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      • 慶南 咸安 郡北地區 銅鑛床産 鑛物中의 流體包有物

        崔錫源 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1985 과학교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        More than fifty copper veins which cut both late Cretaceous plutons and horn-fels of the Jindong Formation intruded by the intrusive rocks are emplaced around those plutons in Haman area, the southernmost part of Korea. The paragenesis of these veins is almost similar to one another, consisting of (1) an early vein stage in which period they are mainly deposited with iron oxide minerals, tourmaline, and other silicate minerals, (2) a calcite and quartz with base-metal sulfide stage, and (3) late veinlets of barren calcite stage. Fluid inclusion studies reveal the highly systematic trends of salinity and temperature during mineralization. Ore fluids of early vein stage are complex NaCI-KCI rich brines. Salinities of polyhase inclusions in quartz and scapolite in the stage reached up to 70 wt. % and gradually decreased to 10.5 wt. % in closing stage. Homogenization temperature of inclusions in the beginning of this stage is up to 490℃ and then declines steadily to 290℃ in the late stage. Salinities of fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite of base-metal sulfide stage are 37.4-5.7 wt % and homogenization temperatures range from 373℃ to 170℃. But the salinities of the copper ore fluids do not show a continuous range but reflect two distinct fluids of high (30.2-68.4 equiv wt. % NaCI) and moderate (5.7-22.7 equiv. wt. % NaCI) salinity. The salinity gap between these two fluids can be attributed to throttling in the copper hydrothermal system resulting in a pressure regime which alternated between dominantly lithostatic and hydrostatic. Intermittent boiling of early vein fluid is indicated by fluid inclusions quartz. Potassic alteration of granodiorite adjacent to early vein seems to be related to early saline vein fluid, the Na/K ratio of which is 0.7-1.4. The fluid inclusion data suggest that the copper hydrothermal system evolves from an early magmatic dominated stage to a late meteoric dominated stage. Fluid inclusion data of base-metal sulfide stage of this area reveal nearly the same range as those of the Koseong copper mining district about 30Km away from this area.

      • 충남 보령지역에 분포하는 흑색 셰일의 암석학적 특성

        최석원,김경진 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        충남 보령시 일대에 분포하는 대동추능군내 흑색 셰일은 벼루등의 석재자원으로 이용된다. 흑색 셰일내에는 결핵체가 산출되기도 한다. 흑색셰일을 대상으로 한 석재광산위치와 채석대상지층은 수부리지역의 성주리층, 성주리및 평리지역의 백운사층, 개화리지역의 백운사층, 도화담리지역의 아미산층 중부셰일대 등이다. 그러나 현재 가행중인 곳은 아미산층인 도화담리지역과 백운사층인 성주리와 평리지역뿐이다. 흑색 셰일의 화학성분분석 결과 SiO₂의 평균함량은 61.97wt.%, Al₂O₃는 19.04wt.% 이었다. 흑색셰일의 구성광물은 석영, 장석이며 교결물질로 견운모, 녹니석, 불투명광물 및 유기물질을 포함하고 있다. 셰일은 Fe셰일과 일반세일로 되어있다. 물성실험결과, 셰일은 비중 : 2.40-2.57, 공극율 : 1.06-2.74%, 흡수율 : 0.41-1.06%, 압축강도 : 730-1140kg/cm², 인장강도 : 130- 180kg/cm²이고 마모경도는 34-52였다. The Black-shale of Daedong Supper Group in Boryeong area, Chungnam is used to make stone resources such as inkstones, etc. Concretions occasionally are found in the Black shale. Location of black shale mines and Formation are Seongjuri Formation of Suburi area. Baegunsa Formation of Gewhari area and middle zone of Amisan Formation of Dowhadamri area etc. But presently, progressing mines are Amisan Formation of Dowhadamri area and Baegunsa Formation of Seongjuri area. As the results of chemical analysis of the black shale, average content of SiO₂is 61.97 wt.% and Al₂O₃is 19.04 wt.%. Compositional minerals of the black shale are quartz and feldspar, including cementational materials which are sericite, chlorite, opaque mineral and organic matters. The shale is classified into Fe-shale and general shale. As the result of physical properties, the Black shale shows that specific gravity is 2.40 - 2.57, porosity is 1.06-2.74%, the modulus of absorption is 0.41 - 1.06%, the compression strength is 730 - 1140 kg/cm², the tension strength is 130 - 180 kg/cm² and abrasion hardness is 34-52.

      • 제주도 화산암의 지구화학적 특성

        최석원,손인석,신현완,이찬희 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        제주도 화산암의 지구화학적 특성을 규명하고자 제주도를 네 지역으로 나누어 지표조사, 시료채취 및 화학분석을 실시하였다. 제주도 전역에서 채취한 31개의 화산암시료(북동지역 11점, 북서지역 6점, 남동지역 7점, 남서지역 7점)는 알카리계열의 알카리현무암과 하와이아이트, 비알카리 계열의 쏠리아이트로 분류되었다. SiO₂ 함량범위는 46.27~52.43을 보인다. 암종별함량은 각각 알카리현무암 46.27~50.92, 하와이아트 47.30~50.45, 쏠리아이트 51.09~52.43을 보인다. MgO(wt.%) 함량범위는 알카리현무암 5.37~10.73, 하와이아이트 1.95~7.41, 솔리아이트 6.40~7.94이며, 특징적으로 솔리아이트는 작은 MgO폭을 보인다. MgO주성분원소 관계도에서 MgO가 감소하면서 SiO₂, Al₂O₃, K₂O, ?? 증가하나 Fe₂O₂, CaO함량은 감소한다. MgO미량원소 관계도는 MgO 함량이 증가하면서 호정성원소 (compatible element)인 Co, Cr, Ni, V는 강한 증가폭을 보인다. 지역에 따라 원시맨틀 값으로 표준화하면 하와이아이트, 알카리현무암, 솔리아이트 순으로 높은 값을 보였고, Rb에서 Yb로 갈수록 기울기가 점점 감소하였다. 이런 양상은 동일마그마에서 단순한 분별결정분화작용을 일으킬 때 보이는 일반적인 경향이다. 운석값의 표준화도에서 하와이아이트, 알카리현무암, 솔리아이트 순으로 높은 값을 보였고, 전체적으로 LREE가 HREE에 비해 부화되어 있다. 이와 같은 경향은 동원마그마에서의 분화과정을 시사해주는 것이다. Though many geologists have studied for the Cheju Island, only a few synthetic studies for all parts of Cheju Island have been done. In this study petrological descriptions and geochemical characteristics and whole rock analysis for 31 samples of volcanic rock from Cheju Island were carried out. The volcanic rocks of surveyed area were classified into alkali basalts, hawaiites, and tholeiites of subalkaline series. The contents of SiO2 for total volcanic rock samples are 46.27 to 52.43 wt.%. Each SiO2 is alkali basalts 46.27 to 50.92 wt.%, hawaiites 47.30 to 50.45 wt.%, tholeiites 51.09 to 52.43 wt.%. The contents of MgO for total volcanic rock samples are 5.37 to 10.73 wt.%. Each MgO is alkali basalts 5.37 to 10.73 wt.%, hawaiites 1.95 to 7.41 wt.%, tholeiites 6.40 to 7.94 wt.%. According to incompatible elements, normalized values that hawaiite is high and tholeiite is low was seen. And then, this kind of magma generally produce simple fractional differentiation. Rare earth elements also shows that the volcanic rocks from Cheju Island were differentiated from the co-genetic magma.

      • 第五次 敎育課程에 의한 地球科學 敎科書의 實驗內容 分析 硏究

        崔錫源,張來喆 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1989 과학교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        The aim of this study is preparing materials to induce Earth Science teachers to instruct their students through research method. The method used in this paper is to analyze and compare the contents of the experimental parts in highschool Earth science textbooks in 5th curriculum which will be published in 1990 in Korea. This specific procedure is as follows; 1) To compare the number of experiments adopted in every textbooks(the number of experiments in each textbook and in chapters of every textbook). 2) To find out the errors by making each experiment in the every textbook. 3) To grope for new effective experimental methods. The result of the study is as follows; 1) The number of the kinds of experiments is 67 in 2nd volume of Science 1 and 45 in Earth Science. 2) The contents of experiments in every textbook are from one another. 3) The disposition of the experiments in every chapter is unbalanced. 4) Sixty percent of the total number of experiments is adopted in only one textbook. 5) The number of experiments that need to be correct is 23 percent in Earth science while 18 percent in the 2nd volume of Science 1.

      • GIS를 이용한 부여 서부지역의 산사태 연구

        최석원,박하나,정승균 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1997 自然科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        지구정보시스템(GIS)을 이용하여 충청남도 부여군 서부지역의 산사태 발생 가능성을 분석하였다. 산사태 취약성 분석을 위하여 산사태 발생에 영향을 미치는 사면경사, 토양침식율, 지질, 토지이용도 등과 같은 환경지질학적 요인들을 선정한 후 산사태 발생지역에 대한 통계분석을 행하였다. 분석 결과를 이용하여 database를 구축하고 각각의 자료들을 중첩시켜 산사태 취약성 지수(LSI)를 산출한 다음 이 지수와 분포 면적에 대한 누적곡선을 작성하여 산사태 취약성도를 작성하였다. 산사태 취약성은 연구지역 남쪽과 북쪽 경계부, 그리고 은산면 중앙부 지역에 매우 높게 나타났으며, 은산면 북서쪽과 내산면 일대는 비교적 높은 산사태 취약성을 보였다. 그러나 규암면 일대와 구룡면, 옥산면을 잇는 수계하천을 따라서는 산사태 취약성이 매우 낮게 나타났다. This study used GIS to analyze the possibility of landslide occurrence in the western part of Puyeo-kun, Chung Nam Province. For the regional analysis of landslide, environmental and geological factors such as topographic slope, soil erodibility, geology, landuse which have influence on the landslide occurrence were extracted, and then analyzed statistically for the area of landslide occurrence. With the result obtained by statistical analysis, databases were constructed. LSI were calculated by overlapping each factor. Landslide susceptibility map was obtained by use of LSI and cumulative curve of area. The results of this study show that each border of the south and north regions and the center of Eunsan-myeon have the very high susceptibility and northwest of Eunsan-myeon and side area of drainage between Gurong-myeon and Oksan-myeon have the very low landslide susceptibility.

      • 公州 白堊紀 堆積盆地內 우라늄 鑛床의 成因에 關한 硏究

        崔錫源 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1983 과학교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Genesis of the uranium deposits in the Kongju sedimentary basisn has been studied on the petrological, structural, sedimentary environments view points. The rocks of this area composed of tuffaceous, calcareous, and purple shale, siltstone, lithic arkose, pebble bearing sandstone, and conglomerate etc., and is correlated to Gyongsang Super Group. This area was generated by the gradual environmental change, ranging from alluvial sedimentary facies to lake facies. Alluvial fan is composed of mid fan and distal fan, is alternated with fluvial fan and also co-exists with interchannel lake facies and marginal lake facies. The uranium deposits are divided into syngenetic shale type deposits in Aengbongsan area and epigentic pebble bearing sandstone type deposits in yowunae area. In both deposits, uranium bearing minerals are uranophane and urninite.

      • 본태성 고혈압 환자의 순응도에 관한 연구

        유원성,최석구 인제대학교 1987 仁濟醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본태성 고혈압 환자의 순응도를 제고할 방안을 강구하고자 대학병원 내과 외래에서 새로 진단된 환자 100명을 통상적으로 진료하면서 1년2개월간 관찰하였다. 통원율은 94%로 우수하였으나 6개월에 60%가 탈락하였으며, 그 이유로는 의료측 요인이 47%로 좀 더 적극적인 개입이 필요한 것으로 판단되었다. One hundred patients with essential hypertension, diagnosed consecutively, were followed-up at hypertension clinic of Paik Hospital to evaluate their compliance for 14 months without any intervention. The following results were observed. 1.Rate of attendance was excellent (94%), although being decreased rapidly after 3 months' trestment especially in drop-out group. 2.Rate of keeping reservation was fair (75%) and stable from 2 months' follow-up and thereafter. 3.Additive drop-out rates were 26%, 36% 43% and 60% respetively by the end of 1,2,3, and 6 months' observation. There was no significant difference in age, sex and severity of hypertension. 4.Causes of non compliance were analyzed as 47% from medical, 28% from patient and 25% from socioeconomic factors. These data seem to mean that there is ample room for medical provider to improve patient's compliance by active interventions.

      • 貴金屬·寶石加工産業의 經營實態와 國際競爭力 分析 : 裡里 貴金屬·寶石加工團地를 中心으로 Focusing on Iri Jewellery & Gems Export Industry Park

        尹忠沅,崔宇琮,尹錫玩,卞在權 全北大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        Jewellery & gems industry has been developed with the beginning of ancient human history as all the mankind have a fancy for precious metals and stones regardless of the times and nationality. Historically, Korean also had an excellent workmanship from the ancient era and shipped it, as a tribute, to the neighboring countries. However, our deposits of gold and silver had been almost dried up, especially owing to a lot of excavation during Japanese imperialist rule, And precious stones have not been discovered in Korea except a small quantity of crystal. Therefore, Korea cannot but depend on the processing industry of jewellery and germs by importing the unworked gold, diamond and other precious stones from overseas countries. By the way, recent overseas market of jewellery & germs is very extensive and the value added of the industry is much larger than other industries. So jewellery & gems processing industry is regarded as the most important field in the advanced countries. All the more, the industry is typical of labor-intensive one and is more suitable to the nations whose people are deft-handed. From those points, it is quite appropriate to Korea. Recognizing this facts, Korean government had set up a Jewellery & Gems Export Industry Park in Iri city ten years ago. The bonded industry park has much contributed to export promotion and regional economic development. But there are a lot of room for improvement if we would obtain the anticipated results. So we researchers have studied and analyzed the following points to find some ways for improving the Iri Jewellery & Gems Export Industry Park. ① the history of precious metals & gems industry in both overseas countries and Korea. ② international production status of unworked precious metals & stones, and structure of international trade. ③ business status of exporting companies in Iri Jewellery & Gems Export Industry park; general circumstances, exprot & import structure, employment policy, production & skill, purchasing materials (the unworked stones ) and marketing etc.

      • KCI등재
      • 본태성 고혈압환자의 순응도에 관한 연구 IV : 의사개입과 제도개선의 합동효과 Effect of Combined Strategies Provided by Physician and Insurance

        유원상,김용균,김준희,최석구,전영빈 인제대학교 1991 仁濟醫學 Vol.12 No.1

        본태성 고혈압환자의 순응도 제고를 위하여 채택한 방책중 의사의 단독개입만으로는 13%의 통원탈락율의 개선, 보험급여 제도의 일부개선만으로는 3%의 악화에 비하여 양자 합동으로는 17%의 개선효과를 보았다. 따라서 진료의사의 좀 더 적극적인 개입과 보험급여의 진료일수제한 철폐가 요망된다. One hundred patients with essential hypertension, consecutively and newly diagnosed, were followed up at hypertension clinic of Paik Hospital to evaluate their compliance for 12 months with combination strategies provided by physician's intervention and extended insurance coverage. Rate of drop-out from reserved visit to clinic were 23% at the end of 3 months, 52% at the end of 12 month, which showed decrease, compared with 26%, and 63% respectively of ordinary management. In conclusion, in order to improve patient's compliance, a positive intervention by physician as well as lifting of insurance limitation should be intensified drastically.

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