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      • 국내 초·중·고등학교 홈페이지의 생물 교육 정보에 관한 활용 실태 분석

        김유정,김현섭,김종균,박영철 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1998 과학교육연구 Vol.29 No.1

        인터넷은 세계적인 흐름과 정보를 필요로 하는 수요의 증가에 편승하여 교육 정치, 문화 등 사회 전반적으로 필요성이 커지고 있다. 학교 홈페이지는 인터넷 자체에 대한 교육에 활용될 수 있다. 특히 인터넷을 활용한 과학 교육은 학습자의 적극적인 참여를 유도 할 수 있으며, 학습자 스스로 교육 내용과 방법을 구성할 수 있는 열린 과학 교육의 장을 제공할 수 있다. 따라서 국내 초·중·고등학교 홈페이지의 실태와 문제점 분석은 원격 교육을 통한 효과적인 교육, 특히 생물 교육을 위해 종합적이고 분석적인 연구가 절실히 요구된다. 이러한 연구를 통해 현재 국내 학교 홈페이지의 문제점을 분석하고, 사용자들의 관심도와 그 활용 실태를 분석하여 개선 방향을 제시하는게 본 연구의 목적이다. 각 학교 홈페이지의 평가 기준에 의한 점수를 분석한 결과, 초등 학교의 경우 모든 학교가 50점 미만의 점수를 얻었고, 50점 이상의 학교는 중학교가 약 14.3%, 고등 학교가 15%로 나타났다. 선정된 학교를 지역별로 보면, 서울이 가장 많은 학교가 있었고, 그 외엔 부산, 광주, 경기도 등의 순으로 나타났다. 국내 초·중·고등학교 홈페이지는 대부분 학교 소개에 국한되어 있으며, 학습자의 참여도 대부분 하루평균 1회에서 2회로 사용 빈도가 활발치 못한 것으로 분석되었다. 교사의 학습자들에 대한 보습, 지도 효과는 거의 없는 것으로 나타났고, 정보의 효율성을 뒷받침하는 정보 교환 장소는 형식적인 게시판 정도에 불과하였으며 관련된 정보 역시 학습자들의 활용에 효율성이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 생물 정보의 경우, 초등학교는 F, G, L학교만이 과학 관련 자료를 싣고 있었다. F학교는 자연에 대한 유익한 자료들이 연결되어 있지만 구성력이 없으며 그 대부분이 외국 자료이고, G학교는 동식물에 관한 자료만 얻을 수 있었고, L학교는 과학 관련 정보가 빈약하였다. 중학교는 C, Q, R, T, U학교만이 과학 관련 자료가 연결되어 있었다. C학교는 홈페이지에서 직접 관련 자료로 이동 할 수 없는 불편한 점이 있었고 과학 관련 자료도 비체계적이어서 학습자들이 쉽게 이용할 수 없다. 자료 역시 대부분 외국 자료이므로 외국어에 능숙하지 못한 학습자들의 활용에 어려움이 따른다. T학교의 경우, Oomph!에 연결되어 과학 관련 자료를 얻을 수 있는데, 이 학교는 국내 중학교 중 가장 많은 자료가 수록되어 있었으며 분야별로 체계적이지는 못했지만 비교적 외국 자료가 적어 학습자들의 교과 활동에 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났다. 고등학교는 E, F, I, J, L, N, S, T학교가 과학 관련 자료가 연결되어 있었다. B학교는 보물창고란에 물리에 10개의 사이트, 화학에 14개, 생물에 17개, 지구과학에 15개가 연결되어 국내 고등 학교 중 가장 많은 자료를 올려놓고 있지만 보물창고란 모두 외국 자료이므로 외국어 해독 능력이 부족한 학습자들의 정보 이용에 큰 도움을 주지 못하는 것으로 분석되었다. I와 S, T학교는 분야별로 세분되지는 않았지만 개인 또는 대학에 있는 생물 관련 학과와 연결해 놓는 등 국내 학생들의 정보 활용에 어느 정도 기여하고 있었다. J학교 생물부에서 주요활동으로 하는 실험 내용과 외국 자료를 실어 놓았으나 그 지식은 일부 분야에 국한되어 있고 조직화되어 있지 않았다. 따라서 국내 초·중·고등학교 홈페이지의 생물 자료는 몇 개의 학교가 연결되어 있으나 체계적이지 못할 뿐 아니라 전문 지식이 없으며 외국 자료가 많아 국내 학습자들의 교과 활용에 어려움이 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 조사 결과를 바탕으로 학교 홈페이지의 생물 교육 정보 자료의 질적 향상을 위해 활용 실태를 분석하고 그 개선 방안을 제시하는데 의의가 있다. The necessity of the Internet has been increasing more and more in the educational, political, cultural and social areas due to the increasing need for information. Homepages established by each school can be used for Internet education. In particular, science education through Internet will induce positive participation of students and provide learners with opportunities for self-directed learning. Therefore, diagnosis and analysis through systematic and analytic research of problems of homepages created by preliminary and secondary schools are highly needed to promote efficient education, particularly in the biology education field. The purpose of this research is to suggest ways to improve school homepages in turns of user's concerns and appearances based on analyzed results. Based on the analysed results using evaluation tools, all primary schools got under 50 points, and only 14.3% of middle schools and approximately 15% of high schools got over 50 points out of a possible 100 points. In respect to regional homepage distribution, Seoul placed first in the number of schools. Pusan, Kwangju and Kyunggi Province followed. The role of most school homepages surveyed was limited to introducing their schools, and learners visit these sites only one or two times a day, and not enough educational information was revealed to be efficient. Teacher's instruction regarding homepages was found to be ineffective. In addition, info-exchange place supporting information exchange efficiency was limited to formal bulletin boards, and information relating to learning also turned out to be unhelpful to learner's usage. In the case of the primary school, only F, G and L schools uploaded data connected with science especially in the field of biology. In F school, although it links with useful data about nature, those data appear to be unsystematic and link too many foreign data. G school only provides data relating to zoology and botany, and L school loads very little science-related data. In the case of the middle school, only C, Q, R, T and U schools have data relating to science. C school has a defect in direct linking with related data in homepage. Also, users incapable of foreign language skills can not make use of the data because it is unsystematic and written in a foreign language. But T school links "Oomph!" so that student can obtain some data relating to science. This school retains more Korean data than the other domestic middle school homepages though it is unsystematic. In the case of the high school, E, F, I, J, L, N, S and T school homepages link with science data. B school loads more data than the domestic high schools, which links with 10 physics sites, 14 chemistry sites, 17 biology sites, 15 earth science sites. However, the "Treasure box" sector is composed of foreign data, which is unhelpful to learners who are not good at foreign languages. Though I, S and T school homepages do not classify the data by each field, they link with private or domestic university biology sites, so students can use them. J school loads foreign data and the texts of laboratory activities in its biology section, but they are unsystematic and limited. In conclusion, few domestic school homepages link with data relating to biology. Those data are unsystematic, have no specialized knowledge and contain too much foreign data, so there are many difficulties in using them for domestic learners. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to suggest the improvements for enhancing the quality of biology instruction information through homepages based on analysis of homepage problems for both users and owners.

      • 職業供血者의 血色素 및 血淸鐵値

        金鍊珠,田在秀,元鍾德,鄭樂燮,徐炳俊,李文鎬 中央醫學社 1940 中央醫學 Vol.9 No.3

        To satisfy the increasing needs for blood transfusion it is necessary not only to find new blood donors but also to repeat the collection of blood from the same donors. It was recognized that too frequent blood donations might become detrimental to the health of the donor, above all in female donors in foreign countries where the blood program relies on voluntary donation. Unfortunately, the sources of much blood depends solely on professional donors except in a few instances in Korea. Thus, anemia of professional donors after repeated blood donation must be controlled. For this purpose, we studied hemoglobin levels and serum iron levels of professional donors, coming to Korean Red Cross Blood Service and Seoul Medical College Hospital. The data obtained in this study were as follows: (1) 6. 0% of male professional donors and 17.98% of female professional donors were disqualified owing to a low hemoglobin levels. On the other heand, only 0.8% of male voluntary donors and 10.6% of female voluntary donors were rejected. (2) 7.3% of male donors and 33.3% of female donors were rejected their donations because of low hemoglobin levels on their 5-6th visits. (3) The serum iron levels appeared to be decreased after repeated blood donations. Specially, serum iron levels of female donors decreased to 73. 6 mcg. /d. after 2-4 blood donations yearly. So, it might be recommended to limit the frequency of blood donations from female.

      • 豚의 腎動脈 分布狀態

        金鍾涉 慶尙大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        By employing the vinylite and neoprene latex corrosion technique the ramification and arrangement of A.Renalis were observed in fifty adult swine. The results obtined were as follows; 1. A single renal artery arising on each side from abdominal aorta was bifurcated into R. cranialis and R. caudalis wich were ramified 1-3 segmental arteries, respectively. 2. The ventral surfaces of the kidney were divided separately itto 2-4 arterial segments by running of the segmental artery itto the parenchyma. Among them four segments were mostly frequent(85%). 3. A. segmenti dorsalis was originated from R. cranialis(69%), R. caudalis, R. cranialis et caudalis, R. cranalis et A. renalis and A. renalis, but in 13% this artery was not appeared. 4. A. segmenti doraslis distributed extensively. Also the shapes of them were various. 5. A. polaris renalis was not observed.

      • Guinea pig의 腹腔動脈과 前腸間膜動脈에 관하여

        金鍾涉,朴重錫,曺台純 慶尙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        In order to investigate the variation in the pattern of origin of the celiac and the cranial mesenteric arteries, forty-four specimens (guinea pig) anesthetized by ethyl ether were heparinized and exsanguinated. Neoprene latex solution was injected into common carotid artery of thirty-two specimens for gross dissection. Twelve specimens angiography were prepared by injecting fifty per cent of barium sulfate solution into exsanguinated animals and then radiographed on a soft X-ray apparatus (Shimadzu Waltes 60). 1. The celiac artery and the cranial mesenteric artery were observed to be arosed mostly from a common trunk of the abdominal aorta, the celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(68.2%), but in three animals from thirty specimens an anastomotic branch was examined between the abdominal aorta and the celiac artery(6.8%). 2. The celiac artery and the cranial mesenteric artery were branched from separated origin of the abdominal aorta(31.8%), and an anastomotic branch was examined between the celiac artery and the celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(6.8%) in three animals from thirty specimens. 3. the hepatic artery was arosed from three different origin such as celiac artery branched from celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(45.4%), celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(22.2%) and the celiac artery branched from the abdominal aorta(31.8%).

      • Effects of Food Import and Source Diversification on Food Security

        Kim,Chong-Sup,La,Jung-Joo 서울대학교 경제연구소 2009 經濟論集 Vol.48 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of food import and source diversification on the stability of food price. The paper shows that high import reliance is helpful to reduce the price variability for banana, pineapple, tomato, spice, poultry meat, wine, maize, and bovine meat, whereas there are some exceptions like cabbage. This means that self-sufficiency for most of the foods is not good for the stability of price. As for diversification of food import source, diversification is helpful to reduce the variability of import price for banana, pineapple, tomato, spice, poultry meat, wine, apple, grape, orange, tea, pig meat, tobacco, and cabbage. In addition, a country should diversify more its import source in order to stabilize import price when it is importing food from developing countries than when it is importing from developed ones. This is probably because developed countries, with better infrastructure for agriculture, can maintain more stable production and price.

      • Vinyl腐蝕法에 依한 在來山羊 脾柱靜脈의 區域的 走行에 關한 硏究

        金鍾涉,金武剛,金容根,元鳳來 慶尙大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The studies were conducted to observe the segmental running of splenic trabecular veins, employing the vinylite corrosion technique in sixty adult Korean goats, and the following results were obteined: 1. The splenic trabecular veins of the goat were collected into 5 chief Rami of the splenic veins(called Rr. superior, media et inferior, Vv. polares superior et inferior), and the splenic parenchyma was divided into 3-8 intralienal venous segments by the course of trabecular veins. 2. Each intralienal venous segment was divided into 2-4 minute segments, therefore 7-22 minute segments were observed in the spleen. 3. The anastomoses were found between segments or minute segments. 4. The splenic arterial and venous system of the Korean goat took a individual course in the splenic parenchyma respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        수부화상의 이차적 치료

        김용배,방유현,이진호,박종섭 大韓成形外科學會 1983 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.10 No.3

        A functionless hand resulting from the sequalae of a thermal burn is very serious. It prevents restoration of socioeconomic behavior. Since the magnitude of this problem is rewards for the most deligent and competent primary care greater. It can not be emphasized too strongly the result of good primary care are always superior to what one can expect from secondary restoration. The pathogenesis of the functionless hand is caused by a triad of factors resulting from thermal injury that together lead to the rapid stiffening of joints and adhesion of tendons. This triad of factors is edema, inflammation, and immobilization. (Beasley, 1981) Thus, the principles for primary care of burned hands leading to rapid recovery and minimal complications are now established and many kinds of methods are proposed. But, despite much effort, many circumstances prevent ideal primary care and we are still confronted with the need for secondary repairs. Secondary repair of burned hands requires a careful, cojmprehensive and individualized plan for each patien, and with due respect to all the patient's problems. We reviewed 42 cases of the postburn hand deformities which were operated on in our Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 1976 to 1981.

      • Vinyl腐蝕法에 依한 한우비주정맥의 區域的 走行에 關한 硏究

        金鍾涉 진주농과대학 1970 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.9

        The studies were conducted to ramify the splenic trabecular veins by injection of Vinylite into the splenic veins in twenty five adult Korean Cattle. The following results were obtained. 1. Splenic trabecular veins of bovine were collected from 3 chief Rami lienales; Rr. superior, inferior and V. polaris superior, of the splenic veins, and the splenic parenchyma was ramified to 5-11 intralienal-venoses Segmente by the course of the trabecular veins. 2. Each one of the intralienal-venoses Segmente was dealt with 2-4 Teilsegments, therefore, the splenic parenchyma was ramified from 13 Teilsegmente in minimum to 35 Teilsegmente in maximum. 3. The distribution of the veins in the spleens was divided into 7 types by the number of intralienalvenoses Segment, and also was 15 kinds by collecting veins, Rr. superior et inferior and V. polaris superior. 4. The anastomosis was observed in the intralienal-venoses Segmente or Teilsegmente. 5. Generally the splenic veins and arteries were like each other, but when observed minutely, they were unlike.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        국소침 윤마취시 Epinephrine 효과에 대한 관찰

        金鳳謙,金容培,方裕鉉,朴種燮,柳在德 大韓成形外科學會 1983 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.10 No.1

        The local anesthetics play a central and frundamental role, for they comprise, probably, the single most widely used group of durgs in the field of plastic surgery. Also many plastic surgical procedures require the use of a vasoconstrictor to reduce operative bleeding under both general and local anesthesia. Among local anesthetics, lidocaine, introduced by Lofgren in 1948, is one of most widely used local anesthetics and most frequently used for infiltration anesthesia with 0.5% to 1 0%solution. Also eqinephrine is one of the most potent and most useful vasoconstrictors for admixture with thesolution of local anesthetics for infiltration of tissue. In the clinical practice, it has been said that the concentration of lidocaine and epinephrine should be kept at the minimal level of effectiveness because of the epinephrine performs a dual service when is combined with lidocaine. In order to clarify the minimum concentration of the lidocaine and epinephrine respectively necessary for adequate duration of anesthesia, with less irritation of local tissue and less bleeding, the clinical observation and animal experiment were undertaken, and the following results were summarized. The most effective skin blanching by epinephrine was obtained with epinephrine concentration of 1 : 50,000 although some effect was still presented with epinephrine concentration of 1 : 800,000. The onset of maximum skin blanching following the local infiltration of lidocaine with epinephrine(1 : 50,000 to 1 : 400,000) was within 5 minutes and was lasting 20 to 40 minutes. When the skin incision was made 5 minutes to 15 minutes following local infiltration of epinephrine, the amount of bleeding was markedly decreased and no significant difference in the time of hemostasis was noticed(p〉0.1). Also no significant difference in the time of hemostasis was noticed in the different concentration (1 : 100,000 and 1 : 200,000) of epinephrine(p〉0.1). The optimum concentration of epinephrine is between 1 : 200,00 to 1 : 400,000 solution and the optimum concentration of lidocaine is 0.5%.

      • KCI등재

        Education Policy and Industrial Development : The Cases of Korea and Mexico

        Kim,Chong-Sup,Hong,Min-Kyung 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2010 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.17 No.2

        After many scholars' studies, it has been suggested that among several facts of economic growth, Korea's relatively intensive investment in education made its fast economic growth possible. This study started from the question of whether large education expenditure automatically leads to a fast economic growth. We suggest that the expenditure must be allocated to the education level that is in accordance with the industrial policy, which in turn must consist with the country's economic development stage. In Korea, the education sector supplied workers with adequate level of education that was required in each stage of development, whereas in Mexico, the supply of workers by education level was mismatched with the demand for labor derived from the industrial structure at each development stage. We conclude that not only the size of the expenditure but also its efficient use is important to guarantee the positive effects of education expenditure on economic growth.

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