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      • KCI등재

        Anti-inflammatory effect of hispidin on LPS induced macrophage inflammation through MAPK and JAK1/STAT3 signaling pathways

        Han Ying-Hao,Chen Dong-Qin,Jin Mei-Hua,Jin Ying-Hua,Li Jing,Shen Gui-Nan,Li Wei-Long,Gong Yi-Xi,Mao Ying-Ying,Xie Dan-Ping,Lee Dong-Seok,Yu Li-Yun,Kim Sun-Uk,김지수,권태호,Cui Yu-Dong,Sun Hu-Nan 한국응용생명화학회 2020 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.63 No.3

        Severe inflammatory reactions caused by macrophage activation can trigger a systemic immune response. In the present study, we observed the anti-inflammatory properties of hispidin on LPS induced RAW264.7 macrophage cells. Our results showed that hispidin treatment significantly reduced the production of cellular NO, IL-6 and reactive oxygen species (ROS) while has not inhibitory effect on TNF-α productions. Excitingly, hispidin treatment retains the phagocytosis ability of macrophages which enabling them to perform the function of removing foreign invaders. Signaling studies showed, hispidin treatment dramatic suppressed the LPS induced mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) and JAK/STAT activations. In conclusion, our findings suggest that hispidin may be a new therapeutic target for clinical treatment of macrophages-mediated inflammatory responses.

      • Benzochloroporphyrin Derivative Induced Cytotoxicity and Inhibition of Tumor Recurrence During Photodynamic Therapy for Osteosarcoma

        Gong, Hai-Yang,Sun, Meng-Xiong,Hu, Shuo,Tao, Ying-Ying,Gao, Bo,Li, Guo-Dong,Cai, Zheng-Dong,Yao, Jian-Zhong Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.5

        Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising cancer treatment modality that uses dye-sensitized photooxidation of biologic matter in target tissue. This study explored effects of the photosensitizer BCPD-17 during PDT for osteosarcoma. LM-8 osteosarcoma cells were treated with BCPD-17 and cell viability after laser irradiation was assessed in vitro with the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. The effects of BCPD-17 during PDT recurrence were then examined on tumor-bearing mice in vivo. BCPD-17 had dosedependent cytotoxic effects on LM-8 osteosarcoma cells after laser irradiation which also had energy-dependent effects on the cells. The rate of local recurrence was reduced when marginal resection of mice tumors was followed by BCPD-17-mediated PDT. Our results indicated BCPD-17-mediated PDT in combination with marginal resection of tumors is a potentially new effective treatment for osteosarcoma.

      • KCI등재후보

        On Translation Competence -An Approach in the Light of Mother Tongue Acquisition

        GONG Ying-rui,XU Li-na 한국어문화교육학회 2017 한국어문화교육 Vol.11 No.1

        본 논문은 모국어 습득의 연구 성과를 이용하여 문법번역과 직업번역 간의 구별을 검토하였다. 문법번역은 외국어 습득에 있어서 학습을 보조하는 도구이다. 하지만, 직업번역은 두 언어 사이에서 교제하는 도구이다. 이 두 가지 다른 성질을 가지는 번역 사이에서 대응 관계와 모국어 습득은 발전 단계상 유사점이 있다. 언어 습득 및 번역 기능 습득을 이해하는 과정은 학생 번역자에게 이성적으로 번역 전략을 운용하여 문제를 해결하는 능력을 양성하는 데 도움이 된다. The paper explores the fundamental differences between grammatical translation and professional translation in the light of mother tongue acquisition. The former serves as a tool for foreign language learning and the latter for communication between two mutually incomprehensible tongues. The two types of translating performance come into a relay relationship, which has something in common with the developments of mother tongue acquisition. A rational exposure to what happens in translating and language learning provides student translators with a strategic approach to the solutions desired for their daily performance.

      • KCI등재

        Synthesis of metal organic framework (MOF-5) with high selectivity for CO2/N2 separation in flue gas by maximum water concentration approach

        Gong-Ying Wang,Zhiyong Deng,Ning Jiang,Shaoying Liu,Cong-Ming Tang 한국화학공학회 2016 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.33 No.9

        Water plays a crucial role in the synthesis mechanism of metal organic framework-5 (MOF-5). Synthesized MOF-5 with good phase structure and large specific surface area is largely determined by an important synthesis factor: the total water concentration of the initial synthesis solution (Ctw). An understanding of the effects of different and high Ctw on the synthesis of MOF-5 and the investigation of the maximum Ctw suitable for the synthesis of MOF-5 are important to guide the synthesis of MOF-5. Through the research of the maximum Ctw, a favorable synthetic approach was established which could realize the synthesis of MOF-5 with fine performance on CO2 adsorption and separation. The research results show that the maximum Ctw could be as high as 1,440mmol/L, and synthesized MOF- 5 still has a good phase structure and a large specific surface area of 2,136m2/g (BET). Synthesized MOF-5 by the maximum Ctw exhibits a high CO2 adsorption capacity of 2.5mmol/g and a low N2 adsorption capacity of 0.2mmol/g at 298 K and 100 kPa. More importantly, synthesized MOF-5 by the maximum Ctw exhibits a high selectivity for CO2/N2 of 18-22 at 298 K and 20-130 kPa in simulated flue gas.

      • KCI등재

        Life Prediction of Hydraulic Concrete Based on Grey Residual Markov Model

        Li Gong,Xuelei Gong,Ying Liang,Bingzong Zhang,Yiqun Yang 한국정보처리학회 2022 Journal of information processing systems Vol.18 No.4

        Hydraulic concrete buildings in the northwest of China are often subject to the combined effects of lowtemperaturefrost damage, during drying and wetting cycles, and salt erosion, so the study of concretedeterioration prediction is of major importance. The prediction model of the relative dynamic elastic modulus(RDEM) of four different kinds of modified concrete under the special environment in the northwest of Chinawas established using Grey residual Markov theory. Based on the available test data, modified values of thedynamic elastic modulus were obtained based on the Grey GM(1,1) model and the residual GM(1,1) model,combined with the Markov sign correction, and the dynamic elastic modulus of concrete was predicted. Thecomputational analysis showed that the maximum relative error of the corrected dynamic elastic modulus wassignificantly reduced, from 1.599% to 0.270% for the BS2 group. The analysis error showed that the modelwas more adjusted to the concrete mixed with fly ash and mineral powder, and its calculation error wassignificantly lower than that of the rest of the groups. The analysis of the data for each group proved that themodel could predict the loss of dynamic elastic modulus of the deterioration of the concrete effectively, as wellas the number of cycles when the concrete reached the damaged state.

      • KCI등재


        龚颖 ( Gong Ying ) 사단법인 퇴계학부산연구원 2021 퇴계학논총 Vol.37 No.-

        陈建著의 『学蔀通辨』은 명나라 중후기의 유명한 주자학의 명작으로 ‘佛禅陆王’ 등의 賢文이 성현의 장벽을 허물고 정주 이학의 정통적 지위를 지키는 것이 주된 목적이다. 이 글은 여러 판본 이동의 차이점과 유사점을 심도 있게 비교한 결과, 『学蔀通辨』의 传本 가운데에 첨각본이라는 완본이 존재한다는 점을 강조했다. 완본은 내용면에서 초판본, 만력 본 등의 판본과 확연한 차이가 있다. 이에 본 논문은 중국의 명청시대와 일본 에도시대의 상황을 비교 연구를 바탕으로 조선의 『学蔀通辨』의 특징과 일본 에도시대 초기의 간행본을 파악하였다. 본 『学蔀通辨』의 중국, 조선, 일본의 3개국의 발행부수와 필사 등의 조사는 명대의 주자학이 동아시아에 전파되어 발전한 과정과 그 의의를 구체적으로 알 수 있는 중요한 연구이다. (陈建著≪学蔀通辨≫是明代中后期朱子学名作, 其主旨是要通过廓清“佛禅陆王”这类遮蔽圣贤之学的蔀障, 达到维护程朱理学正统地位的目的。本文通过仔细对比多种版本的异同, 强调了≪学蔀通辨≫传本中存在“莞本”这一添刻本的情况。“莞本”在内容上与初刻本、万历本等常见版本有明显的差异。通过与明清中国以及江户日本相关情况的比较研究, 本文确认了属于莞本系统的朝鲜本≪学蔀通辨≫的特色及其在日本江户时代初期流传的情况。调研≪学蔀通辨≫在中国、朝鲜、日本三国间传阅、传抄及刊行的情况, 有助于把握明代朱子学在东亚地区传播并发挥作用的实际过程, 具有重要意义。) Chen Jian's Comprehensive Study is a famous work of Zhu Zi in the mid to late Ming Dynasty, whose main purpose is to protect Cheng Zhu Li's orthodox position by clearing the drape barrier of such sages as “Buddha Zen Lu Wang”. By carefully comparing the differences and similarities of various versions, this paper emphasizes the existence of the additional edition of the Department of Education. The content of “Wanben” is different from the original edition, the Wanli edition and so on. Based on a comparative study with China and Edo Japan in the Ming and Qing dynasties, this paper identifies the characteristics of the Korean Department of Education, which belongs to the Wando system, and its circulation in the early Edo period in Japan. It is of great significance to investigate the circulation, transcription and publication of the Department of Education among the three countries, China, Korea and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        一個獨特民族的文學珍珠 ―《路得記》寫作探幽

        궁영서 ( Ying-rui Gong ),이명애 ( Myeong-ae Lee ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文論叢 Vol.43 No.-

        《룻기》는 이스라엘 문학사에서 “문학의 진주”라는 명성을 지니고 있는 작품이다. 문학은 환경의 산물이다. 전기문학의 측면에서《룻기》는 광대한 민족사인 《구약성경》을 대표하는 민족문학이며, 다양한 형식의 문학작품을 탄생시키는 촉매역할을 했기 때문에 아시아와 아프리카의 고전이 되었고, 유럽문학의 원류 가운데 하나이다. 《룻기》는 전기문학의 전환점이며, 인류문학사의 참신한 텍스트가 되었다. “Ruth” is hailed as “literary pearls” in Israeli literature. Literature has its own soil to harvest results. This article explores writing skills of “Ruth”, showing that the Old Testament is a magnificent national historical biography with its unique national culture. It gives birth to a variety of literary works, making itself Afro-Asian classics and one of two European literary sources. “Ruth” is the glorious transformation of historical literature, creating a new genre in the human historical literature documentary novel.

      • KCI등재


        宫英瑞(Gong, Ying-Rui),魏秀光(Wui, Soo-Kwang) 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.59 No.-

        本文以关联和连贯理论为框架,探讨了汉语句末语气词“啊”、“吧”、“呢”的语用功 能,得出的基本结论有:与“啊”和“吧”相比,“呢”的篇章功能更为突出,或者说,与“呢” 相比,“啊”与“吧”的情态意义比较明显。本文还探讨了上述三个句末语气词语用功能差异背后 的深层次原因。具体而言,与“啊”和“吧”相比,“呢”的意义主要是语气意义;“呢”字历史 更为悠久;“呢”的语法化过程更为彻底。相比之下,“啊”和“吧”都具有较为明显的情态意 义;两个语气词使用历史不长;它们的虚化过程还在继续。 With relevance theory and coherence theory as the theoretical basis, this paper studies the pragmatic function of Chinese-Utterance final particles: a, ba and ne and claims that the discourse function of ne is stronger than a and ba. In other words, the modality meaning of a and ba is stronger than ne. This paper also studies the reason why a, ba and ne have different pragmatic functions and concludes that the meaning of ne is mainly the meaning of mood, ne has a longer history and the grammaticalization of ne is more complete while a and ba have obvious modality meaning; they have a shorter history than ne as mood particles and their grammaticalization still continues.

      • KCI등재

        Time-Dependent Changes in the Bladder Muscle Metabolome After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Rats Using Metabolomics

        Ying-Hao Liu,Qian Gong,Yi-Kai Wang,Wei-Bing Shuang 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2023 International Neurourology Journal Vol.27 No.2

        Purpose: The main treatment options of neurogenic bladder remains catheterization and long-term oral medications. Metabolic interventions have shown good therapeutic results in many diseases. To date, no studies have characterized the metabolites of the detrusor muscle during neurogenic bladder. Using metabolomics, new muscle metabolomic signatures were identified to reveal the temporal metabolic profile of muscle during disease progression. Methods: We used 42 Sprague-Dawley rats (200±20 g, males) for T10 segmental spinal cord injury modeling and collected detrusor tissue and performed nontargeted metabolomics after sham surgery, 30-minute, 6-hour, 12-hour, 24-hour, 5-day, and 2-week postmodelling, to identify the dysregulated metabolic pathways and key metabolites. Results: By comparing mzCloud, mzVault, MassList, we identified a total of 1,271 metabolites and enriched a total of 12 metabolism-related pathways with significant differences (P<0.05) based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis. Metabolites in several differential metabolic pathways such as ascorbate and aldarate metabolism, Steroid hormone biosynthesis, and carbon metabolism are altered in a regular manner before and after ridge shock. Conclusions: Our study is the first time-based metabolomic study of rat forced urinary muscle after traumatic spinal cord injury, and we identified multiple differential metabolic pathways during injury that may improve long-term management strategies for neurogenic bladder and reduce costs in long-term treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancement and Mechanism of Transdermal Absorption of Terpene-Induced Propranolol Hydrochloride

        Ying Cui,Lingzhi Li,Li Zhang,Jianyu Li,Jun Gu,Haiying Gong,Peng Guo,Wei Tong 대한약학회 2011 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.34 No.9

        For the purpose of efficient and safe transdermal administration of propranolol hydrochloride (PHCl), effects of (+)-borneol, (+)-camphor, and α-bisabolol (5 w/v%) in 66.6% ethanol solution on transdermal permeation across rat skin in vitro and their enhancement mechanism was investigated with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and PHCl-stratum corneum binding studies. Each of (+)-borneol, (+)-camphor, and α-bisabolol significantly increased the transdermal flux of PHCl through rat skin in comparison to the control. The enhancement mechanism of the terpenes is involved with disruption of the lipid bilayer and increase of PHCl partitioning coefficient to the stratum corneum. As for α-bisabolol, the protect effect of skin from dehydration and an important reason of irritation incident were observed with differential scanning calorimetry for the first time.

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