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      • 6주간의 '내경일지선(內勁一指禪)' 기공수련이 대학생의 신체조성 및 심폐기능에 미치는 영향

        오재근,유종만,이근배 한국체육대학교 1996 敎養敎育硏究所 論文集 Vol.- No.1

        '소림내경일지선' 수련이 대학생의 체력과 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 최근 3개월 동안 특정한 운동을 지속적으로 행한 경력이 없으며 의학적 검진상 이상이 없는 건강한 남녀 대학재학생 6명을 대상으로 6주간의 기공수련을 실시한 후, 트레이드밀 위에서 All-out에 도달할 때까지 심박수, 혈압, 산소섭취량, 최대산소섭취량의 변화와 체지방률, 체지방량, 제지방체중, 체수분의 변화를 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 운동전 안정시 심박수(HR), 이완기 혈압(SBP)과 수축기 혈압(DBP)의 변화는 기공수련전에 비해 기공수련후 낮아졌다. 또한 운동전 안정시 폐할량(VC), 강제 호기율(FEV)과 최대환기량(MVV)은 기공수련전에 비해 기공 수련후 증가하였다. 2. 운동시 심박수 변화는 기공수련후 측정시 기공수련전에 비해 증가률이 낮았으며, 운동후 휴식기 심박수 변화는 기공수련전보다 기공수련후 유의성 있게 낮아졌다. 3. 운동시 산소 섭취량(VO₂) 변화는 기공수련후 운동시와 휴식시가 기공수련전에 비해 증가하였다. 또한 최대산소섭취량(VO₂max)의 변화는 기공수련후가 기공수련전에 비해 증가하였다. 4. 기공수련 참여전ㆍ후의 체중(weight), 체지방률(percent body fat), 체지방량(fat body weight), 제지방체중(lean body mass) 및 체액(body water)의 변화는 모두 기공수련후가 기공수련전에 비해 감소하였으나 통계적인 의의는 나타나지 않았다. Nowadays Qigong is one of the universal health-promotion-methods in Korea and is becoming more popular among Koreans. But it is not accomplished to have scientific analyses in sports science on the effects of Qigong. Therefore, this study was attempted to determine whether 6 wk Qigion training affect on alteration of cardiopulmonary factors(heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one sec., maximal voluntary ventilation), heart rate during exercise stress test, oxyge uptake & maximal oxygen uptake and body composition(weight, body fat, fat body weight, lean body mass, body fluid). As a result of this study, it aimed to investigate effects of 6wk Qigong training on cardiopulmonary function, physical fitness and body composition. For this study, 6 voluntary subjects(male 4, female 2) were chosen in untrained students of K University. they wre trained by teachers during 6 weeks and tested just before Qigong training and after 6 weeks. Each subject were measured body composition by body composition analyzer(model 310, biodynamics, U.S.A) and practiced pulmonary function test (model ST 250, Fukuda Sangyo Co., Japan) in regular order. And then they performed a treadmill exercise(model Q65, Quinton Co., U.S.A.) to the all-out state. During exercise stress test, electrocardiogram, heart rate and blood pressure were checked by stress test monitor(model Q4500, Quinton Co., U.S.A.) and also oxygen uptake, maximal oxygen uptake analyzed continuously by automatic gas analysis(model QMC, Quinton Co., U.S.A). Proc-T test of statistical analysis system was used in every experiment for statistical assessment. The results of proc-T test on this data were summarized as follow: 1. Cardiopulmonary function (HR, SBP, DBP, VC, FEV1, MVV) after Qigong traing were more improved than before 6 weeks(Table 1, Fig. 1). 2. Heart rate change during exercise stress test after Qigong training was shown more decreasing tendency than before training(Table 2, Fig. 2). Especially, heart rate change after Qigong training during resting periods was decreased significantly than before training. 3. Oxygen uptake change during exercise stress test after Qigong training was more increased than before training(Table 3, Fig. 3). And also maximal oxygen uptake after Qigong training was more increased than before 6 weeks(Table 4, Fig.4). 4. Body composition(Wt, body fat, FBW, LBM, body fluid) after Qigong training was more decreased than before 6 weeks(Table 5, Fig. 5). Above results indicate that Qigong training for 6 weeks has the effects on improving body composition and cardiovascular function.

      • KCI등재

        내인성 혈장 리튬 농도와 정신분열병

        오채근,김종인,이병학,윤재항,김창현,김성재 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.1

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to compare endogenous plasma lithium concentrations among schizophrenic patients classified by DSM-IV subtype and control groups and to investigate the correlation of endogenous plasma lithium concentration and psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. Methods : Schizophrenic patients were selected among psychiatric inpatients without lithium medication and then classified by DSM-IV schizophrenia subtype, Schizophrenic patient groups were composed of 15 disorganized type, 15 paranoid type and 15 undilferentiated type schizophrenic patients. The control group was composed of 15 healthy subjects without any psychiatric disease,Endogenous plasma lithium concentrations were estimated by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. The psychotic symptoms in schizophrenic patients were classified as positive symptoms, negative symptoms and disorganized symptoms according to andreasen classificationl about SANS and SAPS items. Endogenous plasma lithium Con-centration among three subtypes of schizophrenia and control group was compared, and correlation between endogenous plasma lithium concentrations and psychotic symptoms was examined. Rcsults : 1) Schizoprenic patients showed higher endogenous plasma lithium concentration than control groups (p=0.033). Endogenous plasma lithium concentrations were significantly different among three subtypes of schizophrenia (p=0.001). Compared with the control group, disorganized type showed higher endogenous plasma lithium concentration, but paranoid type and undifferentiated type were not significantly different. 2) Disorganized symptoms correlated with endogenous plasma lithium concentration (r=0.416, P=0.004), but negative symptom and positive symptom did not significantly correlate with endogenous plasma lithium concentration (r=0.202, P=0.184. r= -0.216, P=0.155). Conclusion : These results suggested that schizophrenic patients with disorganized symptom show the differences in utilization or distribution of endogenous lithium.

      • 소비자 중심의 정보정책에 관한 연구

        오종근,임광현 全北行政學會 2001 全北行政學報 Vol.15 No.1

        각종 정보(통신)기술의 급속한 보급을 통한 한 국가의 정보화사회로의 진입은 전통적인 사고와 생산방식에서 탈피하여 민간부문의 경영방식 뿐만 아니라 국가행정운영 전반에 걸쳐 산업사회와는 판이한 새로운 패러다임의 요구를 촉발시키는 계기가 되었다. 특히 문자, 음성, 화상, 그래픽 등 각종 정보가 기존의 아날로그 방식에서 디지털 방식으로 급속히 전환됨에 따라 정보의 처리가 용이해지고, 양방향 통신이 가능해지면서 사용자 욕구를 충족시키기 위하여 정보전달, 교육, 영화, 쇼핑, 오락, 의료 등 분야에서 다양한 인터렉티브(interactive) 멀티미디어 서비스가 본격화되고 있다. 민간 부문에서는 BPR, 전사적 자원관리(ERP), 아웃소싱, EDI/CALS/EC 등의 새로운 경영전략을 도입하여 기업의 구조와 업무 프로세스를 정보화 시대 요구에 걸맞게 변화시키고 있다. 또한 CIO(정보담당중역)를 중심으로 E-COMMERCE 시대에 부응할 수 있는 지식경영시스템(KMS)구축에도 전사적 관심을 보이고 있다. 이러한 시대적 환경에 부응할 수 있는 소비자 중심의 정보정책을 펴 나가기 위해서는 어떤 면에 특히 관심을 가져야 되는지를 다루고자 하였다. 연구결과 소비자 지향적인 정보정책을 시행하기 위하여 정보에 있어서의 정부의 역할을 크게, 기업에 의한 정보제시요구, 정보의 정확성보증, 정보의 직접기대 및 상담서비스의 역할로 분류하여 이들에 대한 시사점을 제시했다.

      • 글루타민酸 醱酵副産液을 原料로 한 有機質 複合肥料의 製造

        吳旺根,朴鍾河 서울市立大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Glutamic Acid Fermentation By-product liquid (GAFBL) contains high nitrogen (4.0 %) and organic matter (31 %) so that it could be used as a source of organic compound fertilizer. A large quantity of moisture (62.3 %) in the GAFBL requires a great deal of energy in the process of concentration and dehydration of the material. This work aimed at solidifying the GAFBL with the heat evolved when the GAFBL was treated with concentrated sulfuric acid (88.8 %), fused phosphate (P?O? : 16.1 %) and ammonia (Anhydride) respectively during the period of material processings. Results obtained are as follows: 1. The heavier the acidulation of the GAFBL, the greater the removal of moisture from the GAFBL. The rate of moisture evaporation, however, grew in curvature form as the acidulation became heavier. 2. Mixing fused phosphate to the acidulated GAFBL also reduced moisture content of the latter and solidified it when the mixing rate of the fused phosphate was increased. 3. Ammoniation of the friable mixture of acidulated GAFBL and fused phosphate brought further dehydration of the product. Total evaporation of moisture at above mentioned three successive processing stages ranged 16.5% to 23.6% against the sum of the water in GAFBL and sulfuric acid. 4. The minimum requirement of sulfuric acid (88.8%) and fused phosphate for the solidification of 10ml GAFBL were 2ml and 4g respectively. The final compounds which were ammonified after the solidification showed less than pH=6.5 and contained 5.6% total nitrogen and 2.10% soluble phosphate in weak acid, amounting about 9% in it's total available plant nutrients. The requirement of GAFBL, 88.8% sulfuric acid, and fused phosphate for the manufacture of one ton of such solid compound were 660kg, 200kg and 220kg respectively.

      • <춘ㅁㆎ젼(春梅傳)> 연구

        오종근 東新大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Chumaejoen is a good writer and thinker who left the most excellent achievement in the history of Classics. Hot only as narrative of mythology, legend and etc. centered of Chunmaejoen speaded in local and selected and reported, but also on old novel, Chunmaejoen which fictionized a historical person, The intent of this study is as fallows: The first is on the problem of the writer and that of the formative period. Chunmaejoen was formed between the beginning of the ninteenth century and the middle of the ninteenth century, so writer is the problem of different volume when we guess that, china literary writecopy volume is the governing class and Hangul writing-copy volume is the common people. The second is the main idea of Chunmaejoen. Writer introduced as anti-tang person by the influence of modern conscirnce was formed through both of battle of Im-Jin and Byong-Ja, externally denied to establish a social order of samgangorun style and tried to settle a value system based on contend fact, reality and ability.

      • 뇌성마비 아동의 임상특성과 관리

        오상근,이동배,김봉옥,임종훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.2

        To understand clinical characteristics of children with cerebral palsy, ninety three children who were diagnosed to have cerebral palsy in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital were studied retrospectively. Their medical records were reviewed to see the types of cerebral palsy, distribution of paralysis, possible cause of cerebral palsy, history of seizure, result of brain imaging studies, such as Computerized Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electroencephalography (EEG), and Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) study. The results were as follows : 1) They were sixty-four boys (68.8%) and twenty-nine girls (31.2%) with ages ranging from six months to sixteen years, three months (mean : 3 years 11 months) at initial visit and mean duration of follow up was two years, eight months. 2) The most common type of cerebral palsy was spastic (82.7%) followed by mixed, athetoid, ataxic and rigidity types listed in the order of frequency. 3) Topographic distribution of spastic paralysis was led by diplegia (55.8%) followed by tetraplegia (27.3%), hemiplegia (14,3%), and monoplegia (2.6%).. 4) Prematurity and low birth weight were the leading possible causes for cerebral palsy. 5) Incidence of seizure was 23.6% among these children. 6) History of seizure was not directly correlated with abnormal findings of brain imaging, EEG, or AEP, and clinical correlation is recommended. 7) Forty-nine children (52.7 %) were under regular treatment or special education programs provided locally. Problems such as lack of treatment facilities, financial burden, insufficient treatment time, and unsatisfactory treatment, etc. were noted. With the results above, a locally available, more comprehensive management program is highly recommended to provide the children with cerebral palsy the early diagnosis, appropriate, timely intervention, regular treatment, and special education that are needed. Furthermore, ways to prevent prematurity and low birth weight infant should be sought as they are major risk factors for cerebral palsy.

      • KCI등재후보

        이중 확산 연소장에서의 오염물질 배출 특성

        김종현,이근오,이창언 한국산업안전학회 2002 한국안전학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The NOx emission characteristics of double-concentric diffusion flames and normal diffusion flames fueled with CH4 were studied. Experimental and numerical investigations were carried out for double-concentric diffusion flame with varying central air flow rate and normal diffusion flame. The Emission indices of NOx(EINOx) were measured by chemiluminescent method and calculated by numerical model based on detailed chemistry. From the comparison between double-concentric diffusion flames and normal diffusion flames, the results show that EINOx of double-concentric diffusion flames are lower than normal diffusion flame, because of Prompt EINOx was decreased. EINOx of double-concentric diffusion flames increase with central air flow rate increasing.

      • 발포폴리스티렌비드를 사용한 경량콘크리트의 역학적 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        주재금,이종찬,오세출,유택동,정광량,서치호 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data on the properties of the lightweight concrete within expanded polystyrene beads for various applications in the field. Inquiring into the change of the properties as altering cement matrix mixture and the capacity mixture ratio of expanded polystyrene beads, the mixture plane of this study is set up as W/C is fixed 50%, expanded polystyrene beads is increased 10% from 0% to 80% per 1m³ and the ratio of cement:sand in the cement matrix is 1:0, 1:0.5, 1:1. The results of this study are as follow. The slump as changing the mixture ratio of expanded polystyrene beads decrease smoothly until mixture ratio 50% but decrease rapidly being in excess of 50%. The density decrease regularly as the mixture ratio of expanded polystyrene beads increase but the ratio of strength decrease. The difference of cement matrix. The strength of cement matrix having more sand mixture ratio relatively decrease rapidly as increasing the mixture ratio of expanded polystyrene beads. It is judged decreased strength phenomenon as the quantity of coherent material created in the mixture decrease rapidly.

      • 지역사회 서비스센터를 위한 컨덴츠개발

        안종근,오동익,박두순,이상헌 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2000 학술대회 자료집 Vol.2000 No.1

        정보통신부와 행정자치부에서 추진중인 지역정보화 사업에는 지방자치제 시대에 발맞추어 지역의 특성을 살린 정보제공을 목표로 한 지역 정보화 센터를 설립ㅎ여 지역 주민들에게 생활정보, 산업정보, 행정정보를 제공할 수 있도록 계획하고 있다. 현재 지방자치단체에서는 이러한 업무를 수행할 수 있는 정보와 관련 인력조차 확보하고 있지 못하고 있으며, 또한 업무 개발 경험도 많지 못하여 지방자치단체의 자체 개발은 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 각 지역에 소재한 중·소기업들에게 제공할 수 있는 산업정보와 일반 시민들이 필요로 하는 생활정보의 기본적인 내용과 틀을 마련하여 전국의 232개 시·군·구의 지역 정보화 센터에서 활용할 수 있는 컨텐츠를 개발한다.

      • 운동전·후 淸暑益氣湯 투여방법이 2,000m 달리기시 선수들의 운동피로회복에 미치는 영향

        유종만,이규성,강명신,오재근,최용어 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所 1994 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two different chung-seo-ik-gi-tang administration types on fatigue induced during 2,000 m running in 12 healthy-male elite boxer. All subjects were divided randomly with two groups, Pre-administration Group(A: N=7) and Pre- and Post-administration Group(B: N=7) and performed 2,000 m maximal running. The blood samples were collected from antecubital vein by 10ml syranges(6ml/each) at before exercise, immediately after exhaustion, recover-10 min, recover-20 min and recover-30 min. These samples were used to analyze for the level of glucose, lactate, TG, LDH, pH, HCO₃?, Na??, K??. The statistically analyzed results of various blood parameters were summarized as follow, 1. Plasma glucose were not showed significant difference between two groups. but glucose lwvel at post-exercise and rest-30 min in B group wes significantly decreased. 2. Lactate accumulation in B group was significantly decreased at post-exercise and rest-30 min.. And lactate level at rest-30 min. was showed significant difference between two gruops. 3. Serum LDH response to 2,000 m running at post-exercise and recovary periods was showed significant changes in B group. 4. Venous pH at post-exercise, HCO₃? at post-exercise and rest-30 min. in A group and pH at post-exercise and rest-10, 20 min., HCO₃? at post-exercise were showed significant changes. But there were not showed significant difference between two groups. 5. K?? level in B group was showed significant difference compared to A group. And also K?? level at rest-30 min. in B group was showed significant change. The results indicated that Chung-seo-ik-pi-tang had the effects of ergogenic aids on fatigue and recovery during 2,000 m maximal running.

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