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      • KCI등재

        의복형태와 디테일에 의한 표면이미지의 시각적 평가

        李慶姬,李京姬 한국의류학회 1994 한국의류학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of the visual evaluation about Clothing form and the surface image of detail. This study consists of pre-experiment for selecting the method of expression among detail which shows difference of the image and main experiment for identifying the clothing image as clothing form and the suface image of detial. Main experiment is made of factorial design for three variables-clothing form (H-line, A-line, V-line, X-line), detail (frill, tape), direction (width, length). Questionaire consists of 24 semantic differential scale expressing clothing form and detail. The subjects were 100 female students majoring in clothing and textile. The data were analyzed by Frequencey, Factor analysis, Anova, scheffe's test and MCA method. The major findings were; 1) The image of clothing form and the surface image of detail were composed of 5 factors; attractiveness, prettiness, attention, modern, young. 2) For the visual evaluation of clothing form as the surface image of detail, there were significant differences in prettiness and attention factors. For the pretty and attentive image, we should express by the image of frill. 3) For the visual evaluation of the image of detail as clothing forms variation, there were significant difference in prettiness by A-line and X-line. 4) For the effect of clothing form and the surface image of detail, main effect was significant in attractiveness, prettiness, attention, modern factor. For the pretty image of clothing, it will be expressed by the image of frill and A-line, X-line. For the attentive image of clothing, it will be expressed by the image of frill and V-line. For the modern image of clothing, it will be expressed by the image of tape and V-line.

      • 트리밍에 따른 材質 이미지의 視覺的 評價

        李京姬,李慶姬 부산대학교 가정대학 1993 家政大學硏究報告 Vol.19 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate visual image as the varied texture in trimming. To analyze of visual image as the varied texture in trimming, factor analysis, t-test, analysis of variance were used in this study. The results obtained were as follows; 1. 10 pairs of descriptors of used for the visual evaluation of the varied texture in trimming were found to include three factors dimensions. Three factors were found; Decorativeness, Sophistication, Neatness. 2. There was significant difference among the varied texture in trimming image of frill, tape and tuck. Frill was evaluated by pretty, feminine, young, soft and decorative image. Tape and tuck were evaluated by hard, clear, neat and mature image. 3. There was significant difference between the varied texture in trimming image of length and width. Length was evaluated more elegant, clear, neater than width. 4. There was signficant difference between the varied texture in trimming image of 1cm and 2cm breadth. 2cm breadth was evaluated more clear, neater than 1cm breadth.

      • KCI등재

        김남천의 일본어 소설「어떤 아침(或る朝)」의 평가 -‘우회적 글쓰기’라는 범주-

        이경희 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.84 No.2

        The Korean translation of Nam-Cheon Kim's Japanese Novel「One Morning」 (『Kookmin-munhak (national literature)』January, 1943) was included and published in 2003『Colonialism and Resistance of Non-Cooperation─Japanese Novel Collection 2』, and it was introduced as a literature of 'resistance' to Korean readers from the beginning. Afterwards,「One Morning」 has been categorized as 'indirect writing' also by researchers. 'Indirect writing' is a strategic 'resistance' writing that avoids censorship by using the empirical ruling discourse of late Japanese Empire yet pursuing criticism of war ideology. Therefore, for 'indirect writing,' the dual structure with extension of 'cooperation' and intension of 'resistance' is inevitable. In case of Nam-Cheon Kim's「One Morning,」 however, it is not easy to reveal such dual structure. Amongst points suggested as the ground for such argument are often based on fragmentary interpretation limited to parts of the work, or not drawn from the work itself, but rather based on works published before「One Morning」 and based on the theory on the writer. In other words, this is the case where the work and the theory on writer that expressed a colonial-era Chosun intellectual who saw through the falsehood of the 'modern overcoming' theory that heightened before/after the Pacific War, that is, the theoretical evidence of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere ideology which is 'Darwinian view of history' and 'orientalism' discourse. As such, categorizing/confirming a work without sufficient evidence on its own as 'indirect writing' may result in the expanded analysis beyond the scope and meaning of 'resistance' literature. In other words, the function of 'indirect writing' setup as a category to define 'resistance' literature originally meant to fight against the logic attenuates 'pro-Japanese' may lead to the result reducing the scope of 'pro-Japanese' literature. 新しい世紀に入り脱植民地化論がより一層活発になってくるなか、日帝末期の植民地朝鮮における作家たちによる日本語小説の多くが翻訳・照明されつつある。金南天の唯一の日本語小説である「或る朝」(『国民文学』1943年1月)もその一つである。同作品の韓国語訳は2003年『植民地主義と非協力の抵抗――日本語小説選2』に収録された。そのため、「或る朝」は「非協力の抵抗」の作品として、とりわけ「迂回のエクリチュール」として分類されている。「迂回のエクリチュール」とは体制イデオロギーの支配言説の「専有化」をもって検閲の網をくぐり抜け、尚且つ戦争イデオロギー批判を図るような極めて戦略的で現実的な「抵抗」の方法である。言い換えれば、「協力」の要素を明示しつつ「抵抗」の要素を暗示するといった二重性に基づいたエクリチュールである。だが、現に「迂回のエクリチュール」とされるすべての作品について、そのような二重性がテキストそのものに即した形で明確に提示されてきたとは言いがたい。金南天の「或る朝」についても同様のことが言える。同作品を「迂回のエクリチュール」とする議論の中には、厳密なテキスト解釈を踏まえていないこともある。また、「迂回のエクリチュール」の持つ「抵抗性」が当作品の外部から持ち込まれるようなこともある。たとえば、金南天が「浪費」、「経営」、「麦」等において大東亜共栄圏思想の理論的根拠(「多元的歴史観」や「東洋主義」)の発信体である「近代の超克」論の虚構性を見抜いた植民地知識人を描いたということで、「或る朝」からも実際以上の「抵抗性」を読み取ろうとする場合である。そもそも「迂回のエクリチュール」という批評の範疇は日帝末期には誰しも「親日」にかかわっていたという通念の安易さに対抗し、「抵抗」文学を学問的に論証するためにもうけられたものである。そうであるなら、「或る朝」のように作品そのものからは論拠が十分提示しにくい作品を「迂回のエクリチュール」に入れるのは、日帝末期の「抵抗」のエクリチュールを実際以上に拡大し、「親日」文学の負の部分がかえって希薄化してしまうというアイロニーをもたらすこともあるのではないだろうか。その意味で、同時期の朝鮮人作家の日本語小説への研究が活発に行われつつある今こそ、「非協力の抵抗」を具現したものとしての「迂回のエクリチュール」というカテゴリーの有効性へのより精緻な見直しが併行されるべきだと思われる。

      • KCI등재

        어린이박물관에서의 미술감상을 위한 체험적 전시의 인기도 및 효과에 관한 연구

        이경희 한국박물관학회 2005 博物館學報 Vol.- No.9

        사회가 산업기반의 경제에서 지식기반의 경제로 바뀌면서 교육이 21세기의 주된 산업이 될 전 망이나, 학교와 같은 형식적 교육기관들은 사람들의 교육에 대한 열망을 충족시키기 어려울 전망 이다 이에 평생학습을 위한 그리고 자유로운 선택에 의한 비형식적 학습기관이 더욱 주목을 받음 으로써 향후 지식기반의 사회에서 중요한 역할을 담당할 것으로 보인다(Packer & Ballantyne. 2002). 박물관은 비형식적 교육을 가장 잘 실천하는 기관으로서 사람들이 자기 지신과 사회를 위 해 정보를 습득하고 생각을 발전시키며 새로운 비션을 설정하는 장소로서 그 중요성이 증가할 것 으로예측된다. 이러한 맥락에서 아동을 주 대상으로 운영하고 있는 어린이박물관은 더욱 중요한 의미를 지닌 다. 성인이 되어서 박물관을 자주 방문하는 사람은 어렸을 때 박물관을 자주 방문했던 사람이라고 Hood와 Ohio (1996) 가 보고했듯이 , 어린이박물관은 아동들에게 전통적인 박물관 방문을 위한 가 교역할을충분히 할수있을것으로기대된다.

      • 서울시 프랜차이즈 체인의 분포특성에 관한 연구

        이경희 서울대학교 지리교육과 1990 地理敎育論集 Vol.24 No.1

        The Purpose of this paper is to describe the distribution of franchise chains in Seoul and to investigate the impact of franchise chains in retailing on the commercial space in Seoul. Franchise chains in this paper are defined as chain stores, according to their appearances, which use the same trade name and the same brand, and which deal in identical goods and services. Franchise chains are divided into two types, based on the management of store's headquarter, the two types of stores are ① stores under direct management of headquarter and under single ownership, and ② member stores under indirect management of headquarter and under contract. The results of considering the distribution of franchise-chains are as follows: 1) Franchise chains have been the fastest growing and most interesting development in recent years. In 1990, the number of headquarters in the type of businesses selling fried chickens is 36, in the type of noodel shops is 17, in the type of confectioner's shops is 20, and in the type of stationeries is 18. Most of the business offices, which controlled each chain, are clustered in the centre of city (Chung-gu, Chongno-gu), in Gangnam-gu, and Socho-gu. 2) In 1990, frnchise chains are concentrated in dongs in Chung-gu and Chongno-gu, which are located in the centre of the city, and clustered in dongs in Gangnam-gu and Socho-gu, which are located in the southeastern part of the city. These areas are similar to those areas where the retail-trade establishments and the drink-restaurant establishments were clustered in 1986. The distribution characteristics of franchise chains in 1990 are also similar to those of establishments at wholesaling, retailing, and drink-restaurants in 1986. Therefore, it is shown that franchise chains as the new forms of the retail institution are entering the existing commercial areas first, and then diffuse into other areas. 3) First, a case study conducted to examine the comparison between the stores under direct management of headquarter and under single ownership, and the member stores under indirect management of headquarter and under contract shows that the former is concentrated in Chunggu and Chongno-gu, located in the centre of the city. Secondly, a case study conducted to investigate the franchise-chain diffusion at each three stages, divided according to the increase of the number of stores, shows as followers: at the beginning stage franchise chains are located in the high cost city centre and at the next stage subsequently decentralized to less expensive suburban locations. Generally speaking, the type of diffusion is mixed with the hierachical diffusion and the expansion diffusion. It is suggested that this is related to the strateges and to the product life cycles. In the future, as franchise chains increase and new forms of retailing emerge, the urban space will change into a more complicated commercial space. Therefore, further studies must adopt a wore dynamic perspective and must be carried out on the microscopic reginal analysis and on the theories of retail institutional change.

      • 현물포트폴리오 및 선물을 이용한 CVaR 기반 ELS 헤징 방법

        이경희,임현철,최영수 한국재무학회 2016 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.05

        본 논문은 ELS(Equity Linked Security)시장의 대표적인 상품인 HSCEI를 포함한 두 개의 지수 기반 조기상환 스텝다운(auto call step down)형 ELS에 내재된 헤징위험을 분석하고 현물 포트폴리오 및 선물을 이용한 CVaR(Conditional Value at Risk) 기반 헤징전략을 새롭게 제시한다. 스텝다운형 ELS 구조에 내재된 KI(Knock-In)특성으로 ELS 수익률분포가 비대칭적인 양봉 (bimodal) 분포를 따라 평균-분산 최소화 헤징전략은 한계점이 있다. 아울러 항셍선물관련 잦은 롤오버 및 현·선물간의 가격괴리 문제와 과도한 항셍지수 기반 ELS 발행으로 선물 유동성 부족으로 선물을 이용한 헤징이 어렵다. 이런 문제를 해결하고자 Rockafellar and Uryasev (2002)와 Alexander, Coleman, and Li(2006)가 제안한 방식을 활용하여 1) 지수를 추적하는 현물 포트폴리오를 생성한 후, 2) 현물 포트폴리오와 선물을 이용한 새로운 헤징전략을 제시한다. 실증분석 결과 첫째, CVaR 기반 지수추적 현물 포트폴리오가 시장비율(market ratio), 정보비율 (information ratio), Sharpe Ratio을 이용한 평가지표에서 지수추적을 잘 하면서 급락위험 (shortfall risk)이 적음을 알 수 있었고, 둘째, 현물 포트폴리오만을 이용한 헤징전략이 선물만을 이용한 헤징전략보다 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. 정책적인 제안으로 지수 ELS 상품의 기초자산인 지수를 복제하는 ETF(Exchange Traded Fund)가 거래소에 상장된다면 다양한 상품 구조의 중위험·중수익 구조화 상품을 개발할 수 있을 뿐더러 헤징도 원활하게 수행할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 한방사료 첨가제인 어보산의 효과 II. 어보산 첨가사료로 사육한 넙치의 육질에 대한 연구

        이경희,이영순,김종현,김동수 한국양식학회 1998 韓國養殖學會誌 Vol.11 No.3

        양식어류의 육질을 개선시키기 위한 연구의 환으로, 한방사료 첨가제인 어보산(성암산업, 대한민국)으로 사육한 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus)에 대한 관능 검사, 물성 및 정미성분 측정 등을 하여 육질을 평가하였다. 기호 검사 결과, 어보산 첨가군은 대조군에 비해 모든 항목에서 선호되었으며, 특히 어육의 질감 (P<0.05), 맛(P<0.01) 및 종합적인 선호도(P<0.01)에서 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 식별 검사에서도 어보산 첨가군의 육질은 대조군에 비해 광택(P<0.01), 경도 (P<0.05), 탄력성(P<0.01) 및 촉촉한 정도 (P<0.05)가 뛰어나고 결 (P<0.05)이 고우며 맛난 맛(P<0.01) 이 강한 것으로 평가되었다. 어보산 첨가사료로 사육한 넙치의 근육 물성은 대조군에 비해 경도가 20.5% (P<0.01) , 탄력성이 9.3%(P<0.01) 그리고 응집성이 16.7% (P<0.05) 유의하게 높은 값을 보였다. 대조군 사료와 어보산 첨가사료로 사육한 넙치의 정미 성분을 비교 분석한 결과, 정미 물질로서 어육 추출물 중에 함유되어 있는 유리 아미노산 총량은 첨가군이 대조군에 비해 약 41.6% 더 많은 결과를 보였으며, 특히 유리 아미노산 중 어육의 맛난 맛과 관련있는glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine 및methionine 등의 총량은 첨가군이 대조군에 비해 약 38.6% 더 많게 나타났다. 핵산 관련물질 중 ATP의 양은 첨가군이 대조군에 비해 약 87.8%.더 많게 나타났음에도 불구하고 IMP의 양은 첨가군이 대조군에 비해 약 32.6%.더 적은 값을 보였다. 따라서 어보산은 넙치의 육질 개선에 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. Quality evaluation of fish muscle was conducted in olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus fed with control or experimental diet containing 0.3% of Obosan (Sungam Co., Korea). Sensory panel members preferred the experimental fish were more preferable than those of control (P<0.01 or 0.05). The difference test was shown that the experimental fish muscle is more firm elastic and palatable than the control ones (P<0.01 or 0.05). The physical properties of meats from fish fed a diet containing Obosan improved qualities with compared to those of control meats. The total amount of free amino acids in muscles from control fish (31.7 mg/100mg), especially with the significant increase of glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine and methionine. In all nucleotides and their related compounds, ATP was the most abundant in muscles from fish fed a diet containing Obosan (about 1.9 fold compared to mean of control), however, IMP was more abundant in control muscles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        18-19세기 음악청중 형성과정에서 중간계급의 역할 : 공공음악회를 중심으로 A Case Study of Public Concert

        이경희 민족음악학회 2005 음악과 민족 Vol.29 No.-

        Most music historians tell us about composers and their works, but scarcely mention their public who listened and enjoyed the music. For a long time, I am curious about the public and the circumstances of musical life in the 18th and 19th centuries. The growth of music public in the 18th and 19th centuries can be examined in three public spheres; theater, salon, and public concert. The theater originally derived from the court, it became a public sphere after the mid-18th century. The salon also derived from the court and transformed into the private sphere of aristocrats. It became also a public sphere with the active participation of middle class after the 18th century. Above all, since the 19th century, the public concert became the most important route for the formation of the new music public integrating the two classes. For this study, I limit my investigation to the public concert. The chances of integration of the two classes seemed particularly high in concert life. The sudden growth of concert life during 1830s suggest that the social scene had a high degree of malleability to accommodate such new social needs. A unified public had emerged in a number of ways. In the first place, the social barriers between the bourgeois elite and the rest of the middle class became more substantial. The reserved seats made the change explicit. In the second place, the bourgeois and aristocratic elites now played the same kinds of leadership roles in concert life. In the third place, the bourgeois elite now exercised as powerful an influence over taste as did the nobility. Finally the sense of a common identity was apparent among the two classes.

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