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통화(通貨)·생산(生産)·물가(物價)의 비선형인과관계(非線型因果關係) 검정(檢定)
백웅기,Baek, Ehung-gi 한국개발연구원 1991 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.13 No.4
본고(本稿)는 둘 혹은 여러 변수(變數)가 서로 비선형적(非線型的) 인과관계(因果關係)의 특정한 구조를 가질 때 주어진 관측치(觀測値)로부터 인과관계(因果關係)에 관한 올바른 추론(推論)을 유도하기 위한 새로운 이론인 Baek-Brock의 방법(方法)을 소개하고 이것을 통화(通貨), 생산(生産) 및 물가(物價)의 세 변수(變數)에 적용하여 기존의 인과성(因果性) 검정(檢定)과 어떻게 다른 결과를 얻는지 살펴본다. Baek-Brock의 방법(方法)은 일반적으로 두 변수(變數) 사이의 인과관계(因果關係)를 검정(檢定)하는 데 사용될 수 있으나 변수간(變數間)에 내재하는 실제 인과관계(因果關係)가 선형(線型)인 경우 Granger 검정법(檢定法) 등 기존의 방법(方法)이 높은 검정력(檢定力)을 보이므로 여기서는 주로 비선형인과성(非線型因果性) 검정(檢定)에 초점을 맞춘다. 본(本) 검정법(檢定法)은 인과성(因果性) 여부를 조건부확률에 기초하여 정의한 후 개별확률을 상관적분(相關積分) (correlation integral)을 사용하여 추정(推定)토록 하였다. 이 방법(方法)은 변수간(變數間)의 인과관계(因果關係)가 비선형적(非線型的)일 때 유효하다는 장점을 지니나 인과성(因果性)이 없다는 귀무가설하(歸無假說下)에서 표본수에 따른 검정통계량(檢定統計量)의 점근분포(漸近分布), 그릇된 귀무가설(歸無假說)에 대한 최대의 기각력(棄却力)을 창출하는 척도모수(尺度母數)(scale parameter) 등에 관한 이론적 배경이 미흡하다는 단점이 있다. 본고(本稿)에서는 이를 Monte Carlo 시뮬레이션을 실시하여 보완하였다. 통화(通貨), 생산(生産) 및 물가간(物價間)에는 Granger 검정법(檢定法)을 실시했을 경우 통화(通貨)와 생산(生産)만이 서로 인과성(因果性)이 있을 뿐 물가(物價)와 다른 변수간(變數間)의 인과성(因果性) 증거는 희박하였다. 한편 Baek-Brock의 검정법(檢定法)은 이미 벡터자기회귀모형(自己回歸模型)(VAR)을 통해 밝혀진 선형관계(線型關係) 외에 물가(物價)가 생산(生産) 및 통화(通貨)에 미치는 비선형인과성(非線型因果性)에 관한 추가적 정보를 제공해 주고 있으며 구체적으로 그러한 인과관계(因果關係)가 몇 기(期) 후부터 나타나는지 밝혀 준다. 그러나 이를 이용한 구체적인 모형화(模型化)는 추후의 논문을 통해 밝히기로 한다. The purpose of this paper is primarily to introduce a nonparametric statistical tool developed by Baek and Brock to detect a unidirectional causal ordering between two economic variables and apply it to interesting macroeconomic relationships among money, production and prices. It can be applied to any other causal structure, for instance, defense spending and economic performance, stock market index and market interest rates etc. A key building block of the test for nonlinear Granger causality used in this paper is the correlation. The main emphasis is put on nonlinear causal structure rather than a linear one because the conventional F-test provides high power against the linear causal relationship. Based on asymptotic normality of our test statistic, the nonlinear causality test is finally derived. Size of the test is reported for some parameters. When it is applied to a money, production and prices model, some evidences of nonlinear causality are found by the corrected size of the test. For instance, nonlinear causal relationships between production and prices are demonstrated in both directions, however, these results were ignored by the conventional F-test. A similar results between money and prices are obtained at high lag variables.
Baek,Soondo(Soondo Baek) 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2024 교과교육학연구 Vol.28 No.4
The present study explored the relationship between motivation and boredom attribution in learning English as a foreign language in Korea. Participants were university students majoring in the English language and literature. Ninety-one participants responded to a questionnaire probing their motivation and perceived boredom precursors in English learning. Motivation and perceived boredom precursors were operationalized by three motivational factors (integrative/intrinsic, instrumental-social status, instrumental-desired career) and two boredom precursors (being over-challenged, lack of meaning). Bivariate correlation analysis showed that lower integrative/intrinsic motivation and instrumental-desired career motivation were associated with greater boredom attribution to both types of precursors whereas the instrumental-social status motivation was not significantly related to any type of boredom attribution. Stepwise multiple regression analyses further suggested that the instrumental-desired career motivation acts more like the integrative/intrinsic motivation than the instrumental-social status motivation especially in relation to boredom arising from lack of meaning. The findings suggested a complicated pattern of links between motivation and boredom, offering theoretical and pedagogical implications for how to better address boredom in EFL learning.
국제개발협력 정부기관 비교 연구 - 6개 원조공여국의 농촌지도를 중심으로 -
백숙희 ( Sookhee¸ Baek ),임형백 ( Hyung Baek¸ Lim ) 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 2020 지역개발연구 Vol.52 No.2
농촌지도(rural extension)는 전 세계의 많은 국가에 존재하는 정부기관이다. 농촌지도는 오랜 역사를 가지고 있고, 많은 원조공여국과 원조수원국에 존재한다. 농촌지도는 국제개발협력에서 중요한 농업기관이다. 한국에는 일제강점기에 도입되었고, 현재에도 농림축산식품부 산하 농촌진흥청의 주요 기능 중 하나로 남아 있다. 이 논문은 대표적인 6개 선진 원조공여국의 농촌지도를 비교·연구하였다. 농촌지도는 거의 4천년 동안 진화되어 왔지만, 현대적 농촌지도는 1874년 아일랜드에서 탄생했다. 지도(extension)이라는 용어도 영국에서 처음 사용되었다. 이렇게 탄생한 농촌지도는 제2차 세계대전, 즉 1950년대 이전에 전 세계로 확산된 농촌개발 모델이다. 제2차 세계대전 전에는 영국, 프랑스 등의 유럽의 각국들이 제국주의 하에서 아프리카, 아시아 및 라틴아메리카의 여러 나라들을 강점하여 농촌지도사업을 실시한 경우이다. 제2차 세계대전 이후에는 UN, 미국 등을 통하여 전 세계로 확산되었다. 따라서 일반적으로 제3세계의 근대적 농촌지도사업의 역사를 논할 때는 제2차 세계대전을 기점으로 삼아 그 이전과 이후로 나누고 있다. 그러나 농촌지도는 농촌개발모델이지 농촌개발 이론은 아니다. 농촌개발 이론은 제2차 세계대전 이후 1950년대부터 등장하기 시작했다. Rural extension has a long history and exists in man donor countries and recipient countries. Rural extension is an important government organization for international development cooperation. This papers is a comparative study of representative 6 donor countries. Modern rural extension was born in Ireland in 1874. Rural extension is rural development model which spread all over the world before World War Ⅱ, or 1950. Before World War Ⅱ, European countries, such as Britain, france, and other countries conducted rural extension in colonies in Africa, Asia and Latin America under imperialism. After World War Ⅱ, rural extension spread all over the world through the United States and United Nations(UN).
노치권(외 6명) 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 2012 自然科學論文集 Vol.22 No.-
To study fauna of Silla University located in Mt. Baek-yang, we conducted six surveys from 29 May 2011 to 28 April 2012. We found five phyla 41 orders 197 species of animals inhabiting in this area: four phyla 27 orders 163 species of invertebrates and in vertebrates one order six species of fishes, three orders nine species of amphibians and reptiles, six orders 14 species of aves, and four orders five species of mammals. Of these species, some Korean endemic species were included: a fish of Rhodeus uyekii in a pond near main gate of this university, a frog of Rana coreana in a creek near a dormitory, and a rabbit of Lepus coreanus and a water deer of Hydropotes inermis in a grass region near a main stadium. A kind of hawk, Falco tinnunculus as a natural monument (animal) of no. 323-8, was observed on a building of medical and life science. A blue frog of Hyla japonica as a variation was found near a spring resort. Therefore, this area is considered an ecologically important area having a high animal diversity.
Baek,Sun-Geun,Cho,Sijung,Yang,Hye-Won,Kim,Seojin 서울대학교 교육종합연구원 2021 The SNU Journal of Education Research Vol.30 No.4
The effects of ‘confidence in science’ and ‘instructional clarity in science lessons’ on ‘science achievement’ mediated by ‘interest in learning science’ were investigated comparatively across South Korea, Japan, the USA, and England. From the data of TIMSS 2019, 3,861 cases from South Korea, 4,446 cases from Japan, 8,698 cases from the USA, and 3,365 cases from England were used to test a hypothesized structural equation model. As a result, the model fitted the data of each country satisfactorily, and measurement was found to be equivalent across the four countries. Moreover, the effect of confidence on achievement was statistically significant in all countries whereas the effect of instructional clarity on achievement and the effect of interest on achievement were only significant in South Korea and the USA. Furthermore, the mediation effect of interest was only significant in South Korea and the USA. Such results provide new perspectives in the role of confidence, instructional clarity, and interest on students’ science achievement and implications for customized educational programs and policies for each country.
Baek,Hum-Young,Lee,Young-Sang 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.3
To improve industrial scale extraction method for extraction of icariin from Epimedium koreanum Nakai, the yields under different extracting conditions such as solvent, temperature, duration and solvent to plant material weight ratio were compared. Regarding extracting solution, highest extracts and icariin yield could be achieved when 10% EtOH was used. In case of plant material to extracting solvent ratio, no significant differences could be observed from 1/10 to 1/50, indicating 1/10 was the most efficient. Extracting temperature significantly affected extracts and icariin yields in that 90℃ increased the collected extracts and icariin contents up to 29.6% and 0.76%, respectively, compared to 27.2%, 0.33% at 70℃. The yield of extracts was less dependent upon extracting temperature compared to icariin yield. Regarding extraction time, 4 hr and 6 hr resulted in high extracts and icariin yield, respectively. We found extracting Epimedium koreanum Nakai in 10 times volume of 10% EtOH for 4 and 6 hr at 90℃ seem to be relatively efficient methods for extracts and icariin, respectively.
Baek,Dong-Hyun 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-
As structures are higher, large-sized and more complex, we should detect the fire at the beginning and cope with it to reduce the loss of mankind and the physical damage due to fire. So we have investigated and developed various kinds of fire detection system, and do the efforts for minimizing the nonfire alarm. As there exists a close relationship between the technology development and the market potential, a comparison between the number of fires in special buildings and detection types were made to find out market potential based on the annual statistics on fire products inspection. In addition, we have discussed the causes of nonfire alarm and the fire detection system and prospect the research trend of the fire detection system.
Emily Dickinson's Homosexual Orientation
Seung-Jin Baek 영미어문학회 2004 영미어문학연구 Vol.20 No.1
Seung-Jin Baek. 2004. Emily Dickinson's Homosexual Orientation. The British & American Language and Literature. 20-1. 115-128. In the Western feminist movement, the division between lesbian and heterosexual women played an important role in the development of the movement. The aim of lesbianism was to articulate connections between lesbianism and feminism and to create new and positive images. Lesbian feminists tried to challenge and supplant the oppressive stereotype which dominated public opinion. While the heterosexual feminist movement is formed in the established male-centered boundaries, lesbian feminists are primarily committed to women. That is, while heterosexual feminists try to achieve authenticity through the male-female relationship, lesbian feminists try to achieve authenticity through identifying themselves with women. Emily Dickinson participated in such relationships with women and practiced the concept of lesbian continuum throughout her life. In the poems dealing with the relationship with male sexuality, Dickinson is always hierarchically inferior to male sexuality which relegates women to sexual and family functions. The male power scorches and scathes her existence. So, Dickinson finds a way to identify and utilize specifically female power in her work and then tries to create a new consciousness which can be shared among women.
김수신,백세민,김동일 大韓成形外科學會 1987 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.14 No.1
Utilizing the lateral thigh flap as originally described by Se-Min Baek. in 1983, we have treated seven cases of reconstruction involving crushing injuries of the hand. This flap is derived from the third perforator of the deep femoral artery and accompanying wein as per Baek`s method. When a large skin flap was needed such as the case of crushing hand injuries, a lateral thigh flap was more useful than any other flap. From our experiences for reconstruction of crushing hand injuries, the following advantages of this flap are noted: 1. It is possible to obtain a large size of all skin flap. 2. It is relatively thin with a small amount of the subcutaneous fat. 3. The vascular pedicle is long (10㎝ or more), facilitating microvascular anastomosis. 4. The lateral thigh flap can be a sensory flap. 5. It can be accommodated easily to any operating position.
TV광고에 나타난 스포츠 스타의 여성성과 이데올로기: 김연아와 장미란 광고에 대한 기호학적 분석을 중심으로
백선기 ( Seon Gi Baek ),손돈 ( Don Son ) 한국기호학회 2012 기호학연구 Vol.33 No.-
The purpose of this study was to figure out how TV advertisements(ads) represented sexuality of female sports stars, what kinds of signs they used to represent it, and what kinds of meanings such signs tended to imply ideologically in Korean society. In Korea, two female sports stars became very famous and welcomed. The one was Yuna Kim, a gold medal holder in figure skating at 2010 Winter Olympic Game, who was skinny and pretty, while the other was Miran Jang, a gold medal holder in female weight lifting at 2008 Summer Olympic Game, who was strong and healthy. The authors were interested in why they were differently treated in the TV ads, what was main content of each of their TV ads, how much different they were, and what such different contents could imply in Korean society. In order to solve these research questions, they collected two ads of each of them at Korean TV stations, 2010, as main research objects. Those ads were divided into linguistic part and image one, and each of parts was analyzed by semiotic research methods, especially, A Signification Model of Signs(SMS) which was recently suggested by Baek. As a result of this study, it was firstly found that there were clear different signs in TV ads between two female stars. Yuna Kim`s ads tended to show ‘skinny body’, ‘pretty face’, ‘erotic movement’, ‘sexual posture’, ‘seduce position’, and ‘childish action’ as important signs, while Miran Jang`s ads usually tended to express ‘healthy body’, ‘solid muscle’, ‘poker face’, ‘repeated weight lifting movement’, ‘manly posture’, and ‘responsible action’ as important signs. Secondly, there were different points of representation between them. The former pointed out ‘femininity’, ‘sexuality’, ‘prettiness’, ‘voluptuous charms’ and ‘sexual stimulus’, as the latter tended to focus on ‘masculinity’, ‘endurance’, ‘fortitude’, ``exertion’ and ‘earnestness’. Thirdly, there were different significations between them through such points of representation at the in-depth level of meaning. Through the Yuna Kim`s ads, it was signified that such pretty and skinny female sport`s star was considered as a sexual iconic figure, a erotic object, a sexual desire and a stimulus of passion. On the other hand, through the Miran`s ads, it was signified that such fat and strong female sport`s star was treated as a sort of androgynous appeal, a heroic figure, a hard worker, and a mentor for young athletes. Through this study, it was concluded ideologically that female sports stars could be signified differently by their pretties, shapes of body and outward appearances in the Korean society, even though they achieved similar kinds of outcomes in the international sports games.