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      • KCI등재

        『천의소감(闡義昭鑑)』에 대한 서지적(書誌的) 연구

        임기영 ( Kee Young Lim ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2011 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.19

        조선 후기 당쟁서를 언급할 때 빠뜨릴 수 없는 자료 중의 하나가 『闡義昭鑑』과 『戡亂錄』 및 『明義錄』의 간행이다. 이러한 저술들은 한결같이 내적 분쟁의 혼란 속에 이루어졌고, 따라서 그 출판의 동기도 대등소이하다. 그 중 특히, 『闡義昭鑑』은 영조의 집권 중반에 중앙의 집권층에서 반대 세력을 다스리고, 집권층의 대의명분을 표명하기 위한 임금과 중앙 관료들이 이루어낸 의도적인 출판의 결과물이다. 이 연구는 이처럼 영조대에 이루어진 『闡義昭鑑』의 편찬과 간행 과정, 그리고 후속 작업으로 의궤의 작성까지 이어진 조선 후기 관찬서의 출판 과정을 서지적 관점에서 다루었다. 그리고 무엇보다 이러한 자료의 출판이 이루어지기까지 당시 임금과 중앙 관료들의 구체적인 업무 논의, 진행 절차와 과정을 사료와 관련 기록을 토대로 소급하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 이러한 검토 작업은 18세기 중엽 임금 주도로 추진된 관찬서의 간행 과정을 정리하고, 그 구체적인 모습을 재구성하여 본다는 측면에서 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study dealt with the book 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』 which is related Party strife book in the late period of Chosun Dynasty. 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』, 『Gamranrok(戡亂錄)』 and 『Myungeurok(明義錄)』is representative book which related with political party strike in 18th. Especially 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』 is published with the aim of suppression to opposition party and representation of judification in ruling party, including King Young-jo(英祖) So this study is focused at the process of compilation and publication details with 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』. Besides, we examined the publication of Korean annotation version and the completion of Eugye(儀軌) to that book. Chansoochung-Eugye(纂修廳儀軌) reveals the participants and pay of the people, and the list of articles used with the publication, that is paper, brush, ink stick, desk, stool, beeswax, etc. Therefore the Chansoochung-Eugye(纂修廳儀軌) is the most important material that notify the related factor of 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』. To achieve this, we tried to investigate detail discussion between King Young-jo(英祖) and central courtier, publication progress and stage, every other process related with the publication of 『CheonEuSoGam(闡義昭鑑)』 This kind of examination in our study allows us to arrange the process of book publication at central government of late period in Chosun Dynasty. Also it helps the composition of actual proceedings in book publication at that times.

      • KCI등재

        『선무원종공신녹권(宣武原從功臣錄券)』에 관한 서지적(書誌的) 연구

        임기영 ( Kee Young Lim ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2012 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.21

        이 연구는 임진왜란이 수습된 뒤 그 은공자를 대상으로 이루어진 공신 책봉의 결과물로 간행된 공신녹권에 대하여 살펴보았다. 이 가운데 전란 평정에 직접적인 공로가 있었던 9,060명을 대상으로 발급되었던 『宣武原從功臣錄券』에 대하여, 녹권의 사급 경위와 형태 사항, 현존본의 현황 및 본문에 사용된 활자, 그 밖에 간행시 참여 인력과 소요된 물자 등을 서지적 관점에서 고찰하였다. 임란 후 선조조에는 『宣武原從功臣錄券』, 『扈聖原從功臣錄券』, 『淸難原從功臣錄券』의 3종의 공신녹권이 발급되었다. 이들 녹권은 각각 발급 동기나 경위, 발행 부수 등에서 차이가 난다. 또한 녹권의 인출에 사용된 활자는 동일하나, 그 활자에 대하여도 각종 서지 기록상에 혼란이 발생하고 있다. 따라서 여기서는 『宣武原從功臣錄券』을 대상으로 간행의 배경적인 사실 검토로 공신제도의 성립 및 책봉 기구의 운영이나 책봉 절차 등에 대하여 다루었다. 그리고 녹권의 형태 사항과 체제 및 내용을 분석하되, 무엇보다 녹권 인출에 사용되었던 활자에 대하여도 관련 기록과 실물 분석을 통하여 각종 서지 기록상의 착오를 바로잡고자 하였다. 또한 『宣武原從功臣錄券』은 간행이 완료된 후에 의궤를 통하여 관련 기록을 정리해 두었다. 이에 본고에서는 녹권 간행이라는 실무적 관점에서 참여 인력과 소요된 물자에 대해 소급하여 살펴보았다. 이와 같은 일련의 연구가 조선시대 전반으로 확대된다면, 태조 개국 이래 모두 28차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 공신 책봉 및 녹권의 간행과 발급, 전존본의 현황 등 그 전모를 파악하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study dealt with the book 『SeonMooWonJongGonSinNok Kwon(宣武原從功臣錄券)』 which was given to meritorious retainer in relation to distinguished contribution of the Japanese invasion in 1592. So this study focused the detail process of proclaim in gratituding system and the publication of 『Nokkwon(錄券)』, the physical format and the number of existing books also the exact name of receiver as meritorious retainer so forth within the category of biblilography. During the period of King Seonjo(宣祖, 1552-1608), 3 kinds of Nokkwon(錄券) were published, that is ``Seonmoo(宣武)``, Hoseong(扈聖)``, ``Cheongnan(淸難)``. These were different in that they have respective purpose, process of proclaim, publishing time and the number of issue. But this three kinds of books were printed by the same wooden type what is called Gongsindogam wooden type(功臣都監字). By contrast, various catalog of old books in many institutions have the Nokkwon(錄券) represented different name about the wooden type. For instance, Gonsindogam wooden type(功臣都監字), Seonjosillok wooden type(宣祖實錄字), Hoonryundogam wooden type(訓鍊都監字) so on. Consequently, we tried to analyze the format and contents, but most of all the focus was at the wooden type used publication of Nokkwon(錄券). Moreover through the close measurement and comparison of the wooden type, we tried to straighten out the lack of unity in the point of name and kinds of the type. This kinds of consecutive studies might contribute the understanding of whole aspect of Gongsinnokkwon(功臣錄券) in the Chosun Period. Especially they could be useful materials within the category of historical and bibliographical point of view.

      • KCI등재

        전공의를 위한 의료윤리 교육목표의 개발

        정유석 ( Yoo Seock Cheong ),고윤석 ( Youn Suck Koh ),권복규 ( Ivo Kwon ),김옥주 ( Ock Joo Kim ),박재현 ( Jae Hyun Park ),손명세 ( Myong Sei Sohn ),이일학 ( Il Hak Lee ),임기영 ( Ki Young Lim ),장기현 ( Kee Hyun Chang ) 한국의료윤리학회 2008 한국의료윤리학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        In 2007, the Korean Society for Medical Ethics Education (KSMEE), with the support of the Korean Academy of Medicine (KAM), developed a clinical ethics core curriculum for medical trainees in Korea. This article provides a summary of the contents of the curriculum developed by the KSMEE. The curriculum consists of six main subjects: doctor-patient relationships, interpersonal relationships with colleagues and paramedical persons, ethics related health policy, withholding and withdrawing of treatment, research ethics, and professionalism. Each main subject has three to four sub-sections. All issues were generated by medical ethics experts by means of group discussions and a survey of medical trainees at various university hospitals in Korea. Each subtitle has four parts including a general overview, learning goals, and two to three relevant clinical cases with key references. This curriculum is primarily for medical trainees, who are not well prepared for the diverse ethical challenges and ethical dilemmas they may face during their daily clinical activities.

      • LP-MOCVD 방법으로 성장한 InGa As/GaAs의 DCXD에 의한 조성과 임계두께에 관한 연구

        정양준,차상석,임기영 木浦大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        We have grown InGaAs single layers on GaAs by LP-MOCVD(Low Pressure Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) method. We have investigated the lattice constants, strain relaxation, and critical layer thickness of a ?? layer by double crystal x-ray diffraction. The correlation between the In composition in epitaxial ?? and In gas composition was determined by rocking curve analyses. The critical layer thickness and In composition were determined to be 600Å for 0.115 and 400 Å for 0.183, respectively, assuming that the In gas compositions are 0.150 and 0.243. Beyond the critical layer thickness the transition from the strained to the relaxed state occurs more rapidly as the thickness increases.

      • Experimental Aspects and Metrological Applications of the Quantum Hall Effects

        Lim, Kee-Young 全北大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        異種接合構造 혹은 MIS 構造 等의 半導體 反轉層에 形成되는 二次元 電子 혹은 正孔 氣體에서 최근 發見된 量子 홀 效果는 홀 傳導度의 量子化(σ_xy=ie^2/h)로서 特徵 되며 높은 磁場에서 二次元 電子 혹은 正孔氣體構造의 物理的 特性硏究와 그의 電子素子로서의 應用에 대단히 중요한 物理的 現狀이다. 특히 量子홀 效果의 硏究는 固體物理學 分野와 電磁氣學的 度量型學에 관련된 놀라운 結果들을 報告하고 있다. 本 論文에서는 量子 홀 效果條件下에서 半導體 反轉層의 二次元 電子氣體들의 特性과 局地化된 電子狀態의 역할, 그리고 量子 홀 效果의 實驗結果와 度量型學에의 應用에 대하여 記述한다.

      • KCI등재

        낮병원 사회재적응 프로그램이 정신분열병환자의 여가생활에 미치는 영향

        유계준,임기영,오병훈,이계존 大韓神經精神醫學會 1995 신경정신의학 Vol.34 No.6

        Objects : This study was carried out to analyze the influences of day hospital program upon leisure functioning(leisure life) of schizophrenic patients. Methods : The subject of this study was 36 schizophrenic patients who were discharged from the Kwan-ju Servrance Psychiatric Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine. The experimental group(18 patients) completed day hospital treatment with having intensive psychosocial rehabilitation program and the control group(18 patients) were only follow-up outpatient treatment after discharge. This study used the structured questionnaire to measure leisure functioning upon discharge. Three months after discharge, the same survey was : done to compare the two groups by pre-post experiment. The statistical analysis was performed by SPSS/PC. It used T-test to identify the difference between two group, and Multiple Regression to analyze the impact of independent variable on dependent variable(leisure functioning). Result : In baseline, no significant difference of leisure functioniong between two groups was not found. However, in the follow-up score which has earned after providing day hospital program for the experimental group and out-patient follow-up service for the control group for 3 months, some significant differences was found. Therefore it can be concluded that the leisure functioning of day hospital patients greatly improved than the other patients, while the leisure functionings of the two group were similar in the baseline. According to multiple regression, the number admission decreased the leisure functioning, the participation of day hospital program increased the leisure functioning. Conclusion : Improvement of leisure functioning through day hospital program was associated with functional skills in leisure activities, and it was also related to increase of opportunities to experience realistic situations, reinforcement of adjustment skills in other realms of life, and quality of life, all of which can promote the entire rehabilitation processes. Therefore, the result of this study can represent the usefulness of day hospital's program.

      • KCI등재

        정신과 입원환자의 신체적 문제에 대한 조사

        문유선,임기영,김도훈,이혜리,유계준,오병훈,민경준 大韓神經精神醫學會 1995 신경정신의학 Vol.34 No.6

        This study was designed to determine the frequency and characteristics of physical symptoms and diseases in the psychiatric inpatients, and was directed to assess the physical problems and possible ways to resolve them in a closed psychiatric unit. Through evaluation of medical records of 386 inpatients from Kwangju Severance Psychiatric Hospital of Yonsei Medical College during a one-year peroid, from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1994, we classified the physical problem according to ICD-9CM, comparing with the contents of primary health care in care in family practice. The results were as follows ; Among the total number of 386 psychiatric inpatients, 159 patients(41.2%) had the physical problems with 196 physical diagnoses(1.23 diagnoses per a patient). The most common diagnoses were constipation, upper respiratory tract infection, tinea, alcholic liver disease, dental caries in a descending order. The most common systemic diagnoses were diseases of digestive system, skin, ENT(ear, nose and throat)and dental diseases. The 81.6% of the physical problesm were consulted to a family physician with referral rate of 5.3%. Our results suggest that the majority of the physicial problems in a closed psychiatric unit could be resolved by consulting to a family physician.

      • Theoretical and Experimental Investgation of the Plateau Width in the Quantum Hall Effect Regime

        Jung, Yang-Young,Lim, Kee-Young 木浦大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1992 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.-

        A recent development in understanding the problem of electron localization in two-dimensional systems on strong magnetic fields is reported from a theoretical scaling study on the relation to the quantum Hall effect. A review is given of recent experiments which demonstrate quantitatively the relation between the plateau width of the integral Quantum Hall Effect and the number of localized states, the localization length as well as the inelastic scattering length. The temperature dependence of the Hall plateaus at microwave frequencies(∼30GHz)and their disappearance at 160GHz suggest a unified phenomenological model of the IQHE at zero and high frequencies.

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