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        선박수리업무에 종사하는 군무원들의 작업환경에 대한 인식이 직업만족도에 미치는 영향

        오경재,모영하,윤한,김명선,이정미,권근상 한국산업위생학회 2003 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the relations among working environments, health behaviors and satisfaction with their duty in a group of 200 ship-repair workers in the ROK navy. The results were as following; Age of workers was 40 years and over(83%) and working duration was 10 years and over (71.5%). Most of them were married and had studied beyond high school. The 69.5% of workers satisfied with their job, whereas. about 59.5% of workers had satisfaction with their working condition. There were current drinkers, 78.5%, current exercising workers, 43.5%, obese workers, 28.0%, and salted food intakers, 18.5% in the workers. The major harmful environmental factors in the ship-repair workplace are noise, vibration, dust and chemicals. Most of workers are exposed to above harmful factors and complained about exposure of noise and dust. The consumption of cigarette or alcohol in people who exposed to noise was much higher than in people who did not, but the difference was not statistically significant. Prevalence of obesity and hypertension were not significantly different between the exposure with noise and dust. Noise or dust exposure was significant relation to satisfaction with their duty and working condition. The affective factors for satisfaction with their duty were people who worked for 10 years or more(OR= 4.53), exercisers(OR=4.78) and dust(OR=3.05) in Logistic regression analysis.

      • Sol-Gel법으로 제조된 PZT Thin Film

        오지현,권근희,김남철 공주대학교 생산기술연구소 2002 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper presents ferroelectric Pb(Zr_0.52Ti_0.48)O_3 (PZT) thin film by sol-gel synthesis with metal-organic precursors. Sol-gel reaction sequences with metal-organic precursors were confirmed through DTA and FT-IR measurements and perovskite phase formation was investigated by rapid thermal annealing technique. The structural and morphological properties of PZT thin film were investigated by XRD and SEM. Perovskite phase PZT single phase was appeared at temperature of 650 ℃ and the second phase, pyrochlore, was decreased as increasing the annealing temperature, which was clearly indicated by investigating the size of 'rosette structure' and pyrochlore phases at different annealing temperatures. The P-E loop measurement indicated the relation of the applied voltage vs. domain alignments in the PZT thin film system.

      • 反芻動物의 Hemoglobin型에 關한 硏究

        金宇權,李載洪,金五南,林貞澤,韓邦根 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1977 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        牛와 緬羊 그리고 山羊의 hemoglobin phenotype 및 遺傅子의 出現頻度를 檢討하고자 牛 460頭(韓牛 430, Holstein 30), 緬羊 214頭(Corriedale 140 Polworth 74), 山羊 150頭(在來山羊 黑色種 60, 在來山羊 白色種 40, Saanen 雜種 50)에 對하여 寒天 gel 電氣泳動法을 實施하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 牛의 hemoglobin phenotype는 HbAA, HbAB, HbBB, HbAC 그리고 HbAD의 5型으로 나타났으며 이들의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 78.70%, HbAB型이 20.00%, HbBB型이 0.43%, HbAC型이 0.43%, 그리고 HbAD型이 0.43%이었다. hemoglobin型, 支配遺傅子은 ??, ??, ?? 그리고 ??의 4種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 89.13%이고 ??가 10.43%이며 ??와 ??는 名名 0.22%이었다. 단지 Holstein種은 hemoglobin phenotype가 HbAA型과 HbAB型만이 나타났으며 그 出現頻度는 HbAA型86.67%이고 HbAB型이 13.33%이었다. Holstein種의 hemoglobin 支配遺傅子는 ??와 ??의 2種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 93/33%이었고 ??가 6.67%이었다. 2. 緬羊의 hemoglobin phenotype는 HbAA, HbAB 그리고 HbBB의 3型으로 나타났으며 이들의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 63.08%, HbAB型이 29.91% 그리고 HbBB型이 7.01%이었다. hemoglobin型 支配遺傅子는 ??와 ??의 2種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 78.04%이었고 ??가 21.96%이었다. Carriedale種과 Polworth種과는 hemoglobin型에는 差異가 없었으나 型의 出現頻度와 그 支配遺傅子의 出現頻度에는 큰 差가 있었다. 즉 Corriedale種는 hemoglobin phenotype의 出現頻度가 HbAA型이 80.71%이며 ??의 出現頻度는 89.64%나 되었으나 Polworth의 hemoglobin phenotype의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 29.73%이며 HbAB型이 52.70%로 가장 많았으며 ??의 出現頻度가 43.92%나 되었다. 3. 山羊의 hemoglobin phenotype는 全部 同一型으로 나타났으며 牛나 緬羊의 HbAA型에 類似하였다. The hemoglobin phenotypes and the gene frequencies of 460 cattle(430 Korean native cattle, 30 Holstein), 214 sheep(140 Corriedale, 74 Polworth) and 150 goats(60 black Korean native goats, 40 white Korean native goats, 50 Saanen hybrid) were examined by agar gel electrophoresis. The results obtained were as follows; 1. In cattle hemoglobin phenotypes, HbAA, HbAB, HbBB, HbAC and HbAD were observed and their frequencies of appearence were 78.70, 20.00, 0.43, 0.43, and 0.43 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 89.13 in ??, 10.43 in ??, 0.22 in ?? and 0.22 per cent in ??. Among the cattle hemoglobin phenotypes two hemoglobin types, HbAA and HbAB, were observed in Holstein and their frequencies of appearence were 86.67 and 13.33 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 93.33 in Hb?? and 6.67 per cent in ??. 2. In sheep hemoglobin phenotypes, HbAA, HbAB and HbBB were observed and their frequencies of appearence were 63.08, 29.91 and 7.01 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 78.04 in ?? and 21.96 per cent in ??. The distribution of gene frequency of Hb?? was 89.64 per cent in Corriedale but 56.08 per cent in Polworth. 3. Only one hemoglobin type was found in the goats and the type was similar to the HbAA type which was showed in cattle and sheep.

      • ECT (European Compression Technic) System 을 사용한 下顎骨 骨折의 治驗例

        金晤煥,申曉根,宋采炫,崔秉河,權泰鎬 全北大學校 齒醫學硏究所 1983 전북치대논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        The authors in the Dept. of Oral & Maxillo-facial Surgery.J.N.U Hospital could have the following results after treatment of eight mandibular fractures patients with the E.C.T.(European Compression Technic)System. 1. Accurate reduction of the fractured bone. 2. Minimization of the soft tissue injury during operations. 3. No post-operative intermaxillary fixation was necessary. 4. Good recovery of the occlusion.

      • 二相 流動場에서 流動樣式 判別에 關한 硏究

        박근욱,오율권 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1998 生産技術硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        The analysis of single phase flow is made easier if it can be established that the flow is either lamina or turbulent and whether any separation or secondary flow effect occurs. The information is equally useful in the study of gas-liquid flow. However, perhaps of greater importance in the latter case is the topology or geometry of the flow. When a liquid is vaporized in a heated channel the liquid and vapour generated take up a variety of configurations known as flow pattern. The particular flow pattern depends on the condition of pressure, flow, heat flux. and channel geometry. Each has a descriptive name and in the design of a heat exchanger it is desirable to know what the flow pattern or successive flow pattern are so that a hydrodynamic of heat transfer theory appropriate to that pattern can be chosen. The purpose of the present work is that flow pattern was discriminated by probability density functions corresponding to the statical measurement for electrical conductivity probe signal and flow visualization

      • 아프리카 食糧生産의 主要 規制要因

        王仁槿,權五復 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to overally analyze and examine some major derermining factors of the Sub-Saharan Africa's food production as part of a larger study primarily conducted by the second author through literature study approach. Significance of the study may lie in the fact that many latecomer developing countries in the Black African Continent have been seriously suffering from hunger and even famine, that the agricultural food production is the core of the agricultural and rural development in many of these countries, that the agricultural and rural development may be approximated to the national development itself in many countries, and that Africa as the major pocket of serious poverty and un-development of the world today is, manifestly and potentially, significantly concerned with national interests of Korea as an emerging donor firstcomer developing country in international assistance-cum-cooperation, in particular for agricultural and rural development. Five major categories of the determining factors of the food production have been selectively identified, problem- or constraint-wise. They are colonization antecedents, environments and resources, national development policy decision-makings including, of course, those of the agriculural and rural development, land tenure system, and technology and productivity. The relatively long colonization experiences by European powers the African countries had to historically undergo have had such impacts upon the food production as: the divergent use of the African native labor of the productive age bracket in mines and plantations owned and managed by Europeans of the colonizing countries, depriving the rural areas of the agricultural labor needed, plunder of good arable lands by European colonizers that were used to be cultivated for producing staple food grains, implementation of agricultural policies with special emphasis on export crops with the result of a typical monoculture farming skewedly developed, and introduction of the economic dualism. The major physical or natural environments that affect significantly the good production may be: frequent haunting of serious and wide-spread droughts in recent years, and the 'tse-tse fly' damage the extent of which, area-wise, has been estimated at nearly one-thirds of the Black African Content. Population and livestock have been rapidly increasing, resulting in ultimate consequences of deterioration of land fertility and desertification. The irrigation level is the lowest in the world, and agricultural population and economically active population in agriculture have a tendency to increase over the years, which, however, are falling behind the increasing rate of the total population. As a result, agricultural population is decreasing, relatively and absolutely. National development policies of most countries have tended to put priority on urban and industrial sectors, and agricultural policies have been concentrated on export and cash crops, neglecting food production for domestic consumption for a long time. In most cases, agricultural commodity prices have been maintained rather at a lower level, providing small farmers with little or no incentives for increased food production. Marketing functions of agricultural produce and inputs have been in the hands of governments or the public sector to have badly inappropriate performance. Traditional land tenure systems have been of communal type, allowing individuals or families to have only the usufruct, not the right of transaction, transfer or lease of lands. The traditional land tenure system, consequently, has been considered to discourage farmers' incentives for land improvement, investment in land, and flexibility in land management. The badly low level of technologies of food production and agricultural productivity at a very low level, as a result, have been noted, contributing to the lagged food production. The quantity of chemical fertilizers being used and the degree of mechanization have been very low. Damages of food crops by some exogenous crop pests have been increasing as foreign food imports have been on the increase, and the post-harvest loss of food is found high. The demand or consumption aspect of food also impinges upon the production or supply aspect, usually considered as another major derermining factor category. In this regard, however, analysis and examination of this aspect should be beyond the scope of this paper, too important to be dealt with in this paper. Therefore, with a very limited view to complementing the analysis and examination of the major determining factors of food production, the following may be summarized: over the past decade, food demand has been increasing by more than 3 percent on the average while food production by less than 2 percent annually, the most important contributing factor for the increased demand being the population increase; the impact of income may be considered as negligible; but changes in food consumption patterns seem to be a contributing factor. Alleviation or removal of major constraints of food production so far identified, or solution of Africa's food problems, may be duly considered formidable challenges at least in the foreseeably near future as long as the countries' self-generating and indigenous capacity is concerned. They need stepped-up external development assistance and cooperation primarily in the form of the efficient and effective international agricultural and rural development technology transfer.

      • 자동차 타이어 제조용 알루미늄 합금 금형 내부의 열변형 고찰

        박근욱,오율권 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2007 機械技術硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper investigated on thermal deformation of the inside of Aluminum alloy (A1-Alloy) mold for manufacturing automobile tire by the numerical and experimental works. A1-Alloy mold selected as an analysis model is composed Al-Mg system and called AC7 A as a casting material. Also, in this study, it is actually produced in a manufacturing factory and its manufacturing system was applied the method of metal casting instead of sand casting. The numerical and experimental works was performed that the temperature, displacement and stress distribution occurred inside of Al-Alloy mold was calculated by finite element method (FEM) and the temperature distribution was experimentally measured from when the molten AC7 A is injected to inner casting device until completed solidification of tire mold. The numerical results revealed that temperature distribution inside of Al-Allov mold occurred a rapid cooling from the beginning injection of casting material about 20 minutes. And, the results of displacement and stress pattern were happened at the measurement points in tread part because of the temperature difference by the rapid cooling of tire mold. The result of experimental study also revealed that measured temperature distribution was similar pattern as a numerical result. Therefore, introduced numerical method will be easily predicted the thermal characteristics of casting material during the manufacturing tire mold and will be utilized as an important data in the industries associated with automobile production.

      • KCI등재

        용접 불티 차단막의 방염 및 난연성능 평가

        권오승,이근원,하동명 한국화재소방학회 2001 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구에서는 조선 및 화학공장 등 산업현장에서 용접ㆍ용단작업 공정에서 비산 되는 불티에 의한 화재 예방를 위하여 불티 차단막에 관한 방염 및 난연 성능 평가를 실시하였다방영성능 실험결과 기존제품의 용접 불티 차단막 6종 모두 충분한 방염성능을 갖고 있었다그러나, 용접ㆍ용단 불꽃에 의한 난연성실험 결과 섬유유리에 수지코팅한 제품 2종은 용접ㆍ용단 불티에 대한 화재예방성능이 부족한 것으로 나타났다용접 불티 차단막의 최소산소지수의 국내기준은 30이상으로 고려하는 것이 좋을 것으로 사료된다용접 불티 차단막의 성능향상을 위한 지속적인 연구가 필요하며, 방염 및 난연성능 기술지침 개발의 기초자료로서 활용될 수 있을 깃으로 사료된다. This study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of flame retardant for fire precaution from sparks at welding-cutting process in industry sites such as shipbuilding yard and chemical factoryAs the results of the performance experiment, six kinds of welding blanket in samples that are used commercially had enough in the performance of flame retardantNevertheless, the performance to fire precaution on welding blanket shows that the coating product of two kinds is not sufficientThe lower oxygen index to welding blanket is considered that it is more than 30 in domestic standardWe suggested that the performance improvement of flame retardant for welding blanket need continuously, and the guideline of the flame retardant to welding blanket should be considered and established.

      • 배기계에서 비정상 가스의 소음특성에 관한 해석

        박근욱,신문섭,장옥수,오율권 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 1998 機械技術硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        일반적으로 자동차의 소음은 주로 엔진에서 발생되어서 공기를 통해 전달되는 소음과 흡·배기계를 구성하는 tube 또는 Chamber를 통하여 전달되는 소음으로 구성된다. (1) 차량소음의 주요 소음원은 흡기계의 흡기소음과 배기계의 배기소음을 들 수 있으며, 소음중 배기소음은 도시소음의 주된 요인이며 차량의 승차감을 저해하는 간접적인 원인 중의 하나이다. 따라서 일반적인 자동차에는 반드시 소음기 즉, 머플러를 부착하여 소음을 어느 정도 이하로 감소시키게 되어 있다.(2.3) 전통적으로 소음기에 대한 연구는 주로 음향필터이론에 바탕을 두고 진행되어왔으나 음향필터이론은 배기소음기의 소음감쇄작용에 대한 체계적인 이론적 설명을 제시하지는 못했다. 음향에너지의 소산(Dissipation)을 고려하지 않고 음향이론상에서 배압을 예측하는 것은 불가능하다.(4) 그로므로 본 연구에서는 내연기관의 다양한 배기시스템에 대하여, 비선형 작용을 고려하므로서 1차원 비정상 등엔트로피 분석을 이용한 특성법(5)을 사용하였으며, 이러한 분석법에 배기시스템내에서 유동현상의 완전한 처리를 위하여 준정적 유동 접근법에 근거한 경계모델을 포함시켰다. 또한 이론의 타당성을 검증하기 위하여 최근까지 연구되어져온 블로오등을 사용한 시험결과는 달리 로터리 밸브 시뮬레이터를 사용하여 압력-시간 파형을 측정하였으며 측정된 결과와 계산된 결과를 비교하여 맥동 압력파 전파 특성을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 엔진 성능과 관계된 비정상 가스유동의 거동특성을 유한진폭과 이론을 사용하여 성공적으로 예측하는 방법을 제시하는데 있으며, 각 머플러에 대한 소음감쇠특성 및 소음기의 일반적인 특성을 분석하는데 있다. This thesis describes a theoretical and experimental investigation of the pressure propagation characteristics of some basic internal combustion engine exhaust systems. The mufflers of internal combustion engine have been applied to control the exhaust noise for many years. The greatest reduction in engine noise is generally achieved through proper muffler selection. Although proper muffler selection may seem relatively simple, a numbers of considerations must be made. Additional considerations in the reduction of exhaust system noise include proper selection of piping lengths and diameters, proper mounting of exhaust system components, and proper positioning of the exhaust outlet. In the present work, account is taken of the nonlinear behavior. For sections of parallel pipe, an one-dimensional unsteady homentropic analysis is employed, and a numerical solution is obtained with the aid of a digital computer, using the concept of characteristics. This analysis is than combined with boundary models, based on a quasi-steady flow approach, to give a complete treatment of the flow behavior in the exhaust system

      • KCI등재

        Survey of Cultivation and Status of Gerbera Smart Farms

        Oh Keun Kwon,Jae Ah Jung,Myung Suk Ahn,Hyun Young Song,Manjulatha Mekapogu,Dan Hye Kim,Doo Jong Ha 한국화훼학회 2021 화훼연구 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 거베라 주산지인 경북과 경남 지역의 농가 재배 및 스마트팜 현황을 조사하고 분석하고자 수행하였다. 조사방법은 2020년 81 농가를 대상으로 대면 설문조사를 실시하였다. 거베라 경영주 연령은 50∼60대가 71.6%로 가장 많았고, 30∼ 40대가 16%, 70세 이상이 9.9%, 30세 이하는 2.5% 순이었다. 거베라 재배 경력은 5년 이하가 37%였으며, 6∼10년 25.9%, 11∼20년 29.6%, 21년 이상 농가가 7.4%였다. 재배 면적은 0.3 ∼0.6ha가 61.7%로 가장 많았고, 0.3ha 미만이 30.9%, 0.6ha 이상이 7.4%였으며, 전체 평균재배 면적은 0.37ha였다. 거베라 재배 농가당 평균 인력은 자가 노동력 2.1명, 고용 노동력 0.8명 이었다. 재배 방식에서 토경 88.9%, 양액재배 농가는 11.1%였다. 국산품종을 전체 또는 일부라도 재배하고 있는 농가는 61.7%였고 외국산 거베라 품종만 재배하고 있는 농가는 38.3% 였다. 거베라 병해충 발생조사에서 병 발생이 많았다고 응답한 농가는 91.4%였으며, 충 발생이 많았다고 응답한 농가는 98.8% 였다. 스마트팜 시스템을 설치한 농가는 12.3%였으며, 설치하지 않은 농가에서 향후 설치할 의향이 있다고 응답한 농가는 76.9% 였다. 향후 경영계획을 묻는 질문에서 현상유지 80.2%, 축소 8.6%, 경영확대 11.1%였으며, 경영 확대를 대답한 농가는 경북 지역이 8농가로 경남지역 1농가 보다 많았다. This study was conducted to investigate and analyze gerbera cultivation and the status of smart farms in Korea. The survey was conducted in person for 81 farms, in 2020. About 71.6% managers of the gerbera farms were in their 50s and 60s, 16% in their 30s and 40s, 9.9% were over 70, and 2.5% under 30. About 37% of the farmers have cultivation experience of less than five years; 25.9%, 6–10 years; 29.6%, 11–20 years; and 7.4%, over 21 years. Around 61.7% of the area under gerbera cultivation was 0.3–0.6 ha, 30.9% was less than 0.3 ha, and 7.4% was over 0.6 ha; and the average area under cultivation was 0.37 ha. The average family labor of the gerbera farms was 2.1 people and the employed labor was 0.8 people. The cultivation methods included about 88.9% soil and 11.1% nutrient cultivation farms. However, 61.7% of the farmers cultivated all or part of the domestic gerbera varieties, whereas 38.3% only cultivated foreign varieties. In the pest survey, around 91.4% of the farm managers responded to have observed different diseases, and around 98.8% farms exhibited various pests. The smart farm system has been installed by 12.3% of the farming households. However, 76.9% of farming households with no prior smart farms are planning to install them in the future. Future plans include the status quo of 80.2%, reduction in total area by 8.6% and expansion in total area by 11.1%, and around eight farms in Gyeongbuk and one farm in Gyeongnam area are planning to expand their management.

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