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      • KCI등재

        세계화·지식기반사회에 적합한 경제시민성 교육의 방향모색 : 다중적·다차원적 경제시민성의 관점에서 Focusing on the Multiple and Multidimentional Economic Citizenship

        최병모,박형준,조병철 한국사회과교육연구학회 2004 사회과교육 Vol.43 No.3

        본 논문은 세계화 및 지식기반사회로의 이행이라는 사회 환경의 변화에 대응할 수 있는 경제시민성 교육에 있어 새로운 방향성을 모색함으로써, 궁극적으로 사회과 경제교육의 현장 적용성을 높일 수 있는 교육방법 탐색을 위한 기초 연구로서 수행되었다. 본 논문에서는 우리사회가 겪고 있는 패러다임의 변화를 이해하고 수용하기 위해서는 다중적이고 다차원적인 관점에서의 세계경제시민성의 함양이 중요하다고 보고, 다중적이고 다차원적인 시민성의 특징을 경제교육적 관점에서 재구성해 보았다. 또한 본 논문에서는 다중적이고 다차원적인 경제시민성의 관점에서 새로운 생산자, 소비자, 기업가, 공직자 상을 제시하고, 이에 대응할 수 있는 경제시민성교육의 방향을 제시하였으며, 그 교육실천의 한 사례로서 이주노동자 문제를 들어 그 교육방안을 구체화하였다. The purpose of this paper is to argue that the cultivation of world economic citizenship is crucial to understand and to utilize the social conditions of the globalized and knowledge-based society. Particularly, the multiple and multidimentional economic citizenship education should be noted to solve many problems relevant to the globalized and knowledge-based society. The implications of this study on economic education are the followings. 1. We need citizenship education which can improve multiple and multidimensional citizenship. 2. New citizenship focuses on the humanized education in the world economic citizenship education. 3. Citizenship education should be taken up as the education which can improve negotiation skills through conversation and compromise. 4. We need the education about digital literacy which can connect the world capitalism to the digital democracy. 5. We need to establish strategic and cooperative relations with firms, governments, and NGOs.

      • KCI등재후보

        景福宮·昌德宮·點景物 紋樣에 관한 硏究

        최준형,이석래,이재근 한국정원학회 2002 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present basic materials on garden ornaments and their symbolism in traditional spaces. The subjects for this study are the Kyongbok Palace and the Changduk Palace that were the palaces of the Chosun Dynasty. The patterns of the garden ornaments in those palaces were investigated by comparison with past literature and traditional pattern collections. The findings of the research are as follows. Animal patterns were found on most of the stone statues and symbolized the expulsion of evil and the protenction of the King. They were used mainly in King’s Palace to emphasize the expulsion of evil and the protection of the King in official ceremonies. A stone mortar filled with water was used as a mirror and stonework, stone pedestals, chimneys, and stone boxes were mainly decorated with botanical patterns and used a lot in the royal villa and the living space for praying for the luck the user of the space. As shown above, there was a close correlation to space, the type of garden ornament, classification, and the symbolism of the patterns. A stepping stone used in mounting or dismounting a horse was used practically rather than ornately and there was usually no special ornament on the stone. However, on the stepping stone in the Sujung Annex, a decorated lotus pattern symbolized creation and prosperity with the purpose of calming the minds of the ministers. There were grass and flower patterns on only three sides of the stone box of Yonkyung Hall and therefore, it was considered functional and practical. The flag pedestal that measured the direction and velocity of the wind by using a flag was decorated with a wave pattern to sttongly emphasize the government. The stone mortar of Okrychun where common people enjoyed their lives and partied showed no special patterns and was located in the waterway to divert the flow of the water.

      • TiN 코팅이 전기도금한 교정용 스테인레스스틸 선재의 세포독성에 미치는 영향

        최준규,조진형,황현식,박병주 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate whether TiN coating could reduce the cytotoxicity of electroplated orthodontic stainless steel wire which had been known to be cytotoxic. Nickel plating was done on stainless steel wire using a electroplating technique. Some of the electroplated wires were coated by TiN film and 4 groups of specimen were prepared (Non-coated electroplated wire, TiN coated electroplated wire, Titanium which was known to have no cytotoxicity, Copper which was known to have high cytotoxicity). Each wire was incubated for 72 hours on the medium. The release of the metal ion was measured by ICP-AES. The incubated medium was diluted 75 %, 50%, 25 % and added on each microplate with Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblast for MTT analysis and compared with medium only. Through the measuring of the change in absorbency value of each wire group and the difference of absorbency value according to change of dilution, following results were obtained. 1. The results of ICP-AES analysis showed that lots of nickel ions were isolated from non-coated wires but not isolated from TiN coated wires. 2. The inverted microscope showed that there was a decrease in cell count in non-coated wires but no significant change in TiN coated wires. 3. The results of MTT analysis showed that there was no difference in the absorbency value between TiN coated wires and medium and between titanium and medium but the absorbency value of non-coated wires and copper were lower than that of medium only at all dilution and showed statistically significant differences(p<0.001). 4. Assessment as per ISO 10993, part 5, non-coated wires and copper investigated corresponded to "moderately cytotoxic" and "highly cytotoxic" ; whereas titanium and TiN coated wires were alloted to "non-cytotoxic". The results of the present study indicate that the cytotoxicity of the electroplated orthodontic wire can be changed from "moderately cytotoxic" to "nontoxic" by TiN coating and electroplated wire can be used clinically without the concern of cytotoxicity.

      • 골형성부전증 10예의 임상적 특징

        이형숙,김현주,조재현,이승원,김현아,최준혁,송영준,김대중,이관우,정윤석 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.5

        연구배경 및 방법: 골형성부전증은 비교적 희귀한 유전병으로 교원질 대사 장애로 인한 골의 취약성과 다발성 골절 및 척추측만증 등을 특징으로 한다. 유전방식과 표현형의 발현 정도에 따라 다양한 임상 양상을 보이며, 임상적 중증도에 따라 4가지 형태로 분류된다. 지금까지 국내 보고는 분만과정이나 태아 진찰시 골격이상으로 발견된 증례보고가 주였다. 저자들은 비교적 경미한 임상 양상을 보이는 예를 포함한 다수의 골형성부전증 환자들의 전반적인 임상적 특징에 대해 보고하는 바이다. 결과: 2001년 6월부터 2003년 2월까지 골형성부전증으로 진단받은 6 가계, 10예를 대상으로 하였다. 평균 나이는 27.3(5∼56)세였고 소아가 2예였다. 모두 상염색체 우성으로 유전되었으며, 제 I형이 4예, 제 III형이 4예, 그리고 제 IV형이 2예였다. 전 예에서 다수의 골절 경험이 있었고, 골밀도 저하와 골피질 두께 감소 소견이 관찰되었다. 전신의 평균 골밀도는 0.690(0.421∼1.039) g/cm²였다. 골형성지표로 측정된 sAlk는 소아의 경우만 증가되어 있었고, 골흡수지표로 측정된 uDPD의 평균치는 12.9(4.4∼36.3) nM/mM Cr으로 증가된 소견을 보였다. mobility score는 대부분 3,4단계에 속해 있었다. 중증형일수록 진단 시의 mobility score가 낮은 경향을 보였다. 결론: 한국인 골형성부전증 환자의 임상적 특징을 살펴본 결과 기존의 보고된 II형 외에도 I, III, IV형이 다양하게 존재함을 알 수 있었으며, 모든 예에서 상염색체 우성으로 유전됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 모든 예에서 증가된 골흡수로 인한 골밀도 저하와 골절을 확인할 수 있었다. Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a relatively rare hereditary disease, which is characterized by multiple bone fractures and spine scoliosis, due to the fragility of bone, and is often associated with blue sclerae, deafness and dentinogenesis imperfecta. Four types of OI can be distinguished, according to the clinical findings. Although mutations affecting type I collagen are responsible for the disease in most patients, the mechanism by which the genetic defects cause abnormal bone development remains to be fully understood. Here, the clinical characteristics of 10 OI patient cases are reported, with a review of the literature. All the cases, including 4 type I, 4 type III and 2 type IV, inherited OI as an autosomal dominant trait. All the subjects had multiple old fractures and decreased bone densities. In this study, the biochemical marker of bone formation, serum alkaline phosphatase, was found to be increased only in the pediatric OI patients, while the biochemical marker of bone resorption, urinary deoxypyridinoline, was increased in all cases. The mobility score was found to correlate with the severity of the type on diagnosis (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 18:496∼503, 2003).

      • 제주도 북부연안역의 생물생태학적 기초연구 : Phytoplankton Dynamics and Primary Productivity at the Hamduk Area 함덕해역의 식물플랑크톤 동태와 일차생산력

        고형범,고유봉,최영찬,이준백 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1995 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        제주도 북부 함덕해역의 연안역과 외양역에 있어 식물플랑크톤 동태와 일차생산력을 파악하기위해 1989년 7월부터 1990년 7월까지 조사하였다. 조사기간중 출현한 식물플랑크톤은 총 132종으로 규조류가 96종(72.7%), 와편모조류가 28종(21.2%), 기타 식물성 편모조류가 8종(6.1%)을 차지하였다. 출현종중 Chaetoceros socialis, Fragilaria oceanica 그리고 Lauderia annulata가 연안역에서 현존량의 70% 이상의 높은 우점율을 보였으며 대체적으로 Chaetoceros속이 높은 우점을 나타내었다. 평균현존량의 분포는 연안역(정점1,2)이 7.1×10³∼7.3×10⁴cells/ℓ, 외양역(정점3,4,5)이 5.8×10³∼3.0×10⁴cell/ℓ의 범위로써 규조류가 97%를 차지하였다. 수주의 평균일일 일차생산력은 연안역(정점 2)에서 631.06(156.74∼1,055.26)㎎C/㎡/day,외양역(정점 4)에서 367.12(111.83∼734.44)㎎C/㎡/day로 년간 평균 약 182gC/㎡/yr로 추정된다. 식물플랑크톤의 동화계수는 표층에서0.93-13.16㎎C/㎎Chla/hr의 범위로써 하계에 높았다. 개체수의 수직분포와 일차생산력의 계절변화로 볼때 함덕해역의 식물플랑크톤 동태는 수괴의 수직혼합 및 성층과 밀접한 상관을 보이고 있다고 판단된다. This study has been carried out to understand the dynamics and primary productivity of phytoplankton at nearshore and offshore in the Hamduk area, northern Cheju Island from July 1989 to July 1990. A total of 132species were identified, comprising mainly 96 spp. of diatoms(72.2%) as majority, and also 28 spp. of dinoflagellates(21.2%) and 8 spp. of other phytoflagellates(6.1%) as minority. Of these, Chaetoceros socilis, Fragilaria oceanisa, Lauderia annulata predominated more than 70% of standing crops at nearshore and the genus Chaetoceros was most abundant in all stations. The cell number of surface layer ranged from 7.1×10³to 7.3×10⁴cells/ℓat nearshore and from 5.8×10³to 3.0×10⁴cell/ℓat offshore, showing the composition ratio of 97% by diatoms. The means of daily depth-integrated primary productivity in the water-column were 631.06(156.74∼1,055.26)㎎C/㎡/day at nearshore(st.2) and 367.12(111.83∼734.44)㎎C/㎡/day at offshore(st.4), estimating about 182gC/㎡/yr in the yearly primary productivity. Assimilation number of phytoplankton at the surface ranged from 0.93 to 13.16㎎C/㎎Chla/hr, showing higher values in summer. It is speculated that the dynamics of phytoplankton show the close relation with the vertical mixing and stratification of the water mass in terms of the vertical distribution of cell number and the seasonal variation of primary productivity.

      • KCI등재

        충남대학교 학술림 산책로 훼손실태 및 관리방안에 관한 연구

        이준우,김명준,최윤호,전용준,오도교,김민호,이소연,이경형 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2004 농업과학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        This study concentrates an the trail of the CNU(Chungnam National University) forest. The amount of use and the pattern of damage are considered, as well as the extent of environmental damage. Finally, some managerial strategies are proposed in connection with sustainable maintenance. The trail of the university forest is composed of three sections; one is the neighborhood park and the Institute of Information Technology/Communications, the second is the Institute of Information Technology/Communications and the Dormitory, and the third section is the Dormitory and the Foreign prof's Apt. The total length of the trail is 2.6km. The daily amount of use is 1,269 visitors per day. The amount of using increased three times the amount of that in 1998. This study shows the pattern of damage of the trail in the order of root-exposure, widening, rock-exposure, deepening and the divergence in the frequency of occurrence of all these factors. Environmental damage is also graded thus: grade 3 is 27.4m, grade 4 is 0.8m, grade 5 is 1.5m, and grade 6 is 0.2m. Accordingly, some managerial strategies were proposed in connection with the sustainable trail maintenance.

      • 토끼에서 enrofloxacin과 enrofloxacin acetate의 比較藥物動態學

        윤효인,박승춘,김창식,김민규,최기섭,신광순,박종일,조준형,조명행 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1996 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was designed to examine the in vitro antibacterial activities and pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin acetate (ENFXA) and enrofloxacin (ENFX). Two enrofloxacins had wide spectrum antibacterial activities against Gram positive and negative bacteria, and mycoplasma, showing potent antibacterial activities with low MICs (0.05-3.33 ㎍/㎖ for Gram positives, 0.002 ㎍/㎖ for Gram negatives and 0.02 ㎍/㎖ for mycoplasma). In order to investigate the profiles of two formulations of enrofloxacin we studied comparative pharmacokinetics of them in rabbits. Five rabbits were given 5 ㎎/㎏ body weight of each enrofloxacin formulation intravenously (i.v.) and orally (p.o.) in a cross-over study. Pharmacokinetic parameters of both formulations were calculated by the use of PCNONLIN, a computer program. Their bioavailibility in rabbits, the means of the area under the curve (AUC). After oral administration of each formulation in rabbits, the mean elimination half-lives (t_1/2,ke) were 3.25h (ENFX) and 4.32 h (ENFXA), and mean AUC 4.27 ㎍·h/㎖ (ENFX) and 6.21 ㎍·h/㎖ (ENFXA). Both enrofloxacin formulations seemed to have good tissue distribution and penetration as indicated by large volume of distribution: 4.76 1/㎏ for ENFX and 7.23 1/㎏ for ENFXA. With the results obtained in this study, ENFXA could be used in place of ENFX in rabbits.

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