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        석도(石濤)의 혼돈의 미학

        장선아 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2015 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.20

        . 석도(石濤)는 전통과 형식에 얽매여 있는 당시의 보수적 화단에 반발하며 자유로운 창작정신과 개성을 강조한 새로운 사상을 구축하였다. 이와 같이 속박 없는 자유로움을 추구한 석도는 『화론』에서 혼돈(混沌)의 미학을 중요시하였다. 석도의 미학에서 혼돈의 개념은 중요한 비중을 차지한다. 그의 사상의 핵심은 ‘일획(一畫)’론에 있다. 그런데 ‘일획’에서의 ‘일’은 혼연일체의 혼돈의 상태를 의미하며, ‘획’은 만상과 만법을 창조하는 생생불이(生生不已)의 과정을 의미한다. 특히 그는 무한한 창조적 가능태로서의 혼돈을 중요시하였는데, 이것은 혼돈이 일정한 규정에 얽매이지 않아 오히려 무한한 다양성과 역동성을 표현하기에 적합하다고 보았기 때문이다. 석도는 또한 예술에서 가장 중요한 재료인 묵과 필을 단순히 재료로만 보지 않았다. 그는 묵을 몽양(蒙養)과 연관시키고 필을 생활(生活)과 연관시켜 자신의 미학 사상을 전개하였다. 몽양 역시 무규정의 혼돈의 상태를 의미한다. 석도의 이러한 혼돈의 사상은 체용적 관점에 의거해 설명할 수 있다. 가령 석도는 예술론에서 무법(無法)과 유법(有法), 몽양(蒙養)과 생활(生活), 묵(墨)과 필(筆)을 구분하고 있는데, 무법(無法)과 유법(有法), 몽양(蒙養)과 생활(生活), 묵(墨)과 필(筆)이라는 이원적으로 구분은 모두 체용의 관계에 있다. 그런데 전자가 혼돈의 의미를 갖는다고 한다면, 후자는 무한한 작용이다. 석도의 체와 용 또한 일자와 다자의 관계라는 점에서 상반된 속성을 갖지만, 체를 떠나 용이 있을 수 없고 용을 떠나 체가 있을 수 없다는 점에서 서로 불가분의 관계에 있다.

      • KCI등재

        장자(莊子)의 ‘유(遊)’사상을 통한 광기(狂氣)의 의미 고찰

        장선아 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2019 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.31

        In the traditional western philosophical thought, which emphasizes the rational and universal thinking, ‘Kwang’ has been regarded as an irrational concept. However, since the modern era, the concept of Kwang began to change. Kwang, which was regarded as a subject of surveillance and punishment, has been reevaluated through the aesthetic discussions of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, and gradually began to become an important driving force of artistic creation. However, Kwang could not escape from seeing it as an expression of anger. On the other hand, in the Asian aesthetics, Kwang was seen not only in terms of negative aspects but also in terms of positive aspects such as pursuing liberation from spiritual bondage. Since Confucianism emphasized the form and tradition, it was critical about Kwang. Nonetheless, Confucius regarded Kwang as an infinite capacity with genuine emotion and progressive temperament. However, it was too large and therefore it should be finely trimmed eventually. Taoism is distinctly different from the Confucianism, but there exist similar characteristics between Yu of Zhangji and Kwang of Confucius. Yu comes from the spirit of ‘Eun-il' which has the meaning of 'following the trends' and implies the freedom from the bondage suppressing the natural instincts and hence playing in a state of Jigo, i.e., extreme highness. This concept contains ultimate ideals of Zhangji, 'Big' and 'Enterprising'. In the midst of the most confusing Chinese era, Wy-Jin and South and North Jo, artists made lots of insane and strange conducts due to the despair and anger at that time. However, they followed the concept of Yu and sublimated the Kwang to a free and inventive artistic spirit. In other words, in Asian art, Kwang is not only regarded as anger coming from the conflict and separation, but also as a driving force for positive artistic creation that seeks absolute freedom from realistic bondage. 합리적·보편적 사고를 중시하는 서구 전통철학에서는 ‘광(狂)’을 비이성적 개념으로 간주하였으나 근대 이후 이성주의에 대한 반성을 통하여 광을 새롭게 바라보기 시작했다. 감시와 처벌의 대상으로 보았던 ‘광기(狂氣)’는 쇼펜하우어, 니체 등의 미학적 논의를 통하여 재평가되었으며, 예술 창작의 중요한 원동력으로 자리 잡기 시작했다. 하지만 광기를 현실과 이상의 괴리에서 오는 분노의 표출로 보았다는 한계에서 벗어나지 못했다. 반면에 동양 미학에서는 광기를 부정적인 측면뿐만 아니라 속박에서 벗어나 진취적인 자유로움을 지향한다는 긍정적인 측면으로도 바라보았다. 형식과 전통을 중시하는 유가는 광기에 대해 비판적이었으나, 공자는 광을 진솔한 감정과 진취적 기질을 지닌 무한 역량이라 여겼다. 다만 광간(狂簡)하여 정교하지 않은 상태는 다듬어져야 한다고 보았다. 도가에서는 공자와 유사하게 광을 바라보는 장자의 유(遊)사상이 있다. ‘시류에 따른다’는 은일(隱逸) 정신에서 비롯된 유사상은 자연 변화를 따르는 동시에 본성을 억압하는 일체의 속박에서 벗어나 자유로운 지고(志高)의 경지에서 노님을 의미한다. 즉, 궁극적인 이상향(理想鄕)인 ‘대(大)’와 ‘진취(進取)’를 포함한다. 중국 역사상 가장 혼란스러웠던 위진 남북조와 명말·청초의 예술가들은 시대적 절망과 분노로 인해 광적인 기행을 일삼았지만, 유(遊)사상을 토대로 광기를 자유로운 창신(創新)적 예술 정신으로 승화시켰다. 동양 예술에서는 광기를 분노의 표출만이 아닌 절대적 자유를 추구하는 긍정적인 예술 창조의 원동력으로 본 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        차원 축소 알고리즘을 이용한 한국어 자음간 거리 매핑 연구

        장선아,오승하,최승진,김민제,박선호 한국청각언어재활학회 2012 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.8 No.1

        There have been increasing needs to understand speech signals to reveal auditory processing mechanism. We investigated an optimal dimension reduction algorithm and features for reflecting distance between Korean consonants. First, we reduced features of consonant articulatory phonetics from 15 to 5-6 using three dimension reduction algorithms. This revealed 90% of the distance distribution of Korean consonants. Next, we applied the Isomap method to show the most similar acoustic features of speech banana. Results showed a useful mapping of consonant articulatory distances. For example, we found that consonant /ㅂ(p)/ and /ㄷ(t)/ share 13 out of 15 features of articulatory phonetics, with only the features of bilabial and coronal being different, suggesting that they are the most difficult to discriminate from each other and reflected in the shortest distance between these two consonants in the Isomap method. However, the Isomap method was not effective in distinguishing the acoustic features of fortis from aspirated with limited numbers of acoustic features which are using for English consonants. This study shows that the use of reduction algorithms and the Isomap method can be effective in consonant mapping of articulatory features. These findings suggest that they are useful tools in phonetics research when combined with acoustic phonetics data and real voice data.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Upper Frequency Boundary on Consonant Perception in Normal Hearing and Cochlear Implant Adults

        장선아,박민현,오승하,이경민 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: Although some studies argue that it is worthy for cochlear implant (CI) users to have frequency information above 3,000 Hz for consonant recognition, it is not clear whether CI patients make use of this information, especially in Korean. In this experiment, we tested whether consonant recognition in CI patients depended on the utilization of information from 3,000 to 8,000 Hz. Methods: We conducted consonant recognition tests in Korean [3 syllable structures: vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV), consonant-vowel (CV), and vowelconsonant (VC)] pronounced by one male and one female speakers for 3 normal hearing (NH) and 3 CI adults with 9 low-pass filtering frequency conditions. Results: Both groups showed decreased correction scores as cut-off frequency getting lower. CI subjects scored twice errors to NH subjects across frequency conditions. The cut-off frequency of 1,500 Hz brought a significant decrease of consonant recognition. Consonants in VCV syllable recognized better than VC and CV syllable in both groups. Fricatives and affricates in the manner of articulation and alveolar and palatal in the place of articulation are the ones that benefit from high frequency coding. Alveolar plosive sounds were most difficult sounds in both groups and this confirms previous studies of consonant recognition in Korean. Conclusion: NH and CI groups demonstrated poorer consonant recognition as cut-off frequency decreased with relatively large decrements of CI group. The information above 3,000 Hz conveys little information for consonant recognition in the normal and CI subjects while some CI subjects utilized information up to 6,000 Hz. There were large individual differences, particularly in CI group.

      • 말지각 능력이 우수한 인공와우 착용 아동들의 조음 특성 : 정밀전사 분석 방법을 중심으로

        장선아,김수진,신지영,Chang, Son-A,Kim, Soo-Jin,Shin, Ji-Young 대한음성학회 2007 말소리 Vol.62 No.-

        The purpose of this study is 1) to investigate the phoneme inventories and phonological processes of cochlear implant(CI) children and 2) to describe their utterances using narrow phonetic transcription method. All ten subjects had more than 2 year-experience with CI and showed more than 85 % open-set sentence perception abilities. Average consonant accuracy was 81.36 % and it was improved up to 87.41% when distortion errors were not counted. They showed similar phonological processing patterns to HA or normal hearing children in some way as well as different phonological processing patterns from HA or normal hearing children. The prominent distortion error pattern was weakening of consonants. Every subject had his/her idiosyncratic error pattern that demanded his/her own individualized therapy program.

      • KCI등재

        영유아용 말지각 검사 개발을 위한 문장 분석 연구

        장선아,이민혜 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze and develop the easy sentences for speech perception test using picture stimuli which can be used to the children under 3 years-old. Methods: A total of 102 easy sentences and corresponding picture stimuli were designed for this study. Factors related to semantics, articulatory phonetics, and syntactic structures were analyzed to validate the sentences as for the stimuli of speech perception test for the very young children. Results: The test stimuli contained all the parts of speech and semantic categories. Syllable lengths and phoneme categories were properly distributed and the usage frequency was also acceptable for the very young children. The test sentences can be consisted of 10 test sets which are various enough to mitigate learning effect. Conclusion: This study ensured validity of the test sentences and should be led by further study on validation of the utilizability, parallel test, and reliability as a speech perception test for the very young children.

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