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      • KCI등재

        공기업·준정부기관의 조직관리 특성과 조직성과와의 관계 분석 : 2011~2012년도 경영실적 평가결과를 중심으로

        유홍임 ( Yoo Hong-Lim ),유은철 ( Yu Eun-Cheol ) 한국행정연구원 2014 韓國行政硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 공기업·준정부기관의 조직관리 특성들이 조직성과(경영실적 평가점수)에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 2011년도와 2012년도 `공공기관 경영실적 평가`를 수검한 공기업과 준정부기관 49개를 대상으로 조직관리에 관련된 경영실적평가 지표상의 `리더십`·`조직 및 인적자원관리`·`보수 및 성과관리`·`노사관리`의 4개 영역별로 가설을 설정한 후, 각 영역의 주요 활동 특성과 조직성과와의 관계를 규명하였다. 분석결과, 국민권익위원회의 청렴도 점수, 기관장의 연봉액, 직원의 평균보수액 대비 성과상여금 비율, 기관장의 연봉액 대비 경평성과급 비율 등은 대체적으로 경영실적 평가점수와 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 기관장 출신 배경, 임직원 수, 정원대비 현원 비율, 직원의 근속연수, 여성 직원 비율, 직원 1인당 평균보수액, 비정규직의 비율, 노조 수는 통계적으로 유의한 결과가 도출되지 않았다. 이를 토대로, 조직성과를 제고하기 위해 부정부패·비리 인사에 대한 기관장 추천 제한 규정화, 명확한 기준과 공정한 평가에 의한 성과급 지급 등이 이루어져야 한다는 시사점이 도출되었다. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of organizational management attributes to organizational performances of public enterprises and quasi-government organizations. To achieve this goal, authors surveyed 49 public enterprises and quasi-government organizations which were taken the Public Management Performance Evaluation in 2011 and 2012. The research method process is following. First, draw 4 factors(leadership, organization and human resource management, pay and performance management, labor relations management) related to organizational management by checking the Public Management Performance Evaluation`s index and reviewing theoretical background. Second, build up hypotheses related to organizational management attributes. Third, verify these hypotheses by analyze objective data derived from the ALIO system and the Corruption Impact Assessment. The findings are as below; ① The Corruption Impact Assessment results, the CEO`s salary, the employees` and the CEOs` Public Management Performance Evaluation incentive ratio(comparing salary) has influenced on the management performance evaluation(organizations` performances), ② The CEO`s former career, the number of executives and staff, the ratio of present staff`s number and fixed staff`s number, the staff`s continuous service year, the ratio of female staff, the employees` salary, the ratio of irregular employees, and the number of labor union did not show a statistically valid result. This study thus suggested the stipulation of anti-corruption decree to restrict the recommendation of CEO who committed corruption and graft, and providing an incentives to staff fairly and according to accurate criteria.

      • KCI등재

        Occlusal Surface Analysis of Mandibular Premolars in Koreans

        Hong-Il Yoo(유홍일),Ha-Yeon Park(박하연),Sun-Hun Kim(김선헌) 대한체질인류학회 2015 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 한국인 아래턱 첫째 및 둘째작은어금니와 관련된 크기와 형태에 있어서 차이를 살펴보고 남녀간 차이점을 알아보기 위함이다. 조사 대상은 전남대학교 치의학전문대학원에 재학 중인 총 66명 (남자 33명, 여자 33명)의 치아모형을 제작하였다. 아래턱 첫째 및 둘째작은어금니의 교두사이거리, 볼쪽-혀쪽너비, 안쪽-먼쪽너비, 총교두면적, 교두개별면적, 교두면적비율, 혀쪽교두 존재유무, 중심고랑의 형태, 그리고 안쪽혀쪽발달고랑의 존재유무를 조사하였다. 남녀 간의 성별차이 및 치아 간의 차이와 상관관계에 대해 알아보기 위해 paired t-tests, independent t-tests를 사용하였다. 조사 결과 아래턱둘째작은어금니가 첫째작은어금니에 비해 대부분의 측정값이 더 큰 것으로 나타났으며 안쪽-먼쪽너비 (p=0.223)을 제외한 나머지 값들에서 통계적 유의성을 보였다. 남녀 간의 비교에서 모든 평균치 측정값은 남자가 여자보다 크게 나타났고 교두사이거리 (p=0.607)와 혀쪽교두면적 (p=0.070)을 제외하고는 통계적으로 유의하였다. 또한 아래턱 첫째작은어금니의 특징인 안쪽혀쪽고랑은 전체의 59.1% (남자 51.5%, 여자 66.7%)에서 존재하였으며, 둘째작은어금니에서 교합면 고랑 형태의 비율은 Y형이 가장 많았고 그 다음으로 H형과 U형 순으로 조사되었다. 이상의 결과는 한국인 아래턱작은어금니의 비교치아형태학 자료를 제공한다. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of mandibular premolars regarding size and morphology in Koreans. Moreover, comparisons of gender difference in mandibular premolars were examined to expand anatomical database in Koreans. Data was obtained from students in School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea. The total number of participants was 66 (33 men and 33 women) and dental casts were fabricated. A total of nine items was investigated using a digital measuring software. Five measurements were performed including intercuspal distance (ID), buccolingual diameter (BL), mesiodistal diameter (MD), total crown area, and each cusp area. One item as each cusp area ratio was calculated, and three items were observed including the number of lingual cusp, occlusal groove patterns, and mesiolingual developmental groove. Comparison measurements were analyzed using paired t-tests, independent t-tests and Pearson correlation tests. Average values in mandibular second premolars were larger than first premolars in most of measurements with a significance with the exception of mesiodistal diameter (p=0.223). Overall average values were significantly higher in male than in female except intercuspal distance (p=0.607) and lingual cusp area (p=0.070) in mandibular premolars. The presence of mesiolingual developmental grooves in the first premolars was 59.1% (male 51.5%, female 66.7%). The most common occlusal groove patterns of the second premolar were a Y pattern, followed in order by H and U patterns. These results provide valuable morphological characteristics of mandibular premolars in Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Bisphosphonate on the Expression of Matrix Enzymes during Endochondral Ossification

        Hong-Il Yoo(유홍일),Se-Young Jung(정세영),Sun-Hun Kim(김선헌) 대한체질인류학회 2015 대한체질인류학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        최근 bisphosphonate는 연골 흡수를 방지함으로써 연골을 보호하는 작용을 갖는 것으로 보고되고 있으나 그 기전은 아직 밝혀지지 않았다. 본 연구는 bisphosphonate가 기질단백질분해효소의 작용을 조절하여 뼈 형성 시 연골 흡수를 저해할 것으로 가정하고, 그 기전을 밝히고자 시도되었다. 2세대 약물인 alendronate (1 mg/kg)를 출생 1일 흰쥐에 매일 주사한 후 4, 7, 10일 후에 희생하였다. 이후 조직 계측학적 방법을 통해 정강뼈 뼈끝연골판의 두께 변화를 관찰하고, 면역형광염색과 RT-PCR을 이용하여 MMPs, TIMPs 그리고 EMMPRIN의 발현 변화를 살펴보았다. 세포증식실험에서 alendronate는 10<SUP>-3</SUP> M에서만 세포증식을 저해하였다. 연골세포에서 alendronate 처리 후 TIMP-1은 크게 증가하였고, TIMP-2는 변화가 없었으며, TIMP-3과 MMP-1, MMP-9, EMMPRIN의 발현은 감소하였다. Alendronate 투여 후 7일째 흰쥐의 뼈끝연골 비대연골세포대의 두께는 유의하게 증가하였으나 (p<0.01), 증식 연골세포대의 두께는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 생후 10일째 흰쥐의 면역형광염색에서 MMP-9와 TIMP-1, -2, -3의 발현은 주로 증식연골세포대와 이차뼈되기중심에서 강하게 관찰되었다. 반면 alendronate 투여군에서는 대조군에 비해 MMP-9와 TIMP-2, -3 발현은 감소되었으나 TIMP-1 발현은 증가하였다. 이상의 결과는 alendronate가 MMP-1과 MMP-9의 발현을 억제하고 TIMP-1의 발현을 촉진함으로써 연골속뼈 발생 동안 연골기질 흡수를 억제함을 시사하였다. Bisphosphonates have been reported to have chondroprotective activities in addition to its original functions. However, mechanisms for these just began to be elucidated. Under the hypothesis that bisphosphonates may regulate expression and activities of matrix enzymes during degradation of cartilage for bone formation, we administrated an alendronate (1 mg/kg) to newborn rats subcutaneously once a day for 4, 7, and 10 days. To identify the effects of alendronate on cartilage, thickness of cartilage layer was measured by histomorphometry on the proximal epiphysis of tibia. Immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR were performed to investigate the expressions of matrix enzymes in both in vitro and in vivo. MTS assay revealed that at 10<SUP>-3</SUP> M in concentration, alendronate significantly reduced viability of chondrocytes. The mRNA expressions of MMP-1, MMP-9, EMMPRIN, and TIMP-3 in primary chondrocytes were decreased by the alendronate treatment. Interestingly, TIMP-1 mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas a constitutive form, TIMP-2 was relatively unchanged by the treatment. The thickness of proliferating layer at postnatal day 7 was not significantly different, whereas thickness of hypertrophied layer was significantly thicker in the alendronate group than in the control (p<0.01). Immunofluorescence demonstrated that the expressions of MMP-9, TIMP-2 and -3 were reduced, whereas TIMP-1 expression was increased by the alendronate administration. These results suggest that the alendronate have chondroprotective properties by down-regulation of MMPs and up-regulation of TIMPs during endochondral ossification.

      • KCI등재

        Variations in the Cusps of Mandibular Molars in Koreans

        Hong-Il Yoo(유홍일),Ji-Hye Kim(김지혜),Sun-Hun Kim(김선헌) 대한체질인류학회 2014 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구 목적은 한국인 아래턱큰어금니 hypoconulid와 관련된 각 교두의 크기 및 형태적 특징 및 성별차이와 아래턱큰어금니 사이의 크기 및 형태 차이를 알아보기 위함이다. 조사 대상은 전남대학교 치의학전문대학원 남학생 78명, 여학생 32명이었으며, 평균연령은 30세였다. 대상자의 치아모형을 제작하여 아래턱첫째 및 둘째큰어금니의 최대 안쪽-먼쪽너비, 볼쪽-혀쪽너비, 5개 교두(protoconid, metaconid, hypoconid, entoconid, hypoconulid)의 개별면적, 총교두면적, 교합상면적을 측정하였다. 성별 차이와 아래턱첫째 및 둘째큰어금니 간의 차이 및 상관성에 관해서는 paired t-test를 사용하여 분석하였다. 남녀 모두 아래턱큰어금니의 안쪽-먼쪽너비, 볼쪽-혀쪽너비, 총교두면적, 교합상면적 측정값은 첫째큰어금니가 둘째큰어금니보다 크게 나타났다. 아래턱첫째 및 둘째큰어금니 모두 protoconid 면적이 가장 크게 나타났고, hypoconulid 면적이 가장 작게 나타났다. 아래턱큰어금니 5개 교두 중 크기 및 형태 변이가 가장 큰 것은 hypoconulid였으며, hypoconulid 발현빈도는 아래턱첫째큰어금니가 둘째큰어금니보다 더 높았다. 모든 측정값은 남자가 여자보다 더 크게 나타났으며, 아래턱첫째큰어금니 entoconid (p=0.06)와 둘째큰어금니 hypoconulid (p=0.24)면적을 제외한 나머지 측정값들은 모두 남녀간의 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한국인은 남녀 모두 다른 인종에 비해 전반적인 치아 크기(너비, 면적)가 작은 것으로 나타났으며, 남자 치아 크기가 여자보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. 또한 늦게 발생이 일어나는 치아일수록 치아크기는 작고 변이는 더 큰 경향을 나타내었으며, 제일 늦게 발생하는 hypoconulid 변이 정도가 제일 크게 나타났다. 이상의 결과는 한국인 아래턱큰어금니의 비교치아 형태학 자료를 제공한다. This study aimed to investigate the cusp size and morphological characteristics of permanent mandibular molars in Koreans with reference to the hypoconulid, and to analyze the differences and correlations between both sexes as well as between first and second mandibular molars. We obtained data from dental casts of 110 adults (78 males and 32 females). Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters of first and second mandibular molars, the area of five cusps (protoconid, metaconid, hypoconid, entoconid, and hypoconulid), as well as the total cusp area and occlusal table area were measured. Paired t-test was performed to analyze the morphological differences between first and second mandibular molars and the sex differences between both sexes using SPSS program. Crown diameters and cusp areas of mandibular first molars were larger than those of mandibular second molars in both sexes. The hypoconulid was the most variable in size and morphological pattern among the five cusps, and the first molars showed a higher incidence of hypoconulid than the second molars. Except for the entoconid area of the first molar (p=0.06) and the hypoconulid area of the second molar (p=0.24), all other mean values were larger in males than in females, demonstrating a significant sexual dimorphism. These data suggest that the teeth which develop late in ontogeny tend to be smaller in size and more variable in morphological characteristics.

      • KCI등재후보

        신장이식 57 예에서의 공여자특이수혈 및 거부억제제 치료법에 따른 이식신의 예후

        황영표(Young Pyo Hwang),유홍(Hong Yoo),김영호(Young Ho Kim),표광민(Kwang Min Pyo),이상욱(Sang Uk Lee),주운수(Woon Soo Joo),최창필(Chang Pil Choi),박진석(Jin Seok Park),김홍기(Hong Khee Kim),이시래(Si Rhae Lee) 대한내과학회 1988 대한내과학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        N/A 57 cases of renal transplantation from December 1984 to August 1987, of which 10 cases were HLA-identical (HLA-ID), 39 cases were HLA-haploidentical (HLA-HID) and 8 cases were living-unrelated (LUR). The mean age of recipients and donors was 35.3 years and 40.3 years, respectively, Underlying renal diseases of the recipients were mostly chronic glomerulonephritis (52 cases), and the remaining 5 cases were chronic pyelone-phritis, reflux nephropathy, hypertentsive nephrosclerosis, polycystic renal disease and diabetic nephropathy. The post donor specific transfusion (DST) sensitization rate was compared between a group treated by DST alone and a group treated by DST with Azathioprine The effect of Cyclosporine A plus prednisolone (Cs-A+P group) and Azathioprine plus prednisolone (Aza+P group) as immunosuppressive agents on renal allograft function was compared in the HLA-ID, HLA-HID and LUR group. The post-DST sensitization rate was 20.0% in the DST alone group and 4.9% in the DST with Azathio-prine group, however the difference was not statistically significant. Acute rejection after renal transplantation developed in 4 of 19 cases (21.1%) in the Cs-A+P treated HLA-HID group, in 2 of 10 cases (20.0%) in the HLA-ID group and in 7 of 17 cases (41.2%) in the Aza+P treated HLA-HID group. Again, the difference among these groups was not significant. Excluding 4 cases of graft failure due to nonimmunolgical causes, the acturial graft survival for 2 years was 10096 in the HLA-ID group, 88% in the HLA-H1D group and 71.4% in the LUR group. The number of patients with serum creatinine below 2 mg/dl was 19 of 19 cases (100%) in the Cs-A+P treated HLA-HID group during 7.68±5.18 months, and 14 of 17 cases (82.4% ) in the Aza+P treated HLA-HID group during 12.5±7.5 months, and the difference was not statistically significant. The above results suggest that the pretransplant allosensitization by DST was lower in the DST+Aza group than in the DST alone group, and the effect of Cs -A+P on renal allogrsft seemed to be better than that of Aza+P. However, further studies including more cases and longer observation periods are necessary to conclude which posttransplantation regimen is better between Aza+P and Cs-A+P, even after DST.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위암환자에서의 위액 Carcinoembryonic Antigen 측정의 임상적 의의

        구자영(Ja Young Koo),박병채(Byung Chae Park),유홍(Hong Yoo),표광민(Kwang Min Pyo),이성숙(Sung Sook Lee) 대한소화기학회 1988 대한소화기학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        N/A The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possibility that measurement of gastric carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) might be a better diagnostic aid, in the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma, than serum CEA. We measured simultaneously serum and gastric juice CEA in 115 patients (38 chronic gastritis, 12 benign gastric ulcer, and 65 gastric carcinoma) who were confirmed by endoscopic biopsy. Gastric juice CEA was more sensitive in the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma than serum CEA (65% vs. 17% positive). Gastric juice CEA was elevated in 32% of benign gastric diseases, 50% of early gastric carcinoma, and in 17% of advanced gastric carcinomas. No significant correlation was found between age, sex, location or grosstype of tumor and gastric juice CEA levels. We conclude that measurement of gastric juice CEA may be more sensitive, in the diagnosis of gastic carcinoma, than serum CEA. However, gastric juice CEA seems to be not helpful for distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions, and thus this subject should be studied further for screening high risk patients, for identifying and following patients with premalignant conditions, and for following cancer patients before and after treatment.

      • 3차원 케이블망 지붕의 풍동실험 및 동적해석

        장승필(Sung Pil Chang),박윤영(Yun Young Park),유홍(Hong Yoo) 한국강구조학회 1993 韓國鋼構造學會誌 Vol.5 No.2

        Among many kinds of structural systems, cable suspended roof system is recommended as one of the best merrited structural systems which satisfy elegant, esthetic, and economical aspects. But cable suspended roof needs dynamic analysis about various loads (deal load, live load, earthquake load, and wind load). Especially analysis about wind load is important due to its light weight, flexibility and wide covering area subject to wind. In this study, Hyperbolic Paraboloid shaped roof was selected to analysis and test. First distribution of wind pressure was got from wind tunnel test using rigid model. And dynamic load was calculated using Davenport Spectrum for horizontal fluctuating component of natural wind. Then non-linear static and dynamic analysis of roof subject to this load were performed. Second, Flexible model was tested in artificial tubulent wind. Dynamic analysis of prototype subject to wind load converted from above one by model law was also performed. Then comparison was committed.

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