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        북한 군사력의 해부 : 위협의 정도와 수준-남북 군사력 균형 평가를 중심으로 Assessment on the Degree and Level of the Threat by Measuring the Balance of Military Capabilities between South and North Korea

        이영호 한국전략문제연구소 1997 전략연구 Vol.4 No.3

        The fall of communism and collapse of the cold war regime in the international arena, it seems, cannot keep North Korea from concentrating all her efforts building the legitimacy of Kim Jung-il' s political succession by maintaining and strengthening the monolithic ideological thought of Kim Il-sung. Despite of the strained national economy having created more difficulties for regime's preservation, North Korea has been domestically indulged herself into building the cult of personality for Kim Jung-il since the death of Kim Il-sung last year: needs for the demonstration of his abilities as a "general" and "Highest Commander-In-Chief of the North Korean Peoples Armed Forces(NKPA) seems to have made the Border Guards be under the direct control of defense ministry. NKP A now is consisted of more than one million personnel in active service: armed with more than 3,800 tanks, 10,000 artillery pieces, 850 combat aircrafts and 460 various naval combatants: which has been continuously reinforced by the deployment of newly built tanks, amphibious combat vehicles, APCs, hovercrafts, long range artillery pieces at the front, the introduction of newly tested ballastic missiles and forward redeployment of combat aircrafts; all of which will eventually enhance the NKPA's capabilities for surprise attack. Since an assessment of balance between two rivals' military capabilities is perhaps more important in judging the probability of a war than any other factor because national capabilities (including military capabilities) are relatively more static or constant than national intension (including political intension) when you presume war is functional outcome of both variables, national capabilities and intension, this paper will mainly focus on quantified comparison of forces' capabilities to provide general outline on the degree and level of North Korean military threat to South. And if the dictum, "war is an extension or a tool of politics", is an acceptable hypothesis, some what reversed hypothesis "military capabilities will set the boundary of political intension" is perhaps acceptable one since national capabilities will often decisively work in setting the political goals and means. If so, then, the correct analysis and assessment of military balance between two Koreas can provide significant symptoms for the boundaries of North Korea's political intension in near future. It is goes without saying that even the fundamental problems inherited in he quantified analysis of military capabilities using such method as ADE(Armor Division Equivalent) Scoring, which this paper applies, is remained unsolvable.: however. this is the only available method that, in a current warfare, quality factor of weapons system and intangible factors of military capabilities such as C3I, which appear to be very important at the contemporary war such as Gulf War, can be counted. In case of ground forces' capabilities, NKPA is armed partly with some obsolete weapons system of PRC and Soviet Union and in large part with self produced weapons system of relatively high quality. The total ADE scores of NKPA's ground forces is about 1.4~1.8 times of those of ground forces of Republic of Korea Armed Forces (ROKA). More significant is that the force structure of NKPA's ground forces is formed to exercise its combat fighting capability more effectively than ROKA's ground forces: Of its total ADE scores, 65.7% are composed with major attack weapons system which is consisted of fire powers and maneuver capabilities at the ratio of two to one. In comparisons with this, of total ADE scores of the ROKA's ground forces, 60% are composed with major attack weapons system and 40% with foot soldiers, 5% higher than that of NKPA's. In addition, NKPA already reorganized its Spear Head Units for infiltration and break-through operations into formidable numbers of brigades. after having had field maneuver tests of brigade's size units that is optimally operational under condition of the Korean terrains and its main forces with large scale mechanized units which can. perhaps. be used at the maneuver operations at the step of both exploit and pursuit after the break-through. Accounting all of these. it can be said that NKP A may be capable of exercising its own ''britz- krieg". perhaps North Korean's prototype of OMG against South Korea. In case of naval capabilities. the ratio of ship fire power index between North and South is about 100 to 90 which can be said almost even. The capabilities of component operations. however. differ each other. The ship fire power index of NKPN in missile boat and submarine out-numbers ROKN as much as 4 times. while in case of destroyer and patrol craft, ROKN out-numbers the NKPN from 2.5 to 5 times. NKPN is so structured withlarge numbers of small combatants as to exercise ''hit and run" operations around coastal area; and in the fields of short distance surprise landing, infiltration support. sea lane harassment, mine laying and coastal defense NKPN can probably perform the operations more effectively than ROKN; except for the submarine attack. as the high-sea operation capabilities are very limited. KKPN' s main fleet perhaps cannot but avoid direct confrontation against South Korean Fleet at high sea. As for ROKN have more capabilities of high sea operations than NKPN, it is expected for ROKN to conduct relatively independent naval operation with more effectiveness than KKPN in the areas of anti-submarine warfare. some what large scale landing support. and cutting the line of communications on the sea. As for the case of air forces capabilities. even if fire power index of Air force of North Korean Peoples Armed Forces(NKPAF) appears to be about 10% to 20% higher than that of Air Force of ROK Armed Forces (ROKAF). disparity of capabilities between two Korea's air forces may be neglect able when technologically advanced electronic equipments and higher skill of pilots of ROKAF were considered. And in case of the force structure, NKPAF is consisted by 44% of its total fire power index with obsolete type of aircrafts, MIG-17/19 in contrast to ROKAF of which total fire power index only 31% is consisted by the relatively obsolete type of aircraft F-5C/D. This well indicates ROKAF is more modernized than its rival. Considering the disadvantages posed by the inferior qualities of weapons system and pilots' skills of NKPAF as well as the advantages of absolute superiority in the quantities of aircrafts, NKPAF may believe that in case of war, to maximize the effects of initial surprise attack is the only way to preserve the parity, if not superiority, of air power. And to achieve this goal. NKPAF can, most likely, utilize those obsolete aircrafts as the suicidal commando forces infiltrating deep into South to strike strategic targets such as communication posts, air fields or aircrafts at lots and perform "dog-fighting" with large scales of wings to disrupt the effectiveness of electronics. Then, as for the ROKAF, early warning capabilities and counter measures to the initial surprise attack as well as break-down of "dog-fighting" will be the key for achievement of air superiority at the initial stage of war. Of other North Korean military capabilities, not-neglectable are both the chemical warfare and the infiltration capabilities. Since NKPA has formidable amounts(1.000 tons to 3,000tons) of all kinds chemical agent in stock. but also large numbers of delivery means such as IL-28 bombers, 150mm/170mm artillery pieces, FROG-5/7 and SCUD missiles, it is highly possible that NKPA in case of war will launch a chemical warfare in order to make a break-through at front or to achieve a strategic goal by direct attack on Seoul. capital city with high density of population. In contrast to North Korean capabilities of chemical warfare, South Korea's protective capabilities remains at the very rudimentary level. The individual protective equipment at combat field under CBR warfare is proved with very limited sustainability of combat fighting and group protection and regional counteraction system for the high densely populated area is turned out to be in need of urgent improvement. NKPA is accounted of its capabilities to infiltrate all at once about 3 brigades by aireal and naval means and 6 to 7 brigades through ground routes. These units, after having infiltrated just into ROKA's front or/and deep into South, can work decisively, it is believed, for securing the high speedy maneuver of the main attack forces, NKPA's ground forces by opening up the routes for their maneuver and by checking free advance of ROKA's combat reserves through the assault or occupation of strategic position of operation. ROKA's counter-infiltration operations which in general is due to rely on much to the reserve forces's operations, seems mainly to focus on counter measures against the operation of the infiltrated troops within South Korean regions instead on early detection and strike on the way of initial infiltration movement. Of various fields of military capabilities, advantageous area for South Korea includes such intangible factors as logistics, C3I. training and exercises, morale which are often regarded as the multiplier for the capabilities. It can be said that NKPA is outstripped to ROKA in the fields of logistics, communications. and combat intelligence, even to it in the fields of discipline and commanding ability, but still inanimate relatively to ROKA in the fields of morale and training and exercises. It can be presumed that in field of the intangible capabilities as the multiplier, ROKA will be weighted 20% to 30% more than its rival. The net assessment, relied on static analysis of the military balance between South and North Korea shows that ROKA's capabilities is about 73% to 75% of NKPA's and will reach to 85% to 87% of it when we weight ROKA 20% to 30% more with the multiplier of intangible factors. Even if war is an extension of politics and the causes of war vary in accordance with the political purposes, it also can be said that no rational politics of a nation can make a reckless war without close and enough accounts in advance on the winning. So, even though static analysis provides presumption of no expectation for winning to both South and North, still, additionally necessary is the dynamic analysis which enables the close examination on the level and contents of the threat and the war probabilities through a realistic analysis of war game models or war simulations under realistic combat condition and war situation presumed from both rivals' strategies, tactics, military postures, terrain and even climate conditions. Dynamic analysis of the South and North Korean military capabilities is believed to be conducted by the experts within the military services and the outcomes of it is presumed to be used for complement for OP 5027, the defense plan for ROK and eventually applied for force improvement plans. Since it needs more spaces for details of outcomes of any war game. this paper provides. instead of detailed dynamic analysis. only the fundamental frame-work of scenarios for North Korea's offense and its expected outcomes. The NKPA is known to deploy about % of its total ground forces southward Pyongyang-Wonsan line. This posture can be considered as flexible one for both offensive and defensive operation with the ratio of front to reserve forces at 2:1 rather than it is usually understood as one of offensive only. ADE scores of the front units of both side ground forces maintain almost parity in general. although slightly different in accordance with each approach: therefore. in the case of a usual attrition warfare. it might be difficult for anyone side. either South or North. to make any strategically significant break-through of the Front within a short time. There is not, however. little possibility for NKPA to make an unexpected break through of the Front. if not by an unexpected force concentration. by a successful surpTIse attack invaliding early warning system of ROKA (and its allied forces, U.S. Armed Forces), making a significant break-through with the help of the chemical offensive operations and/or large scale infiltration operations followed by the maneuver operations of large scale mechanized units consisting the maneuver group for the exploitation and pursuit before the intersections of the ROKA's reserve forces either directly to occupy the capital city, Seoul or to closely encircle it. Yet. it seems that this doesn't impair much the deterrent provided by the south Korean military capabilities when the available counter measures are considered. Although not with- standing to account other deterrent factors such as allied force capabilities, especially U.S. force's C31 and war-time reinforcements, it can be insisted that two Koreas maintain so highly dense military forces as to enable the mutual deterrence even if current military capabilities is in favor of the North at the Hone) to 0.75 ratio over the South. If both two Koreas continue to improve their military capabilities during next half decade in a manner similar to those they did past decade. south Korea may be hardly able to gain the parity of military capabilities with north before the beginning of the 21'st Century. This slow improve- ment of the disparity of military capabilities between two Koreas seems rather not to impair much the military stability on the Korean peninsular. than to increment the high density of forces confronting each other. Since the confrontation between two high strengths maintains to create a strained condition against each other, it is presumable that the pendulum of the relations between south and North Korea will keep swinging between the high military tension and the political rapprochement and the dangerousness of a war out-break will remain as in the past if not incremental. out of the mutual misunderstandings,miscalculations on the opponent's capabilities or unexpected incidents.

      • KCI등재
      • 콩 양질, 고단백 품종 육성방향

        이영호,박래경,김석동,홍은희,황영현,정길웅 한국콩연구회 1989 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        人類가 栽培하는 作物中에서 콩 만큼 용도가 다양한 작물이 없고 또한 단위 면적당 가장 蛋白質 生産을 많이 하는 作物이라고 볼 때, 앞으로 安定的인 蛋白質 供拾을 爲해서는 콩이라는 作物을 다시 認識하면서 良質·高蛋白 콩 新品種 育成에 더 많은 努力이 경주되어야 할 때라고 보아 그 間 이 부분에 대한 연구내용을 중심으로 정리한 바, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 遺傳資源의 지속적인 수집·분류·특성조사 및 보관을 해야 되고, 특허 高蛋白 新品種 育成에 야생콩의 이용에 관심을 두어야 한다. 2. 雜種集團에서 多收性에 촛점 맞추면서 단위면 적당 단백질 生産을 높이는 方向으로 하되, 高蛋白系統을 2次 選拔對象으로 삼는다. 3. 組合에 따라서는 蛋白質 含量도 높고 收良도 높은 경우가 있을 뿐 아니라, 蛋白質 含量의 遺傳力도 比較的 높고 遺傳獲得量도 크다. 4. 11S 蛋白質內에 含硫黃아미노산인 Methionine의 함량이 높아 Germplasm 中에서 11S 蛋白質이 높은 品種을 交配 母本으로 이용하고, 系統選拔時 11S/7S의 비율이 높은 것을 選拔할 수 있도록 한다.

      • SHARE: 효율적인 출력 PHASE 할당을 이용한 PLA 최소화

        이영호,정정화 대한전자공학회 1993 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.30 No.12

        When realizing a multiple-output function by a PLA, there is often the flexibility to choose either uncomplementary or complementary phase for each output. In this case, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of product terms by fully exploiting the freedom. This paper presents a PLA phase for each output of a multiple-output function so that the product terms for each output are maximally shared with the other outputs. and then minimizes the multiple-output function with the assigned output phase assignment. The algorithm has been implemented on Sun4/330 in C language and compared with the previous approaches for 56 example PLA`s. The proposed algorithm has obtained better results for 18-32 PLA's, worse results for 1-5 PLA`s, and the same results for 23-33 PLA's. Moreover, the computation time is much less than for the previous approaches.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        통제적 차원과 부모의 태도에 관한 연구

        김영환,김행숙,이영호 大韓神經精神醫學會 1974 신경정신의학 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 통제적 척도치에 따른 일반적인 부모의 태도 및 내통제적 경향의 높고 낮음에 따라 지적된 부모의 태도를 상호 비교하여 보았다. 통제적 차원은 Rotter의 통제적 척도를 사용하였고 자녀에 의해 지각된 부모의 태도는 MacDonald의 Perceived Parental Questionnaire를 번안해서 사용하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면, 1. 가설적 방향과는 달리 환자집단이 내통제성이 높은 경향을 보여 주었다. 2. 우리나라의 부모들은 미국의 연구결과와 비교하여 볼 때 교육적 반려 및 합리적인 교육방법이 부족한 것 같다. 그러나 신체적 처벌, 정서적 처벌 및 지위의 탈취 등 정서적인 면과 관계되어 있는 요인에 있어서는 본연구가 훨씬 미국의 연구 보다 적은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 3. 일반적으로 부모는 이성의 자녀에 의해서 잘 지각되고 있으나 환자집단의 높은 내통제 집단의 어머니가 딸에게 더 잘 지각되고 있음은 특이하다. 4. 내통제적인 경향은 어머니 보다 아버지에 의해서 더 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 생각된다. 또 부모의 교육적 반려와 예언성이 내통제를 증가시키고 동시에 아버지의 정서적 처벌과 지위의 탈취는 내통제성을 약화시키는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이런 결과는 단순히 나타난 현상적 결과이지 부모의 태도가 어떤 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 작용하고 있는지 또는 성취적, 강화유도적 상황에서 어떤 태도를 어떻게 보여주고, 행동을 유도하는지에 관한 구체적인 방향이 부족함을 일러둬야 겠다. A study was made about the relation between internal-external locus of control and perceived parental attitude in psychiatric patients. Total number of 100 schizophrenic patients and 200 normal controls was given Korean versions of Rotter's Internal-External Control and Perceived Parental Questionnaire by McDonald. It was found that patient group proved to be more internally controlled than normals, which is in opposite direction to the hypothesis, Compared to Americans, less emphasis on instrumental companionship and principled discipline was found among Koreans while more permissive attitudes in physical punishment, affective punishment and deprivation of privileges are noticed in Korean parents,. Schizophrenic girls were found to have more favorable attitude toward their mother than their father. Father was found to be more influential for the internal orientation of control than mother, especially in their instrumental companionship and predictability of standard. Affective punishment and deprivation of privileges tended to weaken the internal orientation tendency.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유방확대 성형수술의 원격조사성적

        김진철,방유현,신극선,이영호 大韓成形外科學會 1977 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.4 No.2

        Although elective augmentation mammaplasty has become a popular procedure with the prospect of favorable results, unnatural firmness from capsular contracture has been a late complication. Ree(1974) estimated that about 30% of the breast augmented were firmer than desired. We could followed up 21 patients who had received augmentation mammaplasty with silastic gel prosthesis from 1972 to 1976 in the devision of plastic surgery of Severamce Hospital of Yonsei University. 8 patients of these patients had had complication. Of these, 5 developed the hard fibrous capsule bilaterally, 2 developed hard fibrous capsule unilaterally, and I developed hypertrophic scar of incision line. One patient developed the hardness after 2 months postoperatively, two patients after 3 months, one patient after 5 months and three patients after 6 months. One patient developed the hypertrophic scar after 4 weeks postoperatively. Treatment consists of removing the prosthesis is one patient, capsulotomy by squeezing technique in one patient and other 5 patients refused the treatment. One patient who developed hyoertrophic scar was injected with Kenalog locally.

      • 효율적 Pseudoexhaustive Testing을 위한 다단 논리합성

        이영호,정정화 대한전자공학회 1995 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.32 No.11

        In this paper, we present a new multi-level logic synthesis method for producing the multi-level circuits which can be easily tested by the pseudoexhaustive testing techniques. The method consists of four stages. In the first stage, it generates the minimum variable supports for each output of a multiple-output function. In the second stage, it removes the minimum variable supports which if used to implement the outputs, lead to inefficient pseudoexhaustive test. In the third stage, it determines the minimum variable support and logic (uncomplementary or complementary logic) for each output. In the fourth stage, it performs the multi-level logic synthesis so that each output. In the fourth stage, it performs the multi-level logic synthesis so that each output has the minimum variable support and logic determined in the third stage. To evaluate the performance and quality of the proposed method, we have experimented on the 56 benchmark examples. The results show that for 56 examples, our method obtains better results than MIS in terms of testability. Moreover, the method produces better results for 19 examples and the same results for 12 examples compared with MIS in terms of literal count although it has been developed to improve the testability.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        급냉응고한 Al-Zn-Mg-Zr합금의 시효거동과 인장특성에 미치는 Mn의 영향

        이영호,장준연,유재은,문인기,맹선재,최종술,Lee, Yeong-Ho,Jang, Jun-Yeon,Yu, Jae-Eun,Mun, In-Gi,Maeng, Seon-Jae,Choe, Jong-Sul 한국재료학회 1997 한국재료학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        급냉응고법을 이용하여 고용한도 이상으로 Mn량을 첨가할 때 Mn량에 따른 인장특성의 변화와 시효특성을 조사하였다. 원심분무법으로 AI-4.7%Zn-2.5%Mg-0.2%Zr합금에 Mn량을 각기 달리 첨가한 급냉응고 분말을 제조 하였다. 이 분말을 냉간압축, 진공 탈가스처리를 한 후 15:1로 압출하여 봉상 시편을 만들었다. 분말의 미세조직은 $\alpha$-AI수지상과 수지상간 편석부로 이루어져 있으며 Mn첨가에 따라 조직의 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 빠른 냉각속도로 인하여 2.0%Mn을 첨가한 경우에도 초정 Mn상을 발견할 수 없었다. 압출재의 미세조직은 아결정립으로 이루어져 있으며 약간의 제2상들이 관찰되었다. 대부분의 Mn 분산상은 압출후 용체화처리 과정에서 형성되었으며 시효경화량은 Mn양에 관계없이 일정하였다. 46$0^{\circ}C$에서 1시간 용체화처리하고 12$0^{\circ}C$에서 24시간 시효처리한 경우 최대의 시효경도값을 나타내었다. 인장강도는 Mn첨가량에 따라 증가 하였는데 이것은 Mn분산상의 밀도증가에 의한 것으로 확인되었다. 2.0%Mn을 첨가한 합금의 시효후 인장강도는 590MPa, 연산율은 4%를 보였다.

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