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      • Development of a noninvasive KIM-1-based live-imaging technique in the context of a drug-induced kidney-injury mouse model

        Tae-Jun Kwon,Da-Sol Lee,Md. Enamul Haque,Rang-Woon Park,Byungheon Lee,Dongkyu Kim,Yong-Hyun Jeon,Kil-Soo Kim,Sang Kyoon Kim 한국실험동물학회 2021 한국실험동물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.7

        The development of reliable methods to diagnose acute kidney injury is essential to allow the adoption of early therapeutic interventions and evaluate their effectiveness. Based on the fact that kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) expression levels in kidneys are markedly upregulated early after a damage event, here we developed a noninvasive KIM- 1-based molecular imaging technique to detect kidney injury. First, we took advantage of a phage-display platform to select small peptides demonstrating a specific high binding affinity to KIM-1. The promising candidate was conjugated with fluorescent probes, and its imaging potential was validated in vitro and in vivo. This peptide, with the sequence CNRRRA, not only showed a high imaging potential in vitro, allowing a strong detection of KIM-1 expressing cells by microscopy and flow cytometry but also generated a strong kidney-specific signal in live-imaging in vivo experiments in the context of a drug-induced kidney-injury mouse model. Our data overall suggest that the CNRRRA peptide is a promising probe to use in the context of in vivo imaging for the detection of KIM-1 overexpression in damaged kidneys.

      • KCI등재

        치아종 제거후 시행한 자가치아이식술

        김종운,김수관,김수흥,정태영 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.3

        We report a case in which a right mandibular incisor was impacted beneath an odontoma in the anterior mandible. An odontoma at the symphyseal region was removed under general anesthesia, and bone was grafted. Tooth #41, which was beneath the lesion, was extracted and transplanted to its original site. It was splinted with resin for 2 weeks and was checked at intervals during that time. After 4 months, it was filled endodontically with calcium hydroxide.

      • 풍동실험을 위한 LabVIEW 응용 온라인 계측시스템의 개발

        김봉근,장성태,이경용,박운진 한국기술교육대학교 2004 論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        On-line measurement systems were newly developed for the performing effective wind tunnel experiments by utilizing the LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench) system. As a result, instead of post-data-processing procedures based on Fortran programming which was commonly adopted in conventional measurement systems, wind tunnel experiments can be carried out on window-based PC operating systems and thus much time and effort required in analyzing fluid flow field can be successfully reduced. Furthermore, by utilizing the web publishing tool which is provided by the LabVIEW, it is possible to monitor and to control each measurement step via internet web pages from the remote area other than the laboratory in which experiments are carried out.

      • KCI등재
      • Unity를 이용한 아케이드 미니 게임 제작

        최종운, 유태환, 김수균, 안성옥 배재대학교 공학연구소 2014 공학논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 Unity3D 게임엔진을 이용하여 쉽게 접할 수 있는 아케이드 형식의 미니게임을 제작하는데 목적이 있다. 우리는 미니 게임을 통하여 창의력, 반사 신경을 향상시키도록 하였고, 또한 일상생활에서 볼 수 있는 애완동물이라는 소재를 사용하여, 게임에 접근하기 어려운 사람들에게 친근감을 주게 하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 또한 랭킹 시스템을 도입하여 유저들에게 경쟁을 유도하게 하여 유저들의 게임 참가율을 증대하도록 하였다. 본 논문에서는 Unity3D 엔진을 이용하여, 게임의 개발시간을 단축하여 개발 비용을 줄일 수 있으면서도 게임의 질은 떨어지지 않도록 하였다

      • 주변 자원과의 연계를 통한 명심체험마을의 발전방향

        이태순,김은영,윤성수,리신호 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2012 農業科學硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        The MYEONGSIM village located in Baekkok-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea has been developed the green tourism, farm stay and green rural experience project. Although the village has more varius advavtages such as gacilities and experience program than the other villages its tourists are gradually decreasing. In this thesis, specific development direction of the village will be proposed by the analysis of characteristics of tourists and SWOT analysis through understanding of characteristics of visitors and investigation of rural amenith resources

      • KCI등재

        씨름선수에서 체중 감량과 회복기의 Leptin과 PAI-1 변화

        김용운,도경오,권태동,박덕일,장응찬,박소영,김종연,이석강 대한스포츠의학회 2000 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Obesity which is defined as accumulation of excess body fat, is central factor of insulin resistance syndrome. Recently, it is revealed tat adipose tissue is not simply an energy storage organ but it also secretes a variety of molecules which affect the metabolism of the whole body, those are leptin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1). Therefore, leptin and PAI-1 are increased in the obese state. Leptin regulates energy homeostasis and satiety and PAI-1 regulates fibrinolytic system. For these reasons, elevated levels of leptin and PAI-1 are considered as link factors between obesity and insulin resistance syndrome. However, the exact regulating mechanism for serum levels of leptin and PAI-1 is not fully understood yet. In this study, to evaluate the regulating mechanisms of serum levels of leptin and PAI-1 according to the weight changes, we measured leptin, PAI-1, physical, metabolic, and endocrine parameters during 10 days of weight reduction and 10 days of regain period in 7 young athletes. The mean body weight change was -4.7 kg(5.0%) in the weight reduction period and -2.4 kg(2.5%) in the weight regain period compared to baseline value. Baseline level of leptin in athletes was 1.7±0.66 ng/ml, which was significantly correlated with body weight, BMI, percent body fat, body fat mass, triglyceride, insulin, and PAI-1. Baseline level of PAI-1 in athletes was 16.6±5.26 ng/ml, which was significantly correlated with body weight, BMI, triglyceride, insulin, and leptin. Leptin was decreased to 0.7±0.39(44% of the basaline value) in the weight reduction period, and increased to 1.9±0.64(119% of the baseline value) in the regain period. PAI-1 was decreased to 7.4±2.72(44% of the basaline value) in the weight reduction period, and increased to 22.8±7.33(138% of the baseline value) in the regain period. The changes of leptin during weight reduction period were significantly correlated with the changes of insulin(r=0.890, P<0.01) and triglycerides(r=0.874, P<0.01). The changes of PAI-1 during weight reduction period were significantly correlated with the changes of FFA(r=0.889, P<0.01) and triglycerides(r=0.869, P<0.05). The changes of both leptin and AAI-1 during weight regain period were significantly correlated with the changes of insulin(r=0.755 and 0.849, P<0.05, respectively). In summary, these results suggest that serum levels of leptin and PAI-1 were affected by weight cycling, the percentages of change were more greater than that of weight change, and rebound phenomena were occurred during weight regain period.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌시대 재외동포정책 선진화 방안으로써 재외국민 참정권부여

        김태운 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2011 공공정책연구 Vol.28 No.1

        영토와 인민, 주권의 국가적 계기와 인민적 계기가 끊임없이 대립하고 통일하는 과정에서 국민국가가 취급하는 인간은 국민과 외국인이라는 두 범주로 명확히 구분되지 않는다. 외국인이지만 국민이 향유하는 권리의 일정 부분을 누리는 데니즌(denizen)과 외국국적동포(혈연외국인)가 있는가 하면, 국적은 있으나 국민의 권리를 모두 누리지 못하는 사람도 생겨난다. 반면 여러 국가에서 국민의 권리를 누리는 사람들도 있다. 이러한 지위 분화가 국민국가의 정상적인 인적 조직화 형태에서 벗어난다고 생각하여 이를 탈국가적 시민권의 징후로 보는 것은 잘못이다. 그것은 국민국가가 늘 지녀온 모순의 표출일 뿐이다. 그러한 모순이 국경을 가로지르는 네트워크와 실천, 즉 초국가성의 증대에 의해 새로운 균형을 찾는 것에 불과하다. 재외국민을 주권의 정치에 편입시키는 ‘정치적 초국가성’과 재외시민권(external citizenship)의 발전이 “네이션과 국가의 탈구,” “네이션, 영토, 시민권의 분리” 또는 시민권의 재구성인 것처럼 말하기도 하는데, 그것은 국민국가체제에 대한 도전이 아니며 국민국가가 시민권의 가장 주된 소재지임을 부정하는 것이 아니다. 재외국민참정권의 확대는 주권인민의 범위를 대인주권의 형식적 경계에 일치시켜 인민주권에 기초한 국민국가의 이상을 보다 완전히 실현하려는 동력이 작용한 결과이나, 그렇다고 인민주권의 원리로부터 규범적으로 의무화되는 것은 아니다. 반면 국민국가의 자기구성원리를 부정하거나 초극하는 것 또한 아니다. 그것은 초국가적 삶이 증대되는 상황에서 국민국가의 모순이 재조정된 것을 뜻한다. 그렇기 때문에 그것은 네이션과 국가, 영토와 인민의 괴리에 수반된 다른 집단의 지위 변화와의 연관성 속에 고찰되어야 한다. 특히 영토 내에 거주하여 국가의 주권 및 거번먼탈리티의 목표물이 되어 있으나 주권자로서의 선거권을 가지지 않은 외국인의 참여를 보장하는 문제와 분리될 수 없다. 재외국민은 국민이라는 이유만으로 완전한 참여의 권리를 갖거나 해외에 거주한다는 이유만으로 배제되는 것이 아니다. 참여는 경계가 확정된 자율적 정치공동체의 성원으로서의 지위를 전제로 하면서 그 정치공동체의 진로에 이해관계를 가진 사람들에게 열려 있다. 영토 밖에 살고 있지만 국가에 소속되어 있고 그 성쇠와 일체감을 느끼는 사람들과 영토 내에 살면서 생활상의 이해관계를 갖는 사람들의 참여를 권리화 한다. 후자는 전자와 달리 국정선거에의 참여를 보장받지는 못하는데, 이는 국정선거의 결과로부터 영향을 덜 받기 때문이 아니라 국민이 되는 길을 선택하지 않았기 때문이다. 이러한 논리는 국적취득의 길이 열려있음을 전제로 한다. 이해관계자 시민권 개념은 영토와 인민을 본질적 요소로 하면서도 양자의 대립이라는 내재적 모순에서 시달려온 국민국가의 딜레마를 해결하기 위한 노력의 일환이다. 그것은 국민국가로의 분절화를 전제로 하는 글로벌체계의 기본질서에서 벗어나는 것은 아니다. Unity and Opposition between Territoriality and Peopleness: The Dialectic of the Political Participation of External Citizens. The study begins by questioning whether the principle of popular sovereignty encompasses the political participation of external citizens, a question which should have been taken more seriously in the 2007 Constitutional Court decisions on the constitutionality of disenfranchising overseas citizens in national and local elections and referenda. It canvasses worldwide national practices of external voting and the treatment of the issue by international law, and concludes that states are not obliged to guarantee the participation of external voters. The stud examines the rationales for and against external voting, which are believed to reveal the motivations of, and the structural forces governing, nation-states in determining their boundaries of sovereign people and allocating political rights. In the concluding section, the essay discusses the politico-sociological implications of the political participation of external citizens, interpreting that the issue reveals a fundamental contradiction in the concept of the nation-state and the practices demonstrate the unity and opposition between territoriality and peopleness in the existence of the nation-state.

      • 박스-젠킨스법을 이용한 소양호 수질변화 시계열분석

        김범철,윤용운,정태영,박석순 이화여자대학교 환경문제연구소 1997 이화환경연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Statistical models were developed using the Box-Jenkins time series analysis to simulate changes of water qualities in Soyang Lake. The water qualities included in the models are total phosphorus(TP) and chlorophyll-a(CA). The model development was based on the data obtained from Feb. 1987 to Oct. 1992 for TP and from Mar. 1985 to Oct. 1992 for CA, and followed the typical procedures of the Box-Jenkins method including identification, estimation, and diagnostic check. From the computed autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function(PACF), it was determined that the TP model should have two autoregression (AR) parameters and one moving average(MA) parameter, and two seasonal AR parameters and one seasonal MA parameter. The CA model was determined to have two AR parameters and two MA parameters, and two seasonal AR parameters and on seasonal MA parameter. Both models had seasonality of twelve months and were formulates as SARIMA(2,1,1)×(2,1,1)₁₂for TP and SARIMA(2,0,2)×(2,1,1)₁₂ for CA. The models were validated by testing normality and independency of the residuals. The model prediction ability was tested using the data collected from Nov. 1992 to July 1994 both for TP and CA. There were good agreements between the model predictions and the field measurements. Most of the predicted values were located within the 95% confidence limits except certain period of chlorophyll-a. It was concluded from this study that the Box-Jenkins time series analysis would be an effective tool to understand and simulate the long term variations of water qualities in Soyand Lake.

      • 통합모델링언어를 이용한 비즈니스 프로세스 설계

        김태운 경성대학교 공학기술연구소 2000 공학기술연구지 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper presents a framework for designing information system based on the Unified Modeling Language(UML) which is accepted as an industry standard for object oriented analysis and design. In order to remain competitive in the rapidly changing environment and in the Internet age, the requirements of information system are changing frequently. The characteristics of compoment-based, software reuse, inheritance, and encapsulation can be the best solution for the industrys needs. This paper demonstrates the UML technology for designing a new business process in the manufacturing company of athletic shoes.

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