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        한국어의 모음음가

        이현복 대한음성학회 1980 말소리 Vol.1 No.-

        이 글은 현대 한국어의 모음 음가를 음성학적으로 기술한다. 여기서 한국어란 서울 지역을 근거로 하는 표준말을 뜻한다. 한국어 모음의 소리값을 기술하는 과정에서 일부 방언 및 외국어의 음가와 비교 설명하는 일이 있으므로 이들 방언이나 외국어와 한국 표준말의 소리 차이를 이해하는 데도 도움이 될 것이다. 이 글의 본문은 "음성 반풀어 쓰기"로 적는다. "반풀어 쓰기"란 받침을 아래에 두지 않고 오른쪽 옆으로 적는 것을 말하며 "음성"이란 맞춤법을 따르지 않고 한글 글자를 음성기호로 활용하여 소리나는 대로 적는 법을 뜻한다. 그러므로 각 모음 기호마다 올바른 소리값을 주면서 음성 반풀어 쓰기로 적은 본문을 읽는다면 틀림없이 한국 표준 발음을 하게 될 것이다. 본문에서 긴소리는 같은 글자를 두 번 겹쳐서 나타냈다.

      • Problems of Discrepancy between English Vowels and Spelling

        HansaMahn-GunnYoue 대한음성학회 2003 말소리 Vol.48 No.-

        영어 모음과 철자간 대응성 결여 문제兪萬根(성균관대) 음성 영어교육에서 각 음소(모음·자음) 음가 인식이 중요한 것은 물론이지만, 실제로 영어를 듣고 말하는 데는 강세모음과 약음(주로 음)이 번갈아들며 엮어내는 영어 특유 말씨 박자에 대한 이해가 오히려 더 중요한 면이 있다. 그런데 영어 철자가 자음 정보는 비교적 잘 보여주지만, 모음 정보는 정확히 알려주지 못한다. 이를테면 i / / / u / 를 적는 철자가 각각 20가지 이상이며, 특히 쭉정모음(schwa) 를 적는 철자는 무려 90가지가 넘는다. 이 는 강세 그늘에서 비록 짧고 약하게 발음되지만 영어에서 딴 어느 모음보다도 훨씬 높은 빈도를 보이기 때문에 [ ] 음가와 그것이 있는 자리, 즉 철자 밑에 숨어 그 존재를 알기 어려운 음의 소재를 철저히 파악하는 것은 영어를 잘 듣고 영어답게 말하는 데에 필수 요체라 할 수 있다.이 글에서는 쭉정모음(schwa) [ ]를 포함한 영어 주요 모음 철자 다양성을 고찰하여 우리나라 음성 영어 교육(TEFL/TESOL)에 귀중한 참고 자료를 제공하고, 이를 통한 올바른 영어 발음 학습 태도를 제언한다.

      • 자동 음성 분할을 위한 음향 모델링 및 에너지 기반 후처리

        박혜영,김형순,Park Hyeyoung,Kim Hyungsoon 대한음성학회 2002 말소리 Vol.43 No.-

        Speech segmentation at phoneme level is important for corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis. In this paper, we examine acoustic modeling methods to improve the performance of automatic speech segmentation system based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM). We compare monophone and triphone models, and evaluate several model training approaches. In addition, we employ an energy-based postprocessing scheme to make correction of frequent boundary location errors between silence and speech sounds. Experimental results show that our system provides 71.3% and 84.2% correct boundary locations given tolerance of 10 ms and 20 ms, respectively.

      • 공동 이용을 위한 음성 인식 및 합성용 음성코퍼스의 발성 목록 설계

        김연화,김형주,김봉완,이용주,Kim Yoen-Whoa,Kim Hyoung-Ju,Kim Bong-Wan,Lee Yong-Ju 대한음성학회 2002 말소리 Vol.43 No.-

        Recently, researches into ways of improving large vocabulary continuous speech recognition and speech synthesis are being carried out intensively as the field of speech information technology is progressing rapidly. In the field of speech recognition, developments of stochastic methods such as HMM require large amount of speech data for training, and also in the field of speech synthesis, recent practices show that synthesis of better quality can be produced by selecting and connecting only the variable size of speech data from the large amount of speech data. In this paper we design and discuss linguistic contents for speech copora for speech recognition and synthesis to be shared in common.

      • 전문적 음성 사용자들의 음성에 대한 음향학적 비교 분석 연구

        노동우,백은아,황보명,정옥란,Noh Dong-Woo,Paik Una,Hwang Bo-Myung,Jeong Ok-Ran 대한음성학회 2002 말소리 Vol.44 No.-

        Mean F0, Jitter, Shimmer, and NHR were measured in 21 opera singers, 13 Korean traditional 'pansori' singers, and 21 non-singers. Four voice sampling conditions were ordinary /α/ prolongation, /α/ prolongation using vocal technique as if the subjects were singing, oral reading of the words of a song, and singing. One-way ANOVA and Sheffe post-hoc analysis were used to identify significant differences among the groups. The mean F0 was significantly different among the 3 groups in all conditions except for the ordinary /α/ prolongation condition. The opera singers produced lower jitter and NHR compared to 'pansori' singers and non-singers only in the singing condition.

      • 효과적인 표준 발음 교육

        이동석,Lee Dong-Seok 대한음성학회 2004 말소리 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this dissertation is to make the general korean speakers to learn the standard pronunciations. But it is in existence that the obstructions of the command of the standard pronunciations. They are the mistake in the education course on the korean pronunciations, the teacher's capability and the mass communications's duplicity. To overcome this obstructions, we must concentrate our efforts on the propagation of the standard pronunciations. To propagate of the standard pronunciations we can take a several method. These are the presentation of the pronunciation mistakes, audio-visual teaching, the presentation of the pronunciation principles and the use of the korean dictionary. The standard pronunciations are different from the pronunciations of the general korean speakers in many respects. So we can't make an accurate estimate of the pronunciation's changes. No one knows what will happen in the future about the korean pronunciations. But we must teach the standard pronunciations to the general korean speakers. The standard pronunciations are offically valid in the present time.

      • 혼합여기모델을 이용한 대역 확장된 음성신호의 음질 개선

        최무열,김형순,Choi Mu Yeol,Kim Hyung Soon 대한음성학회 2004 말소리 Vol.52 No.-

        The quality of narrowband speech can be enhanced by the bandwidth extension technology. This paper proposes a mixed excitation and an energy compensation method based on Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). First, we employ the mixed excitation model having both periodic and aperiodic characteristics in frequency domain. We use a filter bank to extract the periodicity features from the filtered signals and model them based on GMM to estimate the mixed excitation. Second, we separate the acoustic space into the voiced and unvoiced parts of speech to compensate for the energy difference between narrowband speech and reconstructed highband, or lowband speech, more accurately. Objective and subjective evaluations show that the quality of wideband speech reconstructed by the proposed method is superior to that by the conventional bandwidth extension method.

      • 한국어 대어휘 연속음성 인식용 발음사전 자동 생성 및 최적화

        이경님,정민화,Lee Kyong-Nim,Chung Minhwa 대한음성학회 2005 말소리 Vol.55 No.-

        In this paper, we describe a morpheme-based pronunciation lexicon useful for Korean LVCSR. The phonemic-context-dependent multiple pronunciation lexicon improves the recognition accuracy when cross-morpheme pronunciation variations are distinguished from within-morpheme pronunciation variations. Since adding all possible pronunciation variants to the lexicon increases the lexicon size and confusability between lexical entries, we have developed a lexicon pruning scheme for optimal selection of pronunciation variants to improve the performance of Korean LVCSR. By building a proposed pronunciation lexicon, an absolute reduction of $0.56\%$ in WER from the baseline performance of $27.39\%$ WER is achieved by cross-morpheme pronunciation variations model with a phonemic-context-dependent multiple pronunciation lexicon. On the best performance, an additional reduction of the lexicon size by $5.36\%$ is achieved from the same lexical entries.

      • 네트워크 환경에서 서버용 음성 인식을 위한 MFCC 기반 음성 부호화기 설계

        이길호,윤재삼,오유리,김홍국,Lee, Gil-Ho,Yoon, Jae-Sam,Oh, Yoo-Rhee,Kim, Hong-Kook 대한음성학회 2005 말소리 Vol.54 No.-

        Existing standard speech coders can provide speech communication of high quality while they degrade the performance of speech recognition systems that use the reconstructed speech by the coders. The main cause of the degradation is that the spectral envelope parameters in speech coding are optimized to speech quality rather than to the performance of speech recognition. For example, mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) is generally known to provide better speech recognition performance than linear prediction coefficient (LPC) that is a typical parameter set in speech coding. In this paper, we propose a speech coder using MFCC instead of LPC to improve the performance of a server-based speech recognition system in network environments. However, the main drawback of using MFCC is to develop the efficient MFCC quantization with a low-bit rate. First, we explore the interframe correlation of MFCCs, which results in the predictive quantization of MFCC. Second, a safety-net scheme is proposed to make the MFCC-based speech coder robust to channel error. As a result, we propose a 8.7 kbps MFCC-based CELP coder. It is shown from a PESQ test that the proposed speech coder has a comparable speech quality to 8 kbps G.729 while it is shown that the performance of speech recognition using the proposed speech coder is better than that using G.729.

      • 일본어 화자의 한국어 평음/기음/경음의 지각과 산출

        황유미,조혜숙,김수진,Hwang Yu Mi,Cho Hye Suk,Kim Soo Jin 대한음성학회 2002 말소리 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate how Japanese speakers perceive and produce Lenis, Aspirated and Fortis consonants in Korean. Identification tasks and production tasks were performed. The error analysis of both task showed that the participants had a significant difficulty in discriminating between Lenis and Aspirated sounds. And it was observed that there was a positive correlation between identification scores and production scores.

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