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        ‘집-나무-산’의 공간기호체계 연구

        정유화(Jeong Yu-hwa) 우리문학회 2008 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.25

        정지용의 시 텍스트는 ‘上/下’의 대립적 코드를 변환해 가며 ‘집-나무-산’이라는 수직상의 공간기호체계를 건축하고 있다. 먼저 ‘상/하’의 대립적 코드로 건축된 ‘집’의 기호체계를 보면, 오로지 自我(지상)와 神(천상)의 교섭만을 중심으로 수직 운동을 한다. 그의 집은 그 수직 운동에 의해 집의 내부와 천상의 세계가 소통ㆍ융합하게 된다. 이에 따라 그의 집은 세속적, 육신적인 집에서 정신적, 종교적인 집으로 전환한다. 하지만 ‘집’의 기호체계는 그 특성상 안팎의 운동을 하기는 쉬워도 상하의 운동을 하기는 매우 어렵다. 그는 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위해 ‘집’의 변환코드로써 ‘나무’의 기호체계를 창조하게 된다. ‘나무’의 기호체계는 ‘집’처럼 천상으로만 운동하는 것이 아니라 땅속으로도 동시에 운동하는 수직성을 보여준다. 천상으로의 운동은 神의 성령을 수육하려는 운동이고, 땅속으로의 운동은 원죄의 땅인 ‘검은 흙’을 정화하려는 운동이다. 그리고 이 ‘나무’의 기호체계는 신적인 삶의 원리를 매개해주는 것으로서 육체적 자아를 영혼의 자아로 재생시켜주는 의미작용을 한다. 하지만 문제는 자아와 神이 이미 완전한 합일을 이루고 있기 때문에, 이러한 텍스트를 지속적으로 산출할 필요가 없게 되었다는 사실이다. 이에 따라 그는 ‘나무’의 변환코드로써 ‘산’의 기호체계를 창조하게 된다. 지상과 천상을 매개하는 ‘산’의 기호체계는 ‘나무’의 범주를 벗어나 인간적 삶의 원리와 자연적 삶의 원리를 보여준다. 그래서 ‘산’의 기호체계는 두 층위의 의미작용을 한다. 그중의 하나는 산정을 향한 그의 등정이 다름 아니라 곧 인간적 기표를 해체하고 사물로서의 기표가 된다는 것을 의미한다. 다른 하나는 이와 달리 인간적 가치를 지닌 ‘산장(방)’을 수직상승하게 하여 그 속에서 산정과 천상의 세계를 향유한다는 층위이다. 이러한 구조를 지닌 ‘집-나무-산’의 수직적 공간기호체계를 수평으로 눕힌다면, ‘집-기차-배’의 수평적 공간기호체계와 대응하게 될 것이다. The texts of Jeong's poems switch the codes of 'up' and 'down', and thereby construct a symbolic system of space: 'house-tree-mountain'. The symbolic system of 'house' constructed from these two opposite codes first shows a vertical extension centered on the sole connection between God and the Self. This extension permits the house described by Jeong to connect and unify its interior space and the Heaven. The house is converted accordingly from its physical and secular nature to a spiritual and religious character. However, it is difficult to see that this symbolic system represents an upward-downward extension though susceptible to the inward-outward counterpart. In order to overcome this limitation, Jeong creates another symbolic system of 'tree' instead as a switching code. The symbolic system of 'tree' does not merely indicate an upward extension to the Heaven, as does that of 'house', but also reveals its simultaneous vertical nature of downward extension underneath the Earth. The upward extension is a motion of embodying the spirit of God, and the downward counterpart a motion of purifying the 'black soil' of the Earth of the Sin. The symbolic system of 'tree' also signifies the reproduction of the spiritual Self from the physical as a mediator of the principles of divine life. The problem is however that, because God and the Self have already been unified here, it is not necessary to produce such texts constantly. Accordingly, Jeong devises another symbolic system of 'mountain' as a switching code for that of 'tree'. The symbolic system of 'mountain' mediating between the Earth and the Heaven while freeing itself from the bounds of the category of 'tree' shows the principles of human and natural life. Therefore, this symbolic system has two layers of signification. One of these two layers signifies that Jeong's climb towards the summit of a mountain deconstructs the signifier of being human and becomes a true signifier as being a thing. Unlike this layer, the other signifies that the vertical rise of the mountain hut or cabin bearing a human value alludes to the enjoyment of the Heaven's world and the mountain's summit both in that shelter. The horizontal layout of the vertical symbolic system of 'house-tree-mountain' in this structure enables it to correspond to a horizontal symbolic system of 'house-train-boat'.

      • 충청도지역의 노거수 자원

        유재은,이정호 명지대학교 자연과학연구소 2003 자연과학논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        충청도지역의 노거수 자원 현황을 알아보기 위하여 1999년 3월부터 2003년 12월 10일까지 26개 시·군에 대한 현황조사와 조사된 자료분석을 통하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 1. 대전광역시를 포함하는 충청도지역 내에는 수령이 100년 이상 된 노거수가 31종류에 2,058본이 분포하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 2. 이 지역 26개 시·군 중 가장 많은 노거수가 분포되어 있는 곳은 청원·청주시로 9종 193본으로 전체의 9.38%에 이르고, 그 다음이 공주시로 7종 171본이고 8.34%이며 세 번째가 괴산군으로 9종 145본으로 7.05%에 달한다. 3. 이 지역에서 나이가 가장 많은 것으로 알려진 나무는 은행나무로 1,300년 이상이고 충청남도 부여군 내산면 주암리 125번지에 있고, 백제 성왕 때 심겨진 것으로 알려져 있다. 4. 이 지역에 분포하고 있는 상록수는 소나무외 7종 103본으로 전체의 5.00%에 불과하고 낙엽수는 느티나무외 22종 1,955본으로 95.00%에 이른다. 5. 보호관리 유형별로는 정자목이 1.392본 67.64%로 제일 많고 그 다음이 풍치목으로 358본 17.40%이며 세 번째가 당산목으로 244본 11.86%을 차지한다. 6. 이 지역에 분포하고 있는 31개 수종 가운데 상위 5개 수종은 느티나무 1,505본 73.13%, 은행나무 179본 8.70%, 팽나무 120본 5.83%, 왕버들 86본 4.18% 그리고 소나무 50본 2.43% 순이고 이들 5개 수종이 차지하는 분포비율은 94.27%에 이른다. 7. 노거수의 수령별 분포는 500년생 이하가 1,896본으로 92.13%이고 501년생 이상이 162본 7.87%로 500년생 이하가 대부분을 차지한다. 8. 경인지역에서 볼 수 없었던 노거수로서의 왕버들이 이 지역에서 86본 4.18%가 분포하고 있음은 의미 있는 일이라고 생각된다. We have surveyed the distribution of aged-big trees which is growing in 26 cities and subprefecture of Chungcheong prefecture by on-the-spot studying from March of 1999 to December 10th of 2003. The results analyzed from the data are as follows. (I) In Chungcheong prefecture including Daejeon, 2,058 trees were counted as aged-big trees over 100 years old and they were classified 31 kinds of species. (2) 9 species (193 trees) of 9.38% and 7 species (171 trees) of 8.34% were recorded in Cheongwon. Cheongju city and Gongju city, respectively and then 9 species (145 trees) of 7.05% were recorded in Goisan. (3) The oldest tree was estimated to have the age over 1,300 years old, which had been planted in 125 Juamri, Naesanmyon, Buyoegun, Chungcheong Namdo, Korea. (4) The evergreen including Pinus densiflora in this area is 7 species accounted for 5.00% (103 trees) and deciduous with 22 species including Zelkova serratu occupied 95.00% (1,955 trees). (5) Shadow tree 1,392 trees for 67.64%, the Landscape tree 358 trees for 17.40% and the Village keeping tree (God tree) 224 trees for 11.86% have to be protected and managed. (6) The top 5 species of 31 species in this area are Zelkova serrutu (73.13%), 1,505 trees, Ginkgo bilobu (8.70%) 179 trees, Celtis japonicu (5.83%) 120 trees, Sulix glundulosu (4.18%) 86 trees and Pinus densiflora (2.43%) 50 trees. And their proportions was accounted for 94.27% of the distribution rates. (7) The aged-big tree under 500 years old are 1,896 trees occupied 92.13%, over 500 years old are 162 trees occupied 7.87%. (8) It is very meaningful that Salix glandulosa which did not reveal in Kyong-In Area are 86 trees occupied 4.18%.

      • 신이식 환자에서 자발적으로 발생한 저구연산뇨증 연관성 요관 결석로

        나정구,공성민,이동규,김성민,장윤정,김성록,이유지 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2015 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.38 No.3

        Urolithiasis is an uncommon complication in renal transplantation. We report a case of hypocitraturia-related ureteral steinstrasse which was spontaneously formed in a renal transplant recipient. The patient who underwent renal transplantation was admitted with acute pyelonephritis. Hydronephrosis in the transplanted kidney and multiple stones (steinstrasse) in the distal ureter were incidentally found on computed tomography scanning. After a failed attempt of ureteroscopic removal of stones, the patient underwent open ureterolithotomy and ureteroureterostomy. On stone analysis, carbonate apatite was confirmed. Urinary citric acid levels were decreased to 127.6 mg/day. Potassium citrate was administered to prevent stone recurrence by increasing urinary citrate excretion. No recurrence of stones was shown six months later. Urolithiasis in renal transplant recipients requires a high index of suspicion. Hypocitraturia can increase the risk for urolithiasis. Rapid recognition by careful surveillance, prompt removal of stones, and precautionary efforts to prevent recurrence are needed.

      • 농업금융연구의 방법과 과제 : 한국농업금융의 구조와 성격분석을 위한 試論

        유정규 건국대학교 1993 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper is a study on the methodology and subject of agricultural finance for analysis of structure and character of agricultural finance in Korea. On the whole, the agrculture plays an important role in national economy. Specially, in the process of the economic development, agricultural sector is regarded as the foundation for overall economic growth in developing country. Therefor, it is necessary to increase investment in the agricultural sector in order to promote other sectors. But, Investment in the agricultural sector is relatively low due to several restrictive factors, compared of other industries; The capital efficiencies in the agricultural sector are low. Agricutural investment requires long-term investment. Amount of assets on individual form are very small. And, farmers are likely to under-estimate the marginal value product of the capital in agriculture. Therefor, agricultural finance or credit has internal and external capital rationing or credit rationing. It is necessary that the positive and effective policies should be taken for increasing the supply of credit for small farmers. That is a 'policy loan'. Policy loans is the finance that is bestowed a favor on the strategic industry sector for the development of national evonomy ; in terms of interest and capital availability. Policy loan in agricultural sector, is a means for of agricultural policy and for social redistribution of capital. However, according as the financial self-regulation had carried out by goverment, aimed to develop the finance business which has spotaneous power itself and to consider the effective value after 1980's, policy is promoted in part of increasing of each agencies brances, expanding the mutual business functions and reducing the differences between bank/s interest rate and that of other's rate. It is meaning that agricultural finance, because it's condition is unsuitable for competition with other's. Therefor, nowdays subject of agricultural finance is the solution of this limit. It is nacessary to be continueed the positive and effective policy loan in agricultural sector in order that agricultural finance finance will contribute to the increase of agricultural productivity, up-grade of the economic and social status of farmers, and the assurance of a balanded development of the natioal economy.

      • KCI등재
      • 연산 증폭기 (TL494) 를 이용한 DC/DC 승압 컨버터 제어 시스템 설계

        정구종,이혜연,문경주,정유석,이준영,손영익 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2009 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        A simple control system using an op Amp (TL494) is presented for a DC/DC boost converter. The DC/DC boost converters have many industrial applications including renewable energy sources and hybrid automobiles. The problem of regulating the output voltage in the presence of load variation has been a research subject of interest for many years. After computer simulations with SimPower system of Matlab Simulink, we have developed the converter system in university laboratory according to the design specifications. Since the chip TL494 has both op Amp and PWM comparator even beginners can easily develop the control system. Experimental results show that the proposed system has some robustness with respect to the load variation.

      • 웨이브렛 변환을 이용한 대뇌출혈성 병변 추출

        정유정,강경아,정채영 조선대학교 전자정보통신연구소 2000 電子情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.3 No.1

        High performance of hardware make progress communication technology and image processing using computer In operation study which processing medical image in the medical part In this paper, proposed algorithm that amplitude of a boundary line case in point high frequency is bigger boundary of noise, discriminate between boundary line and noise Feature is extracted from Intracranial Hemorrhagic Lesion using wavelet transform that is progressed performance of noise remove than any method

      • KCI등재

        Bromelain과 Zn-Methlonnine 혼합 급여가 젖소의 산유량 및 체세포수에 미치는 영향

        정유진,김용국 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        Holstein cows(n=8) were assigned to control diet(n=4) and treatment diet(n=4) containing products of Bromelain(50g/kg) and Zn-methionine (133g/kg). Basal diet was mixed as total mixed rations with 60% concentrate and 40% roughage(rice straw) and fed for 8 weeks. The milk production, somatic cell counts in milk were measured and determined. The results were summarized as follow. Average milk production was higher for cows fed treatment diet(30.2kg/d) than cows fed control diet(29.6kg/d) (P<0.05). The somatic cell counts was significantly lower for cows fed treatment diet(179.8×10³/ml) than cows fed control diet (260.8x10³/ml)(P<0.05). In conclusion, supplementation of both Bromelain and Zn-methionine increased milk production and reduced somatic cell counts in milk. 본 실험은 사료 첨가제로써 Bromelain과 Zn-methionine의 급여가 착유우의 산유량 및 체세포 수 함량에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 실시하였다. 홀스타인 착유우 8두(대조구 4두 및 처리구 4두)를 공시하여 대조구는 기본 사료를 급여하고 처리구에서는 Zn-methionine 133g/kg(Zn 20 및 methionine 46.7g)과 bromelain 50g/kg(br 30g/kg)을 경구투여하였다. 그리고 시험은 착유우의 비유초기에 8주간 실시하였다. 본 시험에서 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 두당 평균 유량은 대조구(29.6kg)에 비하여 처리구(30.2kg)에서 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 우유내 체세포수는 대조구(260.8Xl0³ml)에 비하여 처리구(179.8X10³ml)에서 현저하게 낮게 나타났다(P<0.05). 따라서 이들 첨가물의 급여는 착유우의 산유량을 증가시키고 우유의 위생상 지표가 될 수 있는 체세포수의 감소를 가져오는 결과를 얻었다.

      • KCI등재

        골수 유래 기질 줄기세포의 탐식작용 매개성 케모카인 수용체 발현 연구

        정영신,변향민,신지영,김정목,정형민,오유경 한국약제학회 2003 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.33 No.4

        To design gene delivery systems which can deliver higher amounts of genes into stem cells, we studied the expression of receptors involved in the receptor-mediated endocytosis of bone marrow stromal stem cells. Bone marrow was isolated from ICR mice, and bone marrow stromal stem cells were isolated based on their plastic adherence property. Several cultrure conditions were screened for effective and continuous culture of marrow stromal stem cells. MesenCult medium was finally used to cultivate marrow stromal stem cells in vitro. As candidate receptors, various chemokine receptors were studied. Both bone marrow cells and marrow-derived stromal stem cells showed expression of CC chemokine receptors (CCR) and CXC chemokine receptors (CXCR). Marrow stromal stem cells showed higher expression of CCR5 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors as compared to other types of chemokine receptors. Moreover, though the expression chemokine receptors generally decreased in most chemokine receptors with the cultivation of marrow stromal stem cells, CCR5 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors retained the higher lever of receptor expressions over prolonged periods. These results suggest that the ligands exhibiting specific binding to CCR5 or CXCR4 might be used to modify gene delivery systems for increased level of receptor-mediated gene delivery into stromal stem cells.

      • 活性炭에 依한 톨루엔 吸着特性에 관한 硏究

        丁悠心,鄭在灌 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1994 論文集 Vol.45 No.2

        Adsorption on activated carbon on the basis of an effective and widely used process for removing toluene from municipal and waste waters has been studied. In this study, the toluene adsorption from aqueous solutions was performed using the activated carbon manufactured by Duksan Chemical Co. and Wako Pure Chemical Co. The main experimental procedures were divided into two parts of batch experiments and differential bed column tests. The results were as fllows : 1. In the test of pH effects on adsorption, maximum adsorption capacity on activated carbon was observed at pH 7 in solutions and toluene was adsorbd better in acid solution than in basic solution. 2. The adsorption isotherm experiments were conducted at various initial concentrations and at initial pH fixed and no pH fixed in solutions, with varying carbon dosages. As the best fit Freundlich adsorption isotherm in solution at pH 7 was determined as follows ; q_1=2.230 x 10^3 C^0.635_s 3. At the flow rate of 480㎤/min greater than 430㎤/min above which the film diffusion resistance was minimized in the differential bed column tests, the reaction kineties for the removal of toluene in aqueous solution by activated carbon showed that r = 0.572 C^0.589_fc - [0.472 log C_i + 1.193] q^(3.409Ci^-0.495)_s 4. The remaining toluene concentration was less, after toluene was adsorbed in aqueous solution, by imported activated carbon[IAC] than by Korean activated carbon[KAC] so IAC showed good results. However, Freundlich adsorption isotherm showed favorable results with KAC in terms of numerical values of constant 1/n and equilibrium constant k when the isotherm was applied.

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