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      • KCI등재

        사르트르의 사랑과 모험

        장근상 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2001 프랑스어문교육 Vol.12 No.-

        Peut-e^tre nai¨ve est-elle l'ide´e de raconter la vie, l'amour et la litte´rature de Sartre. Mais ne l'est pas cello de les retracer avec son usage de 《l'aventure》, parce que c'est tout un et autre. Tellement l'aventure est ambigue¨ comme notion chez lui. Il veut, notamment, l'interpre^ter avec les comportements du boxeur, cela en brouille tout le sens acquls auparavant, ou presque. Malgre´ cela, ses amours, ses aventures, de´nigre´es plus tard par lui-me^me, seraient le moteur, bien au contraire, de son e´criture et inversement. C'est a` quoi nous avons a` nous inte´resser. Au moyen des lettres a` Simone de Beauvoir et a` bien d'autres femmes, par excellence, il voulait vivre sa vie comme la litte´rature. Mais enfin il de´savoue l'aventure dans 『La Nause´e』, et avoue ses 《graves erreurs》 dans 『Les Mots』, ce qui sonne, pour nous, de la me^me fac¸on. En effet, il a interminablement courtise´ les femmes et voulu voir en elles une "soeur qui n'avait pas eu lieu". Mais la poursuite constitue elle-me^me a` nos yeux une dimension litte´raire, telle que Sartre lui-me^me voulait se donner. Et c'est le lot de l'aventure.. Cette notion litte´raire est lie´e a` la beaute´, a` la ne´cessite´, et l'unite´ du temps a` l'instal des re`gles au classicisme. L'amour et la permission que Sartre a eue de´but 1940, en sont bons exemples. On y voit le bout et le de´coulement temporels, de sorte que Sartre a voulu qu'ils soient pre´cieux tous les deux.

      • KCI등재

        2급 응급구조사의 성인외상환자에 대한 처치의 적절성 평가

        장문수,어은경,김상현,김창섭,송근정,박한규,유지영,최동섭 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        In Korea, EMT have two classified subgroup of first and second degree : EMT-P, and EMT. For the beginning, authorization of the first EMT was made in this year through the EMT educational program. There are 8 items which EMT can perform the treatment without the supervision by a physician. But there was no previous report of pertinent assesment of treatment performed by the EMT. There upon authors have conducted review of assessment done by the EMT in EC setting, and proposed the following treatment application can be used by EMT at the field of accident. The study materials include adult trauma patient older than 15 years, and sustained trauma within 48 hours before visiting Ewha University DongDaeMoon Hospital Emergency Deparment. The duration of study was from Apr. 1 1995 to Aug. 31 1995. the study was conducted by 5 certified EMT. The EMT's performance was evaluated by the attending Emergency Medicine physician. The result were as followings ; 1. Among the total 5532 ED visiting patients during the study period, 1267 were adult trauma patients who recieved treatment within 48 hours of injury. 2. Among 1222 out of 1267 patients have completed performed survey. 3. Male to female ratio was 2.6 : 1, age distribution was from 15 to 87 years old and mean age was 34.6 years old. 4. The MOI showed : MVA (33.1%), blunt trauma (29.9%), slip down (16.8%), penetrating injury(15.4%), and miscellaneous (5.7 %), burn (3.1%), falling down injury(2.9 %), bite injury(1.1%) in order. 5. There were 437 cases of survey completed by the EMT. For assessment of mental status of 3 different method : AVPU, 5 scale mental status and GCS, were correlated with EM physician with 99.1%, 98.6%, 97.7 %, respectively. 6. For 320 out of 437 cases of survey completed, 319 patients recieved treatment by the EMT within 30 minute and 1 patient between 30 to 60 minute of an ED arrival. 7. For those 437 cases of survey completed, 266 patient (60.9%) had adequate treatment and 54 patients (12.4%) had inadequate treatment. 67 patient (15.3%) did not received treatment but it was adequate inway, and 50 patients (11.9%) did not received treatment even though patient required treatment. In cases of adult trauma patients, EMT's mental status assessment was correlated with EM physician's assessment. But treatment done by EMT without the supervision of EM physician was adequate only in 76.2 %. Therefore, continuous education and assessment of treatment performed by EMT in needed to improve field treatment by EMT future.

      • KCI등재

        사르트르의 연극관

        장근상 한국 프랑스어문교육학회 1999 프랑스어문교육 Vol.7 No.-

        On dit que le theatre de Sartre est le reflet ou la vulgarisation de sa philosophie - de la phenomenologie de la liberte et de l'existence a la dialectique de la praxis. Aussi son theatre parait-il une continuation, en quelques sortes, de la tradition du theatre bourgeois, en depit de la presence brechtienne dans son theatre. Les bourgeois etaient les seuls comme spectateurs de son theatre, alors qu'il a declare qu'il n'avait plus rien a dire aux bourgeois. C'est pour cette raison que son theatre, semble-t-il, representait mal le theatre francais de l'epoque, et ceci, a la difference de Paul Claudel, par exemple. On dirait que l'estimation de la sorte a longtemps empeche de naitre une etude generale sur son theatre. A propos de la forme de son theatre, le choix est fonction, en partie, de la situation historique que Sartre a vecue, en partie, de l'evolution de sa vision du monde : mythologie, actualite et Histoire jalonnent son theatre. Ses propres jugements sur ses oeuvres tantot justifient tantot desavouent ses choix en matiere de forme theatrale, et refletent le souffle de l'Histoire qui planait sur son epoque. Sans rappeler le rapport entre Brecht et Sartre, il convient de reconnaitre le souci de Sartre pour le theatre populaire. Au refus, manifeste dans la premiere etape de son theatre, des formes symboliques et de l'attitude "retrospective", semble apparemment contradictoire l'effort ulterieur de creer le mythe contemporain a travers, de vouveu, le myth grec, tel qu'on le voit, en particulier, dans l'intention de 'Sartre en 1961. En effet, ceci s'expliquerait, au contraire, par ses preoccupation en faveur d'un theatre populaire, d'une part, - eu egrad a son souci d'eviter ainsi l'ennui que la forme depouillee causerait au public - et, de l'autre, par le gout retrouve, a mesure que le temps s'ecoule, du genre mythologique et historique, ce qui ne trahirait pas d'ailleurs ses points de vue sur le theatre. Certes, on peut dire qu'il n'y a pas de constantes au niveau (du choix) des formes dans son theatre. Neanmoins, ceci ne renierait pas son penchant pour le theatre populaire, lequel, d'pres lui, ne reposerait pas exclusivement sur la forme, ni sur les idees concues, mais plutot sur les manieres de l'envisager. Il convient de reconnaitre san convicition sur le theatre populaire propre, lie constamment a la synthese de l'objectif et du subjectif. Mais Sartre a hesite entre deux choses : d'une part, un theatre bourgeois critique, avec une participation distanciee, et d'autre part, le reve d'un grand theatre populaire de masse, reve auquel Brecht s'est toujours oppose. Or ce reve ne s'est pas realise. Donc, "objectivement", Sartre peut etre juge somme toute comme partisan d'un "theatre bourgeois critique", Cependant, ce serait ignorer la subjectivite profonde de son theatre et laisser entendre que Sartre n'est pas a la hauteur d'un tel reve, ce qui serait trop s'aventurer.

      • 풍동실험을 위한 LabVIEW 응용 온라인 계측시스템의 개발

        김봉근,장성태,이경용,박운진 한국기술교육대학교 2004 論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        On-line measurement systems were newly developed for the performing effective wind tunnel experiments by utilizing the LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench) system. As a result, instead of post-data-processing procedures based on Fortran programming which was commonly adopted in conventional measurement systems, wind tunnel experiments can be carried out on window-based PC operating systems and thus much time and effort required in analyzing fluid flow field can be successfully reduced. Furthermore, by utilizing the web publishing tool which is provided by the LabVIEW, it is possible to monitor and to control each measurement step via internet web pages from the remote area other than the laboratory in which experiments are carried out.

      • 18年生 잣나무 次代檢定林의 家系別 毬果 着生量의 變異와 遺傳力

        전상근,정동준,장용석 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 1998 硏究論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        경기도 가평, 광주 그리고 충청북도 영동 지역에 조성한 잣나무 種子多産系 次代檢定林에 있어서 地域別, 家系別 18年生 着果量의 分散을 分析 檢討하고 遺傳力을 推定하였던 바 다으과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 着果量은 지역별로 차이를 나타내여 가평 지역의 個體木當 平均看果數가 0.85個, 광주 지역이 0.87個, 영동 지역이 0.72個였으며, 3個 지역 전체 平均看果數는 0.82였다. 2. 3個 지역에 있어서 平均看果數가 가장 많았던 家系는 20番家系(0.96個)였으며 가장 看果가 적었던 家系는 21番家系(0.74個)였다. 3. 3個 지역 看果數는 變異에 가장 큰 影響을 미치는 分散要因은 plot내의 個體木間에 있었으며, 家系, 지역, Block 그리고 이들 要因들의 相互作用이 有意하게 영향하고 있었다. 그러나, 가계×지역의 상호작용은 중요 分散要因이 아니었다. 4. 看果數의 單一木遺傳力은 0.04~0.24, 家系遺傳力0.006, 家系遺傳力은 0.349였다. 5. 看果數에 대한 單一木 및 家系遺傳力은 지역에 따라 차이가 나타났으나 個體木當 平均看果數가 만았던 광주 지역이 높은 경향을 보였다. The objectives of this study were to analyze variation and to estunate heritabilities for cone production of 18-year-old open-polhated progenies of Korean White Pine in three different sites. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. Family, site, block, and interactions among these factors were significant source of variance for cone production. But the effects of family × site interaction were not relahvely large as compared with other source of variance. 2. Average values were 0.85 at Kapyung site, 0.87 at Kwangju site, 0.72 at Youngdong site and 0.82 overall three sites m mean of cone number per tree, respectively. 3. Family of No. 20 showed excellent value of 0.96 in mean of cone number per tree over all sites. 4. Individual-tree and family heritabilities were estimated 0.040∼24 and 0.16∼0.69 for cone production, respectively. For overall the sites, estunate of individual-tree heritability was 0.006 and that of family was 0.349 for cone production. 5. Heritability estunates vaned with testing site, and those for family were higher than for individual-tree.

      • 잣나무 풍매차대검정림의 가계별·지역별 생장과 수분생리 특성에 관한 연구

        전상근,정동준,장용석 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        경기도 가평지역과 충청북도 영동지역에 조림된 동일한 모수를 가진 동일한 25개가계의 차대검정림에 대한 생장과 수분생리와의 관계를 살펴보면, 두 지역에서 생장이 가장 우수한 20번가계는 가평지역의 생장이 영동지역보다 ㏊당 약 80.92㎥ 정도 많은 영양생장을 보였으며, 생장이 가장 불량한 3번가계에서도 가평지역에서 ㏊당 약 27.99㎥ 많은 생장을 보였다. 또한 초기 원형질분리점(π_0)에서는 20번가계, 3번가계 모두 영동지역이 가평지역보다 낮은 Water Potential을 나타내고 있는데, 이것은 동일한 유전력을 지닌 가계에서도 조림지역의 환경에 따라 Water Potential의 차이가 생기며, 이에 따라 생장에도 차이가 나타나는 것으로 사료된다. 즉 수분조건이 양호한 가평지역에서는 그 만큼 수분 스트레스를 적게 받아 생장도 양호하게 나타났다고 할 수 있다. 앞으로 수분조건에 큰 영향을 주는 인자인 토양에 대한 연구가 함께 이루어져 잣나무 적지적수 판단에 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This study was conducted to reveal the characteristics of the growth by locality for Korean White Pine planted in Kapyung Kyunggi-Do and Youngdong, Choongchunbuk-Do. The effects of water potential on the growth were also analyzed. For this, local site quality was first evaluated and several stand variables such as number of trees survived, mean DBH, mean height, basal area per hectare, and volume per hectare by stand age were measured and summarized for each locality. Family No. 20 showed excellent growth in two sites and at Kapyung a more volume about 80.92m^(3)/㏊ than at Youngdong Family No. 3 showed poor growth and at Kapyung a more volume about 27.99m^(3)/㏊. Also at incipient plasmolysis (π_(0)) showed families No. 20 and No. 3 at Kapyung a lower water potential that at Youngdong. In the family which has same heritability, the growth is considered to be different because of different water potential by local climatic conditions. From this in Kapyung site which has good moisture condition and power water stress, the growth of white pine showed good.

      • CFT구조용 초고강도 충전 콘크리트의 현장 적용을 위한 실험적 연구

        이장환,남정민,정근호,김진호,정상진,최문식 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        Due to social problems such as the increasing of land price and the expanding of city, buildings require more complex and bigger components and structure. However, the complex and massive building projects need new technology to solve effect of local buckling and the needs for more space. Hence, Concrete Filled Tube Steel (CFT), the tube steel to hold concrete during pouring and curing of concrete procedure, which helps to reduce local buckling and space, was developed. Most researches on CFT might not be focused on the characteristic of concrete filled in tube but structural analysis. However, it is the essential factor to increase the strength of concrete on CFT for having efficient results. Therefore, this paper will describe how to apply CFT into the construction site through examining High Strength Concrete (800kg/cm2), the strength of core, and bleeding during pouring strategy.

      • 加平地域 17年生 잣나무 次代檢定林의 家系別 生長特性

        全尙根,鄭東浚,張容碩 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 1997 硏究論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the Specific property for tree growth of 17-year-old progeny of Korean White Pine in Ka-pyung. The performance of the 8 general height-dbh models fitted to 1,664 height-dbh data compiled from Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ volume classes of families using linear regression method, was compared in connection with several statistical test and growth principle of height. The results can be summarized as follows : 1. Average values were 8.9±1.0cm in diameter and 5.9±0.4cm in height all over the 25 families. 2. No. 20 Family showed excellent growth of 11.3cm in mean diameter, 6.8m in mean height and 78.8m^(3) in mean volume respectively, and No.5 Family showed the badest growth of 27.0m^(3) in mean volume. 3. When volume by the difference of volume ratio ±20% in families mean volume about total mean volume were classified(Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ), average values of volume were 66.5±7.5m^(3) in upper volume class(Ⅰ), 46.3k 4.8m^(3) in middle volume class(Ⅱ) and 30.6±3.2m^(3) in lower volume class(Ⅲ) 4. By 8 general height-dbh curve model, in which individual tree height is estimated from the dbh of individual tree in 3 volume classes(Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ), there is no height differences in statistical test such as mean difference(MD), standard deviation of difference(SDD), standard error of difference(SED), coefficient of determination(R^(2)), but Parabolic, Fresse, Log, Korson and Prodan functions were no fitted in with general growth principle of height. So height-dbh curve models of Petterson, Kennel and Michailow showed statistically performance and also coincided with general growth principles of height.

      • 18年生 잣나무 次代檢定林의 樹高·直徑生長의 遺傳力 및 改良效果

        전상근,정동준,장용석 경희대학교 자연과학종합연구원 1998 자연과학논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The objectives of this study were to analyzed to variation and to estimate heritabilities and genetic gains for height and diameter growth of 18-year-old open-pollinated progenies of Korean White Pine in three different sites. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Family, site, block, and interactions among these factors were significant source of variance for tree height and diameter growth. The effects of family × site interaction were relatively large as compared with other source of variance. 2. Average values were 6.5m in height and 10.5cm in diameter at Kapyung site, 6.2 m and 9.8cm at Kwangju site, 4.9m and 6.5cm at Youngdong site, and 6.0 m and 9.1cm overall these three sites, respectively. 3. Family of No. 20 showed excellent growth of 6.8m in mean height, 10.5cm in mean diameter overall sites. 4. Individual-tree and family heritabilities were estimated 0.12-0.22 and 0.65-0.80 for height growth, and 0.05-0.15 and 0.59-0.78 for diameter growth, respectively. For overall the sites, estimates of individual-tree heritabdity was 0.38 for height and 0.25 for diameter, and those of family were 0.89 for height and 0.82 for diameter. 5. Heritability estimates varied with testing site, and that for height were higher than for diameter. 6. Given equal intensity of selection (l0%), combined selection showed the most efficient genetic gains for height and diameter.

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