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      • 家族計劃實態와 關聯된 要因의 分析

        李香蓮,趙熙淑 中央醫學社 1975 中央醫學 Vol.28 No.2

        For the purpose of studying the attitude, experience, method, reason and some factors associated with family planning practice in an urban area, a study was conducted for 2 months, from july, 1972. The interviewers visited 592 women, who have one or more children with questionnaire. Major findings can be summerized as follows. ( I) Basic Characteristics of Women. 1) General characteristics of women. Age: The 35.9 percent of women were 30 to 34 of age as the most proportion. And the average age at interview is 31.0 years. Education: The women's education level was high comparatively. The 54.7 percent of women graduated the high school at Ieast. Standard of living: The 68.1 percent of women was middle class of living standard by speaking herself. It was high level comparatively. 2) Marriage and Delivery Status. The average age at marriage and the duration of maternal lives were 23 years of age and 7.9 years. The 57.4 percents of women had one or two childrens as the most proportion. The majority (57.1 percent) of women delivered last child at Ob-Gyn's clinic and general hospital. 3) The Status of Family Planning Practice. The 96.9 percents of women approved of the family planning. The 56.1 per-cents of women experienced the contraception practice. And the 41.9 percent& was answered at "is being practiced now". This is high comparatively. The 31.9° percents of women used the oral pill. And the 32.2 percents of women answered that reason at for having adequate number of children" as the most pro-portion. The 31.1 percents of women practiced the contraception within 10 to 12 months after last child delivery. (H) The relationstionship of approval for family planning and some factors. The majority (98.9 percent) of group of age 35 to 39 years approved the family planning. The 99.3 percents of the middle school graduate group approved of the family planning. In the opinion of surveyer, the group of high standard living approved it. (98.9 percent). And the group who have 3 or 4 childrens approved the family planning (98.4 percent) as the most proportion. (III) The relationship of experience for family planning practice and some factors. The 70.5 percents of the group 35 to 39 years of age experienced the contraception practice. The more age of women the higher rate of contraception experience. The 65.0 percent of the college graduate group experienced the contraception. Therefore, the higher level of education, the higher rate of contraception experience. And the higher level of standard living, the higher rate of contraception experience. Comparing with the number of living children and experience of the contraception practice, the 69.2 percent of group who have 3 or 4 childrens experienced the highest rate of practice. And the group of women who have only sons experienced higher than who have only daughters, the rate of the contraception practice comparing with the place of the last delivery shows; The 51.8 percent of group who delivered at Ob-Gyn's clinic and general hospital experienced the practice and the 50.5 percents of group who had home delivery experienced the practice. (IV) The relationship of the methodof family planning practice and some factors.. As the highest rate, the most proportion of all age group practiced the oral pill method, especially the 32.8 percent of 25 to 29 years of age group had the most proportion. In the 50 percent of women who graduated the elementary school or less; they practiced the oral pill as the most proportion. And the 30.4. percent of the college graduate group practiced the condom. Therefore, the higher level of education; the high rate of condom used. Comparing with the standard of living; the 33.9 percent of the group of highest standard living used the rhythm method. And the middle and low level of standard living used the oral pill. Threrfore, it shows the higher level of living, the lower use of oral pill and IUD. Comparing with the number of living children; the group of women who have 1 or 2 childrens, used the rhythm method (34.0 percent). And the group of women who have only 1 or 2 daughters usd the oral pill (4G percent) as the most proportion. (V) The relatioeship of the reason of the family planning practice and some factors. As the reason of the contraception practice, all age group shows the reason as the "adequate number of children" especially the age group of 24 years emphasized this reason. Comparing with the educational level elementary school (or less) graduate group answered the reason of practice as the "economical difficulty" (42.5 per-cent), and the middle school graduate group answered at "economical difficulty" (30.5 percent). And the majority of high school graduate group and the college graduate group answered the reason as the "Adequate number of children". Therefore, the higher level of education, higher rate of the reason of "Adequate number of children" and lower rate of "economical difficulty" comparing with the standard of living, "adequate number of children" was answered as the most proportion by the middle class (40.2 percent) and low class (33.0 percent) of living. The 34.9 percent of group who delivered the last children at Ob. -Gyp's clinic and general hospital answered the reason as "the adequate number of children". And in the 28.2 percents of group who had home delivery answered at "economical difficulty." (Vl) The relationship of the period of the contraception practice after last deli-very and some factors. The 47.6 percent of group 25 to 29 years -of .age practiced the contraception with in 6 months after last delivery. It shows the high rate of early contraception practice, and the older age of women, the lower rate of contraception practice. Comparing with the educational level; the 31.3 percent of elementary sch000l graduate group practiced the contraception within 6 months. And the middle school graduate group practiced 40 percents. High school graduate and college graduate group was 42.2 percent and 51.6 percent individually. Therefore, the higher level of education, the higher rate of early contraception practice, And the higher level of standard living, the higher rate of early contraception practice. And the 51.6 percents of women who have 1 or 2 child rens practiced the contraception within 6 months as the most 41.6 percents of women who delivered the last child at the Oproportion. Thc b.-Gyn's clinic and general hospital practiced the contraception within the 6 months after delivery. (VII) The relationship of the number of induced abortion and some factors. The 29. 7 percent (176 women) of all 592 women experienced the induced abortion. Especially, 136 women experienced the one or two number of induced abortion as the most proportion. The 26. 3 percent of group 35 to 39 years of age experienced the one or two induced abortion. Therefore, the older age of group, the higher number of induced abortion. In the relationship of educational level and the number of the induced abortion, the 28. 9 percent of middle school graduate group experienced the one or two induced abortion as the most proportion. Comparing with the Ievel of standard living, the 24.3 pereent of middle class group experienced the one or two induced abortion as the most proportion. And the 30.3 percent of group of women who have three or four childrens experienced the 1 or 2 induced abortion. The 23.4 percent of the women who delivered the Iast child at the Ob. -Gyn's clinic and general hospital experienced the 1 or 2 number of induced abortion. This is higher than the group who had home delivery (21.3 percent). But the 8. 5 percent of the women who had home delivery experienced three or more number of induced abortion.

      • 중학교 과학교과에서의 과학기술 윤리교육 현황

        이향(Hyang-yon Rhee),박선자(Sun-ja Park),유정숙(Jung Sook Yoo),이신영(Shin Young Lee),장지영(Jiyoung Jang) 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2009 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this survey is to examine the present status of ethics education in middle school science curriculum. This study, therefore, attempted to investigate 1) student’s and teacher’s perceptions of science and technology ethics, 2) teacher’s perceptions of ethics education in science and technology and 3) contents of science and technology ethics in 7th and 8th grade science textbooks. 296 middle school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and 12 science teachers are participated in this survey study. The survey questionnaire for students consisted of 20 items over three sub-categories: the nature of science, the ethical issues in science and technology and experience on ethical problems in the classroom. The questionnaire for teachers also consisted of three sub-categories: perception in science and technology ethics, perception in middle school ethics education of science and technology, and opinions of that. In the result, it was found that 28.3% of students learned about ethical issues in science and technology from the school, 69.4% of students had experiences on internet-copied homework and 26.4% of them had falsified experimental data. STS topics were contained in 7 of 12 units of a 7th grade science textbook but they were not relate to ethical issues. Neither ethical issue nor STS topic was not found in 8th grade science textbook. All participated science teachers were positively perceived the necessity of science and technology ethics education for middle school students but they reported some barriers such as lack of learning materials and information and their less understanding of science and technology ethics. Some of them suggested the necessity of in-service teacher training for ethics education in science and technology.

      • KCI등재

        인공 도덕행위자(AMA)가 지닌 윤리적 한계

        이향 대동철학회 2021 大同哲學 Vol.95 No.-

        본 연구는 최근 주목 받고 있는 AI에 적용 가능한 윤리적 접근법이 타당한지를 검토해 보고자 한다. 이러한 검토는 우선 AI가 과연 윤리적일 수 있는가 하는 근본적인 물음에서 부터 어떻게 기술적으로 AMA(인공 도덕행위자)를 구현 가능한가 하는 방법론의 검토를 동시에 요한다. 이는 다시 AMA가 과연 자율적인 개체로서 인식될 수 있는지에 대한 문제 와 지속적으로 논의되고 있는 AMA 관련 윤리적 접근법 또한 포함한다. 필자는 이와 관련 된 여러 논의들을 검토하고 각각의 논의들이 가진 특징 및 한계점을 분석하고자 한다. 이 러한 모든 검토들은 AMA의 근본적인 한계를 드러내려는 필자의 의도로 수렴된다. 필자는 근본적으로 AI가 자율적인 도덕행위자가 될 수 없고, 바로 이 때문에 어떤 이상적인 AMA 로도 AI가 가져올 수 있는 위험을 막을 수 없다고 주장한다. 필자는 이것이 한나 아렌트가 말한 ‘사유행위’와 같은 선상에서 비판 가능한 문제라고 생각하며 논의를 마무리 짓고자 한다. This research reviews some of the ethical approaches appliable to AI(Artificial Intelligence), whether they are valid. It starts from a fundamental question of AI could be an ethical being and, at the same time, requires the analysis of some methodology that tries to embody AMA(Artificial Moral Agent) technically. It also includes whether the AMA could be regarded as an autonomous individual and ethical approaches, being continuously discussed, regarding the AMA, covering both the characteristics and limitations of each discussion. It goes further to the genuine intention to uncover the fundamental limit of AMA. In this study, I argue that AI, fundamentally, cannot be an autonomous moral agent; thus, there is no ideal AMA possibly to prevent assumable dangers caused by AI. The conclusion of this study would be in the similar context of Arendt, H.’s: the argument in this study critiques AMA with her concept of thinking activity.

      • KCI등재

        유도만능줄기세포 연구와 인과적 거리 논증 간의 관계에 관한 비판적 검토

        이향 인문사회 21 2019 인문사회 21 Vol.10 No.2

        오늘날 배아줄기세포 연구의 정책의 기준이 되는 중간입장(middle-ground position)은 크게 이론적 절충안과 기술적 절충안으로 나눌 수 있다. 실질적인 정책의 기준이 되는 이러한 견해에 대한 윤리적 검토는 반드시 필요하다. 현재까지 알려진 배아줄기세포의 대안은 배아에 해를 끼치지 않는 기술과 배아와 유사한 인공물을 사용하는 기술, 그리고 현재 각광받고 있는 유도만능줄기세포(iPSC)로 나눌 수 있다. 필자가 보기에 이러한 기술적 절충안이 가진 한계는 인과적 거리 논증(causal distance argument)과 연관성이 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 기술로서 연구의 윤리적 문제를 해결하고자 하는 기술적 절충안에 대한 비판적 검토를 주요 목적으로 한다. 이러한 논의는 줄기세포 연구와 관련된 실질적인 정책에 효과적인 규제 방식과 올바른 윤리적 기준을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. The middle-ground position which plays a rule for the policies regarding Embryonic Stem Cell Research can be largely divided into two: the theoretical compromise and technical one. The ethical assessment for those opinions must be done as they will eventually be the standard for actual policies. We have met the alternatives for embryonic stem cell such as the technique that is not harmful to embryo, the technique that uses Embryo-Like Entities, and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC). However, it seems that the limitation which those compromises have comes from the, so-called, Causal Distance Argument. Especially, the main aim of this paper is at the critical reviewing the iPSC which has a relation to the Causal Distance Argument. Accordingly, this attempt could attribute to setting a proper ethical criteria and providing the actual policies regarding the research with adequate regulation.

      • KCI등재

        그린스쿨과 비그린스쿨 학생들의 에너지-온실가스 환경소양 차이

        이향(Rhee, Hyang-yon) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.6

        지구온난화를 비롯한 기후변화가 체감할 수 있는 수준에 다다르면서 최근 학교에서의 온실가스 감축을 위한 노력으로 학교 건물 및 설비를 개보수하거나 학습 공간을 포함한 주변 환경을 친환경적으로 변화시키고 이를 환경교육과 연계하는 그린스쿨 (green school) 사업이 전 세계적으로 시행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 그린스쿨 환경교육의 효과를 파악하기 위하여 그린스쿨 시설을 교육에 활용하고 있는 중·고교 각 1개 학교 295명 학생과 동일 지역에서 유사한 학생 분포를 가지고 있는 비그린 스쿨 중·고교 각 1개 학교 237명 학생의 전체 532명을 대상으로 2014년 4월 14일부터 5월 12일까지 에너지-온실가스 환경소양(지식, 태도, 행동)을 측정하여 그 차이를 분석 하였다. 설문조사는 연구 결과, 전체 그린스쿨 학생들의 지식 및 태도는 비그린스쿨 학생에 비해 유의하게 높았으나, 행동에서는 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 학교급에 따른 차이에서는 전체 고등학생의 지식 점수가 중학생에 비해 유의하게 높았으나, 태도와 행동에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 이와 같이 에너지-온실가스 환경소양의 행동 점수에서는 학교유형별(그린스쿨과 비그린스쿨), 학교급별(중학교와 고등학교) 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나, 학교유형 및 학교급에 따른 상호작용 효과는 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 비그린스쿨에서는 학교급이 높을수록 행동점수가 낮은 반면, 그린스쿨에서는 학교급이 높을수록 행동점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of environmental education in green schools, which renovate school buildings and facilities or change learning environments eco-friendly, and link to environmental education. This study analyzed the difference of secondary students’ energy-greenhouse gas-related environmental literacy between green schools and general schools. Total 532 students, 295 from green schools and 237 from general schools, participated in the study. Both green and general schools consisted of one middle school and one high school. Correlation analyses and two-way MONOVA were utilized to test the relationships between the three literacy domains, knowledge, attitude, and behavior. There were significant correlations between all of the three domains and the relationship between attitude and behavior literacies showed the highest correlation(r=.646). The green school students had the significantly higher levels of knowledge and attitude than the general school students while the difference in the behavior literacy was not significant between two types of school. The high school students had the significantly higher levels of knowledge than the middle school students, but there were not significant differences in the attitude and behavior literacies depending on the school levels. However, the interaction between the types of school and the levels of school was significant in terms of behavior, i.e., high school students’ behavior literacy was higher than middle school students in the green schools while high school students’ behavior literacy was lower than middle school students in the general schools.

      • KCI등재

        AI윤리 지침의 분석 및 대안적 접근

        이향(Lee, Hyang-yeon) 대한철학회 2021 哲學硏究 Vol.160 No.-

        오늘날 국외에서는 AI 기술 개발과 AI와 관련된 논의가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 그러나 국내의 AI 기술 개발과 그에 따른 윤리 지침 개발은 국외의 연구에 비해 다소 미비한 실정이다. AI가 금융권을 비롯해 의료, 치안, 교통 또는 교육 등 생활 전반에 자리 잡은 현 시대는 활발한 AI 활용 및 계속적인 연구뿐 아니라 그에 대한 윤리 지침 또한 요구한다. 현재 우리나라에는 그 기술개발에는 미치지 못하지만 대략 6개의 AI 윤리 지침이 존재하며 이들은 개발자와 공급자에게 책임 의식을 강화하고 이용자에게는 오남용의 위험성을 인식하게 만듦으로써 AI가 가져올 위험을 방지하고자 하였다. 하지만 필자가 보기에 AI윤리 지침이 규제적 관점에서 개발자와 이용자들의 의사결정에 실제로 영향을 끼치고 있지는 못하고 있는 것 같다. 우선 규범적인 주장을 하는 윤리 일반을 강화할 수 있는 원리나 구조부터 부족한 실정이다. 뚜렷하지 못한 윤리의 원리나 구조는 개발자나 이용자들의 의사결정에 아무런 제약을 가할 수 없다. 이에 필자는 이러한 문제를 제대로 이해하고 개선해야 할 필요성을 느낀다. 지금까지 발표된 AI 윤리의 지침에는 윤리의 근본적인 목표와 실질적인 실행에 대해서는 거의 논의된 바가 없다. 이에 필자는 본고에서 현재까지 발표된 AI윤리지침에 대한 비판적 분석을 통해 국내의 AI 정책과 지침 수립에 효율적인 방향성과 접근법을 제시하는 데에 도움을 주고자 한다. 아울러 AI윤리가 추상적인 담론에 국한되지 않고 구체적이고 세부적인 행동 지침으로 어떻게 개발될 수 있는지에 관해서도 논하고자 한다. Various discourses regarding AI guidelines are under discussion worldwide. Meanwhile, domestic AI research and development and the guidelines are less complete than they are overseas. These days in which AI takes up life, in general, from finance, public security, transportation, and education, AI ethical guidelines with diverse utilization of AI and consistent research are required. There exist about 6 AI ethical guidelines in Korea. They aim to strengthen the responsibility of both researchers and providers and to make users perceive the risk of abuse. However, it seems that, from the regulative perspective, the present AI ethical guidelines fail to provide an actual effect on the decision-making of both providers and users. AI ethics lack its principle or structure to support the regulation that general ethics imposes. Unclear ethical principles or structures have no power over decision-making procedures. It is the primary point where a sufficient understanding and improvement has to arise. The fundamental goals and practical implementation have hardly been discussed in the existing AI ethical guidelines. This study aims to present an efficient direction and approach needed in the establishment of AI policies and guidelines through a critical analysis of existing ones. Furthermore, this will explore how more detailed and specified action guidelines can be developed, without being confined to abstract discourses.

      • KCI등재후보

        문제중심학습(Problem-Based Learning)에 대한 중학교 과학교사들의 인식

        이향,최경희 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2008 교과교육학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구는 중학교 과학 교사들을 대상으로 하여 학습자 중심의 모형 가운데에서 최근 주목받고 있는 문제중심학습(Problem-Based Learning: PBL)의 효과와 PBL의 도입 가능성, 장애 요인 등 PBL에 대한 인식을 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 서울, 경기, 인천 지역 중학교에 재직하는 과학교사 131명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며 질문지와 함께 PBL에 대해 모르는 교사들을 위한 안내지를 제공하였다. 설문지 문항은 1)PBL 관련 학습 능력, 2)PBL에 대한 인식, 3)PBL 도입 시 장애 요인의 3가지 카테고리에서 하위 총 25문항(Likert 5점 척도, 선택형, 서술형)으로 구성되었다. 연구 결과, 전체 교사의 45%가 PBL에 대해 알고 있었으며 이 중 22%(전체의9.9%)는 PBL 수업을 진행해 본 경험이 있었다. PBL 수업의 효과 면에서는 문제해결력 향상에 대해 PBL을 알고 있는 교사의 기대치가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 또한 PBL 수업의 경험이 있는 교사들의 기대가 더 높았으며(p<0.05) PBL 수업을 수행할 의사 또한 더 높은 것(p<0.05)으로 나타났다. 교사들이 인식하는 PBL 도입의 장애 요인은 수업시간의 부족(4.05), 교사부담(3.99),문제개발(3.89), 채점기준 마련(3.81) 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 장애 요인에도 불구하고 PBL에 대한 경험이 있는 교사일수록 PBL 수업과 그 도입에 대해 보다 긍정적으로 인식한다는 점은 주목할 만한 사실이다. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an effective teaching strategy for enhancing student's problem solving skill and self-directed learning. In order to implement PBL effectively and maximize its benefits, teachers' perception of the need of PBL and their awareness of the benefits would be essential. This study, therefore, attempted to investigate Korean middle school science teachers' perception and awareness of PBL and to discuss some practical issues regarding implementation of PBL in the Korean educational context. 131 science teachers in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi-do voluntarily participated in this survey study. The survey questionnaire consisted of 25 items over three sub-categories. The results indicated that 45% of the teachers were aware of PBL as a teaching strategy, and 22% out of 45% already had experiences of PBL strategy. The teachers who had experienced in PBL were more likely to positively perceive the benefits of PBL (e.g. developing of problem-solving ability) than other teachers who had not. The more they had experienced in PBL, the more the teachers were committed to the implementation, even though they were aware of various barriers such as limited class time, more class preparation time, difficulties in evaluating students' achievement, and lack of students' knowledge and skills.

      • KCI등재

        환경교사의 지도 여부에 따른 고등학생들의 에너지-온실가스 환경소양 차이 분석

        이향(Hyang-yon Rhee),장지영(Jiyoung Jang),황승아(Seong-ah Hwang),최경희(Kyunghee Choi) 한국환경교육학회 2013 環境 敎育 Vol.26 No.4

        The purposes of this study are to examine the EL (Environmental Literacy) level of high school students regarding energy and greenhouse gas and to evaluate the sensitivity of the level of students’ EL according to the existence of an environment teacher in their school. A total of 236 high school students from Seoul and Gyeonggi-do in Korea participated in the survey. The survey consisted of a questionnaire on three domains: knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The results showed that the level of students’ EL was above average in all of the three domains regardless of environment teachers. However, the level of behavior was lower than the level of attitude and knowledge. Students’ behavior did not correlate with their knowledge but their attitude (r=.600, p<.001). The level of students’ knowledge and attitude did not show meaningful difference regardless of an environment teacher but the level of their behavior was significantly different (t=3.676, p<.001) depending on the teacher availability. The students who had an environment teacher in their school had a higher level of behavior in eco-friendly consumption habits (t=2.202, p<.05) as well as civic and educational engagement for environment (t=8.669, p<.05).

      • KCI등재

        제7차에서 2015 개정 과학과 교육과정까지 과학기술윤리교육의 변화

        이향(Hyang yon Rhee) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.11

        본 연구에서는 우리나라 초중등 과학과 교육과정에서 과학기술윤리교육의 변화를 분석하기 위하여 교육과정 시기, 학교급, 교육과정 항목, 과학영역, 과학기술윤리교육의 범주를 분석항목으로 하여 1997년 개정된 제7차 교육과정부터, 2007 개정, 2009개정, 2015 개정 과학과 교육과정을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 1997년 제7차 교육과정부터 2015개정 교육과정까지 변화하면서 과학기술윤리교육 관련 내용은 양적인 확대를 거듭해왔으며 이러한 경향성은 각각의 학교급, 교육과정 항목, 과학영역, 과학기술윤리교육 범주에서 거의 동일하게 나타났다. 과학기술윤리교육 범주 중에서 가장 큰 증가를 나타낸 것은 과학탐구윤리 관련 내용이었으며 전체 교육과정에 가장 많이 제시되어 있었다. 특정 과학기술분야의 윤리 중에서는 환경윤리가 가장 많았으며 생명의료윤리가 가장 적게 나타났다. 교육과정 항목의 성격 및 목표에는 STS 교육 관련 내용이 가장 많았으며 내용 및 성취기준, 교수학습방법 및 평가에서 공통적으로 탐구윤리 비중이 높았다. 과학영역별로는 물리영역에 공학기술윤리, 화학영역에 과학탐구윤리, 생물영역에 환경윤리가 가장 많이 제시되어 있었다 In order to explore the educational shift of science and technology ethics (STE) in the National Science Curricula of Korea, this study analyzed the curricula from the 7th in 1997 to the 2015 curriculum revision. Analysis factors were school level, curriculum item, subject of science, and the category of STE education. The category of STE education consists of 1) science inquiry ethics (SIE) , 2) science lap management (SLM) , 3) subject specific issues including biomedical ethics (BME) , environmental ethics (EVE) , and engineering & technology ethics (ETE) , and 4) The social responsibility and role of science & scientists including science, technology, & society (STS) , socio scientific issues (SSI) , and social role of science & scientists . The overall results showed that the STE education-related elements tended to have increased through the curriculum revisions, and a similar tendency showed in each analysis factor. STE education-related elements were greatly increased as teaching-learning and evaluation methods were introduced in each lesson unit in the 2015 curriculum revision. Out of all the STE education-related elements, SIE have increased the most and the number of the contents was the highest in the whole curricula. In the subject specific issues , EVE was the highest while BME was lowest. ETE in physics, SIE in chemistry, and EVE in biology were the most frequent elements in each science subject. STS and SSI elements appeared to have relevantly less increased because overall STS and SSI education elements were subdivided to the specific ethical elements in this study. Consequently, STE education in the National Science Curriculum in Korea has achieved the quantitative expansion. However, the qualitative evaluation involving reflection to the absence of social responsibility of science & scientists should be necessary.

      • KCI등재

        의료인의 윤리적 태도에 관한 방법론 고찰

        이향 ( Hyang-yeon Lee ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 人文論叢 Vol.55 No.-

        의료인에게 요구되는 윤리적 태도의 중요성은 날로 복잡해지는 의료현장에서 대단히 중요한 사안 중 하나이다. 의료인에게 요구되는 일차적 목표는 환자의 질병 치료와 질병 예방을 통한 건강 증진이다. 이러한 목표는 의료인이 근본적으로 윤리적 태도를 지닐 수밖에 없음을 뜻한다. 여기서 우리는 환자와 의료인의 관계가 어떻게 정립되어야 하는지에 대해 생각해보지 않을 수 없다. 즉 의료 행위 그 자체는 인간 생명의 존엄성과 직결되기 때문에 윤리적 성찰이 반드시 필요한 영역이라 할 수 있다. 필자는 의료인에게 필요한 윤리적 태도로 ‘사랑’과 ‘초연한 관심’을 꼽을 수 있다. 의료인의 의료 행위는 기술적이고 객관적인 부분뿐만 아니라 감성적인 부분까지도 포함할 수밖에 없다. 감성적인 영역을 바탕으로 하면서 이러한 의학 영역에서 필요한 인간의 본성은 결국 ‘사랑’이다. 본고에서는 이러한 ‘사랑’을 철학적으로 분석한 몇몇의 학자들을 살펴보고 이를 의료 영역에서 의료인의 윤리적 태도로 삼기에 정당한가를 고찰해보고자 한다. 마지막으로 ‘사랑’이라는 윤리적 태도가 의료인의 올바른 판단을 방해할 수 있는 문제적 요소를 지닌다. 이를 해결하기 위해 필자는 ‘초연한 관심’이라는 윤리적 태도를 철학적으로 분석하여 그 정당성을 확보하고자 한다. The importance of the ethical attitude required of medical Practitioner is one of the most important issues in the increasingly complex medical field. The primary goal required of medical Practitioner is to improve the health of patients through disease treatment and disease prevention. This goal implies that healthcare workers are essentially ethical. Here we are compelled to think about how the relationship between the patient and the healthcare provider should be established. In other words, medical practice itself is directly related to the dignity of human life, so it can be said that ethical reflection is essential. I can select “love” and “Detached Concern” as the ethical attitudes that medical professionals need. The medical practice of a medical practitioner is bound to include not only the technical and objective parts, but also the emotional parts. Based on the emotional domain, the human nature needed in this medical field is, after all, “love”. In this paper, we will look at some scholars who have philosophical analysis of “love” and consider whether it is justifiable to make it the ethical attitude of medical professionals in the medical field. Finally, the ethical attitude of “love” has a problematic element that can hinder the correct judgment of medical Practitioner. To solve this, I philosophically analyze the ethical attitude of “Detached Concern” and try to secure its legitimacy.

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