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        조선 전기 청요직(淸要職)의 위상과 인사이동 양상

        송웅섭 ( Song Woong Sup ) 한국사상사학회 2017 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.55

        본고는 조선시대 청요직이라 지칭되던 관직들이 조정에서 커다란 영향력을 발휘할 수 있었던 이유를 밝히는 것을 장기적인 목표로 삼아, 일차적으로 청요직들의 인사운영에 대해 검토한 논문이다. 청요직은 고려시대에도 엄격한 신분 제한이 두어질 만큼 조정 내에서 높은 위상을 갖고 있던 관직들로서, 주로 왕명의 제작·시정기의 작성·실록의 편찬·간쟁을 위한 상소문의 작성·경연에서의 진강 등 뛰어난 문장 능력과 경전적 소양이 요구되는 관각·사관·대간(館閣·史官·臺諫) 계열의 관직들과, 의정부·이조·병조·예조·승정원 등 주요 관서들의 실무를 담당하는 낭관직(郎官職) 계열이 주를 이루고 있었다. 청요직들은 인사에 있어서 여러 우대 조항들을 적용받고 있었다. 일반 관료들이 순자법의 적용을 통해 관직 이동과 승진에 제한이 두어지고 있었던 것에 비해, 청요직은 다수의 예외 조항들을 적용받으며 천관(遷官)과 거관(去官)이 비교적 자유로웠고, 그만큼 당상관으로의 승진이 빠를 수 있었다. 청요직들의 인사이동 양상을 검토해 본 결과, 청요직 역임자 중 일부는 고속으로 당상관에 진입해 가고 있음이 확인되며, 당상관으로의 진입 속도가 빠른 사람일수록 청요직군 내에서 크게 벗어나지 않는 인사이동을 하는 경향이 있었다. 또한 청요직들은 어느 한 관서를 중심으로 인사이동이 이루어지지 않고, 청요직군에 속하는 여러 관서를 상호 교차해가는 인사운영이 이루어지고 있었다. 아울러 홍문관은 자천제적 선발과 차차천전(次次遷轉)의 규정을 적용받고 있었던 데다 당하관 관직 수에 있어서도 가장 많은 자리(11과)를 갖고 있어서, 구조적으로 청요직군 내에서 중심적인 위치에 서게 되었다. 결국 인사운영 면에서 볼 때, 청요직들은 관료조직 내에서 인사상의 특혜를 받으며 청요직군 내의 관직들을 두루 거쳐 당상관으로 진입해 가고 있던 엘리트 관료들로서, 홍문관의 등장 이후에는 홍문관이 구조적으로 청요직들의 구심점 역할을 담당하게 되면서 청요직들의 연대가 보다 공고해지고, 이를 바탕으로 국왕 및 대신들과 맞설 수 있는 기반을 조성해 나갔다고 생각된다. Examined in this article is how certain posts that were usually referred to as “Cheong`yo-jik posts”, which were generally -as a principle- filled with individuals who were acknowledged for their honesty, integrity and willingness to provide sincere counsel and advises for the king, were actually managed and operated in the early half period of Joseon, in order to determine how such posts were able to generate so much political influence. These Cheong`yo-jik posts had already been only open to a selected group of people who held a status much above average during the Goryeo period, and certainly required not only intelligence but also highly trained literary skills to serve their functions in the Joseon period as well. Posts that were categorized as “Cheong`yo-jik” posts included various types of governmental seats. For a start, heavily included in this category were posts that required particular talents in several assignments: drafting royal documents, writing proposals concerning current issues, generating daily records for historical compilations, crafting critical appeals for royal attention, and providing lessons at the royal Gyeong`yeon sessions. The next group of posts included in this category were posts such as academic counselors(館閣), historical recorders(史官) and remonstration officers(臺諫), which required expertise as well as deep understanding in Confucian classical texts. Also included were even posts of junior officials[郎官職], who served [in practical capacities] the Euijeong-bu(議政府) council, Ministries of Administration, Military and Rituals(吏·兵·禮曹), and the Seungjeong-weon(承政院) secretariat. Officials assigned to these Cheong`yo-jike posts enjoyed many privileges in terms of their own management. Ordinary officials were only allowed to be promoted or to change offices in a strictly sequential manner(according to the “Sunja” practice), but the “Cheong`yo-jik” officials were considered as exception and were authorized to freely depart current posts while aiming for others. In other words, they had much more leeway in terms of switching offices, and therefore could rise to the Dangsang-gwan much faster compared to other ordinary officials. Survey of trends spotted in their careers reveals that some of the officials who served at the Cheong`yo-jik posts were able to obtain the Dangsang-gwan seat rather quickly, while those who were -as continuing to advance their careers- somehow remained inside the pool of Cheongyo-jik posts. And they also did not remain in the same office, but instead moved from one Cheong`yo-jik office to another. In the process the Hongmun-gwan office, which occupied the most “Dang`ha-gwan” posts(eleven) and maintained certain unique practices (self-promotion, controlled shifting[次次遷轉], was eventually placed at the center of the entire Cheong`yo-jik pool. We can see that the officials who were assigned at the Cheong`yo-jik posts were elite officials who enjoyed several administrative privileges while aiming for the seat of a Dangsang-gwan. They expanded their career by leaping from one Cheong`yo-jik to the next. And as the Hongmun-gwan office gradually built the status of being the central figure amongst all Cheong`yo-jik-related governmental offices, strengthened was the cooperation and alliance between individual Cheong`yo-jik posts, which in turn enabled them to stand up against the king and other powerful ministers, who sat at the highest echelon of the government.

      • KCI등재

        <기획논문2 - 도봉구에 묻힌 조선왕조 왕실 인물들의 재조명> 연산군 초반 정치적 갈등에 대한 구조적 접근

        송웅섭 ( Song Woongsup ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        본고는 연산군 초반 국왕과 三司 사이의 치열한 갈등이 성종대 형성된 ‘청요직연대체제’로 인해 촉발되고 있음을 검토한 연구이다. 청요직이란 홍문관·사헌부·사간원·예문관·육조의 낭관·의정부의 사인과 검상과 같은 직임을 가리키는데, 재상에 오르는 과정에서 반드시 거쳐야 했던 핵심 관직들이었다. 청요직들은 성종대 전제적 왕권이 약화되고 문필 능력이 풍부한 엘리트 관료들이 우대되는 분위기 속에서, 홍문관과 대간을 중심으로 연대의 분위기를 조성해 나갔다. 아울러 청요직들의 의견이 반영된 자율적인 인선 방식과 동료들에 대한 제재장치들을 마련하여 연대를 보다 공고하게 유지할 수가 있었다. 관료제 운영에 있어서 청요직들의 영향력을 배가시키는 계기를 만들고 있었던 것이다. 연산군 초반 국왕과 삼사 사이의 격렬한 대립은 이 같이 청요직연대에 기초한 대간과 홍문관의 적극적인 언론 행사가 전개되는 가운데 나타나고 있던 현상이었다. 무오사화 이전 삼사는 짧게는 1개월에서 길게는 5·6개월에 이르기까지 국왕과의 갈등을 극단으로까지 몰아가면서 자신들의 주장을 관철시키고 있었다. 이처럼 삼사가 국왕과 맞서며 극성스러운 언론을 행사할 수 있었던 배경에는 청요직연대체제의 구축으로 인해 청요직들의 주장을 공론에 가탁하여 적극적으로 개진할 수 있었던 데서 말미암은 것이었다. Examined in this article is how all the conflicts between the king and the “Three Offices(Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Hongmun-gwan),” continued during the early days of king Yeonsan-gun’s reign, had actually been triggered by an alliance forged between officials who were assigned to the so-called “Seats of Integrity” during king Seongjong’s reign. These ‘Seats of Integrity’ usually refer to posts inside specific offices that included Hongmun-gwan, Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Yemun-gwan, as well as Nang’gwan officials of the Six Ministries and the Sa’in figures of the Euijeongbu office. Governmental officials were required to have experiences serving at these posts in order to reach the status of a minister in the future. During king Seongjong’s reign, officials serving these posts & offices allied themselves with each other, in an environment which witnessed the weakening of a despotic kingship and the king’s respect of elite officials armed with extraordinary literary capacities. These officials managed to reflect their ideas and opinions in the official assignment and appointment process, as well as penal regulations and punishments meant for their own colleagues. As a result, they were able to consolidate their own alliance and not to mention reinforce their overall influences. Officials at the Sagan-weon, Saheon-bu and Hongmun-gwan offices were wielding enormous power in the operations of the government, and coming into the reign of king Yeonsan-gun, all these officials’ activities were destined to clash with the new king and his intentions. Before the Mu’oh-year purge, officials of the Three of-fices were pushing the king to the very limit, with a variety of issues which in some cases lasted for only a moth but in others lasted even half a year. They were able to do so because an alliance of their own, based upon opinions collected outside the political arena, was providing them with enough momentum, cause and influence.

      • 연산군 초반 정치적 갈등에 대한 구조적 접근

        송웅섭 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Examined in this article is how all the conflicts between the king and the “ThreeOffices(Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Hongmun-gwan),” continued during the earlydays of king Yeonsan-gun’s reign, had actually been triggered by an alliance forgedbetween officials who were assigned to the so-called “Seats of Integrity” during kingSeongjong’s reign. These ‘Seats of Integrity’ usually refer to posts inside specific offices that included Hongmun-gwan, Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Yemun-gwan, as wellas Nang’gwan officials of the Six Ministries and the Sa’in figures of the Euijeongbuoffice. Governmental officials were required to have experiences serving at theseposts in order to reach the status of a minister in the future. During king Seongjong’sreign, officials serving these posts & offices allied themselves with each other, in anenvironment which witnessed the weakening of a despotic kingship and the king’srespect of elite officials armed with extraordinary literary capacities. These officialsmanaged to reflect their ideas and opinions in the official assignment and appointment process, as well as penal regulations and punishments meant for their owncolleagues. As a result, they were able to consolidate their own alliance and not tomention reinforce their overall influences. Officials at the Sagan-weon, Saheon-bu and Hongmun-gwan offices were wielding enormous power in the operations of the government, and coming into the reignof king Yeonsan-gun, all these officials’ activities were destined to clash with thenew king and his intentions. Before the Mu’oh-year purge, officials of the Three offices were pushing the king to the very limit, with a variety of issues which in somecases lasted for only a moth but in others lasted even half a year. They were able todo so because an alliance of their own, based upon opinions collected outside thepolitical arena, was providing them with enough momentum, cause and influence. 본고는 연산군 초반 국왕과 三司 사이의 치열한 갈등이 성종대 형성된 ‘청요직연대체제’로 인해 촉발되고 있음을 검토한 연구이다. 청요직이란 홍문관·사헌부·사간원·예문관·육조의 낭관·의정부의사인과 검상과 같은 직임을 가리키는데, 재상에 오르는 과정에서 반드시 거쳐야 했던 핵심 관직들이었다. 청요직들은 성종대 전제적 왕권이 약화되고 문필 능력이 풍부한 엘리트 관료들이 우대되는 분위기 속에서, 홍문관과 대간을 중심으로 연대의 분위기를 조성해 나갔다. 아울러 청요직들의 의견이 반영된 자율적인 인선 방식과 동료들에 대한 제재장치들을 마련하여 연대를 보다 공고하게 유지할 수가 있었다. 관료제 운영에 있어서 청요직들의 영향력을 배가시키는 계기를 만들고 있었던 것이다. 연산군 초반 국왕과 삼사 사이의 격렬한 대립은 이 같이 청요직연대에 기초한 대간과 홍문관의 적극적인 언론 행사가 전개되는 가운데 나타나고 있던 현상이었다. 무오사화 이전 삼사는 짧게는 1개월에서 길게는 5·6개월에 이르기까지 국왕과의 갈등을 극단으로까지 몰아가면서 자신들의 주장을 관철시키고 있었다. 이처럼 삼사가 국왕과 맞서며 극성스러운 언론을 행사할 수 있었던 배경에는 청요직연대체제의 구축으로 인해 청요직들의 주장을 공론에 가탁하여 적극적으로 개진할 수 있었던 데서 말미암은 것이었다.

      • 신귀조(申龜朝)『일기』를 통해 본 조선후기 당하 관원의 정치적 성장과 관직활동

        정형지 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2007 한국문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        국문초록?b본 논문은 신귀조의 일기를 중심으로 그의 정치적 성장과 관직활동을 살펴본 글이다. 벽파계에 속하는 신귀조는 응제 장원으로 대과 급제를 받아정조 16년 승정원 가주서로 본격적인 관료생활을 시작하였다. 집안의 신의와 나이에 대한 배려 덕분에 출륙하여 청요직과 지방관을 거치며 정치감각과 자세, 행정실무 능력을 닦았다. 순조 즉위 후 집권 벽파의 입김으로 도당록에 입록되어 삼사를 오가며 벽파의 반대 세력 제거에 앞장섰고, 현감과 암행어사로 지방현실을 돌아보면서 정치집단으로 다가가기 위한 준비를 하였다. 그러나 지병의악화로 관직활동은 점차 축소되어 순조 4년 완전히 공직활동을 중단하였고, 순조 6년 벽파의 몰락과 함께 동반 침몰하였다. 그의 관직활동의 중심은 언관이었다. 주로 정조에게 올려졌던 그의 간쟁은 벽파세력의 정치권 진입을 위한 반대세력 공략의 성격을 띠며, 관료 규찰과 탄핵은 벽파계의 정치적 활로 모색과 권력기반 다지기 작업의 일환이었다. 벽파계의 정치행보와 연결된 그의 언관 활동은 자신의 정치적 성장을 위한 전제이자 결과였다. 신귀조의 정치적 성장과 관직활동을 통해 볼 때 조선후기 관료의 정치적 성장은 가문과 당색이 결정적 규정요인으로 작용하고 있었음을 알 수 있다. This thesis is about Shin Gwi-Jo’s, a member of the Party of Principlepolitical growth & his activities in government office based on his diary. Hewas granted a pass on the Erudite Examination(文科) as he took the first placein the state examination for students at the National Confucian Academy(成均館應製). He started his career in government office as a temporary junior official inthe Royal Secretariat(承政院). He appointed to a middle level of the junior sixthrank(出六) thanks to his family’s trustfulness and consideration of his old ageand cultivated political sense & developed his abilities of practice ofadministration through important posts in government office(淸要職) & localofficial. After the assession of Sunjo(純祖) he was registered into the record ofDodang(都堂錄) by influence of the Party of Principle and then stood atthe head of elimination of opposition parties in office of Samsa(三司) and heprepared himself for high ranking officials experiencing & checking the realitiesin the provinces as a local magistrate & secret inspector(暗行御史). But hisactivities in government office decreased gradually as the disease got worse andhe completely resigned himself from public life in 1804 and went down to thebottom together with collapse of the Party of Principle in 1806. He performed various kinds of duties but served mostly in office of Samsa(三司). His advices were given mostly to Jeongjo(正祖) with intent to attack theopposition parties in order to secure political power of the Party of Principle. Supervision and impeachment of government officials were a part ofsecuring political ways for the Party of Principle and establishing thefoundation of political power of the Party of PrincipleHis activities as anofficer of Samsa(三司) were directly linked to political movements of the Partyof Principle and this might be prerequisites for his political growth and hemight be able to get political success through this.

      • KCI등재후보

        朝鮮時代 文科及第者의 分館實態에 관한 硏究 - 1623년~1720년 시기를 중심으로 -

        이창걸 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2009 한국학논총 Vol.31 No.-

        This is to study the appointment tendency of passers of the Munkwa Examination (文科及第者, Civil Service Examination) to the temporary office positions (Bungwanjik, 分館職) in Samgwan (三館, Three Influential Offices) before they were trusted with first official duty in the government of Joseon dynasty. The temporary post is similar to the internship of these days. I made research on the appointment patterns of the passers of civil service examination to the temporary posts of Three Influential Offices (Bungwanjik, 分館職) and the periods needed for the promotion to their highest governmental posts (最高職) from the initial office duties (初職) with sample group. As we can see in any other researches, the promotion process is not easy as a bureaucrat in Joseon dynasty. At the time being temporarily appointed as intern in Samgwan (三館, Three Influential Offices), meaning Seonggyungwan(成均館), Seungmunwon(承文院) and Gyoseogwan (校書館), the passers were already discriminated. Gyoseogwan Bungwan official (校書館 分館者) were shut out of the route to key positions of the government. Those Gyoseogwan (校書館) officials were mainly born of concubine and from the northwestern provinces of Joseon. Mostly, they were appointed to the positions outside the capital (外官職) and other marginal governmental offices. Their elevation route looks very simple relatively to the other groups. On the other side, Seungmunwon (承文院) was regarded as more important government division than Gyoseogwan (校書館) even in the time of temporary appointment to the Three Influential Offices (三館分館). The passers of the Munkwa Examination who were appointed to the Seungmunwon (承文院), generally inhabited in Hanseongbu (漢城府, capital area of Joseon), were descendants of good families in power. Those who were appointed to the Seonggyungwan were descendants of Ruling Elites inhabiting in local areas of Joseon (在地士族). The Gyoseogwan (校書館) officials were obviously treated discriminatingly than Seungmunwon and Seonggyungwan. While Seungmunwon (承文院) officials advanced to Seungjeongwon (承政院), Yemungwan (藝文館), Sejasigangwon (世子侍講院), Uigeumbu (義禁府), and offices outside the capital (外官職) as their first office duties (初職) and Seonggyungwan (成均館) officials advanced mainly to Seonggyungwan (成均館), Seungjeongwon (承政院), Six Ministries (六曹), and offices outside the capital (外官職), and the Gyoseogwan (校書館) officials were mostly ordained to the offices outside the capital (外官職). In the temporary appointment and promotion process thereafter of the Munkwa examination (文科) passers, family background (出身背景) and the lineages class (門地) were the most important factor. Those who were appointed as Seungmunwon (承文院) officials built up the power bloc (權力同盟) through their superior family power and marital connection (婚姻網). Comparing to the Seungmunwon Bungwan officials (承文院 分館者), the Seonggyungwan Bungwan officials (成均館 分館者) were inferior in family background(出身背景) and influence(影響力). The Gyoseogwan Bungwan officials' (校書館 分館者) were in lowest class for family lineage(門地). The passers who were residing in Hanseongbu(漢城府) were mostly appointed to Seungmunwon and Seonggyungwan in their internship period. They were positioned at Chamha Cheongyojik(參下 淸要職), for example Seungjeongwon(承政院), Seonggyungwan(成均館), Samsa(三司) and Sejasigangwon(世子侍講院) as their first office duties. 본 논문은 조선시대 문과급제자들의 分館 실태와 그 경향성을 살펴보려고 하였다. 문과 급제자들 중에서 일정한 부분을 표본으로 추출하여, 이들의 분관유형과 분관직에서 初職으로 임명되는 시기, 그들의 초직에서 최고관직으로 이르기까지 소요되는 기간을 추정하여 보았다. 실제 이들의 관직 승진 조사에서 드러난 것은 기존의 연구와 마찬가지로 조선시대에 관료들의 승진과정이 순탄하지 않음을 알 수 있다. 또 三館으로 分館되는 시점에서 성균관, 승문원, 교서관에서 이미 차별화가 되고 있었다. 교서관은 핵심관직으로 승진하는 과정에서 배제되어 왔으며 교서관 분관자에는 서북지역의 인물과 庶子 출신이 포함되어 있었으며, 이들의 관직임명에 있어서 대부분은 外官職과 기타 주변부(Marginal) 관직에 임명되고 있었다. 관직의 경로도 비교적 단순한 유형을 보여주고 있다. 반면 승문원은 교서관에 비해 분관되는 시점에서 이미 핵심 관직으로 주목받고 있었다. 승문원에 분속되는 급제자들은 주로 한성부에 거주하며 그들의 가문과 威勢가 매우 높은 名文家들의 후예임이 밝혀졌고 성균관 분관자들은 지방에 거주하고 있는 在地士族의 후예였으며 校書館 分館者들은 承文院과 成均館 分館者에 비해 철저하게 차별받았다고 할 수 있다. 승문원 분관자는 승정원ㆍ예문관ㆍ세자시강원ㆍ의금부ㆍ외관직 등의 초직에 진출한 반면, 성균관 분관자들은 사헌부ㆍ성균관ㆍ승정원ㆍ육조ㆍ외관직 등에 주로 진출하였다. 교서관 분관자는 주로 周邊部 外官職에 보임되고 있었다. 급제자들의 분관과 그들의 관직 승진에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 출신배경이 중요한 역할을 한다는 점도 파악할 수 있었다. 승문원 분관자의 父祖들은 그들의 우세한 가문의 영향력과 ‘혼인’을 매개로 한 ‘婚姻網’으로 權力同盟(Power Bloc)을 지속적으로 구축하였으며, 성균관 분관자들은 승문원 분관자의 출신배경과 영향력에는 크게 떨어지는 경향이 있었다. 교서관 분관자는 출신배경이 매우 미미하였다. 한성부 거주자는 승문원과 성균관에 주로 분관되었으며 初職入仕에서는 承政院, 成均館, 三司와 世子侍講院 등 ‘參下 淸要職’에 주로 임명되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        朝鮮時代 "淸職", "要職", "淸要職"의 用例에 대하여

        한충희 대구사학회 2003 대구사학 Vol.73 No.-

        The word of Chongyojig(淸要職) was clean official like Daegan(臺諫), power officials like Yijo(吏曹), Byungjo(兵曹) Nanggwan(郞官) in the Koryeo and Choseon dynasties. The Chongyojig(淸要職) was followed by the earlier policies in the Choseon dynasty. But the Choseon period, the Chongjig(淸職), Yojig(要職) and Chongyojig(淸要職) was classified and divided by each others. The official documents of Choseon dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄) is listing all officials like the Yijo(吏曹), Byungjo(兵曹) Saheonbu(司憲府), Saganwon(司諫院), Seungjongwon(承政院) it means clean officials. Furthermore, the post 3rd officials(堂下官) of Yejo(禮曹), Hongmoongwan(弘文館), prince academy(世子侍講院), royal library(奎章閣) was identified. I presumed the Euijungboo(議政府), Jiphyonjeon(集賢殿), and Bibyonsa(備邊司)’s post 3rd officials(堂下官) -they are mostly endowed by government- were identified by clean officials. The Chongyojig(淸要職) was divided and changed from 15th century to late 18th century. The Chongyojig(淸要職) was including the Euijungboo(議政府), Six ministries(六曹), Three audits(三司), Sungjongwon(承政院) officials under 3rd hierarchy(三品) in the 15-16th centuries. In 17-18th centuries, Hojo(戶曹), Hyungjo(刑曹) and Gongjo(工曹)’s Nanggwan(郞官) were deleted and Bibyonsa(備邊司), prince academy(世子侍講院) were added. The royal library(奎章閣) officials under 3rd hierarchy(三品) was added to all officials above system in late 18th century. The terms like the Chongjig(淸職), Yojig(要職), Chongyojig(淸要職) were definitely divided. Nevertheless, actual political situation, all of them had common with and used each others. The examples and numbering of Chongjig(淸職) are petty in the beginning period, but they are increased by mid Choseon dynasty. The Yojig(要職) was petty all time, but slowly including to Chongyojig(淸要職). The Chongyojig(淸要職) was all time used from dawn to dusk the Choseon dynasty. In conclusion, Chongjig(淸職), Yojig(要職), Chongyojig(淸要職) were rised by the Yijo and Byungjo(吏曹, 兵曹) Nanggwan(郞官), three audits(三司) officials screening, preferences, power games. They reached to powerful positions and influenced by political realm, all offices are want to nominated by King.

      • KCI등재

        柳壽垣의 官制改革論에 대한 검토 - 권력구조 문제를 중심으로

        송웅섭 한국실학학회 2018 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        This paper is a study which examines the Reformation of the bureaucracy of Yoo Soo-won in terms of power structure. At the heart of Yoo Soo-won's bureaucratic reform theory was the reform of the bureaucratic operation centered on the Cheong'yo-jig(淸要職) dangha-gwan(堂下官) and the problems caused by it. Yoo Soo-won presented three ways to make this possible. First, he called for the abolition of various practices that would enable not only the press to be activated, but also the tong’cheong-gwon(通淸權) to be grasped. Second, he argued for the abolition of hierarchy formed inside the Cheong'yo-jig. Third, he denied the position of the press of sam-sa as a public opinion because the press of sam-sa was exposed to an circumstances in which public opinion could not be fully formed. In short, Yoo Soo-won's plan for the reform of the bureaucratic system was to weaken the powers they have by eliminating the devices that have ensured the constant activation of the press and the right to grasp the tong’cheong-gwon. 본고는 유수원의 관제개혁론을 권력구조의 관점에서 검토한 연구이다. 유수 원의 관제개혁론의 핵심은 청요직 당하관들이 공론의 위상을 업고 삼사 언론을 매개로 권력을 행사할 수 있는 제반 기제들을 혁파함으로써, 16세기 이래 지속 되어온 청요직 당하관 중심의 관제 운영과 그로 인해 야기된 문제점들을 개혁하는 것이었다 유수원은 이를 실현하기 위한 방편으로 連啓, 避嫌과 處置, 署經, 그리고 이들 상호간의 연동 등 언론을 구조적으로 활성화시킬 수 있는 동시에 통청권까지 장악할 수 있는 관행들의 폐지를 촉구했다. 그리고 주론자 - 전랑 - 홍문관 - 대간 등으로 서열화 된 청요직 내부의 계서질서를 혁파할 것을 주장했다. 아울러 삼사 언론이 공론을 온전히 형성할 수 없는 환경에 노출되어 있다는 이유에서 삼사 언론의 공론으로서의 위상을 부정했다. 한마디로 유수원의 관제 개혁 구상은 청요직들에게 항시적인 언론의 활성화와 통청권을 보장해 주었던 장치들을 제거함으로써 그들이 가지고 있는 권력을 약화시키는 것이었다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        17~18세기 典牲署의 관직 운영과 參下官의 官路

        나영훈 동양고전학회 2017 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.69

        This paper aims at concrete examination of the 'Official Road(官路)' of the late Joseon Dynasty through government administration of the 17th - 18th century 'Junsangseo(典牲署)'. Until now, the study of the central political system in the Joseon Dynasty was mainly studied by the politically important bureaucrat 'Dangsanggwan(堂上官)', and even if he studied the 'Official Road(官路)', he was a student from the a graduate of Mungwa(文科) and the 'Clean and imfortant Official(淸要職)' connected with it It was examined mainly. As a result, this research attempts to elucidate the routes of 'non - Clean and imfortant Official(非淸要職)' who have not been studied so far. However, it is difficult to deal with all the 'lower officials(參下官)' reaching 263 in total, so it was targeted at the 'Junsangseo(典牲署)' where the 'List of official(先生案)' exists in the 17th - 18th century. In chapter 2, we examined the historical value of 'List of official(先生案)' and were able to secure the confidence of the materials. In Chapter 3, we specifically examined the origins of officials from the 'Junsangseo(典牲署)' , the official route, and the occupation. As a result, the 'Junsangseo(典牲署)' 'lower officials(參下官)' was predominantly from the 'Munum(門蔭)'. In addition, I confirmed that I was stepping on a public road that roughly promoted one rank. The number of days in office has also been promoted satisfying the court occupation days. Although this is an analysis limited to 'Junsangseo(典牲署)', it seems that 'lower officials(參下官)' of 'Junsangseo(典牲署)' had gone through routes and routes that were roughly similar to the 'lower officials' of the main office. If we can assume this, we can understand the character of the late Joseon Dynasty 'lower officials(參下官)' by understanding the character of 'lower officials(參下官)' of 'Junsangseo(典牲署)'. To declare this, more case analysis is necessary, and it is necessary to convert a lot of 'List of official(先生案)' data scattered nationwide into DB.

      • KCI등재

        기묘사림과 ‘공론지상주의’

        송웅섭(Song Woong-sup) 한국역사연구회 2018 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.108

        During the reign of Joseon king Seongjong, certain governmental officials, especially the ones who served in the capacity of providing remonstration for the king, claimed that their arguments were products of a ‘public consensus(公論),’ in an effort (or attempt) to justify their such arguments and fulfill their political needs. Such attitude could be labelled as “placing ‘public consensus’ above all else,” and how such attitude was formed is examined in this article. The reign of King Seongjong was a time which saw a young king ushered to the throne and the power of the meritorious vassals suddenly more weakened than before. The dynamics within the government was shaken, and power was shifting. In that situation, the remonstration officers, as well as other officials who were manning posts which were usually regarded as seats that required special level of integrity (the “Cheong’yo-jik” posts), used their own jurisdiction and authority (demonstrated by the Hongmun-rok register, the pi’hyeom practice and their Seo-gyeong function) to form their own sphere of influence. By doing so they sort of monopolized the authority to rule what was right and declare what was wrong. Jo Gwang-jo and others, who managed to expand their influences with the incident in which the reinstatement of former Queen Shin’s honor was appealed to the king, fully embodied such trend and charged ahead with various dynastic reform projects. Yet their lack of sensitivity in dealing with delicate issues, such as the abolishment of the So’gyeok-seo office or meddling with the Jeong’guk Gongshin entitlement, angered king Jungjong and eventually caused a backlash to occur, in the form of an infamous purge which expelled them all from the government in the Gi’myo-year. One might say the idea to found a power structure with ‘Cheong’yo-jik’ posts at its center required an attitude “placing ‘public consensus’ above all else.” Then again, in such system within which a particular group of officials essentially monopolized the ‘Cheong’yo-jik’ posts and then rose to loftier positions in the government based upon those seats, made it very difficult for all the governmental seniors to play a mediating role, and put the “Gi’myo Sarim” figures in check to prevent such tragedy from happening in the first place.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 홍문록(弘文錄)을 통한 인사 운영 실태와 그 변화 양상

        윤혜민 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2023 한국학 Vol.46 No.3

        The Hongmunrok is a list of candidates selected to become officials of the Hongmun-gwan(弘文館).The process of selecting Hongmun-gwan officials was conducted with great care. First, the Hongmun-gwan selected candidates and compiled the Bon-gwanrok(本館錄). Then, the Do-dang(都堂) reviewed and revised the list to create the Do-dangrok(都堂錄), which was ultimately used to select the candidates. By comprehensively analyzing the registrants and differences between the Bon-gwanrok and Do-dangrok from the reigns of King Hyojong to King Sukjong, as well as the conflict associated with them, it is evident that the criteria and trends in the selection process varied by era. Common features that appeared throughout the three eras were that a high proportion of Hanyang residents were selected, the high age of registrants was a significant factor in disqualification, and the proportion of additional Do-dangrok registrants gradually increased. Differences in personnel management during the three eras included a decreasing emphasis on family background and a greater emphasis on skills through examinations. This trend was especially pronounced during the reign of King Hyunjong. In the early years of King Sukjong’s reign, just as in King Hyojong’s reign, many officials from powerful clans were selected as registrants, and the proportion of registrants affiliated to certain factions changed in response to changes in the political climate. On the one hand, registrants were not exclusively selected based on their faction affiliation, and there was a trend of selecting individuals with basic skills, such as those who passed the state examination. On the other hand, there were cases where the king intervened in the selection process of Hongmunrok, such as the special exclusion of Lee Kyung-yuk(李慶億) during King Hyojong’s reign and Lee Sa-myeong(李師命) during King Sukjong’s reign. The selection of Hongmun-gwan officials through the 17th century Hongmunrok operated under a system that applied public selection criteria, rather than the personal preferences of influential figures(圈點者), to identify talented individuals with scholarly knowledge and ability to handle high-level positions. 홍문록(弘文錄)은 홍문관(弘文館)의 관원이 될 수 있는 후보자를 선발해 놓은 명부(名簿)이다. 홍문관의 관원들은 문한(文翰)을 다스리고 왕의 고문(顧問)에 대비하며 언론 활동을 수행해야 했기에, 그 선발 과정이 체계적으로 운영되었다. 먼저, 홍문관에서 자체적으로 후보를 선정하여 「본관록(本館錄)」을 작성한 후 도당(都堂)에서 이를 첨삭하여 「도당록(都堂錄)」을 만들어 최종적으로 후보자를 선정하는 방식이었다. 효종~숙종 초의 「본관록」과 「도당록」의 입록자 성분과 그 차이 및 이를 둘러싼 갈등 사례들을 종합적으로 분석하면서, 그 당락의 기준과 시대별 변화 양상을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 세 시기에 공통적으로 나타나는 특징은 「도당록」에 최종 입록된 자들이 주로 벌열 성관에 해당했다는 점, 한성에 거주했다는 점, 비정기시로 급제했다는 점, 시험 중위 등수가 11~13등으로 비슷한 수준을 유지했다는 점을 들 수 있다. 그리고 세 시기 모두 입록자의 고령이 탈락에 큰 요인으로 작용했음이 일관되게 나타난다. 효종 대와 현종 대의 인사 운영 차이로는 가문의 배경보다 시험을 통한 실력 검증에 대한 비중이 높아진 점을 지적할 수 있다. 숙종 초에는 시험을 통한 실력 있는 자의 선발을 우선시 하면서도, 급변하는 정국에 홍문록의 시행 빈도가 높아지고 탈락률이 크게 낮아지면서, 일부의 가문 또는 당색에서 입록자가 다수 배출되는 상황이 발생하기도 했다. 하지만 하나의 당색으로만 채워지는 것은 경계되었던 것으로 보이며, 벌열 외의 성관과 지방 거주자의 비율이 크게 증가한 모습이 나타나기도 했다. 한편, 홍문록의 인선에 국왕이 개입한 사례도 보이는데, 효종 대 이경억(李慶億)과 숙종 대 이사명(李師命)이 실력으로써 특별히 제수된 것이 대표적이다. 이처럼 17세기 서인과 남인의 갈등이 고조되던 시기에도 홍문록을 통한 홍문관 관원의 선발은 학문적인 소양을 갖추고 중직을 담당할 수 있는 실력자를 가려내기 위한 기조 위에서, 권점자(圈點者)의 사의(私意)보다는 공적인 선발 기준이 적용되는 시스템으로 운영되었음을 알 수 있다.

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