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        Isolation and Characterization of a Mesophilic Arthrospira maxima Strain Capable of Producing Docosahexaenoic Acid

        ( Hong Jun Hu ),( Ye Guang Li ),( Chun Tao Yin ),( Ye Xin Ouyang ) 한국미생물생명공학회 2011 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.21 No.7

        A strain of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira was isolated from Lake Chahannaoer in northern China and was characterized according to microscopic morphology, photosynthetic oxygen-evolving activity, growth rate, and nutritional profile. Compared with thermophilic Arthrospira species occurring naturally in tropical and subtropical lakes, this isolate is mesophilic and grows optimally at ~20°C. The total protein, fatty acid, phycocyanin, carotenoid, and chlorophyll a contents were 67.6, 6.1, 4.32, 0.29, and 0.76 grams per 100 grams of dry weight, respectively. The strain is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). An essential omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), was detected, and γ-linolenic acid (GLA) and DHA accounted for 28.3% of the total fatty acid content. These features of this newly isolated strain make it potentially useful in commercial mass culture in local areas or as a biofuel feedstock. It is also an alternative resource for studying the metabolic PUFA pathways and mechanisms of cold stress tolerance in cyanobacteria.

      • KCI등재

        Radiological gastrostomy: A comparative analysis of different image-guided methods

        Hong-Tao Hu,Hang Yuan,Chen-Yang Guo,Quan-Jun Yao,Xiang Geng,Hong-Tao Cheng,Jun-Li Ma,Yan Zhao,Li Jiang,Yu-Qing Zhao,Hai-Liang Li 소화기인터벤션의학회 2021 International journal of gastrointestinal interven Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Radiographic guided percutaneous gastrostomy has become a safe and effective enteral nutrition method for patients who can not eat by mouth. Fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam CT have been routinely used clinically. The aim of this study was to compare the advantages and disadvantages of percutaneous gastrostomy using different radiographic guided methods. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 538 patients undergoing percutaneous gastrostomy in our department. According to the image guidance method used in gastrostomy, the patients were divided into groups A by fluoroscopy guidance, group B by fluoroscopy combined with C-arm CT guidance, and group C with the whole process CT guidance. The gastrostomy success rate, complication rate, procedure time, and patient radiation dose were analyzed in the three groups. Results: Among 538 patients, 534 were successful and the success rates are 94.3%, 99.3%, and 100% in group A, B, and C, respectively (P > 0.05). There were 3 cases occurred postoperative bleeding as serious adverse events and transferred to surgical gastrostomy. The minor complications include local infection, hyperplasia of granulation tissue, tube obstruction or prolapse, and local pain of the ostomy. The minor complication rates were 10.5%, 10.4%, and 7.7% in group A, B, and C, respectively (P > 0.05). The average procedure time was 25.57 ± 5.99 minutes, 29.01 ± 6.63 minutes, and 45.47 ± 8.98 minutes, respectively (χ2 = 87.98, P < 0.001). The average radiation dosage was 27.30 ± 19.27 mGy, 145.07 ± 106.08 mGy, and 2,590.26 ± 1,088.22 mGy, respectively (χ2 = 204.44, P < 0.001). Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the success rates and complication rates of gastrostomy under the three guiding methods. For difficult cases, CT-guided gastrostomy may be a very useful supplemental method.

      • KCI등재

        Radiological gastrostomy: A comparative analysis of different image-guided methods

        Hong-Tao Hu,Hang Yuan,Chen-Yang Guo,Quan-Jun Yao,Xiang Geng,Hong-Tao Cheng,Jun-Li Ma,Yan Zhao,Li Jiang,Yu-Qing Zhao,Hai-Liang Li 소화기인터벤션의학회 2021 Gastrointestinal Intervention Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Radiographic guided percutaneous gastrostomy has become a safe and effective enteral nutrition method for patients who can not eat by mouth. Fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam CT have been routinely used clinically. The aim of this study was to compare the advantages and disadvantages of percutaneous gastrostomy using different radiographic guided methods. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 538 patients undergoing percutaneous gastrostomy in our department. According to the image guidance method used in gastrostomy, the patients were divided into groups A by fluoroscopy guidance, group B by fluoroscopy combined with C-arm CT guidance, and group C with the whole process CT guidance. The gastrostomy success rate, complication rate, procedure time, and patient radiation dose were analyzed in the three groups. Results: Among 538 patients, 534 were successful and the success rates are 94.3%, 99.3%, and 100% in group A, B, and C, respectively (P > 0.05). There were 3 cases occurred postoperative bleeding as serious adverse events and transferred to surgical gastrostomy. The minor complications include local infection, hyperplasia of granulation tissue, tube obstruction or prolapse, and local pain of the ostomy. The minor complication rates were 10.5%, 10.4%, and 7.7% in group A, B, and C, respectively (P > 0.05). The average procedure time was 25.57 ± 5.99 minutes, 29.01 ± 6.63 minutes, and 45.47 ± 8.98 minutes, respectively (χ2 = 87.98, P < 0.001). The average radiation dosage was 27.30 ± 19.27 mGy, 145.07 ± 106.08 mGy, and 2,590.26 ± 1,088.22 mGy, respectively (χ2 = 204.44, P < 0.001). Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the success rates and complication rates of gastrostomy under the three guiding methods. For difficult cases, CT-guided gastrostomy may be a very useful supplemental method.

      • Systemic Analysis on Laparoscope-Assisted Gastrectomy for Patients with Gastric Cancer

        Hu, Jun-Hong,Tang, Hong-Na,Ma, Yong-Ping,Wang, Chen-Yu,Yao, Kun-Hou,Zhang, Jun-Jie,Ren, Xue-Qun Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.5

        Background: Laparoscope-assisted gastrectomy in treating patients with gastric cancers developed with a background of highly invasive traditional surgery and is being increasingly performed in the Asian Pacific area. This study systemically investigated the technique and clinical results for comparison with traditional radical subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancers. Methods: Clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness and side effects of laparoscope-assisted gastrectomy in treating patients with gastric cancers were identified using a predefined search strategy. Summary rates of effectiveness and side effects of laparoscope-assisted gastrectomy were calculated. Results: Thirteen clinical studies which including 1,412 patients with gastric cancer treated by laparoscope-assisted gastrectomy were considered eligible for inclusion. Systemic analysis showed that, for all patients, the pooled resection rate was 100%. Major adverse effects were anastomotic stenosis, abdominal abscess, abdominal bleeding, postoperative ileus. Treatment related death occurred in 0. 71% (10/1412). Conclusion: This systemic analysis suggests that laparoscope-assisted gastrectomy in treating patients with gastric cancers is associated with good curative rate and acceptable complications.

      • Recent developments of maritime law : Summary and Appraisal: Ship Collision Compensation Regime of China

        ( Shan Hong Jun ),( Yu Shi Hu ),( Zhang Hong Ka ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2011 The Asian Business Lawyer Vol.8 No.-

        Generally speaking, collision of ships is a typical maritime tort which will lead to enormous property damage, serious personal injury or death as well as marine environmental pollution. In certain circumstances, wreck under water resulting from collisions at sea will also pose threat to the safety of the navigation and marine environment. In order for the prevention of collisions and the regulation of the damages in relation to collisions, a series of statutes and rules have been enacted by Chinese government after the relevant international conventions come into force in China. In addition, the Chinese Supreme Court has promulgated several judicial interpretations in this field. This article is the brief summary and appraisal of the ship collision compensation regime of China. This article covers almost all of the issues relating to a ship collision compensation regime. Specifically, the sources of law, definition of collision given by China Maritime Code, the party liable for the collision, the party entitled to prosecute the claims, the liability rule, the exemptions, the admissible damages, the assessment of the damage, the maritime liens, the limitation of liability for maritime claims, the jurisdiction and the prelitigation arrest of ships, the insurance claim and the litigation, the auction of ship, the application of law where foreign elements involved and the time limit, etc, are the key issues addressed by this article.

      • KCI등재

        전자 메일첨부 편집파일의 안전한 저장과 관리를 위한 분실 방지 시스템 WatchDog 개발

        홍준후(Jun Hu Hong),최철재(Chul Jae Choi) 한국전자통신학회 2018 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.13 No.5

        많은 사용자가 편집한 파일을 분실하여 큰 고통을 받고 있다. 매우 심각한 시간과 비용의 손실이다. 이런 문제는 전자 메일첨부 파일을 ‘받은메일함’에서 편집하고 곧바로 ‘저장하기’로 컴퓨터를 종료하기 때문에 발생한다. 임시 폴더에 ‘저장하기’ 한 것을 안전한 하드디스크에 저장했다고 착각하기 때문에 발생한다. 본 논문은 전자 메일첨부 파일의 안전한 저장과 폴더 관리를 위한 분실 방지 시스템 WatchDog을 제안한다. 제안한 시스템은 첨부 파일의 ‘열기(O)’와 ‘저장하기’할 때 경고창 팝업을 동작한다. 또한, 안전한 복사 및 이동을 위한 편리한 폴더 관리방안을 프로그램 예시를 통해 실증적으로 보인다. Many users feel a great pain owing to losing edited files. It is very serious loss in time and money. This problem occurs because email attachments are edited in Inbox and the compute immediately shuts down with Save . This is caused by the illusion that the save in a temporary folder is saved to a secure hard disk. Our thesis proposes a loss-prevention system WatchDog for safe storage and folder management of the e-mail attachments. The proposed system operates a warning window pop-up when we ‘Open(O)’ and ‘Save’ the attachment. In addition, convenient folder management plans for safe copying and movement are shown through example programs.

      • KCI등재

        Structural and Functional Neural Alterations in Internet Addiction: A Study Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

        Jun-Li Liu,Jing-Ting Sun,Hui-Lin Hu,Hao-Yuan Wang,Yun-Xi Kang,Tian-Qi Chen,Zhu-Hong Chen,Yu-Xuan Shang,Yu-Ting Li,Bo Hu,Rui Liu 대한신경정신의학회 2023 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.20 No.1

        A growing number of neuroimaging studies have revealed abnormal brain structural and functional alterations in subjects with internet addiction (IA), however, with conflicting conclusions. We plan to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the studies of voxelbased morphometry (VBM) and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC), to reach a consolidated conclusion and point out the future direction in this field. A comprehensive search of rsFC and VBM studies of IA will be conducted in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science databases to retrieve studies published from the inception dates to August 2021. If the extracted data are feasible, activation likelihood estimation and seed-based d mapping methods will be used to meta-analyze the brain structural and functional changes in IA patients. This study will hopefully reach a consolidated conclusion on the impact of IA on human brain or point out the future direction in this field.

      • KCI등재

        The Establishment of a Fast and Safe Orthotopic Colon Cancer Model Using a Tissue Adhesive Technique

        Hong-Tao Hu,Zhe Wang,김명지,Jiang Lushang,Shi-Jun Xu,정재윤,이은지,박정훈,Nader Bakheet,윤성환,김건영,송호영,장수환 대한암학회 2021 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.53 No.3

        Purpose We aimed to develop a novel method for orthotopic colon cancer model, using tissue adhesive in place of conventional surgical method.Materials and Methods RFP HCT 116 cell line were used to establish the colon cancer model. Fresh tumor tissue harvested from a subcutaneous injection was grafted into twenty nude mice, divided into group A (suture method) and group B (tissue adhesive method). For the group A, we fixed the tissue on the serosa layer of proximal colon by 8-0 surgical suture. For the group B, tissue adhesive (10 μL) was used to fix the tumor. The mortality, tumor implantation success, tumor metastasis, primary tumor size, and operation time were compared between the two groups. Dissected tumor tissue was analyzed for the histology and immunohistochemistry. Also, we performed tumor marker analysis.Results We observed 30% increase in graft success and 20% decrease in mortality, by using tissue adhesive method, respectively. The median colon tumor size was significantly increased by 4 mm and operation time was shortened by 6.5 minutes. The H&E showed similar tumor structure between the two groups. The immunohistochemistry staining for cancer antigen 19-9, carcinoembryonic antigen, cytokeratin 20, and Ki-67 showed comparable intensities in both groups. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription analysis showed eight out of nine tumor markers are unchanged in the tissue adhesive group. Western blot indicated the tissue adhesive group expressed less p-JNK (apototic marker) and more p-MEK/p-p38 (proliferation marker) levels.Conclusion We concluded the tissue adhesive method is a quick and safe way to generate orthotopic, colon cancer model.

      • KCI등재

        A Convenient Method for the Enantiomeric Separation of α-Amino Acid Esters as Benzophenone Imine Schiff Base Derivatives

        Hu Huang,Wonjae Lee,Wen Jun Xu,Jing-Yu Jin,Joon Hee Hong,신현재 대한약학회 2012 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.35 No.6

        A convenient liquid chromatographic method for the separation of α-amino acid esters as benzophenone Schiff base derivatives on coated chiral stationary phases (CSPs) (Chiralcel OD-H, Chiralcel OD, Chiralpak AD-H, Chiralpak AD, and Chiralpak AS) or covalently immobilized CSPs (Chiralpak IA, Chiralpak IB, and Chiralpak IC) derived from polysaccharide derivatives is described. Benzophenone imine derivatives of α-amino acid esters were readily prepared by stirring benzophenone imine and the hydrochloride salts of α-amino acid esters in 2-propanol. The chromatographic separations were conducted at a flow rate 1.0 mL/min and a detection wavelength of 254 nm; 0.5% 2-propanol/hexane (v/v) was used on CSPs. In general, the resolution of Chiralpak IC was superior to those of the other CSPs. In addition, the resolutions of other arylimine derivatives of α-amino acid esters and the effects of different mobile phases on the enantiomeric separation of α-amino acid esters as benzophenone imine derivatives on Chiralpak IC were investigated.

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