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        홍삼가공식품의 식품유형별 및 제형별 진세노사이드 함량 비교

        이윤정,장민수,이인숙,김현정,장현정,황인숙,Yun-Jeong Yi,Min-Su Chang,In-Sook Lee,Hyun-Jeong Kim,Hyun-Jeong Jang,In-Sook Hwang 한국식품위생안전성학회 2024 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        서울 시내 유통점과 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 구입한 홍삼함유식품 66건과 건강기능식품 홍삼제품 35건의 기능 성분인 진세노사이드 함량을 비교·분석하였다. 홍삼함유식품 66건 중 전통시장에서 구입한 2건은 진세노사이드가 검출되지 않았고 64건의 제품에서는 진세노사이드 함량에 대한 기준은 없지만 일일 섭취량 기준 0.55-71.56 mg을 함유하고 있었다. 건강기능식품의 홍삼제품은 진세노사이드 평균 함량이 분말형 제품을 제외하고 일일 섭취량 기준 18.23 mg으로 홍삼함유식품의 8.80 mg 보다 약 2배 정도가 많았다. 홍삼과 흑삼 비교 시 진세노사이드 함량은 홍삼 제품이 흑삼 제품보다 많거나 비슷하였으나 분말형 제품의 경우 흑삼 제품이 2배 많았다. 제형별 진세노사이드 평균 함량은 일일섭취량 기준 농축액 21.95 mg으로 가장 많고 분말 형태 12.54 mg, 스틱형 7.36 mg, 파우치형이 4.10 mg 순이었다. 흑삼제품은 고기능성으로 알려져 있으나 대부분 일반 식품으로 판매되고 있어 건강기능식품 수준의 관리와 규제가 필요할 것으로 보이며 흑삼의 규격기준 설정 이후에는 흑삼제품의 기능성분 함량 재평가가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 스틱형이나 농축액 제품의 경우 건강기능식품뿐만 아니라 일반식품인 액상차, 홍삼음료로도 널리 판매되고 있어 식품유형 표시를 명확히 해야 할 것으로 보인다. 최근 면역력 향상을 위한 소비자의 관심 증가로 다양한 건강기능식품의 수요가 늘어나고 있다. 따라서 홍삼을 함유한 식품을 섭취 목적에 맞게 선택할 수 있도록 정확한 함량정보 제공을 위해 다양한 제품에 대한 지속적인 품질평가가 필요하다. Red ginseng is manufactured as a health-functional food and is also present in various food types and in different product forms. However, there is currently no standardized regulation of ginsenoside content in foods containing red ginseng. In the present study, we analyzed the ginsenoside content of 66 red ginseng-containing foods and 35 health-functional foods collected online and directly from the market. The ginsenoside content was assessed using liquid chromatography (LC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods. The ginsenoside content of the various food types ranged 0.0 (not detected)-71.567 mg per daily intake of foods containing red ginseng. Sugar-preserved foods had the highest ginsenoside content, followed by solid teas, liquid teas, and red ginseng beverages. For health-functional foods, the ginsenoside content ranged 3.4-58.5 mg per daily intake, with levels ranging 83-607% of the indicated amounts. All values met the established standards. Upon comparing red ginseng health-functional foods and red ginseng-containing foods, the average ginsenoside content was determined to be 18.21 and 8.79 mg, respectively, thus being nearly twice as high in health-functional foods. However, there was a minimal difference between the ginsenoside content of red and black ginseng, with values of 11.84 and 12.63 mg, respectively. These findings provide insights on the variations in ginsenoside content of red and black ginseng in various food forms. This information is expected to be valuable for future regulations and consumer choice of products containing red ginseng.

      • 점검 : AI 안심해도 되는가! -세계 AI 발생현황과 AI 예방대책

        이윤정,Lee, Yun-Jeong 대한양계협회 2010 월간 양계 Vol.42 No.9

        무덥던 여름이 지나가고 조금씩 선선한 바람이 부는 계절이 돌아오고 있다. 더위에 지친 사람들과 동물들에게는 반가운 가을이지만, 조류인플루엔자(AI; Avian Influenza)라고 하는 질병 때문에라도 양계농가에서는 마냥 느긋하게 즐길 수만은 없는 계절이기도 하다. 우리나라는 2008년 5월 발생을 마지막으로 H5N1형의 고병원성 조류인플루엔자(HPAI)가 종식되어 현재는 HPAI 청정국 상태를 유지하고 있다. 하지만 세계적으로 HPAI 발생이 지속되고 있어 재유입의 가능성이 상존하고 있고, 이전 우리나라에서의 발생이 모두 봄 가을 철새 이동시기에 있었던 점, 그리고 인플루엔자 바이러스의 특성상 저온 환경에서 오래 생존할 수 있는 점 등을 생각하면 환경 온도가 낮은 가을에서 다음해 봄까지 기간이 아무래도 문제가 될 수 있는 시기라 하겠다. 따라서 본 원고에서는 우리나라 주변국을 중심으로 세계의 AI 발생현황을 알아보고 다가오는 계절에 대비하여 농가에서 지켜야 할 예방수칙에 대해 간략히 소개해 보고자 한다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기술위험 거버넌스에서의 역할분담: 영국과 한국의 방사성폐기물 관리 공론화 사례

        이윤정,Lee, Yun Jeong 기술경영경제학회 2016 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.24 No.4

        과학기술 전문가가 근거를 제시하고 정책관료가 결정을 내리던 기존의 정책결정체계와는 달리, 불확실성과 이해관계 대립으로 특징지어지는 기술위험 영역에서 참여적 의사결정방법이 바람직한 모델로 상정되어왔다. 이어 여러 가지 정책실험이 이루어졌다. 그러나 의사결정과정에 있어서 '누가 어떤 역할을 할 것인가'에 대해서는 여전히 다양한 견해가 존재한다. 본 연구는 기술위험 거버넌스에 대한 사회적 배경이 다른 두 나라인 영국과 한국에서 각각 수행된 방사성폐기물 관리방안 모색을 위한 공론화 프로그램을 역할분담의 관점에서 분석한다. 본고는 영국과 한국의 공론화 프로그램이 전개되는 과정에서 다양한 참여자 그룹이 어떻게 정의되고, 어떠한 근거로 역할이 상정되며, 적용된 의사결정방법은 무엇인지에 관해 논의한다. 공론화과정의 사례연구를 통해 많은 기술선진 민주주의 사회에서 지지 받고 있는 '참여를 통한 의사결정'이라는 기술위험 거버넌스의 규범이자 방법론이 실제 각기 다른 정치사회 환경에서 어떻게 구현되는 지를 살펴본다. 방사성폐기물 관리와 공론화에 대한 오랜 경험을 가진 영국과의 비교분석은 한국의 방사성폐기물 관리정책과 나아가 기술위험 거버넌스를 위한 정책도구를 정교화 하는 데 기여할 것이다. In order to deal with uncertainty and conflicting interests in technological risk policy-making, various participatory decision-making models have been practiced. This participatory approach is an alterative to the traditional process of science and technology policy-making where scientific experts provide evidence and government officials make decisions. However, there still remain different opinions on who should play what kind of role in decision-making process. Therefore this paper examines the division of labour in the public deliberations for radioactive waste management policy carried out in the UK and Korea. It discusses the ways in which various actors are defined, and the rationales are employed for allocating actors to certain roles and participatory methods. In so doing, this paper unfolds the ways in which the participatory decision-making process for risk governance is delivered in real policy context. Similarities and differences revealed in the division of labour of two cases contribute to development of radioactive waste management policy and the policy instruments for risk governance.

      • KCI등재

        유지요소의 크기와 형태가 간접복합레진과 금속간의 결합강도에 미치는 영향

        이윤정,전영찬,정창모,Lee, Yun-Jung,Jeon, Young-Chan,Jeong, Chang-Mo 대한치과보철학회 2007 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sire and shape of retention element on the bond strength of indirect composite resin and metal. Material and method: The metal disk specimens, each 6mm in diameter, were cast from CrCo alloy. They were divided into 8 groups by applied retention element. retention bead group $B2\;({\phi}\;0.2mm),\;B4\;({\phi}\;0.4mm),\;B6\;({\phi}\;0.6mm),\;B8\;({\phi}\;0.8mm)$, retention crystal group C2 (0.2mm), C5 (0.5mm), C8 (0.8mm) and sandblasting group SB ($110{\mu}m\;Al_2O_3$ blasting) as control. Eighty-eight metal specimens were veneered with $TESCERA^{(R)}$ Indirect resin system. One specimen of each group was sectioned and the resin-metal bonding pattern at the interface was observed under measuring microscope. Other specimens were then tested for tensile bond strength on an Instron universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 2mm/min. Results: 1. Compared to sandblasting, beads or crystals increased the resin-metal bond strength (P<.05). 2. 0.2mm retention crystals were most effective in improving the resin-metal bond strength (P>.05). 3. 0.2mm beads showed the highest bond strength among retention bead groups, but there was no statistically significant difference (P>.05). 4. Retention crystals tend to be higher in bond strength than retention beads due to wider surface area. 5. The larger retention element, the larger the undercut for the mechanical retention, but the gap at resin-metal interface was also increased. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, 0.2mm retention crystals were most effective in improving the resin-metal bond strength.

      • KCI등재

        근·현대사 이후 한국인의 최다 선호 일반의약품의 추이에 대한 연대별 분석 및 종합적 의의에 대한 평가

        이윤정,강태진,임성실,Lee, Yun Jeong,Kang, Tae Jin,Lim, Sung Cil 대한약학회 2016 약학회지 Vol.60 No.3

        Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs refer to medicines that are generally safe when used according to the product label. We aimed to assess and reflect upon changes in perception of health and health-related demands by decades in Korea according to the consumption and sales trends of OTC drugs. This study was conducted by literature search on the production and sale rankings of OTC drug market in Korea. Changes in the OTC drug market were analyzed and organized by decades to evaluate changes in drug demands and the influence of national and societal factors. There was a specific trend in the most popular drugs by decades. In the 1950s, drugs of top necessity were antibiotics and helminthics. In the 1960s, the pharmaceutical industry quickly grew and invigorators, such as Bacchus$^{(R)}$, Alps$^{(R)}$, Aronamin$^{(R)}$, were top manufactured drugs. Popularity of these invigorating drinks and vitamin products continued until the 1990s. In 1990s, sales of topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketotop Plaster$^{(R)}$, Trast Patch$^{(R)}$), and in 2000s, gum disease medicine (Insadol$^{(R)}$) and liver and intestine supplement (Ursa$^{(R)}$) were prominent. However, after the separation of prescribing and dispensing in 2000, the sales of OTC drugs decreased dramatically from 58.7% of the total market share in 1990s to 39.6% in 2000 and this trend has continued. In 2012, thirteen OTC drugs were allowed to be sold in convenience stores, and as the sales of health functional foods have been expanding beyond pharmacies, sales of invigorators and nutritional supplements in pharmacies have continued to decrease. As government's drug expenditure will continue to grow, reclassification of OTC drugs based on established safety information and deliberate team efforts on continued development of OTC drugs to meet the health demands of Koreans are required by the healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical industries, and the government.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        균형측 교합장애로 인한 하악운동 및 저작근 활성도의 변화에 관한 연구

        이윤정,박남수,최부병,Lee, Yun-Jeong,Park, Nam-Soo,Choi, Boo-Byung 대한치과보철학회 1998 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of balancing interference on the mandibular movement and masticatory muscle activity. 5 subjects(male. average age of 24.3) without dysfuction in masticatory system were selected. The balancing interference was provided by construction of cast metal crown and onlay on the upper and lower first molars. Clinical examination, changes displacement and velocity, and muscle activity were recorded and analyzed by means of BioPak system(Bioresearch Inc., Milwaukee Wisconsin. USA). The results were as follows ; 1. In clinical examination, various symptoms were reported by all subjects after application of interference. Almost symptoms were subsided after elimination of interference. 2. In the border movements in frontal plane, lateral border movement toward non-interference side was changed according to the interference after application of interference. Immediately after removal of interference, border movements' pattern was recovered as same as before experiment. 3. During gum chewing on the non-interference side, horizontal movement was decreased immediately after application of interference(p<0.05). 1 week after application of interference, horizontal movement was more decreased in 3 subjects and showed a chopping type masticatory stroke. But in 2subjects, horizontal movement was increased to avoid interference. 4. In EMG of the mandibular rest position, no significant changes were showed in the experiment period(p>0.05). 5. During gum chewing on the interference side, the activity of opposite temporal muscle was increased immediately after application of interference(p<0.05). 1 week after application of interference. The activity of ipsilateral temporal muscle and left and right masseter muscles was increased (p<0.05). 1 week after elimination of interference, increased muscle activity was recovered about the same level as before experiment. 6. During gum chewing on the non-interference side, 1 week after application of interference, the activity of ipsilateral temporal muscle was increased (p<0.05). 1 week after elimination of interference. increased muscle activity was returned about the same level as before experiment.

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