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      • KCI등재

        충남 일부지역 초등학생의 김치에 대한 기호도 및 식행동 조사

        오수진,최미경,Oh, Su-Jin,Choi, Mi-Kyeong 한국식품영양학회 2014 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to estimate the preference, intake frequency and eating behavior for kimchi as well as analyze the differences by gender among fourth to sixth grade students (n=410) in a Chungnam region. Approximately 64% of the students liked the spicy taste of kimchi, 75.9% liked the saltiness, and 48.5% liked well-fermented kimchi. The disliking factors of kimchi were its sour taste (38.5%), strong scent (20.1%), and salty taste (15.4%). The most preferred type of kimchi was Baechukimchi, followed by Kkakduki, Yeolmukimchi, and Chonggakkimchi. Further, the most frequently consumed type of kimchi was Baechukimchi, followed by Kkakduki, Chonggakkimchi and Yeolmukimchi. Oisobaki, welsh onion kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, Gatkimchi, Nabakkimchi and Baekkimchi were rarely consumed. About 34% of the students consumed 5 to 7 pieces of kimchi per meal, and 84.1% enjoyed eating kimchi, mostly because of its good taste (61.3%). The reason for not eating kimchi was because other side dishes are more delicious (30.2%). About 80% of the students responded that they prepared kimchi at home. Moreover, 74.3% of the students eat kimchi much more at home than at school. Improvements to be made for kimchi at school were as follows: less salty (34.9%), less spicy (27.6%), and sweet (22.5%). In conclusion, students enjoyed eating kimchi because of its good taste. Further, they showed preference for Baechukimchi, Kkakduki, and Yeolmukimchi and consumed them frequently. Because kimchi appears to be more preferred and more frequently consumed, it is necessary to develop a menu using kimchi along with the proper eating guidance for helping students consume various types of kimchi at school or at home.

      • Protein kinase A 억제제인 KT5720이 글루카곤 매개성 항산화 효소의 발현감소에 미치는 영향

        오수진,조재훈,박창식,김상겸,김봉희,Oh Soo-Jin,Jo Jae-Hoon,Park Chang-Sik,Kim Sang-Kyum,Kim Bong-Hee 환경독성보건학회 2006 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        We reported previously that glucagon decreased alpha- and pi-class glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEN) protein levels in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. The present study examines the effects of Protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, KT5720, on the glucagon-mediated decrease in expression of GSTs and mEN. To assess cell viability. lactate dehydrogenase release and MTT activity were examined in hepatocytes treated KT5720. Cell viability was significantly decreased in a concentration dependent manner after incubation with KT5720 at the concentrations of 1 $\mu$M or above for 24 h, which was inhibited by the cytochrome P450 inhibitor SKF-525A. In contrast, another PKA inhibitor H89 (up to 25 $\mu$M) was not toxic to hepatocytes. The glucagon-mediated decrease in expression of alpha- and pi-class GSTs and mEH was completely inhibited by 25 $\mu$M H89 and attenuated by 0.1 $\mu$M KT5720. This study demonstrates that KT5720 may cause cytotoxicity in rat hepatocytes through cytochrome P450-dependent bioactivation. The present study implicates PKA in mediating the inhibitory effect of glucagon on expression of alpha- and pi- class GSTs and mEH.

      • KCI등재

        셰익스피어와 뇌 과학: 비극 인물 연구

        오수진 ( Sujin Oh ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 문학과 뇌 과학을 융합할 수 있다는 사실을 증명하기 위해 셰익스피어의 비극 『리어 왕』과 『맥베스』에 나타난 주인공들의 부정적인 감정과 불안정한 행동을 뇌의 작용을 통해 탐구하고 분석하는 것이다. 먼저 리어의 극단적인 분노와 3막 4장에서 나타난 조현병 증세를 뇌 과학의 관점으로 살펴본다. 두 번째로 맥베스가 도파민에 노출된 것처럼 과도한 권력욕에 사로잡혀 있다가 결국 환각 증세를 겪으며 리어와 같이 조현병 증상을 보이는 장면을 분석한다. 엘리자베스 시대 때 뇌를 스캔할 수 있는 PET, fMRI와 같은 새로운 기술이 없었지만, 셰익스피어는 자신의 작품에서 현대 뇌 과학이 증명한 뇌 질환의 임상적인 특징과 인간의 감정을 거의 정확히 묘사한다. 셰익스피어가 등장인물들의 뇌의 작용을 묘사할 수 있었던 점은 문학과 뇌 과학의 융합이 가능하다는 점을 시사한다. 따라서 이 연구는 셰익스피어의 탁월한 통찰력을 확인하고, 등장인물들의 복잡한 감정과 행동을 이해하는데 도움이 될 것이다. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze negative feelings and unstable action of the heroes in King Lear and Macbeth through brain action in order to identify the fact that literature and brain science can be fused. First, this examines Lear’s extreme anger and symptoms of schizophrenia in act 3 scene 4 in terms of brain science. Second, this analyzes the scenes where Macbeth is obsessed with excessive power as if he is exposed to dopamine, ending up suffering from hallucinations and showing symptoms of schizophrenia like Lear. Although there were no new technologies such as PET and fMRI scanning brains in Elizabethan period, Shakespeare describes almost exact clinical features of brain diseases and human feelings proved through modern brain science. Shakespeare’s ability to describe the brain action of the characters suggests that literature and brain science can be fused. Therefore, this study enables us to identify Shakespeare’s remarkable insights and understand complicated feelings and action of his characters.

      • KCI우수등재

        유권자의 계급배반과 정치지식

        오수진(Oh, Sujin),박상훈(Park, Sanghoon),이재묵(Lee, Jae Mook) 한국정치학회 2017 한국정치학회보 Vol.51 No.1

        이 연구는 제20대 총선에서 유권자의 계급투표를 그들의 정치지식 수준과의 상호작용 속에서 경험적으로 분석하고 있다. 유권자 투표결정에 있어서 선행연구들이 계급변인과 정치지식변인의 개별적 효과에 종종 주목하기는 하였으나, 정치지식 수준에 따른 계급투표의 차별적 현상에 대한 관심은 상대적으로 적었던 것이 사실이다. 본 연구는 계급의 구분에 있어서도 선행연구들과 차별화를 시도하는데, 기존의 계급투표 논문들이 월소득으로 계급을 측정하고 있는 것과는 다르게, 우리는 여기에서 월소득과 자산을 결합한 지표를 구축하여 한국 유권자들의 계급을 보다 명확하게 확인하고자 하였다. 경험적 분석결과에 따르면 역설적이게도 한국 유권자들은 20대 총선에서 정치지식의 수준이 높을수록 계급배반 투표를 수행하는 경향을 보였다. 즉, 계급이 높은 유권자들은 정치지식이 높을수록 더불어민주당에 투표를, 계급이 낮은 유권자들은 정치지식이 높을수록 새누리당에 투표할 확률이 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 제20대 총선에서 계급과 투표행태 간의 관계에 있어서 정치지식의 효과가 유의미하다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 다만, 본 연구 결과는 한국에서 지금까지 미진했던 계급투표 또는 계급배반투표의 원인에 대한 논의가 유권자 그룹, 즉 수요자 중심으로 이루어지기보다는 다양한 시민들의 계급이나 지위를 대변하는 공급자, 즉 정당들의 정책적 차별화를 중심으로 전개될 필요가 있음을 시사해 주고 있다. This paper examines empirically if class-based voting behavior exists among Korean voters and if class-based voting is conditioned on their level of political knowledge. In other words, we focus here on the interaction effect between voters’ class and their level of political knowledge on their vote choices. In addition, as we test these empirical questions, we employ alternative measure of class that incorporating both index of monthly income and assets whereas most of previous researches estimate it only with income data. Empirical finding shows that voters who have higher level of political knowledge tend to do ‘class betrayal voting’. The higher class voters have tendency to vote for the Minjoo party if they have higher level of political knowledge. However, the voting results of the lower class show that they vote for Saenuri party as they have higher level of political knowledge. This result presents the significant effects that the political knowledge has on the relationship between class and voting behavior in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> National Assembly Election. In conclusion, this paper has implications that the class voting should be discussed both on the aspect of supply and demand of politics, voter’s political knowledge and class representing party.

      • KCI등재

        고강도 집속 초음파를 이용한 재생술

        오수진 ( Su Jin Oh ),고원선 ( Won Seon Koh ),신재민 ( Jae Min Shin ),김정은 ( Jeong Eun Kim ),고주연 ( Joo Yeon Ko ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회지 Vol.54 No.4

        With increasing public concern about facial wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity due to aging, diverse devices have been proposed as treatment modalities for facial wrinkles and laxity. Recently, ultrasonography was introduced as a new treatment modality for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. High-intensity focused ultrasonography (HIFU) may be the best example of this technique. It is based on the principle of induction of tissue damage and regeneration of the target area selectively via coagulation by generating microthermal injury lesions through the accumulation of high-frequency ultrasonography beams at the specific tissue site without any damage to the epidermis and adjacent tissue. Current studies reveal that HIFU significantly improves facial wrinkles and skin contours, with generally mild and transient side effects. However, serious adverse events could occur when skillful techniques are not used. These events should be prevented and treated immediately upon presentation to avoid permanent complications. In this article, the authors reviewed the background, principle, treatment outcomes, and side effects of HIFU to improve its efficacy and safety as a new modality for facial rejuvenation. (Korean J Dermatol 2016;54(4):249~254)

      • 프리캐스트 슬래브 궤도용 시멘트-아스팔트 혼합 모르타르 충전재의 온도변화에 따른 물리적 특성

        오수진(Oh Soo Jin),이후삼(Lee Hu Sam),장승엽(Jang Seung Yup),정용(Jeong Yong),정영민(Jung Young Min),윤섭(Yoon Seob) 한국철도학회 2007 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The cement-asphalt mortar is a mixture of cement and asphalt emulsion, and is utilized as a underpouring materials for the railway track which is used to fill under slab panel space so as to provide a stabilized track support and a tool for reduction of noise and vibration. To increase the workability of grouting, this study investigates the effect of temperature on cement-asphalt mortar by analyzing its physical and mechanical properties before/after hardening according to the temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30℃). According to the test results, it is found that as for the physical property of fresh cement-asphalt mortar the more mixture temperature become higher or lower, the more fluidity become worse. But by increasing reducing agent amount and its unit quantity, the required fluidity is met. The compressive strength as physical property of hardened cement-asphalt mortar become lower when temperature is lower but taking it by and large the physical properties of cement-asphalt mortar before/after hardening aren"t so affected by temperature and well satisfy the requirement. And it has proved that rate of expansion and freezing and thawing resistance aren"t affected by temperature.

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