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        유경종(柳慶宗 1565-1623)묘 출토복식 고찰

        황진영,황소정,박승원 국립중앙박물관 2014 박물관보존과학 Vol.15 No.-

        Three costumes excavated from the tomb of Yu Gyeongjong(1565-1623), which are now own at Buyeo National Museum, underwent conservation treatment. As a result of this treatment, the costume types were correctly identified and their original forms were restored. Through the restoration process, various key features were discovered, enabling the costume types to be correctly identified as a dallyeong(Official’s Uniform with Round Collar), jingnyeong(Coat with Straight Collar), and changui(Coat with Slits in the Rear and Sides). One of the newly discovered key features was a new variety of pattern that differed from the prevalent cloud pattern of the time. Also, on the dallyeong, it was found that the ground of the hyungbae(Rank Badge), was made from yeongeumsa(Wrapped Gold Thread). These costumes are significant artifacts showing trends, patterns, forms, and other key characteristics of clothing from the late sixteenth to the early seventeenth century. 본 유물은 국립부여박물관이 소장하고 있는 진주 유씨 유경종(柳慶宗, 1565-1623)의 묘에서 출토된 복식 3점이다. 이미 1차 보존처리가 완료되었으나 일부분에 대한 재처리가 필요하였고 의복의 형태 복원 및 유물의 안전한 보관을 위해 재보존처리를 진행하였다. 재보존처리가 완료된 복식 3점은 형태 복원을 통해 의복의 특징에 따라 단령(團領), 직령(直領), 창의(氅衣)로 명칭을 정정하였다. 직물의 무늬에서는 지금까지 발표된 운문과는 다른 특징을 보이는 새로운 패턴이 확인되었으며, 단령에 부착된 흉배(胸背)는 무늬 부분이 아닌 바탕 부분이 연금사(撚金絲)로 직성(織成)된 것으로 조사되었다. 본 유물은 보존처리를 통해 원형을 회복하고 의복의 형태에 맞는 명칭을 부여하였다. 이를 통해 16세기 후기에서 17세기 전기 직물의 무늬 및 의복 형태의 유행과 특징을 확인할 수 있는 중요한 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재
      • Does diversification of share classes increase firm value?

        Sojung Kim,Sunwoo Hwang,Woochan Kim 한국재무학회 2019 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.05

        Firms can issue stocks classified in many ways, including in terms of voting rights, dividend rights, redemption rights, and conversion rights. This study investigates the desirability of giving firms greater freedom to choose their share classes. Using the 2011 Commercial Act amendment that significantly relaxed regulation over share classes in Korea, we study the motivation behind and effect of adopting two newly emergent classes: preferred stocks convertible to voting stocks at the discretion of management and preferred stocks redeemable at the discretion of investors. We find that firms adopt the former for managerial entrenchment purposes and destroy firm value by doing so, while firms adopt the latter in times of financial distress but fail to arrest the decline in firm value by doing so.

      • Asxl1 ablation in mouse embryonic stem cells impairs neural differentiation without affecting self-renewal

        An, SoJung,Park, Ui-Hyun,Moon, Seungtae,Kang, Myengmo,Youn, Hyesook,Hwang, Jin-Taek,Kim, Eun-Joo,Um, Soo-Jong Elsevier 2019 Biochemical and biophysical research communication Vol.508 No.3

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Additional sex comb-like1 (Asxl1) is known as a chromatin modulator that plays dual functions in transcriptional regulation depending on the cell type. Recent studies using <I>Asxl1</I> knockout mice revealed that Asxl1 is important for the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells, and the development of organs. Although we previously reported <I>Asxl1</I> as a Sox2 target gene, its function in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) remains largely unknown. For this purpose, we isolated ESCs from the blastocyst inner cell mass of <I>Asxl1</I> <SUP>−/−</SUP> mice. <I>Asxl1</I> deficiency in ESCs exhibited no effect on cell proliferation, expression of core pluripotent transcription factors, or alkaline phosphatase activity, suggesting dispensability of Asxl1 for self-renewal of ESCs. By contrast, the differentiation of <I>Asxl1</I> <SUP> <I>−/−</I> </SUP> ESCs was significantly affected as shown by size reductions of embryoid bodies accompanied with apoptosis, aberrant expression of differentiation genes, downregulation of bivalent neurogenesis genes, and abnormal axon formation in neurons. Overall, our findings indicated that Asxl1 played a critical role in regulating genes associated with neural differentiation without affecting self-renewal of mouse ESCs.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> <I>Asxl1</I> is dispensable for the maintenance of ESC self-renewal and pluripotency. </LI> <LI> <I>Asxl1</I> deficiency leads to defective EB formation. </LI> <LI> Differentiation-associated genes are dysregulated in <I>Asxl1</I>-deleted EBs. </LI> <LI> <I>Asxl1</I> is required for the proper morphology of neuronal axons. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Zinc finger proteins orchestrate active gene silencing during embryonic stem cell differentiation

        Kwak, Sojung,Kim, Tae Wan,Kang, Byung-Hee,Kim, Jae-Hwan,Lee, Jang-Seok,Lee, Han-Teo,Hwang, In-Young,Shin, Jihoon,Lee, Jong-Hyuk,Cho, Eun-Jung,Youn, Hong-Duk Oxford University Press 2018 Nucleic acids research Vol.46 No.13

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Transcription factors and chromatin remodeling proteins control the transcriptional variability for ESC lineage commitment. During ESC differentiation, chromatin modifiers are recruited to the regulatory regions by transcription factors, thereby activating the lineage-specific genes or silencing the transcription of active ESC genes. However, the underlying mechanisms that link transcription factors to exit from pluripotency are yet to be identified. In this study, we show that the Ctbp2-interacting zinc finger proteins, Zfp217 and Zfp516, function as linkers for the chromatin regulators during ESC differentiation. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock-outs of both Zfp217 and Zfp516 in ESCs prevent the exit from pluripotency. Both zinc finger proteins regulate the Ctbp2-mediated recruitment of the NuRD complex and polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) to active ESC genes, subsequently switching the H3K27ac to H3K27me3 during ESC differentiation for active gene silencing. We therefore suggest that some zinc finger proteins orchestrate to control the concise epigenetic states on active ESC genes during differentiation, resulting in natural lineage commitment.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Euchromatin histone methyltransferase II (EHMT2) regulates the expression of ras-related GTP binding C (RRAGC) protein

        Supyong Hwang,김소영,Kyungkon Kim,Jeonghun Yeom,Sojung Park,Inki Kim 생화학분자생물학회 2020 BMB Reports Vol.53 No.11

        Dimethylation of the histone H3 protein at lysine residue 9 (H3K9) is mediated by euchromatin histone methyltransferase II (EHMT2) and results in transcriptional repression of target genes. Recently, chemical inhibition of EHMT2 was shown to induce various physiological outcomes, including endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated genes transcription in cancer cells. To identify genes that are transcriptionally repressed by EHMT2 during apoptosis, and cell stress responses, we screened genes that are upregulated by BIX-01294, a chemical inhibitor of EHMT2. RNA sequencing analyses revealed 77 genes that were upregulated by BIX-01294 in all four hepatic cell carcinoma (HCC) cell lines. These included genes that have been implicated in apoptosis, the unfolded protein response (UPR), and others. Among these genes, the one encoding the stress-response protein Ras-related GTPase C (RRAGC) was upregulated in all BIX-01294-treated HCC cell lines. We confirmed the regulatory roles of EHMT2 in RRAGC expression in HCC cell lines using proteomic analyses, chromatin immune precipitation (ChIP) assay, and small guide RNA-mediated loss-of-function experiments. Upregulation of RRAGC was limited by the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), suggesting that ROS are involved in EHMT2-mediated transcriptional regulation of stress-response genes in HCC cells. Finally, combined treatment of cells with BIX-01294 and 5- Aza-cytidine induced greater upregulation of RRAGC protein expression. These findings suggest that EHMT2 suppresses expression of the RRAGC gene in a ROS-dependent manner and imply that EHMT2 is a key regulator of stress-responsive gene expression in liver cancer cells.

      • 모바일 메신저 사용 행동패턴 분석을 통한 사용자 유형화 _카카오톡 채팅을 중심으로

        황지은(Jieun Hwang),이유림(Yurim Lee),김소정(Sojung Kim),강연아(Youn Ah Kang) 한국HCI학회 2020 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.2

        최근 스마트폰 사용자의 증가에 따라 모바일 메신저 사용자 또한 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 국내 모바일 메신저 중 사용량이 가장 많은 카카오톡 사용자에 대한 연구를 하였다. 카카오톡 사용 동기, 사용기능과 전반적 경험을 통해 사용자를 유형화하고자 하였다. 카카오톡 사용이 제일 활발한 2030 을 대상으로 인터뷰를 진행하였으며, 카카오톡 사용 행동 패턴과 전반적 경험, 인식에 대해 조사하였다. 메신저의 핵심 기능인 채팅 기능을 중심으로 사용자별 인식과 행동패턴을 분석하였고, 4 가지로 사용자 유형화를 할 수 있었다.

      • Prognostic Implication of Biliary Intraepithelial Neoplasia- 3 in Bile Duct Resection Margin for Patients with Resected Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma

        ( Dakyum Shin ),( Sojung Lee ),( Jae Hoon Lee ),( Seung-mo Hong ),( Seo Young Park ),( Changhoon Yoo ),( Jaewoo Kwon ),( Woohyung Lee ),( Ki Byung Song ),( Dae Wook Hwang ),( Song Cheol Kim ) 대한간학회 2020 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2020 No.1

        Aims: In surgery for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (PHCC), it is still controversial as to whether additional resection of the bile duct is needed on biliary intraepithelial neoplasia-3 (BilIN-3) margin. Methods: Patients who underwent surgery for PHCC with curative intent between 2001 and 2015 were stratified by resection margin, and were analyzed comparing the clinical outcomes. Results: Of the 306 study participants, 217 patients had negative margins (R0), 18 patients had BilIN-3, and 71 patients had positive margins (R1). The median overall survival of each group was 36.0 months in R0 group, 41.0 months in BilIN-3 group, and 25.0 months in R1 group while overall survival rates at 5 years were 34.5% in the R0 group, 44.4% in the BilIN-3 group, and 21.0% in R1 group. The median disease-free survival was 15.0 months in R0 group, 16.5 months in BilIN-3 group, and 12.0 months in R1 group. In the BilIN-3 group who had recurrence, 8 out of 9 patients had locoregional recurrence. Conclusions: Even if the BilIN-3 group has the potential to transform into malignancy, the survival and recurrence outcomes were comparable with R0 group, which suggests no additional resection is needed when maximal bile duct margin is BilIN-3 during PHCC surgery.

      • KCI등재

        기업 PR캠페인의 진정성 인식을 이끄는 선행요인들은 무엇인가?

        황성욱(Sungwook Hwang),김효정(Hyojung Kim),김소정(Sojung Kim) 한국광고홍보학회 2021 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.23 No.4

        이 연구는 기업이 수행하는 여러 PR캠페인의 진정성을 인식하는데 영향을 미치는 요인들이 무엇인지 살펴보았다. PR실무에서 영향을 미칠 수 있는 조직 내·외적 상황요인들을 포괄적으로 열거하는 정황수용이론의 변수 자산을 주목하면서 이 연구는 지각된 정황요인들이 기업 PR캠페인의 진정성 인식에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 회귀분석 결과 캠페인 진정성 인식에 영향을 미치는 가장 중요한 요인으로는 업의 본질에 부합한 체계적이고 차별적인 캠페인의 실행이었다. 이어서 조직 내적으로는 기업의 개방적인 문화와 내부적인 연대감, CEO의 준법정신과 윤리경영 활동, CEO의 변혁적·민주적인 리더십의 인식이 캠페인 진정성 인식에 정적 영향을 미쳤다. 외부 상황적 요인으로는 소비자의 규모와 신뢰도가 정적 영향을 미치고 외부적인 위협 요인들의 인식이 유의미한 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 다양한 이론 및 실무적인 의의를 토론하였다. This study investigated what factors influence the recognition of the authenticity of various PR campaigns conducted by companies. Focusing on the variable assets of the contingency theory of accommodation in public relations, which comprehensively enumerates internal and external situational factors that can affect PR practices, this study analyzed how perceived contingency factors affect the perception of authenticity of corporate PR campaigns. According to the results, the most significant factor influencing the perception of campaign authenticity was the systematic and differentiated campaign execution in line with the nature of the business. Then, within the organization, the company"s open culture and internal sense of solidarity, the CEO"s law-abiding spirit and ethical management activities, and the CEO"s transformational & democratic leadership had a positive effect on the perception of campaign authenticity. As external situational factors, the perceived size and credibility of consumers had a positive effect, whereas the perception of external threat factors had a significant negative effect. Based on these results, this study discussed various scholarly and practical implications.

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