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내관혈 침자극이 심전도 표준사지유도(I-III) 변화에 미치는 영향
이정석,박성호,성현제,김호현,임강현,김이화,Lee, Jeong-Suk,Park, Sung-Ho,Sung, Hyeon-Jae,Kim, Ho-Hyun,Leem, Kang-Hyun,Kim, Ee-Hwa 경락경혈학회 2004 대한침구의학회지 Vol.21 No.1
Objectives : The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Naegwan-acupuncture stimulation on the relationship of change in electrocardiopgraphy(ECG). Methods : For this purpose, 11 healthy volunteers were acupunctured at Naegwan acupoint using the reinforcing or reducing by inserting the needle in the same direction as the channel runs or in the opposite direction(迎隨補瀉). Then, we measured and observed the change of standard leads Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ in ECG. Results : In lead Ⅰ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of PR interval and PR segment compared to the control group. In lead Ⅱ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of PR interval. In lead Ⅲ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of R wave duration, S wave amplitude, ST segment onset, ST segment midpoint, ST segment 80ms and ST segment endpoint. Conclusions : These results suggested that Naegwan acupuncture stimulation plays an important role to the activities of ECG.
노인요양시설 종사자 처우개선방안에 대한 운영자와 종사자의 필요도 및 실행도 인식 차이
이정석(Lee, Jung-Suk),이호용(Lee, Hoyong),한은정(Han, Eun-Jeong),장수목(Jang, Soomok),권진희(Kwon, Jinhee) 한국사회정책학회 2015 한국사회정책 Vol.22 No.2
노인장기요양보험의 도입과 함께 장기요양기관에 종사하는 요양보호사 등 종사자의 처우에 대한 사회적 관심이 높아지면서, 장기요양 분야 일자리의 질을 향상시켜 나가기 위한 논의가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 처우개선정책의 중요 이해당사자인 운영자와 종사자가 필요로 하는 처우개선방안은 무엇인지, 얼마나 충실히 실행되고 있다고 느끼는지, 처우개선정책의 우선순위에 대한 의견은 무엇인지를 파악하고 상호 간 인식의 차이를 비교하는 것은 현장의 요구를 바탕으로 실효성 있는 정책을 마련하기 위해서 매우 중요하다. 이에 본 연구는 노인요양시설 운영자 206명과 노인요양시설에 근무하고 있는 요양보호사 등 직접서비스 종사자 622명을 대상으로 본 연구진이 UNECE(2012)의 일자리 질 모델에 근거하여 개발한 7개 영역 29가지 처우개선방안에 대하여 필요도 및 실행도 인식을 조사하고 운영자와 종사자 간 인식의 차이를 비교 분석하였다. 연구결과 29가지 처우개선방안에 대해 운영자와 종사자 모두에서 높은 필요도를 보였고, 실행도는 전반적으로 필요도에 비해 낮은 수준을 보였다. 또한, 동일한 처우개선방안에 대하여 운영자와 종사자가 느끼는 필요도와 실행도 인식에 차이가 존재함을 확인하였다. 하지만 처우개선정책의 우선순위와 관련해서는 운영자와 종사자 모두 1순위로 ‘보수 적정화’를 선택하였다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로, 본 연구는 노인요양시설 종사자 처우개선을 위해 보수 적정화가 가장 시급한 과제임을 강조하였다. 또한, 필요도에 비해 실행도가 낮게 평가된 처우개선방안에 대하여 노인요양시설이 충실히 실행할 수 있도록 지원하는 방안과 운영자와 종사자 간 필요도 및 실행도 인식의 차이를 상호 이해하고 좁혀나가는 방안의 모색이 필요함을 제언하였다. Improving the working conditions in long-term care(LTC) is one of the most critical issues in the Public Long-Term Care Insurance System. However, there are few studies that help to understand management and LTC worker’s perceptions of which of workforce strategies they need and how much they(their management) have put them into practice to improve the working conditions. The purpose of this study is to explore management and LTC worker’s perceptions of the strategies for better working conditions, and to compare the two perceptions carefully. 206 operators and 622 LTC workers in institutional care homes completed the structured questionnaires, including 7 dimensions 29 workforce strategies to improve their working conditions, by e-mail. fax. or interview. As a result, this study found that 29 strategies were generally much needed in both groups, but then again they have not been carried out fully. And also this study showed that there were considerable perception gaps between management and care workers in terms of the necessity and the level of practice of some strategies, while they agreed on ‘wage increases’ as the top priority for better working conditions. This result implies that a proper remuneration is the most urgent issue of LTC workers. Our findings suggest that it is needed to develop the workforce policies, that facilitate long-term care institutions’ action for better working conditions and narrow the perception gaps between management and LTC workers.
TCP / IP 부하 분산을 위한 동적 스케줄러의 설계
이정석(Jeong-suk Lee),신용욱(Yong-Wook Shin),변태영(Tae-Young Byun),이선우(Sun-Woo Lee),한기준(Ki-Jun-Han) 한국정보과학회 2000 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.27 No.1A
본 논문에서는 3-way 디스패치(dispatch) 기반의 대표적인 기법들인 Resonate사의 Central Dispatch와 IBM사의 Network Dispatcher에 대해 비교, 분석하고 보다 나은 부하 분산 기법을 구현하기 위해 두 가지 기법의 장점들을 선택하여 다양한 트래픽 상태에 대해 부하 균등(Load-Balancing)과 부하 분산(Load-Sharing)기법을 동적으로 선택하여 동작할 수 있는 부하 분산 스케줄러를 설계한다.
이정석(Jung Suk Lee),이성훈(Sung Hoon Lee),정재일(Jay I. Jeong),임홍재(Hong Jae Yim) 대한기계학회 2009 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2009 No.5
We analyze the stiffness of the precision stage for the nano-imprinting lithography equipment according to the number of the actuator axis. The precision stage should have enough stiffness to keep commanded position when the external force is induced on the stage, since the UV-nanoimprint process may induce the unbalanced force on the stage in X-Y direction. The experiments are conducted to obtain the stiffness of each axis for the 3-axis precision stage. The simulation is also executed to analyze the deformation of each axis when the external force is induced on the stage system. Based on the experiments and the simulation results on the 3-axis stage, we proposed new design criterion for the 4-axis stage that adopts the additional actuator on the fourth axis. We predict and compare the static deformation of the 4-axis stage when the same external forces as the case of 3-axis stage are induced on the 4-axis stage.
내관혈 침자극이 심전도 표준사지유도(1-3) 변화에 미치는 영향
이정석 ( Jeong Suk Lee ),박성호 ( Sung Ho Park ),성현제 ( Hyeon Jae Sung ),김호현 ( Ho Hyun Kim ),임강현 ( Kang Hyun Leem ),김이화 ( Ee Hwa Kim ) 대한경락경혈학회 2004 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.21 No.1
Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Naegwan-acupuncture stimulation on the relationship of change in electrocardiopgraphy(ECG). Methods: For this purpose, 11 healthy volunteers were acupunctured at Naegwan acupoint using the reinforcing or reducing by inserting the needle in the same direction as the channel runs or in the opposite direction(迎隨補瀉). Then, we measured and observed the change of standard leads Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ in ECG. Results: In lead Ⅰ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of PR interval and PR segment compared to the control group. In lead Ⅱ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of PR interval. In lead Ⅲ, Naegwan acupuncture treated groups were increased the activity of R wave duration, S wave amplitude, ST segment onset, ST segment midpoint, ST segment 80ms and ST segment endpoint. Conclusions: These results suggested that Naegwan acupuncture stimulation plays an important role to the activities of ECG.
이준상(Joon Sang Lee),이동윤(Dong Yun Lee),김영묵(Young Mook Kim),이지현(Ji Hyun Lee),류인열(In Yeol Ryu),윤성준(Seong Joon Yun),신원혁(Won Hyuk Shin),이정석(Jeong Suk Lee),최의혁(Yei Hyuk Choi),홍수희(Su Hee Hong),유종훈(Jong Hoon Y 대한소화기학회 1998 대한소화기학회지 Vol.32 No.1
N/ABackground/Aims: The reports on herbal medicine-induced hepatitis are increasing in Korea, China, America, Japan and other countries. To find the differences between other types of hepatitis and herbal medicine-induced hepatitis, we studied patients clinical manifestation, biochemical liver function test and liver biopsy finding. In addition, we tried to find thc definitive causative agents. Methods: We studied 17 patients who had herbal medicine-induced hepatitis, and were admitted to Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan, Korea from January 1995 to January 1997. Their symptoms at admission were jaundice, general weakness and indigestion. The patients who had viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other causcs of hepatitis were excluded in this study. We studied the patient's medication history, clinical manifestation, biochemical liver function test and liver biopsy finding. Results: The ratio of male to female was 1:1.8. Age distribution was from 26 to 56 years and mean age was 41 years. Clinical manifestations at admission were jaundice, general weakness, indigestion in order of frequency, On the liver biopsy findings, heavy infiltration of inflammatory eells around the portal tracts, degeneration of hepatocytes and diffuse hepatic necrosis were observed, but there were no significant difference between herbal medicine-induced hepatitis and that of other causes of hepatitis. Conclusions: There was no significant difference in clinical manifestations, biochemical liver function tests and liver biopsy findings between herbal medicineinduced hepatitis and other acute hepatitis. Thus, we conclude that cowork with oriental medicine partner would be needed for evaluating the eauses of herbal medicine-induced hapatitis. (Kor J Gastroenterol 1998;32:69 - 74)
가족수발자가 인지하는 표준장기요양이용계획서의 질과 만족도, 활용도 간의 관계분석
이정석(Jung-Suk Lee),한은정(Eun-Jeong Han),권진희(Jinhee Kwon) 한국노년학회 2011 한국노년학 Vol.31 No.4
표준장기요양이용계획서는 노인장기요양보험 이용자와 가족의 급여이용을 지원하기 위한 목적으로 도입된 일종의 케어플랜이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 가족수발자가 인지하는 표준장기요양이용계획서의 질과 만족도, 활용도를 파악하고 이들 간의 관계를 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구자료는 2008년 11월~12월 현재 노인장기요양보험 1~3등급 판정을 받고 재가장기요양서비스를 이용하고 있는 수급자의 가족수발자를 대상으로 가정방문면접조사를 통해 수집하였고, 총 944명의 가족수발자 가운데 표준장기요양이용계획서를 읽어본 경험이 있으며 설문을 완성한 351명이 최종분석대상이 되었다. 조사도구는 가족수발자와 수급자의 인구사회학적 특성 및 장기요양특성, 질 측정항목(9개), 전반적 만족도 측정항목(1개), 활용도 측정항목(2개) 등을 포함하였고, 질, 만족도 및 활용도 간의 관계를 파악하기 위해 경로분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 표준장기요양이용계획서의 질은 장기요양 욕구평가 영역, 장기요양 이용계획 영역, 월 한도액 관리지원 영역 등 세 개 영역으로 구분되었고, 모든 영역이 만족도 및 활용도와 유의한 상관관계를 나타냈다. 다음으로 경로분석 결과, 표준장기요양이용계획서의 장기요양 욕구평가 영역의 질(간접효과, 경로계수=0.077)과 전반적 만족도(전체효과, 경로계수=0.324)가 활용도에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구결과는 표준장기요양이용계획서의 역할을 향상시키기 위한 전략을 개발하는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. Standard Long-term care(LTC) Utilization Plan is a kind of care plan, which aims to help beneficiaries and their family choose services to meet their care needs. The objective of this study is to determine the relationships among family caregivers' perceived quality, overall satisfaction and utilization in Standard LTC Utilization Plan. Data were gathered from family caregivers with beneficiaries who have used community service in long-term care insurance system. A national cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in December 2008, using proportionate quota sampling. Finally, 351 family caregivers completed questionnaires which included demographic characteristics, perceived quality(9 items), overall satisfaction(1 item) and utilization(2 items). Path analysis was conducted to find a causal relationship. This study shows firstly, the quality of Standard LTC Utilization Plan was categorized into three dimensions, that is, assessment of care needs, recommended care plan, and management of monthly benefits. Secondly, reliability and validity of quality items were satisfied. Finally, in the effect of perceived quality and satisfaction for utilization, assessment of care needs(indirect effect, path coefficients=0.077) and overall satisfaction(total effect, path coefficients=0.324) were statistically significant. The findings of this study would be helpful in developing the strategies, which is needed to improve the role of Standard LTC Utilization Plan.