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      • 前腕部 經穴 取穴에서 骨度分寸法과 一夫法의 比較 硏究

        박히준,채윤병,차웅석,박종배,이혜정,이향숙,인창식,고형균,김수영,최일환,김강식,문정배,배기태,유경환,육근영,정병주,손인철,임사비나 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2004 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2004 No.-

        Background : The cun measurement System, an essential and convenient method in locating acupoints, has been widely used in the practice of acupuncture. However, traditional cun measurement has been criticized for its lack of reliability. Objectives : The purposes of this study are to determine if one cun measured by the directional methods have a consistency with that of proportional methods and to investigate which factors are related with these differences, especially in forearm. Methods : The distance between the elbow crease and the wrist crease of forearm was compared to a reference value of one cun obtained by the directional method. In this method, one cun is one third of the distance between index finger and Small finger of a subject, measured at proximal interphalangeal joint. In addition, to investigate the factors influencing the differences between these two methods, we measured the height and body weight and calculated body mass index (BMI). Finally we analyzed the factors correlated with these lengths by linear regression test. Results : The results showed that one cun obtained by the directional methods were significantly different from one cun by the proportional methods in forearm. It was demonstrated that the length acquired with the directional method was more correlated with body weight and body mass index, while the length obtained by the proportional method was more correlated with the height.

      • 은행잎 플라보놀배당체에 대한 셀루라제류의 영향

        배기환,민병선,백흠영,안병준 충남대학교 암연구소 1991 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.1 No.1

        The extractability and stability of ginkgoflavonolglycosides under presence of several cellulase preparations were investigated. The enzymes used were macerosin, cellulase C and cellulase NC. The content variation of the glycosides was measured with HPLC method, using caffeic acid as an internal standard. The methanol extract of ginkgo leaf, containing the total flavonolglyco-sides of 4.46%, was used for the content comparison. By extraction with the enzymes, each or mixed, the peak levels of all the glycosides began to decrease after 1 or 2 hours. After 24 hour extraction, most of the glycosides were degraded to minor components. The flavonolglycosides in ginkgo leaf were also hydrolysed simply by the water extraction. After 24 hour extraction with water at 40°C, the peak levels of major glycosides were distinctly decreased. Rutin was hydrolysed by enzyme treatment or by ginkgo leaf itself. As a result, it was concluded that the commercially available cellulases and the ginkgo leaf itself contain the activities of β-glycosidase and α-rhamnosi-dase. Kaempferol-3-0-(6' -0-p-coumaroylglucosyl)-rhamnoside and four other ginkgo flavonolglycosides were not hydrolysed under the same condition."

      • 포도 Delaware의 無核果生産을 위한 Streptomycin利用 試驗(Ⅲ)

        裵基煥,朴相眩,安相烈 진주산업대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        前 試驗에 이어 SM混用區의 GA_3濃度를 100PPM으로 높이고 處理時期의 폭을 滿開期前 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8일로 하여 GA_3單用의 대체 可能性을 試驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 滿開期는 兩 主區 모두 無處理보다 2~3일 빨랐다. 2. 熟期는 兩 主區 모두 無處理보다 25일 정도 早熟되었다. 3. 無核化率은 混用區에서 56個區 중 2個區가 有核粒이 1~2개 나타났고, 單用區는 56個區 中 13個區에서 1~3個의 有核粒이 나타났다. 4. 收穫果房狀態는 兩 主區間에는 有意差가 인정되지 않았고, 各 細區間에는 果房長에서만 5%수준 以上의 有意差를 보여 處理時期가 빠를수록 길어졌다. The studies were conducted continuously following previous test to determine the possibility of uitilization with streptomycin for seedless berries production in Delaware grapes. The two main plots which were applied with different chemicals (combind solution of GA_3(100PPM)+SM(200PPM), GA_3(100PPM) alone solution) as pre-bloom application and the seven split plots according to days applied before full bloom were designed. The results obtained were as follows ; 1. The days of full bloom in both main plots was accelerated by two to three days compared with that in the untreatment. 2. The days of maturity in both main plots was accelerated by twenty-five days compared with that in the untreatment. 3. In combined solution plots, seed holding bearies were found in two out of fifty-six plots, but in alone solution plots they were found in thirten out of fifty-six plots. 4. The status of cluster harvested in both main plots were nonsignificant, but the lenght of cluster havested in each split plot were singificant at the 5 percent level.

      • 棉實의 筋收縮, 血壓降下 및 過血糖作用

        배기환 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1984 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the action of water extract of Gossypium Semen(GWE). It was clarified that GWE caused the contraction of an isolated frog's rectus abdominis muscle, the fall of the blood pressure in a rabbit, and the hyperglycemia in a hen.

      • 포도 Muscat Bailey A의 安定生産을 위한 Gibberellin 處理試驗 (1)

        裵基煥 진주산업대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        포도 Muscat Bailey A는 品種의 生産安定을 期하기 위하여, 이 地方에 알맞는 Gibberellin의 單回處理의 適期를 모색코저 100ppm. 濃度로써 滿開 直後(G_1區)와 滿開後 4日(G_2區), 7日(G^3區), 10日(G_4區), 13日의 處理區(G_5區)를 두어 그 處理가 果房에 미치는 影響을 調査하였던 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 熱期는 處理區가 無處理區에 비하여 1∼2日 程度 이르고, G_1區는 다른 處理區에 비하여 1日 정도 遲延되는 傾向이 있었다. 2. 果房長은 無處理區에 비하여 G_1, G_2區만이 길고, 其他의 處理區는 有意差가 없었다. 3. 果房重은 處理區가 모두 無處理區에 비하여 무겁고, 各 處理區間에는 有意差가 없었다. 4. 着粒數는 無處理區에 비하여 G_1區만이 많고, 其他의 處理區는 有意差가 없었다. 5. 平均果粒重은 G_1區를 除外하고는 各 處理區가 모두 無處理區에 비하여 무거웠고, 이들 各 處理區間에는 有意差가 없었다. 6. 果房內 4g 未滿의 小粒含有率은 無處理區에 비하여 G_1區는 현저히 높으나, 반대로 G^3, G_4, G_5區는 현저히 낮으며, G_2區는 有意差가 없었다. 7. 以上의 今年度의 試驗結果로 미루어서는 本品種에 대한 處理適期는 滿開後 7日부터 13日 사이에 있는 것으로 思料된다. In order to find the best time of gibberellin application for safe production of Muscat Bailey A grapes, this study was designed. GA_3 at 100 ppm concentration was applied by dipping the clusters in accordance with the designed treatments. The designed treatment were the following 5 kinds :G_1 treatment applied on the first day, G_2 treatment on the 4th day, G_3 treatment on the 7th day, G_4 treatment on the 10th day, G_5 treatment on the 13th day after full bloom. The results were as follows: 1. The maturities in all treatments were forced by one or two days compared with that in untreatment. 2. The cluster's lengths in G_1 and G_2 treatments were long, but those in the otder treatments were not different significantly, compared with that in untreatment. 3. The cluster's weights in all treatments were heavy compared with that in untreatment, but significant differences were not shown between those in these treatments. 4. The number of berries per cluster in G_1 treatment was largy, but those in the other treatments were not different significantly, compared with that in untreatment. 5. The mean weights of berry in the other treatmendts except G_1 treatment were heavy compared with that in untreatment, but significant differences were not shown between those in those treatments. 6. The percentage of light berries not exceeding 4gr. in G_1 treatment was remarkbly high, but on the contrary those in G_3, G_4 and G_5 treatments were remarkbly low, and that in G_2 treatment was not different significantly, compared with that in untreatment. 7. From the results of this study,I judged that the best time for gibberellin application was from the 7th day to 13th day after full bloom.

      • 포도 Delaware의 無核果生産을 위한 Streptomycin 利用試驗(II)

        裵基煥,安相烈 진주산업대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        前 試驗에 이어 SM混用區의 GA_3 濃度를 50ppm으로 높이고 處理時期의 폭을 滿開前 18, 16, 14, 12, 10일로 하여 GA_3 單用區의 대체여부를 試驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 滿開期는 兩主區 모두 無處理보다 2~3일 빨랐다. 2. 熟期는 兩主區 모두 無處理보다 25일 정도 早熟되었고 單用區가 混用區에 비하여 1~2일 早熟되었으며 各細區間에 處理時期가 빠를수록 1~2일 정도 早熟되는 경향이 있었다. 3. 無核化率은 混用區는 40개區 모두 有核粒이 없었고, 單用區는 40개區 中 19개區에서 1~6개의 有核粒이 나타났다. 4. 收穫果房狀態는 單用區가 混用區에 比해서 1%水準 以上의 有意差로, 果房長은 길고 5%水準 以上의 有意差로, 平均 果粒重은 무거웠다. The studies were conducted continuously following previous test to determine the possibility of utilization with streptomycin for seedless berries production in Delaware grapes. The main plots which were applied with different chemicals(combind solution of GA_2(50ppm)+SM(200ppm), GA_3(100ppm) alone solution) as pre-bloom application and five split plots according to days applied before full bloom were designed. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The days of full bloom in both main plots was accelerated by two to three days compared with that in the untreatment. 2. The day of maturity showed tendency to delay one to two days in combined solution plot compared with that in alone solution plot. 3. In all combined solution plots, seed-holding berry was not found, but, in alone solution plots, they were found in nineteen out of forty plots. 4. The length of cluster harvested in combined solution plot was short and mean weight of berry was light compared with that in alone solution plot

      • 포도 Muscat Bailey A의 安定生産을 위한 Gibberllin 處理試驗 (Ⅱ)

        裵基煥 진주산업대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        포도 品種은 開花期의 날씨가 고루지 못할때 無處理栽培를 하면 受精不良으로 송이가 단단하지 못하여 商品價値가 아주 低下되나, Gibberellin處理를 하면 果粒의 肥大와 着粒數의 增加로 果房이 단단하여진다. 그러나 今年은 多幸히 開花期의 好條件으로 無處理區의 송이도 단단하여 處理區間에는 有意差가 없었다. 品性向上을 期하기 위하여, 前年에 이어 Gibberellin의 單回處理의 適期를 모색코져, 100ppm 濃度로서 滿開後 5日(G_1區), 10日(G_2區), 15日(G_3區), 20日(G_4區)의 處理區를 두어, 그 處理가 果房에 미치는 影響을 調査하였던 바, 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 熟期는 處理期가 無處理區에 비하여 有意的으로 促進되나, 不過 1∼2日에 지나지 않는다. 2. 果房長은 無處理區에 비하여 G_1 區만이 길고, 其他의 處理區는 有意差가 없었다. 3. 果房重은 處理區가 모두 無處理區에 비하여 무겁고, 各 處理區間에는 有意差가 없으나, G_4區는 다른 處理區에 비하여 多少 가벼운 傾向이 있다. 4. 着粒數는 無處理區에 비하여 G_1 區만이 많고, 其他의 處理區는 有意差가 없었다. 5. 平均顆粒重은 G_1 區를 除外하고는 各 處理區가 모두 無處理區에 비하여 무거웠고, 이들 各 處理區間에는 有意差가 없었다. 6. 果房內 4g 未滿의 小粒含有率은 無處理區에 비하여 G_1 區는 높으나, 반대로 G_2區, G_3區, G_4區 各 相互間에는 有意差가 없었다. 7. 以上의 今年度의 實驗結果로서는 處理適期는 滿開後 10日부터 20日 사이에 있으나, 收量面으로 볼 때 滿開後 10日부터 15日 사이에 處理하는 것이 더욱 安全하리라 생각된다. In oredr to find the best time of gibberellin application for stable production from climatic danger and for improvement of market merit with Bailey A grapes, this study was designed continuously following previous test. GA_3 at 100 ppm concentration was applied only once after full bloom by dipping the clusters. The designed treatments were the following 4 kinds: G_1 treatment applied on the 5th day, G_2 treatment on the 10th day, G_3 treatment on the 15th day, and G_4 treatment on the 20th day after full bloom. The results were as follows: 1. The maturities in all treatments were forced by one or two days compared with that in untreatment. 2. The clusters’s length in G_1 treatment was long, but those in the other treatments were not different significantly, compared with that in untreatment. 3. The cluster’s weights in all treatments were heavy compared with that in untreatment, but significan diffrences were not shown between those in these treatments. 4. The number of berries per cluster in G_1 treatment was largy, but those in the other treatments were not diffrent significantly, compared with that in untreatment. 5. The mean weihgts of berry in the other treatments except G_1 tretment were heavy compared with that in untreatment, and then signiiftcant diffrences were shown between those in those treatments. 6. The percentage of light berries not exceeding 4 gr. in G_1 treatment was remarkbly high, but, on the contrary, those in G_2, G_3, and G_4 treatments were remarkbly low, compared with that in untreatment, and then significant differences were not shown between those in G_2, G_3, and G_4 treatments. 7. The results of this study showed that the practical application period was from the 10th day to 20th day after full bloom, but it was conceivable that application from 10th day to 15th day was better suitable because of tendency to had heavy yield compared with that in application on the 20th day after full bloom.

      • L1210 세포에 대한 약용 식물의 세포독성 검색

        배기환,민병선,도동선,김남수,양기종,안병준 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1992 藥學論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        For the research of cytotoxic natural products, 50 medicinal plants were extracted with benzene and methanol, separately, and screened against L1210 cells. From the results(Table I), 6 samples showed cytotoxicity both in benzene and methanol extracts of 17 samples in benzene extracts and 3 samples in methanol extracts, respectively. Generally, the cytotoxicity exhibited high frequency (34%) in benzene extract but low frequency in methanol extract(6%), it meant that active cytotoxic components had less polarity. ED_50 values less than 10 ㎍/㎖ were observed in 17 medicinal plants.

      • 晋州地方에서 葡萄(Delaware 品種) 開化期에 影響을 미치는 몇가지 要因 分析

        裵基煥 진주산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        晉州地方에서 葡萄 "Delaware" 品種의 開化期를 豫想할 수 있는 方法을 模索코져 1978年부터 1986年까지(l984年 除外) 8年間 調査한 滿開日 및 發芽日과 該當年度의 氣象觀測 資料를 基礎로 하여, 滿開日과의 有意한 相關의 存在 與否률 밝혀, 相互 相關이 있으면 開花期에 미치는 要因으로 삼았다. l. 調査地에서의 Delaware 品種의 滿開期는 平均 6月 1日, 해에 따라 5月 29日부터 6月 5日 사이에 있었다. 2. 滿開日과 發芽日間에는 높은 有意的인 相關이 있어, 發芽日에서 滿開日까지의 平均 所要日數 37日을 그 해의 發芽日에 加算하면 가장 確實하고 쉽게 滿開日을 豫想할 수 있다. 3. 滿開日과 旬別平均直間의 有意한 相關은 各 旬別에서는 平均氣溫과 最高氣溫이 모두 3月 下旬과 4月 中旬에 있었고, 最低氣溫은 相關이 있는 旬이 없었다. 期別 旬別平價値의 合算溫度間에는 最高氣溫만이 4月 上旬∼下旬, 2月 上旬∼5月 下旬, 4月 上旬∼5月 下旬 間에 有意한 相關이 있었고, 平均氣溫과 最低氣溫은 有意한 相關이 있는 期가 없었다. In order to establish a way to estimate date of blooming in grapes following the previous test with 'Muscut Bailey A', a correlation analysis was made on the basis of full blooming and bud-sprouting dates with 'Delaware' cultivar and of meteorological datas collected in Chinju region for 8 years from 1978 to l986 (except the l984) 1. The full bloom dates were from 29 May to 5 June according to years, and average date was 1 june in this area. 2. The bud-sprouting date showed highly significant correlation with full bloom date as the case of 'Muscat Bailey A. Therefore it was the most reliable and easiest way for eatimating full bloom date to add up average day required from bud-sprouting to full blooming on bud-sprouting date of that year. 3. As to the correlation between 10 daily summary of pre-blooming temperature and full bollm date, significant correlations were observed in both average and maximum temperatures of late-March and middle-April, and also in periodical maximum temperature summation of early∼late of April, early of Feb.∼late of May, and early of April∼late of May.

      • 포도 Muscat Bailey A의 無核果生産을 위한 Gibberellin 의 處理試驗(1)

        裵基煥 진주산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        포도 Muscat Bailey A 品種의 無核果生産을 위한 Gibberellin의 前處理 適期를 모색코저 本 試驗이 試圖되었다. 生育이 良好한 17年樹 供試하여 後處理는 滿開 後 8日에 모든 處理區를 同一히 하고, 前處理時期는 滿開 前 14日(G_1區), 12日(G_2區), 10日(G_3區), 8日의 處理區(G_4區)를 두어, 前後 處理 共히 GA_3 100 ppm 濃度로서 果房을 浸漬處理하여 그 處理가 果房에 미치는 影響을 調査하였던 바, 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 熟期는 모든 處理區가 無處理區에 비하여 約 20日 旱熟되었다. 2. 無核粒의 比率은 處理區가 無處理區에 비하여 有意的으로 높으나, 處理區라 할지라도 有核粒의 含有率이 높아, 無核果生産을 위한 滿足한 結果를 얻지 못하였다. 3. 果房長은 G_4 區를 除外한 그외의 處理區는 無處理區에 비하여 有意的으로 길었다. 4. 果房重은 無處理區에 비하여 G_2 및 G_3 區만이 有意的으로 무거웠고, G_1 및 G_4區는 有意差가 없었다. 5. 着粒數는 處理區라 할지라도 無處理區에 비하여 有意性이 없었다. 6. 平均果粒重은 處理區가 無處理區에 비하여 有意的으로 무거웠다. 7. 果粒의 均一度는 處理로 因한 有意性이 없었다. 8. 果粒의 密着度는 無處理區에 비하여 G_3 및 G_4區는 有意的으로 密着되나, G_1 및 G_2區는 有意性이 없었다. In order to find the best time of gibberellin application for seedless berry production in Muscat Bailey A grapes, this study was designed. The 17­year­old trees grafted on Teleki No. 8B rootstocks were selected as test trees. GA_3 at 100 ppm concentration was applied twice before and after full bloom by dipping the clusters. The before applications were carried out on different days according to designed treatments, and all the after application on the 8th day after the full bloom. The designed treatments were the the following 4 kinds : G_1 treatment applied on the 14th day, G_2 treatment on the 12th day, G_3 treatment on the 10th day, G_4 treatment on the 8th day before the full bloom.The results obtained through all the treatments were not satisfiable for seedless berry production, but the maturity in all the treatments were hastened by about 20 days compared with in the untreatment. Therefore, these treatments showed the possibility to early mature cultivation. The results of this study suggested that the practical before application period for early mature cultivation was within the range of the 12th day to the 10th day before full bloom.

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