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      • 한국 교육대학 시설 활용에 관한 연구

        金容淑 群山敎育大學 1974 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        가. 본 연구는 교육대학의 시설 활용에 관한 연구로서 구체적으로는 교육대학 시설 활용을 측정할 측정모형을 정립하고 그것에 의하여 현황 및 활용정도를 분석하고 아울러 시설에 관한 의견 조사를 분석하고 이를 기초로 교육대학 시설 활용 방안을 제시 하였다. 나. 본 연구의 대상은 전국 교육대학 전체를 대상으로 하려고 하였으나 사정에 의하여의 조사는 12개교, 현황 분석은 8개교였고 의견조사의 분석은 대도시 4개교, 중소도시 8개교 별로 구분 분석하여 비교하여 보았으며 측정모형은 1개교를 선정 적용하였다. 다. 교육대학의 기능은 그 목표에서 주기능으로서 ①교수기능 ②연구기능 ③봉사기능 ④실기 실습기능 ⑤학생지도기능 등으로 구분하고 이 주기능을 달성하기 위하여 ①관리시설 ②복지시설 등의 보조기능으로 구분하여 12개 목록을 작성하였다. 라. 시설활용 측정모형은 기능적 차원에서 먼저 분석하고 각 기능별로 시간적 공간적 차원으로 구분하여 분석하고 이를 다시 종합하여 기능별 종합 측정 모형을 정립하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 활용된 측정모형은 다음과 같다. А. 기능적 차원 일정 기간 동안 사용된 기능 기능 활용지수= ----------------------------------- 원래 목표한 기능 〈지수가 1일 때 단기능 2 이상인 경우 다기능〉 B. 각 기능별 활용 각 기능별로 공간, 시간 활용지수를 다음과 같이 산출한다. 실제 이용 현원 a. 공간 활용지수 = --------------------------------- × 100 수용 정원 실제 사용 시간 b. 시간 활용지수 = --------------------------------- × 100 이용 가능 시간 C. 각 기능별 종합 활용지수 종합 측정모형 = 시간 측정모형 × 공간 측정모형 A기능시간 활용지수 ×A기능공간 활용지수 종합 활용지수 = ----------------------------------------------- + 〈AㆍB기능으로 활용될 경우〉 100 +B기능시간 활용지수 ×B기능공간 활용지수 ------------------------------------------------ 100 마. 주요 교육시설의 활용 분석 결과는 a 일반 교육시설 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 시설 사용목표 이용기 주당시간 주당공간 주당종합 연간종합 간(주) 활용지수 활용지수 활용지수 활용지수 ────────────────────────────────────────강의실 강 의 봉 사 34 23.6 93.3 22.0 15.0 )17.2 8 21.0 66.7 14.0 2.2 실험실 강의실험봉사 34 27.1 80 21.7 14.8 )16.6 8 11.1 100 11.1 1.8 미술실 실기지도봉사 34 26.0 94.2 24.5 16.6 )19.7 8 16.1 117.6 19.6 3.1 관리실 관 리 50 702.5 125 128.1 128.1 ──────────────────────────────────────── b. 특수 교육시설 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 시 설 주당열람율 주당활용율 ───────────────────────── 도 서 관 18 3.9 학생지도연구소 연당활용율 12 ────────────────────────── 바. 교육대학 시설현황 및 활용에 관한 의견 분석 결과, ①교육대학의 주요 시설에 대해서 교수 및 일반직 보다는 학생들이 훨씬 부정적인 입장을 취하고 있는 바 이는 시설에 대한 不滿이 많음을 입증하고 있다. ②강의실과 강당은 활용은 잘 되고 있으나 기타는 〈보통〉정도이며 도서관과 과학관 체육장도 강의실 보다는 훨씬 좋은 편이다. ③연구실 음악당 미술관은 보통 정도이나 음악당이 미술관 보다는 훨씬 나은 편이며 두 시설의 활용도는 아주 높은 편이다. ④복지시설은 교육대학 시설 중 가장 나쁜 편에 속하며 관리시설과 부속국민학교는 보통 정도이다. ⑤지역별 차이를 보면 연구실·과학관 미술관은 중소도시가 대도시 보다 훨씬 나은 편이며 체육장과 강당은 대도시가 중소도시 보다 훨씬 좋은 편이다. ⑥교육대학에 대한 시설 투자 및 지역사회에 대한 활용 및 타 교육 시설과의 비교에서는 나쁜편이라고 생각하고 있으며 지역별로는 대도시가 중소도시 보다 더 나쁜 편이다. ⑦교육대학 시설이 지역사회에 활용이 되지 않는 이유는 시설의 부족 일반사회 인사의 인식 부족에 주된 원인이 있다. ⑧교육대학의 시설의활용도를 최고도로 높인다 하더라도 현 시설로서는 약간 부족한 편이다. ⑨교육대학 시설 행정의 문젯점은 시설의 외적인 문제인 시설에 대한 학교 당국의 적극적인 지도의 부족, 사용 절차의 간소화와 시설 자체의 문제로서는 시설 설계의 획일성 및 시설 부족으로 크게 구분되며 시설관리 예산 부족도 지적 되었다. ⑩시설 행정의 주안점으로서 새로운 교육시설의 개발이 시급하며 학생들의 시설행정에 능동적 참여가 크게 요청된다. ⑪교육 시설 활용을 높이기 위하여 교육 시설 연구기관의 설치 대학간 협력체제 교육공학의 의한 교수방법의 쇄신 등이 필요하며 특수한 것으로 시설을 활용할 수 있는 동기 유발로서 학생 등에 면학 분위기와 교수에게는 연구 분위기를 조성할 것이 필요하다. ⑫교육대학에서 크게 부족되는 시설은 복지 시설인 휴게실과 실기 실습 시설로서 체육관 미술관 음악당과 연구시설인 연구실 도서관 등이다. ⑬교육대학 시설 활용에서 크게 고려되여 할 것은 ㉮ 시설활용 절차의 간소화 및 개방화 ㉯ 시설 활용 분위기 조성 ㉰ 교육과정에 합리적 운영 및 시설의 평준화 등이다. ①The Study has the following objectives; a) to explore a conceptual model for measurement of facility utilization at junior college for primary teachers. b) to analyze the existing conditions of facilities by application of the model and identify problems of the facilities. c) to explore ways in improvement of facility utilization. ② This Study based on national sampling 12 junior college for primary teachers were selected for the study and from facalty members, administrators, and students, responses were sought through questionnaires. ③ Three dimensions of facility utilization were analyzed a) functional dimension b) spatial dimension and c) temporal ④ The existing facilities were classified into following categories a) facilities for instruction b) facilities for research c) facilities for social services d) facilities for student guidance e) facilities for practice activity f) facilities for student and staff welfare g) facilities for management. ⑤ The following formulae were employed for calculation of facility utilization index; a) Functional dimension No functions for which facilities are now utilized ------------------------------------------------- No. functions for which facilities are orinally designed b) each functional utilization is calculatied the following formulae. In case of mult-functional utilization. (a) space utilization index for function A No actually utilized -------------------------------- ×100 quota for accommodation (b) time utilization index for function B time actually utilized ------------------------------- ×100 optimum time for utilization each functional comprehensive utilization index the comprehensive utilization index = space utilization index for function × time utilization index for qunction. ◎ The comprehensive utilization index for function A and B space utilization index for function A ×time utilization index for function A =---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 space utilization index for function B ×time utilization index for function B + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 ◎ formula for utilization of special facilities (ex; library and student guidance center) o Library utilization No. utilization reading room Reading room utilization index ------------------------------ ×100 Total No. of students No. of volumes circulated per period week o Circulation index = --------------------------------------------- ×100 Total No. of volumes in library ① General Facilities ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Facilities Functional Time of Spacial Time Compre Annual (purpose) utilization (s.u.d) (T.u.d) hensive ─────────────────────────────────────── Classroom Lecture 34 23.6 93.3 22.0 15.0 )17.2 service 8 21.0 66.7 14.0 2.2 Laboratory Reserch 34 27.1 80 21.7 14.8 )16.6 service 8 11.1 100 11.1 1.8 Arts room Practice 34 26.0 94.2 24.5 16.6 )19.7 Guidance 8 16.7 117.6 9.6 3.1 Management Manage 50 102.5 125 128.1 128.1 ─────────────────────────────────────── ② Special Facillties ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Facilities Circulation Utilzation perw perw ────────────────────── Labrary 18.2 3.9 Student utilization Guidance per Y 12 ────────────────────── ⑦ Opinions concerning facilities were sought on such criteria as functionality, flexibility, modernization, utilization, comprehensive satisfaction. Respondents were not satisfied with the existing facilities. The student were not more satisfied rather than facalty member and administratiors. Of the existing facilities the practice guidance facilities, auditorium and lecture room were considered as belonging to the utilized category. of the existing facilities The welfare facilities were not satisfactory. ⑧ The research room, science room and practice guidance room in small cities were condition than in large city. But, gimnazium, auditorium in those large city were better condition. ⑨ The reason for the under-utilization of the facilities to the community included the short-age of the facility and the lack of the understanding of the community people. ⑩ The problems of the facility administration included the lack of understanding, the uniformity design and the shortage of facilities. ⑪ The emphases of facility administration were suggested as follows research and development of new facility and the student participation in the facility administration. ⑫ For promoting facility utilization establishment of a research organization on facilities, the co-operation system of college, application of educational technology were urged, expecially it were emphasized motivation for student and facalty to utilized the facility, the opening of facif lities, the operation (administration) of the curriculum. ⑬ The recommendations were as follows. a) The conceptual model as developed in this study should be made for each facility b) A national survey of the facility utilization should be made and the optimum standards for facility utilization should be set up. c) The design of the facility must be made under consideration of promotion for the utilization. d) The research organization for educational facilitiy should be set up as soon as possible.

      • 家庭敎育의 問題点 考察 : 女子高等學校를 中心으로 BOTH IN THE GIRLS'HIGH SCHOOL AND AT HOME

        權純明 군산교육대학 1970 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        I. INTRODUCTION I have done this survey to find out problems of home education in girls' high schools and at home, and to determine methods for improving home educaton. In this survey which I did between September 15 and November 20, 1969, I used the method of questionaire. II. RESULT OF THE SURVEY A problems of home education at home In order to examine problems of home education at home, I asked some questions to parents. The results are as follows : (1) Fathers, 48% of 600, take charge of their home education mainly. The reason is that half of 600 mothers are uneducated and they can not perform home education for their children. (2) Most parents, 71% of 600, admit that that they have a lot of problems in home education for their children. The reason why they are unable to perform home education effectively are as follows : (a) they can not perform desirable home education for their children because of their economic difficulties. (b) they do not actually know how to perform home education. B. problems of home education in girls' high schools In order to find out problems of home education in the girls' high schools, I asked some questions to students and principals of such schools. The results are as follows : (1) Most students who graduated from girls' high schools, 57% of 6898, did not enter school of higher education. It is the general tendency that most girls have never been taught any subjects to help them perform their home education during three years of high school. (2) The majority of girls' high school students, 95% of 600, want to be taught such as psychology, child development and child health in their high school courses. (3) The majority of principals, 87.5% of 40, recognize that the curriculum of girls' high schools are in need of reorganization for improvig home education in girls' high chools. III. CONCLUSION As the above statement indicate, there are definite problems of home education in girl's high schools and at home. In the following, I am going to suggest methods of improving home education. 1. It is necessary to educate parents in the importance and the method of home education through social education. 2. If we want both fathers and mothers to take charge of home education euqally, we have to improve the standards of women's education. 3. To perform home education effectively, we have to reform the girls' high sch-ool curriculum.

      • 일본 통치 시대의 지리 교육

        張保雄 군산교육대학 1971 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In this treatise I have classified the period into three stages which Korea was under the control of Japan from 1910 to 1945 and have studied the changing process of the geography education. In the first period(1910-1922) the Japanese began to colonize the Korean people and they did not teach Korean geography in the primary schools for fear that geography eductaion might inspire the racial spirit into Koreans. Inevitably the Korean students had to be satisfied with some geographical contents in the Korean and Japanese readers. Moreover the various geography textbooks which had written by Koreans before the rule of Japan were regarded as seditious books and also forbade to use for them. In the second period(1922-1938) the Korean students could learn geography as a regular subject in the primary school. The various geography textbooks which had been written or edited by the Japanese scholars were published in Korea and Japan. The qualities of them were excellent. But the Japanese treated Korea as a territorial section of Japan and when they taught Korean students Korean geography, they had taken special care of the possible contents of inspirng the racial spirit. And besides, they tried to Japanize us Koreans through the geography education. In the last period(1938-1945) the Imperial Japanese were busily engaged in the aggressive war. Accordingly the contents of the geography education was also used for rationalizing the aggressive war and for Japanizing the Korean people. Consequently the contents of geography education had been degenerated into being supported of the Imperialists' aggressive war.

      • 國語敎育 및 國語科敎育에 대한 側面的 散考

        高憲 群山敎育大學 1973 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        It is long time since we have said that we had to establish the nation with education emphasizing the revival of racial development and to have the productive education forgetting the shame, past days. But the inner frames or details to be established or practiced are inferior to those of outer ones. I think it caused by the following that we had been lived the lives without philosophy or literature and then had not had the critcal, spiritual posture for us trying to find out the faults. In this paper I have intended to make a field of dialogues among the teachers, scholars, thinkers and parents who were interested in the Korean language education. Consequently I have avoided specialization which was likely to fall into ideality and also avoided the banal common sense far from creativity. We have been so much hasty to the trifle matters facing the Korean language education which we could not have deep-rooted philosophy. Now our national strength is to be increased. We, all and each, begin to feel earnestly the need of having directions to proceed hereafter and the great refoms in individual, home and social life. The national unity can not be accomplished without the awakening sense of "I" and cooperation with others. If we want to harmony with group and individual, we should rely on the education. The very essence of education is, I think, the mutual lunderstading and coincidence in the way of thinking, and persuits of view points in value. The school ebucation of the Korean language should be taken an important role in giving them the generative power. We are on the verge of the works of organizing the Korean language education. I have merely taken some examples to preceded by them in this paper. There are broad fields of learning subjects, such as many educational theories, linguistics, literature, logics and philosophy which should be related to and support it. Not only humanities but also social sciences such as history, geography, politics and economics should help it at the side and background. The social positions of woman and dialogues between the older and younger generations are to be given the important materials in organizing the school education of the Korea language.

      • 發展企劃에 있어서의 經濟成長과 敎育企劃方法 : Tinbergen 模型을 中心으로 Focus on Tinbergen's Model

        李奐九 群山敎育大學 1976 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        1. Development planning seeks to change the prevailing economic and social institutional framework in the process the securing an acceleration in the rate of economic and social progress. The most essential task of education planning, as a social planning, is to aim to have the various kinds of qualified, skilled or trained labour available at the right time and in the right numbers, to ensure that society develops smoothly. 2. It is therefore important to avoid both surpluses and shortages and, as far as possible, a wrong initial choice of education. Jan Tinbergen, Professor at the Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam, regards the whole educational process as a system of flows, beginning as a very broad flow, that of general education at the lower level, and ending with an increasing number of branches at the specialized level of education. 3. The relationship between stocks and flows means that the relationship between the most desirable economic development and educational activity is formed on the basis of the input-output ratios that are used as a starting-point for production planning. As we can readily see from Figure 2, An expectation of the number of pupils who should be receiving secondary education can be assessed from two other variables, size of population and income per head. 4. The figures shown in Table 2 illustrate three different methods for converting an economy to a different growth-rate that can be used to adapt the situation in case A(Table) at period O to the development in case B. In the first method-the immigration method-qualified manpower is introduced from abroad and remains in the country until retirement or death. In the second method-that of temporary technical aid-use is made of the temporary assistance, in period 1 only, of qualified foreign laborur. The third method is that of increased effort on the part of the country's own machinery. 5. By the development planning model of Tinbergen, we can confirm that the level of economic growth, as represented by the national income per head, is highly correlated with the number of pupils and students. But the figures and coefficients, which are used here for the number of persons with secondary education per unit of national product and the number of students per teacher at the universities, are the same as those which were taken in the United States. Therefore Tinbergen's model shows considerable divergences in the situations of developing countries and is based on somewhat doubtful assumptions.


        길기열,김무길 群山敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        I. Introduction Forming new values in Korea has become a great social and educational issue since the 1960s, according to progression toward the direction of modernization and undergoing a succession of changes in all sectors of national life. Recently, most people have come to entertain the feeling that a clear statement of the fundamental aims of education is required in order to make clear the meaning of modernization. In the response to the public feeling, the Charter of National Education was promulgated on December 5, 1968. The Charter shows the ideal background of national life and the direction of national education. It has been three years since the promulgation of the Charter. During the period, a lot of researches were performed in every field of life, contributing to forming new national spiritual value. But we still have to study more on the theory and practice of the idea of the Charter. In the response to the above stated necessity, we have tried to determine the ways of improving the education of value in the primary and secondary chools. This research has been performed as follows: 1) The idea of the Charter has been studied in theory. 2) The model of the value presented in the Charter has been drawn up: (1) The ideal and realistic attitude of high school students and teachers has been studied with the questionnaire organized in 14 questions. (2) The internalized degree of the Charter into the school boys and girls' attitude has been studied with the quesionnaire organized in 54 questions. 4) The report of the research has been organized into three domains : (1) the objectives of self-realization, (2) the objectives of promotion of democratic value, (3) the objectives of national development. In these three domains, we have set forth the results studied with above stated two kinds of questionnaire. II. The Results of the Research A. The Ideal and Realistic Attitude of High School Students and Teachers In this questionnaire, we have attempted to find out the problems of the high school students and teachers' value. The results are as follows : 1) Thirteen of fourteen questions are topics in which more than 30% of the high school students and teachers have problems in their ideal value. 2) Six of fourteen questions are topics in which more than 50% of high school students have problems in their realistic value, and four of fourteen questions are topics in which more than 50% of teachers have problems in their realistic value. B. The Internalized Degree of the Idea of the Charter into the School Boys and Girls' Attitude In this questionnaire, we have attempted to find out the internalized degree of the idea of the Charter into the school boys and girls' attitude with the 54 questions. The results are as follows : 1) Thirty six of 54 questions are topics in which more than 50% of the school boys and girls answered 'much' column and have problem in their value. 2) Seventeen of 54 questions are topics in which more than 20% of the school boys and girls answered 'little' column and have problems in their value. III. Conclusion As the above statements show, there are many problems in the value of most school boys and girls and teachers, It suggests that we have to endeavor to realize the idea of the Charter in every home, every school, and society. In the following, we are going to suggest methods of realizing the idea of the Charter. A. In order to help the school boys and girls cultivate the desirable personality through forming desirable attitude and value with realizing the idea of the Charter, it is necessary to improve the teaching methods in the school education. B. In order to help the school boys and girls experience the idea of the Charter in every day life, it is necessary to improve the school curriculum and purify the social environment. C. In order to make our nation develop through the school boys and girls' forming the desirable value, it is necessary to make the school boys and girls have the desirable emotional experiences in their every day life. D. It is necessary to help teachers re-evaluate and re-choose the value of their own in pre-service and in-service education, because there are many teachers who have undesirable value. E. According to the results of the research, we have try to help school boys and girls get opportunity to re-evaluate and re-choose thevalue of their own.

      • 都市 土地 利用의 硏究 : 群山市를 中心으로 Gun san Planning Area

        蘇鎭雲 群山敎育大學 1977 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Gunsan city had been developed the largest city of Jeonbuk province as a main rice expont harbour at the colonial rule period, however, after 1945, the trend of city development has been decreased. The population is beginning to increase from the level of the Liberation to 150 thousands. The administrative district has been expanded from 44.74㎢ in 1932 to 15.16㎢ in 1940 and it again expanded to 27.642 ㎢ in 1973. The city planning area, which relates to this research, is expanded from 27.642 ㎢ in 1967 to 139.69㎢ in 1975 and it was again adjusted to 139.69㎢ in order to preserve the farm land. The present status of the land utilization program is that the majar of it is a plain, the farm land is 65%, 76.6㎢ of the total area, which beaks down to 60.7㎢ in paddy, 9.9㎢ field. And the forest area is 15㎢, 16% of the total area, which is not Fully planted. The site area of urban land and uillages is 7.66㎢, 7% and a part of it was massed by the wicked houses to a slum. The remaining is area is 14㎢, 13% of the total, and whic was composed of the rivers, lakes, graveyard and vacant area. In view of the present land use program of Gunsan city, it must be considered as an abroad advancement base along with the construction of Gunsan Outer Port and a coastal industrial area which is lin ked by Jeonju-Gunsan High Speed Road, which is connected to Houam Hiway. Alss Gunsan should be considered as an industrial bolt area which will be connected to Gangang and Beein industrial area across the Kum River. And, in the long run, Gunsan should be considered as a conurbation which conncets Gunsan, Iri and Jeonju industrial cities. According to the present land utilization program of Gunsan city, the planned population in 1986 is assumed to 240 thousmds and the land is alloted in housing area 9.425㎢, commercial area 1.68㎢, industrial area 13.4㎢, grean are 84㎢ and the green area is divided into production green area 41.2㎢ and natural green area 42.5㎢. As for the planned population, the average annual population increase rate is Calculated 3.5% in city area and 1.7% in country area, the population of 240 thousands in 1986 is 1986 is assumed. However, the population of Gunsan city in 1985 is puppored to reach around of 300 thousands owing to the recent rapid population increase rate, the conyiletion of a cdastal industrial area and the outer harbour. Accordingly, the use area of the laud utilijation program should be divided into high density, medium density and low density area in the housing district, Among them, the high density area is classigied as over 300 persons per hectare of the population density, In the C,B,D district of the commercial area, the capacity should be increased to over 40%,And the natural green belt area should be formed between the exclusive industrial area and the production area with the purpose of seclusion of the industrial area and the farm land. Also, the green belt area should be planned between the sub-industrial area and the housing area. In light of the land use plan of Gunsan city, the relations of the housing area to the life space, and the industrial area to the production space were well considered and enough area is alloted to park area. At the result, there will not be aroused the problems of struggle among them. The Re-development of the old buildings and the wicked houses in the city area is another problem in city planning as a new industrial and commercial city in the future.

      • 國語敎育에 있어서 效果的인 讀書指導를 하기 爲한 圖書館 運營 方案과 中學生의 讀書生活 實態에 關한 調査硏究 : 全羅北道 都市 및 農·山村 中學校 男女 學生을 中心으로 Of the middle school students of the villages and cities in Cheolla-buk-do province

        李圭昌 群山敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        本 論攷의 目的은 中學校 國語 敎科書의 內容 3分의 2가 讀書 態度 기르기와 그 內容 익히기에 밑바탕이 되어 있기 때문에 國語科 指導目標의 達成을 爲해서는 學生들이 自發的으로 讀書하는 態度를 기르기 爲하여 必要한 여러가지 方案과 對策을 究明하고 아울러 除去되어야 할 要因을 찾는 데에 있다. 그래서 調査 硏究 方法으로는 調査 對象을 制限하여 全羅北道內 中學校 男女 1,2,3學年 學生 900名을 都市와 農村, 山村 등 中學校에서 標本으로 抽出하여 學生들이 讀書 生活 實態를 調査하여 이것을 統計的으로 處理하여서 原因을 分析하고 結果를 考察하였다. 本 論攷의 體裁는 緖論에서 當面한 問題点의 所在를 究明하여 硏究의 動機를 말하고 問題点의 解釋 方案을 模索하였다. 本論에서는 敍上의 問題 解決 方案으로 900名을 調査 對象으로 하여 讀書 興味, 讀書生活, 讀書 環境등의 三分野에 걸쳐 그 實態를 調査하였다. 다시 이것을 統計學的으로 處理, 實態를 分析하여 그 結果와 解釋을 詳論하고 곁들여 問題点의 原因을 찾어 봤다. 結論에서는 本 論攷에 對한 簡單한 要約과 主張을 실었다. 本 論의 要旨는 다음과 같다. Ⅰ. 讀書 興味 調査에서 가. 讀書를 하게 된 動機 調査에서 讀書 勸奬 影響力이 가장 큰 것은 친구들로 24.8%나 되었다. 다음은 先生님의 勸誘에서 冊을 읽게 된 學生이 16.7%, 父母의 勸誘로 읽게된 學生이 10.6%였다. 또 圖書 交換과 交友關係는 매우 密接하여 冊을 친구끼리 빌리어 주고 보는 學生이 32%나 되었다. 冊을 읽고난 後 줄거리를 이야기하거나 讀後感을 말하는 것도 親舊之間이 가장 많아 讀書하는 데 勸奬力은 交友之間끼리의 影響力이 第一 컸다. 나. 圖書館 藏書를 閱覽하거나 利用한 學生은 35.4%에 不過 하였다. 1963年에 圖書館法이 公布된 後 圖書館이나 圖書室은 學校 基本 施說로 되어 있는데도 基本 施設의 利用度가 이렇게 低調한 實情에 놓여 있는 것이다. 圖書館 運營 管理에 있어서는 學生 爲主로 하되 奉仕하는 方向으로 轉換되어야 할 때는 왔다고 본다. Ⅱ 다. 學生들의 讀書 目的이 分明하였다. 매우 實利的이어서 그 目的이 學校 공부를 잘 하기 위하여 또는 훌륭한 사람이 되기 위하여 讀書한다는 學生이 約 50%를 차지하고 있었다. 즐거움을 얻기 위하여 冊을 읽는다는 學生은 少數에 지나지 않았다. 元來 讀書란 職業이나 進路에 따라 個人差가 생기는 것이 當然하다 하겠지만 어려서부터 이렇게 實利的으로 冊을 읽는다면 將來 社會에 나가서는 職業 爲主의 冊만 읽게 될 것이니 讀書領域이 偏狹해질것이다 基礎 讀書 能力이 거의 完熟해지는 國民學校 時節부터 讀書 能力이 가장 旺盛해지는 中高等學校 時節에는 計劃的으로 讀書 指導를 해야 되겠다는 問題点이 들어 났다. 라. 學生들이 읽는 圖書란 主題로 볼 때 古典類, 童話類가 42%이고 다음은 雜誌類 漫畵類가 읽기 좋다는 學生이 17.9%이었다. 反面에 童劇類나 辭(事)典類는 人氣가 없다. 正確한 知識을 얻기 위하여서는 辭典을 즐겨 찾아야할텐데 이런 點이 아쉬웠다.또 堅實하며 생각하여야 理解가 되는 程度가 높은 讀書가 아쉬웠으며 이 또한 學生들의 讀書指導에 있어서의 問題点의 하나라 하겠다. 마. 新聞을 본다는 學生은 約 半數였으며 雜誌 購讀者數는 13%內外였다. 그 原因은 家庭의 經濟 事精도 問題이지만 讀書에 對한 父母의 理解 不足과 狹心한 認識이 보다 問題였다. 바. 月間 讀書量은 한 卷도 읽지 않은 學生이 56%였으며 한 卷 以上 읽은 學生이 約 44%였다. 또 讀書를 하지 못한 理由는 圖書가 없어서가 32.8%였다. 2. 讀書 生活 調査에서 가. 하루중 가장 많이 讀書하는 때가 就浸前(31%)과 歸家 後 저녁 먹기前(27%)이었다. 學生들은 學校에서 보다는 冊을 빌리어다가 家庭에서 읽고자 하며 또 그렇게 調査 結果도 드러났다. 圖書 閱覽보다는 공부방 代用으로 많이 利用되고 있는 것이 오늘의 中. 高等學校 圖書館의 現況이다. 앞으로는 圖書館 運營 管理는 공부방 代用도 좋지만 讀書 場所로 轉 換運營 되어야 할 것이다. 나. 讀書 場所로는 自己집 공부房에서 冊을 읽는다는 學生이 36%나 되었다. 圖書室에서 읽는다는 學生이 18%였으며 敎室에서 읽는다는 學生이 26%였다. 하루의 讀書 時間量은 1時間 程度가 第一 많아 47.6%였다. 다. 學生들의 藏書量은 敎科書나 參考書를 除外하고는 平均 8冊 程度 가진 學生이 48.6%였다. 學生들이 所藏하고 있는 8卷의 冊을 擔任 敎師가 머리를 써서 잘 利用한다면 學級文庫運營에 妙를 期할 수 있는 資料라 생각 하였다. 3. 讀書 環境 調査에서 가. 공부방을 가지고 있는 學生이 56%로 半數가 넘었다. 冊床이나 테이블을 가지고 있다는 學生이 75%가 넘었다. 나. 讀書하는 姿勢는 冊床에서 읽는 學生이 57%였으며 앉아서 읽는 學生이 24%였다. 엎드려서 읽거나 누워서 읽는다는 學生이 意外로 9%나 되었는 데 앞으로 矯正되어야 할 問題点이었다. 다. 하루 生活 중 學校生活에서 벗어난 家庭에서 1時間 以上 공부한다는 學生이 50%였다. 1時間 以上 讀書한다는 學生이 40%나 되었다. 1時間에서 30分 以上 라디오를 聽取 하거나 T·V를 視聽하는 學生이 35%였다. 1時間 程度 집안일을 돕거나 심부름을 한다는 學生이 67%였다. 30分程度 뛰고 놀았다는 學生이 44%였다. 라. 圖書를 購買하는 돈은 父母님 한테서 받는다는 學生이 16%였다. 마련한 일이 없다는 學生이 72%였으며 보리 이삭(調査한 때가 여름이었기에)을 주워서 팔아 책을 사보았다는 學生이 2%나 되었다. 위와 같이 調査 結果가 들어 났다. 全體的으로 讀書物이 不足하고 讀書하기에 不便한 家庭環境이었다. 뿐만아니라 圖書館 運營의 不誠不贍등으로 讀書를 하지 못하거나 하지 않았다는 學生들이 讀書 問題点을 矯正하는 解決 方案은 보다 熱意에 차고 알찬 敎育行政과 科學的인 奬學指導로 이루어지는 圖書館 運營 뿐이라는 것을 再三建議하는 바이다. The purpose of this research is to develop the voluntary attitude in reading for the students by investigating various means and measures and finding out the facts to be eliminated. I selected 900 students of middle schools(males and females, through the whole grades)as research objects from cities, villages and remote villages in Cheolla-buk-do province and researched the actual states of their reading life. Consequently I studied and analyzed the cause and effect and took measures to meet the situations in reading with statistic materials. In the introduction chapter, I considered the motivation of this research by finding out the trouble spots in reading and tried to grope the method of solution of these. In the main discourse, I studied the actual states in reading by dividing them in-to three parts ; reading interests, reading life, reading surroundings of the above mentioned 900 students. I dealt with these by statistic method and analyzed the actual conditions and explained the results and interpretations, and then found out the cause of the trouble spots. In the conclusion, I summarized the whole discourse and made some suggestions. The chief points in the main discourse are as follows. Ⅰ. In the research of reading interests. (1) In the research of reading motivation, The first great encouragement and influence upon the students is from their friends. (28.9%) The second is from their teachers. (16.7%) The third is from their parents. (10.6%) The friend relationship is very close so that they exchange their books one another mutually. (32%) Friends are the chief objects to whom they talk feeling after reading books. Consequently I found the first great encouragement and influence upon them is among their friends. (2) The rate of the students who read the library books and go to libraries is merely 35.4%. Although the library is the basic facilities after the proclamation of the Library Acts in 1963, the present availability of library is very low. (3) They have clear aims in reading. It is very practical, so that the rate of the students who read books as means for better attainments in school subjects is 50%. There are a few who read the books to feel pleasure in reading. I am afraid such tendencies will limit the reading scope. (4) The kinds of books which they like to read are as follows. Fairy tales or fictions are 42.0% Magazines or cartoons 17.8%. Juvenile plays or dictionaries are very low. I think the dictionaries are the most important materials for them to get the accurate and precise information and knowledge. (5) The rate of the students who subscribe for magazines or newspapers is merely 13%. The cause, I think, is not only in lack of the economic condition but in lack of the parents' understanding and knowledge. (6) In the amount of reading books per month, The rate of the students who do not read at all is half. The rate of them who read one or more books is 44%. The rate of them who do not read because they do not have books is 32.8%. Ⅱ. In the research of their reading life. (1) The time they read is before going to bed. (31%) The time they read is from after school to before supper. (27%) Most students want to read in their studies instead of libraries, (2) The place they read is in the studies. (36%) The place they read is in the libraries. (18.6%) The place they read is in the classrooms. (26%) The amount of the reading duration is for an hour. (47.6%) (3) The average number of collection books which they possess is 5 volumes(48.6%)except the textbooks or reference books. If the teacher make use of them effectively, they will be good materials as a class library. Ⅲ. In the research of reading surroundings. (1) The rate of the students who have their own studies is 56%. The rate of them who have desks of their own is 75%. (2) In the reading postures, The rate of the students who read at the desk is 57%. The rate of the students who read sitting without desk is 24%. The rate of the students who read lying is 29%. The habit of reading lying is to be corrected. (3) In the daily life, The rate of students who begin to read in their houses within an hour after school is 40%. The rate of them who listen to the radio or watch the T.V in their houses within an hour or half is 35%. The rate of the students who help the chores or go errands is 67%. The rate of them who play is 44%. (4) The money with which they buy books is given by their parents. (16%) The rate of the students who do not have such money is 72%. The rate of them who earn by work is 2%. Considering all the facts I poited out, students are in great want of reading materials, and they have many trouble spots in the library managements and in their surroundings. I suggest such trouble spots or handicaps should be improved and solved by the scientific method of educational administration and by the effecient library managements.

      • 국어교육에 있어서의 한자 지도문제에 대한 고찰

        김석구 군산교육대학 1971 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        1). The linguistic letters are living existence. Therefore if we bring under the artificial control over them and we draw a hasty conclusion with a prejudice on the cultural policy which has to be thought freely, it's a very dangerous thing and consequently will bring nothing but a loss. 2),After being experimented and studied the various problems fully which implies the abolition of the Chinese characters, and analized the influences upon the succesion of the racial culture, upon the rational appreciation on the linguistic life, and upon the enrichment of the Korean language etc, the exclusive use of the Korean language has to be groped the adequate policy. 3), The Chinese characters have much advantages which utilizes the thought-fuction rationally and the visual effect from the letter application of word units and which has the effeciency of reading comprehension, the versatilities of linguistic expression etc. 4), First, the Chinese characters have the expression of the word which has no morphological changes and fixes the meaning. Second, they have the effective visualization which has a higher visual distinction. Third, the construction of the words is so simple that they have the useful contraction in making the abbreviations. Fourth, they have the abundant fuction in making the coinage. 5), Learning some finite words, we can easily understand lost of Chinese chracters and we can have more effective products than the Korean language which has to be learned word after word indivividually. The Chinese chracters reduce the stopping numbers in the eye movement and they maintain the stopping time while they contribute much to increasing the power of reading comprehension. 6), In the modern education of the Korean Ianguage, we always have to research the actual conditions of the living language, and have to have the students learn the vocabulary of being used in our daily lives widely and we have to attach importance to teaching the necessary vocabulary (the basic words) which enable the possiblity of the great linguistic expression with the minimum numbers of the words 7), Researching the frequency of the Chinese chracters resulted the researching ways of the basic, common words and the formative degrees of the compound words, we have to study in choosing the necessary Chinese chracters. Finally, it is very urgent to select the basic Chinese characters for education through comparison, investigation and historical researches on the above necessary Chinese chracters.

      • 敎室機能의 效率化를 위한 敎育工學的 考察

        李基種 群山敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to suggest one way for solving urgent educational problems according to the sudden increase of educational population. The educational fields which will be planned hereafter should be considered the following points so that the various educational plans and teachings established by the teachers might perform fully and the use of various teaching materials as well as the abundant learning activities would be accomplished successfully. 1. Possibility to organize the various groups. 2. Consideration for the self-learning. 3. Effective use of Audiovisual materials. 4. Common use of special classrooms and efficient use of school facilities and equipments. 5. Efficient use of outdoor spaces in the school. 6. Adaptability for the development of learning process 7. Consideration of teachers' positions according to the varieties of learning process. 8. Consideration for the management of school facilities and equipments.

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