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      • KCI등재
      • 일부 도시농촌 영유아의 빈혈에 관한 연구

        강지용,위자형,구연철 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1982 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.5 No.4

        From August to September of 1982, the study was conducted a survey of 152 urban infants and children (who visited the well baby and out patient clinic of th Department of Pediatrics of the Han Kang Sung Shim Hospital located at Young Deung Po Koo, Seoul) and of 62 rural infants and children (who are the children and infants living at Soo Dong Myun, Yang Choo Country, which is a comprehensive rural medical care demonstration area of Ewha Womans Universi-ty). The purpose of this survey has been to know the relationship between ane-mia and social demographic background, maternal child health status, and the intake of nutrition. The results were as follows : 1) The frequency of anemia in urban area was shown as 25.7% and that of rural area as 11.7%, which means that the frequency of anemia is higher in ur-ban area than in rural area. 2) In terms of the frequency of anemia according to age, the infants and chil-dren aged 12-18 months in ruban area showed a highest rate of 31.6%, and those aged 0-12 months in rural area a highest rate of 20.0%. In terms of sex, female infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than male counterparts in urban area. And male infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than female counterparts in rural area. 3) In terms of mothers, 29 year old mother were set as standard age and those under 29 years in urban area showed an frequency rate of 28.7%, and those un-der 29 years in rural area showed an frequency rate of 13.2%. This means that there was more frequency rate in the mothers under 29 years than in those above 29 years. 4) In terms of economic situation, 290,000 won per month was set as standard amound made per month. And those earning less than 290,000 won in urban areas showed an frequency rate of 35.7%, and those earning less than 290,000 won in rural area 33.3%, which means that there was more frequency of anemia among those making less than 290,000 won than those making more than 290,000 won. And this was significant in terms of statistics. 5) The more the number of siblings was, the higher the frequency of anemia was. The frequency in case of two brothers was shown as 27.6% in ruban area, and as 15.2% in rural area respectively. 6) Such things as number of parity and birth interval were not so much signi-ficant in ruban area. However, the higher the number of parity was in rural area, the higher the frequency of anemia was. And in case birth interval was long, the frequency of anemia was rather high. 7) In terms of the relationship between pregnancy and anemia symptom during pregnancy of index child those pregnant women with anemia symptom in urban area showed an frequency rate of 27.8%, and those in rural area 19.2% respecit-vely. This reveals that the frequency rate of anemia symptom of pregnant women was higher in ruban area than in rural area. 8) In case infant and children took an initial(first) step within the age under one year, those in urban area showed an frequency rate of anemia of 31.7%, which is higher than in those who took an initial step when they were above one year old. And none of the rural infant and children under the age less than one year showed any frequency rate of anemia. 9) In terms of nurition, the infant and children raised by breast feeding showed an frequency rate of anemia of 36.9% and 12.8% in urban area and rural area and rural area respectively. This means that the infant and children who were weaned after six months showed more frequency rate of anemia than those who were weaned within six months. 10) In case food intake was irregular, the frequency rate of anemia were disc-losed as 30.0% and 18.0% un ruban area and rural area respecitvely, which me-ans that irregular food intake has brought about more frequency rate of anemia than regular food intake. And in case iron contained food was rarely taken, the frequency rates of anemia were 25.0% and 3.6% in urban area and rural area respectively. This shows that rarely taking of iron conained food has led to more frequency rate of anemia than frequently taking of iron contained food.

      • 1980年度 痢疾樣 大便을 가진 患兒들에 對한 臨床的 細菌學的 觀察

        趙龍勳,南聖枝,具滋薰,安斗洪,薛盛用 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        1980年 1月부터 1980年 8月까지 滿 8個月間 痢疾樣 大便을 主訴로 本 小兒科에서 入院및 來院한 患兒 75名을 對象으로 臨床的, 細菌學的 觀察을 하여 다음과 같은 咸績을 얻었다. 年齡別 分布는 1歲에서 5歲 사이가 35例(47%)로 가장 높았으며 이들中 Shigella는 23例(30%), Entameba histolytica는 13例(17%)였고 Vibrio parahaemolyticus는 한 例도 檢出되지 않았다. 檢出된 Shigella 23菌株는 모두 Shigella flexneri 였다. 月別分布는 6月 16例(20%), 7月 30例(40%)로서 最多數를 占하였으나 細菌性 痢疾의 경우 月別에 관계없이 均等하게 分布하고 있었다. 臨床症狀및 理學的 所見으로는 細菌性痢疾의 경우 38℃ 以上의 發熱 19例(83%), 嘔吐 6例(26%), 腹痛 8例(35%), 痙攣 5例(22%)였으며, 아메바性 痢疾에서는 發熱 4例(31%), 痙攣 1例(8%)로서 細菌性 痢疾에서 아메바性 痢疾보다 發熱과 痙攣이 빈번히 나타났다. 泄瀉의 性狀에서는 細菌性 痢疾 23例中 血粘液性이 19例(83%)였는데 비해 아메바性 痢疾 13例에서는 粘液性이 8例(62%)였다. 泄瀉의 回數에서도 細菌性 痢疾에서는 대부분이 11回以上이었는데 比해 아메바性 痢疾에서는 대부분이 10回未滿이었다. 末梢血液에서의 白血球數는 全例의 35%에서 白血球 增多症을 보였다. 分離된 Shigella 23菌株에 對한 抗生劑 感受性 檢査를 平板混合포稀釋法에 依해 調査해 본 結果 kanamycin, gentamicin, amikacin, cephaloridine, rifampin이 100%의 感受性을 나타내어 가장 높았고, nalidixic acid에서도 87%의 感愛性을 나타냈으며, sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, tetracycline, ampicillin, bactrim 에서는 한 菌株를 제외한 모든 菌株에서 耐性을 나타냈다. 그리고 이들 Shigella 23菌株中 1菌株를 제외한 나머지 모든 菌株에서 6種 以上의 抗生物質에 對해 多抗生物質耐性을 보여 주었다. A clinical and laboratory study was conducted on 75 children with dysentery-like stool, who were admitted or visited to our pediatric department during 8 months period from January to August 1980. The following results were obtained: One to five years of age group was affected most frequently (47%). Shigella flexneri was identified by stool culture in 23 cases (30%) and Entameba hitolytica in 13 cases (17%). In bacillary dysentery group, fever was the most common symptom occuring in 83%, followed by abdominal pain in 35%, vomiting in 26% and convulsion in 22%. In amoebic dysentery group, fever was noted in 31% and convulsion in 8%, showing some contrast to the frequency of fever and CNS manifestation. About the character of diarrheal stools, 83% of bacillary dysentery group showed bloody, mucoid stool and 62% of amoebic dysentery group mucoid ones. Frequency of diarrhea was 11 times per day or more in 73% of bacillary dysentery patients, and 10 times per day or less in 92% of amoebic dysentery patients. The result of sensitivity test of isolated Shigella to various antibiotics were as follow: 100% sensitive to kanamicin, gentamicin, amikacin, cephaloridine and rifampin. 87% to nalidixic acid, and 4.3% to sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, tetracyclin, ampicillin and bactrim. And 22 out of 23 isolated Shigella strains revealed multiplydrug-resistance patterns to 6 or more antibiotics.

      • Slurry Wall 工法에서 多層土를 고려한 3次元 安定解析

        全夢角,具滋甲,金永哲 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.42 No.2

        In order to determine safety factor of slurry wall during excavation, the extended model, considering the effects of ground water level, external load and multilayered soil, of Bell, Piaskowski / Kowalewski and Washbourne model is presented. A computer program, called DW3D, is developed from this study. The stability analysis of slurry walls is carried out by investigating the effects of the density of slurry, ground water level, friction angle of soil, length of trench, external load and multilayered soil.

      • KCI등재

        전이함수 ARIMA를 이용한 활성슬러지 공정의 모델화

        김신걸,구자용 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        The activated sludge method was initially developed in Manchester, England, and has been modified. Also, the reactions in the activated sludge had been studied, and were consolidated with the ASM No. 1 (Activated sludge model No. 1) in 1987. This model deals with most parts of the activated sludge process. But, it is hard to say that the ASM No. 1 is easy or correct because it has many parameters and it is difficult to estimate correct values. If we have correct and easy method to analyze them, if II be a good thing. The activated sludge process is the method using the microbe' s growth. So, Important factors in the process are a influent COD, DO, and MLSS related to the microbes growth. We analyzed those factors with the transfer-ARIMA model, and estimated the effluent COD. The models have been used by daily data and decided four times every season. The forecast is accomplished by them in the following month. The modeling procedures are composed of three steps; identification, estimation, and forecast. The cross-correlation analyses in the identification step is used to test factor's validity. Proper parameters in the estimation step are selected by AIC (Akaike information criterion), SBC (Schwartz's Bayesian criterion), and chi-square test and estimated by the least square method. In the forecasting step, the computed values by the models were compared with the real values using the correlation coefficient, the standard deviation, and MAE (Means of absolute errors). The result compared the computed values with real values was as the followings; the correlation coefficient was ranged from 0.73 to 0.84, MAE was ranged from 4.8% to 7.3%, the standard deviation was from 0.58 to 0.98. As the result of simulating the following month, the correlation coefficient was raged from 0.73 to 0.85, MAE was ranged from 3.8 to 8.6%, and the standard deviation was ranged from 0.42 to 0.65.

      • 물류네트워크 설계를 위한 실용적 접근 방법

        宋省憲,구자용 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1995 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of the paper is to suggest a decision supporting method applicable to the real world for determining the locations of logistics centers and their service areas. It doesn't simply suggest the unique optimal locations minimizing the related logistics costs. In stead, it computes the logistics costs and the service level for each logistics network alternative. For the given network the optimal flow quantities from suppliers to logistics centers and from logistics centers to customers can be obtained by solving the minimum cost allocation model. By adding the transportation costs obtained from the minimum cost allocation model and other fixed and variable operating costs of location centers the total related logistics costs can be calculated. It allows the decision maker to consider both of the aspects of quantity and quality.

      • 복합재료 로케트 노즐의 구조해석

        정훈,구자예,이수용 한국 항공대학교 항공산업기술연구소 1995 航空宇宙産業技術硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.5 No.-

        복합재료 로케트 노즐에 대한 유동해석, 열전달해석, 응력 및 파손해석을 수행하여 노즐 구조물의 특성을 파악하였다. 유동해석은 FLUENT 프로그램을 이용하여 수행되었고, 축대칭 유한요소 프로그램을 개발하여 열전달해석 그리고 응력 및 파손해석이 수행되었다. 본 연구에서는 노즐의 각 부위에 대해 재료 선택 변화에 따른 특성을 파악하고 또한 복합재료의 적층각도 혹은 회전각도 변화에 대한 해석 및 온도에 의한 강도변화를 고려하여 해석을 수행하였다. Composite rocket nozzles were analyzed for the characteristics of flow, heat transfer, stress, and failure. The flow analysis was performed using FLUENT program and an axisymmetric finite element program was developed for the analysis of heat transfer and stresses. In this paper, the characteristics of the rocket nozzle were evaluated by changing composite materials for the parts of the nozzle. The analysis was also performed for the variation of strength due to temperature as well as for the variation of fiber orientation and rotation.

      • KCI등재

        초고진공용 주사형 터널링 현미경의 제작

        김달현,박해원,이세경,구자용,김구영 韓國非破壞檢査學會 1994 한국비파괴검사학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        진공도가 10-¹¹Torr 수준의 초고진공 상태에서 작동되고 실제공간에서 개별원자를 구별할 수 있는 주사형 터널링 현미경을 제작하였다. 주사형 터널링 현미경의 배경 및 작동원리와 제작에 있어서의 제문제점들을 서술하고 흑연결정과 실리콘에 대해서 관찰한 결과를 보고한다. A scanning tunneling microscope has been built, which can resolve atomic arrangements of conductors and semiconductors in ultra high vacuum below 10-¹¹Torr. Its background operational principles are reviewed and the guide lines in building the scanning tunneling microscope are shown. The results of measurements for highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and Si(111) surface are presented

      • 동백종실 및 유박의 식품으로서의 이용성 검토

        김영환,정현숙,김용두,최옥자,강성구 順天大學校 師範大學 附屬 科學敎育硏究所 1997 科學과 敎育 Vol.5 No.-

        동백종실의 이용성을 검토하기 위해서 NaCl(1.5%), ethanol(99.9%), blanching의 방법으로 쓴맛을 제거하여 관능검사를 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 동백종실의 쓴 맛을 제거하는데는 NaCl용액보다는 알콜이 더 효과적이었으며, blanching, NaCl용액 및 알코올을 병행처리 하였을때 쓴맛이 잘 제거되었다. 그러나 동백종실은 알맹이로 되어 있어 쓴맛의 제거에 많은 시간이 소요되고, 완전하게 쓴맛이 제거되지 않으므로 종실자체를 식품으로 이용하는 것은 문제점이 있다고 생각된다. 2. 동백유박의 쓴맛제거는 증류수와 NaCl용액에서도 쓴맛이 거의 제거되었으며, 알콜의 경우는 30% 농도일 때 가장 효과가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 동백유박은 동백종실에 비하여 쓴맛의 제거가 훨씬 더 용이하였으며, 식품재료로서의 이용가능성에 대한 기호도가 높은 것으로 나타나 이를 이용한 식품의 개발은 가능하다고 생각된다. This study was carried out to investigate the utilization of Camellia seed and defatted Camellia seed flour as food. We removed bitter taste of Camellia seed and defatted Camellia seed flour by using NaCl solution, ethanol, and blanching method. The following are the results of a sensory evaluation. 1. It was bitter taste rather than color or flavor which has made a great effect on the possibility of utilization for food materials. Alcohol was more effective than NaCl solution in removing bitter taste of Camellia seed, while bitter taste was easily removed when the processing with blanching, NaCl solution, and alcohol was employed. Since Camellia seed was consisted of grain, however, much time was needed to remove bitter taste. Because bitter taste wasn't perfectly removed, it has a problem in using Camellia seed for food materials. 2. Bitter taste of the defatted Camellia seed flour was almost removed in the distilled water, NaCl solution, and alcohol with a variety of concentrations. When various concentrations of alcohol were used, 30% concentration worked best, Bitter taste of defatted Camellia seed flour was removed more easily than that of Camellia seed. In conclusion, it is thought to be possible to develop into food, because of a high possibility of utilization as food materials

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