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        종합병원 간호사가 인식한 환자안전문화와 소진이 안전관리활동에 미치는 영향

        장현미(Jang, Hyun-Mi),박주영(Park, Ju-Young),최영주(Choi, Young-Ju),박성원(Park, Sung-Won),임한나(Lim, Han-Na) 한국간호행정학회 2016 간호행정학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine effects of patient safety culture and burnout on safety management activities with a focus on clinical experience of nurses in general hospitals. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were given to nurses in a general hospital in C Province, and 107 questionnaires were used for final analysis. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 21.0 Program for t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression. Results: The highest score as perceived by general hospital nurses for patient safety culture was for ‘Immediate superior/Manager’(3.84), for burnout, the highest score was for ‘Emotional exhaustion’ (4.13), and for safety management activities, the highest score was for ‘Prevention of infection’ (3.96). Patient safety culture and safety management activities perceived by general hospital nurses showed significant positive correlations (r=.35 p<.001). The correlations between burnout and safety management activities perceived by the nurses showed significant negative correlations (r=-.37, p<.001). Results of hierarchical regression analysis conducted to identify factors that affect safety management activities showed that patient safety culture (β=.40 p<.001) was effective for controlling safety management activities. Conclusion: The findings indicate a need to build a patient safety culture that fits the characteristics and situations of various hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 이용 유형이 초등학생의 인터넷 일탈에 미치는 영향

        장현미(Jang Hyun-Mi),김반야(Kim Ban-Ya) 한국청소년정책연구원 2008 한국청소년연구 Vol.19 No.4

        이 연구는 시간이 경과하면서 초등학생의 인터넷 이용 유형에 따른 인터넷 일탈의 변화가 어떠한가에 대해 밝히고자 했다. 이를 위해 한국 청소년 패널조사 중 조사시작 당시 초등학교 4학년인 아동을 대상으로 3년에 걸쳐 수집한 자료를 바탕으로 잠재성장모형을 이용하여 통계적 분석을 실시했다. 분석 결과 초등학생의 인터넷 일탈의 초기치에 사회적 이용의 초기치는 정적으로, 정보추구 이용의 초기치는 부적으로 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 인터넷 일탈의 변화율에는 사회적 이용의 초기치가 정보추구 이용의 초기치보다 정적으로 유의하게 더 큰 영향력을 미쳤으며, 사회적 이용의 변화율은 정적으로, 정보추구 이용의 변화율은 부적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 초등학생의 인터넷 유형 중 사회적 이용의 과도한 이용을 지양하고 그 올바른 예절과 방법을 교육하며, 정보추구 이용을 장려하는 것이 인터넷 일탈의 감소를 위한 지침이 될 수 있다는 함의를 도출했다. The purpose of this study was to investigate a growth model and to prove the effect of children's Internet use type on Internet deviance. Data from the 2004-2006 Korea Youth Panel Survey was used for the analysis. The data were analyzed using a growth curve model. The major findings are summarized as follows. First, this study confirms the positive effects of social use and the negative effects of information-seeking use in terms of Internet deviance. Second, the intercept of social use has a greater effect on the slope of Internet deviance than the intercept of information-seeking use. Finally, while social use has a positive effect on Internet deviance, the information seeking use affects Internet deviance negatively. On the basisof these results, this study suggests that educators should work at improving the way that children perceive and use the Internet. In short, to prevent Internet deviance, they should guide them towards the more informational uses while keeping them away from excessive use of the Internet for social purposes.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학생용 문화지능 척도개발을 위한 타당도와 신뢰도 연구

        장현미 ( Jang Hyun Mi ),장인실 ( Chang In Sil ) 한국초등교육학회 2017 초등교육연구 Vol.30 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to verify the validity and reliability of the cultural intelligence’s measurement tool and to identify the effect of elementary school student’s personal characteristic on cultural intelligence. The sample included 444 elementary school students who filled out revised Ang et.al(2007)'s measure. The validity of cultural intelligence measurement was examined using factor analysis in AMOS 18.0. T-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe analysis were performed to find the differences of cultural intelligence based on personal characteristic using SPSS 18.0. The result showed that validity and reliability in the using of cultural intelligence measurement is highly reliable. Elementary school student's scored highest on the motivational CQ, followed by metacognitive CQ, behavioral CQ, and cognitive CQ. Female students were found to have higher behavioral CQ than male students. According to the elementary school students’ socioeconomic status, student’s educational level, and presence of foreign friends, all cultural intelligence’s sub-factors showed to have statistically significant differences. However, cultural intelligence based on living overseas and residency period were found to have no significant differences. The results show basic information and direction of multicultural education in improving elementary school students’ cultural intelligence through cultural education at school.

      • KCI등재

        국제교역환경변화에 따른 해상교역패턴 변화 분석 -우리나라 주요 컨테이너 항만을 중심으로-

        박호 ( Ho Park ),장현미 ( Hyun Mi Jang ),김상열 ( Sang Youl Kim ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2016 해운물류연구 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 급변하는 교역환경에서 부산, 인천, 광양의 주요 3개 항만에 대해 국제 무역환경 변화에 따른 해상교역 변화를 검증할 수 있는 교역 패턴을 중력모형을 활용하여 분석하였다. 연구의 결과 첫째, 우리나라 전체 해상 컨테이너 교역패턴은 교역국과의 GDP 등 전반적인 시장규모에 비례하며, 거리에 반비례하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 주요 항만별 해상 컨테이너 교역패턴 분석 결과, 부산항은 우리나라 전체 해상 교역패턴과 동일한 결과를 나타냈고 인천항은 경제통합인 ASEAN+3, NAFTA가 무역창출효과를 보였으며, 광양항은 NAFTA가 (+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. In a rapidly changing trade environment, a variety of regional economic integrations and free trade agreements (FTAs) leading to a trade creation effect by eliminating the trade barriers, consequently increasing trade among member countries, or a trade diversion effect by reducing imports from non-member countries, are said to be of great importance to the fierce competition faced by major world ports to secure container volumes. In addition to the port competition between countries, domestic competition between ports is also getting severe within Korea. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the trade patterns of major Korean ports, including the ports of Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang, by utilizing a gravity model, which can demonstrate the changes in maritime trade in accordance with the changing international trade environment. The gravity model developed in the 1960s is the most common formulation to predict bilateral trade flows based on economic variables including population, Gross Domestics Product (GDP), and the distance between countries. Despite its usefulness, it has been rarely employed in the maritime context. In the analysis, total container throughputs were used as the dependent variable, while per capita GDP, distance, and economic freedom were used as the explanatory variables. The economic integrations and FTAs, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three (ASEAN+3), 10 countries, plus Korea, China and Japan; the European Union (EU), 28 countries; the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3 countries; and the Mercado Comun del Sur (MERCOSUR), 4 countries; were used as dummy variables. According to the results of this study, first, it was found that the entire maritime container trade patterns in Korea are proportional to the overall market size of its trading partners, as measured by their GDP, while it is inversely proportional to the distance. In addition, ASEAN+3, one of the main regional economic integrations, has a positive effect on the maritime container trade, the so-called trade creation effect, while the EU, NAFTA and MERCOSUR have a negative effect on the maritime container trade; the so-called trade diversion effect. Second, the resulting analysis of maritime container trade patterns of each major port in Korea demonstrate that Busan Port shows results similar to the entire maritime trade patterns in Korea. In the case of Incheon Port, the economic integrations including ASEAN+3 and NAFTA are shown to have the trade creation effect with a positive effect on maritime container trade; whereas, the distance variable exerts a relatively larger impact than in both the Busan and Gwangyang ports, due to the trade structures concentrated in China and Southeast Asia. NAFTA is revealed to have a positive effect on maritime container trade and FTAs also have a positive effect on maritime container trade in Gwanyang port. These findings provide valuable insights for academics, managers as well as policy makers engaged in the port industry to develop strategies for obtaining container volumes.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        Uzbek Car Manufacturing Sector’s Supply Chain Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic

        이스라엘 아리모브(Isrollijon Alimov ),장현미(Hyun-Mi Jang) 한국물류학회 2022 물류학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 코로나19 팬데믹 동안 우즈베키스탄 자동차 산업의 공급망 회복탄력성을 분석하고 평가하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 사례 연구를 통한 정성적 방법론이 사용되었다. 우즈베키스탄 자동차 제조사들의 공급망 부서 담당자들을 대상으로 반구조화 면담이 실시되었다. 코로나19는 전 세계적 이슈가 되었고, 우즈베키스탄 자동차 산업 역시 이로 인해 심각한 피해를 보고 있는 실정이다. 공급 제한과 통제, 비용 상승으로 인해 우즈베키스탄 자동차 제조사들은 공급 부족이라는 어려움에 직면했고, 이에 따라 생산량이 감소했다는 사실이 결과로 나타났다. 많은 대기업들은 팬데믹 기간 동안 생산을 중단했지만, 잉여 재고 역량과 우호적인 팀워크로 인해 어려운 시기를 극복해 나가고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 논문은 코로나19로 인한 불확실한 상황에서 우즈베키스탄 자동차 산업의 공급망 회복탄력성을 진단하고 평가하는 첫 번째 연구로서 그 의의가 있다. COVID-19 has become a global problem, and it has not bypassed the Uzbek automotive industry. The purpose of this research is to analyze and assess the unique supply chain resilience of the Uzbek automotive industry during the pandemic. A qualitative methodology was used in the research; a case study consisting of semi-structured interviews with the supply chain department staff of an Uzbek car manufacturing company. The results show that owing to supply limitations, lockdowns, and increasing prices, the Uzbek car manufacturing company faced shortages and declining production volume. However, because of its inventory redundancy capability and attentive teamwork, the company remained open, while a multitude of large corporations were forced to shut down production. To our knowledge, this is the first research work to identify and assess the supply chain resilience of the Uzbek automotive industry during the COVID-19 disruption. The findings of this paper are expected to contribute to car manufacturing operations in Uzbekistan and in general because they suggest a resilience readiness beyond the conventional risk management supported by the industry experts.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        TBL을 활용한 항만의 지속가능성 평가에 관한 연구

        박호(Ho Park),이주호(Joo-ho Lee),장현미(Hyun-mi Jang) 한국항만경제학회 2016 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        항만을 둘러싼 외부환경변화에 따라 항만의 지속가능한 운영에 대한 관심이 증가하는 추세이다. 다양한 분야에서 TBL을 활용한 지속가능성 평가가 진행되고 있으며, 항만도 지속가능성 평가를 위해 경제적 측면뿐만 아니라 사회적, 환경적 측면을 고려한 연구가 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구에서는 TBL을 접목하여 항만의 지속가능성 평가지표를 선정하고 중요도를 분석하여, 국내 주요 4대 항만에 대해 지속가능성을 평가하였다. 항만의 지속가능성을 위해서는 가치가 높은 물동량 확보와 함께 항만 운영과 인프라 및 자본 투자의 효율성 제고가 필요하며, 주변 지역의 연계성장과 함께 친환경적인 항만의 운영이 필요할 것이다. In accordance with the environmental changes that surrounds the port, there seems to be a trend of increasing interest in a sustainable development and operation of port. Considering that sustainability assessment utilizing Triple Bottome Line(TBL) has been conducted actively in various fields of research, it is essential to evaluate port sustainability including not only economic aspect but also social as well as environmental ones. In this regard, this study aims to measure the relative importance of port sustainability index using AHP. Moreover, sustainability of Korean four major ports has been tested by adopting the newly developed index in this study. From the results, it can be concluded that in addition to securing high value cargoes, increasing efficiency of port operation and infrastructure together with capital investment are essential. Growth harmonized with surrounding area of port and environment-friendly port operation should not be disregarded.

      • KCI등재

        Fuzzy-AHP를 활용한 연안해운 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        김상열 ( Sang Youl Kim ),박호 ( Ho Park ),장현미 ( Hyun Mi Jang ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2014 해운물류연구 Vol.30 No.2

        연안해운은 고효율, 친환경 운송수단으로서 전략물자 및 대량화물 운송에서 핵심적인 역할을 담당하고 있지만, 운송거리가 짧고 내륙수로운송 여건이 갖추어지지 않은 우리나라의 특성상 도로운송과 비교해 비효율적인 측면으로 인해 지속적으로 화물수송분담률이 감소하고 있다. 연안운송의 활성화는 친환경 Modal Shift 구축을 통한 도로운송 중심 국가물류체계의 개선과 친환경 물류체계의 구축을 가능하게 한다. 우리나라 정부는 전환교통 보조금 제도 등을 도입하여 도로운송에서 연안운송으로의 전환을 유도하고 있으나 그 효과를 기대하기는 어려운 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 다양한 연안운송 활성화 방안들에 대해 중요도 분석 및 우선순위를 Fuzzy-AHP기법으로 도출하여, 선별적, 집중적 지원을 통한 자원의 효율적 활용을 위한 정책 기초자료를 제공하였다. 연구 결과, 연안해운 활성화의 요소 중 비용(0.35)과 인프라 요소(0.277)가 가장 높은 중요도를 나타내는 것으로 분석되었으며, 세부요소에서는 중요도가 유류비(면세유) 지원(0.134), 항만시설료 감면 확대(0.116), 항만 및 하역장비 지원(0.113), 물류보관처리시설지원(0.104)의 순으로 나타났다. Short Sea Shipping (SSS) is a logistics concept defined as commercial waterborne that uses inland and coastal waterways to move containers, trailers, general cargo and bulk, not transiting an ocean. As an integral part of the supply chain, SSS plays a vital role in alleviating congestion and environmental pollution in highways by providing a more sustainable mode of transport. However, SSS in South Korea records a negative growth due to the inefficiency arising from the short transport distances and the limited inland waterway systems as compared to road transport. Despite Korean government``s effort to shift the transport mode from road to short sea shipping including modal shift subsidy scheme, its effect has not been demonstrated yet. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the relative importance and priorities of factors contributing to success of SSS by employing Fuzzy-AHP. According to the results, factors related to the cost (0.35) and infrastructure (0.277) were revealed as most important. The subsidy for the price of oil(tax-free oil) (0.134) was selected as the most critical sub-factor, followed by the expansion of reducing port facility fees (0.116), the support for port and cargo handling equipment (0.113) and for the logistics warehousing facilities (0.104). The results of this study would be useful when determining how to allocate the resources strategically for SSS development.

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