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        코로나19 위기와 데이터 국가: 한국의 데이터 국가와 보건위기 거버넌스

        장훈 ( Jang¸ Hoon ) 한국의회발전연구회 2020 의정연구 Vol.26 No.3

        코로나 위기의 세계적 확산 이후에, 한국의 성공적인 방역과정에 대한 사회과학적 관심이 안팎으로 크게 고조되었다. 특히 한국의 국가와 시민의 역할에 대한 사회과학적 논의는 특별한 관심의 대상으로 떠올랐다. 그러나 이 논문은 한국의 성공적 방역에 대한 기존 논의들이 한국의 국가의 강한 개입과 동원역량, 그리고 순응적 시민들의 역할에 초점을 맞추는 과정에서 모호한 개념 설정과 부적절한 방법론상의 한계를 드러내었다고 본다. 강한 국가라는 개념은 모호한 것이며, 순응적 시민이라는 관념은 한국의 지난 수십 년간의 현실 및 실제와도 일치하지 않는다고 할 수 있다. 이 연구에서 우리는 한국 국가의 방역 역량은 데이터 자본주의 시대의 데이터 국가로서의 역량 발휘라는 관점으로 이해할 수 있음을 제시하였다. 첫째, 코로나19의 확산을 통제하는 데에 있어서 국가는 방대한 디지털 데이터의 추출, 종합, 적용의 과정을 주도하는 주도자였지만 데이터 국가의 역량은 법률적인 기반과 매뉴얼에 입각한 방역주도, 그리고 민간부문과의 협력을 통해서 발휘되었다. 이를 통해서 한국 데이터 국가의 방역은 투명성과 민간 협력이라는 개방적 성격을 발휘하였다. 둘째, 이러한 데이터 국가의 주도적 역량은 코로나 보건위기에 대한 갑작스러운 대응이라기보다는 30년의 역사를 통해서 한국 사회의 디지털 역량, 산업부문의 디지털 역량을 기획, 주도하고 설계해온 한국 국가성격의 진화 과정에 따른 것이다. 셋째, 하지만 데이터 국가와 시민들의 관계를 살펴보면, 국가 주도의 압출 거버넌스 모델에 가깝다. 국가 방역정책의 반응성은 높지만, 위기 국면에서 개인의 인권, 자유, 방역의 균형점에 대한 사회적 합의 형성은 충분치 않다. 이를 위한 폭넓은 사회적 담론은 충분치 않으며 따라서 이를 통한 시민들의 공동체 연대의식의 형성 역시 부족하다. Amid global pandemic of covid-19, Korean government’s response has drawn wide attention among social scientists as well as medical studies. The role of Korean state and civil society has attracted particular attention among others. Yet, this paper criticizes extant studies on Korean case which focus on the extensive intervention of the strong state and subjective attitude of Korean citizens in coping with covid-19. The concept of the strong state lacks social scientific specification and subjective citizens do not match with Korean realities. This article argues that Korean state’s capacity in collecting and mobilizing digital data may offer better understanding for the successful responses to the pandemic. First, Korean state is the ultimate coordinator in collecting, analyzing and applying big data about the expansion of covid-19 with its huge network of dataveillance. Also, such role has been largely based upon relevant legal framework and well prepared manuals and cooperation with civic actors and companies. In other words, Korean digital dataveillance had demonstrated its transparency and cooperative governance. Second, such dataveillance capacity has deep roots in the long-term development of Korean state’s big data management. Korean state has evolved about thirty years while enhancing digital data network within governments, companies and private sectors. Third, the relationship between Korean state’s dataveillance and civil society can be characterized as a state centered push model. This model demonstrates highly effective governmental responses to covid-19 crisis but fall short of building social consensus in balancing individual freedom, human rights and effective containment policies. It means communitarian solidarity among citizens has not been a major factor in Korea’s successful response yet.

      • 品種改良 油菜油의 水素添加에 따른 理化學的 變化에 관한 硏究

        張文連,高英秀 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 1990 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.9

        This experiment was performed to study physical and chemical changes of rapeseed oil. The condition used for hydrogenation was 0.02% nickel catalyst under H2 pressure 3.5 kg/cm2 and temperature 180℃. Four rapeseed oils were Yeongsan, Naehan, Halla and Asahi. Physicochemical changes of the hydrogenated rapeseed oil were examined by measuring iodine value, refractive index, melting point, fatty acid composition and trans -isomers. The results of experiment are as belows : 1.As compared with the changes of fatty acid between the rapeseed oil with low erucic acid and native rapeseed oil, it was shown the changes in erucic acid contents of erucic acid were 2% in rapeseed oil with low erucic acid and 40% in native rapeseed oil. Contents of oleic acid were 60% in rapeseed oil with low erucic acid and about 20% in native rapeseed oil. 2.IV and RI of the above oils were gradually decreased in going on hydrogenation, however, there were little differences between rapeseed oil with low erucic acid and native rapeseed oil. 3.Rapeseed oil with low erucic acid was approached to the desirable MP within two hours, but native rapeseed oil was not. 4.Trans-isomers of rapeseed oil with low erucic acid were shown 25% or so that of native rapeseed oil, 40% above. The results of experiment suggest that it is desirable to make a study of decreasing trans acid of hydrogenated rapeseed oil.

      • FA/MA 방법에 의한 부산시 부유분진의 오염원 할당

        정장표, 이승훈, 윤항묵 경성대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏報 Vol.10 No.1

        The object of this study was to identify source categories of Busan area through FA/MA methodology which contribute to the concentration of suspended particles at receptor. According to the purpose of this study, twenty-seven chemical species such as elements, anions, and total carbon of chirty-six PM10 and TSP data sets sampled at Bumchun receptor site for a 24hr period from May to Aug. 1992, were analyzed and applied to FA/MA model. From this study, the following conclusions were obtained. From the factor analysis for measured data, steel, mill-related, transportation, soil dust resuspension, marine, fuel oil, secondary aerosol source, and etc., of which total variance explained by the identified factors was calculated as 84 ∼ 91%, were identified. And the trend was shown that the more the number of input trace materials was, the more difficult the identifications of factors were, relatively. Selecting the representive tracers for identified factors based on the factor loadings, the following equations were obtained by use of stepwise method in multiple linear regression for the cases. TSP(㎍/㎥) = 27.996+0.033Mg +0.016Cl-+0.O05SO42 Case 1 TSP(㎍/㎥) = 11.779 + 2.013Ti + 0.034Na + 0.026Mg + 0.006ca Case 2 PM10(㎍/㎥) = 3.130+0.O04 SO42 +0.010 Cl- + 1.812Ti Case 1 PM10(㎍/㎥) = -14.028+1.515Ti +0.D38Na + 0.O09 Cl- + 0.003 SO42- Case 2 In comparison with the results of FA/MR model with the change of the newly added input tracers, the case with TSP showed relatively unstable results of factor analysis for the case studies because of insufficient number of data available to complete a factor analysis for the tracers used.

      • KCI등재

        植物凝集素 Celosia argentea L. 의 免疫血淸學的 性狀에 關한 硏究

        張訓梓 大韓法醫學會 1989 대한법의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Extracts of ground seeds of Korean Celosia argentea L. were prepared in the usual manner, thereafter the agglutination tests with washed red blood cells and whole blood wee carried out. As a result, author demonstrated that washed red blood cells were markedly agglutinated by C. argentea L. extract, while whole blood was agglutinated in a small number. In the first experiment on a series of 291 blood specimen, washed red blood cells were agglutinated 278 (95.53%), failed 13 (4.47%), while the whole blood was agglutinated 8 (2.75%), failed 283 (97.25%). Since such differences in reactivity were observed, agglutination inhibition test of Celosia extracts by human serum was performed and revealed that by the all sera of 12 of agglutination positive with whole blood, the agglutination of C. argentea L. extracts were completely inhibited, however 429 sera of agglutination negative with whole blood revealed that 414 (96.5%) was inhibitor and 15 (3.5%) was non-inhibitor.

      • 고강도 콘크리트 기둥부재의 횡보강효과 산정에 관한 연구

        장일영,박훈규,송재호 金烏工科大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        High-strength concrete represents a rather recent development in concrete materials technology. In recent years, a considerable amount of research work has been carried out on the mechanical and structural properties of high-strength concrete. However, there has been little research on the behavior of hight-strength concrete columns laterally reinforced with square ties and subjected to compressive loading. With the addition of transverse reinforcement which lead to triaxial compressive state, ductility behavior of high-strength column member shall be increased. In this study, rational quality and quantity evaluations were made to investigate the ultimate strength and strain ductility by confinement effect of tie reinforced hight-strength concrete columns subject to uniaxial loads. Concrete failure theory at the triaxial compressive state and statistical results based on conventional experimental data were applied for this propose. Up to 185 columns, tested under monotonically increasing concentric loading, were evaluated in terms of strength and strain ductility. Analytical results show that confinement stress, maximum compressive strength, and increase of strain equations were developed with the consideration of concrete strength, yield strength, spacing, volumetric ratio, and configurations of tie reinforcement.

      • 植物凝集素 Dolichos lablab L.로 分類된 사람 血淸型에 관한 硏究

        張訓梓,文國鎭 고려대학교 의과대학 1988 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Since the introduction of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) by Stillmark in 1898, PHA contributed to modicolegal field with new classification of blood types by their agglutination activities to human red blood cells and some of them have been used as lectins instead of antisera. Recently there were reported human serum types classified by their inhibition properties to agglutination reaction of panphytagglutinins with various red blood cells. To classify the serological relationships of human serum types classified by their agglutination activities to cat and rabbit red blood cells, and by their agglutination inhibition properties to D. lablab extract with cat and rabbit red blood cells, agglutination test and agglutination inhibition test with 1409 human sera were carried out. The results could be summarized as follows: 1. Human sera were classfied by their agglutination activities to cat red blood cells, and all rabbit red blood cells were agglutinated by human sera. 2. Human sera were also classified by their agglutination inhibition properties to D. lablab extract with cat and rabbit red blood cells and no serological relationship were demonstrated between them. 3. There were serological relationships between the human serum types classified by their agglutination activities and by their agglutination inhibition properties mentioned. 4. Human sera could be classified into 8 types by combination of their agglutination activities and by their agglutination inhibition properties to D. lablab extract with cat and rabbit red blood cells.

      • KCI등재

        현대건축에 있어서 脫定型的 공간구성의 多義的 표현에 관한 연구

        장훈익,김영태 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        This study is about ex-formal types of spatial composition. There are five types of various space expression of contemporary architecture with concept of ex-formal. They are dynamic form composition through plasticity of concrete, disposal spatial composition by geometric collision and geometric superimposion, deconstruction formal composition through form dismantle, ex-cubic spatial composition through folding and free formal composition by digital technology. Also, there are some elements express ex-formality spatial composition for each type. To begin with, they are plasticity, totality and dynamism in dynamic form composition through plasticity of concrete, they are interpenetration, dispersibility in the second type, temporality, fragment, destruction in the third type and obliquity, inclination, bending in the fourth type. Finally, they are fluidity, nonlinearity, plasticity, organic character, continuity in free formal composition by digital technology. Therefore, this study aims to help understand tendency of various space expression in contemporary architecture through searching how to express type of ex-formal spatial composition and polysemous expression character in building since 1960's.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 유·초등학생 장애이해 교육

        이유훈,권택환,김희규,유장순,최세민 국립특수교육원 2003 연구보고서 Vol.- No.1

        특수교육이 장애학생을 포함한 모든 학생의 특성과 요구에 부응하는 통합교육으로 발전하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 장애인에 대한 편견과 차별이 없어야 한다. 장애인에 대한 편견과 부정적인 태도는 결국 장애인의 사회통합에 부정적인 영향을 미치기 때문에 우선적으로 해결해야 할 과제라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 「유ㆍ초등학생 장애이해 교육」자료를 개발ㆍ보급하여 장애인에 대한 편견과 차별을 해소하는데 그 목적을 두고, 전문가 협의회, 관련 문헌 탐색, 기존 장애이해 교육 자료 분석, 현장교사 설문 및 심층면담 등을 실시하였고, 이를 통해 얻은 연구 결과를 요약 정리하면 다음과 같다 첫째, 우리의 학교현장에서는 장애이해 교육 시간확보가 어려운 실정이다. 이런 현상은 교육경력이 낮은 교사일수록 또는 학교경영자와 일반교사의 이해가 부족할수록 더욱 심각하게 나타나는데, 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 국립특수교육원이나 시ㆍ도교육청에서 장애 이해 교육에 따른 시간확보 방안을 제공할 필요가 있다. 장애이해 교육의 필요성에 대한 학교경영자 및 일반교사의 인식 부족을 해결하기 위해서는 학교경영자와 일반교사가 특수교육과 장애인에 대한 이해를 넓힐 수 있도록 하는 다양한 연수프로그램이 마련되어야 한다. 둘째, 장애이해 교육에 활용할 수 있는 자료의 양이 부족할 뿐 아니라, 기존에 개발된 자료를 활용할 수 있는 체계적인 방안이 마련되어 있지 많다는 점이다. 따라서 장애이해 교육에 활용할 수 있는 다양한 자료가 개발되어야 하고, 기존에 개발된 자료는 쉽게 활용될 수 있도록 종류별로 정리되어야 하고, 활용할 수 있는 구체적인 방법도 제시할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 장애이해 교육이 학기초나 '장애인의 날'과 같은 특정기간에 편중되어 있다는 점이다. 장애인식 개선을 위한 교육은 년 중 계획을 세워 일정기간 단위로 실시하여야 한다. 넷째, 장애이해 교육에 활용되는 모델이나 이해교육 방법이 주로 감각장애(시각장애ㆍ청각장애) 또는 지체부자유학생을 중심으로 되어 있다는 점이다. 교육현장에서는 발달장애학생도 많기 때문에 발달장애학생을 모델로 하는 장애이해 교육 프로그램이나 교수-학습방법도 지속적으로 개발되어야 한다. 다섯째, 장애이해 교육방법이 다양하지 못하다는 점이다. 장애이해 교육이 효율적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 장애인의 다양한 특성이 고려되어야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 교수활동 방법 또한 이들의 특성을 고려하여 보다 다양하게 이루어져야 할 것이다. 위에서 제시한 장애이해 교육 실태를 토대로 본 연구보고서에서는 현장교사들이 쉽게 활용할 수 있도록 하기 위해서 1부, 2부로 나누어「유ㆍ초등학생 장애이해 교육자료」를 안내하였다. 제 1부 「장애이해 교육의 개관」에서는 장애이해 교육자료 개발의 필요성, 목적, 연구방법 및 절차, 장애이해 관련 제이론, 장애이해 교육의 현황 및 문제점, 개선방안 등을 기술하여 학교현장의 교사들이 장애이해 교육에 대해 보다 폭 법은 이해를 도모하도록 하였다. 제 2부 「장애이해 프로그램 및 교육자료」에서는 장애유형별 즉, 시각장애, 청각장애, 정신지체, 정서장애, 자폐성장애, 학습장애, 지체부자유 등으로 나누어 제시하여 교사들이 장애 이해 지도를 보다 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하였고, 아울러 기존에 개발된 장애이해 교육자료를 도서, 방송프로그램, 영화, 인터넷 웹사이트 등으로 분류 제시하여 학교현장에서 학생의 수준과 활동 내용에 따라서 다양하게 활용할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 프로그램은 「유ㆍ초등학생 장애이해 교육자료」의 한 예에 불과하다. 학교 현장의 지도 교사는 프로그램의 수준을 상향 또는 하향 조정하여 지도할 수 있으며, 생활 주변의 다양한 소재로 프로그램의 내용을 수정 또는 대체할 수 있다. 나아가 창의적으로 새로운 상황을 전개할 수 있도록 하는 노력도 필요하겠다. 2004년에는 「중ㆍ고등학생 장애이해 교육자료」가 개발되어 학교현장에 보급될 계획이다. In order for special education to develop into an inclusive education system that meets the characteristics and needs of all children, including those who are disabled, there must be no prejudices and discriminations against children who are physically or mentally challenged. As the biases and negative attitudes toward persons with disabilities could eventually exert negative influences on their integration into society, these tasks must be effectively taken care of above all else. This study, with the aim of dissolving prejudice and discrimination against the persons with disabilities by developing and disseminating materials for the "Education for Non-disabled Preschoolers and Elementary School Children to Understand Disabilities", has had consultations with experts, researched related books and other documents, analyzed the existing educational materials for understanding individuals with disabilities and conducted surveys on and interviews with teachers in the field of education. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the fact remains that it is difficult to secure time to educate on how to understand the children with disabilities at the nation's schools. Such a phenomenon occurs more seriously among teachers with less educational experiences as well as school managers and general education teachers without adequate understanding of the children with disabilities. To resolve this problem, either the Korea Institute for Special Education or the municipal and provincial educational agencies need to provide ideas to secure time to educate the understanding of those who are challenged. In order to solve the lack of understanding of the children with disabilities among school managers and general education teachers, various programs must be created and implemented to train the school administrators and regular teachers to expand their understanding of the persons with disabilities. Second, not only is the amount of materials available for the education of the children with disabilities insufficient, but moreover there are no systematic measures to make the most of those materials that are already developed. Therefore, diverse resources must be developed to use for educating the understanding disabilities, and already developed materials must be classified into categories for easy use along with concrete methods for utilizing such resources. Third, education for understanding the children with disabilities is concentrated on specific periods, such as the early semester or the "Day for the Persons with Disabilities". Education to improve the perception of disabilities should be conducted in periods under an annual program. Fourth, the models or methods used to educate for understanding the persons with disabilities are centered mainly on the individuals with sensory injured (with visual or hearing impairments) or the persons with physically disabled. At educational sites, there are many children with developmentally disabled and so educational programs and teaching-learning methods to educate the understanding of the children with disabilities should be modeled after the children with developmentally challenged. Fifth, the methods to educate the understanding of the persons with disabilities are not diverse. For the efficient education of the understanding disabilities, the diverse characteristics of the persons with disabilities should be taken into account. To be successful in this matter, more diverse methods of teaching activities also need to be used by considering the characteristics of the people with disabilities. On the basis of the reality of developing an understanding and proper awareness of those who are disabled as presented above, this study report guides the "Education for non-disabled preschoolers and elementary school children to understand disabilities" in Part 1 and Part 2 for easy use by teachers on active duty. In Part 1, titled as "A General Survey of Educating the Understanding of the Children with Disabilities", I have described the necessity and purpose of educating the understanding of the children with disabilities, its study methods and procedures, various theories on educating the understanding of the children with disabilities, the current situations and problems of educating the understanding of the children with disabilities and their improvement measures to deepen the understanding about educating the understanding disabilities by teachers on active duty. In Part 2, titled the "Programs to Educate the Understanding Disabilities and Educational Materials," I have classified types of disabilities into visual impairment, hearing impairment, mental retardation, emotional disorder, autism, learning disability and the physical impairment for easy approach to educate the understanding disabilities by teachers. At the same time, I re-categorized the already developed materials to educate the understanding disabilities into books, broadcasting programs, movies, Internet web-sites and others for diverse use at schools according to the children' levels and activities. This program is just one example of the "Education for Non-disabled Preschoolers and Elementary School Children to Understand Disabilities". I have arranged it in such a way as to allow teachers to teach the children by upgrading or downgrading the program's level as well as modifying or replacing the contents of this program by using various materials that can be obtained in everyday lives. In 2004, I am planning to develop and distribute the "Education for non-disabled Middle-and High-school Students to Understand Disabilities".

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