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      • KCI등재

        사후분해 시체에 대한 법의학적 접근

        최영식,이상용,김유훈,조갑래,이봉우,양경무,정낙은,서중석,이한영,이원태,강현욱 大韓法醫學會 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Disposal of a homicide victim by dismemberment is rare, but individual cases are on record in most major medicolegal departments. Recognition of postmortem mutilation may be of importance in the interpretation of certain murders committed by sexual perverts and other mentally deranged individuals and sometimes performed for the sole reason of easier disposal of the body. Postmortem dismemberment is usually readily recognizable as such; The edges of the injuries are dry and lack evidence of bleeding. The joints may be disarticulated without fracture, or the use of an axe or saw may be evident from examination of bones. Parallel horizontal or oblique furrows in the bone surface are caused by skipping of the saw prior to establishing depth. Such patterns on the bone may assist in identifying the particular saw involved. So we report 25 dismembered corpses that autopsied in National Institute of Scientific Investigation. This paper can help in attempting to establish not only the first criminal investigation steps but also the medicolegal approach methods in unidentified and dismembered deaths.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소타액선에 발생된 선양 낭포암

        이경호,최갑식,권경윤,김동윤 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 1997 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.27 No.1

        Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant salivary gland tumor with typical histologic patterns. The majority of these tumors occurs in the minor salivary glands, especially mucosa of the hard palate. The authors experienced the patients, who complained the tumor-like soft tissue masses on the palatal and mouth floor area. After careful analysis of clinical, radiological and histopathological findings, we diagnosed them as adenoid cystic carcinomas in the minor salivary glands, and obtained results were as follows: 1. Main clinical symptoms were a slow growing soft tissue mass with normal intact mucosa on the palatal area, and soft tissue mass with mild pain on the mouth floor area. 2. In the radiographic examminations, soft tissue masses were observed with invasion to adjacent structures, and moderate defined, heterogeneous soft tissue mass with enhanced margin, respectively. 3. In the histopathologic examminations, dark-stained, small uniform basaloid cells in the hyaline or fibrous stroma were observed as solid and cribriform patterns, respectively.

      • 성견에서 수직적 골결손부에 골이식후 교정력 적용시기에 따른 치주조직의 반응

        이상열,황현식,김경근 전남대학교 치과대학 2000 전남치대논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        The aim of this study was to investigate the periodontal response according to the timing of orthodontic force application after bone graft into the angular bony defect. Nine dogs were divided into three groups, 2, 4, and 6 weeks, according to the timing of orthodontic force application after bone graft. Periodontal angular bony defects were created surgically at the distal aspect of both maxillary third incisors. Two weeks later, flap operation was performed to eliminate inflammation and reference notch was made on the root surface at the level of the bottom of each defect. Demineralized freeze-dried bone was implanted on the left side whereas only debridement was done on the other side. Experimental tooth movement was executed during 8 weeks on both graft and non-graft sides. After 2 weeks of retention period, animals were sacrificed for histologic specimens. The results were obtained as follows: 1. New bone formation was more pronounced in the graft side than in the non-graft side in all experimental animals. 2. In the 6-week group, new bone and cementum formation was observed in more than half from the notch to the cemento-enamel junction, and the zone of connective tissue attachment was found without apical migration of junctional epithelium. 3. In the 4-week group, the amount of new bone formation was smaller than in the 6-week group whereas the overall remodeling pattern was similar. 4. New bone formation was confined to around the notch and the junctional epithelium migrated apically to the level of the notch with no connective tissue attachment and cementum formation in the 2-week group. The results of the present study suggest that periodontal response may be influenced by the timing of orthodontic force application after bone graft into angular bony defect.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 셰익스피어 비평 : 심리적 접근법과 시적 접근법 Psychological Approach vs Poetic Approach

        李京植 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 1980 人文論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        This article aims at comparing and evaluating psychological and poetic approaches, the two dominant critical methods of the 20th century Shakespeare criticism, and historical approach, another form of the 20 century critical method, has been mentioned whenever necessary. Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy which was the culminating product of psychological approach or character criticism was attacked by poetic approach later known as the New Criticism which argued that a Shakespeare play is a dramatic poem and should be dealt with as such but not as a character-novel. F.R. Leavis, L.C. Knights, D.A. Traversi-core members of the so-called Scrutiny group-and American New Critics were more or less successful in bringing about a general disparagement of Bradley's point of view as well as his psychological approach. Among them Knights was perhaps most effecient and persuasive in effecting the relegation of Bradley. In his ironical title 'How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth?' he argued that the most important thing in a play is the words on the page and that images and their verse setting should be given full consideration to. According to him, to stress character or plot is to impoverish the total response of a play and to detach a character from its natural surroundings is fatal to the proper understanding of the play. More often than not, champions of poetic approach went too far and reduced Shakespeare's plays to images and irony, explaining them as if they were a self-contained universe without any extraneous reference. As no critical method is absolute and foolproof, both psychological and poetic approaches were attacked by scholarship or historical criticism, which argued that Shakespeare should be interpreted in terms of Elizabethan political philosophy, stage conditions and dramatic conventions. Bradley's line of criticism, however, not only survived the salvo from both the historical and New Critics but also continued to prosper as critical works of so many devout Bradleyites and anti-New Critics witness. In conclusion, the ideal critical method could be obtained by integrating all the existing methods.

      • KCI등재

        King Lear의 Q₁본문

        李京植 서울大學校 人文大學 1978 人文論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        Lear는 1607년 11월 26일에 'Nathanael Butter'와 John Busby에 의해서 판권등록되었다가 1608년에 Butter에 의해서 출판되었다. 이것이 소위 Lear의 초판본인 제일사절판(이하Q₁)인 것이다. Q₁는 1619년에 1608년이란 출판연대를 갖고 출판된 Lear와 구별짓기 위해서 'Pide Bull'판이라고도 불리운다. 'Pide Bull'은 Q₁의 간기에 표시된 Q₁의 판매처이다. Lear의 Q₁는 2H6, 3H6, Romeo, Hamlet, MWW, H5 등의 익사절판들(bad Quartos)이 지닌 그런 저질의 본문(bad text)은 아니지만 여러 개의 의심스런 대목들을 갖고 있어서 R3의 Q₁와 더불어 'doubtful Quartos'로 불리우고 있다. 본 논문은 Lear의 Q₁가 지닌 본문적인 문제점들에 대한 학자들의 연구들을 개관하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Shakespeare의 철자 현대화 문제

        李京植 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 1984 人文論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        Modern-spelling editions as opposed to old-spelling editions are divided into two kinds: one is partially modernized texts or semi-popular editions and the other fully modernized texts or popular editions. A complete and absolute modern-spelling Shakespeare edition has not yet appeared because full modernization involves not a few difficult problems. Some old-spelling forms are easy to modernize. Words like lanthorn(e), murther, parfit, and vild whose interchangeable alternative forms lantern, murder, perfect, and vile also occur within the same original texts can be modernized without any loss unless rhyme is involved. It is also easy to modernize the past tense and past participial ending - ed/-'d to-ed when it is non-syllabic and to -'ed when syllabic. In Shakespeare's day a number of words were often spelt differently in accordance with a compositor's spelling preferences, text-space, type-shortage, or the exigencies of line justification. For example, hear was spelt hear, heare, and here; then as then and than; whose as whose and who's; to as to and too. Even these cases which demand a choice between two exclusive meanings can be easily modernized because context makes the choice quite easy. But difficulty arises when the ambiguity of an original edition embraces two modern words which are not clearly related in form or sense. The word travail, for instance, embraces two modern words travail and travel. No matter which one the editor chooses, he will need an annotation. Some words with final s raise a similar difficulty. Cats in an Elizabethan text may stand for modern cats, cat's, or cat is, and the sense of a passage can bear more than two of these exclusive meanings. In his Riverside Shakespeare edition which is widely recognized as the definitive edition as far as semi-popular Shakespeare editions go, Evans preserves 'a selection of Elizabethan spelling forms that reflect, or may reflect, a distinctive contemporary pronunciation' like fift or sixt (fifth or sixth), Bullingbrook(e) (Bolingbroke), conster (construe), and vild (vile) because those forms suggests, if not Shakespeare's own preferences, 'the kind of linguistic climate in which he wrote' and this approach of his avoids, he said, 'the unhistorical and sometimes insensitive levelling that full-scale modernization(never consistent itself) imposes' In 1978 Oxford University Press launched a project for a modern-spelling Oxford Shakespeare with Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor as General Editor and Associate General Editor respectively. Wells made public his modernizing principles and method in his Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling published in book form in 1979 together with Taylor's Three Studies in the Text of 'Henry V'. Wells is quite sure that he sees 'no virtue in an attempt to suggest a 'kind of linguistic climate' and that he is capable of modernizing Shakespeare without committing an 'insensitive levelling'by making provision for special cases created by wordplay, scansion, rhyme, and so forth. He also sees no advantage in preserving 'a selection of Elizabethan spelling forms' which would create a need for many more glosses. What he proposes to do is to modernize almost all the semantically indifferent variants (like banket/banquet) and as to semantically significant variants (like courtesy/curtsy/court'sy/curt'sy/cursie, metal/mettle, and travel/travail) where Shakespeare's use is significantly ambiguous, he is to 'adopt the primary sense, and annotate'. But he is to retain stage dialects and those old spellings which 'helps the reader to see that a word is not what he might otherwise suppose'. He also refuses to modernize 'sallets' to 'salads' in Hamlet's 'no sallets in the lines to make the matter savoury', for then we lose the sense of 'something tasty' and mar metre and rhyme as well. Aphetic forms like Edgar's cham (=Ich am) and forms of a characterizing touch and those of representing the speech of uneducated characters, foreigners, etc. are also preserved. Wells will modernize such proper names as Bullingbrook(e), Gertrard, Chatillion, Alanson, Rome (or Roan), Callice which have all been retained by Evans. As to the past tense and past participial ending ed, he prefers the method of representing the syncopated form by -ed and the unsyncopated form y either -ed or -?d to that of representing the former by -'d and the latter by-ed. When these endings occur in prose he means to print the normal modern form. On the whole, Wells' proposal with its considerable number of exceptions does not live up to his ambition for a fully modernized Shakepeare edition although there can be no doubt that he will modernize Shakespeare as fully as he can and certainly more than any one has ever done so far. In conclusion, there could be no doubt that Wells' Oxford edition will be a big step forward to a complete and absolute modern Shakespeare edition although it is not likely to come out in the near future.

      • 복굴절 환경하에서의 결정의 전기광학 성질 측정법

        이경식 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.1

        A method of measuring electrooptical properties of crystals possessing birefringences is presented. Electrooptic coefficient and its temperature dependence (1/n_o^3r_41) d(n_o^3r_41)/dT of a BGO crystal were determined by this technique.

      • KCI등재

        셰익스피어 first Folio : 서지학적 서론

        李京植 서울大學校人文大學 1978 人文論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        세익스피어 First Folio는 세익스피어의 첫 전집이고, 전집류로서는 세계에서 제일 비싼, 아니 돈으로는 이제 더 이상 살 수 없는 책이 되었다. F₁는 36편의 극을 수록하고 있어서 세익스피어 정정의 추축을 이루고 있다. F₁는 또한 여기에 처음 활자 화된 18편의 극들에 대해서는 유일한 권위를 갖고 있다. 이 사실들은 모두 F₁의 중요성을 말해주고 있는 것이다. 한편 F₁는 누가 언제 어떻게 출판하였는가하는 순전히 외적인 문제로부터 본문의 전달과 관계된 여러가지 내적인 문제에 이르기까지 많은 문제를 지니고 있다. 유수한 셰익스피어 본문학자들이 20세기에 들어와서 분석서지학(analytical 혹은 critical bibliography)의 도움을 얻어 이 문제들을 해결하는데 심혈을 기울였으며 그성과 또한 다대한 바 있다.

      • 栗谷의 心性觀

        李京植 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 1990 人文科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        The principle of human nature is said to be the main topic in the Korean philosophical inquiry as to human nature and natural laws. The primary concern of Yul-gok is concentrated on the explanation of human existence rather than of nature. His highest importance is placed on the structure of human nature ans the topic of virtue and vice immanent in it and his philosophy is naturally developed into the theory of human nature. On the basis of his philosophy are considered in this paper the main issues, such as the meaning of "nature, sense, will and emotion(心, 性, 情, 義)". and te theory of the four moral senses (四端)and the seven emotions(七情), together with the theory of human nature ans the senses of morality. 1. "Nature, sense, will and emotion" under lie in Yul-gok's philosophy, and their meanings and their correlation are comprehensively explained. In particular, the correlation is regarded as a whole one, and the structure of human nature is clarified on its basis. 2. The main topic of Yul-gok's view of human nature is the foru moral senses ans seven emotions. However, the four senses of morality, he says, are connoted in the seven emotions. Accordingly to him, as human nature is one, so the emotion as a whole consists of seven kinds, of which the good ones are called the four moral senses. 3. The topic and argumentation of human nature and the sense of morality are inseparable from those of the four moral senses and seven emotions. In Toi-gaeism the four moral senses and the seven emotions are two distinct things; the sense of morality and human nature, respectively. These two, however, is regarded as a whole one in Yul-gok's philosophy; the moral sense starts from moral justice, and human nature from an individual. The distinction of the two, that is, depends on the direction of the will of the human mind. According to Yul-gok, human nature can be led to the moral sense through self-reflection, for both of human nature and the sense of morality have emotion and will in itself.

      • KCI등재

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