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        최근 제주도 도심과 배경지점에서의 CO2 농도 변화 및 복사강제력 영향 연구

        이수정 ( Soo-jeong Lee ),송상근 ( Sang-keun Song ),박연희 ( Yeon-hee Park ) 한국환경과학회 2016 한국환경과학회지 Vol.25 No.7

        The spatial and temporal variations of CO2 concentrations and radiative forcing (RF) due to CO2 were examined at urban center (Yeon-dong) during 2010-2015 and background sites (Gosan) during 2010-2014 on Jeju Island. The RF at the two sites was estimated based on a simplified expression for calculating RF for the study period. Overall, annual mean CO2 concentrations at the Yeon-dong and Gosan sites have gradually increased, and the concentrations were higher at Yeon-dong (401-422 ppm) than at Gosan (398-404 ppm). The maximum CO2 concentrations at the two sites were observed in winter or spring, followed by fall and summer, with higher concentrations at Yeon-dong. The RF at Yeon-dong (annual mean of up to 0.70 W/m2 in 2015) was higher than that at Gosan (up to 0.46 W/m2 in 2014), possibly because of higher CO2 concentrations at Yeon-dong resulting from population growth and human activities (e.g., fossil fuel combustion). The highest monthly mean RFs at Yeon-dong (approximately 0.92 W/m2) and Gosan (0.52 W/m2) were observed in spring 2015 (Yeon-dong) and spring 2013 (Gosan), whereas the lowest RFs (0.17 and 0.31 W/m2, respectively) in fall 2011 (Yeon-dong) and summer in 2012 (Gosan).

      • KCI등재

        오정희 소설의 표상 연구 -「비어 있는 들」과 「야회」를 중심으로

        정연희 ( Jeong Yeon-hee ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2008 국제어문 Vol.44 No.-

        이 논문에서는 오정희의 「비어 있는 들」과 「야회」를 살펴보았다. 이들 소설은 오정희 소설의 특징들을 잘 대변해주는 소설들이지만 본격적으로 단독조명을 받지 못하거나, 「야회」의 경우 오정희 소설의 보편적인 특징을 비껴가는 소설로 간주되었다. 「비어 있는 들」과 「야회」에서도 일상의 완벽한 안정과 고요는, 부패한 진부이고 위험한 안전이며 살아있는 죽음과 같다. 그렇다고 해서 항상성의 균형을 추구하는 일상(상징적 세계)이 중요하지 않은 것은 아니다. 오히려 주부로 등장하는 인물들은 일상의 균열과 파괴를 두려워하며 일상의 아름다운 견지를 위해 주부로서의 역할을 모범적으로 수행한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그들은, 참을 수 없고 통제할 수 없는 낯설고 어두운 힘이 내면에서 꿈틀대고 그러한 실재적 욕망에 대면하게 되는, 주체들이다. 그들은 상징적 구조에서는 실현 불가능한 내면의 진공을 가진, 혹은 진공 그 자체로 존재한다. 그 때문에 그들은 상징적 호명으로 구성되는 현실 안에서 간극을 가로지르게 되고 완전한 자기 자신을 찾지 못한다. 그들이 상징적 현실에 적응하지 못한다거나 상징적 현실 자체가 현실적 효과가 없다는 것이 아니라, 상징적 정체성이 자기 존재의 전부가 아니라는 것이다. 그것은 내부의 텅 빈 자리 때문인데, 그 자리로 출몰하는 내적 타자들이 그들의 일관성과 자기통제를 침식해 들어감으로써 인물들을 `탈중심화`한다. 「비어 있는 들」의 경우 `그`의 방문에, 「야회」의 경우 `비늘을 털며 다가오는 거대한 동물`에 두려운 매혹을 느끼고 압도되면서, 주인공들은 최소한의 거리를 유지하기 위한 공허한 몸짓을 보여준다. `그`나 `비늘을 털며 다가오는 거대한 동물`은 내적 타자의 명백하고 탁월한 형상화이다. 이 형상들은 일상현실의 열린 구멍이고 내면의 진공이며 주체를 `탈중심화`하는 괴물들이다. 이와 같은 오정희 소설에서 `나는 타자이다`의 형상을 보게 된다. 이는 오정희 소설이 리얼리즘의 메타서사가 지배적인 1980년대의 징후적 소설이었음을 역설적으로 드러내는 것이며, 동시에 오정희 소설의 앞선 감각을 반증하는 것이다. 오정희 소설은 사회에 길들여지지 않는 원초적인 잉여의 힘이 상징적인 사회를 지지해준다는 욕망의 역설을 시연한다. 오정희의 인물들에게 내부의 꿈틀거리는 어두운 힘은 해방되어야 할 억압된 삶의 힘이 아니다. 그 힘은 삶의 유지를 위해 포기되고 부인되지만 다른 한편으로 주체가 저항할 수 없는 견인력을 행사한다. 어두운 힘에 근접함에 따라 주체는 치명적인 위기에 노출되지만, 역설적으로 그것은 삶의 힘의 원천이 된다. 오정희 소설은 불투명하고 수수께끼 같은 욕망과의 위험한 대면을 보여주지만, 한편으로 안전하게 사는 것은 더욱 위험하다는 니체의 명제를 떠올리게 한다. This study try to research the two novels of the writer O, Jeong-Hee. These novels are 「Empty Field」 and 「Night Party」. In these novels, everyday life involves various problems. It means a kind of decomposition, insecurity, even death. The housewives as a main character perform a good roll given to them. But, they always feel a certain desire. That is a subject boiling up in their dark inside. So, they are being a existence as a vacuum that have a dream never come true. Because of that disequilibrium which is between everyday life and dark inside, the characters of the two novels can not obtain themselves as a pure and perfect oneself. This means not that they are not able to adapt themselves to the Symbolic world, but that the Symbolic identity does not represent themselves fully. They have a empty space in their mind. this is the reason why. As a stranger in the dark inside which is appearing frequently erodes their coherence and self control, the characters of the two novels are being a existence of decentration. In case oh 「Empty Field」, `she` feels an attraction to `him`, and in case of 「Night Party」, `she` feels an attraction to `a giant reptiles`. But they are trying to control a distance to the creepy but attractive objects. `He` and `a giant reptiles` are prominent shapes which connote a another oneself of the characters. So, the readers realize that `I`m a someone who is not me`. The two novels of the writer O, Jeong-Hee show a paradox of desire that mean the original, surplus power support a symbolic society. The negative power inside is not a suppressed power of life has to released. On the contrary, it has a certain power which the characters do not make resistance. decentration become to be expose to extreme danger as close as they can, but the dark power turn into a power of life. That is paradox. The writer O, Jeong-Hee`s novels mostly show a hazardous meeting with cloudy and mysterious desire. But, on the other side, Those novels make a reader remind the statement `Living safely is more dangerous` that Nietzsche said.


        Jeong?Yeon Park,In?Soon Jeong,Ga-Hee Park,Chae-Young Park 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2018 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2018 No.7

        This study will examine educational satisfaction on Estheticians who completed hygiene education, conduct survey on demands for educational programs which are required, and provide basic data for effective operation and qualitative improvement of skin beauty care hygiene education. Based on the above results, technique education by applying the recent trend in occupational intelligence should be performed as a way for improving satisfaction of hygiene education for learners. In particular, education should be prepared to increase the association with practical job in the general education.

      • KCI등재

        Les Erreurs de Traduction de A en B des Apprentis Traducteurs et Leurs Implications Pédagogique

        Kim, Jeong-Yeon 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2018 통번역학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Kim Jeong-Yeon. (2018). Les Erreurs de Traduction de A en B des Apprentis Traducteurs et Leurs Implications Pédagogiques. Interpreting and Translation Studies 22(2), 21-50 Dans la formation assurée par les écoles professionnelles de traduction, l’acquisition des techniques spécifiques à mettre en œuvre dans le métier de traducteur constituent l'axe principal de la pédagogie, chaque cours étant avant tout consacré à la réalisation de cet objectif. Si les erreurs propres à l’opération traduisante y occupent donc une place de premier plan, contrairement aux fautes de langue proprement dites, les lacunes qui apparaissent dans ce domaine chez la plupart des apprentis traducteurs desservent considérablement la clarté et l’intelligibilité de l’expression, l’enseignant étant donc tenu de réfléchir à une démarche corrective adéquate pour y remédier. Dans un premier temps, la présente étude s’attache à recenser les fautes et les erreurs de langue les plus courantes rencontrées dans les travaux des apprentis traducteurs en s’appuyant sur les études déjà existantes pour analyser ces productions et au vu de ces éléments, propose une approche corrective évolutive au fur et à mesure des étapes de la formation. Il s’agira pour commencer d’expliquer les fautes les plus répandues, la correction indirecte, puis directe intervenant par la suite, cette démarche se distinguant de celle adoptée avec les apprenants de FLE dans la mesure où les fautes constatées chez les apprentis traducteurs proviennent en partie du manque de pratique et d’activation des connaissances acquises. En vue de le pallier, l’auteur propose d’encourager les apprentis traducteurs à recourir systématiquement, dans le cadre de leur travail personnel, à des exercices de lecture à voix haute, de shadowing et de search and destroy qui leur permettront d’améliorer la qualité et la précision de leur expression en français.

      • KCI등재

        김연수 소설의 생태문학적 가능성과 실제

        정연희(Yeon Hee Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2010 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.44

        This study tries to look into the potentialities as a ecological literature on Kim Yeon-Soo`s Novel. Especially, His two novels, 「Newyork confectioner`s shop」, 「When I go to the rigida-pine tries」bear the brunt of an criticism. If we can say that a ecological literature pursue a value which is lost in this ecological crisis, his two novels should be discussed within a category of ecological literature. A effective value of literature gets some elements like internalization of morality as well as joy of feeling. In the same meaning, A ecological literature pursues an alteration of existing perception as well as internalization of ecological value through the esthetical sense. His two novels warn the abnormal aspect of modern life, and awake `the nature`, `the remembrance` as a very important value that should be recovered. The two novels seem to be produced, as a potentialities, on the based of the ecological literature. That is a kind of gole that has oriented on Kim Yeon-Soo`s novel. The potentialities as a ecological literary on Kim Yeon-Soo`s novel bears relation to his novel`s sensitive reflection toward the contemporary individual and the individual existence. They have not certain meaning and value in their life, and they are seized with feeling of isolation. The feeling of isolation turns the individual into the broken existence. Therefore, the important thing is the possibility to communication and solidarity of them. The author seems to have taken great pains over the work in order that he may contact with the real of life and try to relate to the other and seek to the trout of life has been disappeared in the discourse, under the existent condition of contemporary. This is the concentration toward subjective sense and standardization of sense. The desire for communication and connection is a desire that he pursues through his work. It is the spirits and mind of ecological literature that endeavor to grow the extensive self-consciousness rising over the broken and the isolated individualism. Conclusionally the author`s literary spirit is relation to the spirit of ecological literature.

      • KCI등재

        Intimacy and Gender in Expressing Gratitude in L2

        Kim Jeong-yeon 한국사회언어학회 2012 사회언어학 Vol.20 No.2

        Kim Jeong-yeon. 2012. Intimacy and Gender in Expressing Gratitude in L2. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(2). pp. 115-147. This study examines how Korean learners of English perform the speech act of ‘gratitude’ according to the variables of intimacy and gender. In a contrastive analytic framework, their behaviors are cross-examined against Korean native and English native speakers in terms of their choice of strategies and uses of politeness markers. The data have been obtained from 43 Americans and 91 Koreans assigned to three groups: English native speakers, Korean learners of English, and Korean native speakers. A discourse completion test and a subsequent interview revealed Korean learners of English showed a similar pattern as Korean native speakers in the uses of politeness markers to emphasize their thanking by intimacy levels. However, the way in which they deal with gender in English was divergent not only from American but also from Korean. They depended on the strategy of compliment while performing the speech act of gratitude, and were inclined to use negative politeness strategies, similar to the Korean language group. Korean EFL textbooks and classrooms, therefore, need to include not only more diverse contexts in which ‘gratitude’ is necessary, but also the ways in which the English speech act is performed in a culturally appropriate manner. (195 words)

      • KCI등재

        김연수 소설에 나타나는 소통의 욕망과 글쓰기의 윤리

        정연희 ( Yeon Hee Jeong ) 현대문학이론학회 2010 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.41

        본고에서는 김연수의 소설에 나타나는 `소통의 욕망`과 윤리적 행위로서의 `글쓰기`를 검토하였다. 김연수 소설의 소통의 욕망은 근본적으로 `이해할 수 없음`과 `소통할 수 없음`이라는 실존의 조건에서 벌어지는 실존적 성실성과 유관하다. 불가해한 세계에서 소통의 욕망은 불가능한 욕망이지만 포기되지 않는다는 점에서 라캉적 욕망의 역설적 순환운동을 따른다. 같은 맥락에서 작가의 글쓰기는 소통불가능의 세계에서 생겨나는 역설적인 소통의 욕망을 포기하지 않는 행위라는 점에서 정신분석학적 의미의 윤리적 행위가 된다. 윤리적 행위로서의 글쓰기는, 우연한 개인의 진실이나 상상이나 이해가 고스란히 살아 있는 생생한 삶의 이야기를 지향한다. 인과적 합리성이 가능한 모든 것을 의미 함으로써 어떤 특수한 것을 의미하지 않는다면, 생생한 삶의 이야기란 그런 인과적 합리성에 희생되는 우연한 삶의 사적 기록이다. 김연수의 소설에 의하면 그런 이야기가 세상에 존재하는 한, 개인의 삶은 서로 공명하고 모두 연결된다. 작가의 이런 자각적 글쓰기는 `소설은 합리적인 이성이나 과학적 논리로만 충분히 해명되지 못하는 예외적인 삶과 우연한 삶을 지탱할 수 있는 정서적이고 심리적인 이해와 공유를 제공한다`는 소설론에 조응한다. 소설은 인과적 언어 사이의 공백을 생생하게 살려서 이를 구체적인 삶으로 재현해준다. 독자는 미학적 이야기를 통해 재현된 삶을 되짚어 살게 되며 삶의 미세한 울림에 감각적으로 공명하게 된다. 그런 모든 이야기에는 삶이 있으며 모든 삶에는 이야기가 존재한다. 김연수의 소설은 이와 같은 소설론에 자각적으로 반응한다. 또한 그에게 있어서 글쓰기란 불가해한 세계 속에서 번번이 좌절하고 그래서 고통스럽고 외롭지만, 그렇더라도 소통의 욕망을 포기하지 않는 것이다. 그런 의미에서 김연수의 글쓰기는 `이야기(삶)의 소통`을 위한 `소통의 이야기(삶)`라고 말할 수 있다. This study tries to look into `a writing` as a ethical behavior on Kim, Yeon-su`s novel. Especially, the point, such a ethical behavior connect with `a desire for communication`, is in focus. Basically, a desire for communication is concerned with existential sincerity that happened in non mutual understanding reality in his novel. So, this desire for communication in the non communication world seems like a impossible desire, but the desire is not forgiven. This ceaseless trying for communication is alike to paradoxical circle of Lacan`s desire. And consequently, his wirting as a forgiveness for communication becomes a ethical behavior in the meaning of psychoanalysis. The writing as a ethical behavior heads for the story described vividly. There are the imagination and understanding of the accident individual in the story. The cause and effect and rationality is meaning all points as possible, with this not meaning certain a peculiarity. On the contrary the story of vivid live is an individual record, sacrificed by an official record. His novel insists that individual life cause resonance and connection mutually, as long as vivid story is existent. Such the author`s writing psychological and emotional understanding especial and accident life which human is minunderstanding by rational reason and scientific logic. The novel fills the blank of logical language and reappears the concrete life vividly. The reader sympathy an echo of concrete life sensually in accordance with the esthetic story witch is reappeared. So that, there are the life in the all narrative and there the narrative in the all live. The Kim, Yeon-su`s novel responds to a novel theory of this sort consciously. On that point the writing of author is the narrative of communication for the communication of narrative(life).

      • KCI등재

        불완전 전뇌 허혈후 소생의 백서 모델을 이용한 재관류 뇌혈류량과 허혈성 뇌조직 손상도와의 관계

        서정필,송근정,황태식,정연권,신백효,김승호 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Experimental data indicate that low-flow reperfusion following prolonged cardiocirculatory arrest may aggravate early cerebral microcirculatory reperfusion disorders. We investigated the influence of cerebral reperfusion flow change to the ischemic histopathologic damage of brain tissue after incomplete forebrain ischemia in rats. Materials and method: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were undergone ligation of both internal carotid artery by microvascular clamp for 10 minutes. After release of the clamp, reperfusion was started with several different flow levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100%) of internal carotid artery comparing to pre-clamping phase using flowmeter. After 15minutes of reperfusion, rat brains were prepared by perfusion-fixation with 3% formaldehyde. Under light microscopic examination of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained tissue slide, histopathologic damage was examined at cortex, putamen, and hippocampus regions. Categorical hisotopathologic damage scores were derived in each regions by manual counts of ischemic neurons. Result: The histopathologic damage scores were 0, 10.2±0.5, 7.6±1.5, 5.9±1.4, 5.0±2.8, 3.5±0.7, and 1.0±0.0 in control, 0, 10,20, 30, 50, and 100% reperfusion groups, respectively(p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results showed significant increment of brain histopathologic damage scores along with decreasing amount of cerebral reperfusion flow after incomplete forebrain ischemia. We believe restoration of reperfusion flow to pre-ischemic level would be a critical component in attenuation of brain ischemic damage.

      • KCI등재

        조선 成宗代 崔灝元의 ‘裨補說’ 논의에 대한 고찰

        정연주(Jeong, Yeon-Joo),김병인(Kim, Byoung-In) 한국인물사연구회 2014 한국인물사연구 Vol.22 No.-

        This study aims to address argumentative issues and aspects of Choi, Ho-Won(崔灝元)’s complementary theory(裨補說) in the reign of King Sung-Jong(成宗). After examining Choi, Ho-Won’s life and conception, this research analyzes the debates when Choi, Ho- Won insists the conception which refers to Doseon(道詵)’s complementary theory in sixteenth year of King Sung-Jong. Based on that, following issues can be suggested: There was an assertion that a position that given to Choi, Ho-Won, Byungjochamji(兵曹參知) is not proper, and that he should be punished because of his theoretical notion. At least two things can be drawn out of above discussion. First, King Sung-Jong is the person who is willing to keep Jeong-hak(正學) with the exclusion of other theories. Second, there were certain differences between the Confucian scholars including Choi, Ho-Won and King Sung-Jong in the light of their perception about natural disaster(災變) and, the way of making the ruling method on the public according to that. Additionally, the government official have also negative point of view on Doseon’s complementary theory. Docham’s(圖讖) idea, a foundation of Doseon’s theory, was likewise denied, due to changing theory on Feng-shui(風水) in early Chosun Dynasty, and a political notion to promote Confucian ideas, which was a major ideological stream in the reign of King Sung-Jong.

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