stared at the dark side of colonial modem period and tried to make his way through his practical intention. I reviewed his two novels in translation. Through Nosin's <Kohyang>(고향), Yuksa expressed meaningful context having his frequent 'escaping hometown-leaving road' in the form of a roundabout writing. Being not content with life of Japanese colonial system, it was roundabout expression about his 'escaping hometown-leaving road' toward an anti-Japanese independence movement for overcoming colonial system and also expressed his intention for making the road newly. Through Kojeong's <Golmokan>(골목안) he caught sharply the dark side of colonial modern period through Chinese's miserable reality happened inside of the alley in Manchu. Staring at Chinese's miserable reality of colonial modem period in Manchu, he did not neglect the exposure of the dark side of modem period in which Japanese's suppression and plunder toward Chosun in the end of Japanese colony was much more extreme. In other words, by bringing out the darkness of Japanese colonial modern period, he revealed indirectly the problem having its suppressive modem period. Next, I examined his only creative novel <HwangYeupJeon>(황엽전). Even though <HwangYeupJeon>(황엽전) was immature in the form with the view of modern novel, its immaturity was the unique descriptive value. Therefore as the form of modem love, disillusive attitude of existence, which did not establish whole image of modern subject, tried to express indirectly was the right existence of ghost and it revealed indirectly daily suppression of colonial modern period through the narration of love and separation in which colonists could not take a position as the modem subject. Moreover through the dream of ghost, the dark reality of colonists experiencing all kinds of pain under the fascism system and the passion and intention toward the life of newborn which tried to overcome its reality were expressed in the form of a roundabout writing.

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