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      • KCI등재

        원행을묘정리의궤 중 조리면에서 본 죽상 . 미음상 및 현륭원에서의 상차림고

        김상보,이성우,한복진 한국식생활문화학회 1989 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.4 No.4

        To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Jook Soora Sang (Rice Gruel), Mieum Sang (Thin Gruel) and Bankwa Sang, Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book "Jungri Euigwae" described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb "Hyun Neung Won", during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Rice Gruel (Jook Soora Sang), taken before breakfast, was arranged the same as the Soora Sang. The table for thin gruel (Mieum) was arranged in three kinds of sets; one for thin gruel, the others for stewed meat (Goem) and sugared fruit (Jeong Kwa). The diet seems to have been quit scientific and restorative. Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won was arranged the same as the other Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang. Therefore setting the table of royal meal had a rule.

      • 성악 전공 학생의 가칭 시 음성의 SPR(Singing Power Ratio)에 관한 연구

        조성미,정옥란,이상욱 한국음성과학회 2004 음성과학 Vol.11 No.4

        This study attempted to provide a spectrum analysis for quantitative evaluation of singing voice quality of singing students rather than the presence or absence of the singer's formant. The regression analysis was used to analyse the relationship between ringing quality, SPR, and SPP of singing voice of college student subjects majoring in music. This study measured singing power ratio (SPR) in 41 singing students. Digital audio recordings were made in sung vowels for acoustic analyses. Each sample was judged by 1 experienced singing teacher and 4 voice pathologists on one semantic bipolar 7-point scales (ringing-dull). The results showed that the SPR and SPP had significant correlations with ringing Quality. The SPR had a significant relationship with ringing quality on singing voice in singing students. The SPR can be an important quantitative measurement for evaluating singing voice quality.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 천도교의 반일민족통일전선운동에 관한 연구 -갑산ㆍ삼수ㆍ풍산ㆍ장백현 지역의 조국광복회를 중심으로-

        성주현 ( Sung Ju Hyeon ) 한국민족운동사학회 2000 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The Nation Unification Movement(hereafter called as the Movement) by Chondo-Gyo(天道敎) under the colony of Japan had been started from 1920s right after the March first Independence Movement on March 01, 1919 and developed until the end of 1930s. The exisiting study on the Movement concerning the Chondo-Gyo didn't get a few results with the Koryo Revolution Party Movement by Choi, DongHee, Kim, BongKook, Lee, DongKook, Lee, DongKoo, etc., the Shinkan Association Movement by the old family of ChondoGyo, the One Korea Party Movement by Shin, Sook, Choi, DongOh, Kang, JeHa, etc., the June 10 Movement, etc. in 1920s. However, in fact there is no study result in details regarding the ChondoGyo in the connection with the Movement by the members of “the Fahterlahd Restoration Associacion”(hereafter called as the FRA) in the late 1930s. Especially there is almost no spotlight on their members, organizations, activities, etc who participated in the Movement with the FRA. It needs a new cognition of the activities of the FRA at the point of struggle in arms and connection with Kim, II Sung who established North Korea. When the study result on the their activities was released, it was told that they made and developed Chondo-Gyo and the Movement but it was mostly focused on the truth and untruth of the Kim, II Sung’s activities, the establishing procedure and organization of the FRA, and the reconstruction of Communist Party. It has dealt with the connection with Choado-Gyo neglectfully or slightly. The summary on the foundation and activities of the FRA and the Movement by Chondo-Gyo are as following; First, Chondo-Gyo and the FRA had abandoned the strategy called as “Rank v. Rank” at the 7th Comintern Meeting in July 1935 and made the consolidation between Anti-Japanese and People Consciousness of Chondo-Gyo for the change to do make a stronger struggle against Japan. The 7th Comintern made a new policy, “ Change the 2nd troops of East-North People’s Revolution Army into the corps for the Chosun Independence from Japan” with the contents that the Chinese Communists made the Chosun communists do their revolutional struggle for our independence from Japan while they made the union force against the Japan for the Colonies in the East-North Asia. Also it is appointed to the Chondo-Gyo as the object of the Movement entirely. At that time, the communists had got hostility towards the Chondo-Gyo deeply because the Chondo-Gyo didn't do only their religious activities by itself and did have the line to compromise with Japan in the country. Nevertheless, it is the central role of the party against Japan that the FRA did the Movement with the Chondo-Gyo. Second, the both parties had the same line of the cognition of Chondo-Gyo and the straggle against Japan by Kim, II Sung and the People’ sense against Japan by Park, In Jin after the meeting twice. It is based on the realistic recognition under the control of Japan chat only Chondo-Gyo couldn’t succeed in expelling Japan from the country and keeping our people safe, and the FRA itself didn’t get the independence. Also the Chondo-Gyo believers( hereafter called as “the believers” ) in the areas did have the through spirit of People. The believers led by Park, In Jin were not the communists but it is enough possible to do the Movement with the FRA that they had the strong spirit against Japan with the top target for our independence. This spirit was established by Chondo-Gyo of itself, especially it remained continuously by the TongHak troops who had the experience or fighting against Japan during the Tonghak Revolution, fled from Japan and stayed in the areas. Park, In Jin listened to the general principle and announcement of the FRA during the talk with Kim, II Sung, he could take participate in the movement actively. In this point, Kim, Ii Sung could be expressed as ‘an progressive Chondo-Gyo believers'. Third, the believers did very aggressive activities in building the infrastructure after they joined the movement with the FRA. They organized the Wang Family Branch and the Temple Branch centering the Choado-Gyo temple in the Jangpaekhyun with their 17 towns, their areas and branches in mainly Kapsan-gun, Pungsan-gun, Samsoo-gun, Hyesan-gun in the country, and their corps in charge of production. The infrastructure of the Group was made at Jangpakhyun in Manchuria, the partial districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyongan-do in the current North Korea while the very nuclear structures were those of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo districts. They were very important for the infrastructure concerning the Chondo-Gyo. Fourth, the Chondo-Gyo believers like Park, In Jin, Lee, Jeon Hwa, Lee, Kyong Woon, Lee, Chang Sun, etc. did enter the FRA and took participate in the Movement very actively. The leader, Park, In Jin, who controled the 5 branch temples in some parts of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo, Hyesan, etc., did take the meeting with Kim, Il Sung and the representatives at each temple, then they mostly entered the FRA and did take participate in the struggle in arms against Japan with the East-North Union against Japan, too. But it is the limit that every Chondo-Gyo didn't join the movement successfully. Nevertheless, it is very important meaning that the believers at the districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyonganbuk-do with most of Chondo-Gyo did join the FRA and made the Movement against Japan with the FRA.

      • KCI등재

        정성일의 <오아시스> 비판에 투영된 관점의 가능성과 한계 - 정성일 영화비평에 대한 일고찰 -

        박우성 ( Park Woo-sung ),정수완 ( Jung Su-wan ) 국제어문학회 2015 국제어문 Vol.0 No.67

        본 연구는 영화비평가 정성일이 <오아시스>(이창동, 2002)에 대해서 쓴 비평문「판타지, 기만적인 환영술」을 비판적으로 분석한다. 그간 한국영화계에서 영화비평은 독립적인 분과로 논의되지 못했다. 산적하는 영화들 안에서 영화적 가치를 발굴해 정리하고 새로운 영화 언어를 대중 언어로 번역하는 것이 영화비평의 역할이라 했을 때 이는 문제가 있다. 영화비평에 대한 그간의 접근은 한국영화사의 맥락에서 특정 영화비평집단을 세대론적으로 조망하거나 특정 개인의 비평 세계를 전기적 관점에서 서술한 것에 머문 한계가 있다. 정성일은 1990년대 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한국의 대표적인 영화비평가이다. 호불호가 갈리지만 그의 글은 대중들 사이에서 영화비평이라는 개념이 성립되는 과정에 주요한 이미지를 제공했다. 특히 본 연구가 다루는 정성일의<오아시스> 비판은 논쟁 참여를 전제해 작성된 덕분에 비평담론 자체가 중심에 서있고 무엇보다 정성일의 영화에 대한 태도가 여타의 글에 비해 명확하게 드러나는 특징이 있다. 더구나 그 논쟁은 영화의 윤리, 완성도, 자의식 등을 두고 벌어진 영화비평계 내부의 마지막 논쟁이라는 영화비평사적 의의도 있다. 나아가 영화 한편에 대한 긴 글이기 때문에 한국의 대표적 비평가가 영화를 비평하는 구체적 실천 양상이 현장감 있게 녹아 있기도 하다. 영화를 종교처럼 대한다는 비판이 존재하지만 정성일 영화비평의 경쟁력은 숏의 배치, 장르 문법, 카메라 시선과 같은 영화의 자의식을 정밀하게 분석하는 것에서 나온다. 영화란 무엇인가와 같은 근본적인 질문에 기반을 둔 이런 태도는 영화를 여타의 학문에 종속시킨 종래의 비평 태도와 차별되며 영화를 진지하게 바라보는 태도를 대중화시킨 의의가 있다. 하지만 그것만큼의 오류도 발견된다. <오아시스>를 비판할 때 투영되는 정성일의 관점의 가능성과 한계를 구체적으로 밝힘으로써 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한 영화비평가의 개성적 세계관을 비판적으로 조망하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 독립적인 분과로 인식되기는커녕 죽음까지 운운되는 영화비평의 위기 시대에 한국의 대표적 영화비평가의 세계관이 상징적으로 녹아 있는 글을 정밀하게 분석하는 것은 그것 자체로 의미 있다. This study analyzes the critique “Fantasy, deceptive hallucination” which sung-il jung wrote about < Oasis >(Changdong Lee 2002). Film critique has not been recognized and discussed as an independent field in the Korean film industry so far. It can be problematic if the role of film criticism is to get the cinematic values arranged among the pile of films and to translate new cinematographic language into the public language. The approach to the film critique to this point has limitation that in the context of Korean film industry, it viewed certain group of film critics in the perspective of theory of generation and it described certain person`s world of criticism in a biographical way. sung-il Jung is one of the representative film critics in Korea who lead the golden age of Korean film criticism in the 1990s. His writings provided important image in the process of establishing the concept of film critique among the public, even though they are controversial. The Jung`s criticisms this study exclusively deals with are based on the premise of argumentative participation, so the discourse is central and fundamental, and it brings out the cinematic view of Jung precisely compared to the other writings and articles, which is the advantages of this study. Moreover, the argument has significance in the field of film criticism for being the last dispute inside the field of film critique over the morals, degree of completion, and the consciousness of identity. Above and beyond, because this paper is a long writing about a movie, it contains detailed and vivid practical aspect which the representative critic of Korea criticizes the movie. Although there are criticisms of discussing movies like a form of religion, sung-il Jung`s film critique is competitive for detailed and precise analyze of films` sense of identity such as plot of shots, code of genre, and the eyes of cameras. This attitude based on the fundamental questions such as what is film is considered significant for popularizing and promoting earnest attitude toward movies, and is differentiated with the traditional attitudes of criticism which are to subordinate films in the other fields of study. However, due to being so, some errors are discovered. The purpose of this study is to critically outlook a distinctive world view of a film critic who enjoyed the film critique`s prime by concretely describing its possibilities and limitations through revealing Jung`s point of view which is his prerequisite for watching movies. The work of precise analyzing of one of the Korean representative film critics` writings which contains symbolic world view is significant and meaningful by itself in the time of the film criticisms` crisis when the idea of the demise of film criticism is being mentioned, let alone its separation as the independent field.

      • KCI등재

        Development as education for social justice

        Sung‑Sang Yoo,Ridwanul Mosrur,Eunhye Lee,Diego Toca Andrea 서울대학교 교육연구소 2019 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.20 No.2

        The correlation between education and development, with time, went through many changes along with the changes of perspectives. Since both of these concepts encompass wide ranges of social phenomena and factors, the analysis remains always complicated. However, in the era of SDGs and at the time when post-development debates have been raised, it is important to address this conceptual correlation through the conceptual analysis. Diferent development theories, as refected in the discussion, have presented the vitality of education in development process from diferent angle, in deeper analysis it became clearer that actually two major trends exist—education ‘for’ development and education ‘in’ development—under which all can be grouped. However, the critics of those diferent development theories paint the picture with an assumption that the role of education in the process of development has been misunderstood and mis-presented to some extent. This poses the debate towards fnding how the role of education to development process can be better realized and, therefore, this paper analysed it from three key thoughts towards redefning the paradigm. Goulet argues that development needs authentic in ethical way where Sen more freedom should be given by widening individual’s capability. However, in close analysis on Freirean thoughts, the limits of this relation remain un-encompassed as the defnition of development is rather contextual and fexible for the discourses on the role of education for social justice.

      • KCI등재

        Tuberculosis risk is associated with genetic polymorphisms in the LRP2, CUBN, and VDR genes

        Sung‑Soo Kim,Sang In Lee,Hyun‑Seok Jin,Sangjung Park 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.10

        Background Vitamin D (Vit. D) is used extensively during tuberculosis treatment. Low levels of serum Vit. D increase the risk of active tuberculosis development. Altered expression of the proteins involved in Vit. D metabolism impairs cathelicidin production, thereby increasing the host susceptibility to tuberculosis. Objective We are trying to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in LRP2, CUBN, and VDR genes could afect tuberculosis development. Methods We included participants of the Korean Association Resource (KARE), part of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES), and used their recorded data. A total of 8840 people (4182 men and 4658 women) were eligible subjects. The 5-kb regions from the ends of transcripts of GC, LRP2, CUBN, and VDR genes were amplifed to select 13, 47, 70, and 15 SNPs, respectively. For association analysis and statistical analysis, PLINK version 1.07 and PASW Statistics version 18.0 were used. Results Signifcant correlation was observed in 11, 2, and 1 SNPs in LRP2, CUBN, and VDR genes. The efect of rs6747692 of LRP2 on transcription factor binding was confrmed using RegulomeDB. We confrmed that rs2239182 of VDR is located in the genomic eQTL region and can afect transcription factor binding and gene expression. Conclusions Genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins involved in Vit. D metabolism infuence immune system components. Therefore, such polymorphisms may infuence the susceptibility to Mycobacterium tuberculosis invasion and alter the defense mechanisms against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The correlation between genetic variation and tuberculosis development can provide new guidelines for the management of tuberculosis.

      • KCI등재

        Extension of Lance Life by Change of Height of Lances in the Smelting Furnace of Mitsubishi Process

        Sung‑Mi Lim,Soo‑Sang Park,Kyung‑Woo Yi 대한금속·재료학회 2021 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.27 No.10

        A Mitsubishi process, which pertains to continuous Cu production, involves a smelting furnace, cleaning furnace, and convertingfurnace connected in series. One of the main issues pertaining to the smelting furnace is the frequent interruption ofoperations required to allow the inspection and replacement of lances, because lances are frequently fractured. The presentstudy was aimed at modifying the operating conditions of the smelting furnace to suppress lance fractures. A numericalmodel was developed to simulate the transport phenomena in the furnace, including multi-phase behaviors. The simulationresults showed that the lances were exposed to a severely erosive atmosphere with high temperatures. Further calculationindicated that raising the positions of the lances could lower the temperature of the lances, and reducing the occurrence ofsplashed melt, which contains erosive sulfides. The smelting furnace was operated under the conditions of the raised lanceheight and attentively monitored for several months. It was confirmed that by implementing such a change of the lanceheights, the occurrence of lance failures has been considerably reduced without notably affecting the reaction ability of thesmelting furnace.

      • KCI등재

        Lexical Verb Forms in L1 and L2 Spoken English:A Corpus-Based Analysis

        Sung,Min-Chang(Min-Chang Sung) 경인교육대학교 교육연구원 2022 교육논총 Vol.42 No.-

        The present study investigates Korean learners’ use of English lexical verb forms and identifies learner deviations from native usage patterns. It examines the frequencies of six verb forms (i.e., base, present, third-person singular, past, gerund, and past participle) in a native and a learner corpus of argumentative speeches. The study reveals that certain verb forms are overor underused by Korean learners of L2 English, compared to native speakers of English. It is also found that L2 overuse and underuse of verb forms are closely related to Korean learners’ overreliance on or avoidance of major lexico-grammatical patterns around the verb forms (e.g., to + base verb). These findings have pedagogical implications for teaching Korean learners to use various verb forms with major lexico-grammatical patterns in English speaking.

      • 三朝木版本考

        李聖愛 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1978 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.31 No.-

        On this paper, it was studied separately in chronological order, characteristics of woodcut printing(木版) that had been published at Sung, Yuan, Ming(宋, 元, 明), three dynasties. First, during the Sung dynasty(A.D.960-1280), it was famous the small book (巾箱本)and we can easily see that even ancient books, reproducted by copying, had pictorial embellishment. We can say that Sung dynastys publication superior in the quality of paper, in the calligraphy style, typography, and in the contents of copybooks. Second, Yuan dynasty (A.D 1281-1367) was envented the chromatic books in general the fever skillfulness with which books were published during this dynasty are sometimes superior to those prevailing in Sung dynasty and the printing of auditorium was the best woodcut printing among books were published during this dynasty. Third, in Ming dynasty (A.D 1368-1662), the commercial publication was extreme with the universalization of the five-color printings. Finally, in order to get the data of woodcut printings study, this paper was recorded the important wood carvings of successive dynasties, thirty-five sheets and the tools of woodcut, six sheets.

      • 셴커식 분석 이론에 의한 노래 부르기(가창) 영역 교수,학습 모형 설계 및 개발

        조성기 ( Sung Ki Cho ) 한국음악학회 2009 한국음악학회논문집 음악연구 Vol.43 No.-

        많은 연구 보고서들은 미래 사회에 필요한 중요한 핵심 역량으로서 창의성을 지적하고 있다. 음악과 교육과정에서도 음악적 능력을 기르고 창의성을 계발시키는 것을 음악교육의 일차적 목표로 삼고 있다. 이와 같이 창의성은 미래 사회를 대처하고 주도하기 위해 학습자들에게 계발시켜야 할 교육의 목적이 되고 있으며, 따라서 창의성을 계발시킬 수 있도록 하는 다양한 교수·학습 방법의 연구가 각 교과교육에서 이루어질 필요가 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 창의성과 음악적 능력을 기를 수 있도록 하는 음악과 교수·학습 방법을 모색하기 위해, 셴커식 분석 이론을 가창(노래 부르기) 교수·학습 방법에 적용하여 보았다. 먼저 셴커식 분석 이론의 고찰을 통하여 악곡의 근본선율과 구조적 계층, 연장(장식) 기법 등의 학습 요소들을 추출하였으며, 2007년 개정 음악과 교육과정의 가창(노래 부르기) 영역에 대한 분석을 통하여 `악보 보고 노래 부르기`와 `악곡의 특징을 살려 노래 부르기`의 활동 요소를 추출하였다. 이어서 교육학의 교육심리와 교육방법에서 제시하는 정보처리이론 및 Gagne의 이론과 모형, 음악교과의 가창중심 교수·학습 모형을 분석하여 학습자에게 학습이 일어나는 조건과 상황, 인지적 과정, 이론과 모형에서의 계열 단계 등 설계에 적용하기 위한 고려하여야 할 사항들을 추출하였다. 이러한 이론적 고찰에 의한 연구 내용을 기반으로 셴커식 분석 이론에 의한 가창(노래 부르기) 교수·학습 모형을 설계하였으며, 그 설계에 터 해서 모형을 개발하여 제시하고 설명하였다. 또한 모형의 적용 방안을 탐색하는 과정으로서 중학교의 가창 단원 하나를 선택하여 학교 현장의 단위 수업에 직접 적용할 수 있는, 본 연구를 통하여 개발된 셴커식 분석 이론에 의한 가창(노래 부르기) 교수·학습 모형이 적용된, 교수·학습 과정안을 개발하여 제시하였다. This study aims to incorporate Schenkerian Theory to teaching and learning of singing to develop a model that equips learners with creativity and a knowledge of music. Through extensive literature reviews, many factors that decide the success of music learning were identified and considered. The model in this study included content such as fundamental line, structural level, and prolongation suggested by Schenkerian Theory, as well as activities such as `read music and sing` and `sing different music` in the 2007 Revised Music Curriculum. In addition, the study reviewed Information Processing Theory in educational psychology and methodology, Gagne`s theories, and singing-focused teaching and learning models. Through the review, this study took into consideration many factors such as learning conditions, cognitive development, and system stages. Furthermore, in order to support music teachers to implement the teaching and learning model of singing based on Scehnkerian Theory, the study presented a lesson plan for a unit in a middle school music textbook.

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