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        연기전공 대학생의 즉흥무용프로그램 참여 경험에 관한 현상학적 탐구

        정유담 한국무용학회 2023 한국무용학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구는 연기전공 대학생의 신체연기 표현력과 연기몰입력 향상을 위해 즉흥무용프로그램을 적용하고 그들의 참여 경험을 탐구하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 참여자는 ʻ의도적 표집방법(Purposive sampling)'을 활용하여연기전공 대학생 6명을 선정하였으며, 2022년 6월~9월까지 총 12차시의 프로그램을 실시하였다. 그 후, 참여자들의 자기보고서와 2회의 심층면담을 통해 자료를 얻었으며 이들의 무의식적 선택의 의미는 지오르기(Giorgi)의 기술적 현상학적 연구방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 즉흥무용프로그램은 내·외적인 신체움직임과 사고의 확장성 및 표현의 효용적 가치를 발견할 수 있게 도와주었으며 연기에 있어서 신체 움직임을 탐구하고 실행하며 연기몰입력이 높아진 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 즉흥무용프로그램은 연기에 있어 표현능력을증진시켜 신체를 통한 정서적 인식을 훈련시키는 것이 가능해진다는 점에서 교육적 기반을 마련하여 교수·학습법의 실제적인 틀을 제공하고자 한다. he purpose of this study is to apply an improvisational dance program to improve the physical acting expressiveness and acting immersion of acting college students and to explore their participation experiences. 6 college students majoring in acting were selected as research participants using 'purposive sampling', and a total of 12 sessions of the program were conducted from June to September 2022. Afterwards, data were obtained through participants' self - reports and two in - depth interviews, and the meaning of their unconscious choices was analyzed using Giorgi's descriptive phenomenological research method. As a result, the improvisational dance program helped discover the useful value of internal and external body movement, expasdion of thought, and expression, and it was found that immersion in acting increased by exploring and executing body movements in acting. Therefore, we aim to provide a practical framework for teaching and learning methods by establishing an educational foundation in that improves expressive abilities in acting and makes it possible to train emotional awareness through the body

      • KCI등재

        사용자 중심 공간 경험 개선을 위한 경험 매핑 방법론 연구

        이해인,정유담,구유리 한국디자인학회 2024 디자인학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        연구배경 공간 및 건축 분야에서 사용자의 역할이 수용자에서 참여자로 확대되면서, 공간 사용자 경험(User Experience)의 중요성이 증대되고 있다. 공간 경험은 공간 자체의 물리성 외 사용자와의 상호작용 또한 포괄하기에 객관성과 주관성을 모두 갖추고 있다. 그러나 기존의 건축적 공간 분석 방법은 공간의 수치와 구조적 상관관계에 기반하여 공간 내부에서 발생하는 사용자의 세부적 경험을 파악하기 어려운 실정이다. 사용자 주변의 환경적 측면에 대한 연구나, 공간 개선을 위해 사용자 관점을 도입하는 체계적 과정에 대한 연구 또한 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구는 공간 내부의 거시적, 미시적 경험을 관찰을 통해 객관적으로 파악하고, 이를 시공간에 매핑(mapping)하여 분석하는 구조적인 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 연구방법 연구는 4단계로 나누어 진행되었다. 첫째, 문헌 연구를 통해 공간 경험과 공간 경험의 구성 요소를사용자, 행동, 상호작용, 이동, 상황, 환경, 사물 7가지로 정의하고, 공간 경험 데이터 수집을 위한 사용자 행동 관찰법 유형을 파악했다. 둘째, 공간 경험 구성 요소를 중심으로 사용자 경험을 수집할 수 있는 별도의 체계와 틀을수립하였다. 셋째, 실제 관찰 기반 사용자 조사를 진행하여 해당 체계를 검증하고 구체화했다. 마지막으로 공간내 사용자의 동선, 공간 활용도, 이용 여정 3가지 방식의 경험 매핑으로 공간 경험을 구조화하고, 이를 통합하여하나의 방법론으로 제안하였다. 연구결과 본 연구는 공간 경험에 대해 공간 중심의 물리적이고 거시적인 측면과, 내부 사용자와 주변 환경 사이의 관계에 기반한 미시적인 측면이 상호적 영향 관계 내에서 공존한다고 정의했다. 또한 경험 분석을 위해 공간 경험 구성 요소를 사용자, 행동, 상호작용, 이동, 상황, 환경, 사물 7가지로 도출하고 각 요소의 하위 구성 요소를 분류했다. 각 공간 경험 요소는 맥락 중심 직/간접관찰, 사건 중심 직/간접 관찰을 통해 수집했으며, 경험 요소를 중심으로 수집한 공간 경험 데이터는 3가지 경험 매핑의 형태로 구조화했다. 3가지 경험 매핑은 첫째, 공간 내사용자의 동선 매핑, 둘째, 사용자의 공간 활용 매핑, 셋째, 사용자의 공간 이용 여정 매핑으로 구분되며 동선 매핑은 공간 경험의 거시적 측면을, 이용 여정 매핑은 공간 경험의 미시적 측면을, 공간 활용 매핑은 복합적 측면을이해하는 데 사용된다. 이를 바탕으로 공간 경험 데이터 수집 및 분석을 위한 프로세스와 3가지 경험 매핑을 구조화한 통합된 공간 경험 매핑을 제시하였다. 결론 본 연구는 공간 경험과 경험의 구성 요소를 재정의하고, 이에 기반하여 공간 경험 데이터를 사용자행동 관찰을 통해 객관적으로 수집하였으며, 경험 매핑의 방식으로 체계적인 분석을 수행하였다. 종합하여 공간경험 개선을 위한 경험 데이터 수집 및 분석의 프로세스와, 공간 경험 매핑 방식을 별도의 방법론으로 제안하였다. 본 연구를 통해 구체화된 공간 경험 매핑 방법론은 향후 관련 분야에서 보다 명확한 프로세스와 분석의 틀을토대로 사용자 관점의 경험을 파악할 수 있도록 기반을 제공할 수 있다. Background As user roles in architecture evolve from mere occupants to active participants, the significance of user experience in the related fields grow. Spatial experience involves the physicality of space and user interactions, blending objectivity and subjectivity. However, existing architectural spatial analysis struggles to capture detailed user experiences, relying heavily on numerical correlations. Additionally, there is a current research gap in environmental aspects and systematic processes for the user perspective in spatial improvement. This study aims to present a structured methodology for objectively capturing macroscopic and microscopic user experiences through observation, mapping them onto the spatiotemporal domain for thorough analysis. Methods This study is comprised of four phases. First, a literature review defined spatial experience and its elements into seven categories, identifying various user behavior observation methods for collecting spatial experience data. Second, a systematic framework was established for collecting user experiences, with a focus on the elements of spatial experience. Third, actual observation research was conducted to validate and refine this framework. Fourth, spatial experiences were structured through three types of experience mapping: user movement flow, spatial utility, and user journey within the space. These mappings were then integrated. Results This study defined spatial experience as the coexistence of spatial-centric physical and macroscopic aspects and micro-level aspects, driven by the interactive relationship between internal users and the surrounding environment. Elements of spatial experience, such as Actor, Activity, Interaction, Movement, Scene, Environment, and Object, were identified, and subcomponents for each were classified. Spatial experience data, collected through context-centered direct/indirect and event-centered direct/ indirect observation, were structured into three experience mappings: user movement flow, spatial utility, and user journeys. User movement flow mapping focused on macroscopic aspects, user journey mapping on microscopic aspects, and spatial utility mapping aimed at a composite perspective. The study proposed a process for collecting and analyzing spatial experience data, along with a unified spatial experience mapping that integrates the three types of mappings. Conclusions This study redefines spatial experience and its elements, objectively collecting spatial experience data through user behavior observation, and systematically analyzes them through experience mapping. In conclusion, a process for data collection and analysis of spatial experience and a spatial experience mapping methodology are proposed. The refined spatial experience mapping methodology presented in this study can serve as a foundation for understanding user perspectives in related fields by providing a clearer framework and process for data collection and analysis.

      • KCI등재

        재활용 보증금 제도 기반 캠퍼스 자원순환 시스템 서비스디자인 모델 제안 -대학 내 이해관계자를 중심으로-

        최승연,박혜령,정유담,구유리 한국디자인문화학회 2023 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        Social movements and discussions are actively taking place around the world concerning the topic of circular economy. Social interest towards a circular society has risen; nevertheless, dilemmas in connection to the recycling of resources still exist. This study aims to propose a service design model that promotes recycling by means of establishing a resource circulation ecosystem through the active participation of users and stakeholders centered on university campus. The design council’s double diamond process was used to analyze the experiences of users and stakeholders. Moreover, implications of usability, accessibility, sustainability, and efficiency were taken into account when presenting a specific structure and model for service operation. The result of the study is the creation of “WAYKO”, a service that manages the recycling deposit system on university campus. First, “WAYKO” is not just a simple service, but also more like a public service in that it creates public social values through the participation of each subject. Second, it is a participation service that involves all stakeholders and allows each stakeholder to gain clear profits during the entire deposit-return process. Third, it is a user-specific service in that the pain points of each stakeholder are taking into account when it comes to developing the service in order to improve the experience of all stakeholders. The significance of the study is that it focuses on an entire service ecosystem rather than on the development of an individual service and presents a specific blueprint for creating co-value for each stakeholder. In this way, the study hopes to propel social improvements and spark positive discussions in the future in line with plans towards achieving carbon-neutrality by 2050.

      • KCI등재

        상용 폴리설폰 중공사막의 수소/일산화탄소 혼합가스 분리 성능 평가

        양은태,강도형,정관호,정유담,송승현,이승희,남상용,장재경 한국막학회 2023 멤브레인 Vol.33 No.6

        Steam methane reforming is currently the most widely used technology for producing hydrogen, a clean fuel. Hydrogen produced by steam methane reforming contains impurities such as carbon monoxide, and it is essential to undergoan appropriate post-purification step for commercial usage, such as fuel cells. Recently, membrane separation technology hasbeen gaining great attention as an effective purification method; in this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using commercialpolysulfone membranes for biogas upgrading to separate and recover hydrogen from a hydrogen/carbon monoxide gasmixture. Initially, we examined the physicochemical properties of the commercial membrane used. We then conducted performanceevaluations of the commercial membrane module under various conditions using mixed gas, considering factorssuch as stage-cut and operating pressure. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we carried out simulations for processdesign. The maximum H2 permeability and H2/CO separation factor for the commercial membrane process were recorded at361 GPU and 20.6, respectively. Additionally, the CO removal efficiency reached up to 94%, and the produced hydrogenconcentration achieved a maximum of 99.1%.

      • KCI등재

        기업 내 워케이션 활용을 위한 서비스 디자인 제안

        형서윤(Hyeong, Seo Yun),정선경(Jeong, Seon kyeong),정유담(Jeong, Yu dam),이연준(Lee, Youn joon) 한국디자인문화학회 2023 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to propose a workation service design that can be utilized when introducing work in the enterprise. After examining workatione tasks in the enterprise through previous studies, we analyzed various types of workation services in the enterprise. To propose a service design, we derived workation attributes from previous studies and conducted in-depth interviews with eight employees who have experience in workstations and two HR managers of companies that implement workstations. Based on the insights derived from the interviews, we derived the concepts of ‘worker attendance and communication’, ‘local tourism and cultural programs’, and ‘community’. As a result, we proposed a digital prototype, a spatial program for workation, and validated the service concept with stakeholders. The significance of this study is that it proposes new possibilities that can be utilized in the introduction of work in the enterprise, beyond the simple design of workation services.

      • 대학생의 취침 전 스마트폰 사용과 수면의 질 간의 관계

        김보민,김지은,김희진,문소연,문재민,송지원,양다경,이서연,정유담,허혜빈,배성희 이화여자대학교간호학회 2020 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.54

        Purpose: This study's main objectives are to examine the relationship of smartphone use at bedtime and sleep quality among college students. Methods: A sample 189 Korean college students(20-26 years old( participated in a survey about smartphone use in bed time and sleep quality. Self-reported sleep quality, daytime fatigue and insomnia were measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Korean version (PSQI-K). There are 3 sections of the questionnaire; 1) general information 2) sleep quality using PSQI-K 3) smartphone usage before bedtime. Data was analyzed using cross tabulation, one-way ANOVA, and independent T-Test. Results: 1. There was a difference whether they suffer from daily life due to the use of smartphones before bedtime between college student‘s sex and majors. 2. There was a difference in the main purpose of using smartphone before bedtime by age. 3. Respondents who used their smartphones before bedtime everyday showed prolonged sleep latency than those who used smartphones before bedtime less frequently. 4. There was no significant difference in the quality of sleep according to usage time and recognition on smartphone usage before bedtime and its disturbance of daily life. 5. The quality of sleep according to the purpose of smartphone usage before bedtime showed no significant difference. Conclusion: Based on the study results, there is the necessity of self-management among college students to enhance their sleep quality. Additionally, further research on the smartphone usage before bedtime is necessary due to the absence of the precedent studies and gender imbalance in the collected data.

      • 스마트 기기를 활용한 노령인구의 헬스케어 플랫폼 개발

        한보현 ( Bohyun Han ),공인복 ( In-bog Kong ),김다원 ( Dawon Kim ),이혜민 ( Hyemin-lee ),정유담 ( Yoodam Jung ),김상오 ( Sangoh Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2020 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        노년층의 건강관리를 위하여 몸상태를 확인할 수 있는 심박센서와 운동량을 확인할 수 있는 모션센서 및 간단한 센서를 활용하여 실시간으로 건강분석과 관리 및 처방을 할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고 플랫폼 개발에 도전함.

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