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        북한과 중국의 영화 교류 연구(1956~1966)

        유우 ( Liu¸ Yu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2020 비교문화연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본 논문은 1956년 북한에서 발발한 ‘8월 종파사건’을 기점으로 1966년 중국에서 문화대혁명이 본격적으로 시작되기 전에 이르는, 약 10년 동안 북한과 중국사이에 펼쳐진 영화 교류에 관한 역사를 다루고 있다. 북한이나 중국에서 영화는 모두 당보의 사설과 같이 호소성이 높은 예술형식으로 중요시되고 있다. 북한과 중국 간의 영화교류는 양국 정치ㆍ외교 관계의 상호 의존적 관계 속에서 이루어졌는데, 예술성을 탐구하거나 상업성을 추구하는 것보다는 정치적 소통의 의미가 컸다. 즉 영화는 국가 간 친선과 연대를 강화하는 동시에 공통적인 정치적 이데올로기를 선전하고 선동하는 보조적 수단으로서 뚜렷한 존재감을 나타냈다. 1950년 한국전쟁이 일어났음에도 불구하고 해방부터 지속해 온 북한과 중국의 영화교류 활동은 이어지고 있었다. 하지만 1956년 북한 ‘8월 종파사건’의 발발로 인해 과거 전쟁을 거쳐 이른바 ‘피로 맺어진 혈맹’으로 접어들었던 북ㆍ중 관계가 일시적으로 냉각되면서, 정치색이 짙은 영화교류에서 이례적 중단이 찾아왔다. 이때부터 양국은 협력과 밀착은 물론, 냉각과 굴절도 함께 경험해왔다. 특히 1950년대 말부터 북한 주둔 중국인민지원군의 완전 철수, 중ㆍ소 분쟁의 시작 등 역사적 사건으로 북한과 중국은 균열과 봉합을 겪으면서 양국 간 영화교류의 전개에 있어서도 색다른 양상을 보여주었다. 영화교류의 특징, 즉 수용적 측면에서 살펴보면 ‘반제’와 ‘사회주의 건설’이라는 두 가지 주제의 영화가 주류로 부상한다. 모든 것이 이데올로기와 체제를 뛰어넘기가 힘든 이 시기에 사회주의 리얼리즘 수법을 통한 역사의 재조명, 그리고 현실의 포착과 결부하여 당과 국가에 대한 충성심을 제고하게 만드는 것은 시종일관 중요시되어 온 영화의 대중교양적인 측면을 보여준다. This article focused on the history of the movie exchange between North Korea and China for approximately 10 years from the “August Incident” that debuted in North Korea in 1956 to the just before the cultural revolution began in China in 1966. In North Korea and China, all films are regarded as highly appealing art forms, such as editorials in the newspaper operated by the Communist Party. The movie exchange between North Korea and China occurred in a politically and diplomatically interdependent relationship between the two countries. However, the meaning of political communication was greater than exploring artistry or commercialism in both countries. The films strengthened friendship and solidarity between the nations, and at the same time, showed its influence as an auxiliary means to promote and incite common political ideology. Although the Korean War erupted in 1950, the movie exchanges between North Korea and China continued, which had been practiced since independence. However, as the relationship between North Korea and China temporarily cooled which had been cold since the ‘Blood Alliance’ through the war in the past due to the outbreak of the “August Incident” in North Korea in 1956, the movie exchanges met with an unusual suspension because of the intense political differences. Since then, the two countries have experienced cooperation and close contact, as well as cooling and refraction. In particular, North Korea and China experienced cracks and sutures regarding historical events since the late 1950s such as the complete withdrawal of Chinese troops stationed in North Korea and conflicts between China and the USSR. Different aspects in the development of movie exchanges between the two countries were shown. In terms of the characteristics of film exchange, that is, in terms of acceptance, movies on two themes such as “Anti-imperialism” and “Construction of the Socialist Country”, are emerging as mainstream thought. In this period when ideology and system could not be overcome, enhancing the loyalty to the Communist Party and the country, which had always been important, shows the mass culture aspect of the movie in connection with the re-illumination of history through socialist realism techniques and the capture of reality.

      • KCI등재

        Using the Juice of Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) as Culture Medium to Increase the Cell Density and the Production of Microbial Lipid

        Yu-Hsien Lien,Fu-Yao Liu,Jyy-Ning Chen,Yu-Shan Huang,Yu-Hong Wei,Chiyang Yu,Che-Chi Shu 한국생물공학회 2019 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.24 No.2

        Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is one of the most well-known aquatic weeds as it causes problems in watercourses all over the world. This invasive species is fast-growing and thus has the potential for its use in preparing growth medium of microorganisms. Toward it, the pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification are positively the decisive processes. But there are other crucial processes, which are usually ignored by researchers. To the best of my knowledge, this presented work is the first time discovering that the juice obtained from water lettuce is valuable. Except for sterilization, no treatment is needed for the water lettuce’s juice and it can be directly served for cell growth. For Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus Lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus plantarum, the cell density in the broth of water lettuce’s juice as the only carbon source is 10-60% higher than that in LB, YPD, BHI, M17, MRS. We then examined the production of microbial lipid by YM prepared in the juice of water lettuce. In comparison to commercial medium YM broth, the YM with juice caused 84% increase in the production of microbial lipid. A simple process of collecting juice notably increased productivity.

      • KCI등재


        LIU YU 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.4

        韓國戰爭時期反共電影研究(1950-1953)劉 宇* 摘要:本文以復原和完善韓國電影歷史敘述為目的,針對韓國戰爭時期(1950-1953)的反共電影展開研究。作者試圖通過收集和活用包括韓國電影數據庫(KMDb)在內的相關文獻以及過往新聞和影像資料,對解放期(1948-1950)韓國反共電影的誕生及之後韓國戰爭時期的發展等相關史實進行集中考察,並對這一意識形態對立下催生出的特殊產物其內容和形式上的特徵進行批評。在《國家保安法》頒布、公報處在電影審查權利鬥爭中取得絕對主導地位的歷史背景下,反共電影作為大眾教養和政治維穩工具早在李承晚政權初期便登上歷史舞台。韓國戰爭時期,受制於人員不足和設備落後,對客觀條件要求較低的紀錄片成為電影生產體制中的重要一環。通過對極少數現存戰時影像資料中《正義的進擊》的敘述策略進行分析,可以發現這些再現戰爭實況的紀錄片著眼於推卸戰爭責任、美化美國和李承晚政權以及鼓吹反共意識。反共電影作為意識形態國家機器在反共視角下敘述的失真歷史、客觀存在的真實歷史和國民對於戰爭的集體記憶三者間強行劃上了等號。 關鍵詞:韓國電影,反共電影,李承晚政權,韓國戰爭,電影審查 □ 接受日: 2022年 7月 7日, 修正日: 2022年 7月 26日, 揭載確定日: 2022年8月 20日* 慶熙大學 人文學院 講師(Lecturer, KyungHee Univ.(Seoul Campus), Email: liuyu@khu.ac.kr) An Analysis of Anti-communist FilmsDuring the Korean War (1950-1953)Yu Liu Abstract: This article focuses on tracing the history of Korean anti-communist films during the Korean War for the purpose of recovering and improving the narrative of South Korean film history. By collecting data from the outdated news and films, the author makes an intensive examination of the facts about the production background of anti-communism films during the liberation period and the development during the Korean war. As the National Security Act was promulgated and the Bureau of Public Information gained the dominant position in the fight for the review rights of films, anti-communism films were chosen as a public education tool in the early stage of the Rhee Syng-man regime. Limited by the shortage of professional producers and the outdated equipment during the Korean War, documentaries played an essential role in the film production system. An analysis on the narration strategies of the representative wartime film <An Assault of Justice> shows that these documentaries played a role as Ideological State Apparatus (ISA) for promoting and inciting a particular ideology. Key Words: South Korea Films, Anti-communist Films, Rhee Syng-man Regime, the Korean War, Film Censorship

      • KCI등재

        Taguchi Approach for Anti-heat Stress Prescription Compatibility in Mice Spleen Lymphocytes In Vitro

        Xiao-yu Zhu,Gui-lin Cheng,Feng-hua Liu,Jin Yu,Yu-jie Wang,Tong-quan Yu,Jian-qin Xu,Ming Wang 대한약학회 2011 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.34 No.7

        Heat stress (HS) may induce immunosuppression as well as inhibit the proliferation of lymphocytes. This study evaluated the effects on immune function of our prescription on splenic lymphocytes under HS as well as its compatibility. The effects of four herbal extracts from Agastache rugosa, Atractylodes lancea, Cortex Phellodendri, and Gypsum Fibrosum on heat treated splenic lymphocytes were investigated and the compatibility of the prescription was also explored by using the Taguchi method. This study revealed changes in proliferation by traditional Chinese medicines of splenic lymphocytes after HS. Proliferation in the HS group was significantly lower than the control group. Under HS, the effects of higher concentrations of Agastache rugosa (100 and 200 μg/mL), Atractylodes lancea (100 and 200 μg/mL), Cortex Phellodendri (50 and 100 μg/mL) and Gypsum Fibrosum (100 and 200 μg/mL) caused a significant increase on ConA/LPS-induced proliferation of lymphocytes than lower concentrations. We, therefore, conclude that the prescription of traditional Chinese medicines may recover splenic lymphocytes from the immunosuppression induced by HS. The Taguchi design, which allows rapid and high efficiency for the selection of the best conditions for our prescription on HS-treated splenic lymphocytes, demonstrated that Agastache rugosa (200 μg/mL), Atractylodes lancea (200 μg/mL), Cortex Phellodendri (100 μg/mL) and Gypsum Fibrosum (100 μg/mL)were the optimal conditions for the prescription. The validation experiment confirmed that our composition in optimum extraction conditions enhanced effects on ConA or LPS-stimulated lymphocytes under HS. The results showed that the Taguchi optimization approach is a suitable method for optimization of the composition of prescription.

      • KCI등재

        Protocadherin alpha 3 inhibits lung squamous cell carcinoma metastasis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition

        Tao Yu,Fei Liu,Chang Liu,Yongyu Liu,Jianhui Jia,Yanan Liu,Yi Ren 한국유전학회 2022 Genes & Genomics Vol.44 No.2

        Background: Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) is associated with poor clinical prognosis and lacks available targeted therapy. Given that the major threat of cancer is metastasis, delineation of the molecular mechanism underlying it would help devise therapeutic strategies. Objective: To investigate the functional role of protocadherin alpha 3 (PCDHA3) in LUSC, as well as investigate the underlying molecular mechanism. Methods: Data for PCDHA3 expression and clinical information in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were extracted and analyzed in the UALCAN platform. Expression levels of PCDHA3 in LUSC cell lines were analyzed via RT-PCR and western blot. Overexpression of PCDHA3 was conducted via plasmid transfection. CCK-8 and cell cycle assays were utilized to investigate effect of PCDHA3 on cell proliferation. Transwell assay was used to detect migration and invasion. The underlying mechanism was demonstrated via western blot analysis. Results: Our data indicate that PCDHA3 was low expressed in three kinds of LUSC cell lines and best in H520 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of PCDHA3 could significantly impair LUSC cells proliferation, invasion and migration. Moreover, PCHDA3 repressed the biomarkers of mesenchymal (N-cadherin, fibronectin and vimentin) and increased expression of epithelial markers (E-cadherin and α-catenin). On the other hand, PCDHA3 overexpression partially blocked epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Conclusions: PCDHA3 suppressed the LUSC cells proliferation, invasion and migration via inhibiting the expression of EMT signatures, suggesting that PCDHA3 could serve as a valuable therapeutic target for LUSC therapy.

      • KCI등재

        Treatment of bladder cancer by geoinspired synthetic chrysotile nanocarrier-delivered circPRMT5 siRNA

        Chunping Yu,Yi Zhang,Ning Wang,Wensu Wei,Ke Cao,Qun Zhang,Peiying Ma,Dan Xie,Pei Wu,Biao Liu,Jiahao Liu,Wei Xiang,Xing Hu,Xuewen Liu,Jianfei Xie,Jin Tang,Zhi Long,Long Wang,Hongliang Zeng,Jianye Liu 한국생체재료학회 2022 생체재료학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Background: Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have important functions in many fields of cancer biology. In particular, we previously reported that the oncogenic circRNA, circPRMT5, has a major role in bladder cancer progression. Therapy based on circRNAs have good prospects as anticancer strategies. While anti-circRNAs are emerging as therapeutics, the specific in vivo delivery of anti-circRNAs into cancer cells has not been reported and remains challenging. Methods: Synthesized chrysotile nanotubes (SCNTs) with a relatively uniform length (~ 200 nm) have been designed to deliver an siRNA against the oncogenic circPRMT5 (si-circPRMT5) inhibit circPRMT5. In addition, the antitumor effects and safety evaluation of SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 was assessed with a series of in vitro and in vivo assays. Results: The results showed that SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 nanomaterials prolong si-circPRMT5’s half-life in circulation, enhance its specific uptake by tumor cells, and maximize the silencing efficiency of circPRMT5. In vitro, SCNTs encapsulating si-circPRMT5 could inhibit bladder cancer cell growth and progression. In vivo, SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 inhibited growth and metastasis in three bladder tumor models (a subcutaneous model, a tail vein injection lung metastatic model, and an in situ model) without obvious toxicities. Mechanistic study showed that SCNTs/sicircPRMT5 regulated the miR-30c/SNAIL1/E-adherin axis, inhibiting bladder cancer growth and progression. Conclusion: The results highlight the potential therapeutic utility of SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 to deliver si-circPRMT5 to treat bladder cancer.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of Novel Subregions of LOH in Gastric Cancer and Analysis of the HIC1 and TOB1 Tumor Suppressor Genes in These Subregions

        Jingcui Yu,Songbin Fu,Peng Liu,Xiaobo Cui,Yu Sui,Guohua Ji,Rongwei Guan,Donglin Sun,Wei Ji,Fangli Liu,An Liu,Yuzhen Zhao,Yang Yu,Yan Jin,Jing Bai,Jingshu Geng,Yingwei Xue,Jiping Qi,Ki-Young Lee 한국분자세포생물학회 2011 Molecules and cells Vol.32 No.1

        Previously, we identified 3 overlapping regions showing loss of heterozygosity (LOH, R_1-R_3 from 11 to 30 cM) on chromosome 17 in 45 primary gastric cancers (GCs). The data indicated the presence of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) on chromosome 17 involved in GC. Among the putative TSGs in these regions, HIC1 (in SR_1) and TOB1 (in SR_3) remain to be examined in GC. By immunohistochemistry (IHC), methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and western blot, we evaluated the expression and regulation status for HIC1 and TOB1 protein in GC. We narrowed down the deletion intervals on chromosome 17 and defined five smaller LOH subregions, SR_1-SR_5 (0.54 to 3.42 cM), in GC. We found that HIC1 had downregulated expression in 86% (91/106) and was methylated in 87% (26/30) of primary GCs. Of the primary GCs showing downregulation of HIC1 protein, 75% (18/24) had methylated HIC1 gene. TOB1 was either absent or expressed at reduced levels in 75% (73/97) of the GC samples. In addition, a general reduction was found in total and the ratio of unphosphorylated to phosphorylated TOB1 protein levels in the differentiated GC cell lines. Further analysis revealed significant simultaneous downregulation of both HIC1 and TOB1 protein in GC tissue microarray samples (67%, 52/78) and in primary GCs (65%, 11/17). These results indicate that silencing of HIC1 and TOB1 expression is a common occurrence in GC and may contribute to the development and progression of the disease.

      • KCI등재

        Enhanced Strength-Ductility Synergy in Mg-0.5 wt%Ce Alloy by hot Extrusion

        Hui Yu,Yu Liu,Ya Liu,Dongliang Wang,Yuling Xu,Binan Jiang,Weili Cheng,Lixin Huang,Weineng Tang,Wei Yu 대한금속·재료학회 2023 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.29 No.7

        The microstructure and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed Mg-0.5 wt%Ce alloys are investigated systemically in this study. It shows that Mg-Ce binary system is very sensitive to extrusion temperature. On the one hand, the high tensile yield strength (TYS) of 343 MPa was obtained by extrusion at 250 °C mainly due to the combined effects of profuse nano-precipitation phase, grain refinement, texture strengthening and high-density dislocation; On the other hand, the excellent elongation of 30% was acquired by extrusion at 300 °C resulting from the elimination of dislocations as well as the modification of texture.

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