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      • KCI등재

        고깔모자를 통해서 본 신라와 사카의 연관성에 관한 연구

        이동아 ( Lee Dong A ) 한국동양예술학회 2021 동양예술 Vol.50 No.-

        The ancient Korean dress was formed under the influence of the Saka (Scythia), and the Pointed hat, a symbol of the Saka people, was also worn in all Three Kingdoms Period. However, almost the same shape as Saka's Pointed hat appears only in Silla, and relics related to Saka also appear mainly in Silla. Among the various relics, hats are one of the representative means of symbolizing the nation in ancient times, and even if the same type of hats appear to different regions, This phenomenon can be seen very closely related to each other or are of the same ethnicity . Therefore, this study aims to find out the connection between Silla and Saka through Pointed hat. First, we can see that the Silla`s migration route in terms of literature, eclipse optimal observation, and comparative linguistics is almost consistent with the path of the Saka. Saka's Pointed hat, which reflects the bird worship, is divided into three main types, and the common shape appears to have been pointed and straight cones, which vary in height depending on their status. Silla's Pointed hat are also divided into three types: Type 1 and Type 2 are almost identical to that of Saka's Pointed hat, which is characterized by a straight cone with a blunt tip on the top, indicating that the Silla's Pointed hat is the same type as Saka's Pointed hat. As such, the three types of straight Pointed hat, which reflect the migration route and the bird worship, appeared in almost the same form. Therefore, given the symbolism of hats in ancient times, the researcher would like to raise the possibility that the Silla people wearing the same type of Pointed hat were descendant of Saka.

      • KCI등재

        『주역』에서 배우는 처세술(處世術) ―음식연락(飮食宴樂), 음주유수(飮酒濡首)의 괘사를 중심으로―

        이동아 ( Lee Dong-a ) 동양철학연구회 2017 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.92 No.-

        Food and liquor(食·酒) basically satisfy not only the physiological needs, but also the human emotional needs as they involve some part of the human cultural emotions. Thus, food(食), that is, eating and drinking, not only maintains life but also develops the potential abilities such as human reason, emotion and desire in a balanced manner, so that people can continuously make independent life as human beings. It is also a good way to get along in the world as the art of living through eating and drinking. In 『The Book of Changes(周易)』, the following things were done as a way to solve eating problems. Bokhui(one of the earliest legendary rulers) taught the people how to catch fish and hunting.” In this way, Bokhui invented fishing nets for hunting and catching fish to solve the food of the meat. “Shennong invented a plough and a plow to change farming fields and paddy fields, cut down wood to make a plowshare, and bent wood to make a plow to let people know the benefits of grinding and grooming the field. This solved the food of the grain. This allowed them to maintain a stable society by showing them how to steadily and constantly solve the food of the people. In 『The Book of Changes(周易)』, food ‘食’ is mentioned 27 times. Including “??食也” of 「Miscellaneous hexagram biography((雜卦傳)」, it is mentioned in 12 hexagrams. Liquor(酒)字is mentioned 8 times in 4 trigrams, which contain its content. The 4 hexagrams are 需卦, 坎卦, 困卦, 旣濟卦, and they all involve 坎卦? among hexagrams. This study is about the art of living from the implications of drinking, eating, feasting and rejoicing(飮食宴樂), there is mud in the well and it is not drinkable.(井泥不食), and drinking enough of the head(飮酒濡首) in of the Languages of Hexagram and Lines(卦爻辭).

      • KCI등재

        귀면문 기원에 관한 연구 -도철을 중심으로-

        이동아(Lee Dong-A) 한복문화학회 2021 韓服文化 Vol.24 No.1

        Gwimyeonmun, a demon mask design, has a meaning of Byeoksa that prevents disasters and diseases by using the supernatural power of a scary and fearful demon and decorated on roof-end-tiles, doorknobs, and pillars. Gwimyeonmun originated in Do-Cheol, a legendary animal in mythology, and it is originated from lions, chiwoojangsu, goblins, and dragons. This study focused on the literature and the meaning of Do-cheol among the various theories of the Gwimyeonmun. Gwimyeonmum is a narrative in the collapse of the shaman, and it can be understood through the meaning of literature and sound in Gyeonjeondeokmun. A demon mask and Do-Cheol, the son of a human being, are expressed as greedy and deformation objects, all of which symbolize shamans. Humans refer to ancestors, heavenly children, and shamans who are priests and were called "Gwi." According to Do-Cheol"s sound meaning in Gyeongjeonseokmun, "Do" is Childoban, and "Cheol" is Tajeolban. "Chil," which is the meaning of "Do," means the Big Dipper and the rules of operation in the sky, and "Do" is a shaman tool, all symbolizing shaman. Since the meaning of "Cheol" is considered to terminate by an unknown object, the shaman powers have collapsed. Therefore, Do-Cheol is a symbolic figure expressed as a demon, such as a son of a human being and a strange figure wearing a mask. The meaning of Byeoksa, which is the phantom of the Gwimyeonmun, is a shaman"s mask that has a magical meaning or a shaman that is symbolized and imaged with a deformation image, which was a symbol of divinity by engraving the shaman in the "Jeong’ or decorating it in the bordered area. It seems to start from trying to stop the fear of destroying the shaman with the shaman"s symbol.

      • KCI등재

        이씩쿠르칸 황금인간의 고깔모자 형태 기원에 관한 연구

        이동아 ( Lee Dong A ) 한국동양예술학회 2020 동양예술 Vol.46 No.-

        The Pointed Cap has been worn in various regions since ancient times and is representative of the Saka tribe of the Northern nomadic people. It appears that all the Saka people in the three or four tribes wore Pointed Caps, and each of them had a slightly different shape. The Saka's Pointed Cap form is largely three types, of which the typical hat bent forward is the golden man Pointed Cap of Issyk Kurgans is representative form. It is a very unique form unlike the one that is generally bent forward. If you look at the shape, the top of the hat is bent forward in a tall straight cone, and a mountain goat is placed on it, and the entire hat is decorated with gold ornaments of up to 150 different symbolic meanings. Similar types in the Saka cultural sphere have been found with few of the most similar artifacts or forms tilted forward or bent as the straight old hat goes to the top. The Pointed Cap excavated from the Altai-Paziric culture has the head of a bird covered in gold and a horse is placed on it, and is decorated with horses and deer around the hat. It is almost the same shape as the golden man Pointed Cap, and the bird expressed in the Altai-Paziric Pointed Cap was a symbol of the ruling class that reflected the world view of shamanism, such as the god, the Tengri and the bearer. The Saka was also an important symbol, and the birds were also an important symbol in the Saka culture, and were often expressed in the official cap of the ruling class. In this regard, the researcher believes that the form of a golden man antique hat is derived from the shape of a bird.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 방령의(方領衣)에 관한 연구

        이동아(Lee Dong-A) 한복문화학회 2014 韓服文化 Vol.17 No.1

        The oldest record on Bangryeong is the Chinese character “Bang (方)” found in excavated Okin and Dongin articles in the Zhou Dynasty period and in records on collars described in Simui in Yegi (禮記), and it indicates that Bangryeong is a time-honored collar style. However, few records or evidentiary excavation and painting data were found, showing the limitations in research on Bangryeong. Bangryeong was mostly discussed in connection with Simui Gokgeop initiated by His Chu in the period of the Sung Dynasty. In terms of the material on excavation and painting, Bangryeong had been hardly mentioned from the Han Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty before being dealt with in the Ming Dynasty. The oldest historical document to mention Bangryeong found in Korea is Gungsa written by Gwang-pil Jang in the period of the Goryeo Dynasty. Bibliographic data originating from the Joseon Dynasty was mostly confined to disputes on Simui Gokgeop, and it is hard to find any other related records, so it is difficult to assume the shape through bibliographic research. But luckily, it is possible to assume the shape of Bangryeong and its wearer’s status based on Gukjo Oreui, Akhakguebeom and excavated costumes. A total of 34 excavated pieces with the Bangryeong collar were unearthed in 24 tombs. This is a much smaller number of pieces than others, which presents limitations in terms of research, but the variety of costume dramatically changed before and after the Japanese Invasion in 1592. Bangryeongui has a unique form that is unprecedented in existing jackets, and it is an over-garment that offers elegance and convenience and a multi-functional inner jacket worn over a suit of armor during war. However, it is impossible to find such a costume among pieces excavated after the Japanese Invasion. Bangryeongui obviously accentuates the formative characteristics and the beauty of symmetry and is cited as one of stylish, refined and practical styles worn by noblemen in the period of the Joseon Dynasty. In this regard, it is deemed necessary to conduct studies on Bangryeong on an ongoing basis in the future.

      • KCI등재

        수학적 모델을 이용한 신종인플루엔자 환자 예측 및 대응 전략 평가

        서민아,이지현,지혜진,김영근,강대용,허남욱,하경화,이동,김창수,Suh, Min-A,Lee, Jee-Hyun,Chi, Hye-Jin,Kim, Young-Keun,Kang, Dae-Yong,Hur, Nam-Wook,Ha, Kyung-Hwa,Lee, Dong-Han,Kim, Chang-Soo 대한예방의학회 2010 예방의학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Objectives: The pandemic of novel influenza A (H1N1) virus has required decision-makers to act in the face of the substantial uncertainties. In this study, we evaluated the potential impact of the pandemic response strategies in the Republic of Korea using a mathematical model. Methods: We developed a deterministic model of a pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in a structured population using the demographic data from the Korean population and the epidemiological feature of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009. To estimate the parameter values for the deterministic model, we used the available data from the previous studies on pandemic influenza. The pandemic response strategies of the Republic of Korea for novel influenza A (H1N1) virus such as school closure, mass vaccination (70% of population in 30 days), and a policy for anti-viral drug (treatment or prophylaxis) were applied to the deterministic model. Results: The effect of two-week school closure on the attack rate was low regardless of the timing of the intervention. The earlier vaccination showed the effect of greater delays in reaching the peak of outbreaks. When it was no vaccination, vaccination at initiation of outbreak, vaccination 90 days after the initiation of outbreak and vaccination at the epidemic peak point, the total number of clinical cases for 400 days were 20.8 million, 4.4 million, 4.7 million and 12.6 million, respectively. The pandemic response strategies of the Republic of Korea delayed the peak of outbreaks (about 40 days) and decreased the number of cumulative clinical cases (8 million). Conclusions: Rapid vaccination was the most important factor to control the spread of pandemic influenza, and the response strategies of the Republic of Korea were shown to delay the spread of pandemic influenza in this deterministic model.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우키요에 복식에 표현된 미적특성에 관한 연구 - 문양과 색채를 중심으로 -

        이동아 ( Lee Dong-a ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2019 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.69 No.-

        우키요에(浮世繪,うきよえ)는 일본의 에도시대 풍속화로 이는 당시의 미의식 ‘이키(いき)’가 반영되어있다. 이중 여성 인물화의 복식에 나타난 문양과 색채의 조화는 미의식 ‘이키(いき)’가 표현된 대표적 요소이며, 이를 통해 일본 특유의 미적감성을 알 수 있다. 이에 동경국립박물관, 오타기념미술관, Japan Journeys(도서)의 여성인물화는 총 52점 중 특수한 목적 및 풍경화중심의 인물화를 제외한 총 14점을 대상으로 하였다. 이에 고소데와 오비에 나타난 문양과 색채의 유기적 관계는 ‘이키(いき:이원적 긴장감)’의 3가지 속성과 우키요에의 특성으로 구분될 수 있으며, 문양과 색채의 조화를 통해 나타난 미적 특성은 다음과 같이 정리될 수 있다. 첫째, 미태(媚態, びたい)는 이원적 긴장감을 바탕으로 한 절제성으로 이는 서정미와 화려함을 표현하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 의기(意氣, いき)는 이상성을 바탕으로 과장미와 활발함으로 표현되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 체념(諦念, ていねん)은 단순성(일상생활 속의 미)을 바탕으로 세련미와 소박함으로 표현되어 지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Ukiyoe(浮世繪,うきよえ) is the Japanese folk painting and showed the clothing culture and aesthetic consciousness at that time through the detailed expression on clothing. The aesthetic features observed on the patterns and colors of clothing for women were investigated on the basis of ‘Iki’, the aesthetic consciousness during the Edo period. In accordance with the analysis, three properties of ‘Iki’, the dual tension, were identified through the mutual supplementation in the kinds, sizes, arrangement and configuration of patterns expressed on total 52 pieces of clothing for women and in Kosodae(basic Japanese robe) and Obi(belt) of colors, the difference of brightness and chroma between background colors and pattern colors. Then, the aesthetic features of patterns and colors of clothing for women in Ukiyoe are summarized below. First, coquetry expressed the lyric aesthetic and splendor as the implication based on the dual tension. Next, the spirit was demonstrated by the aesthetic sense of exaggeration and activeness on the basis of the ethical ideal. Finally, resignation was expressed by elegance and plainness on the basis of simplicity(aesthetic in a daily life).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유리전이온도(Tg) 측정에 의한 무기/유기복합체의 결합특성에 관한 연구

        이동아,김구대,김현민,Lee, Dong-A,Kim, Goo-Dae,Kim, Hyun-Min 한국분석과학회 1992 분석과학 Vol.5 No.3

        졸-겔법에 의해 무기-유기 복합체를 합성하였으며, 복합체의 결합특성을 알아보기 위하여 DMTA(Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer)를 이용하여 유리전이 온돈(Tg)를 측정하였다. HCl 과 물의 양이 증가될수록 Tg는 고운으로 진행됨으로부터 복합화가 더 잘 일어남을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 반응시간에 따른 Tg의 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. Inorganic/organic composite was synthesized by using sol-gel process, and the bonding characteristics of composite was investigated with glass transition temperature(Tg), measured by DMTA(Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer). It was found from shift of Tg to higher temperature that composite reaction was proceeded better with the amount of HCl and water. But Tg was not varied with reaction time.

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