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      • KCI등재

        건강기능식품의 섭취 시 주의사항 표시제도 개선에 대한 연구

        박선정,양성범,Park, Sun-Jung,Yang, Sung-Bum 한국식품영양학회 2019 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        The objective of this study was to analyze labeling improvements and evaluate willingness to pay for health functional foods with a focus on the caution for intake. For this study, we conducted a survey on health functional food intake behavior, confirmation and improvements of cautions for intake. We assessed the willingness to pay for improvement of the caution for intake. Consumers anticipate improved immune function, and fatigue improvement after consumption of health functional foods. They mainly checked the function components related to efficacy and effectiveness, ingredients and their contents, ingestion amount and method, expiry date and best mode of storage, product name, and cautions associated with ingestion of health functional foods. They has been difficulties in obtaining sufficient caution information for intake from the current labeling method. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the labeling of caution for intake. The analysis indicated that about 5.14% of the respondents were willing to pay more if new labeling was introduces. However, there is still controversy over their safety, which is damaging to the consumers. Therefore, by providing consumers with accurate and detailed information on cautions for intake, it can contribute to securing safety and improving the quality of health functional foods.

      • KCI등재

        돈 드릴로의 『포인트 오메가』를 통한 포스트-포스트모더니즘 읽기

        박선정(Park, Sun-jung) 새한영어영문학회 2012 새한영어영문학 Vol.54 No.2

        The postmodern characteristics which have represented our time have brought many changes these days. Therefore, many scholars, including Alan Kirby, argue that postmodernism is over and a new period is coming. One of the new features of the new period is about the subject. In modernism, the subject was the center and the very important pivot. But in postmodernism, this center started rocking and then finally disappeared, as some scholars express it had died completely. Now in this era, which we will call post-postmodernism from this point forward, the subject who died in postmodernism has come to life again. In this case, the subject can mean many things such as a text, a self, a center, and a father. This paper covers Don DeLillo"s recent novel Point Omega and investigates how these periodical changes are reflected in it, especially in regards to the question of the subject or self. In this material and technological society in which we live, anyone can watch us and even tract or trace us. But ironically, we can lose ourselves and live anywhere, without anybody noticing. We can literally be ignored and forgotten. Everyone is not just interested in me, and nobody wants to know me. For this reason, we can live by hiding in our own world, just like "the man at the wall" in Point Omega. Furthermore, it is just the same as autism. The title of this novel is borrowed from Theihard de Chardin"s theory, "omega point," which refers to the maximum point of the evolving universe and the final point of complexity and consciousness. This point contains each thing as an individual and as a whole, so everyone lives by oneself, and at the same time, everyone lives all together as one big whole. And in this connection, "love" should be there as a link. DeLillo shows that how our society has been changed from postmodernism into post-postmodernism and suggests that in this changing society we need to evolve toward the "omega point," which connects the subjects and the others all together.

      • KCI등재

        복잡계 이론을 통한 드릴로 소설 읽기

        박선정(Park, Sun-Jung) 새한영어영문학회 2014 새한영어영문학 Vol.56 No.4

        We live in a very small world, in which all is closely connected by cell phones, Facebooks, or the Internet. In this small and complicated world, the purpose of contemporary science is to find simplicity and order among the complex. Everything looks very random and disorderly in this world, but everything is absolutely and systematically connected to everything else. When we study closely to see how everything is structured and connected, the total is not the sum of the parts. When the total makes a different result from the sum of the parts, scientists call the result as ‘emergence’. The purpose of this paper is to study this very recent scientific theory, which is called the ‘complex theory’, and to read one of DeLillo’s novels, Cosmopolis, applying this theory. DeLillo accepts that we should now live in a world which makes each person become a fragment of the whole system. However, he wants to point out that in this complex world, the human is one of the most important components, as well as nature. Contemporary society focuses on the ‘emergence’ from the whole of the parts, not each fragment. The value of a human has been gradually forgotten in this technical society, so DeLillo declares that this forgotten being can become the most important cause of a big effect in the future.

      • RISS 인기논문 KCI등재후보

        간호대학생의 코로나-19에 대한 지식, 태도, 감염예방행위가 신종감염병 환자 간호의도에 미치는 영향

        박선정(Sun Jung, Park),한지은(Ji Eun, Han),곽근혜(Keun Hey, Kwak) 한국간호연구학회 2021 한국간호연구학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose : This study is a descriptive survey research in order to grasp the influence of nursing students’ knowledge, attitudes and infection prevention behaviors for COVID-19 upon the nursing intention for patients with the emerging infectious diseases. Methods : The convenience sampling was carried out in nursing students at 3 universities within Gyeonggi Province from October 25, 2020 to September 25. The questionnaire response data of finally 233 students were analyzed. Data analysis was used SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. Results : As for the findings, there was a positive correlation(r=.143, p=.046) between the knowledge(r=.72, p<.001), attitudes(r=.68, p<.001) & infection prevention behaviors(r=.85, p<.001) for COVID-19 and the nursing intention for patients with the emerging infectious diseases. Also, the influence upon the nursing intention for patients with the emerging infectious diseases was in order of infection prevention behaviors(β=1.64, p<.001), attitudes(β=1.50, p<.001) and knowledge(β=.86, p<.001) for COVID-19. Conclusion : Based on the results of this study, the development in an education intervention program is suggested that is available for increasing the understanding about emerging infectious diseases and for bringing about a positive attitude change targeting nursing students.

      • KCI등재후보

        나눔의 성경적 원리, 그 효과의 실제(實際)

        박선정(Park Sun Jung) 한국로고스경영학회 2011 로고스경영연구 Vol.9 No.2

        성경에서는 나눔을 강조하고 있다. 수많은 구절에서 나눔을 통해 건강해지고, 부자가 되고, 영생을 얻는 복을 말씀하고 있다. 정말 나눔을 실천하면 성경에서 말하는 원리와 그 효과가 실제가 되는가? 많은 사람들 특히 비기독교인들은 성경의 원리와 그 효과를 마음의 평화와 안식, 위로 정도로 치부하거나 평가절하 한다. 그러나, 하나님의 말씀은 살아있고 힘이 있으며 어떤 양날의 칼보다 날카로워서 사람 속을 꿰뚫어 혼과 영을 갈라내고 관절과 골수를 갈라놓기까지 하며, 마음에 품은 생각과 의향을 가려낸다 (히 4:12). 성경에서는 “천지는 없어지겠으나 내 말은 없어지지 아니하리라” (마 24:35, 막 13:31, 녹 21:33), “천지가 주의 규례들대로 오늘까지 있음은 만물이 주의 종이 된 까닭이니이다” (시 119:91), “내 입에서 나가는 말도 이와 같이 헛되이 내게로 되돌아오지 아니하고 나의 기뻐하는 뜻을 이루며 내가 보낸 일에 형통함이니라” (사 55:11), “그러므로 너는 그들에게 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 나의 말이 하나도 다시 떨어지지 아니할지니 내가 한 말이 이루어지리라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라 하셨다 하라” (겔 12:28)라고 모든 일이 하나님의 말씀대로 이루어진다고 말하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 바로 위에서 언급한 성경말씀에 신뢰를 바탕으로 ‘나눔의 원리’와 그 ‘효과의 실제’가 어떻게 구현되는지, 그 배경 속에 함축되어 있는 성경적 맥락과 구체적 예증을 살펴보는 것이다. 나눔에 대한 성경의 말씀이 외부경제효과와 나비효과, 승수효과처럼 실제 여러 대학들에서 연구되어진 긍정적인 효과로 증명되어 졌다. 이렇게 나타난 연구결과물들을 통해 “아버지의 말씀은 진리니이다” (요 17:17)라는 성경말씀을 새삼 다시 깨닫게 되어 기쁘고, 이 진리를 모든 사람들이 알고 실천하여 누리게 되길 기대한다. The Bible has always emphasized the importance of sharing. Numerous verses say if you share, you become healthy, rich and will receive eternal life. It is true, through sharing with others, we can benefit as it says in the bible? Many (especially non-belivers) devalue the Bible’s principles and effects as if it is a method to give encouragement or peace of mind. However, the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart(Hebrews 4:12). The bible says “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matthew 24 :35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33), “Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you”(Psalms 119:91), “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11), “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign LORD” (Ezekiel 12:28), All of the above will be done as God says. Therefore, based on the verses above this study focuses on two points, ‘the principle of sharing’ and ‘the effect in reality’. Futhermore, to see how these points are depicted and to look at the detailed examples that are implied in the Bible. Many universities have researched the effects of sharing and has verified it positively such examples are the external economics, butterfly effect, and theory of multiplier. Through these researches, I am thrilled to receive “Your word is truth” (John 17 : 17) as a new understanding and hope that all learn to know truth and be blessed by following it.

      • KCI등재

        Zellweger 증후군 2예에서 보인 산전 초음파 이상

        박선정 ( Sun Jung Park ),오지영 ( Jee Young Oh ),정의 ( Eui Jung ),김선권 ( Sun Kwon Kim ),심재윤 ( Jae Yoon Shim ),원혜성 ( Hye Sung Won ),이필량 ( Pil Ryang Lee ),김암 ( Ahm Kim ) 대한주산의학회 2005 Perinatology Vol.16 No.1

        Zellweger syndrome is a lethal autosomal recessive disorder characterized by neonatal hypotonia, neonatal seizure, psychomotor retardation, facial dysmorphism, and hepatomegaly. It is characterized by an absence or marked decrease of the number of peroxisomes. Children with Zellweger syndrome rarely survive their first year of life. Diagnosis depends on demonstration of elevated very long chain fatty acid in plasma and deficient activity of the peroxisomal enzyme. Chorionic villi sampling or the biochemical analysis of amniocytes makes it possible to identify a fetus affected by Zellweger syndrome during the first trimester of pregnancy. We experienced two cases of postnatally diagnosed Zellweger syndrome with mild sonographic abnormalities prenatally and report our cases with a brief review of literature.

      • 돈 드릴로의 『언더월드』와 포스트모던 생태학 : 자본주의, 소비주의, 그리고 죽음에 대한 공포

        박선정(Park Sun-Jung) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2006 인문학논총 Vol.11 No.2

        본 논문은 돈 드릴로의 『언더월드』를 통해 포스트모던 사회와 포스트모던 생태학의 특성에 대해 살펴보는 데 의의를 두고 있다. 이 소설은 우리에게 동시대 사회를 잘 보여주고 있는데, 특히 자본주의와 소비주의, 그리고 기계문명에 중점을 둔 동시대 사회의 특성을 예리하게 보여준다. 이러한 시대적 특성은 긍정적인 측면을 가지고 있는 반면 다양한 부정적인 면을 내포하고 있는데, 드릴로는 그 중에서도 특히 이러한 소비문화가 초래한 쓰레기를 비롯한 생산품의 부산물들이 동시대 생태계와 인간에게 미치는 부정적인 영향들을 예리하게 지적하고 있다. 동시대에서의 소비문화는 단순히 필요한 물건을 구매하는 행위를 넘어서 자신의 정체성을 확인하고 채우려는 행위로 변모하고 있다. 그리고 여기에서 만들어 지는 많은 쓰레기들이 인간과 자연의 생명을 위협하고 있다. 결국 생산과 소비와 쓰레기, 그리고 생태계의 삶이 모두 네트워크 안에서 서로 연계되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 네트워크의 결정체로서 인터넷을 들 수 있는데, 이것은 동시대 테크놀로지가 만들어 낸 최고의 네크워크라 할 수 있다. 그러나 이것 역시 완벽할 수 없는데, 그것은 이것 역시 자본주의가 만들어 낸 하나의 상품이고 따라서 거기에는 부산물이 생기기 마련이며 그것이 바로 바이러스나 다양한 형태의 스팸메일이나 고아고의 형태로 끊임없이 네트워크를 위협하고 있기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 동시대인들은 인터넷에서 더 편안함을 느낀다. 이것은 또 하나의 시뮬라크라이고 하이퍼리얼리티임을 망각하고 있다. 드릴로는 이러한 동시대의 테크놀로지 위주의 삶이 가져오는 다양한 부정적 요소들을 상기시키면서, 결국 인간은 자연의 일부임을 각성하고 자연적인 네트워크의 일원으로서 돌아갈 것을 권하고 있다. ‘모든 것이 서로 연계되어 있다’는 논리 속에서 인간은 혼자만이 살 수도 없으며 기계와의 네트워크만으로 살 수도 없다. 인간과 자연이 어우러진 진정한 네트워크 속에서만이 진정한 ‘평화’를 얻을 수 있다. This paper aims to deal with the characteristics of postmodern society and postmodern ecology through DeLillo's novel, Underworld. Underworld shows us this contemporary society very well, especially in capitalism and consumerism. And contemporary society has also developed lots kinds of technologies in every parts, including artificial weapons and Internet. This kind of development in our society has some positive effects and negative effects together. But DeLillo might show us the negative effects of our social development more cynically. That is why he is talking about lots of wastes and byproducts of contemporary society in his novels. First of all, Underworld shows us the problem of our contemporary society including capitalism and consumerism. Capitalism makes the people think everything as capitals and material. In addition, contemporary people confirms their identity by consuming products and showing their owns. That is why people go and buy lots of products even though they don't really need them. Secondly, Underworld shows us the problem of the wastes that are produced by general lives and nuclear technology. This waste threatens our people and nature. DeLillo tells us that everything is changed into waste eventually, and this waste threatens human life inversely. Also he tells that Internet is a kind of waste too. Because everything is connected and mixed in the Internet. There are virus, germs and every kinds of gossips in the Internet. Even though this is a simulacrum, people think that this is a real world. People would trust this world more than the real world. Postmodern ecology sees the human as one of the nature, so people should live with nature in this earth together. But as we see in Underworld, people have not shared this earth with nature. People have monopolized and destroyed the earth for his own purpose. And now people are attacked by this behavior. Postmodern ecology is different from the modem ecology. In modem ecology human is the center and power, so he can take care of the nature. But in postmodern ecology human is a part of the nature and cannot take care of the nature. DeLillo shows us 'everything is connected' and nature and human are connected, so we need to think about the 'underworld' of our technology and over-consumption. This underworld is important as much as the upper-world, because 'we are all connected' finally as like Internet. But Internet is not a real connection. It is a simulacrum and a waste. Underworld shows us our contemporary society and its problem very negatively. But there is always a hope. He shows us that as the word 'peace'. And this real peace is not in the nuclear weapon or Internet. The real peace is in the real world and real nature.

      • KCI등재

        폭력과 노인에 관한 코맥 맥카시의 서사, 『노인을 위한 나라는 없다』

        박선정(Park, Sun Jung) 새한영어영문학회 2017 새한영어영문학 Vol.59 No.4

        Our contemporary society appears to have more serious violence than in the past, but Cormac McCarthy tells us that this notion could be wrong. He says that our human history has always been a history of blood and violence. This article studies the significance of aging and old men with violence in our society by reading one of McCarthy’s bloody novels. No Country for Old Men. At the end of this novel, old sheriff Bell finally gives up on his job to catch the serial killer, and decides to leave the village. And I would construe his decision as the old man’s wisdom to bequeath his hard task to the younger and stronger generation. He admits and accepts that he cannot accomplish this hard endeavor by himself. This old man just knows when to quit. McCarthy suggests that human history has been founded by the old and the young together. Furthermore, McCarthy tells us that people have always had and will have hope as long as they try to find wise ways to overcome our violent reality.

      • KCI등재후보

        일개 간호대학생의 임상실습 스트레스와 임상수행능력의 관계

        박선정(Sun-Jung Park),박병준(Byung-Jun Park) 대한스트레스학회 2013 스트레스硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 일개 간호대학생의 임상실습 스트레스에 따른 임상수행능력을 파악하여, 임상실습 스트레스를 줄이고 나아가서는 임상수행능력을 향상 시킬 수 있는 중재방안을 마련하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 수행된 조사연구이다. 본 연구는 G도에 위치한 일개 간호대학에서 임상실습 학점을 모두 이수한 3, 4학년 전수인 407명 가운데 연구에 동의한 349명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료로는 일반적 특성을 포함한 임상실습 스트레스와 임상수행능력을 측정할 수 있는 구조적 도구를 사용하여 SPSS WIN 18.0 program을 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과, 대상자가 인식하는 임상실습 스트레스의 정도는 평균 3.24±.61점, 임상수행능력은 3.20±.41점으로 측정되어 보통 이상이었으며, 임상실습 스트레스와 임상수행능력 총점에 서는 상관관계가 없는 것으로 보고되었으나, 임상실습 스트레스의 개인영역과 임상수행능력의 하위영역 사이에서는 통계적으로 유의한 역 상관관계가 있음을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 임상실습에서 개인의 특성을 고려한 간호교육이 수행되어야 하며, 각 특성별 심리ㆍ사회적인 변인을 확인하는 연구가 요구된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the clinical practice stress of nursing students to their clinical competence in an effort to provide some information of intervention. The subjects in this study were every junior and senior who earned all the necessary credits for clinical practice in a nursing college located in the province of G. The number of the selected students was 349. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 18.0, and a structural inventory was utilized to grasp the general characteristics, clinical practice stress and clinical competence of the students. As a results, the students got a mean of 3.24±.61 and 3.20±.41 in self-perceived clinical practice stress and clinical competence respectively, which were both above the average, and the personal characteristics of their clinical practice stress had a statistically significant negative correlation to their clinical competence. Given the findings of the study, nursing education tailored to individual characteristics is required in association with clinical practice, and should be implemented to determine influential sociopsychological variables.

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