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        이윤지,이정훈,정진태,이희정,장재기,박춘근 한국약용작물학회 2018 한국약용작물학술대회 발표집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Background : Ixeris strigosa is a herb which has used leaves and roots in Korea. Recently, the cultivation area and food imports have been increased because it has been used as an functional crops for anti-obesity. However its cultivation method has not been developed and it is difficult to produce with good quality. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to determine the optimum seedroot size, plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials for improving the cultivation method suitable for domestic environment. Methods and Results : In order to identify the proper cultivation method, I. strigosa was collected in Dangjin, Chungnam in 2016 and the yield and crop characteristics were investigated at the end of October. The seedroots were cultivated by size such as large (length 30 ㎜, thickness more than 1 ㎜), medium (30 ㎜, 1 ㎜ - 1.5 ㎜) and small (30 ㎜, less than 1 ㎜). As a result, the production of the medium-sized seedroot was highest at 950 ㎏/10a. Based on these results, medium-sized seedroots passed winter in previous year were used when plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials were investigated. At plant number per hill, 3 seeds/hill was the highest at 836 ㎏/10a among 1, 3 and 5 seeds/hill. When the seedroots were planted at intervals of one month from mid April to mid August, the yield was the highest at 1,647 ㎏/10a at the middle of May. When the planting densities were 10 × 10, 20 × 10, 20 × 15 and 20 × 20 ㎝, 10 × 10 and 20 × 10 ㎝ had highest production. And two methods for planting have been used, one was to plant at right angles and the other to lay down. As a result, the latter yield was 612 ㎏/10a. Finally, when comparing non woven fabrics, color combination polyethylene film, black polyethylene film and no treatment among the mulching materials, black polyethylene film made the highest yield at 1,044 ㎏/10a. Conclusion : For improving the cultivation of I. strigosa, this study determined the optimum seed size, plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials. In conclusion, the production was the best when the plant was laid down on a black polyethylene film at intervals of 20 × 10 ㎝ at the middle of May, using 3 medium-sized seeds per hill. These results are expected to contribute to the productivity and income farmers of I. strigosa.

      • KCI등재

        노(能)에서의 요시쓰네(義経) 전설 수용 : 〈에보시오리(烏帽子折)〉의 인물상을 중심으로

        이윤지 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2013 일본연구 Vol.18 No.-

        源義経は、その活躍の鮮烈さと不遇の晩年、悲劇的な最期から、古くから多くの人気を集め、日本史上最も有名な英雄の一人に数えられる。その謎に包まれた生涯は世人の興味を引き、様々な伝説、物語を産んだ。古くは『平家物語』などの一連の軍記物で形象化され、室町時代の『義経記』で極端な伝説化の頂点に達して、さらにはそこから枝分かれする様に色々な物語が派生して、能や幸若舞、浄瑠璃、歌舞伎などで「判官物」といわれる芸能が多数生まれるに至った。 本稿では、一連の判官物の中で、牛若丸から源九郎判官義経への門出を描いた作品として注目すべき能〈烏帽子折〉を中心に、周辺の文芸との交渉に留意しつつ、その人物像を具体的に把握していきたい。同様のエピソードは、『義経記』では巻第二「鏡の宿吉次が宿に強盗の入る事」と「遮那王殿元服の事」に記され、語り物では幸若舞「烏帽子折」として作品化されている。しかし、この三つの作品の先後関係については不明な点が多く、要するに現存テキストより一段階前における、それぞれの錯綜した関係において考える必要がある。 もともと義経の生涯には謎が多く、それだけに数々の伝承が語り伝えられ、それが日本人一般の中にある義経像を作り出したと言える。『義経記』や幸若舞「烏帽子折」を参照しながら、能〈烏帽子折〉の前場に現れる烏帽子折の亭主と、後場の熊坂長範、そして実質的な主役と言える牛若丸のキャラクターについて考察し、義経伝説が文芸を媒体として拡散していく過程を検討してみたいと思う。

      • KCI등재

        노(能) <쇼존(正尊)>의 등장인물 연구

        李允智 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2013 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.35

        Minamoto no Yoshitsune(1159-1189) is a medieval Japanese commander who was responsible for the three victories that helped the Minamoto clan(also known as the Genji) defeat the Taira clan(also known as the Heike) during the Genpei War. He has long been a popular figure in Japanese literature and culture due to his tragic life. And his life coined a new expression still used in Japan-Hogan-biiki(sympathy for Hogan; by extension, sympathy for the underdog)-meaning “sympathy, admiration, respect for a tragic hero.” It was responsible for the growth of the Yoshitsune legend and the idealization of its protagonist. The story of Yoshitsune has been fictionalized, romanticized, mythologized in a number of plays and novels. Many of the literary pieces that Yoshitsune appears in are legend rather than historical fact. It includes plenty of apocryphal episodes, especially about Yoshitsune’s early childhood and last years of his life. Folk literature and storytellers over the centuries have portrayed Yoshitsune’s life story, with Noh plays seem to be based on quotations from various medieval sources. The playwrights of Noh adapted a rich legacy of source materials for their own purposes. In this paper, in order to see how they transformed the historical imagination into legendary heroes, I reviewed the characters and their traits in 〈Shozon〉 with the theatrical side of Noh.

      • KCI등재

        근대의 우타카이하지메(歌会始)와 칙제(勅題) 문예—일제강점기 일본인 발행 신문을 중심으로—

        이윤지 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.51

        Each January, Japan’s imperial court hosts the New Year’s Poetry Contest for members of the imperial family and some carefully chosen private citizens to read Waka poems they had composed on a preannounced theme. Every year, more than 20,000 Tanka are received from private citizens. This ceremony, known as the Utakai Hajime(Imperial New Year’s Poetry Reading), is the modern version of a court culture supposedly dating back to the mid-Kamakura period. It is a traditional event where the imperial court interacts with the general public through Waka. From 1874, poems written by the general public were admitted for consideration for the first time, and the Utakai Hajime ceremony which had previously been conducted exclusively within the court thus became open to the common people. In 1879, of the poems submitted by the general public, those considered to be of special value were recited at the Utakai Hajime, along with poems written by the imperial family. Since 1882, all poems recited at the ceremony including those written by the Emperor and the imperial family have been published in newspapers and since 1884 they have been also published in the a government organ. Such changes reflect efforts to advertise the modern emperor’s presence and imperial authority to the public and build a nation of subjects who would partake in the tradition of Waka composition passed on for over a millennium. In the process, Waka was the ‘Japanese national identity’, has been disseminated and strengthened through various kinds of the culture media. Ceremonies such as the Utakai Hajime had served to establish the emperor as a symbol of continuity and cohesion. Especially the print media like newspapers and magazines had played a role in both perpetuating and institutionalizing national culture. This article first chronicles the history of the Utakai Hajime and then, explores the relationships between National Literature and print media through analysing a role of the print media as a constructer of national identities, particularly focused on newspapers.

      • KCI등재

        아세틸화 목분의 치환도 분석을 위한 적외선 분광법의 적용

        이윤지,김진호,김강재 한국펄프.종이工學會 2022 펄프.종이기술 Vol.54 No.4

        In biomass acetylation, the degree of substitution is important information that has traditionally been measured via titration. In this study, infrared (IR) spectroscopy was conducted to simplify the degree of substitution measurement. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using the information obtained from the IR spectrum to confirm the classification characteristics of the sample according to the degree of acetylation. It was confirmed that the main components affecting the classification were peaks at 1740, 1365, and 1220 cm-1. Therefore, as a result of creating a formula for calculating the degree of substitution based on these peaks, the formula based on the hydroxyl group showed higher accuracy than that based on the methylene group, and the peaks derived from acetyl groups at 1365 and 1220 cm-1 showed higher accuracy. Therefore, substitution degree analysis using IR in acetylation of wood powder is possible and yields high accuracy. .

      • 한속단 기원식물 재고찰 및 형태적 특성

        이윤지,박춘근,정진태,장재기,이정훈 한국약용작물학회 2018 한국약용작물학술대회 발표집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Background : Phlomidis radix is known to be effective for pain relief and anti-inflammation. Phlomidis radix (Han-Sok-Dan) is likely to be confused because it is similar in name to Dipsaci Radix (Cheon-Sok-Dan), or is similar in morphology to other Phlomioides species. Therefore, we investigated the origins and morphological characteristics of the origin plant of Phlomidis radix in order to cultivate and consume the correct one. Methods and Results : We reviewed North and South Korean and Chinese Pharmacopoeia and the books on oriental herbal medicine and botanical illustrations. In South Korea, P. umbrosa was defined as the origin plant of Phlomidis radix, whereas in North Korea, P. maximowiczii was defined. In China, it was not used as an oriental medicine. In the past, P. umbrosa, which is native to the Korean peninsula, or P. maximowiczii, which is native to the northern part of the Korea was used instead of Dipsacus asperoides for Dipsaci Radix. However, after the publication of the Korean Pharmacopoeia, Phlomidis radix and Dipsaci Radix have been distinguished, and only P. umbrosa was defined as the origin plant of Phlomidis radix. Therefore, Phlomidis radix and Dipsaci Radix should be distinguished from each other, the origin plant of Phlomidis radix is considered to be P.umbrosa. Furthermore, we investigated the external morphological and growth characteristics of Phlomoides species in Korea. There are three species of Phlomoides in Korea, such as P. umbrosa, P. maximowiczii, P. koraeinsis. P. umbrosa has no basal leaves but only stem leaves, while P. maximowiczii and P. koraeinsis have basal leaves. Also, P. maximowiczii is distinguishable from seeds with hairs while P. koraeinsis from hairless seeds. Conclusion : We considered P. umbrosa as the origins of Phlomidis radix. As a result of investigation of morphological and growth characteristics, P. umbrosa, P. maximowiczii and P.koraeinsis could be distinguished by the presence or absence of basal leaves and the difference in whether the seeds have hair or not. These results could be used as a basis for standard varieties research and cultiviation of P. umbrosa.

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