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        수술실 간호사의 경력단계별 환자안전관리 교육요구도 분석

        이윤주(Yoonju Lee),신현숙(Hyun Sook Shin),이나엽(Nayeop Lee) 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 2024 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.29 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to identify the educational needs for patient safety management among perioperative nurses and determine priority educational needs according to the clinical stage. Methods: A descriptive online survey involving 388 perioperative nurses with at least one year of experience working in Korean hospitals was conducted across three regions. A research tool for evaluating the importance and performance of patient safety management was developed based on the Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation’s Surgical Patient Safety Guidelines. The Borich needs assessment model, importanceperformance analysis, and the locus for focus model were used to analyzed educational needs. The top priority categories and items or educational needs were identified by integrating the results of the three methods. Results: The priorities differed depending on the needs analysis method employed. Combining the results of the three methods based on the redundancy revealed “Sign-in (pre-surgery stage)” as the highest priority category in all clinical stages. “Time out (surgical pause)” was added as a top-priority category for stage 3 nurses. Two of the highest priority items were common across all clinical stages, while the remaining items varied depending on the clinical stage. Conclusion: To improve perioperative nurses' patient safety management competencies, tailored training programs should be implemented for each clinical stage to reflect educational needs priority.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 대학모델전공자의 DISC 행동유형

        이윤주(Lee, YoonJu) 한국모델콘텐츠학회 2020 한국모델콘텐츠학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        이 연구는 국내 모델전공자의 DISC 행동유형을 알아보기 위한 목적에서 이루어졌다. 이를 위하여 서울과 경상 북도, 전라남도 소재의 4년제 및 2년제 대학에서 모델을 전공하는 대학생을 모집단으로 선정하였다. 표본추출은 비확률적 표집방법(non-probability sampling) 중 하나인 편의표본표집법(convenience sampling)을 사용하여 표본을 추출하였고, 설문작성은 연구대상자가 읽고 직접 작성하는 자기평가기입법(self-administration method) 을 통해 이루어졌다. 자료처리는 빈도분석(frequency analysis), 탐색적 요인분석(Exploatory Factory Anaysis: EFA)과 신뢰도 분석, K-군집분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 대학모델전공자는 사교형(I형)이 77명(32.9%)으로 가 장 많은 분포도를 보였으며, 그 다음은 주도형(D형)이 70명(29.9%), 안정형(S형)이 52명(22.2%), 신중형(C형)이 35명(15.0%) 순으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 대학모델전공자에 있어서도 다양한 행동유형을 나타남을 확인할 수 있었고, 대학모델전공자의 행동유형을 제시함으로써 향후 지도 철학, 커리큘럼(curriculum) 등을 구성하는데 실 증적 자료가 될 것으로 사료된다 This study aimed to investigate the differences of major satisfaction level and class participation according to the behavioral types of DISC in the model majors in Korea. To do so, the university students majoring in model were selected as the study population in the colleges and universities located in Seoul, North Gyungsang Province, and South Cholla Province. Samples were selected using convenience sampling which is one of non-probability sampling methods and the survey forms were collected after preparations by self-administration method which the study subjects read and answered directly. Upon the survey results from October 2017 to June 2018 for 9 months, the total number of respondents was 238 and 234 survey forms were used as the final analysis excluding 4 data with continuous answers which would lower the reliability of the study. Data processing to verify the study problems was performed by frequency analysis, Exploratory Factory Analysis(EFA), reliability analysis using Cronbach's a coefficient from internal consistency test, K-cluster analysis, and one way ANOVA. Based on the study methods and data analysis, the following results were deducted: First, I type= Influence (n=77) was the most prevalent while C type = Conscientiousness (n=32) was the least upon the distribution result of DISC types among the model majors in Korea. Second, the major satisfaction level of I type=Influence (M=4.19) was higher than those of S type = Steadiness (M=3.79) and D type = Dominance (M=3.71) upon the result of post-hoc analysis (Scheffe) according to the behavioral types of DISC among the model majors in Korea (F=7.655***). Third, C type = Conscientiousness (M=3.82) and I type = Influence (M=3.53) showed higher class participation than D type = Dominance (M=3.15) and S type - Steadiness (M=3.11) upon the result of post-hoc analysis (Scheffe) according to the behavioral types of DISC among the model majors in Korea (F=14.602***). Overall, it was found through this study that various behavioral types were shown in the model majors and class satisfaction and participation rate were different by the behavioral types. Hence, this study implicates the needs of customized teaching methods and curricula to meet a variety of behavioral types

      • KCI우수등재

        직장 내 괴롭힘과 임파워먼트가 간호사의 이직 의도에 미치는 영향

        이예슬(Lee, Yesul),이윤주(Lee, Yoonju),하주영(Ha, Ju-Young),조민정(Jo, Minjeong) 한국간호행정학회 2021 간호행정학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose: This study was done using quantile regression to identify the factors affecting nurses’ turnover intention. Methods: A sample of 163 nurses, who had worked in hospitals for more than 6 months, was recruited from two online nursing communities. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires, which included turnover intention, workplace bullying, empowerment, and sociodemographic and job characteristics. Collected data were analyzed using ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman correlation coefficients, and quantile regression. Results: The factors affecting turnover intentions by quantile were partially different, but the predicting factors over 50% quantile were workplace bullying (Q50, b=0.15, p=.002; Q75, b=0.10, p=.025; Q90, b=0.12, p=.012), structural empowerment (Q50, b=-0.64, p<.001; Q75, b=-0.55, p=.005) and experience in current unit (Q75, b=-0.04, p=.013; Q90: b=-0.05, p=.002). Conclusion: Different factors have an influence on nurses’ turnover intention level. Nursing organizations need to develop customized management strategies to address nurses" turnover intention levels based on policies that reduce workplace bullying and strengthen structural empowerment.

      • KCI우수등재

        SBAR 적용 시뮬레이션 교육이 간호학생의 의료팀간 의사소통능력 향상에 미치는 효과

        하이경,이윤주,이연희,Ha, Yikyung,Lee, Yoonju,Lee, Yeon Hee 한국데이터정보과학회 2017 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        In this paper, we aim to evaluate the effect of simulation training with a focus on the application of SBAR for the improvement of communication skills of nursing students with physician. The results of the analysis of 25 videos recorded pre/post-simulation were as follows: In terms of the SBAR score, "the most recently measured vital signs" in stage B increased significantly (Z = -2.448, p =.014); the frequency of step-by-step progress in SBAR did not advance to the SBA or SBAR stage in the pre-simulation stage, but increased to 48% post-simulation. The frequencies of SBAR evaluation items mentioned in the post-simulation were the following order: the name of the patient (96%), nurse's name (80%), most recently measured oxygen saturation (76%), and main symptoms (60%). The results of the nurse's judgment (A), request for additional prescription or request for the doctor's direct patient visit (R) were not mentioned. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the application of SBAR in simulation training, which requires problem solving through cooperation with physicians, because it has a positive effect on education in nurse-physician communication. 본 연구는 간호학생을 대상으로 SBAR (situation, background, assessment, and recommendation) 적용에 중점을 둔 시뮬레이션 교육의 효과를 확인하여 간호사와 의사 간의 의사소통능력 향상을 위한 간호교육 개발의 기초자료를 제공하고자 시행되었다. 간호대학 3학년을 대상으로 호흡곤란 주제의 시나리오에 SBAR를 적용하는 사전, 사후시뮬레이션 진행 중 녹화된 25개의 동영상을 분석한 결과 SBAR 점수는 사후시뮬레이션에서 B단계의 '가장 최근에 측정한 활력징후 보고' 항목 (Z=-2.448, p=.014)과 '간호사가 판단한 상황' 항목 (Z=-3.464, p=.001)이 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하였다. SBAR 단계별 진행빈도는 사전시뮬레이션에서 SBA나 SBAR 단계로 진행된 경우가 없었으나 사후시뮬레이션에서는 48%로 증가하였다. 사후시뮬레이션에서 언급된 SBAR 평가항목별 빈도는 S단계의 환자이름 (96%), 간호사이름 (80%), B단계의 가장 최근에 측정한 산소포화도 (76%), S단계의 주증상 (60%)의 순서였다. 그러나 A단계에서 추가사정을 통한 간호사의 판단결과를 제시하는 것과 R단계의 추가처방 요청이나 의사의 직접 환자방문 요청은 언급되지 않았다. 따라서 SBAR 적용이 포함된 시뮬레이션교육이 간호사와 의사간의 의사소통교육에 긍정적 효과를 보여 추후 의사와의 협력을 통한 문제해결이 필요한 시뮬레이션교육에서 SBAR 적용을 적극적으로 고려하는 것이 필요하다.

      • Mobile Ad hoc Network에서 노드 사이의 공정한 에너지 분배를 위한 라우팅 알고리즘

        이은규(Eunkyu Lee),김문주(Moonjoo Kim),류승복(Seungboek Ryu),김명철(Myungchul Kim),이윤주(Yoonju Lee) 한국정보과학회 2001 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.28 No.2Ⅲ

        무선 네트워크 분야에서 기존의 Mobile IP 외에 별도의 기반 시설 없이 각 노드만으로 네트워크를 구성하여 통신하는 Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 MANET에서의 노드 에너지 소비량을 공정하게 조절하는 라우팅 알고리즘을 제안한다. 기존에 제시된 라우팅 알고리즘들은 데이터 경로 결정의 요소로 각 노드의 에너지 정보를 사용하고 있다. 이에 반해 본 논문에서 제시하는 알고리즘은 각 노드의 에너지 뿐만 아니라, 네트워크 통신에 대한 기여도를 사용한다. MANET에서 노드는 일반 호스트이면서 동시에 다른 노드의 데이터에 대한 라우터의 역할도 수행한다. 노드가 호스트가 아닌 라우터로써 많은 에너지를 소비하게 되면, 이 노드는 네트워크 통신에 대한 기여도가 높다고 할 수 있다. 시뮬레이션을 통한 결과는 우리가 제시하는 라우팅 알고리즘이 네트워크 전반에 걸쳐 에너지를 공정하고 균등하게 분포 시킬 수 있다는 것을 보여준다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        요양병원 입원 노인의 좋은 죽음 인식, 사전의료의향서에 대한 태도 및 임종치료선호도

        김은주(Kim, Eunju),이윤주(Lee, Yoonju) 기본간호학회 2019 기본간호학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose: This study was done to examine good death awareness, attitudes toward advance directives (ADs), and preference for care near the end-of-life (PCEOL) of hospitalized elders in long-term care hospitals. Relevant characteristics were investigated as well as correlation of the variables. Methods: This descriptive research study involved 161 hospitalized elderly patients in long-term care hospitals. A self-report questionnaire was used to measure Good Death Scale, ADs Survey, PCEOL Scale, and general characteristics. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation with SPSS/WIN 23.0. Results: In terms of good death awareness, a significant difference was observed; in according to age (F=3.35, p=.037), payer of treatment costs (F=3.98, p=.021), mobility (F=3.97, p=.021), heard discussion about ADs (t=-3.89, p<.001), and willing to complete ADs (t=2.12, p=.036). As far as attitudes toward ADs, the participants presented significant difference depending on religion (t=2.38, p=.018), average monthly income (F=3.91, p=.022), duration of hospital admission (F=5.33, p=.006), person to discuss ADs (t=-2.76, p=.006). On PCEOL, there was a significant difference, depending on religion (t=-3.59, p<.001) and perceived health status (F=3.93, p=.022). Finally, as for how the variables were related to each other, good death awareness and attitudes toward ADs had a weak positive correlation with PCEOL. Conclusion: To help seniors staying in nursing homes face a good death and enjoy autonomy, there should be educational and support systems that reflect each individual’s sociodemographic characteristics so that the seniors can choose what kind of care they want to receive near the end-of-life.

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