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      • KCI등재

        원전 사고를 대비한 장거리 대기 확산모델 개발

        서경석,김은한,한문희 대한방사선 방어학회 2002 방사선방어학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        대기 중으로 방출된 방사성물질의 이동·확산 현상을 이해하기 위하여 3차원 장거리 확산 모델이 개발되었다. 모델은 수평방향으로 방출점으로부터 수천 키로 미터의 거리까지 공기중 농도와 지표면 침적을 계산하도록 설계되었다. 수직 난류운동은 혼합층 내와 혼합층 위로 분리하도록 고려하였다. 시험계산은 동북 아시아권의 영역을 고려하였고, 방출점은 중국의 동쪽 지점을 가정하였다. 계산된 농도분포는 바람장에 의해 방출점의 남동방향을 향해 주로 이동되었다. 개발된 모델은 완전 사고시 방사선 피해를 추정하기 위하여 이용될 것이며, 모델은 장거리 야외 확산실험의 자료를 이용하여 비교·검증 연구를 통하여 보완될 것이다. The three-dimensional long-range dispersion model has been developed to understand the characteristics of the transport and diffusion of radioactive materials released into atmosphere. The model is designed to compute air concentration and ground deposition at distances up to some thousands of kilometers from the source point in horizontal direction The vertical turbulent motion is considered separately within the mixing layer and above the mixing layer. The test simulation was performed in the area of Northeast Asia. The release point was assumed in the east part of China. The calculated concentration distributions are mainly advected toward the southeast part of release point by the wind fields. The developed model will be used to estimate the radiological consequences against a nuclear accident. The model will be supplemented by the comparative study using the data of the long-range field experiments.

      • KCI등재후보

        멕시코 스페인어, 그 어휘교육에 대하여

        서경석 서울대학교 스페인중남미연구소 2005 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        Sabiendo que en Corea, predomina, en la ensenanza del espanol, el espariol de Espana, ya se habia propuesto que espanol hay que ensenar, entre el esparol de America o el esparol peninsular. A pesar de no pocos rasgos comunes, el espanol americano presenta diferencias con respecto al espanol peninsular. El espanol llevado a America por los conquistadores evoluciono de distinto modo segun las regiones y las zonas de la influencia de las lenguas indigenas. Bajo estas diferencias entre dos esparioles, creemos que para la comunicacion basica la sociedad hispanohablante sera mas practico el buen entendimiento del lexico de ambos. Por tanto, en este estudio tomamos lexicos basicos en el espanol de Mexico, los clasificamos por sus caracteristicas y los agrupamos segun las relaciones con el espanol de Espana con el objeto de ayndar a la clase del espanol comunicativa. El espanol americano en general y mexicano en particular puede decirse que, en algunaos aspectos, es simultaneamente conservador e innovador en relacion con el espanol europeo. Es decir, unos vocablos vigentes en el espanol mexicano actual y poco emleados en el peninsular son arcaismos mexicanos en relacion con el espanol de Espana. Es indudable que en el espanol hablado en Mexico son abundantes los indigenismos, particularmente los de origen nahuatl. Ademas, en el espanol mexicano actual existe un buen numero de neologismos o de vocablos que siguieron un derrotero americano, distinto del que siguio la lengua en Europa. En la ensenanza del espanol deben considerarse estas coasa y darse suficientes vocablos de ambos espanoles. Aqui escogimos unos vocablos basicos del espanol mexicano y propnemos el metodo necesario para ensenarlos.

      • 急性呼吸器系 Virus의 疫學的考察 : 韓國內에 있어서 Virus疾患을 中心으로

        金慶浩,徐俊錫 대한감염학회 1977 감염 Vol.9 No.1

        급성호흡기계환은 우리가 잘 아다시피 그 병원체가 세균, 리켓치아, 클라미디아, 진균 및 비루스에 의해 감염된다. 몇가지 병학적인 특징을 보면 급성호흡기계환은 그 발생솔의 차이는 있지만 범세계적으로 발생하고 있다. 백신이 널리 사용되고 있지 않고 병원체불명이 전체의 약 50%를 차지하고 있다.

      • 임신 및 출산후 흰쥐 자궁의 Catecholamine 형광물질의 변화에 관한 연구

        승경록,서영석,엄창섭 고려대학교 의과대학 1991 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was undertaken to investigate the pattern of distribution of adrenergic nerves in normal virgin, and the relatioships between the functions of adrenergic nerve and the female sex hormones changed peculiarly during pregnancy and post partum as previously reported by many authors. The reproductive organs were fixed in mixture of 4% formaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde and processed for fluorescent microscopy to show the catecholamine concentrations in nulliparous, pregnant(5, 10, 15 and 20 days), puerpheral(3, 7 and 15 days),and primiparous (30 to 45 days after parturition) rats. The result obtained in this investigation are summarized as followings. 1. In virgin uteri, catecholamine-fluorescence was visible intensely in the wall of vessels and their surrounding connective tissue and less intensely in myometrium than the vessels in all regions of reproductive tract. The intensity of fluorescence was higher In uterine cervix and tubal end of uterine horn than the main part of uterine horn. 2. In the pregnant uteri, the intensities of fluorescence did not changed at 5 days of pregnancy, but decreased gradually from 10 days to 15 days of pregnancy, and disappeared atmost completely in myometrium and small vessels except some of large vessels in perimetrium during the late pregnancy. 3. In lactating rats after parturition, the fluorescence was increased rapidly and almost completely restored by 15 days after parturition. 4. In the parous uteri at more than 30 days after parturition, the fluorescence showed slightly more intense than that in the nulliparous uteri. The above findings suggest that the alterations of catecholamine-fluorescence are much removed from the peculiar characteristic changes of the female sex hormonal levels during pregnancy and post partum. It is concluded that the alterations of catecholamine-fluorescence closely relate with the quantitative changes of uterine tissue during pregnancy and post partum, and having the experience of pregnancy and parturition, the uterus attain to maturity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        黃菊과 黑薔薇를 이용한 기능성 花茶 개발 Ⅱ.花茶의 품질특성

        조경숙,서정근,정형석 韓國植物ㆍ人間ㆍ環境學會 1999 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 화차의 비율별 제조공정에 따른 화차의 관능적 품질을 평가하기 위해서 수행되었다. 녹차와 꽃의 시료에 대한 색도중 L, a, b값은 녹차가 29.93, -8.24, 9.27로 녹색을, 황국은 47.20, -1.69, 29.12로 밝은 황색을, 흑장미는 37.18, 4.47, 4.12로 흑적색을 띠웠다. 색상과 채도는 황국이 -17.23과 29.17로 가장 높아 색상이 가장 밝고 선명하였으며, 흑장미는 0.92와 6.08로 색상이 어둡고 둔탁한 적색을 띠워 녹차에 꽃을 혼합할 경우 시각적으로 황국은 쉽게 구별이 되었으며 흑장미는 쉽게 구별되지 않았다. 황국 화차는 꽃의 비율이 증가할수록 국화향, 상쾌하고 개운한 단맛의 증가와 더불어 떫은 맛이 감소하였으나, 혼합비율이 9:2 이상일 경우에는 쑥냄새와 같은 강한 국화향이 증가하여 녹차 고유의 향은 거의 상쇄되는 경향이었다. 장미 화차는 장미꽃이 증가할수록 시큼한 장미향이 강하게 증가하였고, 탄닌성분이 많아 떫고 텁텁한 맛과 시큼한 맛이 강한 것으로 평가되었다. 녹차에 알맞은 꽃의 혼합율은 9:1이하의 비율로 혼합했을 때 황국과 흑장미의 꽃잎색이 녹차와 어울려 전체적인 조화성과 풍미, 시각적 아름다움을 증가시켰다. 녹차에 꽃을 혼합한 화차는 녹차 단일의 차보다는 시각적 즐거움과 독특한 방향성이 부가되어 맛과 향이 풍부한 기능성 꽃차 개발에 좋은 재료로 평가되었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of mixed ratio on the sensory evaluation in manufacture of functional flower tea. Among the chromaticity about green-tea and material flower, the amount of L, a, b of green tea was 29.93, -8.24, 9.27 with green, the amount of a yellow chrysanthemum(C.indicum) was 47.20, -1.69, 29.12 with bright yellow, the amount of a black rose(Rosa hybrida)is 37.18, 4.47, 4.12 with dark red. The yellow chrysanthemum has brightest and most distinct color with -17.23 hue and 29.17 chrome value, but the black rose has dark dead red color with 0.29 hue 6.08 chrome value. When the yellow chrysanthemum mixed with green tea, it was easily distinguished with naked eye. But the black rose was not distinguishable easily. As the retio increase, the yellow chrysanthemum tea has more chrysanthemum scent, increase of refreshing and relieved sweetness, and less astringent taste. If the mixed rate was over 9:2, original scent of green tea was almost offset with strong chrysanthemum scent like mugwort's. As the ratio increase, the rose tea has strongly increased sourish, and because of the tannin it was appraised strong astringent, unpleasant, sourish taste. The best-mixed ratio of green tea and flower is 9:1. When it mixed at this ratio, the yellow chrysanthemum and petal color of black rose was well matched with green tea, and the tea has general harmony and flavor and it is visually beautiful. Flower tea, green tea from flower, has added visually joy and unique fragrance, it was valued as fine material for rich taste and scent technical tea development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        원자력 사고 중 핵종의 건·습침적에 따른 농작물 오염 영향

        황원태,김은한,서경석,한문희,최용호,이창우 대한방사선 방어학회 2002 방사선방어학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        핵종의 지표 침적 모델의 고찰과 함께 방사성물질의 공기중 농도로부터 건침적 뿐 아니라 습침적에 따른 농작물 오염 영향을 분석, 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 방사성물질의 지표 침적량으로부터 농작물의 오염을 평가하는 기존 동적 섭식경로모델을 공기중 농도 또는 지표 침적량으로부터 평가할 수 있도록 개선하였다. 평가결과, 방사성물질의 지표 침적량은 습침적에 의한 영향이 건침적에 의한 영향보다 뚜렷이 높으나, 농작물의 오염정도는 핵종, 강우율 등에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 이러한 현상은 방사성물질의 지표 침적과 농작물에로의 차단중 어느 과정이 농작물 오염에 보다 지배적으로 작용하는가에 기인한다. Combined with deposition model onto the ground of radionuclides, the influence of radioactive contamination to agricultural products was analyzed due to wet deposition as well as dry deposition from radioactive air concentration during a nuclear emergency. The previous dynamic food chain model, in which initial input parameter is only radionuclide concentrations on the ground, was improved for the evaluating of radioactive contamination to agricultural products from either radionuclide concentrations in air or radionuclide concentrations on the ground. As the results, in case of deposition onto the ground, wet deposition was more dominant process than dry deposition. While the contamination levels of agricultural products were dependent on the a variety of factors such as radionuclides and rainfall rate. It means that the contamination levels of agricultural products are determined from which is more dominant process between deposition on the ground and interception onto agricultural plants.

      • KCI등재

        원전 중대사고시 피폭경로 및 핵종의 방사선 피폭에 대한 상대적 중요도 해석

        황원태,김은한,김병우,서경석,한문희 대한방사선 방어학회 1994 방사선방어학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        원자력발전소의 중대 사고시 대기로 방출된 방사성물질에 의해 피폭자가 사고후 일생동안 받게 될 전신 피폭선량의 핵종의 상대적 중요도를 방출점으로부터 거리에 따라 각 피폭결로에 대해 평가하였다. 방사능운과 지표에 침적된 방사성물지에 의한 외부피폭,호흡과 오염된 음식물섭취에 의한 내부피폭이 피폭경로로 고려되었다. 오염된 음식물섭취에 의한 영향은 우리나라 환경을 고려하여 개발된 동적 섭식경로모델 KORFOOD를 사용하여 침적시점과 침점후 시간에 따른 음식물내 방사성물질의 농도 변화를 고려하였다. 방출점으로부터 80 km까지 피폭선량을 평가한 결과, 오염된 음식물섭취에 의한 영향이 가장 놓았다. 핵종별 기여도는 방사능운에 의한 외부피폭과 호흡에 의한 내부피폭의 경우 I, 침적된 방사성물질에 의한 외부피폭의 경우 Cs에 의한 영향이 가장 높았다. 오염된 음식물섭취에 의한 내부피폭의 경우 Cs은 여름철 침적, Sr은 겨울철 침적에 보다 중요한 영향을 미쳤다. In the case of a severe accident of a nuclear power plant, the whole body does and the relative importance of the radionuclides during the lifetime of an exposed person were estimated for each exposure pathway with distances from the release point. The external exposure pathways due to immersion of radioactive could and deposition of radioactive materials on the ground, and the internal exposure pathways due to inhalation and ingestion of contaminated foodstuffs were estimated considering the variation of radioactive concentration in the foodstuffs according to deposition time and elapsed time after deposition using a dynamic ingestion pathway model applicable to Korean environment, named "KORFOOD". As the results up to 80 km from the release point, the effects due to ingestion of contaminated foodstuffs showed the highest contribution to total exposure does. The contribution of I isotopes was the highest in the case of the external does due to immersion of radioactive cloud and internal does due to inhalation. The contribution of Cs isotopes was highest in the case of the external does due to deposition of radioactive materials on the ground. In the case of the internal does due to ingestion of contaminated foodstuffs, Cs deposition in summer and Sr deposition in winter, respectively, were the most dominant radionuclide to whole body.

      • KCI등재

        사망 진단서(시체 검안서) 작성의 문제점

        김규석,임용수,이중의,서길준,윤여규,어은경,염석란,정연권,이윤성 대한응급의학회 2000 대한응급의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Background: This study was conducted to analyze the current problems in completing death certificates and to identify the correct method for completing death certificates Methods: We reviewed 262 death certificates in three hospitals from March 1 to April 30, 2000, and 119 death certificates in one hospital from March 1 to 31, 2000. We identified major and minor errors and analyzed and compared them retrospectively. Results: A total of 381 death certificates were reviewed: 59 in Seoul National University Hospital,101 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, and 102 in Gachon Medical College Hospital, which has no education program for completing death certificates in postgraduate training, and 119 in Samsung Medical Center which has an education program for completing death certificates. 358 certificates(94.0%) had at least one error. There were only 23 death certificates(6.0%) without an error. In 182 cases(47.8%), there was one major error. In 321 death certificates(84.3%), there were more than two errors. A comparison of Samsung Medical Center with the other hospitals showed that the number of total errors was statistically different(p=0.001). Conclusion: There were few death certificates without an error in this study. In a hospital which has postgraduate training in completing death certificates, there are fewer errors than in other hospitals which have no training course. Emergency physicians actually certify many deaths, so they must know the correct method of completing death certificates for statistics on morbidity and mortality.

      • KCI등재후보

        사체간이식 환자와 생체간이식 환자들의 삶의 질 비교 연구

        김금희,윤석준,안형식,이준영,박형근,서경석 한국의료QA학회 2004 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Objective : The aim of this study were to measure quality of life(QOL) in liver transplant recipicnts, to ocmpare QOL between living donor liver transplant recipicnts and cadavcric live transplant recipients and to investgatre whether SF-36 may be used as a disease-specific instrument in liver transplant recipients. Methods : We conducted a single-center cross-sectional study of 133 LT recipients ages 13 to 65 years, all of whom had had Liver Transplantion(LT) at least 1 months previously. QOL was assessed using a self-completion questionnaire consisting of the Bang Whal Ran(1991) instruments and the 36-Item Short-Firm Health Survey(SF-36) health status profile measure. We investigated whether the SF-36 instrument may be used as a disease-specific instrument in LT recipients. Individual scale scores range from 0 to 100 , with higher score reflecting better health. Data on demograpics, clinical status at pre transplantation 1 day, post transplantation clinical statns, and graft gunction were collected to identify predictors of post transplantation QOL. Results : Standard measures for test-rtest reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant and concurrent validity were examined. The reliability of the SF-36, as measured by test-retest correlation(Pearson coeffocoents: 0.729, p=0.002) and by internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.9431) exceeded conbentional acceptability criteria. The correlation between domain scores of SF-36 and the Bang Whal Ran(1991) was clear and logical in that the clinical characteristics of SF-36 strongly correlated with the clinical component summary score of the Bang Whal Ran(1991)(r = 0.8155, P<01). SF-36 scale scores were compared between Cadaveric Liver Transplant recipients and Living Donor Liver Transplant recipients. Donor types of post LT did not influence HRQOL(P >0.05). 87% of the liver transplant recipients were safisfied to get LT. Satisfaction of post LT showed significantly greater HRQOL(p<0.001). Conclusion : SF-36 is found reliable and valid. This study indicates thet Donor Type did not influence HRQOL after LT. The information gained from this study will help us to better define expectations and the colinical course after liver transplantation to patients and their families.

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