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      • 太谿穴의 臨床 活用에 대한 文獻考察

        구성태,송문영,강정묵,김용명,박보라,이은석,홍정아,김경식,손인철 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        Literally, the mean of Tae-gye is highest brook. And on the basis of the acupuncture theory, Tae-gye point is the Soo earth point and source point of the Kidney Channel as well. In addition, Tae-gye point is one of the Yang-Returning Nine points. We were trying to study bibliographically on the Tae-gye point because Tae-gye point can be used very broadly across the symptoms in the theoretical aspect described above. As a results, we found out that according to the classical books of acupuncture, Tae-gye point is entering point of the Meridian Water as a source point and can be used at both Kidney-Sufficient Syndrom and Kidney-Deficient Syndrom. And Tae-gye can be applied to the disease of kidney or bladder that is urogenital symtoms, Also, Tae-gye is an useful option of tooth-ache, asthma, indigestion, constipation, edema etc whose cause is related with decrease of Kidney ki.

      • 병원 및 주위환경의 공기중에서 분리된 포도구균의 분포와 항균제 감수성에 관한 연구

        태석,이강순 순천향대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        The study was performed to detect the route of hospital infection by isolating Staphylococcus from the air in the hospital and its neighborhood with the method of settling plate culture and by testing their susceptibility to 7 drugs. 1. Among a total of 672 colonies collected from various areas, 422(62.8%) strains of staphylococcus were obtained. 2. Of 422 strains of Staphyolcoccus, 21(5.0%) strains were coagulase-positive and 401(95.0%) strains were coagulase negative. Among coagulase-positive strains, 11 strains were isolated from the hospital whereas 10 strains were isolated from the neighborhood. On the other hand, Among coagulase negative strains, 349 strains were isolated from the hospital, whereas 52 strains were isolated from the neighborhood. 3. All the 21 coagulase positive strains isolated from the air in the hospital and its neighborhood showed positive reaction to mannitol, DNAase and β-hemolysis. 4. Most of coagulase positive strains were resist to penicillin but sensitive to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. 5. Among coagulase negative strains, 327(81.6%) strains were resist to penicillin, but, there was no significant difference in the resistant rate to penicillin between the hospital and its neighborhood. 6. The above result suggest that Staphylococcus is the major causative organism of hospital infection and highly resistant to most of the antibiotics. These Staphlococci are brought from the out side of the hospital by many visitors, that is the important route of hospital infection by staphylococcus.

      • 특수연결 함수족에 관한 연구

        강석태 群山敎育大學 1976 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        This note is intended to make a study on the properties of almost continious functions among the particular discontinious functions known up to now and on the relations between them. In this note, as an approach the particular analytical properties of those almost continious functions will be intensively developed.

      • 독성물질의 세포사 기전 및 세포사 유발물질의 검색법 개발에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 독성물질로 인한 파킨슨병 모델에서의 세포사 기전 연구 Study on the cell-death mechanisms of toxin-induced parkinsonism

        강태석,김종민,서경원,김영옥,김준규,오재호,이윤동,김규봉,오정자,송연정,임종준,전범석,문전옥,최광식 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        MPTP 독성물질이 도파민성 신경세포에 선택적으로 작용하여 산화성 손상에 의한 신경세포사를 일으키는 것을 이용하여 파킨슨병의 동물모델을 만들고, 이를 통해서 아폼토시스를 비롯한 포사의 기전에 대한 연구 및 너코틴의 신경세포 보호효과 여부를 판정하는 실험을 병행하고자 하였다. 파킨슨꾐의 동물모델을 MPTf 독성 물질을 이용하여 확립하였으며, MPTP(30mgag, i.p.)를 투여한 후 1, 2,3, 4, 5일째 흑질 조직을 채춰하여 tarm로 박걸하여 tyrosine hydroxylase 면역조직화학염색을 수행하여 cell countif우한 결과, control은 57.635ce11s, 1일째 친.OfDells,2일째 57.9±6cells,3일릴 없.3±죠ells, 4일째 49.0츠3cells, 5일째 39.4±Scells료 4, 3일째 뚜렷한 신경세포 수의 감소를 보였다. 신경세포사 기전 규명을 위한 아폼토시스 분걱에서는 벼PTP 투여 후 1, 2, 3, 4, 5일째 조직을 채취하여 Hoechst staining, TUNEL staining을 수곡하였는데 양성 반응을 보인 신경세포는 관찰되지 않아. 아폼토시스로 인한 세포사가 관찰되지 않았다. bIPTP 파킨슨병 동물모델에서 nicotine 보호효과 탐색에 관한 실험은 nicat푸e 0.2mgAg을 5일 퐁안 투여 후 리『fP(30mgag)를 CS7Bt/6 마은스에 복강 내주사로 nicotine과 병용 투여한 후 1, 2, 3, 4, 5일째 뇌를 적출하땄다. 신경세포사가 뚜렷이 관찰되기 시작하는 4, 5일째의 신경세포 수의 감소 정도를 20. 30% 정도 약화시키는 경향을 보였으나, nicotine 보호효과에 대한 추가 실헝이 현재 수행 중에 있다. The cause of Parkinson's disease (PD) is largely unknown. However, free radical toxicit? may plaf a role ip. the degeneration of substantia nigra, which is the Hajorfocus of pathological damages in PD. Recently, a neuroprotective effect of nicotine in PD has been suggested. Therefore, the mechanism of neurodegenerafion and protective potential o( nicotine in PD were investigated in the experimental modeB of Pll using a neurotoxin, C57BL/6mice were administered with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP, 30 mg/kg,j.p.). The degree of neurodegenerafion was determined by immunohistochemical stainiHB oftyrosine hydroxylase (TH). TH-positive cells on nigral sections were found 56.0 ±4, 57.9 ±6,52.315ce11s, 49.0±3cells, and 39,4±Scells at days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively (controls : 57.6±Scells). Hoechst and TUNEL staining showed no evidence of apoptosis. The exandnation on themice co-adrunistered with nicotine(0.2mgAg) and MPTP(30mgag) revealed a tendency ofnicotine protective effects. At days 4 and 5, the degree of TH-positive cells was decreased by20-30%, In corclusiffn, the role of apoptosis was not evidenced in this MPTP modeB of PB.The possible proteccon by nicotine should be elucidated with further studies.

      • 寫眞測量의 正確度 向上을 위한 寫眞 및 測地 觀測값의 結合調整

        姜泰奭 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 1990 한국사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The improvements of highly accurate and dense control notworks are major requirements to carry out numerical surveying and a large scale mapping for cadastral renovation. In the most conventional photogrammetric solutions, adjusted control coordinates have been applied to block triangulaions. However, this study, employing real data and that of simulated as well, contributs to a simultaneously combined adjustment. It also contains such photogrammetric as photo-coordinates and geodetic observations like distances, angles and hight differencees. Its purpose is to introduce the improved results, despite it is not sufficient for the ground network. In addition, through the detection of gross error, more precise observational data can be selected for the better adjustment. All in all, the result of this study can be summarized as follows : First, even if ground control points are not surfficient nor existed at all, the combination of photogrammetric and geodetic observations are improved its accuracy. Secondly, the case #2 is more accurate than that of #3, and the case #7 comes into close to that of #6.

      • 의사일양 공간에 대한 연구

        강석태 群山大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This study is to generalize my previous result(Gun San National College Theses Collection Vol. 1 page 241-246). "A Study on Quasi Uniform Space" The study of quasi uniformity is to generalize non topological properties such that Cauchy filter, total boundedness, completeness, etc. The above mentioned properties has been studied in terms topology. However uniform space requires rather stronger condition such as complete regularity. Quasi Uniformity be induced from general topological spaces without any condition. Consequently it is meaningful to approach non topological properties on the view of quasi uniformity, and the auther mainly to discuss those non topological properties.

      • 의사일양공간에 대한 연구

        강석태 군산대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        The fundamental concept of analysis is based on the concept of metric, for instance "limit", "continuous", "Catchy sequence" etc.are consisted by the idea. The metric function d(x,y)is a generalization of |x-y| while defind as follow d: X×X→ R (1)d(x,y)≥0 (2)d(x,y)=o iff x=y (3)d(x,y)=d (y,x) (4)d(x,y)≤d (x,z)+d(z,y). 1906 Frechet introduced the concept of general topological spaces, a generalization of metric spaces. 1937 A.Weil introduced the concept of uniform spices while define as follow (i)△⊂u for each u∈U. (generalization of (1)and (2)of metric function) (ii)For each u∈U , there exist a u∈U such that vov⊂u for u∈U (generalization of (4)) (iii)u∈U , w⊃v implies u∈U . (generaligation of neibourhood) (iv)u∈U implies u-1∈U . (generaligation of (3)) Uniform structure is too strict to have campatibility structure for topological space. In this paper, the concept quasi uniformity are discussed as a goneral of uniform space, which will be shown campatability with topological space.

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